#They just have different flavor profiles depending on the type
asheanon · 1 year
Vincent Valentine running a tea shop.
— For @/Carendsyaz1 (on Twitter)
From: Ask Box Writing Prompt Game
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📖 It's Tea Story Time...
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At low volume, a strangely familiar tune can be heard playing from within. Though soft and slightly somber, there was something almost bewitching about its sound. For those who felt themselves inquisitive enough to stop by or simply take a little peek inside, the melody often served to pull them in. And if it wasn't enough to keep them there, then another provocation of the senses surely would.
While the space wasn't necessarily sizeable, it was made good use of. The interior was largely cast in black, embellished with mahogany trim and other forms of furniture and decor. Rows of shelves lined the walls - all of which were lined themselves with boxes and tins containing loose leaf tea blends. In one corner, what could best be described as "Victorian Gothic-esque" tea sets were made available with respective displays. In another, a variety of delectable baked goods could be found. It was sleek, elegant and dark. Pardoning some splashes of color, at least.
A modest collection of carmine roses and other fair forms of flower were scattered about and presented daintily, accenting the shelves and countertops. While these floral arrangements were far from abundant, oddly, their fragrance seemed to prove stronger than their number. It dared to puzzle you. Before your curiosity got the better of you, however, a door behind the counter opened.
A gentleman with long raven hair, partly obscured by a headband of a similar shade, emerged with a tray in hand. Following him, a wave of an even stronger rendition of the botanical scent wafted towards you. With a lean figure complimented by a cobalt dress shirt and black dress pants, it was soon made apparent to you... He was tall, dark and... well... he was a pretty handsome fellow too. Had it not been for the metallic shimmer of his silver tray, golden arm and rather pallid complexion, he threatened to blend right into the walls. What's that? Golden arm? Why, but of course!
Donned upon his left arm was a metal gauntlet bearing a golden sheen - large, clawed and unlike anything you had ever seen an employee in your local area wear. Its peculiarity begot intrigue.
He carefully sat the tray down upon the furthest counter, retrieving a pinch of something red, then another of something violet, dropping them both into a small metal infuser. It was then that he noticed he was no longer alone.
"Welcome." He offered a simple greeting. A moment was spared as an electric kettle was given power before he turned to face you. You were met with dark crimson eyes.
For whatever reason, you felt oddly compelled to purchase a lemon raspberry scone in particular... this same compulsion drove you to remark on the "heavenly aroma" just as well. And, as was made evident, there appeared to be a tea in the making right before your very eyes... so, naturally, one would only speculate what manner of tea it could it be, right? Right! Between the redolence and an innate sense of wonder, understandably, you found yourself pressed enough to ask about it.
Logging your order, the man then offered you a subtle nod and an even subtler smile. One that was easily missed. He retrieved a box from nearby, handing it off to you with the assurance it was a similar blend. It was titled "Rose On The Grey."
Clearly, it contained flowers; rose petals and lavender blossoms deemed safe for consumption, but it also bore black tea layered with hints of vanilla and bergamot. In essence, it was a blend of traditional Earl Grey with mostly floral additions.
"Goes well with cream and sugar." He added.
As you seemed preoccupied enough via examining the tea box's contents, he excused himself a moment more, tending to the now well heated kettle. He placed the infuser into a decorative black teacup, moderately gilded. It was one of two, now.
"Would you like a sample?"
Uh, yes. You would like a sample. In fact, when he inquired whether or not you would like any additives, you insisted that it be prepared the way he would personally prepare it. To your delight, he was willing to oblige.
The lull in time placed between the present and preparing two teacups worth of specialty tea felt to pass by effortlessly. A small, intricate table made for two beckoned you over. You took a seat with your scone and the box of tea that was not quite yours (yet,) but you felt compelled to let it accompany you nonetheless. Additional details within the shop catered to the eye as you waited.
"Here." Eventually, an elegant little cup of piping hot tea was presented to you, complete with the recommended amounts of both cream and sugar. Despite the somewhat impassive fashion in which it was bestowed upon you, you can tell it was made with love. Your intuition told you so.
Lightly blowing at the steam, you boldly went in for a sip - only to be stopped with a small "mm-mm." He had his back turned to you, returning to the counter. Had he heard you? How did he know?
The man insisted that you wait just a minute or two more, lest you burn your tongue. It was as if stories of visiting tea-samplers previous to you told themselves in the way he handled the situation. Fine, you would wait...
... But when you were done waiting, it was all yours. The revered first sip of the dark, mysterious shopkeeper's tea - of which seemed just as dark and mysterious, yet sweet as he.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Ookay this one is really really tooth rotting fluff level
Tadc x reader who just realized christmas is coming, and is freaking out with absolute glee and childlike wonder
TADC cast x reader who loves christmas!
AAAAAA im so so sorry i could have sworn i answered this but i guess i didnt??? i promise i didnt mean to leave this in the inbox this long on purpose i think i must have lost track of stuff </3 regardless, i hope you enjoy! admin must admit, asides from presents and the christmas tree, he doesnt do many holiday activities so... admin is underqualified for this but hes still gonna try! a lot of the character segments intertwine in this btw! like not in a "similar idea" thing but in a "they are actually overlapping and interacting with one another" way so !! side note unrelated to the post eheheheh the second batch of macarons have been piped! theyre now on the counter set out to dry, and ive got my ganaches out to get to room temperature so i can whip em up into a frosting :3
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oh i just know that caine would lean hard into holiday stuff, plus i think he has the best sense of time in the digital world out of everyone.. plus he just seems like the kind of guy to celebrate all sorts of holidays, not just christmas! year round stuff, you know? not just winter... so you guys would likely team up and totally deck out the grounds to match the holiday spirit! sure caine on his own already puts in way too much effort decorating everything, he even makes it snow! but with you around he cranks it up to 11! lets just hope there arent any scrooges around, though.... also prepare yourself because he would definitely find a way to have christmas music play on loop in the background... somewhere... ambient music but its festive songs... i think caine is also the one responsible for most of the presents, since he can basically get most things with just a flick of his wrist! ooooo perhaps a date (platonic or romantic! up to you!) where you guys wrap the gifts together!
funny enough, while i usually think pomni would SUCK at cooking, i think she can make a mean hot coco. granted, hot coco and/or hot chocolate arent the hardest things to make, but... i dont know, its just different when she makes it... (recommendation from the admin, add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to your hot coco its a game changer frfr, this goes for a lot of chocolate stuff, actually. its like the chocolate-coffee effect but like. makes a different flavor profile. add a bit of nutmeg to your chocolate chip goodies. rn.)
anyways! pomni always keeps you supplied with hot coco, and honestly it benefits you both! keeps you nice and warm, plus its delicious; and it gives pomni something to do... i mean, its christmas... surely she can take it easy from trying to find the exit... just for the season... helps with her anxiety about the whole situation, you know? making digital food sure is weird, though...
as mentioned in gangles part, she joins you and gangle in helping making a skirt for the tree! keeping up with the idea of sewing things, i think she would also make stockings for everyone; leaving most of them blank so everyone can customize them however they like... but you and her get together to decorate your own together and just !! i just think thats sweet! depending on how soon caine starts putting the christmas stuff around, you and her might be able to make some ugly sweaters for yourselves! thats a christmas thing, right? oooo and they match.... OOOO YOU GUYS MAKE AN EXTRA LONG SCARF FOR YOU GUYS TO SHARE!!!! rolls around... she makes you mittens so you can go mess around in the snow caine put all over the grounds
snowball fight. and i mean really intense once. in fact it wouldnt be too much of a stress to call it a snowball WAR! honestly jax might just be the type to put rocks in his snowballs.... but because this is meant to be nice and sweet, he wont... just this once, and because he feels TOO mean crushing your holiday spirit (even if your digital body would quickly recover from the possible injury...)
you guys make forts and go absolutely ham. the stuff ragatha had made for the two of you! i mean sure you guys cant succumb to hypothermia, buuuuuuuuuut being really painfully cold still sucks... but the sweaters help you guys stay out for longer to play! and you can perhaps ask pomni to make some hot coco
oh yes its all coming together
ooo perhaps you convince jax to make snow angels and snowmen with you... though, i think jax would make the snowmen purposefully unappealing... but maybe you think hes actually trying his best... oh you jolly little thing..
okay so i admit this one might be a stretch and its mostly because his robe already has the fur and he gives off grandpa energy (even though hes only 48 but hey some grandpas become grandpas young) but imagine somehow someway he dresses up as santa (and i say that loosely, his robe turns red and the fur turns a plain white), bonus if he wears a hat to tie in the entire look. while caine is the one getting the gifts and wrapping them, i like to think kinger would ask to be the one to put them under the tree at an ungodly hour. sweet man. chews
as for an interaction with the reader... hmm.. hes the last character im writing, everyone else already has their parts done... the one christmas activity i can think of that hasnt been taken yet is baking! honestly i can see him being a decent chef! maybe its the dad/granddad energy speaking to me again... perhaps its the admin projecting... buuuut imagine you two make shaped cookies togehter; stars, candy canes, trees, bells, ect... and you ice them together! sure they may not be the prettiest or look the most professional; but does that really matter when youre having fun? they still taste delicious!
ok i get it, i tend to lean hard into the zooble being negative and/or unimpressed with things a liiiiiiiiittle too often, but again zooble doesnt strike me as the type to enjoy most holidays. they seem more of a halloween person to me, you know? though, i think that they would switch out their antennae for ones that resemble antlers more... or if they dont have those, they string lights up on them! all for you, just because they know how excited the holiday makes you. they dont care about many things, but they care about you... and if it means doing (harmless) things they normally wouldnt do, then so be it! dont expect them to get in on many holiday activities, though...
you and her make decorations for the grounds and the giant digital tree caine put in the main common area! handmade ornaments, paper stars and snowflakes, things like that! you and gangle stay up take cutting each thing, applying the colors and the glitter and any small details.... dozens of times.... because caine chose a tree that was way too big than it needed to be.... oh you might have to have gangle on your shoulders so she can reach the higher points of the tree! sits and thinks.... ooouuuuuuuuugh you guys make a skirt for the tree together with the help of ragatha... little group activity... sobs...
