#Then it doesn’t hurt! But nooo instead they’re looking or ‘sing with the other girls’ and you fucking can’t
lionblaze03-2 · 4 months
sometimes I think about writing and singing music not because I’m an incredible singer but because no one has my fucking voice, especially in popular music, and its disheartening to be born a girl, told you’ll only get girl roles or try to voice match other girls, or ‘sing with the girls’ and then only be able to match male voices because you’re a fuckin tenor and not anything higher. I can’t think of any girl Broadway roles I can hit all the notes on. Most songs I love I have to pitch down for myself or use falsetto for singing along to. It bothers me a lot less now because I’m an adult who’s more secure in myself but as a teen in kids musical theatre it FUCKED with me, BAD style. And I know for a fact that even now when I hear people with a voice like mine singing I get excited and immediately invested in their work because they’re like ME, finally, for once. A brother in this world of being afab and having the voice of a recently pubescent boy forever. Maybe I should be that brother too.
#Using randomly gendered words because that’s me now but hey#Regardless of if you were born afab and are a girl 100% or if you were born afab and are someone else#It STILL sucks to always be grouped along with ‘girls’ just because of your voice and realize#You CANT hit that. You can’t hit the mark for ‘girl’. You’ll never achieve that without like. Hrt#Just say THE VOCAL CLASS. Like. Sopranos sing with this. Tenors with this. Bass with this. Etc#Then it doesn’t hurt! But nooo instead they’re looking or ‘sing with the other girls’ and you fucking can’t#And it gives you a crisis at age 14#Anyway all I know is when other people who were assigned female at birth and aren’t on something they changes ones voice#and just happen to have born with the same deep ass voice as me. It makes me proud to hear them use it#Because not enough people do. It’s like we’re all collectively embarrassed or something#I see so many sad posts from teenagers posting their dream roles and the reason they won’t get it is ‘girl’#and it’s like. I remember being that kid. Never able to get a female lead because of my voice. Never able to get a male lead because of gir#Even though my voice and appearance could easily swing male. Nope! You’re GIRL. So you’re doomed to background forever :)#I got 1 lead role and it was when I was at my most feminine and was also for a villain that was a fat hag#I LOOOOVED playing her im aunt sponge forever. BUT. Never getting one again after that… showed me. Something#More gender blind casting and more songs just written for tenors please#doing just ONE of those things would probably solve the issue#But both please because I’m greedy and I want what I couldn’t have for every kid today#(And also me in the future in adult community theatre. Haven’t had time/too intimidated so far but I WILL go back)#And before anyone questions the language on this post. I STRUGGLED with how to word it#TERFs begone. I love trans people. I am nonbinary and some form of intersex (pcos).#I just word it this way because of like. Where we all start#Whether we stay GIRL girls or realize we’re somewhere in between. It crushes us either way to have the ‘wrong’ voice to do anything#Because it did me at first. And I’m otherwise GLAD to be confusing#I’ve come to love my deep voice it baffles others and they never know what to call me it really helps the whole ‘what am I’ presentation#But. In terms of certain things. Like being in theatre in the deep south#It certainly does not help and can be disheartening#Especially back when I was younger and more self conscious#lion’s lair
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prettyallfriends · 4 years
PriPara: Aim to Become No. 1 in the Idol☆Grand Prix: Prologue+Ch 1 English Translation
(I originally planned to translate the PriPara games after finishing the Pretty Rhythm ones, but I think I’ll try to juggle them instead! The PriPara 3DS games have a main story along with character side stories, I will do them in unlock order. Like with my other current translation, choices will be in bold, and the Player character’s name is just Player.)
??? (Meganee): Welcome to Prism Stone! Play PriPara, where anyone can enjoy an idol debut and wear a lot of trendy coords!
Girl: Yaaaay! I made my debut as an idol! And I got a tomoticket! Woaaah, what a cute coord! Let’s snap tomotickets! Mine will be in high demand soon, because I’m definitely gonna be No. 1 in the Idol☆Grand Prix!
??? (Meganee): Everyone’s a friend! Everyone’s an idol! Will you also try going to the world of PriPara? 
Choice: Of course I will! / There’s no way I could be an idol…
??? (Meganee): Nice response! Please enjoy your idol life! You’ve a really nice smile, an idol’s talent is their shining smile! What kind of idol will you end up becoming…? And what kind of fans will you make smile…? I can’t wait to see! I’ve been searching for someone like you… But before that I’ve been wondering, who are you? Looks like introductions are in order!
Meganee: My name is Akai Meganee. I help everyone with their coords. Feel free to call me Meganee! ...Huh? I’m being pushy? That’s because of the system! Hehehe. Anyway, before you go to PriPara, could you tell me a bit about yourself?
(Mychara creation)
Meganee: Thanks for telling me all that! I feel like I know you quite well now. Player-chan, it’s nice to meet you! Well then, let’s get going. Let’s go! PriPa-...
???: Winwinwinwinwinwin…
Meganee: Huh!? That siren… Meganii-san!?
Meganii: It’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Akai Meganii. I felt a woooonderful idol aura from around here… Ah, you must be the one to whom that aura belongs to. 
Meganee: Player-chan is going to debut today. Maybe they’ll become popular and shine in the Idol☆Grand Prix!
Meganii: I see… They certainly have a bright smile. I heard the power of your smile say “Come over here~!” after all. Player-san, please allow me to cheer for you during your idol debut. I shall give you the power to design a My☆Cyalume Coord!
(My☆Cyalume Coord design tutorial, basically you can recolour anime character coords)
Meganii: You will undoubtedly make many people smile with the My☆Cyalume Coord that you design. Gachagachagacha~
(My☆Cyalume design time. We only have four colours available so it looks awful. Sorry Laala I ruined your coord)
Meganee: What a wonderful coord! It suits you, Player-chan!
Meganii: Nice!
Meganee: Now that you’re ready, it’s time to start your PriPa-life!
Meganii: Please try your hardest in the Idol☆Grand Prix, I’m looking forward to it.
Meganee: Player-chan will definitely win the Grand-… huh? ...You don’t have any clue what the Idol☆Grand Prix is, do you!? I completely forgot to explain! Um… Well, first of all I’ll turn on PriPara☆Music TV…
Meganii: Winwinwinwinwinwin…
Meganee: ...looks like we’re too late. Don’t worry! You’ll find out about the Grand Prix soon enough. You wanted an in-depth explanation? Sorry!
Meganii: This is also thanks to the system! Winwinwinwinwinwin…
Meganee: Anyways, Player-chan, make sure to shine your brightest in PriPara! Everyone’s a friend! Everyone’s an idol! Lets go! PriPa-life!
(End of Prologue, Meganii jumps out to explain the coord gacha but I don’t care lol. Crying though bc I got a PR and then had to delete my file because I realised I had made a translation mistake)
Grand Prix Story 1: Aim to Become the No. 1 Idol!
???: Oh no, hurry! We’re going to be beary late for PriPara☆Music TV! You have to run, Laala! Mirei and Sophy are waiting!
