#Theater am Aegi
ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Zerobaseone mythology concept
Well, this our second part. I already did our first part on zb1 members (Hyung line) as Greek gods and goddess in case of a Greek mythology concept which I hope is gonna happen.
Disclaimer ! I am basing this from my memories of my class on greek iconography and not of work adapted from it. And i am not going to talk about everything that is SA, abuse and violence the gods are surronded with and created. I am not going to do a whole class on greek mythology so good luck. Its also my opinion. And I am not pretending to know everything, I may even be wrong.
Here is our second and final part : Maknae line : (Below the cut)
Gunwook as Athena
Athena is one of the 12 olympians. She was not born from Kronos and eaten by him but is actually a daughter of Zeus. She is the godess of widsom and of strategic war. Even if she is the godess of widsom she still as little moments of anger we will say (Arachnée as well as Medusa). She is one of the godess that is a virgin and never take a husband.
What you have to remember with Athena is her widsom, she is someone with a vision. In a case of a war there is two people that will be needed : Ares (which more of the brutal force) and Athena which will focus more on the strategic parts of a battle. If Athena takes part in a battle actively you know that normally it will be done fair and square. She respects the rules.
In her iconography Athena is represented as a warrior godess. She has an armor, an helmet as well as a shield. And what allows one to identify her no matter what is the presence of the aegis (égide in french) as well as the decapitated head of Medusa.
But mostly one is able to identify her with her warrior like appaerance with her helmet, armor and shield.
Now concerning Gunwook I feel like the link is quite obvious.
Gunwook is brilliant. He is the top student, class president, and we saw with the Kill this love stage that he has a strategic mind as well as a vision. He is able to understand the strenght of everyone around him and then put it together to build a strategy.
We could expect something that is truly giving a warrior vibe, with the helmet, shield and those two symbols of Athena with the aegis and the decapitated head. Even if they will go with a softer version.
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Ricky as Dyonisius
This one is kinda confirmed as well lol.
Dyonisius is in most version the son of Zeus, some say that he died and then his father made him become a god because of the affection he had for him. Or in other versions he is an human that was transformed into a god because he was the one that invented the wine and gods liked wine.
Dyonisus is the god of wine, fertility of the soils, theater and party. In his iconographic representations he is always represented with the thyrse (it’s a kind of stick with a pine cone on it), some grape vine and he also has a company of many exotic animals as well as satyr and nymphs.
Why putting them together ? I feel like ricky is actually a very extroverted person and the life of the party. Like I totally imagine going up to someone first and just try to be funny ? If he wasn’t an idol I just know the guy would be partying like crazy in clubs worldwide wise lol
I feel like we definitely can expect some good references such as party crowded scene, having a cup in a hand. I doubt they will represent him with lots of girlies around tho.
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Gyuvin as Hestia
Hestia might be one of the most underrated goddess out here while she is so important.
Hestia is the oldest Olympian. The first one that Kronos ate. She is one of the virgin goddess as well as a member of the twelve Olympians.
She is the goddess of home, the hearth (fire pit of the sacred fire), domesticity and family. She was the guardian of the sacred fire (hearth) and was essential to the Greek mythology rites.
She is a very quiet goddess and is rarely talked about and represented even though she was central character and extremely important.
In every city there was the hearth, for her, and for every sacrifice she was the first goddess that was received them.
Hestia is very important because throughout the time the notion family was essential and central, the clan you came from truly mattered in society as well as where you belonged.
In her rare representations she is standing up, with a vieil over head, with a strict expression close to a fire.
Why Gyuvin as Hestia ? Because for me Gyuvin represents home. He is able to make everyone feels at ease. He is central and everyone seem to fly close to him. He is a part of what ties all the members together. I feel like the hugs he gives make you feel at home.
I’m seeing something definitely with warm tones, little fire like summer camp type of fire, as there is not that much representation on her I really want them to make him feel like home. Lots of warm colors, smiles, lemonade and cute little snacks. Just home.
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Yujin as Ares
Okay so I can already feel the complains from here but hear me out.
Ares is the god of war. Like the violent one, the bloody ones. And often people only remember him as that. The violent god.
But he was way more than that. He an olympian that never raped anyone. He killed without hesitation his daughter rapist. He was as well the protector of cities, the god of courage as well as the god of masculinity.
He was a protector of women. One of the very few people that Aphrodite ever truly loved. He was globally a big softie and that can be seen in the way he is portrayed in his representations. He was also a very good defender of gay love and gay representations.
In his iconography he is or despised as the god of war, with shield and weapons on as well as his armor . Or he is represented as the man that is enamoured of Aphrodite. He was a very handsome man and muscular.
Why am I putting Yujin as him then ? Because I feel like yes Yujin lives to be a menace because he is silly like that but he is also someone that seems to be very deep and well thought for his age. I totally imagine him taking the side of his girl schoolmates to watch over them. He is deeply loved and I totally can see him growing up to be an ally and truly supports and protect lgbtq people.
Representation wise I feel like if they put him in an armor with a sword he would be really happy so I want that only for him to be happy. In a more realistic tone I feel like it would be more discreet with like weapons on the floor and very pensive poses.
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Tag list @seok02 (i love you)
I hope you all enjoyed <3
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germanpostwarmodern · 4 years
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Theater am Aegi (1953, 1965-67) in Hannover, Germany, by Hans Klüppelberg, Gerd Lichtenhahn and Rolf Herzog
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Report from Naples to Metternich, January 1814
So, we’re back in Naples. The armistice during the summer of 1813 in the German theater or war and the Congress of Prague had ended without a result, and Austria declared war on France. When Murat and his Neapolitan troops entered the war on Napoleon’s side in August 1813, Mier had of course left Naples. Next came the battle of Leipzig in October; Napoleon had to give up on Germany.
