#anyway Thena gets to talk to Sersi more
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
The Mermaid AU!!! Damn, it's wonderful! So Thena haven't tried walking with human feet, so how about she's trying it and Gil helping her? She's stumbling and let's give them their first kiss your honor🫡
I would also like to see Thena being so curious with human things like how things work and maybe her being jealous? I can really imagine her hissing with her fangs on someone hitting on Gil🤣 and ladies be like, uhh Mister is your wife normal? Does she often do that?
"No, that's it, you got it!" Gil encouraged Thena's every step, leaping forward to catch her when she stumbled. "Whoa!"
Thena grumbled into his chest, allowing him to help her stand straight again. "You do this all the time?--it seems exhausting."
Gil chuckled, letting her lock her knees again and resume walking practice. "That's how we feel about swimming."
Thena's jaw dropped, giving him a truly aghast expression.
He nodded though, taking one step back for every step she took forward. "It's hard work to swim with legs. You have to be strong to be any good at it."
"Poor creatures," she murmured as she watched her feet move through the sand of his little beach. He had insisted that sand was a little harder to walk on than most terrain, but at least it would be soft if she did end up falling without him there to catch her.
He needn't have worried; he had been there for her every step since the first.
She had been coming to see him more and more regularly. And with regular time spent in his presence, came her observation of his human traits--including his legs. Until one morning he came out to greet her and found her wobbling around in the shallow water, two pale legs under her.
"I know, we're a sad bunch," Gil laughed. His feet hit the pebbly beginnings of the forest floor closer to his cabin. He looked down, "hey, we made it all the way up the beach!"
Thena beamed, all but throwing herself up the last stretch and into his waiting embrace. She had been working on being able to walk without his assistance for a few weeks, by this point.
"You did it!" Gil swung Thena around in his arms a few times. He kept his arms around her waist, wrinkling the shirt of his she was wearing.
Thena swung her feet faintly within his embrace, tilting her head at him for still holding her aloft.
"Uh, why don't you let me carry you to the house?" he suggested, shifting her in his arms so he could hold her more properly around the shoulders and knees. "Sand is nice and soft, but the bottoms of feet are pretty sensitive. I wouldn't want you to get hurt walking on the rocks and roots and stuff. Plus it's dirty."
Thena had no real protests, even if she wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. She let him carry her from the top of the beach into his cabin, which she had seen once or twice already by now. It was a lovely home, and she had come to enjoy noticing the little details about it, like where he stored the things he used often, and how the wood of places he touched looked different from others.
"Well, now that you've walked a whole beach, maybe we should get you some shoes," Gil smiled at her as he got them inside. "That will help to keep your feet safe."
"Would I be able to walk more places then?" Thena asked as he set her down at a kitchen chair.
"Uh," he paused, turning and reaching to put a pot of water on his boiler (a stove, rather). "Maybe, yeah...just not anywhere too crowded."
Thena tilted her head a few times at him, "do I not seem human enough?"
He let the flame sit low and sat in the chair at an angle to hers. His legs were longer, and his knees bent more sharply than hers. And his pants - jeans, rather - looked rough to the touch. "You seem very human, Thena. But I just...would worry about it."
"Worry about me?" she asked a little more directly, deciding she had no need for him to hide his words from her.
"Not really," he sighed. "About the humans around, more so."
"What would worry you about them?" Thena tilted her head in the other direction.
Gil considered what to say, scratching his facial hair as he did. Thena watched him do it; she wondered what it felt like to touch. "Humans are...can be...nice."
"Like you."
He paused in his explanation to give her one of his very warm, very inviting smiles. She had never seen a human smile quite like Gilgamesh. "I guess so. But they can be less nice, too, Thena. And if anyone figured out what you are, or even thought too much into it, I wouldn't know how to protect you."
Thena nodded, looking down at her legs (lap, rather). Just because she could walk around like a human didn't mean she was one, and all it would take would be one human to ensure she never saw water again.
"I'm not saying we'll never explore more places, okay?" Gil said gently, reaching over to take her hand in his. She stared at it, wondering what the point of the gesture was. She wasn't complaining, though. "Just give it a little longer?--for me?"
"For you?" she asked.
Gil blushed, which she had learned from a few of his anatomy books was something that happened when humans felt flustered. "Well, I'm hoping you'll do this especially because I'm asking you to, I guess. It can be a way to ask something of someone you're close with."
Close: that was a good word for it. Thena looked down at his hand around hers. He was so warm, and even with her blood running a little warmer than normal with her legs and using just her lungs, he was still much warmer than she was. It was nice, though.
But she knew how warm he was from when he would lift her out of the water and up into his embrace.
Gil's head whipped to the door as someone knocked.
Thena tilted her head. "How did they get here?"
Gil stood from the chair, pulling Thena up to her feet. "I think it's a friend. I called her for some stuff. But just wait until I make sure it's safe, okay?"
It wasn't as if she really got a choice about it. Thena let him guide her to sit on the stairs just on the other side of the kitchen wall, out of the light of the large windows above his sink.
"Just for a minute, Angelfish," he promised, giving her hands a squeeze between his before going to the door.
Thena watched the shadows stretching over the floor.
"Sersi, hey--thanks for coming."
"Of course."
Thena tilted her head at the soft, silken voice floating to her ears. She watched the shadows move closer and then collide, melding into one. She slid down a step, leaning to peek around the corner.
Gil released the woman from a loose embrace, patting her shoulder. "I know it's not easy to get out here, but it's just not safe to go to land considering-"
"Of course," the woman shook her head, pushing a springy lock of black hair away from her delicately featured face. She was quite pretty. "I understand. Can I...?"
Gil glanced over his shoulder, hands on his hips, his fingers tapping against his belt. "I-I don't know, Sersi."
"Oh, please, Gil?" she looked at him with wide, doe-brown eyes. They were warm, just like Gil's. "If what you told me is true-"
"It is," he huffed at her, crossing his massive arms in her direction.
Thena peeked out a little further.
"Then this could be the discovery of a lifetime!--a generation!" the woman bounced in her excitement. She was effervescent and personable, also like Gilgamesh. Who was this person?
"Exactly why I can't trust anyone to keep her secret," he lowered his voice.
Thena watched as he lowered his head closer to this mystery woman's, saying something so soft that Thena struggled to pick out the words. She leaned further, trying to see if she could read his lips at least.
Sersi gasped as Thena toppled over, stumbling out from the staircase just outside the kitchen. "Oh my-"
"Thena!" Gil rushed to her, already bending to pull her into his arms.
Thena squirmed in his embrace as he muttered something about 'patience' against her hair. She kept the woman in her sights, though, determined to learn more about her. "Hello."
"H-Hi," she replied in such a soft, fluttery tone. She gulped, her lashes fluttering as she dared to walk a little closer to her. "I'm Sersi. A-And you must be Thena."
She looked at Gil. "I thought you said no one could know about me."
Gil blinked, maybe having not expected her to be so annoyed about the current situation. He tightened his arms around her, "w-well, no. But Sersi is a marine biologist. I had questions--a-and she brought stuff for you!"
"It's true!" Sersi leapt to join the argument in Gil's favour. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "He asked for some clothes and things that might, um, fit you."
Thena looked down at the shirt of his she was wearing, "what's wrong with this?"
"Thena," Sersi stepped forward again, holding out a hand.
Thena hissed at her.
"Thena, hey, it's okay," Gil whispered, trying keep her contained in his arms. "I promise, I trust Sersi. She's here to help us."
"It's okay," Sersi said gently, setting the bag down and tilting her head at Thena. "I don't blame you for being cautious of me. I can't imagine how much you've had to adjust to."
Thena tilted her head right back at her, although Sersi matched each of her movements. Thena blinked at her. "Who are you?"
"I'm Gil's sister."
Oh. Thena halted, her breath getting caught in her throat. She was...that explained some of her observations rather conveniently. She felt heat build in her cheeks; this was what blushing felt like. "I see."
"I am a marine biologist, as he said," Sersi continued, maybe oblivious to Thena's discomfort, or at least the reasons behind it. "He asked me some questions about a 'discovery' he'd made a few months back. As time went on, I had to ask more things about this secret of his in order to research and answer him. Eventually we determined that I could know a little more about--well, you."
Thena just nodded, still feeling a little stunned at the presence of the second human she had ever met properly. Gil was still holding her tightly, and she realised part of it was how stiff and coiled she was. She let out a breath, unwinding her muscles and relaxing.
Gil loosened his hold on her, although he didn't step away from her at all.
Thena met Sersi's eyes, trying to push down the twisting feeling that had consumed her just a moment ago. "I have a brother as well."
"Really?" both humans asked with equal surprise.
"Yes," Thena looked at both of them before landing on Sersi. "Although he's not nearly as nice as Gil is."
Sersi laughed, and Thena had to admit that even their laughs were similar. Sersi's was much lighter and gentler, but it had the same from-the-heart warmth to it. "I can't even argue with that. Gil has been quite a nice brother to me."
"Yeah, I'd hope you can't argue," he huffed at her, putting his hands on his hips again.
"No one's perfect, though," Sersi finished, turning her nose up at him. She looked at Thena again. "Can your brother split his tail as well?"
She had taken care to learn the words for things, too. Thena couldn't fault her on anything. "No, he's never come anywhere near humans. He doesn't trust them."
"I can't blame him for that either," Sersi offered a remorseful smile and a shrug of her shoulders. "You just got lucky and found a good one, I think."
"Yes," Thena smiled at Gil, who was back to blushing shyly at the open praise of his character. "I suppose I did."
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evermoredeluxe · 9 months
Oh I loved The Eternals because I love a "this is what religion does to people" metaphor. From the extremists who can't think for themselves like Ikaris who thought it was his divine right to get rid of a whole planet for life that hadn't even began, those who once were extremists but the world around them fundamentally changes them like Ajak or Sersi even Phastos who loved humanity more than a celestial mission, those who can't let go of the mission but also refuse to let the worst of religion force them into horrible actions like Kingo, people who are not really religious but it has become intertwined with family like Makkari or Gilgamesh even if they have been harmed by it like Thena and finally the ones who have seen so much horror that it radicalized them against their religion like Druig. It was specially interesting because as part of our degree some friends an I had taken a psychology of religion class which got into the relationship between religion colonization and guilt so were talking for like 2 hours after the movie.
yeah i think the metaphorical meaning of that movie was so good, but yet, people didn’t love it. i didn’t look at it specifically from the lens of religion, but from the general lens of dedication. anyway, everything you said !!!!!!!
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 9.3
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I'm back with the next installment! If you need to catch up, you can find all previous installments on my Table of Contents here. Last time, Druig and Phastos had a heart-to-heart, but will Druig actually take his advice? Find out now, on the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Even with just four of them left, filming days were still quite long. That meant Druig didn't have time to talk to Makkari before dinner. Nevertheless, he was determined to keep things light with the group. Luckily, they were all on the same page after lunch.
Kingo joined them once again, saying they clearly needed him to spice up their conversation. Druig made him schedule an alarm for when to leave this time so Makkari wouldn't have to give up her room again. Despite this, he was glad Kingo was there. Their group had dwindled so much, and, to his surprise, Druig missed the larger gatherings they'd been having. With Kingo there, the room felt just a bit cozier.
Gil had graciously volunteered to host this week. He also made sure to steer the conversation away from the competition as much as possible, for which Druig was endlessly thankful. Unfortunately, their love lives were still very much on the table.
"You already know all about me and Thena. I've got nothing else to add," Gil explained when Kingo tried to pry.
"You've already dismissed me and my husband, so I've got nothing, too," Phastos added.
"Yes, and again, I meant no offense," Kingo replied.
"Offense still taken."
"So that just leaves…" Kingo trailed off as his gaze fell on Druig and Makkari. Gil looked at them expectantly, too, while Phastos seemed like he was holding in a deep breath as his eyes went to Druig.
"Don't look at me," Druig deadpanned to all of them.
