#Their outfit was too perfect for Uta to pass up
skialdi · 2 years
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✨Milky Way Uta ✨
Another Cookie Run x One Piece Red piece
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Who We Were Before (Levi x OC)
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Summary: Emi and Annie set out to eliminate the Levi Squad. 
Warnings: blood, graphic descriptions of violence
Word Count: 1.8K 
 The young woman tied her hair up, as she looked at the clock. Knowing that soon she would have to commit a Heinous act. Knowing that with those three, it was never simple, she was just glad that this would be the last time she would ever really have to work with them.
“Emi.” Yomo said, breaking her out of her dream. 
She looked over to see five people standing in the bar's doorway. All wearing a familiar scent and outfit. She quickly grabbed the bottle of thick red liquid and placed it behind the counter. 
“You guys closed?” A man asked, his voice deep and stern. His hair dark, and his eyes seemed almost sinister. Bearing a deep grey color that she could almost find herself lost in. 
“Of course not. Come on in.” Itori said invitingly, giving the girl a knowing smile. 
The five took their places at the bar, quickly immersing themselves in conversation. She knew who they were, everyone did. They all wore the same patch on their suit jackets. One that resembled wings, all the CCG had something like this. But theirs was different, special in some way. It almost made her sick, seeing them sit at the bar. Where so many ghouls have made themselves comfortable. Even their scent was off, not inviting. It didn’t make her pine for their blood, it made her want to claw their evil eyes out. 
“Scotch,neat.” The man said, motioning her over. 
“Of course.” Emi said, no matter his appearance. His behavior made her despise him. She knows better than anyone, a pretty face only gets you so far. 
She poured the dark liquid into all of their cups, everyone ordered the same thing. Following him in what he said. The stench of the liquor made the girl have to turn her head. The group listened to the man as he told them stories, laughing at every little joke he said. She didn’t know why though, he wasn’t even that funny. She couldn’t help but take a swig from the bottle that she put behind the counter. The thick substance fell effortlessly down her throat. 
“That can’t be sanitary.” The man with the grey eyes said. Looking at her disgusted. His skin almost turned a green color. 
“You can’t stop her honey. Believe me I’ve tried.” Itori said, winking at Emi. While trying not to chuckle. 
“I apologize sir. You want some?” She asked, waving the bottle in front of him. 
He swatted her hand away. Knowing that her mouth touched the top of the bottle, made him want to vomit. 
“That’s not funny.” He said looking up at her angrily. 
“Neither are your shit jokes.” She said sarcastically, smiling largely at him. 
“We’re closing soon.” Yomo said looking over to the man, who seemed shorter than the other with him. 
“And try not to scare away paying customers.” Yomo scolded, rounding the bar and swatting the back of Emi’s head. Emi grunted and rubbed the back of her head as she scowled at Yomo. 
“I was only playing around.” she mumbled, setting the bottle to the side and pulling her apron off. Emi hung her apron on one of the hooks and rounded the bar, stopping by Itori. 
“Well I’d better head out.” she said as she walked out of the bar, shrugging her coat onto her shoulders.
“Be safe out there sweetie.” Itori called after her as she slipped out of the bar. Yomo sighed, defeated, taking Emi’s place to finish ringing up the group's total. 
Emi only made it a few steps out of the dingy bar before spotting Annie in her black trench coat and dark leggings. 
“What are you doing here?” Emi whispered as she quickened her pace to reach Annie who had turned and started off down the street at a brisk pace. 
“Change of plans, the doves left their usual route.” Annie informed her, pulling her coat over her chin. 
“What’s the new plan?” Emi asked as the two ducked into a dark alleyway. Annie reached into her coat and pulled out her mask, a white wolf that covered her entire face. 
“Their captain is with them, if he’s present we might as well scrap the mission entirely.” Annie said with a frustrated sigh. 
“So we separate them and pick them off one by one.” Emi said thoughtfully, her hand on her chin as she watched Annie fasten her mask over her face. 
“I already informed Bertolt and Reiner, they’ll call Levi back to the office and then we can lure the rest to the monorail as planned.” Annie’s voice was muffled by the mask as she looked up at the roof, calculating her jump. She sprang off the ground and caught the edge of the roof and pulled herself up. Emi followed her lead, once the two of them were safely on the roof they had a perfect view of the street below. Annie crouched down as Emi pulled her own mask out of her pocket. 
Emi took one last breath of fresh air before fastening her fox mask over her face. At first she hadn’t liked the mask, thinking that Uta had made a poor choice. But over the past few years she’d come to appreciate the meaning behind it. A creature of wit and guile, a perfect fit for Emi. The group that Emi had served at the bar emerged, laughing. Emi shifted anxiously, she was confused why Annie hadn’t started off toward the group of doves yet. 
“That’s them.” Annie informed her, a hint of malice on her tongue. 
“Them?” Emi asked as she watched a dark haired man ruffle the small strawberry blond’s hair. 