Murat returned to Naples (that’s the occasion where he lost both carriage and hat in the Alpes and is briefly stranded in Milan). In Upper Italy Eugène - without Neapolitan support - has been unable to hold off the Austrians; as his Bavarian father-in-law has switched sides and joined the Allies, Eugène has had to retreat even further west to at least defend Lombardy.
In the meantime, at the beginning of the new year, the Allied troops have crossed the Rhine and entered French territory. The final months of Napoleon’s empire have begun.
This is when Count Mier returns to Naples, in order to take up his office as ambassador there. He immediately sends a long report with apparently several postscripts to Metternich (who, for his part, is once again busying himself - but by now with a marked lack of enthusiasm - with negotiations for a peace, this time at Chatillon, meeting there with a similarly exasperated Caulaincourt).
I have broken up this extremly long block of text into several paragraphs. All translated from Helfert, “Joachim Murat” once again.
Mier to Metternich (in his own hand)
Naples this 16th of January 1814
My Prince!
The almost impassable roads and the precautions to which I was obliged to resort when crossing the territories still occupied by French troops, only allowed me to reach Naples on the 11th of this month. It was with true pleasure that I learned on arriving that the alliance between the two Courts had been concluded and signed on the 8th of January, in accordance with the instructions Your Highness had given to the Count of Neipperg, who in that occasion gave new proofs of his talents, his skill and his devotion to the service of our august sovereign.
An hour after my arrival in Naples H. M. the King had the Duke of Gallo tell me that he wished to see me immediately. I went to the palace. The King received me with kindness and goodness, and told me many flattering things about my return and the hope he had of keeping me close to him. Thanking him respectfully, I told him my Sovereign had destined me, in the event of the alliance concluded between the two courts, to return to my diplomatic functions close to his person, that it depended therefore only on his Majesty to accept this choice of my master.
"I have charged the Count of Neipperg," said the King, "to ask the Emperor Francis for your return to Naples as a favour; you will therefore understand the pleasure which the certainty of your being accredited to my person must give me... I have done everything", the King continued, "that Austria wanted, I have blindly signed the alliance which the Count of Neipperg submitted to me, putting as much confidence in the friendship and interest which the Emperor Francis is willing to show me, and in his promise to make me obtain at the general peace an indemnity for the sacrifices to which I have subscribed, as in any transactions and stipulations which we might have made in this respect for the time being. I place my interests entirely in the hands of the Emperor Francis, and place myself with confidence under the aegis of the loyalty of the Austrian government, I am convinced that I will never regret it; Austria will know how to support an ally who will remain devoted to her as much out of gratitude as out of the concern for his peoples. But I repeat to you again that you must magnify me, strengthen me so that I am no longer a burden to you. You will get no benefit from all these small states which you wish to establish in Italy. Put me in a position to always maintain an army of 60,000 men, and the repose of Italy and your influence will be assured. Let me be in a position to support the first shock of an enemy who would come to attack you there and give you time to come to my aid, in this state of affairs Austria and the King of Naples, equipped with a common interest, will defy all the hostile enterprises of the other powers against Italy"....
I answered the King that Austria greatly deserved his confidence by the perseverance which she put in supporting and defending her interests with the other powers; that he must be well imbued with the idea that it is only to Austria that he will owe the preservation of his crown; that not only the true interests of his country, but also gratitude must engage him to second the views of my court; that, following a good line of conduct, frankly executing his promises and engagements, showing much uprightness and confidence in all his steps, he could be sure that Austria would support him on all occasions; that I was even authorised to promise him in this case advantages and enlargements to the general peace.
"I will carry out", the King answered me, "my promises and engagements as a man of honour; once my side is taken, Austria will never have reason to repent of the protection she has given me. But could you not assure me in advance of what you promise to grant me in the general peace? This commitment would remain secret and I would have more peace of mind about the future«.
I told him that no such commitment had been made with any power, that everything had been postponed until the general peace, that if we had begun by discussing the interests of each one in particular, the allied armies would not yet be on the other side of the Rhine. "The ease," I continued, "which Your Majesty placed in the conclusion of our alliance, and the complete abandonment of his interests to the benevolent friendship of the Emperor Francis, committed my Master all the more to procure for Him real advantages in the general pacification. May Your Majesty be at ease on this score, for it is His task to merit entirely the confidence of the Allies by a good line of conduct, and He must necessarily share in the advantages which will result from his vigorous cooperation in the cause of Europe."
The King replied that it is only this blind confidence which he has in the loyalty of our sovereign and of his ministry which has determined him to pass over many considerations which are personal to him, and to enter blindly into our views. "I do not hide from you", he continued, "that it is painful for me to have to fight against the French. Your sovereign would not think well of my character if it were otherwise. But I know the interests of my people, I act as King of Naples and silence all other secondary considerations. The Neapolitans must be very grateful for the proof of devotion which I am giving them on this occasion, and my present and future conduct proves and will prove to the sovereigns that I am worthy of occupying a place among them... At first I wanted to wait for your return to sign the alliance, being convinced that the overtures I had charged you with, and the full knowledge you had of my views and the feelings I have for your master, would have given me better conditions and some real and positive advantages. But having thought about it I did not want to put any obstacle or delay in the prompt conclusion of our arrangement. What has not been stipulated for the moment will be stipulated later".
