#There's no cinnamon bun emoji unfortunately
babs mentally i am getting all cozy on the couch with u and rewatching howls moving castle 😤 passing the popcorn rn 🍿
CAL(CIFER) IK YOU SENT THIS LAST NIGHT BUT HOPEFULLY IT'S NOT TOO LATE LOL ehehehehehehe thank you for joining me I made cinnamon buns 😌✨️
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temple-lux · 3 years
Walking in on you after a shower (Brothers)
(You pronouns used. Gender neutral.)
He was looking for Mammon to lecture him again. He swears he didn’t mean to walk in on you.
His eyes go wide he immediately slams the door shut, almost breaking it of the hinges and making everything worse.
Won’t apologize at first.
“Have you ever heard of a lock?”
Doesn’t feel bad enough to stop thinking about the way you looked though. Only in private of course.
Make him beg for forgiveness. Come on, imagine how entertaining that would be.
You can tell that he’s still embarrassed, but don’t bring it up to anyone else unless you have a death wish.
Probably has grimm stashed away all throughout the house like a gremlin. (There’s a pun in there somewhere.) This one in particular happens to be in one of those toothbrush holder tubes. He was just in the bathroom to sneak it out.
Oh, shit. You’re in the bathroom.
Screams like a baby and turns away, blabbing out apologies.
Runs face first into the door trying to get out.
Probably keeps glancing back at you in the mirror on accident and feels awful about it, but he couldn’t stop if he tried.
Will buy you a lock bar to put on the bathroom door.
You know, so no one else walks in on you. He’s gotta protect his human.
Okay there’s no way mans doesn’t have a bathroom attached to his bedroom so for the sake of the prompt this was a complete and utter set up.
Mammon probably stole a figurine and told him he put it in the bathroom! And it would get moldy with all the humidity and heat!
Races in there. Doesn’t even hear the water running or cut off.
You step out of the shower the same time he opens the door.
Levi goes tomato red and if you thought Mammon was a stuttering mess this is ten times worse. Will go on about how disgusting he is for intruding and apologizing.
He covers his eyes from looking at you, but still looks around the bathroom. There’s no figurine in sight.
Only then does he realize it’s a set up and oh boy does he have a few choice words for Mammon.
Will not step foot outside his room for weeks even if the house is burning. Won’t let you in either.
Let him sulk at your feet and grovel he’s so gross!!! How dare he intrude on you!!! How could you ever forgive him?!!!
He was about to out and wanted to make sure he didn’t look too disheveled. That bathroom mirror was the closest.
Quickly averts his eyes and turns around.
He will apologize, but it was an honest mistake so he doesn’t feel the need to grovel.
Will try to make it up to you through actions even if you tell him it’s fine.
If you mention this ever again he gets extremely embarrassed. He already apologized please don’t hold this over him forever.
Another one where they definitely prefer to use their own personal bathroom, but I digress. Probably left a lotion in there or something.
Stares for a good second and then turns around when he catches himself. Still keeps talking to you though. Definitely a few compliments.
“Hey, have you seen my- stop screaming, it’s just me. Have you see my lotion?”
Will get out if you ask him too.
But will also jokingly do the “Without me?” *fuckboy emoji* thing.
More respectful than people give him credit, but really needs that lotion back, please.
Dude was just trying to take a shower after working out he didn’t know you were already in there! He’s sorry!
Legitimately doesn’t know what to do when he sees you so he just stares for a few seconds. Deer in headlights mode.
Doesn’t even say anything, just slams the door shut as he leaves.
Unfortunately, he had a death grip on that doorknob so the door doesn’t shut all the way. Or, unlike Lucifer, he actually breaks the door. Like, shatters it.
Apologizes after the fact. Will give you portions of his meals to make up for it.
You want cinnamon buns at two in the morning and don’t want to get up to get them? He’s there immediately. Whatever you want.
Definitely needs a cold shower after that ordeal though.
Dude does straight up not care.
He’s here to brush his teeth, not stare at you. If you’re in the bathroom when he needs to be then that’s your deal.
If he apologizes it’s just to calm you down.
He’s half asleep when he walks in anyway, he doesn’t spare you the time of day.
After he’s done brushing his teeth though he at least tells you goodnight.
