#The vines around Philza are her trying to get his attention and get him to calm down
Look I promise today's prompt was going to be cute, I swear to high hell it was. And no, this isn't going to be anything like canon, and yes, I don't care fix is for silly ideas and aus and dreaming.
So anyway today, instead of nosebleed, I'm writing alt prompt: begging. Spoilers for 22/12/23 streams~
TW: temporary major character death, possession, grief, suicidal thinking as a result of said grief, self harm
(Read all the way to the end for a happy ending still)
"Please!" Philza screams. "Please, give him back!"
The others at Spawn look nervously between them. Their weapons are still raised, their tempers sharp, unable to quite process that whatever is controlling Forever will not use his totems.
Philza pays them no Mind, gives no quarter to their words. Ugly sobs tear through his voice, tears dropping onto the moss and cobble that makes up Spawn. He cradles Forever's head in his lap, shields him with his body even as he runs fingers through white hair and begs a miracle from the sky.
Forever - the parasite within Forever - laughs, his whole body shaking as black blood spills from his lips and from the gaping wound in his chest.
"How quaint," the monster laughs. "Even now you still can't accept what's been done."
"Fuck off!" Philza turns down to look at the monster corrupting his dear friend's skin, snarling even as tears continue to pour. "Fuck the fuck off and give me my fucking friend back!"
"Ah but little bird," Forever's chest strains in a cough and corrupted blood splatters over Philza's cheeks. "Can't you see he's already dead?"
Philza leans further down, pulling his hands from white hair to press against the wound. There's only more gasping, cackling laughter as he bows his head and let's a few sobs pass. "No, no..."
"Let him go, Phil," a gentle hand hovers near his shoulder. "He might respawn yet - just let him go."
If Forever wasn't allowed to use a totem, Philza doubts he'll be allowed to respawn; he slaps the hand away and turns his eyes back to the heavens.
"Rose!" He screams. "Rose! Help me! Please!"
She's only promised to aid him and his children, though - Philza knows this, knows that so far across the worlds she must be weak.
"Please," he sobs again, quieter now. "Please, I can't loose him... I can't..."
The tears are no longer sobs, now just silent torrents dripping from his face. The hand comes back, resting on his shoulder as he cradles Forever's possessed, dying form, and rocks himself.
Someone strokes Philza's wings, and he almost - almost relaxes. But then there's hands on Forever- hands trying to pull him away - and he screams again; he throws himself forwards, clawing at whatever would try steal his friend.
The monster in Forever's skin laughs, but laughs as though it can no longer breathe.
"She'll help!" He begs the people around him to understand. "She- She promised... She'll help..."
Because no matter what, if he loses Forever, Philza doesn't think there'll be anything left of himself for Rose to save.
---leave off here for ambigious ending. Continue for things getting worse, and then better---
The laughter beneath Philza's chest ceases, Forever's corrupted body falling still. The form that had been taunting him goes slack, tension against pain falling limp.
Philza is intimately familiar with what that means.
Philza knows death in all its forms.
Philza turns to the heavens, and screams.
It is not the screams of before, not a begging, not a plea, not a blind hope within the world. It is a scream born of anguish, of a splintering mind, of something once great and terrible carved open and laid bare. The abyss yawns before him, the void open and wide. Once he'd skim its surface, dancing and laughing and free - now he seeks only it's embrace, the oblivion which it promises as a final, lonely embrace.
The spectators turn away, or watch, Philza doesn't know - he just screams and screams and screams, helpless to what is happening, helpless against the shattering of an already fractured mind. He thinks he might see Rose's frowning in the grass around his knees - too late, too late, too late, and he would curse them if he had the throat left to form words at all.
But he doesn't, and so he screams.
The darkness fades from Forever's body only now, only too late. It trickles into the earth, corrupting instead the concrete beneath Forever.
The moss beneath the pair of them remains pristine.
Someone tries to pull Philza away - he hears Etoiles say something about an explosion - but he refuses. He refuses, he refuses, you will carve him from Forever or you will not seperate them at all. Bury him in the grave beside his confident, burn him on the pyre with his friend, leave their bodies entangled and deep and dark their remains.
Tubbo and Fit will look after his children - they don't need a broken husk for a father, after all.
He bends all the way down, now, pressing his face to Forever's chest. The blood there is red, red, red - still trickling from his back, but only as gravity pulls it away. Philza pays it no heed as he presses himself as close as he can.
Distantly he is aware of people being shepherded away, of whispers around him - it's a curse, it's a curse that even now his mind notices the movements, the threats, keeps plotting to keep him alive.
He doesn't want to live, not in a world without the sun.
He doesn't want to live, but his chest keeps on heaving anyway.
He doesn't want to live, but suspects he might be forced to anyway; hands peel him from Forever and force him against a solid chest, and this time he is powerless to stop them.
They let him keep Forever in his lap, at least, now cropped blonde hair bloody and draped across his thighs. His own black hair is stroked, and what can he do but continue his sobbing against Fit's chest as the world caves in?
The world remains suspended in time, a frozen mess only beating by Philza's sobs and tears. It drags and it shifts, and he is too far gone to recognise the vines which reach up, entwining around his limbs.
It's only when he hears the waystone that he looks up.
Blue eyes meet brown, and Philza throws himself at Forever.