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askyves · 6 months
Hi Yves!
I just wanted to talk about tea with you. What's your favorite kind? What do you usually serve at tea parties? Is there a tea that goes exceptionally well with chocolate cake?
Can I be 🍵 anon? Thanks!
Hello, 🍵 anon.
So, you enjoy tea with your sweets? That's refreshing, considering I have to deal with my ravenous brothers who would swallow a slice of cake whole if they could. Leon and Jin, mainly.
Now, to answer your questions:
My favorite tea would have to be rose tea. I know it seems like an obvious answer, but there's something to be said about the delicate, floral flavor. I find it to be very nostalgic, it's one of the most popular teas in Rhodolite after all. A nice cup of warm rose tea in the morning is one of life's greatest comforts for me and many Rhodolitians.
The tea I serve at tea parties tends to vary depending on who is attending, what food is being served, and the time of year. For example, if it was wintertime and we were enjoying some orange and cranberry scones, I would choose a nice raspberry tea to accompany them. In the summer, however, delicate white and herbal teas are a must, especially if they are to be served hot! Hot black tea on a midsummer day would be much too heavy.
Some of my go-to teas for tea parties are rose tea, since it's popular in Rhodolite, and earl gray. Earl gray is popular in Jade and is generally well-liked while having a mostly inoffensive flavor. I typically serve it when we have a tea party with Prince Keith, but he also enjoys Rhodolitian rose tea as a change of pace sometimes.
Now, as for teas that pair well with chocolate, that depends on what type of chocolate you have. Since dark chocolate and milk chocolate have different flavor profiles, the teas that complement them are different. However, both pair well with earl gray. As I said, it has an inoffensive flavor! If your chocolate cake has other flavors in it, such as raspberry, that can make things tricky. Any type of black tea is usually a good palate cleanser and will complement the taste of chocolate very well. Try Ceylon or Jadean breakfast tea.
If you are a person who likes the flavor combination, I would also recommend mint tea. The taste of mint doesn't linger too much, but it gives a refreshing taste that goes well with chocolate if you like those flavors together.
Jin is telling me I must include this, so I shall.
If you are a person who enjoys "death by chocolate", so to speak, you may want to try a chocolate black tea blend. I have some that I typically enjoy on its own as a dessert tea, but Jin likes to drink it with his chocolate cake. It makes me want to gag.
Ah! I mean- it's not my preference, but others are allowed to enjoy whatever pairings they please.
I hope this was helpful to you, 🍵 anon. Drop by again for some tea talk any time.
-Yves Kloss
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llondonfog · 10 months
lettie i need an expert opinion. how does one enjoy tea?
i need warm drinks for a medical thing, but oh my god. i am having no luck with tea. i never have. coffee is not an option, and while i do enjoy hot chocolate, it's not something i can drink every day.
any advice would be lovely.
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allow me to wax poetically (and hopefully practically) about tea (and i do hope it helps and eases your medical strains <3)
this might sound a little silly, but for me, tea enjoyment starts with the ritual of it all. heating water up in a kettle (mine's pink, naturally...i cling to the aesthetic...), selecting a tea from my pantry shelf that's entirely devoted to many loose leaf types and flavors, measuring it out into a tea infuser, selecting a cup or mug that matches the mood i'm feeling, setting a timer for however long that tea is meant to steep, and then finally settling into a steaming mug that i've prepared for myself by curling up with a book, putting on a show i've been meaning to watch, or simply opening the windows and watching the world outside while my cat sits next to me.
i say all of this because, again, it might sound silly, but it's part of a calming ritual helps me either start the day when i get up early before work, settles me from the frustrations and hectic demands of work when i get home, soothes me before bed, or when i'm making it for friends and family, an act of love where each detail is cared for so that i can savor the delight of the person i'm entertaining. i know this isn't much about flavors/types, which i suspect is where you might be headed, but i think it's equally as important because tea preparation can take anywhere between 5-10 minutes, and those minutes should be yours to center yourself.
now, for tea types: (important because tea can be ridiculously expensive and why waste your money on something you won't even reach for twice speaks from devastated experience and tea betrayals)
real quick to touch on before the flavor profile breakdown; tea types differ in caffeine widely. depending on what your goal is with tea, it can have a negative effect on your sleeping schedule (black/matcha- surprisingly high depending on the amount) if you drink concentrated volumes closer to bedtime
i have an awful penchant for black teas— i find them to be full-bodied and with such interesting, heavy flavors that i gravitate to them naturally. since they can be so biting and bitter though, i know many people might choose to soften the tea with sugar or honey to your taste preferences, but....i really just enjoy it plain, i don't tend to alter the taste of my teas if at all. there's been a wide range of tea companies/grocers in general carrying london fog or chai tea mixes in cartons at the store? i've seen them in walmart/krogers/target, and they're fairly decent? rishi and target's brand of london fog mix definitely ties for first place for me if i have to make it quickly at home lol
herbals/greens can be a hit and miss— i really dislike the heavily flavored teas that just have essential oils and shit added to them to make the flavors more pungent, i never enjoy those lol i tend to reach for these though when i'm feeling like i have a cold or like now when i'm currently cramping. a good friend sent me some maple herbal tea from the adirondack, and i'm mourning my last cup of it as it literally has carried me through so many awful period cycles. again, these teas can be flavored with sugar or honey just to add to their sweetness, but i really don't find it necessary as i prefer the original taste of the tea.
white and oolongs are probably my second favorite, but they can be very...light in flavor, almost aromatic instead of bodied. it can sometimes feel like you're drinking heated water with a floral aftertaste and hey, on some days, maybe that's just what you want lol. (again, sweeten how/to your desire, i just prefer not to do so.)
and matcha is a class all on its own lol i know it can be very divisive tea depending on the amount of sweetening you do or don't since it can be almost...fishy? if that's a good way to describe it? this is the only tea i'll add a LOT of sugar/simple syrup to when i order it. my mother thinks it is a bastardized foul but i'll order a 24 oz matcha with 3 pumps of rosewater syrup and it is honestly fixes whatever the hell is wrong with me (for at least 24 hours lol). i wouldn't advise for the matcha premixes in the cartons at the grocery store, i've tried a few and...bleh. there's something so artificial about them (i say, slurping a sugarfied sludge of matcha and rose).
so i literally am opening my pantry to list out a few and their types that i enjoy, to hopefully give a sense of their flavors:
queue mignonne tea, yuzu & earl grey— this one has such a pleasant citrus kick to a typical earl grey flavor, i love it in the mornings to wake up the senses!
maple herbal tea— a mix of chamomile, rooibos, sunflower, calendula, and maple; instantly soothed my aches and cramps, but it could have been a placebo effect just because i loved this tea so damn much lol
sleepytime tea by celestial seasonings— i can't explain this tea haha it's the tea from my childhood. my father would always make this for me when i was sick and i just associate it with warmth.
milk oolong/double milk oolong— has a meaty flavor? literally the only way i can explain it, very deep and heavy on the tongue. but it's one i reach for when i have cramps too, and it's a good staple i keep around.
ma wei moonlight & white peony— VERY LIGHT flavor teas; floral and sweet in nature, moonlight is heavy gardenia scented while the peony is....peony lol.
olbas wellness tea— THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. this is a swiss herbal tea of over 20 different herbs that i swear to god, will knock your sinuses clear open within five seconds of inhaling/drinking. a little, A LITTLE!! goes such a long way with this tea, it's got such a pungent and unique flavor, i literally just keep it around for the winter to knock myself back into coherence lol
and as a fun little extra, i have to say that my favorite hot drink outside of tea (if it's a possibility for you) is wassail, especially now in the wintertime. it's a recipe from my grandmother and a little different than what you might find online, but basically cider and fruit juice, an orange studded with cloves, cinnamon sticks, and cooked in a crock pot for at least four hours before enjoying; it literally is a balm for the soul, and i'm more than happy to share the full recipe if it's of any interest<3
did this answer anything or did i simply ramble on about tea......
