#There is another doodle on my neocities
hedgehogofspades · 9 months
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I wanted them to kiss
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sennamaticart · 5 months
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Every New Years, I like to show off some of the art that never got posted during the year! I think its important to know not everything makes it through to the final stage, but its always good to keep track of your work!
Explanations under the read more!
One of the many unicorn drawings I made this year, I was SUPER dedicated to making something that echoes the design of a halberd. When I was making it, it ended up feeling like I was going through the motions and I lost sight of the original idea. It ended up being finished, but I never posted it because it felt like it wasn't good enough to stand alongside my other works in the series!
A little doodle of Uncle Stinky and I from early January! I really DO like this one, and would have posted it if it were more substantial. I'm hoping to maybe repurpose it into a bigger collection of my diary comics instead of letting it rot on my hard drive for no reason!
Another Uncle Stinky drawing. I actually think I might've posted this one somewhere on twitter or Instagram, but it didn't seem to make it to tumblr for the same reason as the previous drawing. But fun fact! This was one of the first drawings I made with the Kolormarc brushes that ended up shaping my unicorn art during the year!
Another unfinished Unicorn drawing. This one went through a ton of differently thumbnails over quite a few weeks. I got all the way to the lineart before I burned out on it. I just couldn't decide how I wanted to color it and other work ended up piling up. I would really like to see it through to the finish line in the future.
A collection of photobashed weapons from a DnD campaign. This was the campaign my friend DMed and the same campaign that created Romeo. I made this drawing for a zine we've been working on for a few months. If it ever makes it to finish, I'd love the share the zine with you guys! The weapons are (in order from left to right) a lethal squirt gun, owned by Romeo, a glittery mace owned by Hugh Mongus, a temperature-controlled hook for Captain Hook, and a feather-light sword for Hickory.
The very first thing i made in the Womp 3D software! I don't have much experience with 3D modeling, but it was pretty easy to latch onto the mechanics of this! It was just a simple beast, I still kind of like it!
Another DnD drawing for the same zine as #5. This is a little drawing of an NPC named Rumple, who's some fancy fashion designer who's crossed paths with Romeo in the past. Rumple was really fun to interact with, and the snazziest dresser in the campaign!
A itty bitty Uncle Stinky I made for a super bare-bones pet game i found somewhere? It was so barebones that it's pretty much useless. But hey! If you wanna try it out, I'm hosting it on my (practically unused) neocities page
Some drawings of my friend @finnimate 's DnD character from the same campaign as Zoltan! His name is Angel, and he's a big sturdy triceratops. I love a good dinosaur, but Triceratops are notoriously awkward to draw. I threw this page together just to try it out and see if I could help them settle on a design. I don't think I succeeded, but I like getting to draw Angel anyways :D
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twinvenus · 1 year
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it was a really slow start this year... in january i didnt actually finish anything, all i have to show for that period is a single flight rising drawing -- i had another one, but it's now Lost Media (sadly) from when i got my new PC.
(more recounting under da cut! i've included a lot of unposted/unfinished sketches down here!)
march was a lot of desperate attempts to get back into drawing by sketching out little character designs i never posted, mostly wizards. that wizard right there is my favourite of the bunch. Fantastic energy from this creature.
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april is when i started getting into working on Gnome Lore that i have on my site, gnomes.neocities.org! gnomes are my special interest so the enthusiasm of learning about gnome mythology/history, and my own ideas for gnomes, actually got me COLOURING PIECES. incredible feeling.
this was the back end of my flight rising fixation, and included a few humanised sketches of my dragons Mirth and Gerana, pictured above. i was also getting really into WoW again at this time, so there were plenty of little wow-inspired sketches. + a bonus Jurgen from sam and max in the bottom left!