I replied to His Majesty that my instructions and full powers were the same as those of the Count of Neipperg and that my arrival would not have made any change to the negotiations. "I am only authorised to assure Your Majesty that my sovereign would willingly lend her the opportunity of obtaining advantages and enlargements to the general peace, in proportion to the efforts Your Majesty will make to co-operate with the views of the Allies."
Our conversation continued well into the night and everything that His Majesty was kind enough to tell me clearly proves that we can count on him.
Accept etc.
[Postscript No. 3, Mier to Metternich, again in his own hand]
Naples this 16th of January 1814.
My Prince!
Disorder has grown so badly in Rome that the principal inhabitants of this city have decided to send a deputation to H. M. the King of Naples to ask him to take possession of it and to introduce a provisional government there. The three deputies who arrived yesterday in Naples are Princes Sara (Sciarra?) and Barberini and Mr. Potenciani. The commands of General Miollis, Governor of Rome, can no longer contain the rabble, French personnel run the risk of being massacred at any moment. This spirit of insurrection had already spread to the neighbouring countryside. A general uprising of the common people is expected at any moment, who, under the pretext of driving out the French, will plunder the houses of all the rich owners. The Neapolitan troops have been ordered until now not to take any part in the events which are taking place there. This state of affairs would bring great misfortune upon Rome, unless it were brought to an end as soon as possible.
S. M. the King has already given the necessary orders to take possession of all the countries occupied by his troops. I have the honour to be ut in litteris...
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garnokaky · 4 years
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SVC: ToeJam & Earl
Tecmo Bowl Throwback®
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Texas Hold’em
The Bureau
The Cave
The Darkness
The Darkness II
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The King of Fighters 98
The Maw
The Orange Box
The Splatters™
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 1
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Ticket to Ride
Tom Clancy’s EndWar
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™
Tom Clancy’s HAWX
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® Blacklist™
Tomb Raider Underworld
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tour de France 2009
Tower Bloxx Deluxe
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers Cold War
Toy Story 3
Toybox Turbos
Trials HD
Triggerheart Exelica
Trine 2
Tron: Evolution
Tropico 4
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
Unbound Saga
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
Virtual-On OT
Viva Piñata
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
Wolfenstein 3D
Word Puzzle
WOTB: Commando 3
XCOM®: Enemy Unknown
XCOM®: Enemy Within
Yosumin! LIVE
Zoe HD
Zuma’s Revenge
11 notes · View notes
tkkgsehen · 5 years
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TKKG – Das Live-Hörspiel
Mit den Originalsprechern und einem brandneuen Fall
München/Berlin - „TKKG“ schreiben seit 40 Jahren Geschichte. Mit über 15 Millionen verkauften Büchern und 35 Millionen verkauften Tonträgern gehört TKKG zu den erfolgreichsten Jugendbuch- und Hörspiel-Reihen in Deutschland. Seit Serienstart 1979 hat die „TKKG-Bande“ mittlerweile über 200 Fälle gelöst und das nicht nur in Wort und Schrift, sondern auch in Film und Fernsehen, auf der Kinoleinwand und der Theaterbühne. Nun entern sie auch Deutschlands Veranstaltungssäle. Tickets gibt es ab sofort bei eventim.de und ab Freitag,  29.03.2019, 10:00 Uhr auch an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen.
Die vier Freunde Tim, Karl, Klößchen, Gaby und Hund Oskar setzen sich gegen Unrecht und Verbrechen ein. Die Millionenstadt, in der die Freunde wohnen, hält sie dabei ganz schön auf Trab. Dank Gaby haben TKKG einen direkten Draht zur Polizei, denn ihr Vater ist Kriminalkommissar Glockner. Der versorgt die Vier oft mit den neusten Infos zu kriminellen Machenschaften in der TKKG-Stadt. Wenn es dann heißt: „Das ist ein Fall für TKKG!“, ermitteln die Freunde auf eigene Faust.
Zum 40-jährigen Bestehen der „Profis in Spe“ werden die original Hörspiel-Sprecher Sascha Draeger (alias Tim), Manou Lubowski (Klößchen), Tobias Diakow (Karl) und Rhea Harder-Vennewald (Gaby) im Herbst 2019 erstmals auf Live-Hörspiel Tour gehen. Das Publikum darf sich auf einen bisher unveröffentlichten, brandneuen Fall freuen, der live vor dem Publikum vorgetragen wird. So erleben die Zuschauer den Hörspiel-Fall hautnah und ähnlich wie bei den Studioaufnahmen.
Mit über eine Million Streams pro Tag ist das Kult Hörspiel auch heute noch ein absoluter Dauerbrenner für Klein und Groß. Egal ob im Wohn-, oder im Kinderzimmer, „TKKG“ und ihre Fälle sind ein generationenübergreifender Klassiker. 
Höchste Zeit dem Wunsch vieler Fans zu folgen und die aktuellen vier Originalstimmen des Erfolgsprojektes endlich auf die Bühne zu bringen. Präsentiert wird das Live Hörspiel von Semmel Concerts und dem Hörspiellabel EUROPA (Sony Music Entertainment). Akustische Highlights und viele weitere Überraschungen laden zum Miträtseln und Mitfiebern in die TKKG-Welt ein. Ein Ereignis für alle TKKG Fans der ersten Stunde, aber auch für Hörspielliebhaber, Spürnasen und die ganze Familie.
Weitere Infos zu TKKG gibt es unter www.tkkg.de.
