#They look fkn good tho! So I ain't even mad about it
thesixthchaosgod · 7 months
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They're on the finish line of being done and with how much time these two took me I think it's fair to say..... BEHOLD! MY LIFE'S WORK!
Time to add Sept markings to the weapons, arms and jetpack's and then move onto the support systems, make it snow on the bases, add some final details and call them done
For the Greater Good!
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zka-2nd · 3 months
tw kinda m3ansp0/nsfw content
if you're a minor, SKIP. thanks
a few years ago, when i was 19, i was friends with benefits a dude who was 21. he had it all, handsome, tattoos, a bad-guy look, messed up past relationship. i was really thin then, but as every young woman i had my insecurities. when we first saw each other after talking online for a week, he said something like: "if u were f4t, i would've simply turned around and left."
my insecurities were to the roof because already i felt overweight (i was not). but everything went ok after this first talk, he was fit as well so we were rocking in bed, literally the best s3x i had back then. this situationship went on for 6 months ish, and at some point i was complaining about my weight (i was literally weighting 58 kgs, and i am short, but my a$$ was bomb and i looked good, i guess the complaining was more of a cry for attention?), and this dude was like: "if you're gaining more weight, you can be damn sure i ain't fkn you no more". I was like: I beg your finest pardon????? Anyway, his flat mate called him an asshole for this comment, but i was not mad tbh, i probably would've done the same if he gained weight? idk, not sure tho.
long story short, i ended things with the guy 'cause he didn't want a relationship at the moment but i was ready for one. he thought he was so special because our s3x life was amazing but in reality i was not waiting for him, especially cause he had many red flags. i was young, pretty and in a new city for university, ofc i found a new guy really fast lol.
the last time i saw him was 3 years ago, he was walking down the street with a chick who was not only shorter than me, but 3 times bigger than me. she was obese, basically. he was looking at me really surprised (we did not see each other for like 2 years at that point) and i thought to myself: "nah, there's no way that's his girlfriend, he was so strict about weight, there's simply no way." anyway, a few days ago he watched my story on fb and out of curiosity i went to his profile to see what's new with him. saw a pic of him and his brother posted by his mum and i went to her profile. and in one of her highlights was him and that girl from years ago, now looking even bigger. i was shik shak SHOCKED you guys, cause wtf dude? i felt soo good with myself cause even tho i did ended up gaining some weight i've lost 8 kgs in the past 2 months and i am really feeling myself again. went from 71 kg to 63.
and now this? my self esteem went through the roof! i was so amused by how karma played the mf.
p.s.: remember that new guy i've found after i dumped him? we're almost 6 years into our relationship, he never said a word about my weight. never in 6 years. loved/fwcked me with the same passion before and after losing weight.
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