You already know I have nothing new to report, Makkari retorted. What about you, Kingo?
Kingo clutched his imaginary pearls as he replied, "Makkari! You really think I'd hold out on you after nine weeks? And actually, I was wondering if you've heard from Sersi lately."
I told you everything I know about Sersi and Dane.
"Yeah, but next week, Ikaris will be back, too. Has she said anything about seeing him again?"
At this, Phastos' ears perked up. Druig saw the tension drain from Phastos' body as the conversation steered away from Druig and Makkari. Thankfully, Makkari didn't seem to notice.
"What's this about Ikaris and Sersi?" he asked.
Kingo beamed as he answered, "I'm so glad you asked."
He quickly recapped the Sersi situation for Phastos, with Makkari chiming in often to correct Kingo, particularly when it came to who found out what.
"Wow, Ben's gonna want to hear all of this," Phastos said once they'd finished.
"Anyway, back to my question! Makkari, has Sersi mentioned anything about seeing Ikaris again?" Kingo asked.
She hasn't, but I can't imagine it hasn't crossed her mind, she replied. You think I should ask?
"Oof, if she's not bringing it up, then that might make her more nervous."
"At least she doesn't have to worry about baking," Druig added. "Although, sometimes worrying about something first makes the real thing better by comparison."
Druig has a point. Maybe she'll be better off if she gets the nerves out first, Makkari suggested.
"Or you could psych her out. If Sersi doesn't bring it up first, I would leave it alone," Kingo asserted.
"Did I hear that right? It sounded like Kingo was opting not to interfere in someone else's love life," Druig teased.
"Hey, I can have restraint when I need to!" Kingo said defensively.
"We should've started hanging out with you guys sooner. This is like The Bachelorette in real life," Gil interjected, eliciting smiles and laughter from the rest of the table.
As they left Gil's room, Kingo hurried off back to his hotel, bidding them all a quick goodnight. Phastos said goodnight and looked pointedly at Druig. Druig gave him a quick nod, and the other man grinned subtly as he hurried off to his own room. Druig and Makkari were left standing in the hallway alone.
Walk me back to my room? she asked him.
Of course, he answered.
They walked in silence for about twenty feet before Makkari turned to him to say, Are we okay?
Druig's feet stopped so short, he nearly fell over.
Yeah, we're okay. Why do you ask?
Because you were a mess today and you haven't looked me in the eye since this morning. She took a step closer to him before she continued, Is this still about last week?
Makkari was standing quite close to him now, making it impossible for Druig to look anywhere but her face. Her eyebrows were drawn together in concern, and he could practically feel the hurt in her eyes. The thought that he was the one to cause it was almost too much to bear. Phastos' plea from earlier echoed in his mind. Druig took a deep breath before he answered.
It is, but it's not anything you did. I promise, he said. Her eyes softened a bit, so he continued. You said we should forget about it, and you're right. It's just taking me a bit longer than expected. I've been so stuck in my own head. This whole week, I thought I screwed things up between us and that you'd be furious with me. And I felt awful because even if we haven't known each other that long, you're the best friend I've made in a long time. I didn't want to lose you. And even when we cleared things up, I just couldn't stop thinking about… all of that.
Once he stopped talking, Makkari quickly pulled him into a hug. After a moment, he hugged her back, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She then pulled away to say, Of course you're not losing me. You're the best friend I've made in a while, too. I really don't know how I would've made it this far without you.
You would've made it to the final on your own. You're too good not to, Druig insisted. I'm the one who wouldn't have gotten this far without you.
Watch it. You're insulting my best friend, Makkari responded, her eyes narrowing slightly. Druig couldn't help but grin at her.
Hey, whatever happens tomorrow, I'm just happy that I got to meet you, he said.
Me too.
Druig initiated the hug this time, which Makkari eagerly reciprocated.
So Druig does follow Phastos's advice... sort of. Anyway, hope you enjoyed that mini-installment! As usual, since the next one is the end of the chapter, it'll drop on AO3 before I post it here!
Part 33
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blyanten · 2 years
Catching up on the MCU!
Black Widow:
I think I'd be more into this movie if Natasha wasn't super fucking dead.
Yelena is great.
The family thing stretches suspension of disbelief, but since none of them had anything even close to stability after that, I'll buy it.
Quit torturing the pigs!
After Red Guardian being a joke I expected the fight with Taskmaster to be either a joke or a damn, he can fight moment, and it was turned out to be a more realistic, even fight. That's cool.
There's an potential army of maybe superpowered, definitely top trained BWs out there. Sure, they probably want different lives, but judging by the end of the movie they won't be against a team up. That's very cool.
Natasha could have leveraged all this into a pardon (and maybe did, since she apparently met up with Ross?) and still she immediately goes "prison break time, baby".
Rewatch: Maybe for Yelena.
The rings go back and forth between looking cool and looking really dumb.
Me: "The monsters sounds Cthulu-ish."
Also me: *no reaction to the name Dweller-in-Darkness.*
Katy's cool, and having her be useful by practicing the bow and arrow, and then hitting a giant target that's standing still is a good way of making her useful, without making it too much.
I think Trevor survives because people let him talk and then realize he's basically living in a different reality and can't be blamed for his actions.
Morris is adorable.
Wish there'd been more of the forest, that was a great bit of horror.
Really like how Shang is just rolling with the plot. Man is delightfully chill about it, all things considered.
Also like how it, despite the world-ending threat, feels more like a very dramatic, fighty family drama. Dad was a great tragic, villain. Not to mention must have been very good with horses.
So sis is not shutting down anything, huh.
Wong is always cool.
Rewatch: Definitely.
Too long. Can we put a two-hour limit on these.
Constantly mind-wiping people, making them fight to protect people and then expecting them to step aside and let everyone die. Yeah, that was going to end badly at some point.
That said, "Humanity is special" got taken a bit too far, I think. After millions of years, this is where you get cold feet? Not entirely buying it.
How many people were the deviants eating anyway, if they were slowing down the emergence?
Normal boyfriend (Dane?) was surprisingly likeable.
Bollywood guy is kinda funny. I don't like him, but I'd keep him around.
Nooo, Gilgamesh! Too likeable to live. Thena is somehow supercool and forgettable at the same time.
Ikarus or whatever had obviously evil written aaall over him, and the indoor eyebeam scene was still a good way to show how little he cares about people. Shame he's also boring. Why is it always the powerful one that decides to go full asshole? To have a big fight, I know, I know. And then the fucker just flies into the sun.
Tinkerbell girl is the worst, though the rock to the head was hilarious. Quit whining and learn to style yourself as an adult. Half your problems solved, right there.
Absolutely love the deviant design. A bit rubbery-looking, but the vaguely skinned look with tentacles is working for me.
Sersi is not... a very good leader. Maybe next movie. Her costume just makes me think of a Green Lantern.
Druig is on the ball throughout the entire movie, and he doesn't even know how much. More of that guy.
Makkai is likable, but seems to be mostly around for moving people out of the way. Wouldn't mind seeing more of her though.
Phastos rules. Sure, dickhead broke free, but that trap was way more effective than I thought it would be.
So the dead baby Celestial is just hanging out in the ocean now. Neat. Will in no way be a problem in the future.
Wonder how many people is digging into old family legends these days.
Rewatch: Nah. Stopped caring as soon as the movie was over.
Multiverse of Madness:
I had hoped the "you break rules, you're a hero, I break rules, I'm a villain" would be more than standard villain bullshit, but I'm not sure it would have been as fun as watching Wanda go full villain all over the place. Because it is extremely fun.
I appreciate the speed of plot here. Straight to the point, no holding back the reveal.
Love the visuals.
Lol at Strange casually burying himself.
Love the implication that Strange is kicking Mordo's ass on the regular.
So the Illuminati are clearly supposed to be great heroes, but aside from Xavier they all seem like... well, kinda dickish. Also, lol at Black Bolt's death. That just looked dumb. Reed, this is why we don't tell the bad guy what powers people have, even if you're trying for a peaceful talk-down.
That's a hard no the the 616 stuff.
Fuck yeah, self-possessed zombie Stephen and multiplying rotten hands!
Wong seems to have hit a "this might as well happen" point. No wonder, really. Shame about his... assistant?, she seemed cool, and she did manage to wreck the Darkhold.
Feel like they could have done more with America, but at least she's introduced now, and her crystal star portals look great.
Ever word Wanda says just hammers home how badly she's lost it, especially the "every mom makes her kids by magic" line, but the "I wouldn't hurt anyone" line takes it to a whole new level. Lady, you're half a minute away from throwing the kids through a wall, and you're definitely fucking them up emotionally. True A+ MCU parenting.
Just ending it like that, huh. From dramatic screaming to everything is fine, next adventure.
Rewatch: Don't know. Plot's fine, but a lot of the fun was tied into the spectacle and not knowing what happened next.
Love & Thunder:
I wanted actual adventures with Thor and the GotG, so that was a disappointing start. Well, the actual beginning of the movie was good.
I'm amazed there are asgardians left at this point.
I fucking hate Korg. How dare the movie hopespot me with his death and then not follow through on it.
This Thor is the worst Thor.
The new armor was nice tough. The black one, the other one looked like plastic.
The humour in this movie does not work for me. How is it possible to be even worse than the rest of the MCU when it comes to letting emotional moments stand?
Except for the "half our warriors are always dead" joke, that was hilarious.
Mjolnir in pieces was awesome.
I wish Valkyrie had feelings.
The Shadow realm was really creepy. Gorr appearing during story time was very dad-ish, like a monster version of a dad telling dumb jokes.
The kids fighting was half cool, half ridiculous, but I dig the Princess cutting a monster in two and the one with the rabbit.
Boo, don't be a quitter, Gorr. But lol at Gorr's kid actually being named Love. Go for a namechange, kid, it's a bit much. At least she's with the Asgardians, they've got "everyone I love died" down to an art by now.
Sif dying of actual battlewounds won't get her to Valhalla, but Jane dying of cancer, a disease, does get there. Not very consistent, these rules. Did Thor accidentally wish her there or something.
Unless it's less dying in battle, and more heroic sacrifice they're going for. Not very heroic to lie there and die when you can get up and get help.
Ending was cute. Tiny girl with giant weapon is always cute.
Rewatch: No.
0 notes
manddor · 3 years
i think your requests are opened so, can i get a druig x female!reader where it’s an enemies to lovers kinda thing… i do want some angst…
thanks!! have a lovely day/night <3
thank you SO MUCH!! this is my first request and i hope you like. can ask more if you want!!
invisible string.
summary: one single thread of gold tying you two
warnings: enemies to lovers. angst. fluff
word count: 1.1k
druig x female!reader
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you were sitting on the grass with a book and an apple in your hands. it was a warm and chilly day, no fighting with the deviants or training with all of your group.
not that you didn’t like spending your time with them - you actually loved those moments - but you were always so talkative and full of energy that sometimes you needed to recharge your social battery.
“hi” sersi’s voice was soft but it scared anyways. “sorry, didn’t want to interrupt.”
“no problems, sit here” you pointed to your side and gave her an apple. the tree at your back was filled with them. you heard she puffing. “are you okay?”
“yeah. it’s just ikaris. he left all those years and now he’s confusing me.” she said with a sad expression.
you always told her not to trust in ikaris. actually you loved him at the beginning, but he appeared in london out of nowhere, saying ‘i came to check on you because of the earthquake. the deviant is news for me.’ your powers could sense lies and he was definitely telling one.
“i’m team dane. and because of that i guess that you know what i’m going to say.” you said, closing your book. “sorry, sersi, i think you should forget about him. but you know that our mind does not rule our heart.” your friend laughed.
“if someone was listening to this and didn’t know you, they would think that you have a love life.” you laughed as well.
“thanks arishem that no one was listening” you winked. “it’s getting late.” you said looking to a beautiful sunset in front of you, it took your breath away.
