#Thena: mind your fucking business that's where
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
The Mermaid AU!!! Damn, it's wonderful! So Thena haven't tried walking with human feet, so how about she's trying it and Gil helping her? She's stumbling and let's give them their first kiss your honor🫡
I would also like to see Thena being so curious with human things like how things work and maybe her being jealous? I can really imagine her hissing with her fangs on someone hitting on Gil🤣 and ladies be like, uhh Mister is your wife normal? Does she often do that?
"No, that's it, you got it!" Gil encouraged Thena's every step, leaping forward to catch her when she stumbled. "Whoa!"
Thena grumbled into his chest, allowing him to help her stand straight again. "You do this all the time?--it seems exhausting."
Gil chuckled, letting her lock her knees again and resume walking practice. "That's how we feel about swimming."
Thena's jaw dropped, giving him a truly aghast expression.
He nodded though, taking one step back for every step she took forward. "It's hard work to swim with legs. You have to be strong to be any good at it."
"Poor creatures," she murmured as she watched her feet move through the sand of his little beach. He had insisted that sand was a little harder to walk on than most terrain, but at least it would be soft if she did end up falling without him there to catch her.
He needn't have worried; he had been there for her every step since the first.
She had been coming to see him more and more regularly. And with regular time spent in his presence, came her observation of his human traits--including his legs. Until one morning he came out to greet her and found her wobbling around in the shallow water, two pale legs under her.
"I know, we're a sad bunch," Gil laughed. His feet hit the pebbly beginnings of the forest floor closer to his cabin. He looked down, "hey, we made it all the way up the beach!"
Thena beamed, all but throwing herself up the last stretch and into his waiting embrace. She had been working on being able to walk without his assistance for a few weeks, by this point.
"You did it!" Gil swung Thena around in his arms a few times. He kept his arms around her waist, wrinkling the shirt of his she was wearing.
Thena swung her feet faintly within his embrace, tilting her head at him for still holding her aloft.
"Uh, why don't you let me carry you to the house?" he suggested, shifting her in his arms so he could hold her more properly around the shoulders and knees. "Sand is nice and soft, but the bottoms of feet are pretty sensitive. I wouldn't want you to get hurt walking on the rocks and roots and stuff. Plus it's dirty."
Thena had no real protests, even if she wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. She let him carry her from the top of the beach into his cabin, which she had seen once or twice already by now. It was a lovely home, and she had come to enjoy noticing the little details about it, like where he stored the things he used often, and how the wood of places he touched looked different from others.
"Well, now that you've walked a whole beach, maybe we should get you some shoes," Gil smiled at her as he got them inside. "That will help to keep your feet safe."
"Would I be able to walk more places then?" Thena asked as he set her down at a kitchen chair.
"Uh," he paused, turning and reaching to put a pot of water on his boiler (a stove, rather). "Maybe, yeah...just not anywhere too crowded."
Thena tilted her head a few times at him, "do I not seem human enough?"
He let the flame sit low and sat in the chair at an angle to hers. His legs were longer, and his knees bent more sharply than hers. And his pants - jeans, rather - looked rough to the touch. "You seem very human, Thena. But I just...would worry about it."
"Worry about me?" she asked a little more directly, deciding she had no need for him to hide his words from her.
"Not really," he sighed. "About the humans around, more so."
"What would worry you about them?" Thena tilted her head in the other direction.
Gil considered what to say, scratching his facial hair as he did. Thena watched him do it; she wondered what it felt like to touch. "Humans are...can be...nice."
"Like you."
He paused in his explanation to give her one of his very warm, very inviting smiles. She had never seen a human smile quite like Gilgamesh. "I guess so. But they can be less nice, too, Thena. And if anyone figured out what you are, or even thought too much into it, I wouldn't know how to protect you."
Thena nodded, looking down at her legs (lap, rather). Just because she could walk around like a human didn't mean she was one, and all it would take would be one human to ensure she never saw water again.
"I'm not saying we'll never explore more places, okay?" Gil said gently, reaching over to take her hand in his. She stared at it, wondering what the point of the gesture was. She wasn't complaining, though. "Just give it a little longer?--for me?"
"For you?" she asked.
Gil blushed, which she had learned from a few of his anatomy books was something that happened when humans felt flustered. "Well, I'm hoping you'll do this especially because I'm asking you to, I guess. It can be a way to ask something of someone you're close with."
Close: that was a good word for it. Thena looked down at his hand around hers. He was so warm, and even with her blood running a little warmer than normal with her legs and using just her lungs, he was still much warmer than she was. It was nice, though.
But she knew how warm he was from when he would lift her out of the water and up into his embrace.
Gil's head whipped to the door as someone knocked.
Thena tilted her head. "How did they get here?"
Gil stood from the chair, pulling Thena up to her feet. "I think it's a friend. I called her for some stuff. But just wait until I make sure it's safe, okay?"
It wasn't as if she really got a choice about it. Thena let him guide her to sit on the stairs just on the other side of the kitchen wall, out of the light of the large windows above his sink.
"Just for a minute, Angelfish," he promised, giving her hands a squeeze between his before going to the door.
Thena watched the shadows stretching over the floor.
"Sersi, hey--thanks for coming."
"Of course."
Thena tilted her head at the soft, silken voice floating to her ears. She watched the shadows move closer and then collide, melding into one. She slid down a step, leaning to peek around the corner.
Gil released the woman from a loose embrace, patting her shoulder. "I know it's not easy to get out here, but it's just not safe to go to land considering-"
"Of course," the woman shook her head, pushing a springy lock of black hair away from her delicately featured face. She was quite pretty. "I understand. Can I...?"
Gil glanced over his shoulder, hands on his hips, his fingers tapping against his belt. "I-I don't know, Sersi."
"Oh, please, Gil?" she looked at him with wide, doe-brown eyes. They were warm, just like Gil's. "If what you told me is true-"
"It is," he huffed at her, crossing his massive arms in her direction.
Thena peeked out a little further.
"Then this could be the discovery of a lifetime!--a generation!" the woman bounced in her excitement. She was effervescent and personable, also like Gilgamesh. Who was this person?
"Exactly why I can't trust anyone to keep her secret," he lowered his voice.
Thena watched as he lowered his head closer to this mystery woman's, saying something so soft that Thena struggled to pick out the words. She leaned further, trying to see if she could read his lips at least.
Sersi gasped as Thena toppled over, stumbling out from the staircase just outside the kitchen. "Oh my-"
"Thena!" Gil rushed to her, already bending to pull her into his arms.
Thena squirmed in his embrace as he muttered something about 'patience' against her hair. She kept the woman in her sights, though, determined to learn more about her. "Hello."
"H-Hi," she replied in such a soft, fluttery tone. She gulped, her lashes fluttering as she dared to walk a little closer to her. "I'm Sersi. A-And you must be Thena."
She looked at Gil. "I thought you said no one could know about me."
Gil blinked, maybe having not expected her to be so annoyed about the current situation. He tightened his arms around her, "w-well, no. But Sersi is a marine biologist. I had questions--a-and she brought stuff for you!"
"It's true!" Sersi leapt to join the argument in Gil's favour. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "He asked for some clothes and things that might, um, fit you."
Thena looked down at the shirt of his she was wearing, "what's wrong with this?"
"Thena," Sersi stepped forward again, holding out a hand.
