#ghoul au
rawio-star · 3 months
ok so so so
you know the sp-ghoul-au
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Design by @sp-ghoul-au / @shewreckz
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blackpensils · 20 days
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When trying out new shading techniques turns into a whole ass AU instead. Just another regular Thursday.
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iamthecomet · 5 months
This is where store manager, Dew and part time college student, Swiss, work in a “NE turn of the century former industrialist coal town turned gritty depressed small town.” The shop is in a crappy little strip mall at the main intersection just off of the hiway. Dew was recently promoted to store manager. There’s another new part time hire named Aeon who is coming in at 5pm that they need to train on how to close. On break, Dew crosses the intersection and goes to the McDonald's (out of frame) to have a smoke and flirt with the tall and handsome cashier, nicknamed Mountain. Mountain always sneaks him free food which he takes back to the shop and shares with Swiss. They watch 1980’s sitcom reruns on the crappy little mini TV behind the cashier counter while stuffing their faces with soggy fries.
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OH MY GOD. Christ they would work at a store called Condom's Galore wouldn't they? God Dew leaning on the counter at the dingiest McDonald's in the country. Flirting with Mountain while he waits for his food (it always takes way longer than it should because he and Mountian are too busy pretending they're not making eyes at each other). Bet Aurora and Cumulus are regulars. To the point that Swiss and Dew know when to expect them every week and usually have their regular purchase ready to go before they even walk in the door. Swiss is always trying to take Aurora out on a date but she just laughs at him. And Dew loves to convince Cumulus to try their newest flavored lube. Just because he likes the face she makes when they're god awful (they're always god awful). Bet there's a video rental store nearby too--always about to close. Bet Cirrus is the manager there, and Aether works the counter most days. Swiss ambles over there on his break to browse through the used section and shoot the shit with Aether and Cirrus, and pretend he isn't checking both of them out (they both know, he's not subtle). GOD, ghouls living in run down post-capitalist America just really does something for me too. I adore this idea, Gremlin. Your brain is so big all the timeeee.
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bi-mirandalawson · 3 months
i think my favorite part of ghoul au is actually all the bullshit between sloan and pre-ghoul hancock. i love the weird power imbalance bc of the difference in their emotional investment. i love them trying so hard to Not have feelings, but accidentally being so so so sincere with each other. i love hancock being so angry and so sad with no where to put it, and sloan is like 200 years old, she's been through this so many times, this awful hopelessness and downward spiral
and she sees so much potential in him because he IS incredibly passionate about the things he cares about, and he obviously cares about people, and she tries so many times to get him to join the railroad to do Something, to make a positive difference in some ppls lives and feel like he is in control of his life
but he doesn't listen to her ! that isn't a solution to the Problems, how can you change ppls attitudes like that. how can you stop ppl like his brother from making certain people illegal. what's the fucking point.
but when he isn't being sad and angry and self-destructive, when he can put that stuff aside for a while and just be a guy, he is so much fun and he's beautiful and he has this natural charm and so sloan keeps spending time with him, and he keeps waiting at her apartment for her when she leaves to run synths out of the commonwealth and he looks at her like a puppydog every time she comes back.
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Yayoi’s stomach growls. “Mmh...”
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phantatrix · 11 months
Ghoul! Bruno One Shot
[In the aftermath of a fight with another ghoul, Bruno wrestles with a difficult choice]
Bruno Buccellati led an unusual life, but he wasn’t one to complain. Even when this unusual life knocked him down, he found some sort of opportunity to make the most of it. He’d been doing this ever since he was born. The world wasn’t too kind to people like him but home was the one place where he could find reprieve from the hardships his existence brought him. From the moment he was brought into the world, he knew he’d have a more difficult path, but it wasn’t all bad. 
Being half-human wasn’t all bad.
His mother was a ghoul and his father a human. Bruno liked to imagine their love was like a fairytale. Growing up, seeing his parents swoon for each other and balance their different lifestyles, his heart would swell with joy knowing he was a result of that powerful kind of love. Even when they separated, he still held onto his idealized views of romance. If a human and a ghoul could find love in spite of the odds, then that kind of love was bound to happen for him. Maybe that was the hopeless romantic in him talking, maybe he was just hopeless.