Erstmals auf Tour
TKKG – Das Live-Hörspiel
Mit den Originalsprechern und einem brandneuen Fall
09.11.2019, 16 Uhr      Hamburg                    Kampnagel - K6 16.11.2019, 20 Uhr      Berlin                          Theater am Potsdamer Platz 17.11.2019, 19 Uhr      Halle/Westfalen          Gerry Weber Event Center 18.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Hannover                   Theater am Aegi 20.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Mannheim                  Rosengarten-Mozartsaal 21.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Nürnberg                    Meistersingerhalle 22.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Frankfurt am Main      Jahrhunderthalle 23.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Wolfsburg                    CongressPark 24.11.2019, 19 Uhr      Dresden                       Kulturpalast 25.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Stuttgart                       STAGE Palladium Theater 26.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Magdeburg                  Stadthalle 27.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Bremen                        Metropol Theater 28.11.2019, 19:30 Uhr Dortmund                     Westfalenhalle 3a 01.12.2019, 19 Uhr      Leipzig                         Haus Auensee 02.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr München                      Deutsches Theater 03.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr Ulm                              Congress Centrum Ulm 04.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr Düsseldorf                   Tonhalle 05.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr Lingen                         Emsland Arena 06.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr Kiel                              Sparkassen-Arena 07.12.2019, 19:30 Uhr Kassel                         Stadthalle 
Änderungen vorbehalten. Tickets gibt es an allen bekannten Vorverkaufsstellen, sowie im Internet unter www.eventim.de sowie unter www.semmel.de.
Weitere Infos und Inhalte im Online-Magazin von Semmel Concerts unter www.entertainmag.de.
Pressemitteilung von KühlPR; Termine:TKKG-Tourplan von Semmel Concerts Bild: Semmel Concerts / EUROPA
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rockrageradio · 5 years
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Suzi Quatro is back and announces new album & tour!
No Control out via SPV/Steamhammer on March 29 2019.
Track listing:
1. No Soul/No Control
2. Going Home
3. Strings
4. Love Isn't Fair
5. Macho Man
6. Easy Pickings
7. Bass Line
8. Don't Do Me Wrong
9. Heavy Duty
10. I Can Teach You To Fly
11. Going Down Blues
Tour dates:
SUZI QUATRO live 2019
24.04. Berlin - Friedrichstadt Palast
30.04. Schopfheim - Stadthalle
06.05. Hamburg - Laeiszhalle
11.05. Bremen - Metropol Theater
12.05. Neuruppin - Kultur-Kirche
14.05. Rostock - Stadthalle
15.05. Hannover - Theater am Aegi
29.05. München - Circus Krone
30.05. Frankfurt - Alte Oper
27.07. CH-Fahrwangen - Open Air
30.08. Plauen - Parktheater
31.08. Thale - Bergtheater
01.09. Kranichfeld - Freilichtbühne Niederburg
22.09. Leipzig - Gewandhaus
28.09. Dortmund - Westfallenhalle 3A
01.10. Reutlingen - Stadthalle
02.10. Kassel - Stadthalle
04.10. Wuppertal - Stadthalle
05.10. Osnabrück - Osnabrückhalle
07.12. Heilbronn - Harmonie
13.12. Dresden - Kulturpalast
14.12. Jena - Sparkassen Arena
15.12. Nürnberg - Löwensaal
See SUZI QUATRO live in 2020
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hansschwab · 2 years
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#hermannvanveen ❌ heute in hannover ❌ so gut wie nie zuvor ❌ ich bin begeistert! ❌ die ganze truppe ist der hammer! ❌ leider ohne den pianisten erik van der wurff, der 2014 gestorben ist. (hier: Theater am Aegi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc_b-ldsyHc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
calichardonnay · 6 years
Deadpool 1602 - Fortune's Fool (Part 2)
Wilson huddled against the cold stone of his cell in the Tower, where he was left to rot away during the daylight hours, sobbing and muttering to himself as the afternoon light creeping through the barred window softly faded into dusk. He held himself tightly, his tattered, yellowed tunic soaked in a mix of sweat and blood, as he ran his shaking fingers through faded, golden locks. The wounds and torn muscles of the previous evening had since recovered, much to Wilson's shock and horror, though the pain of the ordeal still played again and again in the theater of his mind.
“Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross...” he murmured in a quavering voice to the quiet walls, threads of fine yellow hairs stringing between his fingers and thumbs as they tore easily from his scalp. “To see a fine lady upon a white horse...”
“And wouldst thou wander so far to look upon such a lady?” A gentle, almost ethereal, voice spoke from the darkened corners of the cell. 
Wilson looked up with a start at these words, and lost all breath at the sight of their owner. Mounted upon an off-white mare was the most beautiful creature the fool had ever laid eyes upon - skin pale as the moon with wild raven hair creeping out of hiding from beneath a pitch black riding cloak and hood. Her lips, stained the color of summer blackberries, curled into a knowing smile as she silently dismounted. Oh, if he could take one taste of those lips, he would happily die tonight with no regrets. 
He replied to her inquiry, “Nay, for what lady could compare to the fairest of all maids that rides to me this day upon a horse so pale?”
“Kind sir, thou dost flatter me, sir. I see thou art an orator, a man who knows his way around a phrase. Pray tell, how does one with a flowered tongue such as thine find himself in such a place, locked away from the ears of those who would revel in his jests and songs?”
“Not all find revelry in my jests, dear lady,” Wilson sighed, hugging his knees closer to his chest. “The King was not amused by my songs, nay, he took great offense. And among my alleged crimes against the crown, they now accuse me of witchcraft! Pray, how can one consort with the Devil when an Angel stands before him as you do now?”
“Oh? I be an Angel, then.”