Thena hissed at her.
"Thena, hey, it's okay," Gil whispered, trying keep her contained in his arms. "I promise, I trust Sersi. She's here to help us."
"It's okay," Sersi said gently, setting the bag down and tilting her head at Thena. "I don't blame you for being cautious of me. I can't imagine how much you've had to adjust to."
Thena tilted her head right back at her, although Sersi matched each of her movements. Thena blinked at her. "Who are you?"
"I'm Gil's sister."
Oh. Thena halted, her breath getting caught in her throat. She was...that explained some of her observations rather conveniently. She felt heat build in her cheeks; this was what blushing felt like. "I see."
"I am a marine biologist, as he said," Sersi continued, maybe oblivious to Thena's discomfort, or at least the reasons behind it. "He asked me some questions about a 'discovery' he'd made a few months back. As time went on, I had to ask more things about this secret of his in order to research and answer him. Eventually we determined that I could know a little more about--well, you."
Thena just nodded, still feeling a little stunned at the presence of the second human she had ever met properly. Gil was still holding her tightly, and she realised part of it was how stiff and coiled she was. She let out a breath, unwinding her muscles and relaxing.
Gil loosened his hold on her, although he didn't step away from her at all.
Thena met Sersi's eyes, trying to push down the twisting feeling that had consumed her just a moment ago. "I have a brother as well."
"Really?" both humans asked with equal surprise.
"Yes," Thena looked at both of them before landing on Sersi. "Although he's not nearly as nice as Gil is."
Sersi laughed, and Thena had to admit that even their laughs were similar. Sersi's was much lighter and gentler, but it had the same from-the-heart warmth to it. "I can't even argue with that. Gil has been quite a nice brother to me."
"Yeah, I'd hope you can't argue," he huffed at her, putting his hands on his hips again.
"No one's perfect, though," Sersi finished, turning her nose up at him. She looked at Thena again. "Can your brother split his tail as well?"
She had taken care to learn the words for things, too. Thena couldn't fault her on anything. "No, he's never come anywhere near humans. He doesn't trust them."
"I can't blame him for that either," Sersi offered a remorseful smile and a shrug of her shoulders. "You just got lucky and found a good one, I think."
"Yes," Thena smiled at Gil, who was back to blushing shyly at the open praise of his character. "I suppose I did."
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
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gwyn x balthazar | 3,6k words | warnings: none | masterlist
"What's on your mind?" 
Thena slams down on the ground next to her brother, folding in her wings and nudging him with her elbow. Balthazar jerks a little at her sudden appearance, but soon his shoulders slouch again. 
He practically radiates gloominess, and it is even more poignant than the already eerie atmosphere of the war camp in the evening. 
As the sun dips behind heavy, looming mountains of Illyria, a cool evening descends upon the war camp, casting an eerie and gloomy atmosphere upon it. The air is already crispy, a soft wind starting around the siblings. A faint mist begins to rise from the ground, adding an unsettling touch to the scene as it snakes around Balthazar's feet. He looks around him, past his sister, to the group of Illyrians gathered around a pit of fire. 
"Too much…" he breathes and turns his head to finally look at his sister. They fall in line, their strides synchronised. 
Gwyn is on his mind. Becoming the new camp lord. All the responsibilities. Everything. Everything is on his mind. 
"So you are going to be—" Balthazar quickly lifts a hand and shakes his head. "Not out here. It is not official yet. We can't talk about it out here." 
Thena understands. Of course she does. It was foolish to start talking about it out here. No one can know yet, otherwise Balthazar's fate will be similar to Devlon's. There is danger lurking behind every corner, and males who want the position instead of Balthazar. They would do everything they can before his inauguration. 
Speak of the devil and he appears.
Zave steps out of the shadows of one of the looming tents, a glower on his face, streams of sweat flowing down his toned chest. "Look who it is, the oh-so-great Balthazar Attas." 
He claps his hands as he strolls towards the siblings, venom glowing brightly in his dark eyes. 
Balthazar decides to ignore him, his hand curling around his sister's upper arm to pull her along with him. But Zave has none of that.
"Where have you been?"
"None of your business." "With the High Lord? Is it decided? Are you the new one without even having proven yourself?" Zave snarls, his feet planted in a stance. He glares at Balthazar, a muscle ticking in his jaw. 
But Balthazar holds his gaze, his hand still wrapped around his sister's arm. She steadies him but it is also to protect her. "Nothing is decided and as I said before, none of your business."
Zave grunts, a dirty look on his face, but Balthazar schools his features in neutrality, not at all in the mood to have this talk with him now. Or to talk with him at all.
There is a only a scattering of Illyrians around them and Balthazar desperately hopes someone will come to his rescue — but who would? He does not really have allies here, apart from his sister and his best friend. But maybe someone will need Zave…for something…hopefully.
"Why you?"
"We already had this talk, I am not in the mood for it again. Nothing is decided, and I don't know. So, get out of my eyes."
Zave chuckles coldly, tipping his chin. "Suddenly grown balls, or what is that, Balti? Since when do you talk back like that?"
"Get fucked, Zave," Thena then steps in and Balthazar's hand on her arm tightens. 
He does not like it when she speaks up and confronts the other Illyrians. Not because he thinks she shouldn't do it as she is a female, but because it could bring her into danger. And this is the last thing he wants. Thena is the most important person in his life, and her safety is his priority. Always. 
"Will you give me the honour then? You want to—"
Balthazar's lips split into a growl, nothing but threat and anger on his face. "Stay away from my sister!" he snarls, lets go of his sister's arm to step closer to Zave, his forehead, though he is taller, pressed against the other Illyrian's. "One more thing like this and I will—" "What? You will what?" Zave shouts, pushing Balthazar backwards with a shove at his chest. "I will rip you apart, and that with my bare hands and teeth." 
Balthazar flips Zave off when he turns away from him, tilting his chin at his sister to tell her to keep walking. He once again grabs her arm, pulling her along with him. 
Zave is too stunned to retort something, or simply too thick to think of a comeback. He stays calm and in place, just looks after the departing siblings. 
"Mother-hen," Thena grumbles and fights the urge to roll her eyes at her brother. 
She rips her arm out of his hold. "I don't need you to protect me, Baz. You are my little brother, not the other way round. I can protect myself." "It is not that," Balthazar groans. It is that I once failed a female who needed saving…he thinks, but does not say. 
Their mother. Her current state is the aftermath of what has been done to her and he can never let this happen to Thena. He would rather die…
"What then?" Thena stops just outside the door to Balthazar's hut. "What is it then?"
"I don't want you to get hurt." "I can protect myself."
"Not from those fuckers. You know what they are capable of." 
Thena regards her brother for a long moment, her eyes glazing the tiniest bit. She swallows around the lump in her throat, bouncing on her toes to brush a strand of hair out of her brother's face. 
When has he gotten so tall? Wasn't he always her little, tiny brother? She is not a short female, not at all, but Balthazar is just…huge. 
"Why did you grow up so fast, huh?" she mumbles, a small, sad smile on her face.
"Because I had to." 
Balthazar's face is is emotionless, unreadable, the void inside his chest opening once again. "Good night, Thena. We speak tomorrow."
Thena draws in a deep inhale, knowing that he won't talk to her right now anyway. He needs his space and she will give him that. 