“you can stay there. i know how much you like connecting with the nature” sersi said already leaving.
you wish you could just stop this moment. but even an iphone couldn’t capture what you were feeling. the wind in your hair. the smell of grass, sunflowers and apples. the stars shining upon you… but of course he had to interrupt.
“beautiful view.” you rolled your eyes, trying not give to him the power of ruining this pretty moment. “did you miss me?”
ugh. of course not! he was always picking on you. trying to control your mind. being cocky. and trying to be better than you.
“oh, druig. i was appreciating this view but then you happened.” you stood up to stare his annoyingly beautiful face.
“sorry, love. but i thought you would like some good company.” he smirked staring at your mouth. you could hear your own heartbeat.
it was your first time seeing druig after centuries. you denied going to his new ‘home’, it wasn’t comfortable seeing him again. “i see that all these years were good for you”
“i wish i could say the same, druig”
but you both heard a loud noise and people screaming. you looked at each other, knowing what have arrived in amazon - the deviants.
you started running and druig controlled human’s mind just to start shooting at the huge monster in front of them.
you were a magician, meaning that your powers could confuse his mind, changing his feeling and the sight he was seeing. with that he wouldn’t be so agitated. an easy way to stop the animal.
it was all so quick. sersi turned him into a huge tree. thena appeared with gilgamesh dead and you couldn’t help but cry. the deviants are getting stronger and killing your family. that made you feel more angry and thirsty for revenge
“we can’t stay here anymore”
after that fight the eternals went for phastos and, finally, makkari.
“i’ve missed you so much” you signed to her receiving a tight hug and a bright smile.
“not as much as i did” she signed back.
“ok, guys. now we have to plan what we’re going to do” ikaris said, and you rolled your eyes.
“i need to control a celestial mind” sersi said and phastos showed golden bracelets explaining that you were going to use for absorb each other’s energy.
while this explanation, druig was by your side. he was extremely close and you could feel his breathing. “you look so pretty when you’re concentrated.” he whispered in your ear.
“and you look so pretty with your mouth closed” you said but you couldn’t avoid a tiny smile on your face. he was messing with your heart and he knew that.
after the reunion you and druig went to eat something. “you know, i’ve missed you in my life” the boy said, and you thought it was another joke, but he looked so… lovely. “and i know you did as well”
“ugh, in your dreams, druig” you rolled you eyes, trying to be tough in that situation. but you know you’ve missed him. you actually love when he’s around you, touching your skin, picking on you. he didn’t do that with anyone else.
“no, y/n, really. let’s stop being so cocky with each other. i passed all those years in amazon trying to forget about you, but i couldn’t” he said, getting closer. “when i saw this smile again i knew that i couldn’t avoid this awkward feeling… i guess that is love, the humans call it like that.” you laughed softly. “since arishem brought us to life, i knew that we had an invisible string tying you to me.”
your eyes were wide open, your cheeks were red and you were wordless. “dru…”
ikaris interrupted you by entering in the room, burning all phastos’s work with his eyes.
“what the fuck are you doing?” you asked terrified.
“he lied to us” sersi entered in the room, crying. “he already knew about the emergence. he killed ajak”
“what?” you exclaimed, walking to him. “no, you didn’t!”
“y/n” druig tried to hold you, but nothing could stop your urgency to punch his face. but, ikaris was faster than you and punched your stomach.
“touch her again and you’ll die.” druig said controlling his mind.
ikaris’s mind was stronger so he pointed the laser in your direction but druig placed his body in front of you, felling on the ground by your side.
“you’re not going to hurt your family.” kingo said forcing ikaris to fly away.
you looked to druig and saw a deep cut in his shoulders. “no no no” you said in disbelief, your eyes watering. “i’m so sorry.”
“i’m fine, honey, i’m fine” he said smiling while you put his head on your lap. “i saved you” he smirked.
“yeah, you did.” you laughed with tears falling down your cheeks. “nothing and no one will cut our invisible string. i love you, dru” you said, kissing his cheeks.
“i love you too, darling”
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jupitersmoon167 · 2 years
So it’s been a week since I’ve posted my Khonshu/Marc/Steven x Eternal!Reader idea (seen here), and my mind has been wandering, crafting scenarios surrounding this idea. And I thought, why not share? Especially since a lot of people seem to like this idea.
I would like to note once again that these ideas are free for anyone to write about, I’m not planning on writing anything about this (at the moment at least), so if anyone wants to write a Moon Knight fanfic involving an Eternal!Reader, go ahead! I highly encourage it!
Moving on to my additional thoughts:
So after the reader reveals herself to Marc/Steven (how does Jake factor into this I’m just realizing?) after the deviant attack, and when she reveals her purpose for being on Earth and her past relationship with Khonshu, how would the Moon boys react?
I’d imagine they’d both be angry, Marc more so than Steven (at least in my mind). They’d question whether or not their relationship with the reader was genuine, or if they were just being used as a means to see Khonshu? And there’s the fact that she isn’t from Earth, and that she’s a being more than 7,000 years old sent by some cosmic power to protect humanity and helped shape the history of the planet, while at the same time not interfering with the atrocities committed by humans. So I’d imagine they’d be quite angry with the reader. She of course tries to explain this to them, but a fight breaks out (the Moon boys aren’t as understanding as Dane), and harsh words are thrown at the reader (by Marc, Steven is mostly quiet).
And then she has to go.
“Marc, Steven, I need to take care of this.”
Marc laughs humorlessly. “Of course you do.”
“Marc-” she sighs.
“No, you know what? Go. Take care of your ‘mission’, or whatever the hell it is that you were sent here to do, and leave.”
“……I’ll let you know when I’m done.”
“No, do both me and Steven a favor and never talk to us again.”
So the reader goes with Sersi, Sprite, and Ikaris to find the others. And as they progress along, she calls them when she can (they never pick up the phone) and leaves messages telling them about her journey.
“Hey, just landed in the States. We’re headed to Ajak’s place, I’ll call you when we get to her house.”
“Hey, um, so we got to Ajak’s. She……got attacked by a deviant and is…………Anyway, we’re flying back out again, probably going to find Kingo. Let me know if you get this, we’re in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not getting any service.”
“So, I’m realizing that you’re both probably ignoring me. Which is totally fair, believe me. I should’ve told you guys the truth from the start, and I regret not doing that. But regardless, I’m going to keep sending you updates. Though you’re most likely not going to listen to them anyway. We’re heading to Australia to get Gilgamesh and Thena. I’ll be sure to update you on our progress soon…….I miss you, both of you.”
“Hey, sorry I haven’t called in a bit, things have been…..hectic. A lot of bombshells have been dropped and things just got much more complicated. I don’t want to bore you with the details, I’ll uh….tell you both all about it when I come back. Hey uh, when’s the last time you called you’re dad?”
“Screw the theatrics, I don’t even know if you’re even going to get this. We’re in the middle of the god damn Amazon, because Druig thought it would be a grand fucking idea to place his cult here of all places. He’s a stubborn bastard, but if we’re gonna pull this off we need him. I meant it earlier when I said you should talk to your dad, you uh, never know when he’ll kick the bucket, so to speak. I miss you guys, I wish I could talk-”
“We were attacked by deviants, Gilgamesh is dead……..he died protecting Thena. I’ve lost two of my family members in the span of a few days, and my friend is giving me the silent treatment. Are we even friends anymore? I know you said not to talk to you guys again, but frankly, I don’t know what I would do without you two.”
“……..I think this might be the last time I call you. I get it, I’ll stop contacting you. I just……I guess I was hoping that we could put this behind us and move on. But that’s obviously not gonna happen, is it? And frankly, I don’t blame you guys for ignoring me, you both have every right to hate and despise me. Just……yeah. Have a good life you two.”
“I know I said you wouldn’t hear from me ever again, but I just have to say this before the world is inevitably blown apart by a newborn celestial. I love you both, so so much. I just wish I got to tell you that in person, and not over the phone when I’m heading towards a live volcano to put a celestial to sleep. Regardless, I just wanted to let you two know. I’ll see you when this is all over, that is if you even want to see me. And if we don’t fail, and Ikaris doesn’t kill us. I probably should’ve mentioned that previously-”
It’s past 5am when I’m writing this, and I’m shit at writing dialogue (especially about feelings), but I just wanted to get this out before I fell asleep. If some of what I’ve described isn’t coherent, let me know, and I’ll discuss it further in length when I’ve gotten some shuteye 😂
I also wanted to add this kicker. I’d imagine it’s when Marc/Steven try to call the reader after (finally) hearing all the messages she left (it only took until they saw the Celestial emerge from the ocean on tv to hear them), only to get hit with this when they try to call her.
“We’re sorry, you have reached a number that is disconnected or that is no longer in service…..”
So…..do with that as you will 😈
Once again, anyone is free to write anything regarding what I’ve given out. As long as I get a shoutout, I’m content with anyone taking what I’ve said and writing their own story.
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crguang · 3 years
can’t wait to read your fics <3
can i request a jealous!ajak x reader? or any ship you’d like with her? i feel like it would be interesting to read her “deny” it or make stuff up considering she’s so expressive. thank you x
this was so fun to write and think about. you’re very right, she has no issue expressing herself so to imagine her deal with jealousy was really fun. hope u like this one🤞🏾
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Ajak has always been in touch with her emotions. She had no problem expressing herself, in any way she felt the need to, and so for centuries. As the Prime Eternal, she owed it to her family to be collected and logical, to offer her guidance whenever they needed it so they could all fulfill their purpose as Arishem’s creations. She was very emotionally intelligent and that was what allowed her to connect with people. In her centuries spent on earth, she thought she had experienced it all. It took a few more years for her to finally experience jealousy.
The first time it happened, she didn’t realize it. The Eternals had dealt with numerous deviants over the years and were now cleansing the area of what would later be known as Colchester in the UK. Thena and Gilgamesh tag teamed a deviant as Makkari pushed locals out of harm’s way. Kingo was dealing with a beast on his own, confidently even after his arm almost got bitten off. Ikaris was in the air, offering his help with deadly cosmic beams shooting out of his eyes, and Kingo thanked him with a saluting motion of his index and middle fingers.
As most missions went, the thinkers were either inside the Domo or reassuring locals far from the battlefield. You were a thinker, a strategist, a tactical genius. You were able to interpret and see through all angles or patterns of any subject, allowing you to come up with strategies that would guarantee you and your family victory against the deviants. Your sense of foresight allowed you to predict how long term battles would turn out, giving you time to adjust your decisions and seize all the necessary opportunities to achieve your goal. The outcome was always the same, with you by their side, it was almost impossible to lose. As a tactician, your place was by Ajak’s side. She listened to you, took your recommandations into consideration and deeply valued your opinion on any matter, even when you two weren’t talking about war tactics. It was your duty as an Eternal and as her follower, nothing more. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy her company a little more than the others, or if you never observed her when she wasn’t looking, committing each of her features to memory as if you didn’t have eternity to take in her beauty. She was absolutely beautiful, her hair was as soft as it looked and she smelled of flowers and earth, of course you noticed it. You tried not to hang on her every word whenever she spoke, as Kingo once teased the admiration in your eyes when you did, because she was your leader and you were nothing but a pawn executing Arishem’s desires. You owed her respect and professionalism even if your entire body screamed to kiss her whenever she stared at you with a particular fondness in her gaze.
So here you were, by her side, watching the battle from the sidelines and noting with a smile how everything went exactly as you predicted. Honestly, centuries of being constantly right was beginning to get to your head. Sersi was a little further away, attempting to communicate with the people she just met but already cared for, soothing what seemed like a lost little boy. He must not have been older than 6. Sprite, Druig and Phastos decided to skip this one out and stay on the ship, the latter working on yet another invention that he called ‘legendary’ (he said that about everything he built anyway).
The battle should last a couple more minutes. The humans were safe, and the property damage was minimal. Your job was almost done. Someone collided with you then, from behind, and your sharp reflexes were the only thing saving you from embarrassing yourself. You planted your foot on the ground, pivoting as you grabbed the person by the waist, keeping them from falling down with you.