??? (Laala): Gotcha (Kashikoma)! I’ll do a full sprint!!! Agh-!
??? (Kuma): Ahh! You bumped into someone! Are you okay, Laala!?
??? (Laala): Owowowow… My forehead hurts… Ah! I found the person I bumped into! I’m really sorry about running into you!! You’re not hurt, are you!?
Choice: I’m fine, don’t worry! / That hurt, what are you doing!?
??? (Laala): Phew, I’m glad you’re not hurt! I’m seriously sorry! From now on I’ll look both ways! Left, clear! Right, clear! Now I can safely dash! Ah, you laughed! Wow, your smile is… Wonderful! That’s a sparkly idol smile right there! 
Laala: I’m Laala, nice to meet you! And your name is…? Player-chan! Gotcha! I’ll remember that from now on! Your coord is really cute! Which brand is it?
(Laala it is literally a recolour of the coord you are wearing right now. I know you’re like 12 but Lordt)
Laala: Really!? You designed it yourself!? That’s so cool~!
Kuma: That’s unbearably amazing! This kid’s a bundle of talent! I’m sensing a lot of idol energy from you, Player! 
Laala: Are you also going to be on PriPara☆Music TV, Player-chan? Ah… You don’t know what that even is?
??? (Mirei): Laala~! What are you so pri-occupied with!?
Laala: Ah, Mirei! Sorry, I’m running late!
??? (Mirei): Ughhh! Sophy’s fell asleep waiting for you!
??? (Sophy): ZzzZzz… Is Laala here yet…?
Laala: Wake up, Sophy!
??? (Sophy): Mm~ Oh, who’s this…?
Laala: This is Player-chan!
Sophy: Player-chan… Cute… I’m Sophy… Nice to meetcha… Pshu~...
Laala: Aah! Sophy, don’t fall asleep!
??? (Mirei): Will you also be making an ap-pri-rance on PriPara☆Music TV as an idol?
Laala: Player-chan doesn’t seem to know about that yet.
??? (Mirei): Huh, really? I can explain it to you, so. It’s my first time seeing you around… Is this your first time in PriPara?
Choice: I debuted today! / I’ve been coming here for a while!
??? (Mirei): You just debuted!? I see… Well, if you get along with your senpai, Mirei, your points will go up!
Sophy: Mirei… what are you mumbling about?
??? (Mirei): Ah, you’re awake!? It’s nothing!? Ahem…
Mirei: Pop, step, get you~! I, Mirei, shall tell you all about PriPara☆Music TV!
Sophy: You’re so nice, Mirei~...
Mirei: PriPara☆Music TV is the prime TV programme in PriPara!
Laala: A lot of idols are featured and they perform PriPara lives on the show!
Mirei: And when you pri-form a live, your rank rises~ They’re organised by the Best 100, Best 50, Best 30… Once you’re at your prime and reach the Best 10, you can enter the Idol☆Grand Prix!
Kuma: Your “pri” puns are unbearable…!
??? (I MISS YOU ALREADY ZUCCHAN): What’s going on? I haven’t seen that person before? Are they aiming for the Idol☆Grand Prix?
Laala: Ah, Dorothy! I’ll introduce you to Player-chan.
??? (Reona): Relax~
Dorothy: I’m Dorothy West! And this is…
Reona: Reona West. It’s nice to meet you.
Dorothy: Ooh, if you’re aiming for the Idol☆Grand Prix, that makes you our rival, huh? Sion, you think so too, right?
??? (Sion): Indubitably! Rivals are vital to idols! They encourage us to work hard! When our friends encourage us, we can all work harder! 
Sion: Player! I’m Sion! We’re going to get along great!!
Kuma: Dorothy, Reona and Sion make up the team Dressing Pafé!
Sophy: Laala, Mirei and I are Solami♡Smile~
Dorothy: The number of idols wanting to join the Idol☆Grand Prix is rising every day, huh? We’re going to have to work even harder! Right, Reona?
Reona: If you say so, Dorothy.
Laala: Let’s all do our best!
Sion: Ah! Is that…?
Mirei: Who is it?
??? (Aroma): Staaaaaare…
Laala: That’s…
??? (Aroma): Staaaaaaaare…
??? (Mikan): Staaaaaaare~!
Laala: Aroma, Mikan! Come over here~!
Mirei: How long were they pri-occupied with staring at us…
Aroma: My name is Aroma! I am a devil who hath returneth from the darkness!
Mikan: I’m the angel! Mikan! I use my angelic power to grant peace in this world!
Kuma: Those two are Aromageddon! Their gimmick is that they’re an angel and a devil!
Aroma: Gimmick!? Thou filthy pile of cotton… You shall face the power of darkness!
Kuma: Eek! I can’t bear your curses!
Aroma: Thou art Player, correct? I see… Darkness emanates from you. Join me and with the power of darkness we shall conquer this pitiful world!
Mikan: Aroma says she hopes you’ll be friends with her, Player-chan!
Aroma: Ah! Th-that is balderdash! I just felt Player’s darkness and…
Laala: Ahaha! Everyone’s really interested in you, Player-chan! Hm? I can hear a song from somewhere…
???: Ranranrararanranran~
Laala: Ah! It’s coming from up in that tree!
???: Let’s sing together, little birdie~ Teehee, the wind from the Palps is singing too~
Laala: Fuwari! That’s dangerous, get down from there!
Fuwari: I’m oka~y! I’m Fuwari, I’m an idol from Europara! Sing with me~ Ranranrararanranran~
Mirei: She’s really laid-back, huh…
Laala: Well, that’s Fuwari for you! There really are a tonne of idols here, though! And we introduced everyone to Player~! Hey, Player-chan… why don’t you come on PriPara☆Music TV with me!?
Kuma: That’s a good idea! They could appear in the special debut corner!
Sion: That’s the part of the show where recently debuted idols are featured, right?
Mirei: Anyone can enter, so it’s a prime corner!
Laala: Player-chan will definitely be super popular!
Sophy: I think so too~
Mirei: Let’s go then! It’s almost the entry deadline.
Sion: We must hurry! ...Hm? What’s wrong, Player?
Dorothy: Why are you just standing there??
Reona: Player-chan… is that person your friend?
Mikan: It looks like someone’s staring at Player-chan’s coord!
Aroma: Who could this person be!?
??? (Da Vinky): Your coord is wooonderfully wonderful! Did you draw it out yourself? Amazingamazing! This is… an explosion of art! Gyahahahaha!
Dorothy: You scared us! It was just Ajimi-
Ajimi: That’s right! I’m Ajimi! I hope we get cray-on well!
Laala: I’ll introduce you to Ajimi-chan! Ajimi-chan recently debuted too! She’s a super talented pop idol!
Reona: Hey… If we don’t hurry, the entry period for Music TV will be over…
Laala: Oh nooo! We have to hurry!
Ajimi: Huh, huh? You’re going to do a PriPara live in that coord~?