She nods slowly. "Sleep tight, little big brother," she hums, lifts her hand to wave at him and then steps back into the darkness, disappearing slowly. 
In his dimly lit hut, Balthazar moves about, collecting a few of his things he needs for bed or in the morning to get dressed and also tidying his space. 
His thoughts are far from the mundane task at hand. But instead of thinking about the camp lord business, his mind drifts back to the moment he met her, the image of her captivating teal eyes etched vividly in his memory. She is just so beautiful. And so fae. And so far away. And so…not at all interested in him.
Dagger training with Lord Azriel…
Why would she want to do dagger training with Lord Azriel when he just her and they were about to talk.
Balthazar brings his hand up and brushes it over his forehead, shoving a few curls out of his face. He exhales a loud breath and then shrugs off his shirt, tossing it onto the huge pile of clothes he still needs to wash. He is just so busy these days, but he does not want a washing lady to do his laundry. He does it himself, no one should work for him. 
As he pulls his lower lip between his teeth, nibbling a little, Balthazar's thoughts stray again. 
Her gaze held a mesmerising depth, like pools of cerulean that drew him in like tidal waves.
A pull…There is a pull on his chest, like a little tug whenever he thinks of her. 
But he can't…No, it wouldn't make sense. 
He can't be in love with her already? They have not even really talked, and…
"Fuck," Balthazar breathes now also slipping out of his pants which also land on the pile of clothes. 
What if that is what love at first sight feels like? 
He has heard of it. His own mother claimed that when she had seen their father for the first time it had ben love at first sight. 
Balthazar always thought this was bullshit — you can't fall in love with someone from seeing them once or twice. But now he is not so sure anymore.
But…Why her? Why a fae female? Why one who lives with the High Lord? Why one who probably is with Lord Azriel…and has no interest in him?
A female and a complicated love story was truly the last thing thing he needed in his life. Stupid love, Balthazar thinks and shakes his head. 
As he gathers the rest of his things, her image remains vivid in his mind, imprinted upon his thoughts. He recalls how she looked at him, the slight surprise but also hint of fear on her features. Why was she afraid? Again…
Probably because he is just an Illyrian brute as all the others — the interaction with Zave once again proved that. 
But apart form the fear and surprise, he saw more in her eyes — in them there was a mixture of vulnerability and strength, something that intrigued and captivated him. 
He wonders if she thought of him as he did of her, if she also wonders if she will ever see him again. Or if she is afraid that she might see him again. 
Maybe he should apologise? But what for? For wanting to know her name? Maybe he crossed a boundary because he is a male, a brute, and not a noble High Fae like her. 
In the quiet solitude of his hut, he allows himself to indulge in the memory of their encounter. The young Illyrian starts to wonder what it would be like to know her better, to get another chance to talk to her. 
But what will he say? He has never been good at talking to females. Not in that way at least.
Nearly twenty and still hasn't fucked anyone, the wimp. His late father's voice hollows through his mind, harsh, like a slap to his face. What kind of male are you. Pathetic. I am really questioning if he has a cock between his legs. 
Balthazar closes his eyes for a moment, blowing out the single candle on his self-made couch table, and then walks over to his bed. 
It groans a little when he lies down and pulls the bedsheet up to his chin, twisting and turning until he finds a good position to sleep, his mind still occupied by thoughts of her. He once again finds himself wondering if they will cross paths again. And how it will be. 
As tiredness nears and also the other thoughts, those about him becoming a camp lord, start to seep into his brain again, a  glimmer of hope amidst the unknown starts to glow in his heart. 
They will meet again, they will talk and he will apologise or whatever feels right in that moment. 
With a sigh, he lets go of his musings, allowing the endless darkness of sleep to overtake him. 
But as he drifts off, he holds onto the memory of her teal eyes and their little conversation. He knows that some encounters, no matter how brief, have the power to leave an mark on the heart and the short conversation with Gwyn definitely did. 
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Prae sole vultu flammeus, ut nix amictu candidus, in monte dignis testibus apparuisti conditor. (o nata lux)
Amidst the soft melodies of the choir, Gwyn's voice blends seamlessly, not once out of tune, although her thoughts are far from the song they sing. Her heart is fully immersed in the sacred service, but her mind is in a far away place. Her thoughts involuntarily stray to the encounter with the intriguing male…whose name she still does not know. 
Oh god! 
She should have asked Nesta about his name. She should have asked Azriel, or Cassian. 
What is his name? Did they mention it and she forgot?
Gwyn recalls the way his deep brown eyes had locked with hers, captivating her soul with their warmth and depth. He was so…beautiful, Gwyn thinks. 
And he seemed so kind, so warm and open-hearted and— Balthazar! His name is Balthazar. 
But still, if they ever meet again, she will ask him for his name. She wants to hear it from his lips. Wants to know how he says his name. 
In the midst of the sacred surroundings, she is momentarily taken back to the moment when time seemed to stand still, when her eyes landed on him. She would have never thought to ever see him again, and then he was there, on the rooftop terrace. 
A gentle nudge to her ribs momentarily rips Gwyn out of her thoughts and she turns to Deidre standing next to her. 
"Next page," the priestess whispers in-between sung words, smiling a little. 
Gwyn, colour rising in her cheeks, quickly flicks over to the next page, and continues to sing. 
This male has completely taken over her mind, and she can't find any rational explanation for it. 
The choir's voices rise and fall in a symphony of praise to the Mother, but in her mind, she sees his tall figure, standing with a quiet strength that left her in awe. 
His presence had a magnetic pull, and she found herself drawn to him. The tug on her chest…it pulled her to him. And she has no explanation for that. She has never felt anything like that. She has found males attractive before…before. 
Menon, for example, when she was only fourteen, or…Azriel. But she has never found anyone attractive in the way she finds…Balthazar attractive. There is something else inside her heart, a wholly different feeling. It seems like a small candle, starting to glow whenever she thinks of him.
As she continues to sing with the choir, her heart flutters with a mix of emotions, swelling in her chest and she can't tear her thoughts away from him. It is like he is imprinted on her mind. So much that she does not even realise they stopped singing. But somehow her mouth has shut, her hands closed the book with songs and she follows Deidre out of the temple. 
Lost in her thoughts, she finds herself hoping for another encounter, another chance to gaze into those deep brown eyes and lose herself in them, to talk to him again. To hear his voice again, this wonderful voice. This male voice…that did not scare her. He did not scare her. 
He is a large male, loomed over her, his shoulders broader than the armoire in her room, and yet he did not scare her. 
Gwyn releases a sigh, quickly telling Deidre good night before she practically floats into her own room, tumbling onto the bed, her back hitting the soft mattress. 
She stretches her legs into the air, wiggling her feet, her hands crossed behind her head. "Balthazar…" she whispers, wanting to know his last name as well. But Balthazar is a beautiful name. It has such a nice sound to it. 
She still needs to change into her nightgown and she also promised Nesta to come upstairs to talk a little, but for a moment she just wants to stay lying on the bed, thinking about him, and especially about his eyes. How can eyes carry such a depth, how could they capture her like that, make her feel weak in her knees. And that not in a negative way. More in an intriguing way. Yes, intriguing is what he is. 
She wants to meet him again, wants to ask for his name. Wants to hear him speak again, wants to see him smile. 