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nadekofannumber1 · 2 months
For the cafe collabs for nademono I always imagined a 5 piece but after thinking I realize a 4 piece with a sauce would also make sense
You see if you get 4 different fried things and a sauce it adds differentiations to the concept of them being written and drawn as dipping in sauce is like dipping a pen in ink + you can even write a nadeko signature at the bottom as a concept.
However the reverse could also work, one type of fried dish with 4 sauces on the side as a representation of nadeko putting on different forms of nadeko to become a different facet of self.
There’s a lot of ways to go about it tbh, I could also see them doing yakisoba bc that’s just Nadeko’s actual favorite food. They haven’t been doing noodles for Nadeko collab dishes just for the hair bit.
Granted they could always go for the 5 dessert plan or a thing with 4 distinct toppings/things on a greater object that is nadeko.
I don’t see society as ready for the 5 layer nadeko dish/drink. I think tart flavors better represent nadeko for sweet things bc of the clash of sweet and not and the tartness of a dish can be raised relative to arc, I think a nadeko drink should be a “pick me up” but not super refreshing. Refreshingness in my mind is a sliding scale relative to character vibes or coping mechanisms or openings. But that’s not the same as how caffeinated or how sweet a drink is. And the type of refreshing also depends on the vibes. Does one think of sodachi as more affogato or dalgona? Or is she more of a fruit based drink with egg foam or cheese foam (that may or may not be caffeinated)? That’s up to personal interpretation. I think Nadeko for desserts leans for fruitier tastes bc of fruit and flower symbolism but I wouldn’t say that Nadeko has a tea vibe or a chocolate vibe, Nadeko is more in line with fruit like flavors I wouldn’t say red bean or taro quite suits her but I’d new willing to see arguments. (I think Nadeko would be the type to like red bean as a flavor but be irritated by the bean skins so the experience becomes net neutral) For things like nutty flavors I could see it working mildly but I feel like it sort of runs back around to fruity flavors though the sweet soy sauce flavor you can have on some dango could work it’s an acquired taste and doesn’t fit the type of old fashioned I think Nadeko goes by for (even if she might like it). Nadeko has historically had generally peach to strawberry flavoring in Nadeko drinks, which make sense as peach is pink to orange, and can range from sweet and floral to acidic. And the non humble strawberry plays a big symbolic role in the adaptation of nadeko Medusa. Though that’s a false strawberry but strawberries are fakes in a sense anyway bc the “seeds” are the fruit and the red part is a swollen fruit ovary. Plus false strawberries don’t taste like a lot and when someone sees the word strawberry they lock in and expect that flavor. Character color also often factors into it but I’m getting nadeko out of pink character hell you will become purple. Nadeko blueberry shake with lines of chocolate white chocolate strawberry and raspberry sauce in it would make sense tho for a drink representing the arc of nademono. Nadeko changes so much that you gotta keep inventing new drinks which is why developing a flavor system is very important to consider if you want flavor continuity between these things. I think arc by arc drinks summarizes monogatari characters better because it accounts for change. Granted, coming up with individual flavors is fine too.
The moral of the story is I should probably post my monogatari flavor in theory drink chart based on ops but with side content beliefs. And then refine it with the people of this site’s beliefs in what is ideal as a flavor profile for a character even if they dislike the flavor (I consider flavors I don’t like too and not everyone is gonna be a flavor you want.)
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paragonraptors · 2 years
Hello, I absolutely adore that last piece of yours. The one from Andromeda. My question is - what are your favourite aspects of the game. I played the demo version (first ten hours) and I have mixed feelings about it. So I would like to know what kept you hooked on it if that's alright?
Thank you! You've just asked me the one question I have spent the last like 5 years thinking about. So, well...[cracks knuckles]. As much as I hate saying it, I feel like the first 10 hours are a poor representation of the game, depending on how quickly you progress through the main story. For better or worse, Andromeda's first act frontloads you with a lot of side quests, and I think a lot of the ways it presents its setting and ideas in that time can leave someone apprehensive about how it grapples with its themes later on. If you're willing after reading this, I'd grab it on sale for super cheap or borrow it from a friend/the library and give it at least until finishing the mission to rescue the Moshae on Voeld. (This is around the 15-20 hr mark.) Loyalty missions begin to trigger after that and you really start getting into the thick of it. Though I think they're worth doing as you progress (you are rewarded for it in the final mission), anything that's not in the main quest and companion tabs of the journal can pretty much be ignored without consequence and completed post-game.
Despite all the online shit, it was love at first sight for me. I played at launch and got close to finishing before the first major patch came out. A lot of what probably kept me in my first playthrough was that the idea I had for my Ryder fit really well into what the game gave me, so I was deeply invested in my PC. I think that can really influence one's enjoyment of an RPG.
Ryder is not Shepard, and Ryder's canonical backstory as a 22 year-old nepotism baby who, from what we can tell, had a fairly cushy life growing up on the Citadel until fairly recently is kind of essential for the story to work. I joked in a caption that ME:A is a YA dystopia, but I'm also completely serious about that. It still has a lot of the core cosmic horror themes of the original trilogy, but with a much more scrappy, unexperienced, underdog flavor that you get with a younger protagonist. I liked this in contrast to Shepard being highly and unquestionably competent and having already experienced significant trauma before the story starts via their origin or psych profile. It almost forces you to create an entirely different perspective on Mass Effect's universe as a whole.
Beyond that, it really hit on things I felt were missing from the original trilogy, and especially in comparison to ME1, it's an incredibly compelling introduction to a new trilogy. (I believe it is a disservice to compare ME:A to the original trilogy as a whole, and have come to these opinions by almost exclusively comparing it to 1.)
I really enjoyed the roleplay system. I think the casual/professional/logical/emotional wheel and the impulse actions were a good move away from the paragon/renegade thing. It allowed for choices to not get locked into the appearance of being "good" and "bad" or a kind of set personality type. I like that Ryder gets a psychological profile and relationship bios that are updated as you progress.
I'm a huge fan of all the characters. They carry this game. I think their flaws are interesting and add depth to what's appealing about them. I think the voice performances are just fantastic across the board. I really loved how the NPCs interact with each other and that they have distinct and active relationships outside of Ryder, which is something we didn't really get for the Normandy crew until 3. I love that the Tempest is a small scouting vessel with a crew of 11 all sharing *one toilet*. It's a MIRACLE they are not actively trying to kill each other! Especially when you consider the Normandy was so big it had a whole staff you just straight up didn't really get to know, and Shepard's squadmates were sometimes actually trying to kill each other-- And they at least had three toilets!!
The male characters were written with a vulnerable emotional depth we rarely get to see, especially in video games, and especially in the Mass Effect universe. Hearing them openly talk about their emotions without deflection, and sometimes even gawking at the idea of deflection, was really refreshing. Its easy to get caught up in Alec's whole thing, but the themes of masculinity and fatherhood in other characters' stories (Drack, Vetra, Gil, Jaal, and Liam particularly) offers some nice balance and reflection to that narrative to the point I believe they are intentional supplements/foils to what Alec's got going on.
This game is PACKED with ambient dialogue and text, and it makes the world feel so alive. The message boards, emails, and data pads you find throughout are so good. The ones on the Tempest and New Tuchanka in particular are my favorites, but even the text you can pull up from the forward stations have some delightful little bits. It's unfortunate that ambient dialogue/banter can get cut off by the slightest thing, and the only workaround is to just stop dead in your tracks the second you hear someone talking, but I love listening to the dialogue. It's crazy to me how much made the cut to be recorded and put in the final product despite the known time crunch issues of the game's production.
I've always favored Bioware's map design over of a lot of open-world games, and this one isn't any different. Though I wish they were more fleshed out, there's a solid attempt at introducing different mechanics for different areas of the game to switch things up. I lament the loss of controlling squadmate powers, but the combat is still fun and I enjoy the fluidity of the class system for mechanical and narrative purposes. I really enjoy Remnant sudoku.
For all the flack Andromeda caught about bad animation, it has some of my favorite bits of animation in an AAA video game. For every awkward animation there is a wonderfully charming and well-done one. I wish I could get into specifics without spoilers, but there's a list of ones that get me every time. I've also always considered these cosmetic flaws to be a feature I enjoy in games. So what Ryder runs kind of weird up and down stairs? Geralt Witcher3 can't walk stairs very well either, yet that somehow never came up when people would compare the two.