Ajak witnessed it all, her head turning towards you when she heard your gasp of surprise.
After a few seconds of catching your breath, you realized the person was a woman, with long hair dark as the night. You were holding her maybe a bit closer than necessary. You blinked, releasing her waist from your previous grip and she stood straighter, sending what looked like an apologetic smile your way. You couldn’t understand the language she spoke, but you guessed she was apologizing. You reciprocate the gesture, assuring her that it was no problem in english even though you knew she couldn’t understand you. You put a hand on her shoulder, vaguely gesturing to her body with a slight frown as a way of asking if she was alright. She must have been running from something to crash into you the way she had. The woman nodded vigorously, bringing her hands together. She seemed to hesitate about something, scanning your worried expression, before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss on your cheek. Then she turned away and left as quickly as she had come, leaving you standing there.
Ajak stared at you with a question in her eyes and you shrug, shaking your head. As you turned back to the battlefield, her gaze stayed on you. She knew you were only helping, something she loved about you, yet she couldn’t help but feel… Strange. That stranger had kissed your cheek and you seemed a bit flustered by it. You blushed just the same when she would lean over your shoulder to get a glance of whatever manuscript you were reading, or when she would playfully tease you. You had also held her close to your body and while the healer understood your reasoning behind it, she pursed her lips at the thought.
The second time she felt jealousy was a tad more obvious to her. It came more as a realization of the romantic feelings she held for you than anything else. As she saw you, sitting on the couch with your legs on Makkari’s lap, joking around with her, Ajak thought you had never felt comfortable enough to be close to her in this way. You weren’t cold or distant at all, but the way you were around Makkari or even Sersi… it was like you didn’t allow yourself to be this free around her and she had no idea why. It hurt, a bit, to think that perhaps she had mistaken the intentions behind the way you would sometimes stare at her when you thought she wasn’t aware of it. It was unlike her to be so incertain, but she often felt helpless against you.
It takes a few more years for Ajak to finally confess her feelings to you. The pining, the jealousy she felt whenever you got close to another in a way she wished you were with her, was becoming ridiculous. She’s never denied her feelings for you, knew she wanted to spend the rest of her immortal life with you by her side as you’ve always been so far, she just… Okay, maybe she was a little afraid. You were the tactician, you could predict multiple outcomes based on little information, not her. She didn’t know how you felt, had a hard time reading you as you would act one way with her and the same with another, leaving her to think that she wasn’t as special to you as she initially thought. It was all so confusing. However, after months of living in ancient Greece along her family and humans, after some woman who had been teaching you the language and customs became so obviously enamoured with you, Ajak decided she was done pining.
It was late into the evening, the sky already darkened, that she found you on a wooden bench near the town square, a small fire offering its warmth in front of you. Why you had been alone, she didn’t know. She took a seat next to you, quietly, and tilted her head to the side in a silent question. You glanced at her with a small smile, before looking back into the flames.
“I just needed a moment to think,” you admitted quietly.
You didn’t reply for a moment, pursing your lips. Should you tell her? Tell her how much it killed you to keep your distance from her, in fear of having misunderstood the nature of your relationship? She was the Prime Eternal, she cared for each one of you, as was her duty. But at times… it felt like there was something more in the way she stayed up with you at night in the library of the Domo, listening to you ramble about whatever was going on in your mind at the moment. It became much more difficult to keep up the charade, to pretend you didn’t want to feel her touch, or hear her tired chuckles early in the morning. You wanted all of it and more, as much as she would give you, because you loved her. You loved her as more than a friend, and more than a follower. You wanted to grab her soft hands in yours and never let go, wanted the reassuring hugs she easily offered to whoever needed them, wanted to hear your name on her lips as she playfully reprimanded you with tenderness in her eyes.
“Hey,” her voice brought you out of your head and the warm touch on your shoulder made you turn towards her once more. “Where did you go?”
The smile on her face let you know that she was asking out of concern.
“Sorry,” you apologized, taking a breath. She was sitting rather close, and the smell of her was making you incapable of thinking about anything else but the way she would taste as you kissed her.
“Were you thinking about Medeia, perhaps?” She raised her eyebrows in playful mockery. It was the name of your teacher, the one Ajak couldn’t stand anymore because of the way she would find any ridiculous excuse to touch you.
You frowned slightly, not understanding where that was coming from. “Why would I be?”
“Oh, come on. You don’t have to pretend with me.”
“Pretend what?”
“That you haven’t noticed the way she looks at you.”
The confusion didn’t leave your face as you stared at her.
“She likes you, everyone can see it,” she said it matter of factly, as if she was announcing you the weather.
Your eyes widened. “What? No.”
Ajak looked at you, observed how the orange light casted by the nearby fire made you seem even more beautiful than usual. Her eyes glanced downwards, to the confused pout she so badly wanted to kiss off your face.
“What makes you say that?”
Her eyes met yours again.
“I know how loving you looks like.”
Somehow, after all the fear, the confession seemed like the most natural thing in the world to say to you, probably because it was. Her love for you was as easy as breathing, it was simple and true. The feelings were there and they weren’t going away anytime soon, something she had accepted a long time ago. She had no doubt that she was in love with you.
You thought your entire body froze at her sentence. You couldn’t look away from her eyes, as if searching for an ounce of uncertainty or insincerity, something that never came. To hear those words out of her mouth, after all the reasons not to act on your feelings that you repeated to yourself every day, felt like the world stopped turning. You two were the only living beings existing in that moment, the nightlife of the city resorting to background noise to your ears as you focused your attention on her and on how she stared at you.
“How does it look like?” You felt bolder than before, murmuring the question with your gaze on her face.
“Like this,” she answered and made no move to look away, instead noticing the way your braided hair allowed her a perfect view of your face.
“Wait,” you realized with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile. “Is that why you’re always so harsh with her? You’re jealous?”
“Ajak. You side eye her every time you see her.”
“I don’t like how she’s so excited all the time.”
You looked at her expectantly. She glanced to the sky for a split second. It was a terrible lie, and she knew it.
“Of course I’m jealous. She gets to spend her days with you.”
You took her hand then, fingers slowly intertwining with hers as you shook your head. She welcomed the touch with an inaudible sigh. Your thumb caressed her soft skin, always in perfect condition.
“Days are nothing compared to the eternity I would share with you.”
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likeisaidweird · 3 years
I haven't seen anything about this anywhere yet so: CAN WE TALK ABOUT DRUIG AND THENA'S RELATIONSHIP? They don't have many scenes together, but the few interactions we do get makes me feel like there's more to them than most people think.
1. Druig is one of the only ones to speak out against having Thena's memories erased.
2. Druig looked after Thena for at least a little bit so that Gilgamesh could have a break. Even tho he just put her to sleep or whatever, there's no way he didn't stay with her the whole time to make sure she was ok.
3. When the others find Druig in the Amazon and update him about everything, Thena sits there calmly and lets Druig let off some steam. That whole scene is Druig picking a fight with almost everyone in the room, but when he walks up to Thena and Gilgamesh, he does nothing.
3. Druig is the one person that takes Thena to the lake so she can spread Gilgamesh's ashes??? He gives her space but stays close enough so that she isn't alone in her time of grief??? None of the other Eternals were there with her (Maybe Sersi was, but she seems to have just walked over to chat with Druig)
4. Druig tries to convince Thena that taking revenge on Kro won't do her any good, that there are better ways to deal with grief. (ofc it was pretty badass of her to take him down, but Druig also understands very intimately how violence is a vicious cycle and he's just looking out for his friend🥺)
Anyways, they definately have history together and I hope we see more of it in Eternals 2 or whatever movie/show they appear in next.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Soooooo uhm I wrote a Thenamesh story where their weddings vows were mentioned because they were married your honor anyway..now I wanna read about them tying the knot (eloping or an actual wedding non traditional or traditional) I don’t care too much about details. Love your work
This was starting to get out of hand. It was one thing to say they would pretend to be engaged to piss off his father (and distract him from giving Sersi a hard time about her broken engagement to Ikaris). It was another thing entirely to end up with his whole family wanting to help them plan a proper wedding around it.
Gil had said that they didn't need anything big--that they were just going to have a small thing. His family had no idea that he and Thena didn't actually have any work friends to invite. Somehow that became Thena staying with him and his mother and sisters as they planned a wedding to be held in their backyard in a week?
"What do you think?" Ajak smiled, turning to him.
"Uh," Gil shifted in his seat, barely looking up at Thena at all. "Yeah, looks great."
"Honey," Ajak huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "This is important!"
He ruffled his hair. How did they end up doing this? "W-Well...aren't I not supposed to see her in it before the wedding anyway?"
Ajak didn't bite, though. She raised a brow at her son, "really? I thought we had given up on tradition, seeing as I didn't even hear about your very sudden engagement from you yourself. I had to hear it from Sersi, remember?"
Gil winced. He really didn't like lying to his mom.
And Thena knew it. She had known Gil for years, and even then, it didn't take much to know that Gil was a big softie. He had asked her to help him with this whole thing to help out his sister to begin with. She sighed. "He's...you know how shy he can be."
Ajak saw right through the defense of Gil, as sweet as it was. She grasped Thena's hands in hers. "You mean he's quiet as a mouse, dear. But this is important! This is going to be your wedding dress! I know you didn't have anything particular in mind, but it should at least be something you like--something you feel beautiful in!"
Thena smiled. She liked Gil's mother. Ajak was exuberant, like Gil (when he was around friends), sweet natured, and the epitome of warmth. "It's a lovely dress, Ajak."
"I think so, my love," the shorter woman beamed up at her. She turned back to Gil again. "Tell me one thing you like about it and we can move on."
"Ugh," Gil sighed, but it was obviously a familiar move from both of them. He shifted in his seat again, finally letting his eyes really soak in the image of Thena in the lacy white dress his mother had found for her. "It's pretty."
Thena bit back a smile as he rolled his eyes like a child. He stood from the seat, finally really truly looking at her. Thena blinked, wondering why she was suddenly much more nervous as Gil's eyes travelled over her.
"Well?" Ajak prompted him.
"Mom, I don't know if it really suits her," he shrugged, giving her his most honest opinion. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Obviously it's beautiful--it's her. But I think she'd like something, uh...smoother?"
"What do you mean?" Ajak tilted her head, ignorant to Thena trying to process his words behind her.
"Well, she wears a lot of, um, satin or silk or whatever," Gil waved his hand in the air, still able to talk about it without blinking an eye. "I don't think the floral lace is really her thing. Thena?"
"Hm?" she blinked, all but startled into reality again.
"How do you feel in it?" he asked, walking closer to her - and blocking off his very offended mother - to get her more honest opinion.
Thena looked down at herself (at least that was the excuse). "I suppose...I never pictured myself in something so...gauzy."
"There y'go!" Gil stepped away again, unshielding Thena from his mother with a sigh.
"You said she looked beautiful, though!"
"Mom," Gil cut in, "look at her. Everything looks beautiful on her."
Thena looked down at the dress again, brushing off the slightly puffy skirt of it.
"Oh," Ajak smiled, stealing Thena's fidgeting hands away from herself with a wink (which only doubled her flustered feeling). "No need for maidenly blushing, dear."
Gil's head shot up to look at Thena. She looked away in just as much of a hurry. A grin spread over his face slowly. Maybe not everything about this plan was a terrible idea.
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healingagoddess · 3 years
Request: maybe reader saving ajak from ikaris?
Warnings: English is not my first language. 
Pairing: Ajak/F!Reader
Taglist: @fivemillioneyes​ <3
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Part 2 Part 3
_ ✽ _
You are not supposed to see Ajak today, she told you she needed to do something important and that Ikaris would be accompanying her. You still go to see her before they leave, you can’t help it. Especially when you live so close to her place and really want to say goodbye, you don’t know how long she’ll be gone. Your feelings towards Ikaris are complicated, you never told Ajak, but seeing Sersi so broken for centuries really left some thorns inside you. She is confused when she sees you pull up right before they left, rolling down the window you give her a soft smile before she nods with her head. You step out the car without a glance to Ikaris, you don’t know how to approach him and you don’t want to.