He will probably be even more beautiful when he smiles, or grins. Mother and Cauldron help me, Gwyn thinks to herself and closes her eyes, her legs still lifted, shoes dangling from her out-stretched feet. 
It is only a few minutes later that Gwyn walks up to the living room of the House of Wind, her book clasped in her hand, but she doubts they will do much reading. They will probably talk again — a lot. 
"For work. Remember, spymaster?" Azriel holds the door open so Gwyn can slip through it, the shadowsinger's gaze touching hers for a brief moment.
"You just returned," Cassian, sprawled on the couch, his arm around his mate, says and lifts a brow.
"And now I am leaving. Work calls, we can't all relax." 
There is nothing bitter in Azriel's tone, it is mostly emotionless. He dips his chin at Nesta, then at Cassian and lastly at Gwyn and disappears into the shadows of the corridor, his boots sounding on the floor even when the door closes behind Gwyn. 
"Trouble in paradise?" Gwyn asks with a slight tilt of her lips. 
The general chuckles and shakes his head. "I am thinking Azzy has a secret lover, but I just don't know why he won't tell us." 
Cassian cranes his neck. Nesta turns to look at him, chortling a little. 
"Or he really just leaves for work." "Not buying this." Cassian removes his arm from around Nesta and wipes his hands down his thighs. "But whatever, you ladies do your girly talks and read, while I enjoy a long and thorough bath. Have a good night." He kisses Nesta on the forehead and gets up, surrounding the couch table to go to the door.
"Goodnight," Gwyn tells him and then he is gone, closing the door softly behind him. 
Gwyn plops down on the couch, leaning onto her best friend. "You don't think Azriel has a secret lover? It could be!"
Nesta grins. "You could be his secret lover," she teases and now is the one to curl her arm around her best friend. "But he is just a friend," she then mimics Gwyn, laughing when the priestess pinches her thigh. 
"He is. I am not interested in anything more with him, I told you that before."
"Of course." Nesta draws in a deep inhale. She has her legs curled underneath her, her book lying open next to her on the couch. 
She glances at Gwyn for a long moment, her expression and also her tone turning more serious when she poses the question that she has been wanting to ask since the afternoon. "Why did you never tell us that you saved Balthazar's life? That you know him."
Gwyn turns her head a little, glancing at Nesta, her lips pursed. "I really don't know. In the Blood Rite I just pushed it away, too much was going on and then later…I did not know his name and I— It was so much, and the interaction with him overwhelmed me so much, I did not not want to think about it during the Blood Rite. After we returned, I think I forgot about him." She did not. She has never forgotten about him, but she has no plausible reason for why she did not tell them — she does not know herself. 
"How did you save his life? I did not want to ask earlier, you seemed somehow uncomfortable…" Nesta's tone is soft and warm, her thumb brushing over Gwyn's arm. "You obviously don't have to recall it if it is a memory you would rather have locked away behind iron gates in your mind."
But Gwyn gives her head a little shake, a small smile blooming on her face. "I fell on him." 
Nesta's eyes widen the slightest bit and a giggle parts her lips. "That is it? You fell onto Balthazar and saved his life?"
And Gwyn nods, knowing how odd that sounds, but it is the truth. When it happened she didn't even  know herself that she saved him, only when he told her so. "But I was scared, we were so close and I was in shock." "Which is understandable. You did not know him, he was just an Illyrian as all the others. I was also wary of him."
"But he is not like the others?" 
It is a statement, yet Gwyn poses it as a question. Although, deep inside her heart and soul there is a flicker of hope that tells her he is different, not a brute. And yet, he is still a male - a male she does not know. And she can only be wary of. To protect herself. 
Nesta nods slowly, some unreadable emotion passing over face. "Yes," she finally says. "Yes, I believe he is different. He helped me in the Blood Rite, and never once made a move to hurt me or anything like this. And my mate trusts him as well. And so does Rhysand. They wouldn't, if he was a bad male."
That comforts Gwyn, a lot actually, and only makes her look more forward to another encounter with him. She wants to see him again, she knows it, even though she is nervous. 
"Reading now?"
"Just started the new Sellyn Drake!" Nesta beams, reaching over to grab her book as Gwyn opens hers, her heart sparkling just like her eyes. 
~~~~~~~~~ tag list: @a-frog-with-a-laptop @brekkershadowsinger @moonlightazriel @callmeblaire @headcanonheadcase @waternymphia @autumndreaming7 @devilsfoodcake22 @readercacau @sv0430 @bubybubsters @cyntia-ktn
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Whos juno pls tell me about juno
He's an oc sort of.
All three of them are, they're following a story I've been building in my head for a few years now. Juno and Aquilan are "siblings" in that their "dad" kidnapped both of them from their pits in hell and forced sentience on them.
The idea behind hell for this is that it's separated into the seven sins, and each tier there is a festering pool where the lowest tier of demons who lack true thought just dwell in their alignment. So for Juno, gluttony, he was just a faceless mass with the rest of his kind eating and being eaten in kind. That's where souls would be put for punishment, and how demons are born. they're just put there for torment, and eventually they'd lose their minds, and join in the hoard, and it would become their only reason for living. eventually every soul crawls out of the hoard and joins the upper ranks, and take on tasks, summons, from humans. Take their soul, if it has an affinity to their pit put it there, if not you can eat it, or keep it, or do whatever you want with it. Doesn't matter. You kept your side of the contract, it's yours to do with what you want.
So, Juno is gluttony. He got spat out and snatched up by a higher demon of greed, kept away from his pit, and forced to gain sentience. He, and Aquilan, had to take on their "fathers" summonses. They can more or less choose how they look. Juno always likes to choose something kind of bullish. Partway out of just liking how it looks, and partway because he likes cows. Particularly gluttonous creatures that just laze around eating, chewing their cud when they're not eating, their only point is to be food, make food, or eat food. You can see the pros of it.
He's siblings with Aquilan by word of their mutual father, but neither of them see each other as anything more than a pest. If they're summoned to the same time, they'll do everything to fuck each other up. Lonnie has had him on earth for about 500 years before, fucking up his every attempt to get back home.
Juno himself, for the main part, is a barkeep. He was summoned by the old guild master, who had nobody to take over for him and run the place. Juno just had to run it in his stead, and wasn't allowed to purposely let it go to ruin, and wasn't allowed to plot against it. It would have been a MAYBE forty year task if it were him on his own, but Aquilan was summoned by a giant called Joey who wanted companionship. Aquilan is lust, but grew up with greed, so she pretends to be a demon of greed most of the time, running a traveling merchants stand. She'd follow Juno's heroes around giving them any tools they need to win their battles. The price is their soul, but they'd never know it until their final moments.
With her and them, Aquilan manages to keep Juno in business for 500 years before he finally manages to get the tavern destroyed.
Aquilan is gone for a good 80 years by the time he comes home.
Thena was one of Juno's heroes, and had no intention of being one. She was just tricked into the position by Aquilan.
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spideyspeaches · 3 years
Let me be your purpose ↬ [druig]
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A/N: fianlly got something written jsdksjkl based on this request by anon! beta read by mi amor @darling-im-moonstruck <3<3
WC: 2.2k+
Warnings: smut (18+ only!), mention of canonical character death, canon nudged to the left :D
Pairing: Druig x Eternal!Reader (fem)
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For someone who was meant to live forever- a supposedly synthetic sentient being, one who wasn’t aware of yourself until your leader was sacrificed for a greater purpose, you were pretty good at holding grudges. It was the 21st century and you learnt that being stubborn was a common trait, and that it was okay to do so if your not-really partner left you wondering for five fucking thousand years if he felt the same for you or not.
