#They were the one who awaken my type of tall men tbh
thebloodyrabbit · 1 year
This particular concert is so painful to see because only three were present and it's been so long since their last comeback. I feel when Leo said he's feels like VIXX name was being forgotten slowly because it does feel like it when new kpop fans come in and questioned, 'Who is VIXX?'. My heart just hurts for the members, to see them cry the way they did. They missed VIXX just as much as us and it sucks to see them be that way.
But they made such a good song to comeback. I love 'Gonna be alright', the lyrics just resonates so much to me. VIXX and Starlight will be alright. Even going through all the shitshow, they will still exist, every single one of the members.
VIXX has six members. Always has and will always be. I hope one day we be able to see all 6 of them together even if it's unofficial.
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deli-counter · 7 years
Do the evens or the odds or bof.......
im doin the odds papa!!!  thankie!!! (you know the word bof gets me)Is a kiss considered cheating?
Is a kiss considered cheating? Yeah girl If you could have one superpower, what would it be? shapeshifting Tell us some funny drunk story. Never been drunk baby!! One time I got floaty because I drank like three gulps of a mike’s hard lemonade by accident and I immediately started looking up spring onion salad dressing recipes If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? poison that acts instantly or dying in my sleep Do you like someone? no sadly not anymore :/Do you like your body? not really…I like parts of it If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? pay 4 my tuition and let me transfer anywhere I want If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? sandwiches Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? I freak out pending money on anything so idk When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? genuinely dunno? maybe like a friend did a few weeks ago?Do you keep a journal? yeah but I need to write a lot more often Is farting in front of people irrelevant? what the fuck Are grades in school important? yeah until college then it’s like…just power thru I’m a theatre major. But I’ve always cared a lot about grades What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? dunkirk was p goodDumbest lie you ever told? my dad is alec baldwin and the dude believed it Something you did and you are proud of? playing wendla in spring awakening for a lot of reasons Something you are good at? cooking How are you feeling right now? blah What do you need to be happy? who fucking knows ! !What was the last gift you received? my mom got me some sweet lil soaps when she went on a girls’ trip to the beach!! What was the last concert you went to? I’ve only ever been to one concert and it was the american idol concert the season Carrie Underwood won. I didn’t even want to go Who inspires you? My sister How old were you when you first got high? never been high When was your first kiss? I was a sophomore, 16 years old, on Valentine’s day lol I had my first date ever then Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? got involved with anyone I have been involved with romantically Who are you most comfortable around? my immediate family What kind of books do you read? anything? a lot of creative nonfiction or fiction or fantasy or murdery stuff but probably mostly classic literature What is your favourite flower? belladonnas, japanese cherry blossoms, lilacs, or hydrangeas. OOOH AND CREPE MYRTLE!!!!What kind of people are you attracted to? tall professors, asian fathers, designers with turtle shell glasses, any of these kind of types Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? Cottage cheese, tinned tuna, olives, and hard boiled eggs. Something you find romantic? Gentlemanly gestures that are probably old fashioned but have gone out of style and should just be common knowledge? Like flowers or something small, when men ASK to kiss you, dressing up when seeing each other, i like that thoughtful shit!!What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? not doing this baby I’m not gonna overgeneralize What are you saving money for? my student loans and Europe Are you actually a good person? Why? I think so but I’ve done shitty stuff and I have flaws but over all I think I’m a good person (cue Heathers opening monologue)Have you ever done anything illegal? nope not that I know of Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? yeah sadly Have you ever cheated on someone? no what the fuck !! I’ve been cheated on thoIs there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @rossgellerfanclub @circa-1987 @kayleefabulousFavourite TV series? 30 Rock always but I am SO into iZombie rn What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? honestly dunno, I mostly read script now How long have you been on Tumblr? maybe 6 years? ew McDonalds or Subway? McDonalds, Subway is pure garbaggio! I have 100 reason why and am very passionate about this Alcohol or drugs? Neither tbh Meaning behind your blog name? I do theatre and I’m pretentious Last time you were insulted? Yesterday lol Perfect date idea? fun restaurant! museum! dessert! What colour are the walls in your room? the pantone shade of green that is color of the year. I called this shit 8 years ago Share your favourite quote. “in that ignorance I had knitted a new sweater, and she was something spectacular.” or “from my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.” Do you like horror movies? Yes and no, I’m picky and  ridden with fear and anxiety but I’m fascinated with horror culture and usually do like to be scared 
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? idk, not lucky 
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