Leaves immediately afterwards.
Will from now on only go to that bathroom though. Just in case…
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randomoranges · 4 years
drag meeting au part 3
The nice thing about Fridays was the weekend that started and the little tradition Étienne had for himself. At the end of his day, he would go to his favourite café and indulge in an end of week treat and some frothy sweet drink he liked. He’d stumbled upon the café years ago and had liked the variety of baked goods it had so much that he had decided to splurge once a week and go there.
 On this particular Friday, Étienne had finished work early, (he really loved the days when all he had to do at work was hand in his finished project and then he was free), and so he had arrived at the café earlier than usual. After chatting up with the cute waitress, (who was really more of a friend at this point, considering the fact that he came here so often and that she was very happily engaged) Étienne made his way to his favourite table and got comfortable.
 It was a perfect afternoon to enjoy his cinnamon bun and chai latte while doing some people watching and sketching. It was the best way to unwind after a busy week and start his weekend, in his humble opinion. He was happily sipping at his latte, when the door to the café tingled and Étienne nearly choked on his sip when he saw Kate walk in.
 He hastily wiped at his mouth and then stumbled his way upright as he tried to wave and make his way towards her. After tripping over an empty chair beside him, he finally got close enough to call her out without disturbing the other patrons.
 Kate looked equally surprised to see him, but she smiled and walked towards him, “Oh, it’s you – it’s – Étienne, right?” She said after pausing for a moment to remember his name. Étienne nodded and was pleased as punch that she remembered and even more so, when he noticed her cheeks colour ever so.
 “I have a table – you can come and sit with me, if you’d like,” He blurted out, jabbing with his thumb at the table he’d abandoned. Kate nodded and said she’d join him after getting her order.
 Étienne took that time to clear out the table of everything he’d put over it (he had a very bad habit of spreading out all over the place and using every last available surface for his own needs) and gave himself a once over in the metallic napkin dispenser before she arrived. The last thing he wanted was to have a conversation with Kate with watercolours smeared all over his face.
 “Fancy meeting you here,” Kate said with an amused smile as she returned with a muffin and a warm drink of her own. She pulled out the chair across from him and Étienne automatically sat up straighter as if wanting to make a good impression on her, or something. He chalked it up to the effect Kate had on him. There was something about her that commanded his full attention and the best of him. He thought it was incredibly attractive.
 They exchanged pleasant trivialities from how they were, to what had brought them here and Étienne found himself wrapped up in the conversation with her yet again. At some point, she remarked on his open sketchbook and Étienne found himself showing her the previous sketch he’d been working on. She was quite amazed at it, complimented him on his talent, and when she asked if she could peruse the rest of the book – only if he wanted her to, Étienne found himself agreeing, something he very rarely did.
 There was something about her – the grace with which she carried herself, the easiness and flow of their conversation that connected them together. There was an instant connection, or so Étienne thought and he found himself fascinated with what she had to say and wanting to sit with her for many more hours to get to know her better. He wondered what made her laugh, what she liked, and what made her crinkle her nose in disgust. He wanted to get the chance to find out – to catalogue what delighted her and what would set her off.
 He spent more time talking to her and listening to what she had to say than he had with anyone in a good long while and he was utterly endeared by the way she would enthusiastically nod her head or laugh at something he’d said.
 It got to the point where they’d finished their drink and snack and the last of the sunlight had disappeared for the day. The café was emptying out and soon it would close. Étienne really didn’t want to leave or have to say goodbye to Kate without knowing when he’d next see her. The first time they’d met had been nice enough, but this second chance encounter convinced him that this was a sign and he had to seize this opportunity before it escaped. He figured he had nothing to lose and took a leap of faith.
 “This might be a little bold, but I’ve really enjoyed my time with you. I was wondering if you’d like to – maybe grab dinner together sometime?” He offered and hoped that she wouldn’t turn out to be happily engaged or in some very serious and very loving relationship. (Not that he didn’t want her to be happy – but, he’d like a shot at it. An excuse to get to spend more time with her and get to make her happy.)
 Kate seemed to hesitate for a moment, but a soft smile bloomed on her face and Étienne took that to mean she was at least somewhat interested, “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting to get a date out of this, but that sounds like a marvelous suggestion. I’m unfortunately occupied over this weekend, but I’m very much free next Friday night.”