Even after a respawn fuck only knows where Forever is weak, so weak. They both tumble to the floor, Philza's quick twist putting himself below the only thing saving Forever's head from the grown.
"You bastard!" His throat is too raw to scream, his sobbing back with full force and distorting everything he says. "You fucking dumbass! You- You- You fucking idiot why did you tell me you were okay?!"
"Hi Philza," Forever's words are rote and his smile is confused.
There's footsteps, heavy footsteps, and a potato canon pointed at the pair.
Philza twists again, shoving Forever behind himself, protecting him come what may.
"Sorry, Forever, but just need to check. Clothes off, and we need to see you bleed."
"Fit!" Forever struggles the full laughter or fake scandal, seemingly too weak to do more than lean against Philza's back. "I didn't know you were into that!"
Philza hates the option, he hates it so much, but Fit's right, Fit's absolutely right - they need to know.
"It's okay," Philza keeps his body between his friends, tears still quietly pouring as he cups Forever's cheek again. "I'll help you."
The "and all I needed to do was die" isn't nearly as obnoxious as either of them want it to be.
Gently Philza helps Forever strip. It's cold, and he shivers, and there's ugly burns on one shoulder and and ugly death-scar on his chest, but not a hint of the black infection from before.
The buttons on Forever's clothes are too complicated to easily redress him. Philza slips off his haori, and wraps it gently around him. Tucks the belt in an approximation of tied, and pulls Forever properly into his arms.
"Blood too," Fit says. "I'm sorry, but..."
"No, no, I understand," Forever whispers, even as Philza hisses.
He scrapes his hand through filthy gravel, tearing the skin in an absolute mess; Forever bleeds red, and Philza grabs his hand, already pouring a splash potion on it and picking out the gravel.
He can do this, he can do this, even if it's all he can do.
Behind them, Fit takes photos, a d relaxes.
"I'll let the others know," he promises. "Why don't you two get somewhere warm, eh?"
"I don't-" Forever begins.
"Let me show you somewhere special," Philza says. "I think you'll like it."
Even in the depths of hating himself for things he cannot help, Forever has never been able to say no to that.
The children are asleep in Rose's Garden. Philza won't wake them now, and especially not with Forever in tow. Now yet - reintroductions... they'll get there, they'll get there, just not today.
But the children are in Rose's Garden, and so the nest is free.
It's a little exposed, but the hay is warm and the blankets and pillows and clothes that make it up... And it's so far away from anywhere, so far from anyone who might panic and hurt Forever before there's been time to spread the news.
It's also home.
Philza will have to put Forever back on the bunker's allow lists, but in his heart he knows Forever will always be welcome in his home.
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elias-code · 3 years
Two Left Hooves [1/7]
Choose your own adventure ~ "Intro"
Characters: Technoblade x gn!reader, Philza, Eret
Summary: This is a choose-your-own-adventure!! You met Techno through Phil, helping him get rid of his headache after hibernation. He was immediately infatuated with you. Techno invites you to go to Eret's banquet. When you arrive to prepare for the banquet, he tells you that he will only sleep in his room with you if you wanted, now you get to choose if you want to sleep with him or not…
Warnings: Cussing
--- Phil ---
“Hey, Techno,” I peeked my head around the corner, holding the letter behind my back away from his line of sight.
“Hullo,” He turned to me, hands still in his hair, pin sticking out of his mouth. He was braiding his pink hair, unaware that his worst nightmare was about to come true. “So, mate,” I walked in, hands still behind my back, “I got some mail.”
“You remember the egg?”
“Yeah, what about it?” He turned back to the mirror, inspecting the last loop he’d made.
“Eret is hosting another banquet,”
“Yeah, you’re invited,” his face in the mirror went pale, “since you’re the one who yeeted it.”
Techno paused, unmoving. Slowly, he tied the ribbon at the bottom of the braid, securing it with the pin. He made eye contact with me, his eyes were begging me to yell psych! and run out the door. Instead, I held the opened letter, once hidden behind me, up in the air, presenting it to him.
“Yeah?” I laughed, this was the most scared I’ve ever seen him.
“You’re joking, right?”
“Nope, look.” I shook it at him, flipping it over to show Eret’s handwriting: To Technoblade and Philza Minecraft.
He shuddered slightly, finally turning to me and taking the letter from my hands. It read:
Technoblade and Philza,
This may seem strange and menacing, but I promise it’s not. Ever since the red banquet disaster, I’ve been thinking about how much I think the people of this server need a pick-me-up. We needed a re-do.
So, I’ve decided to host a banquet, this time out in the open with no bullshit. There’ll be drinks, games, and dancing, and I want you to be there. Since you had a lot to do with the egg’s eventual downfall, I personally think you need to be there, Technoblade.
I’ll tell you what I’ve told everyone else. There’s a plus-one requirement for safety reasons (buddy system), and so I’ve addressed this to both of you. I look forward to your attendance! I suggest wearing something else since I don’t want anyone having flashbacks when they see your royal gown.
On the back of the card, Eret wrote the coordinates and information about the dress code. The card had gold decorations on the edges, curling and twisting like vines, dotted with golden roses complete with thorns. The dress code specified that the suggested colours were black, white, blue, and gold, hence the bordering roses.
“Do you own anything you think you could wear?” I asked as he handed the card back to me.