Choice: Yup, I’ll give it a try anyway! / I’m not sure I’m ready yet…
Ajimi: Gyahaha! That’s the spirit! I can feel it, I can feel it! Your sparkling aura’s gonna explode on stage!
Laala: I also can’t wait to see your live!
Mirei: This is your touching off point!
Sophy: I’ll be cheering for you~... Lets PriPara~
Laala: Let’s get you into the special debut corner! PriPara☆Music TV… On air start!
(Live. Finally a break from this chapter. Oh my god is it killing me.)
Laala: Woah! Look, Player-chan! Your rank went way up!
Ajimi: Your live was super explosive! Everyone loved it!
Mirei: Your debut was a pri-tty huge success!
Sophy: ‘Grats~ Your live was wonderful~...
Sion: That live was a once in a lifetime experience! Today was the birth of an idol whose growth we can look forward to!
Dorothy: Are you really gonna go for the Idol☆Grand Prix??
Reona: If you work hard, you really could become No. 1~
Sion: Why not try to climb the ranks of PriPara☆Music TV?
Reona: Once you’re in the Best 10, you can enter the Grand Prix.
Fuwari: Entering the Grand Prix is very idol’s dream~ And if you win, you get the legendary coord…
Mikan: ...the Idol☆Grand Prix No. 1 Coord!It’s a wonderful coord!
Mirei: The name’s… descriptive…
Ajimi: The Idol☆Grand Prix No. 1 Coord…? Hmhmhmhm!? What is that coord?
Aroma: It is a coord that unlocks the power of darkness within you…
Dorothy: That’s complete bullshit, the No. 1 idol who gets the Grand Prix coord…
Reona: ...can appear on many stages!
Laala: If they can do that, they’d get a tonne of fans who they could make smile! That’s wonderful! That’s why us idols are working so hard to get that coord! Player-chan, work hard along with the rest of us, okay?
Ajimi: Oooh, that’s great! A huge explosion of smiles!!! I’ll also enter the Grand Prix with Player! Let’s Gaugin!
Sion: The path to the Grand Prix is not an easy one.
Laala: First of all, you’ll have to be in a lot of TV shows. Player-chan, Ajimi-chan, enjoy PriPra-life! Oh, actually, wait a sec. To mark our friendship going forward… let’s snap tomotickets! I wish that we’re all able to enter the Grand Prix… snap! Let’s do our best together!
(oh my god i thought that would take like 10 minutes. It probably took upwards of an HOUR why was it that longggg jesussss
ANYWAY once again i will subtly hint that if anyone needs help sourcing this game or just needs help navigating menus, hmu. and i would like to apologise for changing kashikoma... it truly pains me to betray laala like this. also if this ISNT the first pripara 3ds game um. please let me know lmao. also yes i am posting this at 6am)
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22. Bitches, I like 'em brainless...guns, I like 'em stainless.
Are you better at telling stories or writing them? Writing them. I actually would venture to say I dislike verbally telling stories…too many variables outside my control…I could be interrupted, fumble over words, accidentally leave a part out, miss an opportunity to include a witty remark.
Name a band that you can’t decide whether you like them or not. Post Malone…sometimes I think I like him but he’s such an odd looking fellow I have a hard time pinning his face to his voice.
What’s one song you hate, but know every word to? The Daisy sour cream commercial.
Can you clap on beat and sing at the same time? Not for an extended period of time. I lose it.
Are you going to be or do you want to be a big star someday? Definitely not. I want to live a relatively quiet existence without being crippled by materialistic impulses or bombarded by fame.
Have you ever heard of the band Pax Romana? I have not.
Do you know the difference between an addiction and an obsession? I mean, they’re both mental fixations in a way but they’re not totally synonymous.
What one place do you absolutely have to go to/visit this summer? The NY Reconnaissance Faire. My sister and I always go every summer.
Are you already going to that place or still need to work out the details? …we ALWAYS go. Just have to wait and see what weekend.
What would be a clever name for a pet porcupine? Quillzilla?
Would you ever even consider keeping a porcupine as a pet? Nooo. I don’t want to get quill’d like Chance from Homeward Bound!
What’s one word that annoys you when people use it out of context? None spring to mind.
What fast food restaurant(s) can you absolutely not stand? They’re all about the same. I like most food.
Have you created any surveys that have been taken more than 1000 times? I highly doubt it. I don’t have a very large following/internet presence.
What’s your favorite magazine? I don’t read any because it’s 2019 and that’s what people’s stupid Facebook feeds are for.
Are there any holidays you feel are pointless, and if so which one(s)? Technically, all of them? But they’re opportunities to gather with friends and family to celebrate some common theme and I think society needs that shit to function.
If you could be an animal for one day, which animal would you choose? Squirrel. I have a well-documented fondness for squirrels…I even follow Squirrel Instagrams.
What band, musical artist, or song do you feel you’ll never get sick of? More than I can count… Muse, Volbeat, Chevelle, Marshmello, Chainsmokers, Eminem, Dashboard Confessional, Lindsey Stirling…
Have you ever wanted to be in the circus? No. I’d rather not be raped by the Tilt-a-Whirl operator, thanks.
Is it cool or annoying when someone blends two languages (I.e. spanglish)? No, be my guest. Speak Parseltounge for all I care.
Do people care as much about celebrity couples a the media thinks they do? I’m sure, for whatever reason, that some people seriously do. I don’t get it, but who am I to judge? I sit around on Adderall and answer surveys about myself.
Is it annoying when people use cliches when talking to or giving you advice? Ehhhh, it’s not they’re fault they’re basic.
What tv show(s) do you miss watching as a little kid? Lots. Of course, old school Nickelodeon, Gilmore Girls, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Cheers, The Croc Hunter.
If you could visit any other planet, what would be your first choice? If outer space happened to be exactly like how it’s portrayed in The Orville, I'd go. Pretty sure it’s not, though.
Does it annoy you when people say, write, or type “dat” instead of “that”? It’s of no concern to me if other people defy the laws of proper english. I use it sometimes in sarcastic contexts.
Type some of the lyrics to the song currently stuck in your head. Nothing is stuck in my head.
Do you think college parties are overrated? As a 30 year old, yeah, totally overrated in retrospect. In my college days, they were usually okay or entertaining on some level. & If I got invited to one right this second, for whatever reason, I would still probably stop by for a warm keg beer.
Does it annoy you when people say “omg” or “idk” in a normal conversation? No. It amuses me.
Are you the type of person who’s always asking questions or answering them? In real life or surveys? I guess about 50/50?
Are you good with analogies? *toot toot* That was me, tooting my own horn, analogies are my jam. I essentially communicate almost entirely in analogies. Helps tie thoughts and concepts together.
Do you think Twitter is getting too much hype or does it live up to it? I don’t have Twitter, never got into the concept.
In your opinion, what’s the most boring job or position a person can hold? Subjectively, anything that involves math or being cooped up in an office doing math. I’d imagine being a Walmart greeter is also pretty boring.