That hopelessness grew over the next several years following his allegiance to Passione. He kept his ghoul identity a secret and he was proud to say that he could pass very well as a human. It would appear that having a stand helped keep up the illusion-- little did anyone know that you didn’t need to be human to have a stand. As long as he could keep that up, maybe he had a chance for some semblance of a normal life. Yet, deep down, Bruno knew that love couldn’t flourish in a life like this. Day in and day out, he could feel himself growing numb to the murders and deaths happening in the community around him, some of which were his own doing. A mindless soldier doing what it took to survive.
When he began forming his own team, his frozen heart started to beat once more. First, Fugo made Bruno discover his own paternal instincts. The kid, whether he realized this or not, taught him empathy again. Bruno made damn sure to try his best to be a positive influence in Fugo’s life. His temper was as volatile as they came but over time, the kid relaxed and trusted him more and more. Then Leone, poor Leone, began to wrestle his way into his heart and carved out a space for himself from the moment he found him in the rain, drunk and depressed. The two of them combined gave Bruno hope, hope that he could care for people again, hope that he wouldn’t stay numb from Passione’s cruelty, hope that he could have his own little family. The three of them were family.
Along came Narancia, who made Bruno’s heart hurt from the state he saw him in. Fugo had found him dumpster-diving for any scrap of food and then discovered his condition was far worse. Bruno helped get him treatment for his eye and ever since, that kid refused to leave his side in spite of his warnings. Still, he couldn’t say he was entirely disappointed in Narancia’s decision; in fact, part of him was glad he could take him into his makeshift family. 
If any of them knew what he really was, god, he couldn’t bear to imagine what would happen. 
When he needed to, Bruno would sneak out of their little apartment in search of food for himself. On the rare occasions that either Fugo or Narancia or Leone would catch him entering or almost leaving the apartment, he had a slew of possible alibis that didn’t make them bat an eye. Whew. Lying to them wasn’t fun but it hurt a lot less than revealing the truth.
He never liked hunting but he had no other options presented to him. He couldn’t starve himself, no, that definitely wasn’t an option. One time he had put off eating for so long that he felt his own sanity and self-control slipping. No no no. He couldn’t risk hurting his family by doing something so careless again. 
One god-awful night, that risk turned into an all-too-real possibility. 
This is where our story begins.
Bruno curled up into a fetal position, hidden away in some alley, assaulted by the rain. Tears melted with the raindrops and rolled off his face. His clothes soaked in his own blood. His eyelids weighed heavily and he wasn’t sure if he could stay conscious for too much longer. His family would be worried sick if he wasn’t home soon.
It would be worse if any one of them found him like this. 
His brilliant blue and crimson red eyes couldn’t make out any of the shapes around him, his kagune positioned itself defensively in case that other ghoul came back to finish him off. He doubted it but he couldn’t be too sure.
How was he supposed to know he would run into that asshole of a ghoul tonight? It’s not like he was looking for a fight. He was just trying to hunt for some goddamn food to hold onto his sanity. Despite his own warning to himself, he’d been careless. The past month and half had been so busy for him that he simply didn’t make the time to eat until tonight. Faking eating human food also didn’t help his case but it does work wonders in keeping up appearances. The sound of footsteps against the wet concrete pulled Bruno out of his wandering mind.
The absolute last person he wanted to see him like this. Long, lilac hair plastered against his face, obscured by the shadow of a dark umbrella. His shoes splashed little puddles in their wake from the far end of the alley. His eyes, purple and gold like dawn, shattered from his defensive glare used to ward off strangers into one of concern and fear and worry.
“Bruno? Bruno!” Leone shouted as he ran to his leader’s side. 
Bruno called back his kagune but he knew his black and red eye was still there. He turned to face the other side in spite of how painful such an action was for him. How did Risotto manage to get away with showing his ghoulish eyes 24/7? If he managed not to bleed to death, he might ask him for advice on that.
Onto more pressing matters, Leone was quickly approaching and Bruno was running out of options and time. He shouldn’t see him like this, no, but even worse, he shouldn’t be around him, not in this state. 
The rising panic built up in his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut and willed for Sticky Fingers to come to his aid, maybe send him into some pocket dimension to hide or even zipper himself into tiny pieces before he could even hurt his dear Leone. Unfortunately, his stand didn’t manifest, he didn’t have the strength to even summon him. Just great.