“Of all the words in all the tongues I have learned, fair maid, Angel is the one I choose for you. I may be a fool, but I am no idiot – a beautiful gentlewoman such as yourself does not simply appear in the Tower before a prisoner, riding atop a mare with nary a sound!” The prisoner's eyes began to well up with heavy tears that trickled down his thin cheeks. “So my mind has either gone numb from torture or you are an Angel sent from on high to take me from this place. Though there is more truth in the first, I so wish to believe in the second.”
The dark lady knelt down beside the shivering Wilson, wiping away his tears with a fragile, ivory hand, a consoling love evident upon her soft features. Her skin was icy cold to the touch. “I do intend to take thee from this place,” she spoke in a gently comforting whisper. “But first, thou must succumb..”
“You mean confess...” the fool held his own hand against hers, not wanting to lose her touch. “I am no witchbreed and I will not be barred from Heaven by offering false confession...”
“No, my love, confess not to such falsehoods. But thou must succumb. Clinging so desperately onto Life, yet in the embrace of Death wilt thou find thy salvation.” The lady leaned in close, the chill of her breath brushing just beyond the reach of Wilson's lips. “Succumb to the pain...and fall into the arms of Death. There...wilt thou find absolution.”
The heavy bolts of the prison door clanked out in warning as the cell door swung open with a jarring smash. Wilson's heart burst from his chest as he turned his head towards the door, the familiar guardsmen grimacing at him. “Lord Aegis has called again for your audience, Wilson,” one of them sneered, quickly coming upon the prisoner to snatch him up and force him to his feet. The fool looked back to the dark lady, only to find he was alone with the yeomen. No pale mare, no raven-haired maid. Just the shadowed stone walls lit only by the fading remnants of the sun at dusk. It took every fraction of his being not to cry out in despair.
“His flesh is again whole and he refuses to scream upon moving his limbs! The evidence against you is staggering, witchbreed. Would it not be easier to confess to your sins?” The guards dragged Wilson back to the interrogation chambers, though he did not struggle as hard against them as he had previous nights, and smiled eerily to himself with newfound resolve.
He would not confess. 
He would instead succumb to Death...and reunite with his beautiful Angel. 
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horniess · 7 years
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LOL!!!! I was working in the city and then suddenly i saw that one of my favorite Comedian RALF SCHMITZ is airing in the Theater so i went inside and bought really spontanously a ticket 😂 now i enjoy a cappucino before i watch the Comedyshow SCHMITZENKLASSE at 8 o clock! 😊✨✨✨ #comedy #theatheramaegi #ralfschmitz #schmitzenklasse #spontanious #spontaneously #randomstuff #lol #donnerstagabend (hier: Komödie im Theater am Aegi)
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Artifact Series A
A Christmas Story Leg Lamp (canon)
A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson
A.A. Milne's Honey Dipper
ABBA's Champagne Glasses
AFV Video Screen
A.J. Hackett's Bungee Cord
ATLAS Android Test Subject
Aaron's Rod
Aaron's Staff
Aaron Anderson’s Oars
Aaron Swartz's Computer Mouse
Abby Normal's Brain *
Abd Al-Rahman Al-Gillani's Walking Stick
Abebe Bikila's Jersey
Abigail Williams' Pendent
Abing's Erhu
Abraham's Sapphire
Abraham Lincoln's Top Hat *
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Chart
Abraham Suydam's Golden Pocketwatch
Abraham Ulrikib's Caribou Pelt
Absorbent Photo Album and Camera
Abu al-Qasim's Bellows
Abu al-Qasim's Forceps
Abu Hurairah's Tombstone
Achilles' Arrow *
Accordion from Kunstkamera
Acme Police Whistle
Ada Lovelace's Dress
Adad-nirari I’s Axe Blade
Adam Lanza's Gun
Adam Rainer's Measuring Tape
Adam Sandler's Idea Pad
Adelard of Bath’s Abacus
Adolf Eichmann's Eagle Insignia Badge
Adolf Frederick's Silver Cutlery Set
Adolf Hitler's Colored Pencils
Adolf Hitler's Microphone *
Adolf Slaby's Snuff Box
Adolphe Chaillet's "Shelby" Bulbs *
Adolphe Dugleres' Menu
Adrian Hill's Sketchpad
Aegean Sails
Aegicoros' Goblet
Aesop's Cloak
Aesop's Grapevine
Aesop's Pendant
Aesop’s Rope
Aeschylus' Turtle Shell
African Ngil Fang Mask *
African Tribal Elephant Tusk *
African Witch Doctor's Staff
Agamemnon's Mycenaean Bronze Sword
Agatha Christie's Car
Agatha Christie's Typewriter *
Agatha Christie's Wedding Ring
Agathodaemon's Natron
Agent Aden Taylor's God-Tier Clock
Agent Aden Taylor's God Tier Outfit
Aggressive Metal Lunchbox
Agnodice’s Tunic
Aguara's Carob
Ahmad Shah Durrani's Pesh-Kabz
Ahmose I’s Armband