Your mileage could greatly vary when it comes to the main story. Upon several replays (through the whole series), really getting into the codices, and reading the novels, I think they were setting up a lot of really cool things that expanded on the ideas of the first three. Cosmic horror, creationism, the integration of organic life and artificial intelligence, regulation vs deregulation, autonomy and self-governance, resilience against entropy and destruction. However, I can see how it could come off as half-baked, thoughtless, even irresponsible. It's not perfect. It's clearly rushed in places and unfinished. I don't really have a counter-argument to this as it does also deal with sensitive topics- specifically colonialism and genocide- where people's tolerance can vary significantly. While Ryder can be fairly principled about the problems you encounter, and can often speak out or refuse to be complicit, not everything is handled delicately. Sometimes you will say "Man, I wish I could do this other thing instead of the options I'm given." or "Oof, that could have been written A Bit Better." It struggles to balance the shoot-em-up gameplay with the Moral Questions. I take it as the necessary, but flawed, result of not hand-holding and spelling everything out for an M-rated open-world RPG that can only offer so many variables, but not everyone feels that way, nor do they have to.
With all that said, this is just one of those games I keep coming back to and finding something new to love about it or a detail that illuminates something in an entirely new way. I think it's a shame that as far as we know, subsequent sequels have been cancelled. Much like ME1, the ending left me ready for more.
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2brothersdistillers · 5 months
Whiskey and Food Pairing: Expert Tips for Creating Perfect Combinations
Whiskey, with its rich flavors and complex aromas, is not just a drink; it's an experience. But what if I told you that pairing whiskey with the right food can elevate that experience to new heights? Yes, you read it right! Whiskey and food pairing is an art that, when done right, can tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.
Understanding flavor profiles
Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of pairing whiskey with food, it's essential to understand the flavor profiles of different types of whiskey. Whiskey can range from light and floral to bold and smoky, depending on factors such as the type of grain used, the distillation process, and aging conditions. Here's a brief overview of some common whiskey flavor profiles:
Light and floral
Think delicate notes of vanilla, honey, and citrus. Examples include Irish whiskey and some blended Scotch whiskies.
Rich and spicy
Characterized by robust flavors of cinnamon, cloves, and pepper. Rye whiskey and certain bourbons fall into this category.
Bold and smoky
Distinctive smoky and peaty notes, reminiscent of campfires and coastal breezes. This profile is typical of many Islay Scotch whiskies.
Pairing principles
Now that we have a basic understanding of whiskey flavor profiles, let's explore some fundamental principles of whiskey and food pairing:
Match intensity
Pair bold whiskies with equally robust dishes, and lighter whiskies with more delicately flavored foods. For example, a peaty Islay Scotch pairs beautifully with smoked salmon or grilled meats, while a delicate Irish whiskey complements seafood or mild cheeses.
Consider complementary flavors
Look for flavors in the whiskey that can complement or contrast with the flavors in the dish. For instance, the caramel and vanilla notes in bourbon can enhance the sweetness of desserts like crème brûlée or bread pudding.
Balance sweetness and acidity
Balancing the sweetness of the whiskey with the acidity of the food can create harmony on the palate. For instance, the acidity of a citrusy ceviche can cut through the richness of a caramel-forward bourbon.
Experiment with textures
Consider the texture of both the whiskey and the food. Creamy dishes like risotto or cheesecake can complement the smooth mouthfeel of a well-aged Scotch whisky.
Perfect pairings
Now, let's dive into some specific whiskey and food pairings that are sure to tantalize your taste buds:
Bourbon and barbecue
The smoky sweetness of bourbon pairs perfectly with the charred flavors of barbecue ribs or pulled pork. The caramelized sugars in the barbecue sauce complement the caramel notes in the bourbon, creating a match made in culinary heaven.
Rye whiskey and charcuterie
The spicy kick of rye whiskey is an excellent foil for the rich, savory flavors of cured meats like salami, prosciutto, and chorizo. Add some crusty bread, tangy pickles, and sharp cheeses to create a balanced and satisfying charcuterie board.
Scotch whisky and dark chocolate
The rich, complex flavors of dark chocolate are a natural match for the smoky, peaty notes of Scotch whisky. Pair a peaty Islay Scotch with a high-quality dark chocolate bar for a decadent and indulgent treat.
Irish whiskey and seafood
The light, floral character of Irish whiskey pairs beautifully with the delicate flavors of seafood. Try pairing a smooth Irish whiskey with grilled shrimp, oysters on the half shell, or a creamy seafood chowder for a taste of the Emerald Isle.
Japanese whisky and sushi
The delicate, nuanced flavors of Japanese whisky are a perfect complement to the subtle flavors of sushi and sashimi. Opt for a light and floral Japanese whisky to accompany your favorite sushi roll or nigiri selection for a truly exquisite dining experience.
Whiskey and food pairing is a delightful journey of exploration and discovery. By understanding the flavor profiles of different types of whiskey and following some simple pairing principles, you can create perfect combinations that will delight your palate and impress your guests. So, the next time you pour yourself a dram of your favorite whiskey, why not elevate the experience by pairing it with the perfect dish? Cheers to delicious adventures in whiskey and food pairing! If you are looking for a distillery near me, or 2 Brothers bourbon, James Two Brothers Distillery is the best option. They offer small boutique-style production of beverage-grade spirit alcohol with simple principles; hard work and honesty. Contact them by writing to [email protected] or call at 352-291-0585.
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bagheerita · 11 months
Thanks @chaniis-atlantis for the tag!! ❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
currently 66 though next month I'm hoping to have time to finish transferring over the rest of my old fics from FFN
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Stargate Atlantis previously (deep breath): Star Wars (OT & the novels that are now called Legends [I think]), X-Men, Kiesha'ra, Valdemar, Pet Shop of Horrors, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Saiyuki, MCU/Avengers, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Angel the series, The Last Unicorn, Lord of the Rings, Dead Poet's Society, Homer, Gargoyles
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1- "Nemo" (SGA) 2- "Nykteridolotry" (SGA) 3- "One and One and One is Three" (MCU) 4- "Regina Donum" (SGA) 5- "Your Prison is Walking Through This World All Alone" (MCU)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I've met some great people through comment discussions. 😁 Probably the only time I don't is when someone comments on multiple chapters at a time on their read-through; in those cases I tend to only respond to the comments that I find the most interesting rather than to all of them, though it depends on my mood.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um probably "Beast of Venery" (SGA) though it is part 1 of a series that ends much more happily. Oh! I forgot about "Lie Still" (AtS)! It's a character profile of Wesley Wyndham-Price that literally no one has read (the only fic of mine at FFN that has 0 interactions). Very angsty, and probably very "in my own head" which is why no one else liked it lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I am an absolute sucker for happy endings, so this is like choosing... i dunno, a best flavor of ice cream. They're all happy. I might say "Ivory Fanged" (Kiesha'ra) is the "happiest"? Or maybe "One and One and One is Three" (MCU)? Just because the first involves 2 kingdoms worth of people celebrating, and the second like 5 realities/multiverses of people being (relatively) happy at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? I do get weird comments sometimes. I got a comment on "Reunion" (IY) where the reader complained about the story being unfinished (when it was clearly marked that it was unfinished/abandoned) and that it had ruined the series to finish it on that note. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
lol. Yes. A lot. Mostly m/m, though I've occasionally branched out into m/m/m, m/m/m/m, and f/m. As far as kinks or types of smut, I honestly don't think I could remember all the scenes I've written, though I love power dynamics so I play with that a lot. And I've written both rape and incest, if by "kind" you mean the stuff that really gets people hot and bothered.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
LMAO. Crossovers are the reason I write fic in the first place. My favorite characters meeting each other is like... the shit. The craziest one (that ever made it to being partially posted anyway) was called "Twenty-Four Hours of Midnight," and was a crossover between The Three Musketeers, Dragonheart, X-Men, and Angel the series.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I don't think so? But that would be awesome.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but sortof? Eos (Eos_x) did illustrations for my fic "Aubade" so we are credited as co-authors.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't know if I can answer this. I ship whatever smashing together of my favorite characters works for me at the moment, and I have a lot of favorite characters. And do you mean to read, or to write? Conceptually, in my head? Or best execution, either in fic or canon? Because I feel like these would all be different answers for me...