Why, why, why did Leone have to show up now of all places, of all times? Why now?
“Go away! Please! Now is not the time!”
Leone either didn’t hear him or simply chose to ignore him. Bruno felt his cold fingers on his face and couldn’t help but open his eyes.
“Bruno, it's going to be okay,” Leone comforted. 
Gold and purple met red and blue. Bruno pulled himself away from Leone’s touch. 
“You’re not safe here! You have to leave!” Bruno cried.
Leone wasn’t one to smile or be the most comforting person, but with a small twitch up of the corners of his mouth, Bruno felt a little more at ease-- well, he would if he wasn’t busy fearing for the other man’s life.
“I’m not going anywhere. I knew from the start what you are and if I didn’t leave then, I’m not leaving now.” 
Bruno stared in fear and confusion at Leone. He couldn’t be hearing this right. He was careful every minute of his life. If Leone knew, how many others did, too?
Leone continued, “When you found me, a disgusting drunk in the rain, I thought you took me in just to eat me, but I was wrong. If you hold on just a little bit longer, I can bring you something to eat, but if you can’t wait, I wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t be angry or blame you.” 
Bruno’s body racked with sobs and Leone embraced him tightly. He wondered if this is what love was, if this was the love his parents once felt. If love was a cat finding the one mouse it didn’t want to eat. The temptation would always be there and it would be all too easy to make a meal out of Leone, but he wouldn’t dare hurt him. 
Bruno nestled into the crook of his neck. Leone was warm, Leone would take care of him. The umbrella fell, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about the assault of the rain on the two of them. All that mattered was that Leone was here with him. Leone was his. 
The cool droplets of rain contrasted against the sticky warmth beneath him. 
Bruno immediately pulled himself back and stared in horror at the gaping wounds in Leone’s neck where he had bitten and his torso where his kagune had stabbed him. The light was quickly fading from those purple and golden eyes. 
“No, no, no! Leone! Shit, this isn’t what I wanted! I’m sorry!” Bruno cried out. 
Leone cupped the side of Bruno’s face. “All I ever wanted... was to find a way to thank you for saving me... all those years ago. If this is… If this is what it takes… to save you from yourself… to protect our family… then this isn’t so bad,” Leone whispered in between his gasps for air, blood dripping from his lips. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” choked Bruno as he cradled Leone in his arms. 
“I love you, Bruno.” 
His eyelids slowly fell shut and his body weighed heavily against Bruno’s. 
Bruno froze in fear of his own actions. Maybe a small bite of human flesh was all it took, but Sticky Fingers manifested by his side, comfortingly stroking Bruno’s hair while awaiting his command. Bruno had neither the energy nor time to curse his stand’s late arrival. Delicately, he pulled out his kagune and his stand quickly zipped shut both wounds. Bruno brushed the hair out of Leone’s face, anticipating the moment his eyes would flutter open. The panic only grew inside him; Leone needed proper help and fast. Abandoning the umbrella, he positioned Leone so that he leaned against his side and stumbled towards the alley’s exit.
“If you wake up, Leone, I’ll tell you how much I love you. But, you have to wake up, please.”
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rodoboo · 2 years
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So i’m not doing a daily october drawing, but I AM doing a weekly thing in my Ghoul apocalypse au for my ocs, here’s the first page :)
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mysticaf · 3 months
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Imagine tokyo ghoul x dead plate no way
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sp-ghoul-au · 3 months
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here are the portraits for all of the characters! missing a few side characters but ill get to them when i get to them
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shewreckz · 4 months
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POV you made a bride out of your dead ex-girlfriends' body parts but she gets the ick from you and leaves
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mel-kusanagi · 25 days
new ghoulcy drawing in progress 🙆‍♀️
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basically a pre-war ghoulcy co-stars to forbidden lovers type of AU mweheheh
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ghouljams · 1 month
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This was giving your dad!ghost :((
Ghost does not handle any of his girls getting hurt well. He's been through actual hell and yet it's sitting in the hospital while his kid gets patched up that sends him into a spiral. So here's Cowboy!Ghost dealing with his kids getting hurt:
It happens in a split second. Mary's on the pony and then she isn't, the usually docile animal panicking and trying to get as far away from the wailing little girl as possible. Ghost vaults the fence while you try to corral the pony and skid to a stop next to his daughter. Big fat tears roll down her face, her little hand smearing snot over her cheek as her other arm hangs bent at her side. Simon's stomach churns, he knows a break when he sees one, and he's seen plenty. They've never set his nerves on edge like this one.