Five thousand was a long time to dwell on feelings. And while you met other men (and women) during those five thousand years, you felt yourself yearning for the one man you've known since your existence on this planet.
Now that you think of it as you walk through the thick jungles of the unfamiliar lands of Amazon, you can’t help but wring your hands nervously, only sparing Sersi a glance as she looks at you with pursed lips, a coil of dread and nervousness making itself apparent in your gut at the prospect of meeting him again, after admittedly, a very long long time. An eternity, a romantic poet would call it.
You were standing just outside the rumoured kingdom, only at the insistence of Sersi and Ikarus, both of whom were aware of your… fling with him, if the way they glanced at you with familiarity in their eyes was anything to go by. Your head flashed to their wedding, feeling phantoms of his hands encircling your waist as he stood next to you, Makkari to your other side as she gave you a smirk at his actions.
For years, you both had denied having a label to your relationship- for the best too apparently, seeing as the only two of the eternals living together were Sersi and Sprite. You may have lost connection with them, but you never really forgot about him. Him and his flirty jokes, soft shoulder nudges and feather light kisses on your neck that left you shuddering at the sensation.
Thena- bless her, was oblivious to your predicament, as was Gilgamesh- seeing as he was left taking care of her. Smiling at their friendship and the devotion they had for each other, you felt your throat constricting. In a moment of weakness, you were left feeling strangely human at the thought of being able to see him with your own eyes, not just a figment of your imagination this time.
Yes, you could make a human sculpture with a twirl of your fingers- one command and the dirt and stones around you would turn into the most beautiful, lively sculptures made, be it from the temples of India or the Pantheons of Greece. But no amount of pristine sculptures could replicate his beauty to an extent. Your powers may be the exact opposite of those of Sersi, but in a way, you were both way similar.
“What’s on your mind?” She asks quietly as if reading your mind, absentmindedly kicking a dry log, looking at you with an unreadable expression that made you clench your fists.
“Nothing,” You mutter, squinting your eyes at the sun on top of your head, “Just..uh tired. Long day walking y’know.”
"You sure? I mean it's none of my business, but seeing your ex after thousands of years can be a little intimidating." She shrugged, sending you a smirk that said that she did not regret saying that statement, "I would know, I had to tell my human boyfriend that Ikaris was a pilot."
"Little would be an understatement," You muttered under your breath, "and he's not my ex, we never dated anyway."
"In theory," Kingo piped in, "You know bollywood has a movie, where soulmates meet in a different life, it's called Raabata, it means "connection" in Urdu."
"And how exactly does this fit my story?" You smiled, pursing your lips in amusement. You found it endearing, how connected and obsessed he seemed to be with these movies.
(You have to admit though, however weird they were, those movies were addictive.)
"If I may Madam, I think sir wants to say that maybe you and whatever God we're meeting next is your soulmate and that you're destined to meet!" Karun explains, a bounce to his step as Kingo pats his back.
"Aw, that's sweet Karun," You chuckled, feeling a strange heaviness in your chest. Clearing your throat, you looked ahead of you, “we’ll see about fate and soulmate though, as of now, we just need to find his goddamn kingdom, who lives in the middle of a forest anyway?”
Smiling at the chuckles, you shake your head, trudging your way ahead.
Only this time, your eyes met the sight of a small village, a small beautiful village with a very intimidating gatekeeper too.
“We come here in peace, we don’t want trouble.” Ikarus initiates, looking back at everybody as you all nod in affirmation.
“No one is supposed to know about this place, now tell me who you people are?”
“Let them go, they’re with me.” Druig’s voice suddenly echoed, making everyone snap their heads to the source of his voice.
"We're gonna go meet the others." Gilgamesh piped in, giving others a look as they all nodded in unison.
The guard bowed his head before backing away, your eyes meeting his.
And it felt like your lungs took in too much air, puffing your chest, leaving your heart to burst out of your body. Everything came to you in flashes, his hands touching spots on your skin, his lips leaving imprints of him on your neck, his smile and his sweet words echoing in your head.
Walking towards him through what felt like molasses, you let go of your surroundings, your gaze trained on his sharp features.
"Hey there sunshine." He whispered, only heard by your ears, a tiny smirk making its way on his face.
"Hey yourself." You muttered, before puffing your chest and aiming right for his nose, punching him so hard that you could hear the bone of his nose crunch.
“Ow ok I missed you too princess!” He said, his voice nasally and eyes mischievous, stepping back when he saw your fuming expression.
"Don't call me princess," you growled, moving forward so that you were close enough to feel his breath fanning your skin. The others at this point had retreated to other places of the camp, leaving just the two of you- standing firm on your ground as you felt yourself soften up.
"What do you want me to call you then, beautiful?" He smirked, bringing a hand up to lift your chin, finally getting a look at his icy blue eyes.
"Call me what you want once I give you a taste of your own medicine." You said back, pushing him aside and making your way towards the others.
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“I’ll only come if she stops the silent treatment.” He smirked, everyone’s eyes now trained on you as you rolled your eyes, standing up from where you were leaning on the wall of the small hut.
“That’s a stupid deal.” You muttered.
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“How’s my sunshine this morning?” His sweet drawl echoes in your ear, his soft hands slowly encircling your waist as you huff at him, hooking your hands to his as you begrudgingly sway with him, the nightly breeze hitting your bare hands, making goosebumps appear on your skin.
You didn’t know at what point it had started, maybe it was three thousand years ago when he took a spear for you during a war, angering you at his stupid self sacrificial behaviour, or maybe it was with how he had abandoned everyone to live in some discreet village with pesky little humans, your hatred for him ran deep in your veins, discolouring your once golden blood and leaving a sour taste in your mouth at every glance he spared at you with his stupid, beautiful, gorgeous fucking eyes.
Those stupid fucking eyes that left your heart racing and mouth dry, hands shaking in anticipation of what might come out of his mouth next, sounds of his moans and pants coming in muffled waves like you were deep under the ocean as you saw his tiny smirk directed at you. Rolling your eyes, you huffed another strangled sound, pushing your hand on his chest and another on the headboard of some poor local who was out at the moment as your hips rocked in sync with his. You were glad that the others had left you two alone, albeit with a knowing look.
You had the house to yourself- you and that stupid oaf of a man, Druig.
And as you flipped him with all your will and power- his mind control powers never really worked on you, for the first time you felt as if he had a spell on you, your mind going blank as your sweaty bodies clashed against each other, and yet you couldn’t bear to look at his face right now, afraid that anger still hot and boiling in your chest would leave your wounded mouth unzipped, accidentally bringing out the wrong message to him.
Scrunching your eyes, you bit your lips as your stomach roiled with pleasure, the sight of him under you as you rode him mushed up your thought process of why exactly were you angry with the man you were in love with.
“Still the silent treatment princess?” Druig grunted, clenching his hands around your waist as you looked up, sweating and out of breath but still ecstatic at the feeling of his cock inside you, your own walls clenching like they hadn’t in thousands of years, "You know this isn't going to work if you don't speak right? That was the deal."