 “That sounds perfect. I know the greatest of little Vietnamese restaurants, if you’d be interested?”
 “That sounds lovely,” She beamed and handed him her phone without missing a beat so that he could put in his number. “Why don’t we meet up over here, if it’s not too far from the place?”
 “It’s a few blocks away, actually, so it works,” He said as he put in his contact information and then handed her phone back. Their fingers brushed for a moment and Étienne found himself with pleasant little butterflies migrating down to his stomach and making it their new permanent home.
 Kate nodded and then sent him a text message so that he would have her number as well. Étienne looked away from her pretty smile and dazzling hazel eyes for a moment and couldn’t help but grin when he read her message, “Looking forward to our date ;)”. He answered her before he put the phone back down on the table.
 “I know you said you were busy, but would you mind if I walked you out and towards wherever it is you need to go to?” Étienne asked as he started putting his things away, the waitress having signalled to him that they were closing up.
 “How very noble of you; I’m headed towards the metro, if that’s not too much of a detour for you.”
 “Not at all, I’m headed that way myself.”
 They both picked up their things and got dressed. Kate was entirely amused by Étienne’s multitude of layers, but Étienne argued that it was cold and that, if anything, if she so happened to be cold, he would at least have a scarf to lend her. The comment seemed to have its desired effect, for Kate’s cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink and it got her to stop making fun of him.
 The walk to the metro was unfortunately over too quickly and Étienne found himself lingering by the entrance, knowing that once they would get to the turnstile, they would head off into opposite directions. At least, this time, he consoled himself, it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her.
 “I guess this is it then, until next week?” Kate asked as she toyed with the sleeves of her jacket, as if she too were reluctant to call it a day and leave.
 “Do I have your permission to text you if I wanted to over the week?”
 “You better, mister, or else I’ll think this was all a clever ruse of yours.” She said, very much serious and leaving no room for argument.
 Étienne laughed, “In that case, I’ll speak to you soon.”
 She nodded and smiled and Étienne pushed the door open for her. They fell quiet as they finally made it to the turnstile and the only reason they even made it that far was because Kate really had to get going, lest she be late for her previous engagement.
 “I know this wasn’t really a date, but – I’m really glad I ran into you again and would it be too bold of me to kiss your cheek?” Étienne asked her once they passed the turnstile. They were really milking these last few moments they had together, but Étienne didn’t like the idea of leaving her just yet and the thought of spending his evening alone suddenly seemed that much less interesting than it previously had.
 “It would be bold only if I didn’t want you to,” She grinned up at him and turned her cheek sideways so that he would have better access to it.
 Étienne couldn’t help but laugh, even more enchanted by her, before he walked over and pressed a soft kiss to her exposed cheek, “I look forward to our date, then, see you next week,” He said to her as he stepped back. Kate looked only a little flustered as she waved at him goodbye and Étienne watched her go down the flight of stairs, before he headed off to catch his own metro.
 By the time he was sat down, his phone vibrated with an incoming message; “I do expect a proper kiss after our first real date next week. Have a nice weekend!” There was an accompanying kissy face emoji and Étienne chuckled to himself as he answered her back.  
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professoraurabolt · 8 years
Horse Emoji Review
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Very detailed and nice! You can tell someone took a lot of care with making this horse, head looks a bit small and the blanket is a bit unnecessary but overall a pleasant horse! 4/5
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Precious cinnamon bun, nothing is wrong with this one, it’s perfect. 5/5
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Very geometric and orange, nice snout! Big bold outline for some reason and the legs look a bit off but overall a very nice style for a pretty ok horse, also why orange? 3/5
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Why is this one so smug, what did he do? The back legs look very wonky and the shading doesn’t fit to well with the style but how can I be mad at such a smug face? 4/5
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Like the Apple horse but somehow worse, again with the blanket why is it there? The tail is too skinny and the legs are more dog like than anything else. 1/5
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Such a simple horse! Lovely long mane and tail, reminds me of a cave painting or something, nice and simple and such lovely horse! 4/5
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So small! I need bigger horse! Lovely style and nice horsey legs, again with the blanket, don’t quite get it but overall a sweet horse, would be better if I could see it better! 4/5
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Looks like someone was trying perspective with this horse, feels like he’s coming out of the screen, face is a bit screwed up and the legs are a bit wonky, not the best horse but I can see an attempt. 2/5
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No face, wonky legs, worst horse, get out. 0/5
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Similar to the Twitter horse but at least this one’s got a face. The legs are still way to wobbly and the mane and tail are too short, but at least it has a cute horse face. 2/5
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This horse is fucking evil ok I don’t care how nicely it’s drawn that fuckers gonna kill me. 0/5
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If you remove the outline, it looks like a deformed bean, I can see the attempt, but unfortunately, not that good of a horse. 1/5
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Alphonse Elric has joined!