Aileen Wuornos' Black Ledger
Aimée Crocker's Hat and Fur Stole
Air from the Great Stink of 1858
Air Raid Siren from Pearl Harbor
Air-Raid Skeet Thrower
Airbrushes from Disney Studios *
Akbar the Great's Water Container
Akira Kurosawa's Mao Hat
Akira Toriyama's Original Pen
Aki Ra’s Landmine Casings
Alain Robert’s Bag of Chalk
Albert Fish's Whip of Nails
Al Capone's Fedora
Al Capone's Machine Guns *
Al Smith's 1928 Campaign Badges
Aladdin's Lamp
Alan Hale Jr.'s Skipper Hat
Alan Seeger's Helmet
Alan Turing's Typewriter
Alan Wake's Flashlight
Alarm Clock
Albert Abrams’ Vials
Albert Anastasia's Barber Shop Chair
Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll
Albert Butz's Glasses *
Albert Camus' Coffee Cup
Albert Einstein's Bridge Device *
Albert Einstein's Chalk
Albert Einstein's Comb *
Albert Stevens’ Paintbrush
Albert Tirrell’s Razor
Alberto Burri's Sacking and Red
Albertus Magnus' Quill Pen
Alboin’s Skull Cup
Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros Horn
Self-portrait at 26" href="/wiki/Albrecht_D%C3%BCrer%27s_%27%27Self-portrait_at_26%27%27">Albrecht Dürer's Self-portrait at 26 *
Alchemist's Curse
Alcmaeon of Croton's Ring
Aldrich Ames' Chalk
Aldus Manutius’ Vellum
Aleijadinho’s Palanquin
Aleister Crowley's Ruby Studded Universal Hexagram Necklace *
Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Keisaku
Tetris" href="/wiki/Aleksandr_Serebrov%27s_Nintendo_Game_Boy_%26_Copy_of_%27%27Tetris%27%27">Aleksandr Serebrov's Nintendo Game Boy & Copy of Tetris
Alessandro Volta's Biscuit Bin *
Alessandro Volta's Lab Coat and Goggles *
Alex Mercer's Jacket
Alex Sander's Scourge
Alexander of Abonoteichus' Grimorie
Alexander Alekhine's Chess Set *
Alexander Bain's Fax Machine
Alexander Calder's First Mobile
Alexander D'Agapeyeff's Telegraph
Alexander Fleming's Beaker
Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone Wire
Alexander the Great's Bronze Breastplate
Alexander the Great's Xyston
Alexander of Greece's Pocket Watch
Alexander Grey's Owl Pendant
Alexander Hamilton's & Aaron Burr's Dueling Pistols
Alexander Herrmann's Gold Watch
Alexander Hermann's Mustache Scissors *
Alexander Keith Jr’s Barrel
Alexander Litvinenko's Tea Pot
Alexander Morison's Top Hat
Alexander Polyhistor's Animal Fiber Sponge
Alexander Steinert's Grand Piano
Alexander von Humboldt's Fern
Alexander Wilson's Falconry Glove
Alexandre Étienne Choron’s Menu
Alexey Leonov's Near the Moon
Alexis Soyer's Cutting Board
Alexis St. Martin's Musket Powder
Al-Farabi's Shahrud
Alfred Adler’s Coat Rack
Alfred Dreyfus' Sword Hilt *
Alfred George Hinds' Prison Uniform
Alfréd Hajós' Measuring Tape
Alfred Hitchcock's Metal Pinwheel (canon)  
Alfred Kinsey's Abacus
Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Bronze Statue of Chiron
Alfred's Monarch Ice Skates
Alfred Nobel's Box Detonator
Alfred Nobel's Curtains
Alfred Packer's Gold
Alfred Snoxall's Lee-Enfield Rifle
Alfred N. Stevenson's Military Helmet
Alfred Stieglitz's Tripod
Alfred Watkin’s Theodolite
Alfred Wegener's Parka
Algie the Pig
Al Herpin's Rocking Chair
Al Hirschfeld’s Chair and Lamp
Ali Asghar Borujerdi's Prayer Beads
Alice Manfield’s Trekking Pole
Alice Bailey's Necklace
Alice's Crown
Alice Stebbins Wells’ Police Badge
Alien's Device Prop
Allan Pinkerton's Briefcase
Allan W. E. Jones' Underwear
Alleyway from Kowloon Walled City
Alliance Tenna-Scope TV Signal Booster
All Hallow's Eve Pumpkin
Alphonse Bertillon's Shaving Mirror
Alphonse Cahagnet's Magnets
Alpine Brandy Rescue Cask *
Aloysius 'Alois' Alzheimer's Eye Glasses
Alpharts Tod's Hauberk
Altaïr's Hidden Blade
Aluminum Bluthner Piano *
Álvaro Obregón's Right Arm
Alvin C. Graves' Tie
Alvin C. York's .45 Colt Automatic Pistol
Alvin C. York's Medal
Alvin Straight’s Riding Lawn Mower
Alyattes of Lydia's Electrum Coins
Amanda Palmer's Ukulele
Amanda Todd's Flashcards
Amasa Coleman Lee's Porch Swing
Amaterasu's Yasakani no Magatama
Amazon Fish Tank *
The Amber Room
Amber Sphere *
Amber Spyglass
Ambrose Bierce's Skull
Ambrose Burnside's Jacket
Amelia Earhart's Goggles
Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega 5B
Amenemhat III’s Pyramidion
Amenemhat III's Sistrum
Amenemhat IV’s Sphinx
"American Idiot" Stage Set
Amerigo Vespucci's Armor Plate
Amityville House Windows
Ammunition from the USS Maine
Amphion's Lyre
Amulet of Hapi
Amy Lowell's Cigar
Amy Winehouse's Microphone
An Zhengwen's Brush
Anasazi Rope
Anatoly Onoprienko's Sawed off Shotgun
Anatomical Model
Anaxagoras' Krater
Anaximander's Sundial
André the Giant's Wrestling Singlet
André Citroën's Double Helical Gear
André de Toth’s 3-D Glasses
Andre Devigny's Bedding and Lantern
André Devigny Spoon
André-Marie Ampère’s Notebook
André Martinet's Phonograph
Andrea Aguyar’s Lasso
Andrea del Verrocchio's Workshop
Andreas Mihavecz’s Prison Cell