Do you prefer outdoor or indoor concerts/events? I like the whole outdoor all-day summer festival ones.
Which fast food/sit down restaurant to you live closest to? None and all of them simultaneously. I live on the road in a semi-truck..
Do you think athletes and actors get paid too much money? Probably. While yes, I think it’s absurdly excessive I also think it’d somehow detract from the elite-ness of the profession if they made $12.50 + 1 week paid vacation and company health coverage. They would seem just like us, negating their appeal, because we use celebrity lives to escape our own. This is definitely society’s fault.
Do you know anybody who doesn’t like chicken? Vegans/vegetarians?
Who’s one person that can always make you happy without even trying? Depends.
What was the last thing you got out of the fridge? Krispy Kreme donuts.
Have you ever heard a song parody that was better than the original? Probably. I love parodies.
Would you rather hear a lie to make you happy or the truth that hurts? Literally doesn’t matter. There’s no definitive way to know how true anything ever is. As humans, our narratives and perceptions are so prone to logically fallacies and undetectable biases that it'd be silly to assume certainty.
What is your least favorite color? I'm incapable of disliking a color. I doodle all the time and there honestly isn’t a color I’m just like “ewww” about.
Is it really possible for one girl or guy to “make your dreams come true”? I’d hope not. When I actually *do* dream at night, they’re always bizarre, scattered sagas of pure randomness. Better off staying dreams, I think.
What did you honestly think of this survey? A little too much garlic salt but it'd pair great with a robust pinot noir!
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yanderel0v3r · 4 years
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LIKE—Ok... what about a BillyxSteve but Parenthood? YES, PLEASE!
-Where Billy is Bi and Steve gay only for him
-Billy, who IMMEDIATELY fell IN LOVE with Steve since the first time they met, keeps acting like a 5th grader with a crush
-Steve being confused by WHY does he feel WEIRD when he’s around Billy since he the first day they met
- Billy wishes to tell Steve what he feels but he doesn’t want his father to know he likes boys, otherwise Neil (homophobic) would beat him really badly or WORST
-The two of them being ENEMIES and acting like they hate each other but they actually want to be friends but they don’t know how
- Billy calling Steve “Princess” and LOVING the fact he gets nervous for that
- Steve acting like he hates it when Billy calls him like a girl (won’t admit he KINDA likes it)
-Billy sometimes visiting AHOY JUST to tease Steve and embarrass him
-Steve feeling SUPER angry/cringy/happy to see Billy and turning red when he calls him “Princess”
-Robin KNOWS what going on and this is why she ships them and teases/ tries to convince Steve that Billy likes him and also asks him if he does too (even if she knows the answer)
- Steve PANICKING and acting like he doesn’t understand what she’s talking about and running away to avoid the topic
-Steve never visiting the pool where Billy works because he would COMPLETLY stare at him
-The two of them getting invited to a party and at first IGNORING each other and FAKING to be interested to some random girl but actually wondering what the other is doing and getting kinda JELOUS
- Billy getting SO drunk that he KISSES Steve (who doesn’t refuse or kiss back) and when he realizes what he has done they start arguing and in the end they fight (and they actually missed that) but Steve get messed up
- Steve is shocked and tells everything to Robin who just fangirls over them
- The kids wanting to revenge for Steve and Max hating Billy for being such an asshole
- Billy felling guilty so he goes to say sorry to Steve how doesn’t believe what he’s earring, then they pretend it was all because of alcohol and say they’re cool
- Billy visits Steve more often and not only they unexpectedly become FRIENDS but also Billy decides to trust Steve and tell him about his father’s abuse while Steve revels he always feels alone since his parents are NEVER home
-Steve calling Billy “Pretty Boy”
-Steve introduces Billy to his “children” who are so scared of him but then they start liking him and Max is happy to spend nice time with her step-brother (who start to be nice with everyone)
-Billy driving to Steve to be comforted by him when his father beats him, Steve appreciating company and letting him stay the night when Billy doesn’t want to go back home
-Billy eventually confessing his feelings for Steve BUT OH NO Steve rejects him because his not sure of what he feels BUT OOOH NOOO Billy takes it wrong and feels like Steve is making fun on him for liking him so he warns him he would be dead if he told anyone
-Billy feeling patetic/heartbroken and being a piece of sh*t again with Max or anyone and scaring the kids that are Just like WTF
- Steve realizing he’s an idiot and asking Robin for help and she’s like I KNEW IT so after she facepalms she tells him to tell Billy the truth
-OH WELL Billy was so fucking pissed that he decided to move on (to try at least) so when he meets The Reader and make up
-Steve seeing them together at the pool so he feels like he’s a TOTAL IDIOT again then Billy’s eyes met his and Steve feels so intimidated by him that he runs away realizing he has ruined everything
-Times pass, Billy and Reader are dating, being an actual couple while Steve has been trough depression, smoking marijuana again. A LOT.
-Robin and the kids worried for Steve since he has isolated himself and stopped working but they don’t know why (but Robin does and keeps it secret)
-Steve finally deciding to go out bit meets Reader so he tells her to tell Billy he’s sorry since he’s too scared for he’s reaction but he doesn’t tell her anything else
-Reader asks Billy what happened between them but he stays quiet and becomes cold
- UM she can tell he doesn’t really love her but he can absolutely trust her so he confesses her that he loves Steve but at the same time he love you too but he can’t stop thinking about him
-SHE SUPPORTS HIM saying there’s nothing bad about being in love with him
-Billy visits Steve and he is schocked by how sick he looks, and Steve is so happy to see him that he hugs him tight surprising Billy.
-They talk, and talk and they are almost at the point to confess each other’s feelings but NOPE thing gets complicated because OoOPs Readers is pregnant and Billy and Steve are like OH SHIT
- BUT HEY Billy get super happy and promises Raeders that he won’t never leave them, he would love to be a dad even if he’s still young BUT THERE’S A PROBLEM in fact Reader doesn’t won’t to be mother instead she wants to be an indipendent woman with a great carrier and babies are just not in her to do list.
-ANYWAY Reader continues pregnancy (she lives alone because her parents are always at work too) so keeping the baby secret it’s not a problem, Billy is with her during her pregnancy issues and keeps wondering what the baby will look like and he’s always the one to talk about the baby not Reader because she actually things about collage stuff
-Reader tells Billy that she would probably leave Hawkins and Billy says he’s ok if he will have to keep the a baby on his own but that is not what she meens in fact Reader tells him that he doesn’t have to fake love for her when he clearly still loves Steve but he doesn’t want to be regected again (even if its clear to everyone but Billy that Steve’s likes him)
- Steve is kinda jelous and sad, but obviously happy for them ANYWAY Reader can tell how in love he is with Billy so she encourages him to tell Billy the fu**ing truth SO HE RUNS AND FINALLY THEY KISS AND EVERYTHING
- They become a couple and they tell Reader, Robin, Max, the kids (when Steve’s tells them what is up with him and Billy) and Susan too
-Unfortunately Neil becomes aware of what happened and before he can hurt Billy badly Steve fight with Neil who is arrested by Hopper
- Steve, Billy and Reader deciding names together, hearing baby’s heart beat during visit, toching Raeder’s belly when baby kids and preparing baby’s stuff at Steve’s house ( since he talked to his parentes about how he feels about being literally abandoned for so long and being in love with Steve and they are both really sorry and happy for him and promise him to change, so it is)
- When baby’s is born Billy get SUPER EMOTINAL and Readers asks Steve if he want to hold her and they look like a perfect married couple
- The three stay together at Steve and while he has become like a full mommy, Reader prepares her stuff to leave the town (she can’t tell her parents because they are not open minded like her) she will obviously visit the, and be part of their family but she need to go to college.