Name: Cinnamon/Choppy
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/them, she/her if we’re besties
Timezone: PST
Triggers: NSFW, Passenger trains
Am i confy with nsfw: Tentative no
~ ~ ~
Alphonse Elric
Age: 14 ½ (freshie)
Job: he’d probably get a summer job at an ice cream stand when the time comes.
Sports/Clubs: drama club!
Brief History: yo alphose elric he was just 14 when his brother alchemized a very strange human being–
Real talk: Since Ed and Al are like the ultimate duo when the day comes that an Ed appears I’ll probably alter his backstory. But Al grew up slightly sickly, having developed Juvenile Arthritis. He considered himself at an unfortunate disposition, unable to pursue the sports he wanted due to not being able to manage the pain. After the passing of his mother and his father’s untimely disappearance, he and his brother were left in sorrow, adopted by the rockbell family and trying to find their place in life.
Still, his positive demeanor never dimmed and high school only amplified his outlet for positivity–he joined the drama club where shined like a star.
Personality: You have that one friend in the group is a precious cinnamon bun, too good and pure for this world? Ya das Al. If he’s your friend, you best believe he’s always going to have a positive thing to say–whenever you’re feeling down he’s there to try and cheer up. Think of him as the person who texts “Good morning!!” with a ton of emojis like every dya at fucking 8:00, even on Saturdays.
He’s patient, kind-hearted, and sometimes too naive for his own good, inadvertently leading to trouble occasionally. It takes a long time for him to actually get angry, but when he does, you’re not going to hear the end of it until he gets his way.
Anything Else: I need this like i need air.
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leannerachel · 7 years
Hello Friends!
It's been a long time (and by long time I mean a year) since I've updated y'all on the current going ons in my life and I felt to share what I've been up to as of late. Bear with me as this might be quite a lengthy update - if you nod off in the middle I will hold no grudges. 
I suppose I should start at the beginning of the summer. I was freshly back from my wonderfully growing, challenging, and fantastic adventure with YWAM Queenstown and I was ready for wherever God wanted to take me next. I was like 'Let's go God, I'm ready when you are! Six months, a year, five years- just let me know the plan and let's go.' And God was like 'I want to you to go to Indonesia for three weeks.' 
Three weeks! It's seems like an extremely short amount of time. That's the blink-of-an-eye-sneeze-and-you'll-miss-it kind of short. I was so ready to have this set plan, a goal and purpose that I could work at for a lengthy period of time. Why? Because I love knowing my direction- I find it incredibly easy to trust God when the lights are on and I can see the steps in front of me. Turn that light off and ask me to trust Him in the dark, well that's the hard part. 
So God asks me to go to Indonesia. And the response I got from most people when I expressed the idea of going was: that's a lot of money and travel time for such a short period of time. Which, trust me, was something I was well aware of. Maybe I wasn't hearing God correctly. Maybe I was wrong. How could I be so sure that's where He was calling me? What I really wanted was God to shoot me a text and be like: GO TO INDONESIA (and maybe even add in a few emojis). It was so hard to trust that I was truly hearing God when there were so many people around me vocally questioning and giving me logical reasons to stay; people who love me and only had the best intentions. 
After much indecision and prayer and possibly a few tears, I finally made the choice to trust that Indo was where God was calling me, for however short an amount of time- a decision that I made about a month and half before our trip began (shoutout to Lizzie who had to deal with my constant back and forth). 