“We weren’t expecting company.” Ikaris says. “I thought we would be traveling alone.” He talks with that monotone voice of his, but you can tell there is something strange about him. Yet, you have not seen him since he left Sersi, and you don’t know what to think of it. You hold a hand up signaling him to shut up, something that can be interpreted as rude and as understanding. Not even a hello… you haven’t seen each other in centuries.
Putting your attention on Ajak you press your lips into a thin line, now you are feeling awkward in his presence. “Do you have everything you need? Will he fly you there… or?”
“What is this? A questioning?” Ikaris asks, you can see him clenching his jaw. “Does she know?”
“Ikaris.” Ajak warns with a soft tone, like a mother would do. You hate it when she acts like that with him. She keeps her eyes on you as she speaks, approaching you with quick steps. “You have nothing to worry about.” For a moment you are not sure if she is talking to you or him. “Everything will be fine.”
You nod, of course you trust her, she is more calculating and careful than you anyway. You sigh and frown. “I just wanted to see you before you left. I wanted to say goodbye. I’ll miss you.”  
She smiles and closes her eyes, she places a hand on your chest. “You are worried; I can feel it.”
“Text me when you get there? Wherever you are going.” You talk in that tone reserved only for her. You don’t care how confused Ikaris might be. She locks you in a hug, her mistake because now you won’t let go.
“I promise.” And she doesn’t look mad at all, you thought she wouldn’t approve of you showing up after she told you not to. And you pull away to offer her a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes before turning away to leave.
_ ✽ _ 
Somewhere on your way back home, as you are unnecessarily driving, you get an urging and restless thought that something is not right. You can’t get Ikaris’ glazy and cold stare out your mind, and you can’t figure out why. You know you have seen that look before, and it says danger… you just can’t remember why or you don’t want it to be like that. You start shifting on your seat, but the thought won’t leave your mind. You notice you are not even fully focused on the road, and you are only driving by memory of your body.
Sersi once told you to trust your instinct because out of them all yours was always on point. She said so after you predicted a swarm of deviants after having a bad feeling for days, your warning was not overlooked and you were able to protect the humans. Thena once said that you were gifted by Arishem with an extra ability that allowed you to foresee disaster and tragedy. Now you feel alarmed, and it is starting to consume you inside. But you still make it home, expecting to see Ajak’s message at any moment, she wouldn’t forget.  
Somewhere during the night, you lay still awake thinking of Ajak. It feels like you have been on a trance ever since she left. So, when you got that notification on your phone you quickly opened it and found yourself finally breathing of relief seeing a message from her.
Wifey: We arrived an hour ago. I’m settled for the night.
You: Will you be able to message me throughout the day?
No response, you want to sleep your worries off and close your eyes. Somewhere before dawn you get a new sense of alert that jolts you out of the bed. You don’t know what it means, but you need to find Ajak. You have no idea where she went, but you are so glad she kept her promise and messaged you. You are easily able to track her phone down, and you feel some sort of hope.
You are not as fast as Makkari, but you have the ability of speed. Just like Ikaris has more than one power, you do too. And you take off as fast as you can, tracking down the woman you love. Your leader. The feeling of danger never once leaving your body. It took you an hour to reach her, and when you did he had her cornered down to a hill. A frozen lake to her back, and white coating everywhere.
You hide behind a tree, the cold around you burns and all the white is blinding. You can’t hear them talking, but you can see her face and it almost breaks you to see her close to tears… and she embraces him? You are confused, but you don’t even have a time to react nor process what’s happening because he has just pushed her off the cliff. You scream and tears rush down your cheeks, and he turns to look at you with lasers shooting off his eyes. You hide your figure behind the tree, but you want to see her first. You take off after Ajak, you need to make sure she is okay and that you both can make it out of here.
You don’t expect to find her fighting off deviants, many of them, they are coming from everywhere and you quickly gain their attention as you crash into the ice landing on your feet. With the distraction you created, Ajak launches her body to grab a shotgun and she starts firing. You are so confused; the deviants were killed off a long time ago during that night. The deviants return their attention to her and they launch with claws and sharp teeth out, you speed off and start throwing them off of her. Using your replication, which is your main power, you are able to be everywhere.
You feel a hard blow on your back, and Ajak screams. As you turn around on the ground you see him floating and shooting lasers at your replicas. You groan in pain, and then you notice the biggest deviant you’ve ever seen emerge from the cave. You try to get up, but when you do the deviant has taken a hold of Ajak. You try to take a straight run to get to her, but Ikaris keeps aiming his lasers at you. Your replicas are trying to barricade your run, but he is quick and you have to evade.
You see something strange happening as the monster has struck Ajak with some sort of tentacles. And you scream, and you cry, and at this point you are taking Ikaris blasts without losing your balance. And you throw yourself at the deviant making it crash right back into the cave. Ajak is thrown into the frozen ground, and Ikaris is at your tail. You rush to help her, your replicas jump to barricade both of you, and you sigh of relief as you see her healing herself. Something seems to shift inside of you, finally taking in that Ikaris has betrayed both of you. You don’t understand why he is doing it, but you feel rage. The deviants are still there, and you have only managed to go around them and slam them around. You are not like Thena or Kingo, and you are not as strong as Gilgamesh, nor as fast as Makkari, but you know you can escape this.
Ikaris is such a coward, he won’t come down from his place above the ground. And while you are distracted watching him, thinking of a way to escape, you hear gunshots. You turn to look at Ajak and you find her firing at Ikaris. You can’t believe what you see, but you know she won’t hurt him because she has missed on purpose every single shot. And he takes off, like the coward he is. She finally looks at you, and her hair is all messy, she has blood in her thorn shirt, and she looks mentally exhausted. “Let’s get out of here.” You don’t hesitate to throw her into your back and take off at full speed, some replicas following you and some retaining the deviants.
You don’t take her back to the hotel, and you don’t take her back to your home. You only stop in the middle of nowhere in a very dark green forest knowing you both are safe now. Replicas withdrawing back into one within you. Neither of you say anything, the feeling of stopping feels strange as you both were in a high rush. Your skin feels electric and magnetic, and you start crying as you both embrace. “Ajak, what happened? W-Why?” You pull away to look at her, you want to make sure she is okay and alive. She looks like she’s been crying, of course she has, she was almost murdered by her golden boy. “I want to understand why.” But she remains quiet, only crying and holding tight against your body.
It takes a moment for her to compose, and when she does there is that look you have not seen in centuries. That look that tells you she is your leader and it reminds you of your mission in this planet, she feels so distant like that.
“We need to find the others. We need to talk.”
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mcuwitxh · 3 years
Drukkari Headcanon: Makkari wears Druig’s leather jacket
I wrote this in twenty minutes and only went over it once. This is a product of insomnia, an unhealthy obsession with Druig and Makkari, and 3am mania. Enjoy anyway :3
Word count: 638
Druig pads across the Domo, the soft sound of his bare feet against the wooden floors echoing off the walls. first he searches the common room, in every closet, under every blanket and over every seat. he asks around, but no dice. everybody swears up and down they haven’t seen it. Phastos claimed he’s been working on inventions all day, Thena vouches for him, and Kingo declared he had “better things to do than take your ridiculous leather jacket.”
he turns a corner and sees Sersi walking in his direction. “Sersi!” he calls as they meet each other halfway down the hall. “hello Druig.” she greets. “can i help you with anything?”
“have you seen my jacket?” he asks before she finishes her question.
a puzzling look appears on her face. “which jacket is this now?”
Druig grumbles under his breath. “my leather one? the one i always wear??” Sersi’s brows furrow and she shakes her head from side to side. “i’m sorry, Druig. i haven’t seen it.”
Druig groans again, louder and more aggressive this time. “i swear i’m gonna kill whoever took that damn thing!” he yells to no one as he hurries back down the hall, en route to his bedroom. he’s already torn that room apart twice looking for it, and nothing. but something tells him to look again.
when he gets to his room, he notices his door is ajar. he always closes and locks the door before leaving his room. his brows furrow and a frown appears on his face. he pushes the door open to reveal Makkari lying on his bed, her legs stretched out in front of her. there is a book in her hands as usual. around her shoulders is draped his leather jacket.
his face immediately softens. his brows drop and his heavy eyes glow at the sight of her. his angry frown is replaced by a tender smile, the ones he saves exclusively for her.
“ah, there you are.” he steps into his room, closing the door behind him. Makkari lifts her eyes to watch him walk into the room. she feels her heartbeat fasten and she hopes he doesn’t mention the obvious and intense blush on her cheeks.
“it’s about time you found me.” she signs. one of her signature mischievous grins appearing on her face
Druig walks until he is stood in front of his bed, hovering over her. she closes her book and places it neatly on her lap before meeting his gaze. those sharp brown eyes melt his heart every time.
“i was talking about my jacket.” Druig’s voice is teasing as he signs along. Makkari shoves his arm playfully, her grin widening. Druig catches the twinkle in her eyes as she teases him.
“you mean my jacket.” Druig’s eyes widen, a questioning look plastered on his face. “it’s mine now.”
“oh, really?” he smirks, and Makkari nods proudly. the playful grin on her face is priceless. the love he felt towards her, the connection they had built in their minds, that unspoken bond, their ability to communicate without language- her very presence alone- is enough to melt him. he was putty in her hands.
he bends down to her level and connects their lips. he will never get tired of those kisses. he never takes these moments for granted, cherishing each time he gets to feel her soft lips on his skin. he ever so gently cups her face in his right hand, using his other free one to intertwine their fingers. he squeezes her hand in their connected fingers, reassuring her he is real and he is ok and they are ok. he could stare at her forever. she was perfection.
“it’s yours.” he plants a kiss on her cheek, running his thumb over the kiss mark. “and so am i.”
243 notes · View notes
heavenlyhischier · 3 years
in the end - druig
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word count: 4.8k (bit longer than the other two yeah?)
summary: druig finally gets you to talk about what's got you so scared, and he promises to be there for you. Can he keep his promise in the end?
warnings: maybe some more angst, mentions of death, more self worth issues, brief inaccurate description of pandora’s box lol
note: please accept my apology of how long it took to get this out! i've been super sick and stuff, so this may not be the best thing in the world. this is unedited of course lol but i did my best! powered through the sickness best i could ahah
could be read as a stand alone, but it's better if you read part one and two
Druig, with eyes glowing gold, was quick to retreat back into the forest and towards his people. You stood frozen in your spot as your thoughts went to war with your heart. You wanted to follow him towards the screams, to help in any way you could, but your brain was replaying the worst moment of your life. It reminded you that you caused more destruction when you interfered despite your last centuries worth of personal training. Your heart urged you to go, telling you that you were ready for this, but you couldn’t seem to move your feet.
You’re not sure how long you had stood there, but you broke out of your petrified state when the electric sound of Ikaris’ beams filled the forest. You felt a switch flip inside your head, and you made an immediate dash towards wherever it came from. You dodged branches, jumped over rocks, and fallen trees as you ran towards whatever trouble was ahead. However, nothing could have prepared you for the scene before you.
Thena held a lifeless, colorless Gilgamesh close to her as she sobbed against his shoulder. Your eyes became cloudy as you watched her gently lay him on the ground, your hand coming up to cover your mouth in shock. The others found their way not too long after you had, and they all circled around the wailing warrior.
Druig’s fingers grazed your arm once he was behind you, briefly pulling your attention away from the heartbreak in front of you. He was quick to scan your body for any sign of harm but was even quicker to realize that you never made it to the fight. He delicately took your hand in his own before focusing on two of the most important people in his life.