Andreas Vesalius' Watering Can
Andrew Borden's Couch
Andy Dufresne’s Rock Hammer
Andrew Jackson's Keg of Ale
Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World
Andy Kaufman's Bowl & Spoon
Andy Kaufman's Sunglasses
Andy Lambros' Fishing Pole
Andy the Clown’s Costume
Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans
Andy Warhol's Concept Dress Mannequin
Andy Warhol's Hairbrush
Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych
Anfo Merc's Electric Guitar and Battery Amplifier
Angela Cavallo's Car Fender
Angelo Faticoni's Chair
Angelo Moriondo’s Espresso Machine
Angelo Siciliano's Workout Trunks *
Angel Wings from the Pulse Funeral
Angkor Wat Piece of Vishnu
Ankou's Horseshoe
Angry Birdcage *
Animatronic Presidents from the "Hall of Presidents" in Walt Disney World
Anita King’s Lighter
Ann Corio's Bra
Ann Faraday's Jacket
Anna Baker's Wedding Dress
Anna Bertha Ludwig's Wedding Ring
Anna de Coligny's Crown
Anna Pavlova's Swan-Feather Fan
Annabelle Doll
Anne Boleyn's Pearl Necklace and Ornate B
Anne Bonny's Cutlass *
Anne Frank's Diary and Ribbon Bookmark
Anne Greene's Noose
Anne Sullivan’s Doll
Annette Funicello's Beach Ball *
Annie Edson Taylor's Barrel *
Annie Fox's Purple Heart
Annie Oakley’s Bonnet
Ansel Adams' Camera
Antarctic Whaling Station Camp
Anthony Bishop's Manuscript *
Anthony Salerno's Fedora *
Anthony Spilotro's Casino Tokens
Anthony Stewart/Rupert Giles' Glasses
Anti-Boarding Netting from the Mary Rose
Antique Candy Box
Antoine Lavosier's Candle
Antoine Lavosier's Microscope
Anton Aicher's Marionette Handle
Anton Chekov’s Pince-Nez's
Antoni Gaudí’s Chisel and Trencadís
Antonietta Dell'Era's Ballet Slippers
Antonio Stradivari's Violin Strings *
Antonio Vivaldi’s Aspergillum
Anton Praetorius' Hynm Book
Anubis Canopic Jar
Anubis Shrine Pyramid *
Anuket's Necklace
Aphrodite's Ankle Bracelet
Aphrodite's Girdle *
Aphrodite's Hairbrush
Apple of Discord
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Hoax Set *
Apollo 11 Moon Rock *
Apollo 13 Command Module
Apollo 15 Geologic Hammer and Falcon Feather
Apollonius of Tyana's Amulet
Apollo of Veii's Arms
Apollo’s and Artemis’ Bows
Apollo's Sandals
Apophis Statuette
Apsley Cherry-Garrard’s Goggles
Aquilas from the Battle of Teutoburg Forest
Arachne's Loom
Arceus' Plates
Archibald McIndoe's Saline Bathtub
Archibald Spooner's Cloak
Archilochus' Aulos
Archimedes's Bathtub
Arc Light from the Iroquois Theater
Ares' Gauntlets
Aretha Franklin's Spotlight
The Argo
Ariadne's Ball of Thread
Aristotle's Lyre
Aron Ralston’s Pocketknife
Artemisia II of Caria's Chalice
Armand David's Glasses & Zucchetto
Armand Guillaumin's Soleil couchant à Ivry
Armando Socarras Ramirez's Shirt
Arne Larsson's Pacemaker
Arrow of Alan Gua
Arrow of Time
Artemis' Cloak Pin
Arthur Aitken's Pith Helmet
Arthur Aston's Wooden Leg
Arthur Blessitt’s Cross
Arthur C. Clarke's Telescope
Arthur Claude Darby's Rope
Arthur Conan Doyle's Disintegration Machine
Arthur Conan Doyle's Fairy Notebook
Arthur Conan Doyle's Pipe
Arthur Edward Waite's Tarot Deck
Arthur Evans' Magnifying Glass
Arthur Galston's Soil Knife
Arthur Rostron’s Loving Cup
Arthur Stace’s Chalk
Arthur Wellesley's Boots
Arthur Wynne's Journal
Arthur Zimmermann's Ticker-tape Machine
Artie Moore's Headphones
Artie Shaw's Clarinet *
Asclepius' Offering Bowl
Ash Williams’ Double-Barrel "Boomstick"
Ashes from the 1925 Madame Tussaud Fire
Ashley Revell's Tuxedo
Ashurbanipal's Crown
Ashoka's Hell
Ashoka's Pillars
Assorted Herbs (Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme)
Asphyxiating Blackboard Erasers
Atalanta's Spear
Æthelred the Unready's Crown
Athena's Owl Pendant
Athena Parthenos
Athena's Aegis
Athena’s Breastplate
Athens Caryatid
Atlanta Ripper's Balaclava
Atlantean Crystal Pendant
Atlas' Globe
Atomic Bombs from The Dayton Project
Atticus Finch's Pocketwatch
Attila the Hun's Battle Helmet (canon)
Attila the Hun's Swaddling Blanket *
Audio-Healing Tuning Fork *
August Bier’s Needle
August Musger's Projector
August Natterer's Bible
Auguste Escoffier’s Tasting Spoons
Auguste Piccard's Gondola
Auguste Renoir's Young Girls at the Piano *
Auguste Rodin's Hammer and Chisel *
Auguste Rodin's Gateway to Hell
Auguste Rodin’s The Kiss
Auguste Rodin's Rasp
Augustina de Aragon's Cannon
Augustin-Jean Fresnel's Magnifying Glass *
Augustin Pyramus de Candolle’s Touch-Me-Not Plant
Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ Double Eagle Gold Coin
Aung San's Pinhole Camera
Aurora's Torch
Australian Boomerang
Automatic Trash-Disposal Waste Bin
Automatic Vaccum *
Autumn Leaves
Avatar Relics from The Last Airbender
Axe Ring
Axel Erlandson's Sycamore Seeds
Axeman of New Orleans' Phonograph
Ayrton Senna's Race Suit
Azletar (by technicality)
Aztec Bloodstone *
0 notes
lovethyfanperson · 7 years
All the Greek god asks?