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a fic currently working-titled "Though Far Away, We're Still the Same" which is a multiverse John/Todd/Rodney fic. I realized I wanted to change the arc of an OC, which will require rewriting the whole thing, and I'm realistically never going to have time for that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
For 3 fandoms now I've written snarky asshole/ancient villain as a ship, and I think I've gotten pretty good at the dynamic lol. I'm pretty good at dialogue I think, and while it's a bitch to write it I'm pretty good at action (as far as making everything make sense spatially).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Conflict. Usually I start writing a story knowing how the conflict will be resolved and then I lose all interest in it and have to keep reminding myself that the characters are still in it, they don't have resolution yet.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Author's discretion (because you write fic for you) but in general I don't care for reading it unless it's short endearments, non-plot relevant, or well known information. (Or the meaning gets otherwise explained in the surrounding text.) I never liked it in old books where the author will just throw in lines of French or Latin and expect you to know what it means. I think it pulls the reader out of the story, so I don't recommend it unless that's your intention. If you have two characters who are speaking a foreign language to each other, fully understanding each other, you should write the dialogue in the same language as the fic (because in the reality of the fic, everything is happening in that same language, if that makes sense). Though there are definitely some concepts that don't translate well; when I was writing a lot of anime fic I experimented by having one fandom where I stripped out all the Japanese honorifics and one where I kept them in, and I feel like it gives a different vibe to the fic. I've recently been reading a lot of Mandalorian adjacent Star Wars fics and I have to say I do not care for uses of excessive amounts of Mando'a. A few endearments, concepts that are very common knowledge, fine. But whole sentences? It better not be anything I needed to know for the plot because I am not looking that up. (lol I did not expect to have such opinions on this topic 🤣)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OT Star Wars. First posted fic was "The Secret Life of Harrison Ford." Don't read it, it's not good. (Unless you like the same high school humor that me and my high school friends did?)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Technically, this is a fic that isn't posted yet, but it's 90% written so it counts... lol. It's called "Circumvolution" (SGA) and I've been writing it in the background over the last few years whenever "Regina Donum" started giving me fits, so it's very much a work of love and a story I wrote for me. It was originally conceived as the ending of the "My Name Forevermore" series, but it's done (mostly), so I've moved it to be the next big fic I post after I finish "Regina Donum."
Npt: @tiltingheartand @judgeverse @only-in-december @lord-aldhelm @anomalousrobot @ladyofparchments @anyone i missed who wants to join in
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Pinot Grigio Day
The popular white wine known as Pinot Grigio comes from a mix of Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. Visit a winery, host a tasting event, or simply enjoy a glass.
If you’re a wine aficionado, you know that there’s nothing quite like the fresh taste of a great vintage of wine to go with an incredible meal. There are so many vintages to choose from it can sometimes be a challenge to find the perfect pairing. Thankfully there’s Pinot Grigio, an incredible wine that’s been known for hundreds of years in the world’s most respected wine regions. Pinot Grigio National Pinot Grigio Day celebrates this astonishing wine and its ability to be paired with just about anything, or just enjoyed on its own.
History of National Pinot Grigio Day
Pinot Grigio has a long history, as we already mentioned above, and shares part of its genetic heritage with Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. As the years went by it came to be one of the most popular vintages to be grown and produced, with over 15,000 Hectares being used to grow the grape necessary to produce it. If you’ve never had this fine wine and want to know how it tastes, it has been described as having an acidic, lighter-bodied flavor, most of the noted as having a recognizable ‘spiciness’ to them.
Depending on where you’re getting your Pinot Grigio from it may come under a different name, with examples being the Auxerrois Gris from Alsace, the Grauer Monch from Germany, and the Rulander from Romania. While the basic profile of the wine remains the same, there are variations based on where and how its produced that lead to sweeter and drier varieties being available. National Pinot Grigio Day is your opportunity to go out and buy a bottle or ten and start sampling a delicious variety of what the world has to offer in the way of excellent wines.
How to celebrate National Pinot Grigio Day
As we already mentioned there’s no better way to celebrate this day than by getting yourself a fine bottle of Pinot Grigio and pouring it out with some friends. Given that there are multiple varieties of this wine it could be good to schedule a wine tasting where everyone brings a bottle of Pinot Grigio from a different region, to ensure that everyone gets the chance to enjoy the wide world of Pinot Grigio. Don’t let this holiday pass you by without taking the time to appreciate one of viticultures finest products.
Things you can do with Pinot Grigio besides drinking it!
Of course, having a delicious glass of Pinot Grigio is the best way to celebrate this day! However, there are a number of other things that you can do with Pinot Grigio, aside from drinking it. There are so many different recipes that call for Pinot Grigio. So, why not celebrate with a delicious meal incorporating Pinot Grigio and a glass of the wine to wash it down with? Fish dishes always work really well with this type of wine. Nevertheless, there are many other recipes whereby Pinot Grigio can be incorporated.
Did you know that you can use Pinot Grigio in a pie and tart crust? You have probably heard about creating a tender pie crust with vodka. However, you can also use this delicious white wine. The science is very similar. Unlike water, gluten is not created when flour and alcohol or mixed together. If you overwork gluten, baked goods can end up tough. Therefore, you can enjoy a much more tender crust if you use less gluten. Moreover, the touch of Pinot Grigio is going to add a bit of sweetness to the crust as well, so it’s a win-win!
If you’re looking for a great dinner idea to go with your bottle of white wine on Pinot Grigio day, how about a chicken cacciatore? In some countries, the tomato-based version of this dish is more well-known. However, with this version, chicken is served with a white sauce. You can prepare this with red chillis, oil, and garlic. You can then add some olives and a bottle of pinot grigio, cooking it for a long time so that all of the flavors are melded together properly. Ten minutes before you are finished cooking, add plenty of fresh rosemary to the sauce.
If this doesn’t sound like the right dish for you, how about a pasta carbonara? You can add more flavor to your pasta dish by adding a splash of Pinot Grigio to the pan after the pancetta has been sauteed. You won’t look back after trying this version. There is a gamey aftertaste to the smoked pancetta cubes. However, you can get rid of this with the Pinot Grigio, which makes the pure pancetta flavor outstanding. It really takes your dish to the next level, and this is a sort of concept that can be applied to a lot of different dishes when it comes to adding Pinot Grigio.
Last but not least, why not create your own cocktail with Pinot Grigio? Of course, you’re still going to be technically drinking it, but we’ve bent the rules a little bit for this one! There are some amazing Pinot Grigio cocktails on the Internet. Spend some time looking for a recipe you love. One of our favorites is a Hugo Spritzer. To make this cocktail, you will need your favorite Pinot Grigio (or any old bottle!) combined with soda water, elderflower syrup, mint leaves, some wedges of lime, and some ice. It’s a refreshing cocktail, which goes down a treat.
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thebeverageangels1 · 2 days
How Buying C Peated Whisky Online Redefines Your Drinking Experience
For the whisky connoisseur, peated whisky is something of a unique and unforgettable drinking experience. Peated whisky is flavored otherwise than any other type of whisky-some carry a smoky flavor, while others do not. When Buy Peated Whisky Online in Australia ensures access to an incredibly diverse range of brands and expressions, offering you flexibility in tasting this bold and adventurous spirit from home, or whatever suits you best. It's a choice that elevates your palate and redefines how you enjoy whisky.
The rich history of peated whisky
Peated whisky has a very long and fascinating history rooted in the whisky-making traditions of Scotland, particularly in regions like Islay. Peat is organic material which, in the course of whiskymaking, is incinerated for the malting of barley, infusing it with smoke, thus bestowing upon the whisky its smoky aroma and flavor. This process gives the whisky style its differentiation from, for example, bourbon or American whiskey. The outcome presents a lavish and complex flavor profile ranging from earthly to medicinal states, of which the intensities depend on the brand and region of production.
It's a whisky that is meant to provide character and complexity in the spirits. When Buy Bourbon American Whiskey Online in Australia opens up a world of rich flavors that blend tradition, craftsmanship, and innovation.
Why you must try Peated Whisky
Peated whisky is not just for experienced whisky drinkers, but for anyone with a taste for a new level of complexity in flavor. It provides each sip with an extraordinary depth thanks to its strong smokiness. Peated whisky is definitely not to be missed by anyone who loves spirits with a strong character and flavour. No matter whether you are served neat or with a drop of water or in one of the well-known mixes, peated whisky sticks on the palate for a very long time after the glass has been drained.
Tasting peated whisky also leads to journeys of appreciating the artistry behind the whisky-making. The subtle marriage of peat, malt, and barrel aging creates a product that is chic yet friendly. Choosing to buy Laphroaig whisky online in Australia, for example, can introduce one of the most iconic peated whiskies into your experience. Known for its strong smoky peat flavor reminiscent of seaweed and iodine, Laphroaig is a complex whisky which gives a strong taste to the peated whisky category.
Ease of Buying Whisky Online
Today, convenience is everything. Buy whisky online and you may find more brands and styles than you would be able to get by just visiting a single store in town. If it's rare or simply topping up on your favorite spirit, shopping online provides an effortless way of finding just what you are looking for. The process is uncomplicated: browse, select, and let your whisky have shipped right to your front door.
For example, if you Buy Laphroaig Whisky Online in Australia, you may consider different brands that other customers have reviewed; at the same time, you get access to limited-edition releases you could possibly never lay your hands on when you pop into a liquor store down the street. Other opportunities that come with online shopping include exploring new tastes and unique styles to complement your whisky collection and overall drinking experience.
Creating Moments of Bliss with Smoky Whisky
Peated whisky is great for someone who wants to transform their occasion into something special: there's nothing quite like intense, smoky earthy flavors alongside a hot meal by the fire on a cool evening, or when friends gather for some serious conversation and contemplation.
When you buy peated whisky online in Australia, you are improving your personal journey into whisky and bringing a unique and memorable element into your home bar. Be it a tasting night with friends or a dram after work, before you stand a truly unique drinking experience, just like wine, since peated whisky is full of flavor and history.