“I still have the Arctic coat, but if this is anywhere near L’Manburg, it’s gonna be too hot for that.”
“Right, I might have to make something for you then,”
“Alright,” He hesitated, “Do I have to go? That’s a lot of enemies in one place…”
“Yeah, sorry mate, you have to go.” I put the card back into the envelope, closing and pocketing it. “Oh, wait, one thing Techno,”
“There’s more?”
“Um, I can’t go.”
“What?” “I can’t go to the banquet,” I was lying, but he didn’t need to know that, “I’m supposed to be at the ocean monument that day.”
“And your fishing can’t wait?” He raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. “Who am I supposed to bring?”
“I dunno, mate,” I shrugged and clicked my heel against the floor, “Maybe you can bring that bird I introduced you to… if you can find them.”
— Techno —
“Phil, who’s this?” I had walked into the kitchen, half-dressed. I was not expecting to see someone else sitting at the table. They looked at me, smiling and waving.
“Oh hello sleepyhead,” Phil remarked, stirring the rabbit stew that hung over the fireplace, “I dunno, they don’t seem to have a name.”
“Hello!” I looked back at them. They were dressed in forest green pants, tucked into black boots lined by silver buttons with fancy engravings, laced in leather strips, looped and tied at the top of the boot. Their top was one of mine, an old long-sleeved white cotton top Phil had probably found in the back of the closet. They had a golden-yellow scarf slung over their shoulders. I waved awkwardly, still half asleep.
“You don’t have a name?” I asked, still confused.
“Uh, I guess not. Phil’s the only person I’ve seen in a while.” They said, pointing at him. He was closing the white under-curtains, almost like he was avoiding the interaction.
“Then what do I call you?”
“Phil’s been calling me the bird.”
“Bird, huh?”
“He says it's because I’m migrating.”
That was strange enough as it was, and I decided to leave it there. Talking was making my headache worse, so I walked over to the stew, immediately recognizing the smell of carrots, potatoes, and chicken over the rabbit smell. My stomach grumbled, attempting to convince me to shove my face into the pot and gorge myself, but I pulled back.
“Is it ready yet, Phi?” I asked.
“No, it still has a couple of minutes, don’t go touching it yet. We should all eat together.”
I could wait a bit longer, I supposed. The smell was enticing, but my attention still lingered on the “bird” sitting at the table, reading a book. I sat down at the table and thumped my head onto it, only to make my headache worse.
“Ughhhh,” I groaned.
“You ok?” The bird asked.
“Ah, I have something for that!” They picked up a bag from the floor and rummaged around in it for a bit before pulling out a small vial of green liquid. They uncorked it and an overwhelming spinach smell washed over me. “It might smell odd, but it works wonders.”
I lifted my head off the table and took the vial from them, inspecting it.
“Is this thing safe to drink?” I furrowed my eyebrows at them, looking for dishonesty.
They snatched it from me and took a swig, swiftly handing it back to me. “Take that as a yes.” They said.
— The Bird —
I knocked on the door, shivering slightly in the cold. I wore three layers, an undershirt, a turtleneck, and a thick coat. I got a letter a couple of days ago from Technoblade, asking me to go to the banquet with him and inviting me to stay at his cabin before the banquet. I accepted and sent the letter the same day since I knew the mail was slow. Just one day later, I hopped on my horse and made my way to the far arctic.
Techno opened the door and ushered me inside, shutting the door behind me.
“Jesus, you’re shivering,” he said, grabbing his cape off its stand and wrapping me with it. Thankfully, my face was already red enough from the cold that he didn’t notice me blush.
“Is your horse outside?”
“Yeah, I tied her up to the post,” I pulled the enormous cloak tighter to me, “but I don’t think she should stay there for long, it's too cold.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” He said, turning from me and walking out the door. The sudden freezing breeze pushed me into the living room, near the fire. I sat down in an armchair and Steve wandered over to say hello.
“Hey, Steve…” I offered my hand to him and he sniffed it, grunting in my face with his fishy breath, “You do not smell good, big boy…”
He huffed like he understood what I said and I chuckled. He sat at my feet as I scratched his head. “At least you’re soft, Steve.” You smiled, “Good boy…”
The door opened and slammed again, Techno walked over dusting his hands off and Steve lumbered over to greet him.
“Hello Steve, you’ve inspected them, yeah?” He baby talked at him. The polar bear was big, almost as tall as Techno standing on all fours. It was strange to see such a big man 'baby talk' an apex predator, so you laughed a bit to yourself.
“What?” He asked, patting Steve on the head.
“Nothing, you’re just being cute.”
He smiled and sat himself down on the couch, crossing his legs and looking at you.
“If I’d left you out there any longer, you would have gotten frostbite,”
You realized you were still shivering in his cloak, “Yeah, thanks for not letting me die out there, and for the cape,”
“If I’d let you die, I wouldn’t have a date for the banquet.”
“Ooh, I’m a date now, am I?” I teased.
He blushed and looked away, still smiling.
“I suppose so,” he whispered.
He stood and offered a hand to me. I took it and stood, following him upstairs to his room, the only bedroom in the house. The room had recently been tidied, the paintings on the wall included snowy landscapes and one of a wither. The curtains were open, the night sky illuminating the room. The moonlight made everything a pale blue, almost making Techno’s hair purple.