Uhh, Okay!Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?Reese! It's not my birth name, but it's the name I go by on TumblrHera: Where are you from?America!Athena: How old are you?I am 16 going on 17Hephaestus: When is your birthday?November 6thAphrodite: What’s your relationship status?I am taken, and have been for a year and three monthsPoseidon: What are your pronouns?I use all pronouns except for the term "it", I find it degradingzDionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?IntrovertDemeter: Do you have any pets?I wishApollo: What kind of music are you into?I don't really have a music type... i like songs from all genres and artists. Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?Eyes and hairHades: What’s a big fear of yours? Being left alone and forgottenAres: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?People throwing an arm around my shoulder. There are few people who are the exception.Hestia: Where do you consider home? The TheatrePegasus: Last movie you watched?Kingsman: The Golden Circle Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?Finished? Uh... Teen WolfCentaur: Last book you read?Read or finished? Read, it's "The Fever Code". Finished, it's "The Yellow Brick War"Siren: Last song you listened to?Don't Go Away (Remastered) by OasisGorgon: Last thing you ate?A watermelon Blow PopCyclops: Last time you cried?Uh, yesterdayMinotaur: Last time you were truly happy?Monday when I saw a movie alone with my bfSphynx: Last text you sent?An "ok" to my dadChimera: Last call you made?To my mom yesterday to tell her rehearsal was overGriffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?Texted my boyfriend goodnight because I do that every night.Nymph: Last dream you remember?I was at this really demented version of Disney land. I'll tell y'all the dream later if you'd like, it would make for one hell of a story!Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?I was laying with my boyfriend cuddling and I just started laughing and couldn't stop. He's used to this by now.Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?Well I used to dream about my crush kissing me and that happened so yeahTheseus: What is your worst regret?Not joining Theatre Freshmen yearPerseus: Have you ever been arrested? NopeCadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?Yes. I don't really like to talk about it, but I'll just say I had a crush on a good friend who found out.Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?Yeah, two summers ago I had a bad UTIActaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.My boyfriend having to kiss another girl for the school playBellerophon: Have you ever passed out?Yeah. Right in front of my fsmily. We have a hallway that connects to the kitchen, and one of the walls is this giant closet with sliding doors (and the doors are mirrors). I was walking down the hall to get to the table for dinner (we have dinner together every night) and I passed out in the middle pf the hall and hit my head on the mirror. My dad yelled "WHAT THE FUCK"Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?Being in almost all the productions I have auditioned for (with the exception of the first one I ever tried out for)Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?YesJason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?Nope. I wishAtlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?Every day sweetheartHippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.I got to help create an original play with the help of other theatre students my age, act in it, and perform it for not only my family, but my boyfriend's family, and my theatre teacher. And a whole bunch of other people.Trident: Who are your favorite people?My boyfriend Laurens, my parents, and my best friend.Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?Grosse Point Blanke, Ant-Man, KingsmanSun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?OOOOOO, I really like Cerberus, Valkyrie, Sirens, and my social life.Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, Brighter by Patent Pending, Breaking the Habbit by Linkin ParkCaduceus: What is your favorite color?Maroon at the momentAegis: What is your favorite book or series?Either Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Dorothy Must DieScythe: What is your favorite tv show?Teen WolfBident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?Writing, or snuggling my boyfriendHarpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?Home, the Theater, anywhere w/ my boyfriendCornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?A place called Britos they have some HELLA good friesWinged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?Play games, watch videos, or see plays/musicalsGolden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?PenguinOlympus: Describe your dream job.Simple - novelist. Or a baker.Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?Uh... Finish five chapters for my book before the end of the semester.Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.Disney World with enough money to get a few things for myself and my friends, and where my best friend or my boyfriend (or both!) are with me to enjoy the experience.Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?Finished my first book, in a healthy relationship, financially stable (one can dream)Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?I would live in/close to New York so I can see shows on BroadwaySparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?Act in a professional musical/play, write a book or two, meet Matt Smith, meet all three broadway Ben's, meet Jeremy Jordan.Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?ConfidenceOgygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?Eat a cookie, and then... eat another cookieThe Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire? Shit, how'd u know?Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?Writing an original story that is not yet titled, but is saved in my google docs as "My parents are Dead", in which I use musical character names as place fillers for my characters so I can name them later.
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haz-tickets · 10 years
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SANTIANO - Auf nach Doggerland! Samstag, 13.04.2024,20:00 ZAG Arena Hannover
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sharondeyro · 5 years
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I am so delighted and very happy that Rak Of Aegis had an overwhelming performance was a real success.. Jam packed! Thank you for a superb performance RAKSTARS and Congratulations!!! Big thanks to everyone who came to watch the show. It was an unforgettable night made even more unforgettable by your presence. We truly appreciate your support. ❤️ #RakOfAegisSeason7 #OPMRAKS 🤟🏼 @petatheater ❤️ (at Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzoJVdDpU6P/?igshid=13qc1z7m047d5
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