“Yes that’s the special operations squad, they pose a great threat to ghouls.” Annie said darkly as they mosied down the street. Emi nodded slowly coming to terms that they were the target. A few moments passed before the group halted, the dark haired man pausing to answer his phone. The man put his phone down with an irked expression, the others groaned as he held his arm out to hail a passing taxi. He climbed in, leaving the other four behind on the sidewalk. Reiner had done as he’d promised, now it was up to Emi and Annie to finish the job. Once the taxi was well out of sight Annie stood up and released her kagune, a bright blue ukaku, Emi stood as well and released her own red ukaku. The bright kagunes cast red and blue hues down onto the street below, catching the squad’s attention. 
The group froze, their briefcases gripped tightly in their fists. Annie nodded at Emi and the two took off, leaping over the rooftops with ease. The doves gave chase, their necks craned upwards, eyes locked on the ghouls. The monorail wasn’t far away, Emi was smart enough to understand that it was a good battleground for the two ukaku ghouls. With plenty of high vantage points that they could spring up onto if things got hairy. Annie launched off the building and landed gracefully on the tracks in a crouched position. Emi remained on the rooftop so that they could surround the doves. The doves reached the large alleyway between the building and the tracks and formed a loose circle. 
“We’ll dispatch these two and head back to HQ!” the blonde male said, his fingers pressed into his ear as he spoke into the comms. 
“I’m off the clock damnit.” the man with sandy blonde hair growled as he opened his briefcase. The others followed suit, all of them had matching weapons, a pair of glowing red blades that glinted menacingly in the moonlight. Annie sprang from her perch and launched a volley of shards at the group, none of them were wounded fatally, only a few deep cuts. Annie flew off the tracks, her movements too fast for the naked eye. She managed to hit the dark haired male who stumbled backwards clutching his throat. Blood bubbled out of the clean cut as he fell onto his back, his eyes dull as the blood spurted from his throat. A scream tore through the night, Emi assumed it was the girl, using their shock to her advantage she sprang off the rooftop and roundhouse kicked the tall blonde away from the others. 
He smashed against a pillar supporting the monorail and coughed up some blood. Emi barely registered the sound of Annie engaging in combat with the other male as she turned to address the girl. She was fast, her blades slashing sloppily at Emi’s chest as she blocked the attacks with her kagune. The other male had recovered and was rushing to the girl’s aide, the only way to stave off his attack was to risk dropping her guard on the girl’s attacks. Emi whirled around and barely blocked the man’s blade, but at the cost of taking a hit in the shoulder from the girl in front of her. 
“Take her out Petra!” the man snarled, blood dribbling down his chin and splattering against Emi’s mask as he spoke. Just as the girl lifted her arm to swing the blade, Annie kicked her square in the chest, sending her flying into one of the pillars head first. The sickening crunch of bones breaking told Emi that the girl had most likely broken her neck. Emi once again used the shock of the man to her advantage, she swung her kagune down and slashed clean through his abdomen, basically cutting him in half. He fell dead immediately, the remaining member roared with rage as he rushed Annie with his blades, Annie disarmed him and kicked him in Emi’s direction. Emi grabbed his jacket and reeled him in before pushing her mask off her mouth and closing her teeth around his throat. She could feel his pulse racing as she tore through his flesh, the blood spurting into her mouth. She pulled back with a hunk of his throat in her mouth, she chewed and swallowed thickly as he fell to his knees. He let out one last wet breath before collapsing entirely, his eyes blank in death. Emi licked her lips, as she felt her wounds healing with the help of his flesh. Annie stalked over to the girl and nudged her crumpled body with her foot. When the girl didn’t move she nodded with satisfaction. 
“Good work.” Annie complimented as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. 
“Not so bad yourself.” Emi remarked as she wiped off the blood before pulling her mask down and snatching the bills. 
“This is where we part ways.” Annie said coldly as she turned and headed in the direction of the 1st ward. 
“So it is.” Emi whispered to no one in particular as she stood in the middle of the carnage. 
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RFA plus V and Searan with an MC that likes to cosplay and go to cons?
I can relate to this request so much so it was a lot of fun to write! I sort of also added in making the RFA and friends cosplay as well because I’ve put a lot of thought into who they would cosplay as lol! So I hope that you enjoy and thank you for the request!! ^^
Yoosung is so excited when he finds out that you love going to cons and cosplay
This boy is an avid con goer so he’s super excited to take you to a con with him, mostly to show off to everyone that he has an amazing girlfriend
He diligently works on cosplay with you and the two of you end up making some awesome cosplays, Yoosung ended up going as the vocaloid Kagamine Len as per your request
Yoosung will most definitely hold your hand the entire time your at a con, he doesn’t want any creepers bothering you
This boy is such an impulse buyer when it comes to the merchandise hall, you usually have to drag him away from each vender
He enters you in a cosplay competition and cheers so loudly for you when it’s your turn to show off your outfit
And he almost cried from excitement whenever you win the contest, yelling “That’s my girlfriend!” Over and over again
You and Yoosung are one of the most nerdy couples around, something the two of you take pride in
Zen has some knowledge on cons and cosplay, although the can definitely benefit with some lessons from you
He adores the entire idea of cosplaying, this boy is completely down for helping you work on your outfit
Seeing Zen so passionate about helping you with your cosplay inspires you to make an outfit for him of a character that would fit him perfectly
You give yourself a pat on the back when you see Zen as Ayame from Fruits Basket and when he asked how he should act to be like his character, you tell him to just be himself
When you take Zen to a con, he’s happy that none of his fans recognize him because of your mad cosplay skills
He likes looking at all of the merchandise even though he has no idea what any of it means, although he does end up buying a few figurines for fun
Every time the two of you pass a group of cosplayers getting their photo taken, he’ll whisper “Your cosplay looks so much better than everyone else’s.”