For years and years, you and Druig had… something. Something that was, unfortunately and to the eternal vexation of the others, unnamed. Something that had the potential of being beautiful, like the thing he and Makkari had. No matter how mad you were with him, their interactions always made your heart swell.
"Now you want to talk huh?" You huffed, squeezing his shoulders, feeling closer and closer to your climax, the bed creaking with both your added weights and movement.
"What do you mean by that love?" He sighed, squeezing your hips to grab your attention.
For the first time that night, you got a proper look at his features, his sharp cheekbones and dark eyes, the flat mushroom he called hair, his piercing blue eyes meeting yours that meant business, a shine to them that you couldn’t get, and yet a dark sheen to them that made your heart stutter.
"What I mean is, that you're a fucking asshole!" You seethed, sneering at his confused expression, "why do you always leave? Why do you always promise you'll stay when you know that you won't keep that promise!?"
"No! Don't you sweetheart me Druig! You're a fucking liar and I hate you!" You cried out, frustrated and tired and angry, pounding on his chest as you pulled out of him, “are you even planning on staying if you do join us?”
A moment of silence, one that felt like a knife slicing through your chest was all it took for the dam to break. Getting up, body exposed under the thin moonlight coming through the curtains of the ten, you curled up in a tight ball, flinching when you felt his arms encircling your body, mouth close to your ears enough to feel his hot breath on your skin.
“I didn’t want to leave you beautiful, I just, I was so angry at Ajak for not letting me stop all those awful wars, I couldn’t bear looking at them y’know?” he explains slowly, rubbing his palms back and forth on your skin, “What’s the use of my powers if I can’t even stop wars?”
“But that’s the thing about you,” You murmur, bringing his palm closer to your lips, feeling his pointy hair tickle your neck, “you have powers and you use them for good. But there are certain things that just… cannot be prevented Druig, you just have to let them happen.”
“And I’m sick of hearing those words.” He whispers, “they make me feel like I have no real purpose.”
Whipping back to see his face, you scrunch your brow, tenderly caressing his cheeks in your palm, “but you do have a purpose! Your purpose is avenging Ajak! Your purpose is stopping those disgusting deviants and protecting the humans on this beautiful planet! You have.. You have me. Let me be your purpose.”
“Damn right I have you princess.” He smirked, caressing a hand under your hair to pull you in for another kiss, this time slow and passionate and warm, and so much like him that it made your chest ache at the familiarity, “damn right you do.”
"I'll come with you guys." Was all he said, the others looking at you with a knowing smile as they nodded.
The fight for your life was exhausting, losing Gilgamesh was exhausting, but knowing that he had your back was as refreshing as knowing that saving the life of these mortals on this planet was as worth disobeying the very being who created you.
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A/N: Lemme know what y'all think!! <33
Tagging some moots (hope u don't mind 😬): @tommysparker @selfcarecap @annathesillyfriend
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shels-kpop-main · 5 years
Artemis & Athena: The Funeral Introduction (The Pantheon AU)
Here’s the beginning of Artie and Thena’s story! These two aren’t a couple (yet), but I thought I’d write a little something about how they met. I love these two so much, and I hope y’all will too. Let me know what you think!
Word Count: 1370
Warnings: Drinking, social anxiety, mentions of sex
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Prometheus always had an inkling that he would die young. Presumably, as a result of his work. He had toppled the regimes of several major crime bosses across Europe in order to create the empire that was the Pantheon.
Because of this notion, the original Titan spent an inordinate amount of time planning his own funeral. This was for two reasons. Firstly, Prometheus hated the idea of Hyperion having to plan his funeral. It seemed like a punishment on top of a tragedy. Secondly, Prometheus loved a good party. And boy, did he have ideas for this one.
The Titan sat down at his desk one day, years before he died, and wrote out the plan for his funeral. He called it The Ten Commandments.
Absolutely no crying. At all.
Cremate my body, and bury the ashes somewhere quiet. But do this before the funeral party itself.
Everyone shall plant flowers in the garden together in the morning. 
Celebrate my life. Remember me fondly.
No fighting. Play nicely, if only for a night.
Nails shall be painted black in my honor.
Everyone shall be dressed to look scandalous.
I want there to be fireworks. Lots of fireworks.
Drink, a lot.
After the funeral, I want all willing parties to get fucked. No exceptions.
Athena fidgeted with the ring on her finger. The knuckle under the ring was almost white from how tightly she was holding her glass. All around her, drunken funeral guests danced, sang, and talked. It seemed that Prometheus had gotten his wish of having a funeral that was more like a party.
An absolutely massive party.
Athena followed Prometheus’s decree, just like everyone else. Her nails were painted black, and the dress she wore was too tight for comfort. Athena always preferred a low ponytail or elegant bun, but she wore her hair down that night. She was trying her best to be relaxed and carefree, just like Prometheus wanted.
There were hundreds of outsiders at the funeral. Most of them, Athena didn’t know. Some, she faintly recognized from mugshots and criminal profiles. Athena knew all of the Olympians, but every one of them she’d seen so far was...unavailable for conversation.
Hera and Zeus were in the middle of the dancefloor, swaying slowly even though the music was upbeat. They were kissing, and laughing at Aphrodite and Poseidon next to them. The latter pair were dancing wildly and carelessly, visibly tipsy. Across the room, Hades and Persephone were all over each other, and appeared to be ready to leave. Each of the Muses had taken up with non-Olympian guests, and even Alastor and Hephaestus were taking part in the debauchery.
It appeared that everyone would follow Prometheus’s Commandments. Everyone except Athena. No matter how well she could adapt to different situations, the one thing she couldn’t do was alter her sexuality.
Athena felt no emotional or intellectual connection with anyone present. So how could she bring herself to sleep with someone in honor of the fallen Titan? It was a lot of pressure, and sometimes Athena wished she could be wired differently.
I’ll stay another hour, then slip away quietly, she thought to herself. And she crossed the hall to grab another drink.
Across the room, Artemis scanned the crowd over the edge of her glass. She wore a long, black dress with a plunging neckline and striking gold accents. Her hair was pulled back into a slick, high ponytail, with gold threads woven into it.
Goddess of the hunt, indeed.
Artemis locked eyes with one of the Muses near the bar. She was leaning against the wall with an arm slung lazily around the neck of a foreign emissary. But she gave Artemis a knowing look, which was all the invitation she needed.
The huntress downed the rest of her drink and set off in that direction. But as Artie walked in front of the doors that led to the balcony, something caught her eye.
I’ve seen her before. But she never wears her hair down.
Athena was leaning against the marble railing of the balcony, trying to center herself and pass the time. The gardens were lit up below, but the stars were still clearly visible above. Athena smiled absentmindedly, trying to pick out as many constellations as she could. “Hi there.”
Athena turned to find the source of the voice. It was Artemis, strolling up to her slowly. She wore a friendly smile, and her body language made it clear to Athena that she felt perfectly at home in a party like this.
“Mind if I join you for a moment? It’s quite hot in there,” Artemis gestured behind her. Athena gave a small smile and nodded. Artemis walked up to the railing next to Athena, and looked out at the quiet landscape in front of them.
“I’m Artemis,” she offered.
“Athena,” she replied. Artemis nodded, and looked her up and down.