“I don’t have anywhere else for you to stay right now unless you want to sleep on the couch.”
“Are you also sleeping here?”
“Only if you’re ok with it,” He said, kneeling by the fireplace and setting logs on the grate.
Would he really? He seems so shy…
— Technoblade —
I could feel my blood rush to my face as they asked if I’d sleep with them. I turned to the fireplace and lit the fire, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“Only if you’re ok with it,” I said.
They paused and my heartbeat harder, unsure what they were going to say. I started preparing the fire, putting the hesitation out of my mind.
////////UNDER CONSTRUCTION BRRRRRRRRR (2/3 complete)///////
Do you allow him to sleep with you?
Yes, tell him you’re going to be cold and need the body heat. (NSFW)
Ask where he wants to sleep. (Fluff)
No, respectfully suggest he sleep on the couch. (SFW)
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lord-of-gender · 3 years
A Small Problem - Part 3
The Red Banquet
2761 words
As the 25th came Phil and Niki were having alot of trouble getting Tommy into something nice. He refused to wear the suit that was his years ago claiming it was 'too itchy'. So they resorted, with much protest from Techno, to making him a version of Techno's cape from some of his extra fabric and the old L'Manburg suit that once was Fundy's to be wore underneath.
"Oh my god, finally," Phil said as Techno grabbed Tommy from running out of the cabin.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Tommy chanted, giggling as he latched onto Techno's arm, he picked the boy off and handed him to Phil.
"Are you sure you're not coming," Niki asked.
"No, I don't trust that Eggpire, besides I have other things to do." Techno said.
During the trip through the Nether Niki and Phil politely chatted, but Tommy remained silent and huddled against them, as if they were the only things keeping him there. He never liked the Nether, he didn't know why, it was just scary and didn't sit right with him. When they neared the community portal Tommy sprinted to it, wanting, almost needing to get out.
"Niki!" Hannah said when they came out of the portal, "you look beautiful. Who's this little guy?"
Tommy looked to Sam who was behind her, he'd learned that there were certain people who couldn't know his name. "I'm Tommy," he said when Sam nodded.
"Ooh! Are you now," Hannah said, surprised.
"Yeah!" He said excitedly.
"We should probably get going so we're not late," Sam said as Tommy ran up to him and walked next to him.
"Sam, Sam," Tommy pulled on his suit, trying to get Sam's attention, "look what I can do."
"What is it," Sam said, looking down at him as Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.
"Oh you're going to be freaked out by this," Phil laughed and Niki giggled.
Slowly Tommy's features changed, he started sprouting fur and whiskers on his face. Tommy grinned up at Sam as his face looked like a raccoon.
"Okay, that's weird, how long has he been able to do that," Sam asked Phil.
"A few days, but Techno's discovered he can only do animals. We were in quite some shock when we found him fully transformed into a raccoon," Phil explained. "And of course Techno's first instinct was to exploit it."
"Ranboo didn't let him," Niki inputted when Sam started to look worried.
Soon they came up to the entrance of the banquet, everyone wore nice suits and dresses. They all stuck with the red theme of the banquet. Tommy morphed back to look normal as everyone fawned over him. Everyone had complied with the Eggpire's request of no weapons or armor, well except for Phil. Techno had insisted that he bring at least his bow and sword which could easily be hidden, a totem, and a few potions.
"Wow, you all look amazing," Antfrost greeted them. Not mentioning Tommy, who as soon as he saw Ant didn't budge from Sam's side.
"Thank you, you look very dapper yourself Ant," Puffy said, laughing.
"You okay buddy," Sam took Tommy to the side as they entered the basement where the Egg had taken over.
Tommy shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't like it. Something's wrong."
"Do you want to stay with Phil," Sam asked, thinking maybe Tommy would feel safer with someone he was more familiar with. Tommy thought about it then nodded, trying to stay as far away from the Egg as he could.
"You alright Tommy," Niki asked the boy as he came up to Phil and grabbed his pant's leg.
"I-I fink something is going to happen, I don't know if we should be here," Tommy said.
"I'm sure everything is going to be fine Tommy, you have so many people here who care about you." Phil said, "I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you. Okay?"
"Okay," Tommy nodded and the trio walked over to where the others had gone over to dance.
"Care to dance," Bad said, offering his hand to Puffy. She accepted, this could be a statement between the two leaders. One against the Egg, the other for. A symbol of unity and peace.
As Hbomb continued to play music Niki and Eret danced as well, Foolish swept up Tommy and started to dance with the kid, sending Tommy into a fit of giggles as he was spun around. The boy forgot about his uneasy feelings and started to enjoy the party.
"So who's ready for a feast," Ant announced and they were led to a large table. Tommy sat by Phil as he sat near the edge of the table.
"So toasts, speeches, does anyone have any," Bad said.
"I do actually," Foolish said, as he spoke Tommy's ears started ringing and he zoned out. Something was wrong, he didn't know what put something was happening. "But I'm willing to give you a 3rd- 4th chance."
"Phil, I want to go home," Tommy whispered, but Phil dismissed him. He wasn't going to be rude, the Eggpire seemed to have changed.
"I'd like to say something as well," Eret said and started speaking how he was glad the SMP was turning back into how it was.
"You know what I've learned over my time," Ponk said, "as a wise man once said, people do change." They expected him to elaborate but he just stopped there.