-Fluff moment whit Billy and Steve being in love, Susan giving advices to them about parenthood, Max with Robin and the kids having fun with their daughter, Billy and Steve always playing with her, Steve cleaning the kitchen after baby made a mess since she wouldn’t eat the food Billy was trying to feed her, Billy putting her to sleep and singing songs and Steve thinking is so cute to watch, being anxious about what would happen if they live her alone for 2 seconds, staying both up late because she won’t sleep and giving each other turns to go see what’s happening and why she’s crying in the middle of the night, both actually super tired but truly happy
(Sorry for bad grammar, English is not my first language)
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skivvysupreme · 7 years
“Heroes Never Die” - Kurt & New Directions, Kurt/Blaine
continuing my new favorite thing of throwing Kurt and Blaine into videogames... the world could always use more heroes. :)
AKA the New Directions play Overwatch, and Kurt makes a new friend AKA I, Skivvy, would very much like to be at home playing Overwatch, but I’m not off work yet
@whatstheproblembaby​ thanks for looking this over as a non-player, lol. hope it makes sense! I don’t know how many of you fellow klainers/gleeks play, but here are some references for anyone who doesn’t *know* the game and wants a little more clarification! you’ve probably seen some of these around tumblr?
the battle map: King’s Row Kurt’s team: Mercy | Pharah | Genji | Widowmaker | Tracer | D.Va enemy team: Lucio | Reinhardt | Symmetra | Torbjorn | McCree | Soldier76
part 1 of whatever? 
2000 words | read on AO3
“Kurt, I need heals!” 
“Then you shouldn’t have run in alone and then gotten stuck in an enclosed space where I can’t heal you, Sam,” Kurt sing-songs into his headset, keeping his wing-suited Mercy attached to Artie’s jet-packed Pharah as they fly around the point area they’re trying to keep control of in King’s Row. Besides the chance to get a good look at the beautiful, futuristic London panorama around them, sticking with Pharah allows Kurt a bird’s-eye view of who needs help. As Mercy, he can see Genji’s low health through the walls, Sam hiding from their enemies in a little room behind the point with a bright red and white plus symbol over him.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d switched characters like I asked. Don’t pick Genji if you don’t know what you’re doing,” Artie says, firing off a rocket in Sam’s general direction for no other reason than to express his bitterness.
Kurt shakes his head. Artie is obsessed with Genji, and skillfully plays Genji as his main character, but Sam had snagged him as soon as the game started and stubbornly refused to switch. 
“Like you never get hurt as Genji? I never get to practice him in matches because you always take him!” 
“I ALWAYS TAKE HIM BECAUSE HE’S MY MAIN! And you just jumped in there like an idiot--”
“I was going to knock out their Reinhardt from behind, I didn’t realize they'd gotten their Symmetra on the point, too!” Sam whines, frantically spamming the healing request button. Genji calls out over the team chat, “I need healing!”
“If you’d picked your own main instead of stealing someone else’s, you could’ve healed yourself,” Artie snaps, referring to Soldier: 76′s biotic field, a handy little bubble of healing energy that he can use on himself and his teammates. 
Ignoring Artie and his salty attitude, Sam’s Genji keeps calling out, “I need healing! I need healing! I need healing!”
Kurt presses the acknowledgement button (”Understood,” Mercy responds in her soft Swiss-German accent) and ignores the healing request. “BOYS! If you don’t shut up and focus, I’m not healing either one of you. Come on, we can win this one!”
“Can someone do something about this fucking Lucio?!” Santana snarls in frustration over the voice chat. 
Kurt turns briefly in the air to watch the enemy healer. Lucio has been a problem this entire game, deftly dodging their team’s fire and keeping his own team protected and mobile with well-timed speed and healing boosts. At the moment, he’s circling around on the point as though it’s a very small roller rink, attempting to capture it for his team, though the capture rate is slow because he’s on his own and keeps wall-riding off the point to dodge Santana’s Widowmaker. Kurt sees her sniper shots missing over and over, uncharacteristic for Santana and her main; her bullet streams come close to Lucio’s head but can’t land, and body shots are quickly made irrelevant by Lucio’s self-healing ability. Whoever’s playing him is good.
Santana swears when Widowmaker takes a couple hits from the enemy Torbjorn’s rapid-fire turret and backs off a little, Kurt quickly flying over to her for a quick healing boost before he links back up with Artie. “We’re running out of time and I can’t get him off the point, he’s too fast!”
“Where the hell is--? Oh, there she is,” Kurt mutters, hearing Tracer’s gleeful “Whee!” as Brittany speeds her towards the enemy Lucio. She blinks behind him, in front of him, behind him again, shooting all the time and maneuvering faster than Lucio can catch her. When he finally gets frustrated enough to try and push her back with a sound wave, Tracer rewinds, flipping behind him and taking him out before he can turn around. 
“Wooo!” Brittany yells, laughing before she blinks away again. “Got him, babe!”
“That’s my girl,” Santana sighs, resuming her careful attacks on the enemy Torbjorn’s and Symmetra’s arrangement of turrets.
Genji calls, “I need healing!”
The enemy Reinhardt, who Artie and Kurt have successfully kept distracted with rockets up until this point, finally turns and unleashes his special, ultimate ability. “HAMMER DOWN!!!” he shouts, throwing down said hammer and sending a burst of fiery energy rumbling through the ground to catch Tina’s D.Va and knock her off her feet as she tries to sneak up behind him.
“He solo-ulted me!” Tina wails, D.Va’s mech legs wiggling uselessly in the air like an overturned beetle as the Reinhardt marches ominously towards her. From overhead, Kurt can see D.Va’s tiny human figure flailing inside the mech suit, powerless to escape; it would be a comical sight if she weren’t about to take a Reinhardt hammer to the face. 
Genji calls, “I need healing!”
Artie and Kurt react in tandem, Artie shooting a concussive rocket to push the Reinhardt off his path and Kurt swooping down to Tina to give her a power boost in case the Reinhardt moves more aggressively than anticipated.
“Thanks!” D.Va chirps, a little thumbs-up icon appearing above her. Tina and Artie team up to take out the Reinhardt, pummeling him with shots from behind and breaking down his shield from the front until he’s finally eliminated. Tina’s D.Va turns her attention to the enemy McCree and Soldier: 76, and Artie and Kurt get back in the air to assist from above. 