“You’re Zeus’s secretary, right?”
“Yes,” Athena answered. She wasn’t one for small talk. Luckily, Artie wasn’t easily bored.
“Can I ask why you’re out here panicking, instead of enjoying the funeral?”
Athena frowned at her.
“What makes you think I’m panicking?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Artemis rolled her eyes. “Maybe it’s the frown. The shallow breathing. You’re holding that glass so tightly it might break.”
Athena sighed. Artemis watched her, confident in her assessment.
“Okay, I’m a little uneasy,” Athena admitted. It was Artie’s turn to frown.
“Why is that?”
“It’s nothing. I’ll join the party again in a moment.”
“Are you going home with someone tonight?” Artemis asked suddenly. Athena’s eyelids flickered, and she began to fidget with her ring. That was all the answer Artemis needed.
“You’re nervous because you don’t want to fuck anyone here, aren’t you?”
“That’s none of your business,” Athena snapped. But Artie was undeterred.
“You are! Well, there’s nothing wrong with that,” she reasoned. Athena looked at the other woman from the corner of her eye.
“But the Ten Commandments…” Athena trailed off.
“...are guidelines that our dear, departed Prometheus left, in order for us to celebrate his life,” Artemis finished for her, pointedly. Athena looked upset.
“I just hate being the only person that always goes home alone. And if I leave without someone tonight, someone might ask about it.”
Artemis thought to herself for a moment, then nudged Athena’s elbow with hers.
“We can go home alone, together!”
Athena stared at her.
“You’re into girls, right?” Artemis asked bluntly. Athena blinked in surprise, but nodded.
“Uh, yes, what--”
“So am I. Let’s just make everyone think we’re leaving together. Then no one will ask you about it.”
“You’re willing to leave the party for a fake hookup?”
“Absolutely,” Artie answered. “I don’t like mingling with non-Olympians anyway. So let’s just not, and say we did.”
Athena chuckled. It was certainly a better plan than what she had come up with. So she looked at Artemis, who was waiting with raised eyebrows.
“Alright. Yes.”
“Lovely. Follow my lead,” Artemis told her, and slung an arm around Athena’s shoulders. The taller woman led Athena through the party, saying hello to a few others along the way. Athena played the part by putting her arm around Artie’s waist, and holding the hand that sat atop her shoulder.
“Have fun, ladies!” Aphrodite called, as Poseidon littered kisses down her neck. Artemis laughed, musical and confident. Athena couldn’t help but smile as Aphrodite winked at her. Even Zeus and Hera exchanged glances as the two goddesses passed them on their way out.
Artemis held up the guise until she and Athena had crossed into the residential wing of Mount Olympus. Once they passed the grand staircase, her arm fell from Athena’s shoulder. Their rooms were on different floors, so Artemis walked her to the elevator, then took a step back.
“I believe this is where I leave you,” she commented. Athena, looking thoroughly relieved at having left the funeral, smiled widely.
“Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“Any time. I like walking pretty girls home,” Artemis told her with a wink. She turned, and headed down the hallway toward her rooms. But not too quickly to notice the blush creeping across Athena’s cheeks.
Taglist: @deacytits, @anotheronebitesthedeaks, @rogers-sweatbands, @briarrose26, @lovehelpmewrite, @zodiacal-dust-and-curls, @lv7867, @dreamer821, @happy-at-home, @doyoudobroadway
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confusedunit · 7 years
The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same - Chapter Twelve
“You have been well?” Reinhardt asks, sitting in a chair near the bed. “Or as well as we can be, in this profession?”
“I...Yes.” Ana stands nearby, not knowing quite what to do.
“You may sit, if you’d like.” He smiles at her.
“...Yes.” She sits down on the edge of the bed. “...I am...sorry for my behavior. I am a bit...”
“Unsure. I did not know how this conversation would go.”
“You thought I would be mad at you.” He clasps his hands together. “Am I correct?”
She slowly nods.
“If it helps ease your worries, I am not angry. I was upset when I had first found out, but I have had time to come to terms with it. To process...this.” He smiles again. “Why did you decide to come to me now?”
“Fareeha convinced me. And...” She smiles a bit in return. “I missed you.”
“Oh, did you?” He chuckles, holding out a hand.
She takes it. “I did.”
“Well, perhaps we could spend some time together, again. That is, if your friend does not mind.” He raises an eyebrow. “I’m not overstepping, am I?”
Ana snickers. “No, no you’re not. He won’t mind. Though...I should tell you.” She sighs.
“...What is it?”
“Reinhardt...you cannot tell anyone else.”
“I will not. You have my word.”
“...Soldier 76. He’s Jack.”
Reinhardt’s eyes widen. “...Morrison? Our Jack?”
“Who else would I trust to have my back other than one of you?” She smiles.
“This is wonderful news! You and Jack have survived and found each other. And now, you are here, safe and sound.” He grins. “I don’t suppose you have any other surprises up your sleeves?”
She shakes her head, looking away. “...No. Gerard found his way here of his own accord.”
“...You and Jack are-”
“Alone, yes.”
His smile falls. “...I suppose it was unlikely.” He looks towards the door. “...How has he been handling this?”
“As badly as you would expect. He only started taking care of himself after I found him again, and even then it’s the bare minimum.” She sighs. “He’s started drinking again.”
“...Worse than I had hoped.” He moves to sit next to her, pulling her into a side hug. “Maybe he needs to connect with the others, again.”
“You think he would do that willingly? He would rather hide in a room until he rots. He does not want to be here.”
“Perhaps, what he needs is a nudge.”
“And how do you suggest I do that?”
He chuckles. “Perhaps by leading by example?”
She blinks. “...Are you saying-”
“Come clean. Stop hiding in the shadows. Let yourself have allies, again.”
“...Perhaps you are right.” She leans against him.
He smiles, hugging her close. “I try to be.”
Gabriel had been having a normal morning, all things considered these days. He wandered the halls after using the training room, bored out of his mind. Sombra was busy, Gerard was busy, Amelie was in the med bay, and 76...
Who knows where 76 is?
But he had taken a turn down the hallway past the briefing room, which led to now; Gabriel shaking harshly, digging his nails into his arms.
Because through the window, he had seen her. She’s alive. Ana is alive. Ana-
He shatters to smoke, darting into a room and shutting the door behind him.
“Excuse me,” Athena begins. “No one is allowed in this room except-”
“Protocol Override Code: 732737.” He slowly reforms on the floor, sitting, arms wrapped around himself.
“Acknowledged. Welcome back, Command...er. ...Excuse me. I am confused. Records indicate your death, Commander Reyes. Were they filed erroneously? I can correct them, if you’d like.”
“...Please don’t. No one can know, Athena. Not yet.”
There is a pause. “...Commander, perhaps it might be in your best interest to-”
“No, Athena.”
“...Of course, Commander. I will not update the records.”
He sits there in the dark as she becomes silent, curling around himself. “...She’s alive, Athena.”
“Pardon, Commander?”
“Ana. She’s...She’s alive.” He rubs at his face. “...I treated him like shit, and she’s alive.”
She doesn’t respond, letting him talk to himself, just as she used to.