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the gnoments (gnome moments) carried on into the month of may as i designed other known mythological creatures. i also rehashed a beloved old DnD gnome OC called April and included her in that lore. love that lil gal.
during this month i got really into working on my neocities page, and so a lot of art i did was assets for that. you can see a majority of my May drawings over there on the lore page. :-)
june was a month of OC swag for me. i was totally inspired in the month leading up to ArtFight and put my heart into character design! from this beautiful month i got one of my new favourite pieces, shown there, of my ocs ZAP! APPLE and STEP KID. they're inspired by the band The Avalanches, specifically the album Wildflower. during this month i also created some of my newest and favourite OCs such as RANBOLIN, Beanie Boy, and Professor PJ!
during this i also did some new art for characters like irene, nadia, and D.A. Private Eye. i think a vast majority of this can be found in my "ocs" tag...
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and here it comes.... my traditional Best Month for art. i was popping off HARD this month even though i didn't do as much as last time. i am SO happy with everythign that came out of this year's artfight, deeply. here are some of my favourite pieces from that period:
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i was really into one-layer drawings this year. these were all done on two layers MAX, with the binary brush on sai. it really pushed me to be creative with my colours and detailing, and it's become one of my favourite ways to draw.
YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED. that the art for july features a certain Recurring Character. this is because in the month or so prior i had begun rewatching Naruto with my brothers. although the full-force naruto hyperfixation didn't settle in until months later this was the beginning of it. Rotating gaara in my mind always.
hmm... august got quite slow again. i might have been burnt out from going so hard in the other couple months. i have a few odd doodles from that month aside from the birthday gift to @l0gitex you see there, including THESE:
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i also started developing a naruto OC when some brainrot started to settle in. their name is kodama, after the tree spirits. i wanted them to be from konoha, you know, to match -- originally i wanted them to have that wood type stuff, but recently i've been thinking that something to do with funghi and mycelium networks might be really interesting, especially due to their connection with trees, and how kodama live inside trees. these were some outfit concepts but i think i'll change their colour palette to match konoha more. more blues and browns i think.
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the dawn of my BRIEF SPLATOON ERA! i haven't played since that month LMAOOOOO! anyways, i drew a few splatoon-related pictures in that time.
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birth of Blupi. as well as this September is the beautiful month in which i began to learn using Blender. here's a little ref drawing for the gaara model! (why do i keep doing stuff with gaara?????):
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i was so proud of how that model came out. i had some other models of OCs like tomato cloun and one of ranbolin i never finished rigging (i hate weight painting so much oh my god-)
man i wish halloween was like, anything here. during this month i started working again on my gnomes page so there were some more little designs done, visible on the lore page! specifically, the boggart and warren gnome were from October, as well as Awesome Rando.
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november was kind of an epic month for my OCs, actually! alongside my interest in naruto REALLY starting to fire up again i was redrawing and bringing back older OCs as well as bringing in beloved Clary! here are Ranbolin and Dee as well. <3 let's go girls
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beyond this the naruto brainrot had really settled in. so i began drawing my favourite characters: you know who. happy birthday Rock Lee!
OHHHHHHHH HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO!!!! DEPTHS OF HYPERFIXATION STRIKE!! i know i've posted a lot of art lately, and i'm so excited that i have -- i didn't know if i'd ever get this stoked again since earlier in the summer but i am so INTO IT RN!!!!!
check out this hinata wip:
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awesome thing about being fixated is i tend to finish a lot more of my drawings, it really carries my enthusiasm. so i'm hoping to have this picture finished soon! if not, many more will be finished in its place.
man if you read all of this ur a real one, thank you so much. i'm so excited to see what comes in art for 2023!!!!! MY wicked hands will concoct such bountiful imagery. I can feel it
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syndo · 3 months
hello all..! ♥️
(well just me really)
working on an additional archive for Twitter (<- linked there!)
Blah….! Quite messy…
More down below…⬇️
I’m having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to code for my neocities & toyhouse…! I’m more geared towards setting up a neocities however, I believe I’ll be able to have more creative freedom or something; a toyhouse would be used for categorizing my characters only…!