"You look beautiful tonight," Sam muttered.
"I would like to speak as well," Puffy said, breaking the silence and standing up. "Bad, I'm glad you hosted this party. We've been through alot together and this egg has separated us quite a bit. And I'm happy that I won't have to sacrifice anymore friendships. Thank you for today, and I hope this brings us all together. I also hope that after today we never have to hear the words 'a new neaf' or 'second chances' or 'bygones be bygones' because you will start doing what's right. And I'm glad that the fighting's finally over."
"I can agree with that," Eret said, raising his glass. Everyone copied saying cheers and raising their drinks.
"Would anyone else like to say some words," Bad asked, looking around.
"Well do you have anything to say, Bad," Puffy asked as she sat down.
"Why yes, I do actually," Bad said. "I would like to say I appreciate you all coming. This was a perfect opportunity for us as a community to come together and honestly, to let bygones be bygones. To set any past issues aside and to set things right, so we can grow and advance in the future."
"Phil," Tommy tugged on his jacket, starting to panic as lava poured from walls, trapping them in the room. "Phil, we need to go."
"Not now Tommy," Phil hissed, why was he so insistent on leaving? Realizing he wasn't going to get Phil's attention he got up and was going to Niki who wasn't sitting too far from them.
"And now," Bad said as the lava encased them, "prepare to die."
"What," Puffy exclaimed and the others started to panic as well. "What about turning over this leaf?!"
"No, the leaf is staying the way it is," Bad said.
"Tommy," Phil grabbed him, and gave him a potion as Puffy uncovered the armor she had hidden, but was gone. "Listen to me you take this fire resistance and get out of here. The entrance is just over there, you run, and you go find help. Okay?"
Tommy nodded, he looked at the lava nervously but Phil and everyone was counting on him, he had to do it. He gulped down the potion and sprinted where they had come in.
"Stop him," Hannah yelled, running after Tommy. "Tommy get back here!"
Phil pulled out his bow and shot the few arrows he had at Hannah. She whirled around to look where the arrows had come from. Unsheathing his sword he ran after Hannah, buying the time Tommy needed to escape. She had armor and Phil didn't so he was forced to throw his sword to the side in order to not be killed.
"There, I have nothing else," Phil said, putting his hands in the air. He'd done what he needed. He'd got Tommy out and soon he'll be back with help.
"Now Sam!" Puffy said, Sam flipped a hidden lever and tnt came pouring down onto the Egg. But as it blew up obsidian covered the Egg and vines surrounding it, protecting the Egg from the explosion.
"Did you really think that would work," Bad laughed with the others as Phil was forced back to the crowd. "After Quackity tried that, we took extra precautions. Now who should we execute first?"
"Execute?!" Eret exclaimed with the others freaking out as well. "You're a monster."
"You're one to speak," Ponk said, he was apart of the server when Eret had betrayed L'Manburg.
"I've changed, I have learned not to betray others trust in me," Eret said.
"Well maybe you could be our first sacrifice," Bad said, "we'll take care of Phil and Sam next."
"No, no, no," Eret said as he was forced up to the area in front of the Egg.
"Stop!" Foolish said, he couldn't let Eret be killed, not while he could still do something. "Enough. You know protecting itself from tnt, that was impressive. But can it survive a barrage of lightning?" He raised his hands and started to channel his power as a god, but nothing. Nothing happened. "I-I don't understand."
"You really think you can come into the Egg's domain and be able to defeat it," Bad said, "I have an even better idea. How about we sacrifice the totem first."
"No!" Puffy screamed as Eret was let go and Foolish forced up to the podium and forced down to his knees.
"You could have prevented this Puffy," Antfrost said, "you could have stayed with the Eggpire and none of this would be happening."
"We don't know that," Sam said.
"I left the Eggpire cause I realized we were hurting people," Puffy said.
"But look at where that got you, we're going to kill your son," Ant said.
"Puffy, it's okay," Foolish said, and Ant swung his sword down, a bright green light filling the room as the totem lost his first life.
"No!" Puffy cried, tears started to spill from her eyes, and there was nothing she could do.
"One down and so many more to go," Bad laughed, looking at all of them. "Now who do we kill next? Perhaps Sam for trying to blow up the Egg, or Philza for hiding Tommy from us or even-"
"You're not going to be killing anyone!" Quackity leaped down from a small opening in the basement. "Bad, this isn't you. This isn't you Bad, we both know this."
"Where did you come from," Bad demanded, pointing a crossbow in Quackity's direction. He had nothing and didn't seem to have any weapons.
"I know what you're doing here but you're going to stop right now," Quackity said, pulling out a sword. "Look at what you've done. This is impressive. But you have to stop. This whole Egg thing has gotten out of hand. You just killed a man. Was that your plan all along? To kill innocent people? This has gotten completely out of control and I'm not going to have it. You're going to stop, right now."
"Now why would we do that," Bad walked towards him as Quackity equipped armor. "You think putting on armor will help you? Why do you think we did all this, we did this for the Egg. You can't give us what the Egg can give us. Don't get in our way. Don't try and stop us."
"Bad, look what you've done," Quackity walked around the room. "You've trapped all these people here, all these innocent people. In what you've disguised as a party. What have they done to you?