Thirty seconds remain. 
“Enemy turret destroyed,” they hear Widowmaker announce in her smooth French accent, the sound merging nicely with Santana’s satisfied snickering in the background. 
“Symmetra and her turrets are out, too!” Brittany adds, activating a voice line so that Tracer calls out her cheerful, high-pitched signature: “Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!”
Then, just as Kurt notices that the enemy Lucio, Symmetra, Torbjorn, and Reinhardt are storming back to the point way faster than they should be after dying so soon, Genji announces, “The enemy has a teleporter.” 
At Sam’s prompting, Genji also calls, “I need healing!”
“Crap - everybody go, we have to clear it out! Destroy the teleporter if you find it!” Kurt calls. The entire team moves as quickly as they can, including Sam’s Genji, who darts out of his hiding spot so that Kurt’s Mercy can finally heal him.
Then, several things happen all at once, beginning with Kurt’s least favorite words in the entire game. 
Kurt barely has time to react before the enemy McCree groans in agony, his deadly ult interrupted by a swift headshot that prevents him from taking anyone else out. 
“No the fuck it’s not,” Santana hisses as the rest of the team laughs and cheers over the voice chat. Kurt sees her Widowmaker jump down from her perch to join the team on the ground and start shooting at the enemies, who have all gathered on the point. 
Tina pops her ult, D.Va yelling, “NERF THIS!” and ejecting from her mech as it speeds towards the enemies and begins to self-destruct. 
That infuriating enemy Lucio pops his ult at the same time, jumping in the air and slamming his speaker-gun on the ground. His call of “LET’S BREAK IT DOWN!” accompanies an impenetrable shield around his entire team, protecting them so that D.Va’s exploding mech, normally a debilitating and unforgiving ult, merely pushes the enemy team away from her a little. 
“Nooo, that was perfect! That would’ve been Play of the Game!” Tina screams, D.Va immediately jumping back into her replacement mech to keep fighting. Tina’s so loud in her fury that it seems no one but Kurt notices the next horrifying announcement:
“Shit, shit, shit!” Kurt releases his link from Artie’s Pharah, gliding out of the enemy Soldier’s eye line and away from the inevitable carnage. Soldier: 76 pops his ult, his shots landing with deadly power and accuracy on whoever he can see.
Kurt’s the only one who dodges the attack. A bright yellow, triangular icon pops up on his display, noting four teammates dead from Soldier’s ult. Then all five of his teammates are down as the enemy Reinhardt fulfills his inexplicable vendetta against Tina’s D.Va and pins her mech against a nearby wall, his teammates helping him finish her off. Kurt can see little skull icons hovering in the air where each of them fell. 
He hears his team’s rage and disappointment over the voice chat but quickly yells over them, “This is our last shot, get ready!” With three seconds remaining, his Mercy locks on to one of the death icons littering the point and swoops in, emerging from her hiding spot and shouting, “HEROES NEVER DIE!”
In a burst of yellow beams, all five teammates reappear on the point, rising from the dead to send the game into overtime. Artie’s Pharah leaps into the air and shouts, “JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE!” as a barrage of rockets comes down on the enemy team, taking out three of them as the rest of the team cleans up the survivors. 
The enemy team doesn’t have enough time to get back to the point before overtime runs out. Kurt’s team recaptures the defense point, “VICTORY” appearing on the screen in huge glowing letters. The match is over. 
“Oh my GOD,” Artie yells, the whole team whooping and chattering about how close that was. Kurt breathes and presses a palm to his face. He loves being Mercy, but god, is it stressful sometimes.
The Play of the Game animation begins, and Kurt is delighted to see Mercy on screen, spreading her wings and raising her arm in her signature Resurrection move. As expected, the replay shows his game-saving, 5-person rez in the eleventh hour. 
“Kurt, that was so good!” Brittany exclaims, all of their teammates voting for Kurt as MVP in the end-game recap that shows the match’s strongest players. He even gets one of the enemy team’s players’ votes, though all the other votes go to their team’s healer, Lucio. 
Sam whistles. “Seriously saved our asses, wow...”
“Wouldn’t have been so close if we had a useful Genji...” Artie mutters. 
“Seriously, bro?”
“Get good or get over it, Sam,” cackles Tina.
Kurt says nothing. He’s with Artie on this one.
“For fuck’s sake... I’m over this for the night, see you losers tomorrow,” Santana says, she and Brittany quickly exiting the group. The others follow soon after, until Kurt is alone and pressing his fingers to his temples with his headphones resting around his neck. 
A bell rings as a little pop-up appears in the upper left corner of the TV, noting that Kurt has a friend request from Nightbird1995. His eyebrow quirks with interest. It’s the enemy Lucio. 
The accompanying message reads, GG! By that, I mean ‘great game’ instead of ‘good game.’ Or ‘glorious game!’ What an AMAZING Mercy!!! :) healer buddy?
Kurt grins. What a sweetheart, this Lucio. He accepts the request and sends back, You’re pretty good yourself! I’ll be honest, you were irritating. The mark of a great player :P
If the enemy isn’t frustrated you’re not playing hard enough lol
Agreed. Though I doubt you had as much screaming in your voice chat as I did. My friends are... a lot
Lol. Wanna team up for a few quick rounds? My friends left :(((
Kurt answers by sending an Overwatch invitation to Nightbird1995 and putting his headset back on.
“Hi, Mercy! Or shall I call you ‘Blackbird?’” Nightbird1995 asks, a buoyant tenor voice playing in Kurt’s headphones. The player’s icon is a jar of peanut butter. 
Kurt snorts at the picture, but doesn’t comment on it. “You can call me Kurt... Nightbird?” 
“Ah, no, that’s my superhero alter-ego. I’m Blaine.” 
Blaine... Hmm. “Superhero by day, skilled healer by night?”
“That’s me,” Blaine laughs. The sound is wonderful. “Actually, I can play a lot of characters, if you want to stick with healer. Or I can. I’m versatile.”
What a refreshing change from his usual play group. Kurt likes it. Kurt likes him.
“We’ll see what kind of group we get. Ready?”
“Let’s save the world!” Blaine exclaims, pulling a chuckle from Kurt as he puts them in the queue for a game. 
This ought to be interesting. 