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herbwellcannabis · 3 days
Exploring the Different Types of Marijuana Vaporizers
Herbwell Cannabis
February 8, 2024
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Introduction to Marijuana Vaporizers
Marijuana vaporizers have been growing in popularity in recent years. With the rise in legal marijuana use, many people are turning to vaporizers as a healthier alternative to traditional smoking. But what exactly is a marijuana vaporizer, and why should you consider using one?
What is a Marijuana Vaporizer?
A marijuana vaporizer is a device that heats cannabis (either dry herb or concentrates) to a temperature where it releases vapor without combustion. Unlike smoking, vaporizers allow you to inhale cannabinoids without the harmful toxins associated with burning the plant material.
Why Vaporizers are Gaining Popularity
As more users become health-conscious, vaporizers offer a cleaner, smoother experience. Vaporization avoids the harshness of smoke, preserves flavor, and offers a more efficient use of marijuana. This makes them a top choice for both recreational and medical users.
Where to Buy the Best Vaporizers Online
Trusted Online Retailers
Specialist stores like HerbWell Cannabis Budega (link to https://shop.herbwellcannabis.com/stores/herbwell-cannabis-budega/products/vaporizers) offer a wide range of authentic vaporizers with warranties and support.
Why You Should Consider Specialist Stores
Specialist stores provide expert guidance, high-quality products, and better customer service compared to general online platforms like eBay.
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Types of Marijuana Vaporizers
When it comes to vaporizers, there’s a variety to choose from. Each type has its own advantages, depending on your preferences and usage needs.
Dry Herb Vaporizers
Dry herb vaporizers are the most common type and are designed to heat cannabis flowers without burning them. They allow users to enjoy the full flavor and effects of the herb.
Concentrate Vaporizers
These vaporizers are specifically for oils, waxes, and concentrates. They often provide a stronger hit than dry herb vaporizers but can be more complex to use.
Portable vs. Desktop Vaporizers
Portable vaporizers offer convenience for on-the-go users, while desktop vaporizers are usually more powerful and suitable for home use. The choice between the two depends on whether you prioritize portability or performance.
How Dry Herb Vaporizers Work
Understanding how dry herb vaporizers function can help you make a more informed decision.
Heat Technology: Convection vs. Conduction
Vaporizers generally use two heating methods: convection and conduction. Convection vaporizers use hot air to heat the herb, while conduction vaporizers heat the herb through direct contact with a heated surface.
Key Components of a Dry Herb Vaporizer
Typical components include a battery, heating chamber, mouthpiece, and control buttons for temperature settings. Some high-end models even feature digital displays for precision control.
Benefits of Using Dry Herb Vaporizers
There are several reasons why dry herb vaporizers are favored by marijuana users.
Healthier Alternative to Smoking
Since vaporizers don’t produce harmful smoke, they’re easier on your lungs and overall health. You get the active compounds without inhaling carcinogens.
Efficiency and Flavor Preservation
Vaporizers heat cannabis at lower temperatures, which means you can preserve the flavor profile and get the most out of your herb. Nothing beats the taste of well-vaped, fresh herb!
Discreet and Convenient Usage
Vaporizers produce far less odor than smoking, making them a more discreet option for those who want to consume marijuana privately.
Best Dry Herb Vaporizers in 2024
Top Picks for Beginners
If you’re just starting out, entry-level models like the Pax Mini or G Pen Dash are user-friendly and offer good performance without overwhelming you with features.
High-End Options for Enthusiasts
For experienced users, devices like the Storz & Bickel Mighty or the DaVinci IQ2 deliver premium vapor quality and customization options.
Affordable Alternatives
On a budget? The XMAX Starry and Boundless CFX provide great performance at lower price points without sacrificing too much on quality.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Marijuana Vaporizer
Battery Life and Charging Options
Long battery life is essential, especially if you’re going to be vaping on the go. Some models even offer USB-C fast charging for convenience.
Heating Methods
Convection vaporizers generally offer better flavor, but conduction vaporizers heat up faster. Choosing between the two comes down to your personal preference.
Size and Portability
Do you need a vaporizer that fits in your pocket, or are you looking for a more powerful, at-home device? Consider how and where you’ll use it most.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Ease of cleaning can’t be overlooked. A vaporizer with easily removable parts will save you a lot of hassle over time.
Common Myths About Marijuana Vaporizers
Misconceptions About Health and Safety
Many believe vaporizers are just as harmful as smoking. However, studies show vaporization eliminates many of the toxins associated with smoking.
Myths About Vaporizer Efficiency
Some think vaporizers waste cannabis, but in fact, they are more efficient in delivering cannabinoids than smoking.
Are eBay Marijuana Vaporizers Worth It?
Pros and Cons of Buying Vaporizers on eBay
While you can find deals on eBay, it’s important to be cautious about counterfeit products. Always check reviews and seller ratings.
How to Avoid Counterfeit Products
Stick to trusted brands and sellers, and avoid prices that seem too good to be true.
The Future of Vaporizer Technology
Innovations in Heating Elements. Companies are constantly improving heating technology to offer better flavor and efficiency. Expect faster heat-up times and more precise controls in future models.
Smart Vaporizers and App Connectivity
Smart vaporizers with app connectivity are becoming more common, offering users real-time temperature control and usage tracking.
Choosing the right marijuana vaporizer comes down to understanding your needs and preferences. Whether you’re a casual user or a cannabis connoisseur, there’s a vaporizer out there that suits your lifestyle. Remember to consider factors like battery life, portability, and heating methods when making your choice.
Explore HerbWell Cannabis Budega’s collection of vaporizers to find your perfect match!
What is the best dry herb vaporizer for beginners?The Pax Mini and G Pen Dash are great options for beginners due to their simplicity and performance.
How often should I clean my dry herb vaporizer?It’s recommended to clean your vaporizer after every few uses to maintain optimal performance.
Are dry herb vaporizers better than smoking?Yes, vaporizers are generally considered healthier and more efficient than smoking, as they avoid combustion.
Can I use a dry herb vaporizer for concentrates?Some vaporizers are dual-use, meaning they can handle both dry herbs and concentrates, but check the product specifications first.
Is it safe to buy vaporizers on eBay?While you can find vaporizers on eBay, it’s important to be cautious of counterfeit products and only buy from reputable sellers.
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Herbwell Cannabis
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ocean9liquor · 4 days
If you are planning to host a house party, it is important to get a good balance of liquors, beer, and wine, depending on the taste and preferences of your guests and the type of event you’re planning to host. You can easily avail yourself ofLiquor delivery in Miami Beach to buy just about any alcohol. However, it would help if you remembered that the drink selection would be different for a birthday with friends than for a family dinner. Unless everyone in the group shares the same tastes, having various drinks with different alcohol contents and flavor profiles would be a good idea.
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bingmountain · 11 days
Why Reliable Wine Transportation Companies Are Essential for Wine Enthusiasts
For wine enthusiasts, the journey of a bottle from the vineyard to the glass is often as important as the wine itself. Reliable wine transportation companies play a crucial role in ensuring that this journey is smooth, secure, and preserves the quality of the wine. This article explores the reasons why these companies are essential for wine lovers and the benefits they provide.
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The Significance of Wine Transportation
Wine transportation is not just about moving bottles from one location to another; it's about safeguarding the quality and integrity of the wine. The transportation process involves several critical factors including temperature control, handling, and timing. For wine enthusiasts, these factors are crucial as they directly impact the taste and quality of the wine.
Temperature Control
One of the most significant aspects of wine transportation is temperature control. Wine is a delicate product that can be severely affected by fluctuations in temperature. Different types of wine have varying temperature requirements, and maintaining the correct temperature throughout the journey is essential for preserving the wine's taste and characteristics.
Reliable wine transportation companies invest in specialized equipment to ensure that wines are transported at the optimal temperature. This includes refrigerated trucks and climate-controlled storage facilities. By maintaining a consistent temperature, these companies help prevent issues such as spoilage, fermentation, or oxidation, which can ruin a fine bottle of wine.
Safe Handling Practices
Proper handling is another critical aspect of wine transportation. Wine bottles are fragile and can be easily damaged if not handled with care. Reliable transportation companies employ trained professionals who understand the importance of gentle handling and secure packaging.
Specialized packaging materials such as padded crates and shock-absorbing inserts are used to protect wine bottles during transit. These measures help prevent breakage and ensure that the wine arrives at its destination in perfect condition. Additionally, companies with a reputation for reliability often have quality control measures in place to monitor and address any potential issues during the transportation process.
Timely Delivery
Timing is crucial when it comes to wine transportation. Many wines, especially those that are aged, require a certain amount of time to develop their full flavor profile. Delays in transportation can disrupt this process and negatively impact the wine's quality.
Reliable wine transportation companies understand the importance of timely delivery and work to ensure that wines reach their destinations within the expected timeframe. This efficiency is particularly important for wine enthusiasts who may be waiting for a special bottle for a particular occasion or event.