He shushes his daughter, gathers her in his arms as carefully as he can, trying not to jostle the break more than necessary. It's heart breaking to hear her cry like this, her hiccupped sobbing as she presses her face against Simon's shoulder and tells him "it hurts daddy" makes blind panic seize him. Fuck's sake he's broken arms before, he's been shot, hung by his ribs, buried alive, but somehow hearing his daughter cry twists a knife so deep in his gut it hurts worse than death always seemed to.
Simon holds her the whole way to the hospital. He lets her wipe her snot all over his shirt and soak his shoulder with her tears. His baby, his poor little girl. He should've been watching the horse, he should've been keeping a closer eye on her. He holds Mary's hand (the good one) and imagines all the worst case scenarios that could happen while you talk to the doctor. Simon almost rips the man's hand off when he touches Mary's arm and she whimpers.
Ghost sits in the ice cream shop with his daughter in a bright pink cast, watching you help her put stickers on it and thinks there's no way he can go through this again. He's bubble wrapping this girl.
A sharp cry of a scream, quickly cut off with a sniffled whine. Ghost whips the door open to see his daughter holding her fingers tight against her chest. She looks up at him with a glare that could almost rival yours as you ask what happened from the other room
"Daddy closed the door on my fingers!" Bibi yells back, her pout reinforced by the tears blossoming in her eyes.
"Baby," Simon chokes, reaching for her. Bibi turns tail and runs off to her room with a sniffle and a:
"No! I hate daddy!"
Simon feels something break in him, and drops to his knees. He presses his hands over his eyes, tries to get a grip on what's slipped loose inside him. You wander out of the baby's room to check on the situation and Simon looks up at you like he's killed someone. The hollowness in his eyes when he drops his hands makes you raise a brow. Simon takes a deep breath and you have to stuff down your smile when he tells you:
"I hurt her," with all the severity of a deathbed confession, "She hates me."
"Si..." Your lips pull tight, he doesn't appreciate your humor in his failures as a father, "she's three."
It takes a bit of coaxing to get Simon up and into the girls' room, even more to get him past the doorway once he see Bibi laying facedown on her toddler bed crying. He feels big and out of place sitting on the little bed, even more so settling a hand on his daughter's back. It feels awkward, like it isn't enough to make up for the sin he's committed. How could he ever think he could have children, he's not made for this.
She turns to look at him, pouting, it breaks his heart. "Lemme see your fingers baby," He implores, helping the little girl sit up. She holds her hand up and he carefully inspects the little digits, all red and bruised from where he'd closed the bathroom door on her. He kisses the tip of her fingers and she gives a watery little laugh. "I'm so sorry Abs," He tells his daughter pulling her into a hug as she wraps her little arms around his neck.
"I sorry too daddy," she tells him and Simon sighs with relief. She doesn't hate him. That's good.
Jackie has to be the most accident prone kid on earth and she's going to be the death of her father. He doesn't remember two being such a dangerous age, but it feels like every time he turns around the kid has knocked her head on something or tripped or- something. Simon sweeps her up out of the way before a goat can butt its head against her. She giggles as he sets her on the other side of the paddock fence and watches her run after one of the barn cats. Only to face plant into the grass.
It seizes Simon's poor heart every time, watching like a hawk as she pushes herself onto her hands and knees and gets to standing again. "Ok Dad-dy," She tells him, the same way his other two do every time they fall. No tears, just a bruise or two. Now if he could just get her to keep this "no broken bones" attitude when she needed shots...
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ollyrewind · 1 year
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ah yes, arthur and merlin, horror junkies
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sosooley · 27 days
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she stood on tiptoe
again fallout centaur AU
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bi-mirandalawson · 3 months
sorry but this is sloan/hancock and Specifically: hancock is the singer, and sloan is the douchebag boy
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icedghostlatte-art · 2 months
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"What's that over there?"
"Somewhere you don't want to go—"
Fallout AU inspired by the new show
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