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best friend seventeen | seungkwan
- you and seungkwan have known each other since childhood - you met him when you were seven years old so basically what happened was that one day you exited your school and realized that it was raining and you forgot to bring an umbrella - you’re looking through your bag like please tell me i brought one PLEASE but obviously there’s nothing in there - you remember leaving your umbrella at the door while putting your shoes on this morning and you’re just like GREAT I’M GOING TO BE SOAKING WET WHEN I GET HOME - you take a deep breath and run into the rain and stop at a bus stop for shelter. you’re not that wet but you’re still a few minutes away from home you’re like ugh this is just the beginning - then suddenly a shadow looms over you and you’re like what is this - you look up to see a red umbrella over your head and you’re like ??? - you turn your head to see a cute boy with chubby cheeks who’s your age holding up the umbrella and he asks “do you need an umbrella??” - you say “oh thank you ???” - he says “my name is seungkwan!! we go to the same school. i saw you running in the rain and my mom said that if you go out in the rain without an umbrella you’re going to get sick so i thought i’d help you” - you’re like who is this sweet boy he doesn’t even know you yet he goes out of his way to do this?? - he then says “which part of jeju do you live in?? if you’re in that direction we can share the umbrella while walking” - you do live in that direction too so you both walk under the umbrella and seungkwan isn’t shy at all and talks about anything like seriously he tells you that he’s going to have jokbal for dinner because he loves jokbal, and he loves singing and the rain because it’s peaceful - his house is a little further down than yours so he drops you home and you’re like “thank you seungkwan” and he just grins and waves bye bye - and this happens every rainy day - you didn’t check the weather and it rained that afternoon?? SEUNGKWAN TO THE RESCUE - your dad accidentally took your umbrella?? DON’T WORRY SEUNGKWAN’S WAITING FOR YOU OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL - it becomes a habit (and you purposely never bring your umbrella because you want to walk back with seungkwan under the same umbrella like always) but at some point you guys end up walking back together even when it’s not raining - one day your mom looks out the window and sees you and seungkwan walking together and when you walk through the door your mom’s like “WHO’S THAT CUTE BOY YOU WERE WALKING WITH” - you’re like “oh that’s seungkwan” and like the next day when seungkwan drops you home, your mom invites him for dinner and seungkwan’s mom somehow hears about this and invites you to dinner at their place too - after this you guys become super close and by the end of elementary it’s been decided that you guys will be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER - somewhere along the way you discovered seungkwan’s singing talent and you’re like “OMG SEUNGKWAN YOU’RE AMAZING YOU SOUND LIKE AN ANGEL” - which gave him a lot of confidence and you’re always there to support him at school talent shows and singing competitions!! - he’s too embarrassed to say “this song is dedicated to my best friend (name)” so instead he surprises you by singing your favorite songs and YOU KNOW it’s dedicated to you when he looks over at you and smiles during his song - seungkwan’s the type of best friend who’s super touchy with you like there are always hugs, high-fives, hair ruffles, linked arms, piggybacks, cheek squishing - people are constantly asking if you guys are dating and after hearing it so much seungkwan just goes like “yeah we are. isn’t (name) lucky to be dating someone as amazing as me?” and you just roll your eyes like stfu seungkwan - you always throw surprise birthday parties for him and he cries because he’s so touched - “seungkwan why are you crying I DO THIS EVERY YEAR YOU SHOULD BE USED TO THIS BY NOW” “THE TEARS WON’T STOP I’M SORRY” - you two have a secret rooftop hideout you guys always go to where you guys get drunk on jokbal and milk tea - he’s always over at your place and vice versa like sometimes he sees you around campus and bonks you over the head and says “i’m coming over” and you’re like “when do you not” - his mom is always asking when you’re coming over so that she can make your favorite meal and your mom always asks the same thing about seungkwan - you’re his go-to person so you always get random phone calls from him - they’re useless calls sometimes like “oh nooo i’m out of milk pudding” “seungkwan i am not buying you milk pudding” “WHY NOT” - but then other times it’s him just ranting to you and you roll your eyes like “what did hoshi do this time” - you both have thousands of inside jokes and the trigger words are so common like for example, you’d both be talking to junhui when the word “orange” pops up in his sentence - you and seungkwan immediately look at each other before falling to the floor and crying of laughter while junhui just looks at you both and rolls his eyes so far back only the whites of his eyes can be seen - you guys always go grocery shopping together and buy all the snacks - when you were both younger, you used to sit in the grocery cart while seungkwan pushed you around lmao - he takes licks of your ice cream when you’re not looking - flicks your forehead when you’re being dumb or freaking out for nothing - girl group dances together!!! - super blunt and straight-up because mom said it’s not good to lie - “how do i look??” “NO DON’T WEAR THAT wear this instead it’ll really bring out your eyes” - you and seungkwan perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on any food you both effed up while cooking - he’s ready to beat up any guy that hurts you even if that means he’d get beat up too - like once this jerk broke your heart and you slept over at seungkwan’s house and cried about it to him - and the next morning you wake up and seungkwan walks through the door AND HE’S BLEEDING AND HIS KNUCKLES ARE BLOODY AND YOU’RE LIKE “SEUNGKWAN WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?” - and he just goes like “ah don’t worry, just took care of something” with a smile on his face and you spend the rest of the day tending to his wounds - but then the next day you understand what he meant when he said “just took care of something” when you see the jerk who broke your heart all beat up……… by bloody knuckles - after this you treat seungkwan to your favorite restos and offer to be the one to buy the jokbal and milk tea for your next rooftop hangout - “what are you doing all this for??” “i just felt like treating you today ok seungkwan no more questions” - everything’s a competition with this boy - “I BET I CAN FINISH ALL THIS CHICKEN BEFORE YOU” “YOU’RE ON” - we all know seungkwan HATES aegyo so you do lots of it just to annoy him and he just walks away from you with trembling clenched fists like eff you i’m going to look for a new best friend - just - seungkwan’s the most important person in your life because he knows you inside and out and he still loves you to the moon and back - he’s always by your side wherever you go, there’s never one without the other, you guys probably even made a pact where if you’re both still single by 30 years old you’re just going to marry each other lmao - (and his mom approves)
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mystery-star · 3 years
Liveblogging Les Misérables (2012) – Part 2/2
Here’s part 1 of the liveblogging
The elephant.  
Gavroche just climbing into that carriage. The disgust on the rich’s face.
“Cut the fat ones down to size” I just love it. The double meaning
Eponine is BEAUTIFUL. I also love her dress.
Well you call that love at first sight…
“Borrowed” Colette. Didn’t he make it obvious he’ll let her live with him forever?
Ah yes Javert again. Is there only one police officer in France?
There, Javert invading personal space again.
How hard. Eponine loves him and he asks her to find him the girl he saw like 10 seconds and fell in love with.
Boy please remember, you only saw her like 10 seconds. The world isn’t gonna end if you don’t see her again…
“It’s better than an opera” is that a hidden message that Les Mis is better than operas??
The way Enjolras pronounces “boy” boii.
Enjolras seems so offended by them joking around and Marius being in love
Marius, you only saw her fucking ten seconds…
“General Lamarque is dead” Enjolras going off like the guy in that meme bc he found his sign (you could actually make a meme with that… gimme a sec):
Tumblr media
Aaand Marius is gone the second Epoinine is back because love
Ah at least Cosette askes herself if you can fall in love that quickly.
Valjean still got the candlesticks…
Nooo poor Eponine looks so hurt and broken when Marius is so happy about Cosette.