Compliance with Regulations
Wine transportation is subject to a variety of regulations and legal requirements. These can vary depending on the region and the type of wine being transported. Reliable transportation companies are well-versed in these regulations and ensure that all necessary paperwork and permits are in order.
Compliance with regulations is essential for avoiding legal issues and ensuring that the wine is transported in accordance with industry standards. This knowledge and adherence to regulations also contribute to the overall reliability of the transportation service.
Expertise in Handling Different Types of Wine
Different types of wine require different handling and transportation methods. For example, red wines, white wines, and sparkling wines all have unique needs when it comes to temperature, packaging, and handling. Reliable wine transportation companies have the expertise to manage these varying requirements effectively.
For instance, sparkling wines are particularly sensitive to temperature fluctuations and require careful handling to avoid disturbing the sediment. White wines, on the other hand, are often transported at cooler temperatures to maintain their crispness. A knowledgeable transportation company will be able to tailor its services to meet the specific needs of each type of wine.
Enhancing the Wine Experience
For many wine enthusiasts, the journey of the wine is part of the overall experience. Knowing that their wine is being transported with care and professionalism enhances their appreciation of the product. Reliable transportation companies contribute to this experience by providing a sense of confidence and trust.
The peace of mind that comes with knowing that a valuable bottle of wine is being handled properly allows enthusiasts to focus on enjoying the wine rather than worrying about its condition. This added layer of comfort is invaluable and adds to the overall enjoyment of the wine.
The Role of Technology in Wine Transportation
Technology plays a significant role in modern wine transportation. Advanced tracking systems and real-time monitoring provide valuable information about the location and condition of the wine during transit. Reliable transportation companies leverage these technologies to ensure that wine is transported efficiently and any potential issues are addressed promptly.
GPS tracking allows for precise monitoring of the wine's journey, while temperature sensors provide real-time data on the climate within the transport vehicle. This technological integration enhances the reliability of the transportation process and helps maintain the quality of the wine.
Building Trust with Wine Enthusiasts
Trust is a key factor in the relationship between wine enthusiasts and transportation companies. Reliable wine transportation companies build trust by consistently delivering high-quality services and demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Positive reviews, recommendations from other enthusiasts, and a proven track record of successful deliveries all contribute to building this trust. For wine enthusiasts, choosing a reputable transportation company is an important decision that can greatly impact their overall wine experience.
In conclusion, reliable wine transportation companies are essential for wine enthusiasts for a variety of reasons. They ensure that wine is transported under optimal conditions, handling it with care and adhering to regulations. By maintaining temperature control, employing safe handling practices, and delivering wines in a timely manner, these companies help preserve the quality and integrity of the wine.
The expertise and technology provided by these companies enhance the overall wine experience, offering peace of mind and confidence to enthusiasts. As the wine industry continues to grow, the role of reliable transportation companies will remain crucial in ensuring that wine enthusiasts can enjoy their favorite bottles in the best possible condition.
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knottywoodbbq · 16 days
Best Grilling Pellets Summer Sale 6/27 to 7/3
Are you grilling this summer? Do you want your grilling to be better than ever before? Summer is all about sharing good times and good food with friends and family. We know that you want to be able to cook tremendous grilled dishes for you and yours, yes, but we also don’t believe you should have to dig into your vacation funds to do it. That’s just one of the reasons we’re offering a summer sale on some of our best grilling pellets.
From 6/27 through 7/3, we’re offering great deals on some of our most popular pellets. That way, you can enjoy your grilling for less.
What’s on Sale Everyone has their own grilling preferences, so we’re offering a variety of pellets to suit all tastes. Here’s what’s on sale:
Almond Wood Pellets: These provide a mild, nutty flavor that enhances any dish. Plum Wood Pellets: For a sweet and distinctive smoke profile, perfect for grilling any type of meat. Almond Cabernet Wine Pellets: A unique blend that adds a hint of decadence to your BBQ, taking your grilling to the next level. Plummond Blend Pellets: An artisan-crafted mix of Almond and Plum woods, previously reserved for competitions, now available for your home grill. This blend offers the perfect balance of sweetness and mild nuttiness.
More In-Depth About What’s on Sale We know that folks have different tastes when it comes to their pellet grilling. As such, we wanted to offer a sale on as many of our grilling pellets as possible. So, you’ll be able to get our Almond Wood Pellets. These have that mild yet distinct nutty flavor that can elevate just about any dish.
Of course, when it comes to sweetness in your grilling, you may be looking for a bit more. That’s where our Plum Wood Pellets can help. These combine a smoke profile that’s utterly distinctive with the sweetness of plum. If you’re grilling meat of any kind, then these plum pellets are absolutely perfect for them.
Maybe you like the Almond pellet, but you’re looking to bring in a hint of something different, something a bit more decadent. We hear you. That’s what led us to create the “Almond Cabernet Wine” pellets. These are a genuine twist on BBQ, the kind of pellet that can provide a genuinely next-level grilling experience.
That having been said, there are “next-level grilling experiences,” and then there is the apex grilling experience. We also offer for sale, an artisan-crafted blend that has previously been used exclusively for competition. It’s called “Plummond,” which expertly mixes our Almond and Plum wood. So, it’s the perfect balance of Plum’s sweet and Almond’s mild nuttiness. While this was made for competition, it’s just as great for your home grill, too.
More Than Just the Best Grilling Pellets – 4th of July Recipes, Too For the best summer grilling, sure, you need top level grilling pellets, you bet. However, beyond that, you’re also going to want to make the best recipes, too. We’ve got plenty at our site that can make any summer day that much better (and they’re great in the winter and fall, too).
Poppers Before Fireworks Depending on what they’re called in your area, you may remember “poppers,” those small fireworks that are legal in just about any state. If you want something a bit more festive (and certainly more delicious) for the holiday, we’ve got a Jalapeno Poppers recipe. What’s the secret to this recipe (other than just the grilling pellets?) Cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and bacon (as well as, of course, Knotty Rub) make for a popper that will help just about any gathering to “pop off.”
Hot Wings Smooth as Honey Are you looking for hot wings that have some sweetness to them and aren’t just hot? That said, do you want to use your pellet grill to make hot wings that really are “hot?” If so, have we got a recipe for you. Our “Hot Honey Wings” recipe provides the best of all worlds there.
For starters, while many of our recipes can best be enjoyed with any of our pellets, for these particular wings, we do recommend that you use the Plummond Competition Blend pellets. That has the flavor profile that really can elevate these wings (at the risk of a pun).  
Beyond that, our honey can help these wings to be what they should be, especially when you use the right amounts of quality curry, cayenne powder, black pepper, white vinegar, and of course, Knotty Rub.
Pork Sliders to Slide On Into the Night The pork slider is one of those genuinely perfect 4th of July foods. You may not want a burger, you may just want something less filling. Additionally, if you want to eat more, since they’re sliders, you can have another.
These pork sliders in our recipes are best paired with the Plum wood pellets. We always look to offer as much as possible, we also provide a recipe here for the glaze as well.
Best Grilling Pellets All Year Long The pellets above are on sale from the 27th through the 3rd and those recipes are great for the 4th of July. However, it’s not like there’s a day of the year when jalapeno poppers, honey hot wings, and pork sliders will be anything other than delicious. Our pellets can make your grilling better all year long.
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tvoyind · 20 days
How Can You Pick the Best Green Tea and What Are Its Benefits?
The globe over, green tea is becoming more and more accepted due to it’s a lot of health benefits, which have been extensive recognized. The calming qualities of chamomile with the antioxidant-rich qualities of green tea are combined in Chamomile Green Tea; one of it’s a lot of varieties. Green tea provides a range of choices catered to your requirements, whether your goal is to enhance your well-being or just benefit from a refreshing drink.
Knowing How Much Green Tea Will Cost
Green Tea Cost could differ greatly when buying it depending on a number of criteria, including brand, packaging, and quality. Though you may be inclined to choose less expensive solutions, you must remember that quality is frequently reflected in pricing. Prominent tea-growing regions usually produce the best green tea, and organic teas may be more expensive because they don't use pesticides in their growth. Buying premium green tea guarantees that you will experience the best possible flavor profile and maximum health benefits.
The Best Green Tea: What Constitutes It?
With so many alternatives to choose from, choosing the best green tea can be challenging. Green tea with health benefits and a flavor profile that fits your palate is the ideal type to drink. Fresh green leaves with a delicate sweetness to them are the hallmark of Best Green Tea to Drink. A light, transparent infusion with a little flavor should be produced when it is made. In addition, since it contains no dangerous ingredients and offers a clean, natural experience, organic green tea is frequently the best.
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Selected Green Tea Bags for Everyday Usage
Selecting quality Good Green Tea is essential for people who drink it frequently. The flavor, health advantages, and cost of an excellent green tea all come together in harmony. Seek choose teas with minimal processing to preserve their natural quality, especially teas that come from well-known producers. Since Organic Green Tea guarantees that you're consuming a product devoid of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, it's a great option for daily consumption. Additionally, the flavor of organic green tea is typically stronger, which adds to the enjoyment of your daily tea habit.