"You are a pawn to power, something that doesn't care about you. I mean look at the Egg, it doesn't mean anything Bad." Quackity slipped a golden apple and axe to Puffy, "So how about he stop playing games. How 'bout that?"
"I can't, I can't stop and you know why," Bad said. "And you know what Quackity if you wanted to stop us, you should have brought an army."
"I did, in fact I brought the next best thing," Quackity laughed, "I brought my biggest enemy."
"Alright Quackity, where's this Egg you were talking about," Technoblade emerged from the same opening. Phil started laughing as dogs came in behind him, teeth bared and ready to attack at Techno's command.
"It's right here, Techno," Quackity grinned, putting his sword against his shoulder.
"Let's go!" Phil said as Niki whispered it, he wasn't afraid to show his support to his friend.
"And not only that, I went looking across the entire lands for the best mercenary I could find. Cause you're right, I can't take you alone. So I got two of the best fighters on the server, welcome him Bad," Quackity said and Purpled emerged as well.
"Purpled," Bad exclaimed, "we hired you to kill Puffy and you join the enemy's side!"
"Bad, to be frank with you," Purpled said, "Quackity just had the better price."
"And Techno," Bad said, thinking he could negotiate with him. "You and Quackity are enemies! Why would you side with him?"
"Did you really think Bad, that you could execute my closest friends." Techno said, "No, your biggest mistake here was inviting Phil and thinking you could attempt to kill him without me finding out. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. This Egg, it's warping peoples' minds, it's controlling them and has no plans of stopping. And this Egg is the epitome of everything I stand against as an anarchist. So yeah, you've given me enough reason to work with Quackity."
"We're not going to let you stop us," Bad said, his voice wavered though, could they taking on The Blade himself? Most of them had seen the destruction he brought upon L'Manburg. "We still out number you, four against three."
"Not for long," Puffy said, splashing a potion of strength on herself and ran at them with the axe she now had. "You're dead Antfrost!"
"Wait! When did Puffy get a weapon?!" Bad yelled as Puffy attacked Ant.
"You've taken my kindness for weakness," Puffy said, swinging the axe down and killing Ant before he was able to defend himself. She turned around, tears streaming down her face, ready to attack the others as well.
"Dogs attack!" Techno yelled, attacking Ponk. Quackity and Purpled followed, attacking Bad and Hannah.
The three did their best to fight off the dogs, able to kill and injure some of them. But is wasn't enough they would soon be overwhelmed.
"Retreat," Bad yelled, they were no match for them. He broke into a wall near the Egg that opened up into a maze of tunnels.
"Purpled, you follow them, we'll take care of things here," Quackity said, Purpled nodded and ran into the tunnels.
"Phil, are you alright," Techno went up to him and Niki. "Where's the kid?"
"I gave him a fire res and sent him out, I thought he would have ran into you," Phil said.
"And the Eggpire knows who he is," Niki added, "we have to find him."
"Got it, we should take care of this Egg though," Techno said.
"I-I'll build a prison for it if I have to,” Sam said.
“Okay, but will that contain this?” Quackity asked, “are we sure that’s going to be enough?”
“We need to leave,” Techno said, the only way out was the opening they had made in the wall. “Tommy’s out there, we have to make sure he’s okay.”
“I should come,” Sam said, he needed to prioritize Tommy, even if it ment pushing back trapping the Egg.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do here,” Quackity said, “Techno, you know the way out.”
Techno built a path up to the opening and handed Phil a weapon to defend himself with. When they got out of the basement Phil spotted someone wandering around, thinking it might be Tommy he ran in their direction, Niki following.
“Phil!” He exclaimed when he saw them, “boy am I glad to see you.”
“Wil-Wilbur,” Niki said, she couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t Ghostbur, but Wilbur himself, in the flesh.
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whyiask · 3 years
more bitter than sweet (Ch. 1)
Masterpost Ao3 Link TWs: there is a gun and non-graphic violence during the flashback (in italics) so mind that part Note: okay so. so. for people who have seen TUA, you might be saying "Joy, why on earth would you have Tommy as Vanya instead of Tommy as Five?" and the answer to that is: I just realllly wanted Tommy as Vanya, so Niki is Five, because badass Niki. also, the plot will have some changes, obviously, as it's driven by the characters and the role of Five's character is filled by a quite different person in this au. SO, on with the show. Other than that, it'll follow the original plot fairly well, probably. (also Schlatt is probably ooc, he got dealt the unfortunate hand of Luther and I don't really like Luther and don't really know how to write him, so F in the chat for schlatt lmao)
The sky was overcast and dreary. Fitting for the occasion. The manor house, which had been near silent for just over a year, was dusty and creaking. Normally Philza wouldn’t let the house get to such a state. The vines stretched high up the walls and Tommy craned his neck to view the once majestic mansion he had lived in. It was a far cry from the rigid upkeep of the grounds Reginald Hargreeves had insisted upon.
Tommy wasn’t looking forward to seeing his siblings again. Although he missed them dearly, he was afraid, not that he’d ever tell anyone, of how they would shun him. It had been years since any of them spoke to him. Wilbur had moved away from the house as soon as he could, forgetting about Tommy and never bothering to check in. Techno’s abrupt lack of communication was purposeful. He really did only have himself to blame.
Heaving a great sigh, Tommy mounted the steps. At least he would get to see Wilbur again.