Now a word that God has constantly been speaking to me in the past year is trust. Trust is something I struggle with in my relationships with the people around me, as well as in my relationship with God. So it's a little ironic that my trip had to start with a bucketload of trust. My dear friend Lizzie, who planned and organized our entire trip (she's the bombdotcom), booked our tickets from JFK to Sumba (the island in Indonesia where we were volunteering), but she mistakenly spelled my last name wrong- which let's be honest, is not that hard to do. Now in some cases a slight error in spelling isn't a problem, but you always run the risk of having to pay an extra fee to change the mistake or in the worst case scenario you can't board your flight. Unfortunately I'm a more of a worst case scenario kind of gal. I was a little stressed out to say the least, a situation not at all improved by my conversation with this lovely woman I met at JFK, who told me she couldn't board her flight to India because the name on her ticket was misspelled. So I'm sitting in airport food court at 4am, freaking out, and God just says: 'Do you trust me?'. And I'm sitting there thinking about how I follow a God who parted the Red Sea, turned water into wine, and raised the dead back to life and I can't trust Him enough to get me through airport security missing one measly letter in my last name. It's a pretty laughable when I think about it now- but hindsights always 20/20 isn't it?
Surprise, surprise (but not actually), I got on all of my flights with my amazing team of three other pretty rad people (Lizzie, Ally, and Chris). About 30 hours later, give or take, we landed in Sumba and were on our way to House of Hope- a home to adolescents around ages 13-19 that gives them opportunities they might not otherwise have. 
Walking into this trip, I honestly had no expectations. I just went with the intention of being obedient to whatever God called me to do. Most of our time was spent with the kids who live at HOH; our team led devotions every morning at five (which I was surprisingly fairly awake for), we spent time hanging out whether that was playing card games (they LOVED Dutch Blitz), cooking with them, playing soccer, or talking with them. I loved getting to know and form a relationship with them. We also spoke at a church every Sunday we were there- all four of us had an opportunity to share at a service- I was surprisingly ready and eager to speak, I volunteered immediately when I felt God wanted me to share, which kind of shocked even me as I'm not one for public speaking. 
There was one day where we went out on water ministry with some of the staff from HOH, we drove a truck out to one of the villages to bring fresh drinking water, and while we were there, we were able to pray for a man who had lost his leg in an accident as well as a woman who had a tumour covering one side of her face. While they weren't healed while we were there, I have faith that God is working on them both physically and spiritually.
We were also able to have a girl's night while were at HOH. A time where Lizzie, Ally and I were able to speak identity into and share how much God loves and values each and every one of those young women. It was an incredibly powerful evening and it was such a blessing to speak God's love and identity over all of the girls. 
My time there was also one of rest. Not in the sense of physical rest, or a rest from work (#stillunemployed) but a rest from the distractions of day to day life, rest from the pressure of having a ‘plan’. God was really telling me to slow down, to learn to find purpose in abiding in Him, to step into the peace that He has given us.
In Western culture we are so led by action, in 'success', in doing whether that be in our jobs, our relationships, and even our faith. There were days in Sumba when all we would do was play games with the kids or make cinnamon buns in the kitchen; in the culture I've been brought up in those things don't amount to much, they certainly don't lead to a 'fulfilling and successful' day. But I was able to show God's love for the staff or the students in those simple moments- which in God's eyes is truly the definition of success, so why shouldn't it be in mine?  
SO much learning and growing. Isn't God awesome?!
I am currently back in beautiful, freezing cold Canada. Only three days after arriving home and we had snow on the ground- so I got the full Canadian welcome. I'm still praying and listening for where God is leading me next but I'm excited for whatever He has in store as it's better than anything I could plan. 
If you've read through my entire long winded rambling, kudos to you- you get a gold star. Congrats. 
Thank you for all of the support and the prayers. I love you all. God loves you all. Keep being awesome. 
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I have a few prayer requests if you'd like to pray for/with me, it's always appreciated: 
- Direction, trust and obedience: That I'm really in tune with God for my next steps and willing to trust and obey when He reveals them to me! 
- For all of the staff and students at House of Hope
- A job for moi: as of now this is the direction God is pointing me in (yay!), so pray for a super duper awesome job that only has to be semi-enjoyable (but it's in God hands so it's going to be super enjoyable!) 
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