“I lashed out at him. Shouted at him, avoided him even though I knew he needed me. I was hurting, and I hurt him because of it.” He takes a rough breath. “He never got to keep anyone, you know. He never talked about it, but it was one of his fears. He lost his family. He lost his friends. Lost everyone he cared about. It’s...it’s why he always was anxious. He always was waiting for another loss.” He digs his fingers into his arms again. “And what did I do? Blame him. Lash out at him. And then avoid him. All while he tried to come to terms with yet another loss.” He can feel tears start to fall down his face. “I’m surprised he didn’t kick me to the curb when I came crawling back after an injury. He should have. He should have. He deserved better.”
She still remains silent.
“My words were unnecessary, angry little things, and now look. He’s gone, and she...” He shakes. “She...”
He doesn’t move for hours.
Jack coughs as he pulls the bottle from his lips, looking at the empty container. “Fuck.” He tosses it in the trash, pulling out another bottle.
“...Strike Commander...” Athena starts.
“Don’t call me that.” He twists the bottle open, taking a swig.
“Don’t call me that either.”
She sighs. “...76.”
“What do you want.”
“I wish to once again remind you that you should not be drinking in your office,”
“Not an office anymore.” He tilts the bottle back again.
“That you should not be drinking,”
“Who cares.”
“And that you should not be alone during your depressive states.”
“Who am I gonna talk to, Athena? No one.”
“...With all due respect, if you would just let me show your survival-”
“No way in hell.”
“I promise you, you would be pleased with the result-”
“Just let me-”
“No, Athena. That is a direct order.” He looks down at the bottle. “...For whatever that’s worth, now.”
She sighs again. “...You are far too stubborn for your own good.”
“Doesn’t matter.” He drinks more, adjusting how he’s lying on the dusty couch. “...’Thena?”
“Yes, Jack?”
“...Yes, 76?”
“...Play the audio file again.”
“Jack, this is not a good idea.”
“I don’t give a damn.” He tilts the bottle upside down. When had it gotten empty? He tosses it, grabbing a new one. “Let a dead man hear a ghost, would you?”
“You don’t have to do that.” She sighs again, before the lights dim. “Initializing playback.”
He slams back the alcohol back in preparation.
The sound of a door opening and closing plays, before footsteps. “...Jack?”
“...Hey, Gabe.”
More footsteps. “What’s wrong, Jackie? What are you doing here? I thought you were heading out today.”
“I was supposed to. But I wanted to see you.” A sigh. “...They’re calling for my head, Gabe. Mostly figuratively. There’s...files. Documents about your missions that I haven’t been allowed access to. Athena can’t even open them. Did you know that your medical records are locked away? Not even Angela has access.” Another sigh. “They’re locking data away, forging my signature- how much more can we take?” A pause. “...It’s killing me.”
“It has been for a while. You’re just noticing it now, but we both knew it.”
“What do we do?”
“We get out. Like the kids.”
“They’re missing, Gabriel-”
“No, I sent them away for their own safety. I agree with you, everything feels wrong. We need to leave.”
“We should take whatever information we can, go public, something. I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
“You don’t have to. We’ll leave. Today.”
“I’ll get files. Ath-”
The audio stops. “...Yes, Jack?”
“Play the audio again.” His voice cracks.
It starts once more, and he sighs, staring down into the bottle. That day’s been burned into his mind, but he wants to hear his voice. Remember what he’s lost.
Ana’s alive, and here, and whole. Welcomed back with open arms and tears. But he’s just a ghost.
“Athena, play it again.”
“Again, Athena.”
What the hell is he doing here? He should have stayed back. Maybe getting him again would be enough for Talon, at least for a while. Buy them some time to figure out how to handle the organization.
He gets another bottle. “Again, Athena.”
Who is he kidding? He never should have been rescued in the first place. They would have killed him. He wouldn’t be a liability anymore. All he’ll ever do is get people hurt, or hurt people. They should have let him rot.
He startles, suddenly noticing the silence. “...Set it to loop, Athena.”
“...Of course, Jack.”
It starts again.
“...So.” Sombra feels out of place, folding her hands on the table. “All of us know what’s going on.”
“Hard not to.” Jesse crosses his arms.
Genji nods, visor and helmet set on the table.
“It’s almost obvious, when you think about it.” Lena adds. “Well, ‘cept for the whole sounding like a conspiracy theory, that kinda lowers it’s believability a bit.”
“Stay on topic, Lena.” Genji glances at her.
“Okay, so we all know. Now, what the hell are we gonna do about it?” Sombra sighs. “Genji, McCree.”
“Won’t even call me by my first name? I’m hurt.”
“She likes me better.”
“Can it.” She huffs. “You two know Gabriel. How do we handle this?”
“We can’t tell him.” Jesse’s tone is much more serious, now.
“Why not?”
“He does not believe what is too good to be true.” Genji turns his visor in his hands. “If we attempt to tell him, we will lose his trust. Not to mention any concern he may have about Talon involvement.”
Sombra blinks, confusion on her face. She turns to Lena. “What do you think?”
“We can’t tell him, either. He doesn’t trust anyone right now except for Ana. We can’t risk him shoving us away or we’ll never have a chance.”
Sombra blinks again. “...I feel like we’re having two separate conversations right now. What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Gabe doesn’t know who Ana is. Not right now, at least. How does that effect anything?”
The three turn and look at each other.
“Will someone answer my damn question?”
“You do not know?” Genji looks over at her.
“...Know what?”
Moira sighs, rubbing at her temples. “Any luck?”
“Not with the hacking, no. I’m afraid Sombra has everything locked down at the Watchpoint. Not to mention the mess she’s made of our security.” Her assistant moves over to her desk, handing her a carrot.
“Thank you.” She smiles slightly, holding out the treat for the bunny resting on her desk. “She could use a treat. She’s been so stressed, with Akande shouting all the time.” She lightly scratches the bunny’s ears. “Poor dear...”
“Is she still doing alright?”
“Besides the elevated stress levels, yes. It’s within safe parameters, but that doesn’t make it okay.” She huffs. “If he doesn’t get himself together, I will deal with him.” She looks over. “Please tell me you have some kind of good news for me.”
“As a matter of fact...” She holds out a folder. “The results of your mystery blood came in.”
“That, is some good news.” Moira takes the folder, gently scooting the bunny out of the way. She sets down the papers, looking them over.
Her assistant watches. “...Is it the result you-”
“This is fantastic news! You’ve outdone yourself, this time.” She grins. “Do we have more samples?”
“I...yes. We do. May I ask what you would like done with them?”
“I want one sample to be exposed to experiment 15-C, one to be mixed with 27-A, and another to get two drops of 93-W.”
“Of course, Doctor. May I ask why the use of those resources?”
The grin on Moira’s face is downright dangerous. “I was right. The blood sample matches up with my old records for Jack Morrison. Give or take a few variables, but that’s to be expected with the circumstances.”
“The former Strike Commander? But he’s legally dead.”
“Legally, so is Gabriel Reyes, but that doesn’t stop him.” She practically giggles. “Oh, this is too much! The old lovers, in the same base, not even knowing about the other!” She claps her hands. “I wonder who will snap first, set off by these mannerisms that are so close, but just off! Will it be the dead man who’s being haunted by Talon’s ghost? Or the manipulated ghost who trusts nothing his eyes can see?” She returns to petting the bunny. “I must be prepared either way. Send those tests down, won’t you?”
“Of course, Doctor. Right away.”
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