#There's quite a few other similarities to other f/os in there that I probably forgot but yeah. He ticks EVERY SINGLE BOX for me
starlitships-moved · 1 year
OK..... This HAS to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever hyperfixated on... to the point where when I realized I was starting to fixate on it, (which started yesterday) I literally went, "oh no........"
And THEN I started to develop a little crush(?)/fixation (honestly idk anymore) on a specific character in the series, and got even MORE embarrassed.... >///>
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Making this post just cause I thought it would be fun! But writing about realizing when I was in love with some of my F/Os 🥰 This is like an..irl version or whatever you wanna call it, where I'm watching the media and having an "OH" moment, but I'll reblog this post with a version of like S/I me having the "OH" moment hehe
Putting it under the cut just cause I think it might get long since I'm doing quite a few F/Os!
I have other stories for how I met other F/Os, so if anyone is interested in any other particular ones or such do feel free to ask!🥰😊
With Lightning I always thought he was pretty cute, but for the longest time I never let myself like..actually indulge in thoughts about him for some reason! I never had a big like an "oh boy." moment, I just always was like "awe he's cute🥰" and now I've let myself indulge in thoughts and... I've been refusing to admit how much hes been plaguing my thoughts. Which I think is kinda ironic because most people that interact with my blog is just cause of him, but ive been fighting to not talk about him XD which I'm sure that dam will break at some point.
I think I always kinda had feelings for Francesco, but I never really like...faced it I guess? I just kinda always overlooked it and went on my merry way. I'm not sure when I started really thinking about him and focusing on him but I couldn't stand giving him even more attention because he already gets so much and his ego is already big enough, not to mention the fuel he gets from fans and stuff. He's actually a big sweetheart softie though and I love him. I was always a little attracted to him but just shied away from it and ever admitting to it.
With Finn it was quite similar to how it was with Francesco, except with Finn I was so sure that I just would not ever have a shot with him that I just never indulged in the feelings cause I was like...there's no way he would get with me. I don't really remember how the turning point was or went for when I decided to let myself be consumed by thoughts of him, but it's been, well, very much taking over me, as one may assume from the engagement haha! But I 100% always had some feelings there for him, I just stuffed them down and shut them out to where I never really acknowledged them. I was and still am a very much flustered mess over him though.
I hardly remember how it was with Axlerod, truthfully. I'm not even entirely sure if I remember it at all! I just remember at some point I started giggling a lot over things he was saying and I was like...I'm giggling FAR too much over this man for it to be a normal amount... and I did my little personal 'test' of "Okay well if I romantically like them then I won't mind thinking about doing romantic things with them" and eugm... well, here we are now! Certified husband, recognized in zero states and countries, but that's okay.
Grem and Acer actually have a really interesting story for how I ended up falling for them, and I can't help but wonder how long it mightve been before I admitted to liking them if I never had it go this way, but basically I was talking with an old friend about C.ars characters, and I made a JOKE that they could probably pick any character and make me fall in love with them, and they started listing some silly dumb horribly-executed displays of romance that Grem and Acer would do and it. It worked HGBBDSJNGBS. But it makes me imagine I met them through like a friend and it makes me giggle a bit cause what a way to meet them! Truthfully with as much as I talked about them at the time I can't help but wonder if there was already something there and I just didn't realize it yet.
With Jackson, I absolutely love this story, and I love sharing it, even if it sounds so absurd that I don't know how many people will believe me on it. Basically, apparently I had watched C.ars 3 before with my brother and dad, but entirely forgot about it, and my brother had to keep insisting to me that we had infact watched it before cause I had just forgotten it so badly. I got a bit interested in rewatching it because my brother owned the C.ars 3 game on the Switch and we had been playing it a bit, and the second I rewatched the movie and got to the part of Jackson speaking, I immediately remembered why I had forgotten it. More so, why my brain had completely erased it from my memory. And it was because it was so darn embarrassed over how badly I liked this character! The second I heard him speaking when rewatching it, it hit me like a bus all over again in the feelings department. I must've been so gosh darn embarrassed over how not only did I immediately have feelings, but it wasn't a small amount of feelings either, that my brain just completely nuked any memory of it ever! Jokes on you though, brain, you love it. At least, you do now!
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