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Green tea bags are convenient
Green Tea Bags provide a practical means of consuming their preferred brew for several tea connoisseurs. For people by confused schedules who like to have green tea on the go, green tea bags are a suitable and pre-measured option. The tastes with health advantages of loose-leaf tea can be obtained as of premium Green Tea Online even when it's packaged in a bag. But in order to make sure you are getting the a good number out of every cup, you have to make sure the green tea bags you buy use complete leaves, not broken.
Investigating Blends of Herbal Green Tea
Herbal Green Tea blends are a great choice if you want to do something different. The curative qualities of several herbs, such chamomile, peppermint, or ginger, are combined with the health advantages of green tea in these mixes. In addition to tasting great, herbal green tea, depending on the herbs used, can provide further health advantages. Peppermint green tea, for example, helps by digestion, while chamomile green tea is good for stillness.
Green Tea’s Beneficial Effects on Hair
not only is green tea a delightful drink, but its possible health and hair-growth benefits have made it a mounting favorite among enthusiasts. Green tea's abundance of antioxidants be able to endorse healthy scalp function, lessen hair loss, as well as encourage the growth of new hair. Stronger, glossier hair can eventually result from incorporating Green Tea for Hair care regimen, whether it's through frequent consumption or rinsing.
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How to Choose and Enjoy the Perfect Kielbasa: A Guide from Piast Meats & Provisions
Kielbasa, the beloved Polish sausage, is more than just a food item—it's a culinary tradition that has been passed down through generations. At Piast Meats & Provisions, we take great pride in crafting authentic Polish kielbasa using time-honored methods and the finest ingredients. Whether you’re a seasoned kielbasa enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this guide will help you choose and enjoy the perfect kielbasa.
Understanding Kielbasa: A Polish Tradition
Kielbasa, pronounced "kyoh-BAH-sah" or "kyol-BAH-sah," is the Polish word for sausage. It's a staple in Polish cuisine and holds a special place in the hearts of many. Traditionally made from pork, kielbasa can also include beef, veal, turkey, lamb, or a mixture of meats. The sausage is typically seasoned with garlic, marjoram, and other spices, then stuffed into natural casings and either smoked, dried, or left fresh.
The beauty of kielbasa lies in its versatility. It can be enjoyed in a variety of ways—grilled, boiled, sautéed, or even eaten cold. Each method of preparation brings out different flavors and textures, making kielbasa a favorite for many occasions.
Choosing the Perfect Kielbasa
When it comes to selecting the perfect kielbasa, there are several factors to consider. At Piast Meats & Provisions, we offer a wide range of kielbasa varieties, each with its own unique flavor profile and use. Here’s what you need to know to make the best choice:
Type of Kielbasa: Smoked, Fresh, or Dried
Smoked Kielbasa: This is the most popular type of kielbasa, known for its deep, smoky flavor. Smoked kielbasa is fully cooked and ready to eat, making it a convenient choice for quick meals. The natural smoking process enhances the flavor of the meat and spices, creating a rich, savory taste that’s hard to resist.
Fresh Kielbasa (White Kielbasa): Fresh kielbasa, or "biała kiełbasa," is uncooked and unsmoked. This type of kielbasa requires cooking before it’s eaten, typically by boiling, grilling, or baking. Fresh kielbasa has a mild flavor that pairs well with traditional Polish dishes like sauerkraut and potatoes.
Dried Kielbasa: For those who enjoy a more intense, concentrated flavor, dried kielbasa is an excellent option. This sausage is cured and dried, giving it a firmer texture and a robust taste. Dried kielbasa is perfect for snacking, charcuterie boards, or as a flavorful addition to soups and stews.
Ingredients and Meat QualityThe quality of ingredients is crucial when choosing kielbasa. At Piast Meats & Provisions, we use only the finest, coarse-ground butcher-cut meats in our sausages. Look for kielbasa made with high-quality pork or a mix of meats, and avoid sausages with fillers or artificial ingredients.A key indicator of quality is the texture of the meat inside the sausage. Slice open a kielbasa and examine the meat—premium kielbasa will have visible chunks of meat, rather than a smooth, paste-like consistency. This coarse texture is a sign that the sausage was made with care, using traditional methods.
Natural CasingsAuthentic kielbasa is stuffed into natural casings, which give the sausage its characteristic snap when bitten into. Natural casings are also more porous, allowing the flavors of the meat and spices to meld together more effectively during cooking or smoking. When selecting kielbasa, always check that it’s made with natural casings, as this is a hallmark of quality.
Flavor ProfileKielbasa comes in a variety of flavors, depending on the blend of spices and the smoking process. At Piast Meats & Provisions, we offer kielbasa with traditional Polish seasonings, including garlic, marjoram, and pepper. Some varieties may also include additional spices or herbs, creating a unique flavor experience.Consider your personal preferences when choosing kielbasa. Do you prefer a milder, more delicate taste? Fresh kielbasa may be your best bet. If you enjoy bold, smoky flavors, opt for a smoked kielbasa. And if you’re looking for something with a more intense, concentrated flavor, dried kielbasa is the way to go.
How to Enjoy Kielbasa: Cooking Tips and Serving Ideas
Once you've selected the perfect kielbasa, the next step is to decide how to enjoy it. Kielbasa is incredibly versatile and can be prepared in a variety of ways, depending on the type of sausage and your personal preferences. Here are some popular methods for cooking and serving kielbasa:
Grilling KielbasaGrilling is one of the most popular ways to prepare kielbasa, especially in the United States. The high heat of the grill enhances the sausage's smoky flavor and creates a deliciously crispy exterior. Here's how to grill kielbasa to perfection:
Preheat the Grill: Make sure your grill is hot before you start cooking. Aim for medium-high heat.
Prepare the Kielbasa: If you're using smoked kielbasa, you can place it directly on the grill. For fresh kielbasa, boil it first for about 15 minutes to ensure it’s fully cooked, then finish it on the grill.
Grill the Kielbasa: Place the kielbasa on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until it’s nicely browned and heated through.
Serve: Grilled kielbasa can be enjoyed on its own, in a bun with mustard and sauerkraut, or sliced and served with grilled vegetables.
Boiling and Simmering KielbasaBoiling or simmering is the traditional method for cooking fresh kielbasa. This method ensures that the sausage is fully cooked and tender. Here’s how to do it:
Boil the Kielbasa: Place fresh kielbasa in a large pot and cover it with cold water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30-45 minutes.
Add Flavor: To enhance the flavor, add bay leaves, peppercorns, garlic, or onions to the water while the kielbasa simmers.
Serve: Boiled kielbasa is delicious with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, or in a traditional Polish soup like żurek. You can also grill or pan-fry the boiled kielbasa for added flavor.
Pan-Frying KielbasaPan-frying is a quick and easy way to prepare kielbasa, especially if you’re short on time. Here’s how to do it:
Heat the Pan: Preheat a skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of oil or butter.
Cook the Kielbasa: Slice the kielbasa into rounds or half-moons and add it to the skillet. Cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until the sausage is browned and heated through.
Serve: Pan-fried kielbasa is perfect for breakfast, served with eggs and toast, or as part of a hearty dinner with potatoes and vegetables.
Baking KielbasaBaking is a great option if you’re cooking for a crowd or prefer a hands-off approach. Here’s how to bake kielbasa:
Preheat the Oven: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C).
Prepare the Kielbasa: Place the kielbasa in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. If desired, add sliced onions, bell peppers, or potatoes to the dish for a complete meal.
Bake: Cook the kielbasa in the oven for 25-30 minutes, or until it’s heated through and the skin is crispy.
Serve: Baked kielbasa is delicious served with a side of mustard, horseradish, or a tangy dipping sauce.
Creative Ways to Use Kielbasa
Kielbasa is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes beyond the traditional preparations. Here are some creative ways to incorporate kielbasa into your meals:
Kielbasa Pasta: Slice kielbasa and toss it with pasta, garlic, onions, and a creamy sauce for a quick and satisfying dinner.
Kielbasa Stir-Fry: Add sliced kielbasa to a stir-fry with rice, vegetables, and your favorite sauce for a Polish twist on a classic Asian dish.
Kielbasa Skewers: Thread chunks of kielbasa onto skewers with vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and cherry tomatoes. Grill or bake for a fun and flavorful meal.
Kielbasa Pizza: Top your favorite pizza with slices of kielbasa, along with onions, peppers, and a sprinkle of cheese for a Polish-inspired pizza.
Kielbasa Breakfast Hash: Add diced kielbasa to a skillet with potatoes, onions, and bell peppers for a hearty breakfast hash.
Buy Kielbasa Online at Piast Meats & Provisions
At Piast Meats & Provisions, we make it easy to enjoy authentic Polish kielbasa no matter where you are. Our online store offers a wide selection of kielbasa varieties, all made with the finest ingredients and traditional methods. We ship nationwide, ensuring that your order arrives fresh and ready to enjoy.
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