The fire blazed in front of you as Karun spoke over the fallen soldier in his native tongue. You held onto Druig tighter than you’ve ever held onto anyone, afraid that he would be taken away from you too. You still doubted with everything in your heart that he had meant what he said, but that was the furthest thing from your mind right now. All you could think about was the fact that you had already lost two of the strongest people you knew, and you didn’t know who could be next.
The next step in Sersi’s plan was gaining the help of the one man who truly gave up hope for humanity decades ago. Those who remained loaded onto Kingo’s plane to make the trip to Chicago. You chose a seat near the window, leaning against the window as you attempted to push the grief to the back of your mind. Despite all you had done to mend your broken headspace, you knew it wouldn’t take much for it to shatter all over again. You’re not sure how much more loss you would be able to take.
It wasn’t long before your destination had been reached and the plane touched down in a random patch of deserted land. Sersi thought it best that only she go and discuss the situation with Phastos, but Ikaris insisted that he go with her in case something happened. The others were quick to agree with the couple, but they decided to step off the plane anyways to get some fresh air. You, however, chose to stay put in the slightly uncomfortable jet chair, not aware that there was one person who stayed as well.
“Hi,” Druig quietly made his presence known, not wanting to startle you.
“Hey,” You turned to give him a weak smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Your eyes were still puffy and cheeks still pink from the tears you shed, and it made his heart ache. He wanted to take the seat next to you and comfort you, but he’s sure that your need for him is long gone now. He knew you only let him be there because you both had just lost someone very dear to you. However, he still had to try no matter how sure he was of your inevitable rejection.
“How are you feeling,” He asked, still awkwardly standing in the aisle with his hands clasped in front of him.
“As okay as I can be,” You shrugged before turning to stare out the window, “You can sit down you know.”
It was embarrassing how fast Druig fell into the seat, but he had no problem showcasing his desperation to be near you. You stifled a giggle when he quite literally jumped into the spot to your left and let a small “mmph”. The nervous feeling radiating off of Druig was something that genuinely confused you. He had always been the embodiment of confidence, always knowing what to do or say. Now, he was merely a shy boy who was scared he was going to push you off the cliff you were barely holding on to.
“Can we talk about what happened before the deviants?” His words were slow and careful, not wanting to say the wrong thing and upset you.
“What’s their to talk about, Druig? I don’t believe you,” You whispered, ignoring that dreadful feeling growing in your stomach.
“Why do you think that? Have I ever lied to you before,” Druig pointed out. He took your silence as a sign to continue. “Y/N, I meant everything I said to you. I have never stopped loving you.”
“I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you because I am too broken for someone like you to love me,” You confessed, finally turning to look at him through foggy eyes, “I am too messed up for anyone to love me! And- and you don’t get it because you’re perfect! You turned out how Eternals were supposed to turn out! Me? Somehow, Arishem fucked up with me and now I’m defective! I’m not sure I can even control my own abilities without hurting someone anymore.”
Druig did not falter despite your words hitting him in such a devastating way that he’s almost positive you punched a hole through his chest. He knew that you had some issues with controlling your emotions, but he never knew you felt as if you were broken, and it made him upset with himself. He had always taken pride in knowing how you felt before even you did. He was able to read you like the back of his hand without squeezing his way into your mind. How could he have missed this?
You were far too aware of how long Druig had been silent, and you were now regretting telling him how you truly felt. It was something you intended on keeping to yourself forever, but you always struggled with keeping things from him. You could never let yourself lie to him or hide things, which is why you went without speaking to him for so long before he left you centuries ago. You knew that if he got you talking that the truth would undeniably escape, and now it had. Now, you were wishing you had never left your secluded home so you could at least keep your heart intact.
Druig knew he had to say something soon; he could tell you were pulling away. “Listen to me, Y/N. You are far from broken. You have flaws, but we all do. It’s what makes us who we are. You are the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,” He took your face in his large hands, thumbs swiping at the falling tears.
“You wouldn’t think that if you knew what I had done,” You scoffed, shaking his hands away from your face. “You would hate me if you knew what I did all those thousands of years ago.”
“I don’t think anything could make me hate you, my beautiful girl. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but I want you to know that it won’t push me way. I think telling someone might help you, though. Sitting on whatever it is for so long is bound to eat away at you.”
Once again, your head and you heart were raging war with each other. One telling you to tell him the truth, the other telling you that he would never look at you the same way ever again if you did. It made your entire body ache, not knowing what to do, but maybe he was right. Telling someone other than Ajak may help relieve some of the lifelong guilt, and you trusted Druig more than anyone.
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath before starting, “Do you remember when I came back from fighting those deviants and I shut myself in my room for weeks?”
He did, and he remembered standing outside your door every day wanting to go inside and hold you, but Ajak instructed him not to. He was forced to leave you alone in a time that he knew you needed someone the most.
“Well, during that battle, I got separated from the others when I was trying to get protect the people. I was struggling to keep the deviant from killing them, but then another one came out of nowhere and started to attack me,” Your entire body was trembling as those dreadful images flickered in your mind, “I panicked. I let fear take over me, and I truly don’t remember what happened after that. The next thing I know, Ikaris is shaking me awake and-“
“Ikaris knew?” Druig couldn’t help himself.
You pursed your lips at his interruption, doing your best to steady your mind and body. “He did, but he was told to never speak of it to anyone, and you know how he worshipped Ajak. Anyway, I woke up only to find out that not only had I eliminated the deviants, but I had also killed the innocent people I was supposed to be protecting. Druig, I murdered those innocent people because I got scared.”
The air was tense as he let your words truly sink in, a million thoughts running through his own mind. He knew something horrid must have happened that day, but he never suspected that you had accidentally took the lives of those you were sworn to protect. However, it made sense in some sort of twisted way. The way you shut everyone out for weeks after, the way you reacted back in Babylon, and the way you constantly struggled with your own powers.
Your heart was beating so hard against your chest you swear it was bound to break through your skin. You struggled to take in a breath as your memory recalled the events from that day, visibly flinching from the dreadful screams that rang through your ears. You could feel yourself falling into the endless pit of darkness, but you willed every piece of you to stay present in reality. You couldn’t let yourself fall and potentially hurt anyone around you. Centuries of practice and patience needed to prove themselves worthwhile.
“You’ve been holding on to something like that for thousands of years,” Druig started, “I’m shocked you haven’t gone absolutely mad, Y/N. That’s too big of a weight for someone to carry alone for so long, love.”
“You’re not listening,” You mumbled, pushing yourself away from him and further into the seat, “I killed all of those people, Druig!”
He reached out and took your trembling hands in his own, “I am listening. I am, but there’s nothing that can be done about the lives lost. I know you have always cared very deeply for these humans, but you can’t let that ruin you forever. You can, however, learn from your past mistakes and find a way to use them to make you stronger. Don’t let their unfortunate sacrifice go to waste.”
His thumbs rubbed comforting circles on the backs of your hands as his eyes searched yours. Your already tear stained cheeks from mourning the loss of your friend somehow worsened, but your vision was clearing with Druig’s comforting words. You let his words resonate with you, and a part of you felt relieved. He was always the one person you found solace in, and this was proving to be no different. Of course, you knew that your guilt was not going to go away just because someone told you that everything was okay, but it was a start to your long-awaited healing process.
“You’re right,” You whispered as you found yourself slowly inching closer to the man in front of you. “I can’t let my ghosts control me forever, but I also can’t forget them.”
“No one is going to ask you to,” He dropped your hand to place his on your cheek yet again, “Healing from a millennia of pain and grief is going to take some time, but I intend on being there for it all. I intend on being there for you every step of the way.”
He was close enough to you that you could feel his warm breath hit your lips. You thought your heart was going to escape its cage earlier, but now you’re sure it was going to. You haven’t been this close to someone since before you isolated yourself in your home in the woods. Druig’s eyes were hooded as he gazed into your own, waiting to see if he was reading the moment correctly before he made his move.
“Druig,” You mumbled, dropping your eyes to his beautifully full lips, “I, uh, I want you to know that I do believe you. About everything.”
He was seconds away from closing the gap between the two of you, but the voices of your friends filled the plane, interrupting the moment you have waited far too long for. You quickly sprang away from Druig, your cheeks and tip of your nose flaming a bright red as you cast your eyes down in slight embarrassment. Druig dropped his hands in his lap and passed a very nasty, but not truly, look to those who ruined the moment he had dreamt about since he first saw you.
“We got him,” Kingo announced, abruptly pausing when he took in the sight in front of him, “What’s going on here?”
His dark brown eyes flitted between you and Druig, his hands on his hips as he quirked one curious brow. Sprite was peeking through the hole his arm made while the others stood behind him, confused as to why they were all stopped.
“Nothing of your concern, Kingo,” Druig spoke for the both of you.
He simply narrowed his eyes before finally picking his feet up again, making way straight for the chair opposite you. Karun followed shortly behind him with a small camera pointed at the flustered couple; the others scattering throughout the plane to take their seats. You kept your eyes on your lap, but there was nothing that could prevent the feeling you got from your oldest friend’s burning stare. Druig, however, met Kingo’s eye and gave him a taunting smirk as he tried to piece together what happened.
Kingo attempted to pull the truth out of either one of you the entire flight to the ship, but he came up empty. You kept yourself occupied by talking to Thena who had taken the seat behind you, doing your best to keep her mind off her greatest loss. Somehow, a few of the others found a spare change of clothes to change into before landing off in the desert to find Makkari and the ship. Druig was now sporting a black leather jacket, a pair of dark pants, and a pair of black boots. You had to keep your mind busy with anything else other than the images of Druig doing ungodly things to you.
The ship broke through its rocky encasement, rising to reveal itself to its previous inhabitants. It looked even more beautiful than you remembered with the sleek, black finish and bright slashes of gold. You grabbed a hold of Druig’s arm as you excitedly beamed up at your first home; an act that put a smile on his face without effort. The large door dropped open before you, and it wasn’t soon after that you followed Phastos inside.
You made sure to step over the books and trash that littered the hall as Kingo narrated his way towards one of the main rooms. Phastos was in the middle of making fun of him whenever a loud ‘pop’ startled him.
“Oh! Stay calm! Thena please,” He panicked before quickly taking notice of the bag she had stepped on. “It’s just chips.”
Druig bumped your shoulder with his own as you let out a small giggle thanks to Phastos’ nervous laughter and brief freak out. “He’s more scared of an empty bag than the celestial we’re all about to face,” He quietly teased, earning another bout of laughter from you.
A few feet ahead sat Makkari as she quite literally sped through pages of a book. She was surrounded by artifacts and books alike, and it made you truly miss the speed demon you hadn’t seen in centuries. Despite your jealousy, you had always been close to her and loved her like you would love a sister. You shared her love of knowledge, though she was a bit more into it than you were. Truthfully, you probably missed Makkari more than you had Druig.
Kingo moved to fill her in on the current events, while the rest of you searched through her hoard of random things. You stopped in front of an all too familiar box, your fingers grazing over the designs on the outside. You remember the woman it belonged to and the power she held over the people of her town. She was envied by so many that they started a rumor that this box harbored horrid curses and that she was the reason so many awful things had happened to those around her.
You were brought of your daze by the sound of Druig’s voice, and it was a sight that you instantly regretted. He was holding the infamous Emerald Tablet at arm’s length away from her, giving her a warm, teasing smile. You peeled your eyes away, blinking away the fast forming tears. You began to doubt everything you had discussed with him, and you let your mind quickly fall back into their self-destructive habits. Thoughts you did everything to suppress came bubbling to the surface.
“You make it hard to stay out of your thoughts when they are so so loud, my love,” A soft whispered voice broke through your barriers.
His chest was pressed flat against your back, and his hand gently slid down your arm before taking hold of your own. His lips were nearly touching the shell of your ear, sending chills throughout your entire body. He lightly tugged on your arm in attempt to get you to turn around, and his heart fractured when you did. Your eyes were welled with tears, but you refused to meet his gaze. You were embarrassed.