His key fit into the door and as it swung open, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The burning of the fireplace, the musty scent of the old, worn down rugs and furniture. The blood that had stained the floors time and time again. Pushing down his nausea, Tommy stepped forward into the open space.
“Big Man Tommyinnit has arrived,” he announced, but it fell flat, even to his own ears. It didn’t echo, trailing off in the lonely entryway. The whole house was a void, a black hole that had sucked his childhood away. He supposed he had never really gotten to be a child in the first place.
He didn’t hear the footsteps coming. He only looked up the grand staircase at the sound of a wall being punched.
“You shouldn’t have come,” Technoblade ground out. His eyebrows were drawn tight and his fists were curled. Tommy bit back a wince. He deserved this. After all, it was his brilliant idea to write a book exposing all of their family secrets. He had seen it as a way to try and cope with his trauma at the time, but it quickly became clear the rest of the family did not share his views.
A mess of curly brown hair poked out around the doorway that Techno was leaning against. A yellow sweater and a maroon beanie. A guitar strapped to his back. Tommy was hit with another wave of memories and it took all of his willpower not to run into his brother’s arms.
“Is that Tommy I hear?” Wilbur asked, and Techno moved aside reluctantly. Wilbur’s entire face lit up and he rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping in his haste. Tommy moved forward at a slower speed, and they met at the base of the stairs.
“Awww,” Wilbur whispered. “You’ve grown so much.” He raised a hand hesitantly, almost as if to pat Tommy’s head, and Tommy swatted him away.
“Oh bug off, you’d know that if you had actually stuck around.”
Wilbur’s smile faltered. He put his hand back at his side and a brief look of regret passed his face. “I’m sorry, Tommy, but I couldn’t stay here.”
“You could’ve taken me with you.” Tommy took a deep breath. He was getting too sentimental for his own good. Wilbur lifted his arms and wrapped them around Tommy’s lanky body. Tommy hesitated for a second, before returning the hug. It was awkward, nowhere near as smooth as it had been in their childhood.
“I missed you, Tommy. It’s good to see you again, you little gremlin,” Wilbur muttered into Tommy’s hair.
From up on the second floor, Tommy heard Techno scoff. He pulled away from Wilbur to look up at their brother. Techno was sharpening a knife, leaning back against the doorframe. His red cloak was settled comfortably on his shoulders and his face held a large scowl.
Wilbur frowned up at him. “Got a problem, Techno?”
Technoblade scoffed again, straightening up and coming to lean over the railing. He sneered down at Wilbur. “‘You missed him? You missed him?’” Techno’s eyes drifted over to Tommy with a glare. “Do you even know what he’s done?”
Wilbur stepped protectively in front of Tommy, and he had to resist rolling his eyes.
“He’s still our brother.”
“He’s still in the room,” Tommy interjected dryly. Wilbur shushed him and this time he actually did roll his eyes.
“Tommy was never part of our family to begin with. What gives him the right to talk about our family as if he belongs to it now?”
Tommy stiffened. Wilbur tensed beside him as well. “Techno,” he said, voice dark. “You know that’s not true.”
“Congratulations, we all have our own fucking trauma. Thank you Tommy, truly, for sharing it with the world!” He turned and his cape swished behind him dramatically. He spared one last look over his shoulder before walking back into the living room. Tommy barely caught his parting statement. “You’ve never been my brother and never will be. Stop acting like you are."
Tommy reeled back like he’d been hit, but when he noticed Wilbur looking at him worriedly, he plastered on a smile.
“Are you-” he started.
“Don’t worry about me, big man,” Tommy said, louder than necessary. “It’s Techno you should be concerned about, he’s clearly got some major problems.”
Wilbur looked at him doubtfully but nodded along anyways. He patted Tommy’s shoulder once.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back, despite the awful circumstances. I did miss you.”
“I missed you too, Wil,” Tommy muttered, watching Wilbur’s back retreating up the stairs.
The living room was tense. You could cut through the thickness of the air with a butter knife. Techno leaned on one of the support pillars behind the couch, as far away from everyone else as possible. Schlatt was sitting in one of the large armchairs, and Ranboo had swung his feet up onto the couch, taking up the whole thing.
Wilbur immediately plopped himself onto the other chair, leaving Tommy to try and fit on the couch. Ranboo curled his legs in and Tommy nodded to him with a smile. Ranboo smiled back, before looking over his shoulder at the air and grinning wider.
Schlatt cleared his throat, calling everyone to attention. He stood up.
“I think you all know why we are here,” he said lazily, moving his gaze across everyone in the room. There were several murmurs of agreement.
“Our father is dead, and we have to pay respects to him,” Schlatt continued.
Techno snorted slightly and Schlatt ignored him.
“However,” he stressed, and Tommy rolled his eyes, recognizing the tone in his oldest brother’s voice. “I believe there was foul play involved.”
“Foul play?” Techno asked, disbelieving. “You think someone murdered dad?”
Schlatt bristled at Techno’s words. “Yes, as a matter of fact. When his body was found, he didn’t have his monocle on him, and it was nowhere in the room.”
Even Wilbur had to raise an eyebrow at that. “And…?” he said.