I would like my Twitter to be used more as a site/blog status type of deal- but twitters is a bit of a dumpster fire and HAS been for like…well a long time. I believe a Twitter would also be a lot better for quick life updates and such…I’m obviously no celebrity and stuff but I like to keep my online presence organized.
I considered using Instagram for this purpose but that has proved…to be very irritating!! Many websites and apps these days have such questionable TOS and users, even this one. I am hesitant to want to post myself or my art anywhere really!
My blogs, neocities, toyhouse, and Twitter will likely be the ONLY places I post stuff on.
Some fun facts!:
• My fanart and art blog names syndo(here)/syndocia…! Mean nothing in particular as far as I’m concerned…I like to make up words that sound good! Hopefully they mean nothing crazy in another language…! Syndocia…(Sin-Doe-Seeah) That’s neat yeah?
• Sardega’s name was made with this method as well, but unfortunately I guess it’s close to the word “Sardinia” because that’s what pops up when you google it!
• My main blogs name: kisunyah- is an actual word! It finds its origins from the Russian language. КИСУНЯ or “cute lady cat”…I believe it also means a type of lady…hmm hmm…💭.
• I found the word cute and interesting, so I chose to change my blogs name to that!
Now, a break from the fun facts…
If you can even call them that I GUESS. That was pretty much some random trivia. My main blog…it’s completely unart related anyways aside from the occasional doodle that I’ll post just for fun. It’s just…a blog…with stuff I like!
I think it’s fun to see others interests, especially an artist’s interests. Seeing what inspires them and what they like let’s you see into their mind better…to better understand their creations…! Muhahaha!
Please don’t look too deeply into me though…I’m just a broke student whose been reblogging silly stuff for a better part of …? 7 years? Maybe, I’m not much good with math unless it has to do with money…even then I’m a bit clueless. I think I’m a free frolicking individual and artist above all else.
I can definitely say I’ve changed A LOT in that time…being raised by the internet takes a toll on one’s personality and behavior. I can say I was pretty insufferable- but I was a tween…a teenager…! Hell, I still kind of am. My thoughts and opinions now will always be my own, but being young on here…really rots the brain.
Fan spaces make you think a ship or anime is more important than going outside and shit especially if you’re younger…! Take breaks from your screens and play outside, it’s good for you. I’ve thankfully learned that…in the last few years. Late and embarrassing, but maturity comes to us all at random times. I’ll be 20 this October…that’s a lot to think about but also very fun!
I look forward to growing my artistic abilities and to continuing to mature and learn- never stop learning guys! > :•3
- Itzel (that’s me!) aka Syndo
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dreamhubproject · 1 year
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I'm probably just going to post illustrations of my dreamhubs to this blog and then link to them on my website, because trying to orient the files on neocities makes me wanna pull my hair out...
Anyway, here's a little doodle page of the Mall. from left to right and top down, we have The Red Door, A mannequin, Some random hallway in the mall that showcases the fluorescent lights, a mannequin on an escalator, and the voids outside the windows, the concrete staircase, and another scene of the mall that showcases another mannequin, a trash can, an empty shop, and the beginning of an escalator.
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depths-of-escapism · 2 years
may numbers & shit!
twitch: 43 unique viewers (large decrease). 13 total followers (small increase). 30 hours streamed (large decrease). tumblr: 72 notes (decent increase). 111 total followers (small increase).
deviantart: 17 favourites (small increase). 1.21k views (basically no change). 21 total followers (kinda huge increase for DA standards) artfol: 12 likes (no change). 19 total followers (no change). Instagram: 46 likes (decent increase). 26 total followers (decent increase). tiktok: 239 likes (another large increase in a row??). 2706 views (large increase). 115 total followers (large increase) neocities: 13600 total views (honestly I'm not sure how many views came from the month of may as i did last months numbers kinda wrong lol, but i do know at least a couple hundred seem to be new) Notes: i posted 5-6 times this month compared to last months 8 times. uh, what a strange month, i really didn't make all that much again lol,, and most of the content i did make was just quick doodles/sketches. basically what happened was i took a 10 day irl vacation, got ill on that vacation, and now I've been just, tired for the past 7 days and not really making anything lol. with all of that being said i have?? no fucking idea how my numbers ended up being pretty good this month?? but they did and uh, thank you?? i haven't really said thank you to everyone in awhile, but uh yeah! thank you everyone for always liking my bullshit!