Also Marius, remember: 10 goddamn seconds!
You’re name’s just Cosette? No surname?
Ah the love-triangle….
Yeah calling your daughter a hussy. How nice. Dad of the year.
Also, are they trying to go and rob Valjean or what?
*Police presence announced* Valjean: “It must be Javert” sure, we established already that he’s the only police officer in France.
He’s packing the candlesticks: Because that’s the most important thing to take, alright
On my own reminds me so much of my daydreams with fictional crushes. Like 1:1
Poor Marius so stressed when he doesn’t find her…
And please to the both of you, you’ve know each other a day!
Just why does Javert know the Revolution will be that day? Ah never mind, he probably heard them advertising it. Lol.
Ah so many people singing different things a time… No understand.
How the soldiers just wait until the students finished singing before they do something…
Lol Javert trying everything to blend in with the peoples/students.
I’d be the first to die by getting hit by a falling piece of furniture.
Ah yeah, sending Javert best idea. How easily they just trust him. Like why not send one of your friends you know you can trust?
What has Javert actually been doing in the time he “spied” told the police what he found out at the barricade?
Ah yes Javert, you can take up on all these people all alone, trying to fight them is the best thing to do.
Dear Javert, even if Gavroche hadn’t called you out, they would have noticed literal 2 mins later that they are indeed attacked before dawn and your cover wouldn’t have been blown too…
“They’re coming over the barricade” Well, did you expect them to just shoot at the furniture or what??
Eponine, if you had time to grab that weapon, why direct it at you? Why not in the sky or down or something?
“You get something, I get something. Who needs charity?” Gavroche, you’re my hero.
“Stay away from there [the barricade]” Uh-uh he surely will
How Valjean pauses after reading that Cosette loves Marius. The shock…
Cosette is the child of Valjean’s autumn days? Fantine said her real father was gone when autumn came. I love the interconnections. And of course how some melodies are the same but different people singing different lyrics.
Valjean, after your short solo about Marius taking Cosette away your “I must find this boy” Sounds wrong. As if you wanna make sure he doesn’t come and take your child…
Ah yeah stealing an officer’s clothes to sneak up on people that fight officers. Best idea.
And look the students learned and closer inspect the volunteer this time first.
Did Javert just nod at Valjean (When he looks up after the students show him to Valjean)?? Or am I overinterpreting
“Give me Javert” how Javert’s eyes go like “Fuuuuck”
Javert you don’t understand what “Get out” means? He’s fucking changed, he told you so. Apparently, you changed too from prison scum to inspector. Is THAT the way of the lord to hate someone forever and not give them a second chance? Geez.
“Once a thief always a thief” I’d be like “One more word and I’ll also be a murderer”
Thank you Valjean for telling him off (and sayings he was always wrong)
Boiii Valjean just WANTS to be arrested.
How cute that Gavroche is always some notes behind in “Drink with me”
Ah Marius please do me a favor and don’t pretend you’re life is over because you might won’t see Cosette again or that she’d be sad if you die. You could actually die, you got bigger problems.
Valjean stop singing, the people are trying to sleep. They have to fight tomorrow. Honestly, why does no one ever complain that people are always singing?
What kind of deeps sleep does Marius have? He fell asleep mere minutes ago and Valjean is right next to him singing loud and he sleeps like an angel…
Courfeyrac said the power would get wet…. Why didn’t someone put it out of the rain?
Sorry but shooting at a child and then finding it funny. Sir, as your superior I’d have arrested you.
Ah now that he’s dead you look shocked.
How organized the students are, discussing which cannon/men they take out first.
Also, why didn’t the officers bring the canons in the night?
“Ah no we’ll fight, doesn’t matter if we don’t stand a chance” but then becoming desperate. Maybe could have considered that a tad sooner?
Why didn’t you inspect the place you want to build the barricade before to make sure you have an escape route or something, huh? Or do so in the night?
The irony that the soldiers lie where they died, scattered over the floor and the revolutionaries are nicely lined up and all. Who did that?
Also, first time Javert notices that MAYBE he’s been a bit of a prick. How he gives Gavroche his medal. My heart.
Then sees the sewers/hears Valjean and is all “Valjean hunting” mode again.
How/why did Thénardier get in the sewers?
May I say they are in… deep shit?
“This man’s done no wrong” Uh sorry, he was at the barricade. He probably killed someone. Isn’t that worse than stealing bread and fleeing?
“One more step and you die” Valjean just walks away… and nothing happens. Lol
Valjean caught you in the trap? You went there yourself, Javert and Valjean only came hours later.
He’s balancing in front of a deep again.
“Nothing on earth that we share” do you want me to make a list? Starting with similar lyrics, deeds, or just biological or cultural similarities? For starters, you both live on Earth, both in France at the same time and you’re both male.
Wait is he singing like 1:1 what Valjean sang before ripping his papers? Ship-mode activated
Because suicide was the ONLY option you had boii. It’s one (1) thief you’d let go free, do something good instead and be happy, forget it. Or invent fines and let Valjean pay some francs for fleeing. Arrest him and let him go free then immediately or let him escape… arrest him and be like “He did good stuff; his sentence is reduced to one month. Tell someone else to arrest him… Want me to go on?
Ahh the “Empty chair at empty tables” melody that features in at least two other songs.
And how hard it must be for Marius, to be the only survivor. Survivor’s guilt. It’s not even his fault he lives.
I generally admire the people can sing despite they emotion. Like I can’t sing at all and it gets worse when I’m emotional.
“A night full of you” I’m sorry that sounds wrong.
Ah everyone is singing at the same time again…
Valjean looks like my grandpa when he was younger.
“No more words” or “Not another word” seems to be Valjean’s fave line.
How cute Marius looks, listening to Valjean’s story so eagerly like a curious child.
Why would his “crime” make Cosette’s heart break? Isn’t just leaving her worse?
Has he packed his candle sticks again? I’m sure he has them.
The carriage boy’s look when the Thénardiers come through it “Where tf they come from?” also great disguise and great fake name.
Besides, do they even know their daughter died? How did they feel about it?
There, it’s pronounced Boii again, twice.
And I still don’t know what exactly they wanted Marius to think that they came to the wedding; That Valjean is a bad man?
The candle sticks in the convent…
Valjean looks like he aged 20 years in the past minutes.
Wait he’s dying now and believes/dreams Cosette is near, just as Fantine did when she died? Parallels...
Okay for Marius “Bring him home” meant let him live, but now you say “Bring me home” means let me die?
So Valjean promises to try and stay alive, only a minute later he’s gone.
I still stick to my headcanon that the Bishop is God. At least for Valjean.
The altered lyrics of “Do you hear the People sing?” does it to me.
But honestly, will all the afterlife be waving a flag on the barricade?
And the hidden meaning that they did get their better tomorrow in death. Damn.
Also, I asked myself where Javert was. Then I realized he might be in hell. Like his whole “Mine is the way of the Lord” maybe wasn’t that righteous? Or because he committed suicide?
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