#Them Crooked Vultures wikipedia
nandostateofmind · 5 years
Mona Lisa
Trying to Keep Your Love in a Crazy World...
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The Mona Lisa is a classic piece of artwork hanging in the louvre Museum in Paris. It’s a masterpiece by all accounts and the highest valued piece of art in the world. So in this metaphor my wife or your girl would be the Mona Lisa.
You see in the museum that is our everyday life we place value on the things that matter most to us. The Mona Lisa of your life would be what you value the most of everything. Relationships in my opinion of someone who doesn’t know much at all are based on this appreciation and realize of what has value in your life. Therefore your spouse has to be the Mona Lisa to you.
Here’s where shit gets complicated. Everyday there are millions of art enthusiasts coming in contact with your Mona Lisa. The guys as she walks to the train or who come across her social media network pages those are the visitors to the museum. These are casual fans coming to see the artwork because they heard about it and want to see what the fuss is about and they arrive early to see how close they can get to the Mona Lisa. That thick protective glass and the velvet rope keeping them away that’s the respect and long in your relationship. So every time you slip up and call her a bitch or she catches you trying to talk to another woman that’s the velvet ropes falling down allowing these people to get closer.
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Then there’s the coworkers, male friends, and ex boyfriends. These are the people who have read the Wikipedia page about the Mona Lisa. They have facts inside information they know about the time it was stolen. They know about Leonardo’s other work and they have more time with the painting when the museum closes. They are within the inner circles. These are the more dangerous types of people. These people they sit waiting in the wings for you to mess and not pay attention to swipe your Mona Lisa painting. They come disguised as art historians sat and recreate the painting in their pass times. They mimic your responsibilities when you are not around trying to create the illusion that they would do a better job. See these are the vultures circling waiting. They like every post on social media send private messages on birthdays and holidays and texts messages offer lunches and coffees all for the attention. These are the shoulder to cry on when you have a problem. These are who will shoot their shot at taking your Mona Lisa the moment that you guys break up. They waited patiently and can’t afford to miss the opportunity.
Then there is you. The Curator. You don’t loan the Mona Lisa to other museums. You provide the maintenance, the protection, and everything else needed for the Mona Lisa. You know every historical fact about that painting and you live with that painting you are as much a part of that painting as the paints used. You know every crack every crease every clump of paint and you love every single imperfection that people don’t even know it exists. You know that crooked smile and you appreciate every stretch marks that came from giving birth to your children. Before everyone else saw she was a masterpiece because you framed her and placed her on display you knew what a masterpiece she was. You knew she was a masterpiece before she knew she was. You dedicated your life to that painting. It’s yours. There are vacation days (arguments) and there are your days off (time apart) but ultimately that Mona Lisa is your pride and joy. Sometimes you have to stand back and appreciate her to notice. Sometimes she’s only a Mona Lisa to you and that’s fine because sometimes part of what makes you a special mfer is that you can see what’s special in her when others didn’t. So this is for all the curators out there may you have a life long career!
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