“Hey,” He tried, delicately taking your chin and guiding your gaze to him, “I meant what I said, and nothing will change that. Don’t let your thoughts consume you. That is a very dangerous practice.”
“I’m sorry, what is going on here,” Phastos exclaimed, gesturing to the two of you. “When did this happen?”
“Whatever it is needs to stop,” Kingo playfully gagged.
“Finally,” Makkari signed, giving a giant smile to the couple in front of her.
Ikaris betrayed everyone. He killed Ajak. He knew everything and he never told anyone, not even Sersi. Ikaris betrayed the only family he has ever known for a being he has never even seen. Despite the treachery, Phastos came up with a plan to stop the Emergence and keep this world around just a little bit longer. As you approached the erupting volcano, you put on the very clothes you wore when you lost control. Flashes of that day made an appearance, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was before. Druig’s words replayed through your mind, willing the bad memories to leave, and reminding you that you can’t let this control you forever.
You, Sersi, Makkari, and Druig made way towards the volcano as Thena distracted Ikaris, who was undoubtedly going to try and breach the Domo. You shared a look with Druig, and he gave you a small yet comforting nod. Anyone who saw you would be able to tell that you were substantially more nervous than those around you, and he wanted to do whatever he could to keep you at ease. He knew this was going to be your first battle in thousands of years, and it was not going to be easy.
It was time. The bracelet securely placed on your wrist began to whir, swirling around your arm as you were encased in a cage of gold lines. You closed your eyes and slightly tilted your head back, letting your hands come out beside you palms facing upwards. You felt your legs leave the safety of the ground, and despite the comfort of your friends, your anxiety began to latch itself onto you.
You could feel the volcano slowing down, which meant whatever Druig was doing was going to work. You wanted to open your eyes to see the cynical beauty of what was being done, but you weren’t quite sure if the Uni-mind worked in a way that would allow you to do so. However, the loud buzz you instantly recognized as Ikaris’ beam was heard, and you fell to the ground shortly after.
“I should have done this five centuries ago,” The gruff voice of deception brought your attention back to the world.
Your eyes snapped open in time to see Ikaris grab hold of Druig’s neck before he launched into the sky. You watched as he took the man you loved higher into the air; your hands twitching as you attempted to control your power and emotions. You felt your heart stop as Ikaris tossed Druig aside before blasting him to the ground.
“No,” You screamed through the blinding fear that hit your heart. You watched as the one person you had wanted for centuries was taken from you yet again, but this time there was no bringing him back. This time he was ripped away from you.
Makkari was quick to grab a hold of your falling body, pulling you into her as Ikaris drove the mind reader into the earth. You let out cries that would rival that of a banshee, gripping onto one of your dearest friends so tightly you’re sure it would break her arm had she not been who she was. She glanced down at you, and her eyes grew at the sight of your eyes flickering red and hands twitching with sparks of gold. She didn’t have much time to think about it before she had to move both you and Sersi out of the way of the destroyed ship. No one had time to notice the way the earth around them was now riddled with holes from the pieces you had subconsciously taken.
Your entire body kept twitching as it waited for you let go of your mental block; waiting for you to the one thing you swore you would never do again. It was beginning to be next to impossible to keep your breathing steady and your heart calm as pure rage replaced the fear that was previously running through your veins. You were itching to release all of your fury on the one who caused your greatest pain.
“Druig’s gone. It’s over.”
His voice struck a nerve that hadn’t been touched in centuries, and there was no coming back from it now. You felt yourself let go of the barriers you had spent so long building. Your emotions slammed into you at such a force that, if you weren’t so consumed with fury, it would have left you breathless.
Your friends were blown backwards as you finally let your powers overcome you. They watched stunned as you ascended into the air, your eyes glowing the brightest red they had ever seen with your fair fanned around your face as it defied all laws of gravity. Your hands were held out on your sides as tornadic winds surrounded you, items you had ripped away from their rightful places swirling in the area closest to you.
Your eyes stayed on the man before you, watching as he stood his ground and waited for you to make your move. He’s seen this side of you before, and he knows how it ended last time. Ikaris was not scared of you, but he should be.
You pushed your hands forward, urging everything you had gathered to hit the eternal with all you had. He managed to hit a few of the flying rocks, but you had managed to hit him from behind, catching him off guard. It wasn’t long after that you began throwing all you could at him, practically burying the man underneath boulders and various objects you had wrenched from the ocean. A part of you knew it wasn’t long until Ikaris would overpower you, but that wasn’t going to stop you from giving him all you could now.
Makkari felt it before anyone saw it coming. Ikaris burst through the rubble, eyes already focused on you with his deadly golden stream. You did your best to protect your body, but he was able to strike you on the left side of your stomach. With broken concentration, everything around you clattered back to the ground, along with your injured body. Makkari, however, was there to catch you before you even knew what had happened.
You slowly opened your eyes, and she was happy to see that they had returned to their natural color. “I got you,” She signed, gently placing you firmly on the ground, “Now it’s my turn.”
Her smirk was the last thing you saw before she sped away, your vision blurring as your head became so light you’re sure it was disconnecting from your body. Keeping your eyes open was becoming a task in its own. Even breathing was becoming too hard to do. You know that you had done too much, put far too much stress on your body in a short amount of time. After all, your powers had been virtually dormant for so long. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself fading away and Phastos’ shouts became so distant that you hardly heard them.
“Y/N,” Thena’s calm voice bounced around the darkness in your head, “Y/N, wake up. We’ve done it.”
You could feel everything slowly coming back to you, starting with the searing pain in your abdomen. The cool feeling of sand wound beneath your fingertips reminded you of where you were. It reminded you that Druig was gone, and a part of you wished that you never woke up.
“What happened? Is she okay?”
It sounded so much like him, but you knew better than to have hope that he somehow survived Ikaris’ rage. You have been disappointed far too many time to hold out any sort of wish that he was there. However, a large, calloused hand cupped your cheek and the feeling that spread throughout your bones could only be brought on by one person.
“My beautiful, beautiful Y/N. Come back to me, love,” Druig whispered.
Your eyelids still felt so, so heavy, but you used all of your strength to open them. Bright blue eyes stared into your own, perfect lips forming your name as you slowly came back. His hands were on either side of your face, but his gaze softened considerably once he realized you were awake. He hastily pulled you into his chest, eliciting a light groan at the sudden contact with your wounded stomach.
“You’re alive,” You breathed out, tears threatening to spill over as your arms wrapped around his middle. “You’re alive.”
“I told you I wasn’t going anywhere,” He said, slightly pulling away so he could place his forehead on your own.
The others watched as you two held each other like your lives depended on it. As if you were going to disappear. You could feel their stares, but you didn’t care in the slightest. Druig was here in front of you, and you weren’t going to let him go ever again. You lost him once because you were too scared, and you were never going to do that again. You’re tired of letting all things good slip through your fingers because of fear. With that, you pushed all fear and nerves aside and finally closed the gap that had been there for too long.
im not quite sure if i want to end it like this or make a much smaller last part yet? idk we shall see. again, please do not judge this too harshly. covid brain is real with this one. also, i only tagged those who asked to be tagged in pt 3 so im sorry if i didnt tag you :(
tags: @princessleah129 @aprilpari @sealswat908 @parkershoco @mochimochie @goldielocks2004 @erikaar @alainabooks143 @kravitzwhore
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light-yaers · 3 years
All Too Well - Chapter Six
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Ko-Fi | Fic Masterpost | Chapter List
Warnings: Rated M for swearing, alcohol and mild sexual content. F!Reader.
A/N: This is my favourite chapter. For good reason. Enjoy it. 
Word Count - 1.5k
Chapter Six
By the late evening, festivities were underway. It was only right for stories to be recalled as anecdotes after such a strange few days. You hated to admit it, but after so long without your fellow Eternals, it was nice to be around them like this. 
You’d always enjoyed their grand parties before, the after battle libations and celebrations. They’d been in short supply over the past thousand years, but now—sat around a table with your family, jogging memories of the past and actually talking to each other was a welcomed change to what you’d used to encounter. 
You were all the same age, but your looks definitely proved that to be subjective. Sprite got it the worst, that was for certain. With the looks of a child, but the mind of someone much more ancient, you couldn’t imagine the struggle it’d been. 
She seemed to take the jokes well. 
“At Gil’s, he didn’t even give her alcohol,” Kingo quipped, sparking chuckles around the table. 
“It’s not like any of us can get drunk, anyway,” Sprite said bitterly, sipping at a beer. You sent her an amused smile.
“Still fun, though,” Kingo began. “Being alongside drunk humans is always an adventure. You know, it’s somewhat of an aphrodisiac,” 
The table went quiet immediately, but smug smiles were littered everywhere. You were trying everything within your power not to broadcast the word sex in your mind when Druig was sat right next to you. 
Phastos coughed awkwardly, prompting Kingo to slam his glass on the table. “Oh, come on, people. Eight thousand years and we can’t talk about sex?”
“We’re all more than capable, Kingo,” you spoke up, taking a sip of your drink. “Maybe certain things should go unsaid,” Kingo huffed immediately, sending you wide eyes with raised brows. 
“Well, maybe that’s just you,” he hit back with, and you knew exactly what he was thinking without needing Druig’s power. You opened your mouth slowly, trying to find the words, as your gaze skimmed the other entertained Eternals. 
You turned to Druig. “Is he...?”
“Calling you a virgin? Yes, he is,” Druig smirked, and the table erupted into giggles. Ikaris almost spat his drink out, prompting Sprite to grab a handful of napkins. Sersi was holding in her laughter, her cheeks red from beer. Phastos was biting down on his tongue and Thena pursed her lips in amusement, but the open faces of Kingo and Druig lit a fire in your gut. 
It’s like we’ve just been born, Arishem. 
You turned back to Kingo, tongue tied but raging. “Kingo—,”
“Oh, come on! I’m just teasing, I don’t actually believe that,” he tried to defend himself. 
“He’s lying,” Druig said immediately, swilling his drink in amusement. 
“Kingo!” you snapped. He raised his hands in defence. 
“Hey! Hey—I’m sorry. It’s just, you’ve always come across so sweet and naïve,” you sent him a death stare. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,”
“Unbelievable,” you muttered. 
“Look, even goody-two-shoes’ Sersi and Ikaris did it in the dirt—,”
“Kingo,” Ikaris warned. 
“Hey!” Sersi yelled simultaneously. 
“Did it? What are you, twelve?” you said, scowling, but you couldn’t deny you were finding the entire ordeal funny. “You all believe this?” you asked suddenly, looking round at the red faces of your fellows. “You all believe I haven’t? After eight thousand years?” you hated that word. 
Their sudden silence was enough of an answer. 
You stood abruptly. “You assholes!” you yelled, slamming your hands down on the table. Their laughter was probably the best sound you’d ever heard. The real kind—the kind that made your chest tight and your breath stutter, the pain of trying to hold it in, only to have it pour out in cackles and waves and redness. 
You smiled down at them all, laughing alongside them despite you being the brunt of the joke. The only person not laughing—
“Druig’s not laughing,” Phastos said quickly, pointing to the Eternal in question. Druig raised his beer to his lips mysteriously. 
“Don’t bring me into this,” Druig protested, shooting a smirk at Phastos. 
“You brought yourself into this well before now, pretty boy,” Phastos explained. You finally sat down, tucking your chair in questioningly. 
“What do you mean?” you urged. 
“Phastos is right,” Sprite said mischievously. “How do you think we found you in New York?” 
Your heart dropped suddenly, but not badly—you were intrigued. 
“You Eternals and your blabbering mouths,” Druig said, leaning forward and running a hand through his hair. His face was still unbothered, but you could feel the tension coming off him in waves. “So trivial,” he turned to you, sending you an intimate stare. 
“We came to Druig after Sersi and I realised you left London,” Sprite continued, talking only to you. Druig let her speak, not trying to stop her, as if he’d accepted that this was going to be told to you at some point. 