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nakamuto · 7 years
✨ tag thing ✨
Tagged by @1aeil noodle senpai <3 (hi i know i never do any of these tags but im gonna bc i have nothing better to do and thanks for tagging me in these hehe)
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you are finished you have to tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!!
1: are you named after someone : nah
2. when is the last time you cried : 5mins ago? im always worried about mark (like ok it’s not a cry like maybe 5 tear drops just left my eye but then the last time i actually cried was over yuta when people shat on him i cant even sorry im emo when it comes to my fave)
3. do you like your handwriting : yeah because i can write shit about people and not have anyone decode it because it’s too illegible (idk how my teacher do it tho i have the ugliest handwriting on earth)
4. what is your favorite lunch to eat : my own gourmet style instant ramen
5. do you have kids : mark and friends (basically nct dream and winwin but mark is my main son sorry im biased) and also christine but sometimes she’s rly the mum...
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you : nah i wont want to know this person
7. do you use sarcasm : always but no one catches it fml
8. do you still have your tonsils : ye
9. would you bungee jump : yES
10. what is your favorite kind of cereal : FROSTIES
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off : nah where do you find time for that
12: do you think you’re a strong person : physically nope but im mentally stronger
13: what is your favorite ice cream flavour : chocolate chips and vanilla, not so much of a chocolate ice cream fan idk why everyone is obsessed with it
14: what is the first thing you notice about people : face? HAHA! AND THEIR SHOES!!!!!IDK WHY!!!
15: red or pink : none but i’ll go with red
16: what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself : p much everything except for hair eyes and height
17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now : grey sweatpants, barefooted
18: what was the last thing you ate : my feelings, because im emo over mark im a worried mom
19: what are you listening to right now : bts spring day
20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be: indigo
21: favorite smell : floral scents, SMELL OF NEW BOOKS, carbon dioxide air when it’s night time, rain smell (soz im rly weird axbsbxs)
22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone : some random person my friend asked me to pick up her phone for her im...such a good friend
23: favorite sport to watch : diving, swimming, hockey, badminton, gymnastics (just not soccer im sorry yuta)
24: hair color : dark brown
25: eye color : dark brown
26: do you wear contacts : nah
27: favorite food to eat : dimsum...like a real chinese person
28: scary movies or comedy : HORROR
29: last movie you watched : split (the acting was SO good)
30: what color of shirt are you wearing : purple
31: summer or winter : LOUD RESOUNDING WINTER
32: hugs or kisses : HUG
33: what book are you currently reading : blind willow, sleeping woman by haruki murakami (IM TRYING TO CLEAR ALL MY MURAKAMI TO READS BEFORE I MOVE ON)
34: who do you miss right now : mark
35: what is on your mouse pad : doodles...haha
36: what is the last tv program you watched : i forgot
37: what is the best sound : nature, (not to be that trash but...mark’s laughter)
38: rolling stones or the beatles : neither
39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? usa new york (from sg)
40: do you have a special talent : can play a couple of instruments and uh idk i forgot what can i do;;;,, (i think im a p convincing and persuasive person? i talked this person into buying this correction tape for no reason)
41: where were you born : singapore
42: people you expect to participate in this : @taeiloves @y-ta @teewhytrack @jaehynu @markhee @paradiseyuta @1aeyong @nctokki @nctlimit @neocitys @jenowhat
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