Schlatt groaned. “C’mon guys, you have to use your brains. When have you ever, ever seen dad without his monocle?” At the silence, Schlatt grinned triumphantly as if he had won. “See? My point is that someone took his monocle, right before or after his death. It must’ve been personal.”
He turned to Techno. “Philza was the one who found him, no?”
Techno’s mouth pressed together into a thin line. “You can’t seriously be accusing Phil,” he said, a threat clear in his voice.
“Well, who knows,” Schlatt threw up his hands. “Maybe he finally got tired of being the perfect little housekeeper. Who else could’ve done it, you?”
Techno’s eyes widened a fraction, before narrowing again. Tommy would’ve missed it if he had not grown up with him.
Schlatt must’ve noticed it too, because his jaw opened so fast that Tommy was worried it would come off.
“I mean,” Techno said, interrupting whatever yelling storm Schlatt had planned. “As much as I would’ve enjoyed the honors, it wasn’t me.”
Schlatt’s eyes narrowed down to slits. “I don’t trust him,” he announced.
Wilbur gave a single bark of laughter. “What else is new?”
“I don’t trust you either, and yet here I am. What’re you accusing me of?” Techno butted in.
Schlatt sputtered. “You know damn well what.”
As Techno reared up to argue back, Tommy tuned out their mindless bickering. Somehow, he thought they could’ve changed. Maybe he thought they could’ve grown up. He clearly expected too much. Techno was still a vigilante, still hot-headed. And Schlatt? Well, four years without any human interaction had really screwed up his subtlety. To be fair, Tommy wasn’t sure if he had had any to begin with.
Tommy sighed and stood up, grabbing Ranboo’s arm and pulling him up as well. The arguing brothers didn’t pay them any heed. Wilbur stood up too, trying to break up the argument that threatened to turn violent. Ranboo got Tommy’s drift and they exited the room.
There was no point in staying.
They are ten years old. The robbers are holding hostages, and Schlatt starts to tell the others his plan, when Niki jumps into the building. Schlatt curses and runs into the room after her. Techno, never one to miss out on the action, follows closely behind.
Ranboo, Tubbo, and Wilbur are slightly slower and stick closer to the wall.
They arrive in time to see Niki teleporting around, distracting the robbers, as Techno hurls a knife with deadly accuracy into one of the men’s shoulders. He falls with a cry. Schlatt lifts another and tosses him into a wall like a ragdoll.
A voice cries out over the chaos and all three freeze. One of the others has pulled a gun on the civilians. Without wasting a moment, Niki blinks right in between the gun and the civilians, sitting on the bank check-in desk. The man swings the gun down towards her but she’s already gone.
Niki is behind him now, calling out, “Hey, loser.” As he spins around to face her, she quickly blinks his gun out of his hands in exchange for a stapler. “Nice stapler.”
She grabs his hand and twists it upwards. He hits himself in the head with the stapler in his hand. Niki tosses the gun to Schlatt, who catches it easily.
The three boys in the corner smile. Ranboo hated feeling useless in fights, but his power wasn’t cut out for combat. Tubbo was glad he didn’t have to use his. And Wilbur was just happy for his siblings to do the fighting instead of him.
Outside, Reginald Hargreeves stands, monocle and top hat, leaning on a stylish cane. A young boy stands next to him, fidgeting with his uniform.
“Why can’t I be with them?” Tommy asks his father.
“We’ve gone over this, Tommy,” Reginald says, irritated. “Because you are not special.”
When the police arrive, and the news is scrambling over themselves to take pictures of the young superheroes who saved the bank and the hostages, Schlatt, Techno, Wilbur, Niki, Tubbo, and Ranboo all line up to have their picture taken. They stand with good posture and smiles, having it ingrained into them.
Reginald walks out with a dramatic flair onto the steps of the bank, setting his hand on Schlatt’s shoulder. Schlatt huffs out his chest in pride.
“These,” Reginald announces to the gathered press. “Are your new superheroes. Meet the SBI.” The people clap.
“I adopted 6 children with superpowers, and I have been training them to fight against the evil in this city.”
Reginald’s speech continues. Tommy continues to stand out of sight, as Reginald introduces his siblings to the press. Reginald doesn’t even look in his direction as he states he had only adopted six kids.
They are ten. This is their first mission as a team. The SBI is born. And Tommy isn’t allowed to be a part of it.
Tommy’s old room was exactly how he remembered it. The plain bedspread on the plain bed. The posters on the wall, one of the few things he was allowed to customize. A neatly organized bookshelf and a cabinet full of music books. A keyboard by the window, coated in a thick layer of dust.
He had been just as surprised as everyone else when their father had allowed him to take up piano like he wanted to. There was a grand piano downstairs, he knew. It was probably out of tune.
Still better than sitting around. Ranboo had wandered off a while ago, so he didn’t have anyone to talk to, and everyone else was either busy or likely to ignore him. Tommy made his way to the spacious room. He sat down at the piano bench, blowing the dust from the keys and tentatively played a chord. It wasn’t horribly out of tune, though it definitely wasn’t in perfect upkeep.
Letting his doubts free, he let himself fold into the music, allowing his fingers to move across the keys. The song wasn’t particularly hard, though it wasn’t one he had played in a while. It was a song he remembered playing often when he still lived here.
Unknown to him, around the house, everyone perked up at the distant echoing of his playing, unconsciously swaying to the once-familiar tune.
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