“What’s your point, Sprite?” you said flatly. 
“You really think it’d be that easy to find you without Druig?” Sprite said with a smile. You sent a questioning stare at Druig, asking for confirmation. He raised his hands up lazily. 
“Guilty,” he said forwardly. “Your thoughts are like a beacon to me. I could find you anywhere in the universe,” 
“Couldn’t have said no to finding you even if he’d tried, either,” Ikaris chimed in lowly.  
“Now now, Ikaris,” Druig said in warning. “Don’t forget I can spill your darkest secrets, right here, right now,” Ikaris’s jaw clenched. 
“Can you also spill whether or not she’s a virgin, too—,” Kingo interrupted. 
“Kingo!” you screeched, whacking him around the head. 
“Proof or it never happened!” he joked back, fighting against your slaps.
All tension was resolved back to normal, despite the way Ikaris’s stare lingered on Druig’s for just a tad too long. It was covered by the laughter though, and by the smiles and subtle mutterings of your family. 
You downed the rest of your beer as Druig sat back in his chair. His eyes immediately found yours. In your mind, a wall was erected. There was part of you that didn’t want him to know what you’d done, but part of you that wanted to see the satisfaction on Kingo’s face wiped away. 
Who cares. We all know each other. 
“Evidence? Fine,” you said, with a finality that made Kingo almost freeze. You kept your gaze on Druig. “Druig, just this once, I give you permission,” 
“What?” he perked up, sitting up straight in his chair and widening his eyes. 
“I give you permission to rifle around my mind,” you said plainly. 
“You gotta be jokin’,” he let out breathily, alongside a few chuckles. 
“I’m not,” you confirmed. 
Phastos leaned into Sersi’s ear. “I’ve never seen him this excited,” he whispered to her, but it wasn’t exactly a quiet transaction. Sprite’s giggles echoed Phastos’ words, and Druig took the comment on the chin. Perhaps, his cheeks rouged just the tiniest bit. 
“You wanted evidence, Kingo,” you reiterated. “Druig can get it,” 
A calculating silence followed your statement. You were secure in your decision, and the wandering gazes of the Eternals showed their curiosity as well, now that Kingo had brought it up. 
 “You men and your wilds, just like children,” Thena mused, cutting through the silence, but there was a glint in her eye. “But still—I’d quite like to know,” 
“See?” Kingo said, prompting nods of approval from Sprite and Phastos in Druig’s direction. 
“Collectively, we have the power to potentially take down a Celestial, but you all want me to look into her mind to see whether or not she’s shagged someone?” Druig asked for confirmation. You almost laughed. Kingo was the first to nod. 
“Yeah,” Phastos joined in. 
Druig turned to you then, sending you a soft look. He angled his face down, as if to ask are you sure? 
I’m secure in myself now, Druig, you thought. 
He nodded in response. “Fine,” he said lowly. 
You waited for the feeling of his fingers filing through your thoughts. You waited for the sensation of another, rifling through your every thought and quip and memory—waited for him to let himself into your skull and close the door behind him. 
But he never did. 
The silence was deafening once more; Eternals were slipping on the edge of their seats. You only had eyes for him though, as he paused for dramatic effect, as he lied to a room full of the oldest people on this planet. 
“No,” he said softly, croaking out the words gently and swallowing down a feeling in his gut. “She’s not a damn virgin,”
“I knew it,” Sprite said with crossed arms. “Sweet and naïve my ass, Kingo,” 
“I stand corrected,” he admitted, sitting back in his chair and finally dropping the subject. 
Only yourself and Druig knew that he hadn’t looked though. You were having a silent conversation with him then, as everyone else went back to different conversations. His eyes were scanning your entire face, your cheeks, your nose, your lips. 
You liar. 
He tipped his head to the side, sending a smirk your way. “Didn’t need to see it to believe it,” he whispered. “Didn’t want to, either,”
You sent him a quizzical look. “Why?” you whispered back. 
He let out a long breath, smiling to himself. He shrugged. “Rather see it in person,” 
Your heart skipped. Druig stood, picking up his glass. “Who needs a refill?” he asked, leaving you sat there; speechless; and maybe—
A tad turned on. 
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thenamesh · 3 years
I truly believe that, at this point, Marvel should release a series of Thena and Gilgamesh. Just cute ol fluff or like their adventures together. It's gonna be amazing, I just knew it. (We'd get to see them more as malewife x girlboss 😩)
This isn't really an ask but I've just been dying to let out my admiration for Gilgamesh and Thena and their bond together.
Being an MCU fan since the start, out of all the couples out there, they're honestly the second relationship I'm really looking forward to and supported so much (if they would decide to deepen it)
Anyway, I wanna know what made you became a supporter of their relationship too ^^
Thank you so much for your ask! I appreciate it so much! You’re my third ask ever! (I think it’s the third, it might be the fourth lol) OH MY GLOSH! I would looooove it if marvel did a series or a trilogy or SOMETHING for Thena and Gilgamesh! I would actually die for joy! <3 And that’s a great question! What made me become a supporter of thenamesh? Welp, buckle up because here comes and ESSAY! lol jk <3 I think I’m attracted to thenamesh as a ship because, for me, they freakin’ emobody some key elements of what I think a healthy relationship looks like. What key elements are they, one may ask? I will name three out of the handful. I’ll put them in bullet form and then elaborate on them. Also, i’m speaking purely towards romantic relationships (although I also support shipping thenamesh as friends too) 1. self sacrifice
2. sticking together even when it’s rough
3. intimacy Okay here we go! First up is self-sacrifice:
When I look at Thena and Gilgamesh, they embody the purest form of love and the strongest form, the kind that says “I would do anything for you including give up my very life.” There is no greater love than this than to lay your life down. 
Where do we see this in the movie? When Gilgamesh says he’s gonna stick by Thena even though the Mahd Wy’ry will come back and she could possibly kill him. 
You guys.
*sobbing because I love thenamesh so much*
Okay here’s the another one: sticking together:
Faithless is the person that says farewell when the road darkens. Is the path of Thena and Gilgamesh rough? YES! HELL YESS! She could kill him at any moment, but he gently brings her back from the Mahd Wy’ry every time. The scenes where Gilgamesh says “take my hand” and “remember” are very telling. He’s probably said that to her at least a few million times but he is no less tender.  This goes without saying that there are relationships that exist that should not stick together and should end as quickly as possible, i.e. abuse, axe murderers, etc. But the point I’m trying to make is that sometimes people up and leave when the romance wears off, but that’s when you gotta be willing to put the work in to it!
And last but not least, intimacy:
I don’t mean just sex. I mean the way they hold hands or just sit and talk. This is wonderful for this generation to see. So many people just want to jump in the sack and have a romp between the sheets. (not that there is anything wrong with that) but for me, What’s the rush? Why all this emphasis on sex when there is more to intimacy than just that. Thena and Gilgamesh don’t even have sex in the movie (although I would have preferred the sex scene be of them and not Ikaris and Sersi, lol) Don’t get me wrong, sex is great. But intimacy is an umbrella term, and it encompasses the whole kitten caboodle.
I hope I haven’t completely bored you to DEATH! :P
I really love thenamesh and I hope I answered your question about what made me start shipping then in the first place!
Have a wonderful day!
Oh I almost forgot, I’m curious who your first fav ship is? You mentioned thenamesh is your second fav! <3 ;P
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stxleslyds · 2 years
So... Steven Grant and Dane Whitman...
...they HAVE to meet. that should not be up to discussion.
Steven and Dane would totally vibe with each other, they have SO much in common! I truly believe that Steven would find an actual friend in Dane if they had the opportunity to sit and chat. And while I think that he and Marc are on the path to a solid friendship another one wouldn't do any harm.
Dane seemed to have a social life and friends but I bet that after he found out about Sersi and he got in contact with his uncle, his life took a turn for the weird. So him coming across Steven could be amazing! They could really bond over being inserted to this new side of their lives and how much they want to participate in it so they can keep those they love safe.
Dane would talk about Sersi and her being an Eternal a wizard and Steven would talk about Khonshu and Marc and how the whole Moon Knight thing worked works.
And then they could talk about history, books and poetry! They seem like the kind of people that just ENJOY learning stuff all the time, so them hanging out in a cafe while they get lost in all the information sounds like a beautiful start for their friendship.
I heavily headcanon that Steven is a massive history fan. All those books can't be only from Egyptian mythology and history, there has to be more... Which leads me to believe that Steven is well-versed in Arthurian legends, more especially a certain cursed blade 👀
Of course the man himself Blade (Eric Brooks) would've already made himself known and probably gave Dane some insight on just how dangerous the Ebony Blade is but that wouldn't take away from Steven absolutely losing it at the idea of the blade being real and that Dane is related to Sir Percy of Scandia.
Anyway, I just want need them to meet in the MCU, and it would help the moonies (that how I call the MK system) cross paths with Blade! I don't know, I just think it makes sense and that it could build up a fantastic friendship, something that we are lacking currently in the MCU...
Also, if paths continue to cross Steven might end up hanging out with Thena and Makkari and THAT would be fascinating! They are both so knowledgeable and amazing, I bet both Steven and Dane would love to spend some time together.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
OK SO IM BACK headache might be returning so I’m gonna try to get to as many memes as  I can BUT FIRST report on Eve of Judgement--- Ok, so at least it’s not “all the Eternals decide mutants are excess Deviation and must be culled” bc that’s dumb as hell. It’s “Druig has now ascended to being Prime Eternal, and while he doesn’t actually think mutants are really excess deviation that needs to be culled, it’s what he’s going to say in speeches. His REAL reason is he thinks that this is a good move to bind his new subjects to him, all coming together in something terrible and a “return to tradition in a fallen age” and like...it’s shakey reasoning but it does make sense for how he would think, his previous human identity was the fascist dictator of a fictional Eastern European nation, complete with death camps. Uniting people he rules via getting them to do terrible things on his command is his brand.  And like, I am fine with Druig being Druig. My main concern is whether our heroic Eternals were suddenly going to be gung-ho about murdering all mutants. Right now. . .most of them don’t know about this. The majority of the “heroic” Eternals that we follow have fucked off to Lemuria to live among the Deviants peacefully and trying to basically find a new way to live and exist. Given this new leaf, it’s highly unlikely to me they’re going to go along with Druig’s idea, especially since they can’t stand the guy anyway at the best of times. Which is what I was optimistically hoping for way back when this started being talked about, that it would be the doing of the villainous Eternal(s) and our good guys would be on the side of the mutants. Which we don’t know is the case yet cuz again, Ikaris and Sersi and Thena and so on don’t even know about this shit yet, but that’s my current prediction.  Oh, and, uh, actually, all our “heroic” Eternals are NOT at Lemuria. Ajak and Makkari are up to their own thing, and tried to recruit Phastos into it. It’s not yet revealed exactly WHAT, but Phastos was not down for it, and in his own words they are trying to “make a god” and whatever that means, they’re the ones who kidnapped Sinister for this end. I am VERY keen to see what these ladies are planning, especially as there’s a hint that whatever it is, it might end up causing Big Trouble for Druig (”What’s the worst thing a bunch of priests could do?” is not a question that Druig would rhetorically think if the story was NOT intending the priests---Makkari and Ajak---to end up being a huge problem for him after all) Between that and kidnapping Sinister and USING HIS CAPE TO GAG HIM, they’re the highlight of the issue for me....even if Ajak is like, shamefully whitewashed. She looks literally EXACTLY like Sersi used to, right down to her old hairstyle, and the way they drew Sersi in this makes her look like Spock.  But yeah basically the art is my only complaint, and while I am still not a fan of this whole plot, it is thus far going in the best direction I think it could for what it is (that is, just being Druig’s idea, not the good guys, and depicted as entirely evil and self-serving, no “both sides” thing like IvX and AvX) and I really, REALLY want to see what Ajak and Mak are gonna do. Definitely more enjoyable for me than the X-comics, lol.
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