After his first con, Zen becomes a huge fan of cosplay and is always willing to lend you a hand whenever you start your next creation
Jaehee is utterly clueless the first time you tell her about cons and cosplay
Anytime she’s seen people dress up as characters they had always freaked her out but she’s willing to give it a chance for you
She’s thoroughly impressed by how much time, effort, and energy you put into your cosplay, it’s something she truly admires
You convince her to cosplay as a character that you believe personifies her almost perfectly, Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club
Jaehee internally groans at having to wear a suit even though she’s cosplaying but she admits, the lavender jacket is cute
When you take her to a con, she’s amazed at the amount of people that take part
She unknowingly buys a button of a yaoi couple, you decide to explain that concept to her another day when she’s prepared for it
When someone asks to get a photo of her, Jaehee blushes but feels super proud and boasts that you were the one who made the cosplay
Jaehee is still somewhat apprehensive about cons and cosplays but if you’re having fun doing it then she’s happy to learn more
Jumin gives you a funny look whenever you tell him that you love going to cons and cosplay
This boy doesn’t have the slightest hint as to what you’re talking about so he just sort of goes along with it
He questions why you hand-make your outfits when he can hire a seamstress to do it for you
But he soon sees why you create your own outfits, the determination in your eyes says it all to Jumin
You look at Jumin and get the idea to make him cosplay as a character that could pass for his twin
Jumin stares at his reflection in a mirror as you dressed him up as Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince sama, he wonders why the costume is so flashy
He’s very confused when you take him to a con, Jumin gets lost six different times throughout the day
Any merchandise you desire is yours thanks to Jumin, it becomes a glorious day for you
He enjoys going to panels and asking all sorts of questions even though the answers confuse him even more
Jumin is still a definite newbie when it comes to cons and cosplay but his willingness to try it is something that you’ll always appreciate
Seven is well aware of cons and cosplay, he’s always wanted to attended one and make his own outfit but never had the time or encouragement
Until you came in and he found that the two of you shared a passion for geeking out
He’s completely down for helping you cosplay and is skilled at making any kind of prop for you
Whether you want a large, realistic sword or tiny, detailed necklace Seven will make it for you and it will look like perfection
Seven is super excited whenever you tell him that you made a cosplay for him, although it’s not as flashy as he expected
You explain that his personality fits Karma from Assassination Classroom as you removed Seven’s glasses since both can be smug one minute and caring the next
Going to a con with Seven can be tricky, don’t let this boy stray too far or else you’ll easily lose him
The two of you hold each other’s place in the longer lines for panels and no matter what panel he goes to, he feels the need to make loud and obnoxious comments
Seven ends up being the perfect con buddy for you, the two of you attend many more cons and create tons of new cosplays
V is very confused by the entire concept of cons and cosplay
But since it’s something you’re passionate about, he’s ready to learn
You first teach him about cosplay and this boy’s respect for you increases dramatically, he can’t believe how much work you put into making a costume
So V will always offer a hand to help, although it can be tough due to his poor eyesight
He’s so excited when you tell him that you made a cosplay for him, anything made by you he’ll instantly love
V admires himself in he mirror, you made him a Viktor from Yuri on Ice cosplay, V’s thankful that it’s just his warm-up outfit and not a super flashy costume
When you take him to a con, he doesn’t let go of your hand because he’s afraid of getting lost
He’ll spend almost all of his time in the artist alley, he loves admiring and complimenting other’s art
Expect a boat load of photos taken by V, most of them are of you because he’s just so impressed by your cosplay
V still doesn’t completely understand cons and cosplay but he knows that you enjoy them so he’s always ready to go to more cons with you
Saeran’s never even heard of cons and cosplay until you told him how much you love them
He silently watches you as you create your cosplay, secretly super impressed by your crafting skills
He’ll give you blunt but kind compliments on your cosplays and even some advice that that’s helpful
You can tell that Saeran wants to cosplay as well but is too stubborn to say anything, so you come up with the perfect character for him
Saeran blushes when he sees himself cosplaying as Subaru from Diabolik Lovers, he’s honestly in love with how you made the outfit
When you take him to a con, he gets antsy and nervous so you link your arm around his to reassure him
He gives anyone who eyes you up in your cosplay the death stare, no way anyone is going to make you feel uncomfortable on Saeran’s watch
The two of you end up buying a Subaru body pillow and you both sleep with it every night
By the end of the day, Saeran’s feet are killing him but he actually ended up having a fun time at the con, he casually asks when the next one is and prepares to help you with new cosplays
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