#This also works for Leta and Gaunt so
A heated argument coming from The Sharpe’s tent and all you hear is Alex yell
“You wanna fuck me so bad you look stupid!”
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Hi! I’m currently looking for new roleplay partners for Harry Potter and related sub-fandoms! I’m only looking for partners 18+ as I am an adult in my mid 20s. Please no time wasters!
I’m pretty active (try to reply multiple times a day!) but I do work full time in a bar/nightclub while training for my vocation so my hours in work do vary and tend to be later in the day. I’m looking for at least one reply a day and good communication (I love it when rp partners become my friends!!)
I only write literate - novella (no one liners!) and only in third person. Saying this, I need someone who is understanding as I am dyslexic and sometimes my spelling and grammar is off as a result!
I’m looking for the following:
People comfortable in playing male canon characters against female original characters from golden trio era, marauders era, next gen and Hogwarts Legacy (I’m happy to discuss doubling!) I’m mostly looking for Regulus Black, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle and Teddy Lupin HOWEVER I am also interested in hearing who you would pair with my characters.
I’m also interested in exploring some original character x original character pairings for all dynamics m x f, m x m, f x f so please message me with your original character if that is something you’re interested in!
Finally, I’m interested in some canon x canon pairings.
Jegulily/Regulily - I’d play Lily
Wolfstar - I’m happy to play either
Dramione - I’d play Hermione
Romione - I’d play Hermione
Theta (FB) - I’d play Leta
Please like this post or reach out and say hi if you’re interested!
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vainlgacy · 3 years
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"The pure-blood families are all interrelated. If you’re only going to let your sons and daughters marry purebloods your choice is very limited, there are hardly any of us left." - Sirius Black
When it comes to the pureblood families, the idea of blood purity is crucial and one of the most important traditions to keep when planning and determining the next generation that you will be creating. The Black family had been considered one of the purest of the Sacred 28 and planned to keep the bloodline as pure as possible. Not only did the Black family practice incest, it was also practiced heavily in the Gaunt family and even in the Lestrange family. Sirius’ parents Walburga and Orion Black were second cousins and Leta Lestranges’ grandparents Corvus and Eglantine Lestrange were first cousins.
I believe that Narcissa Black and Sirius Black, who are first cousins, were arranged to be married since the day of his birth.
Narcissa was born four years before Sirius in 1955 and him in 1959. The generation that had been born at this time were Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa who were sisters and Sirius who had been their cousin. Sirius at this point in time was the only one who had held the Black name and was capable of carrying it onto the next generation, so it was only smart for his parents to set up an arrangement for him and seeing as Narcissa was the closest in age it was only fitting that she be the one chosen. The arrangement was set up and they were raised together and to my belief, I believe that they were close growing up until Narcissa had started Hogwarts in 1966.
Narcissa started to grow into her faculties at this point, learning more about pureblood supremacy and became the “prim, proper, don’t speak unless spoken to and even if spoken to do not speak out of turn” girl they expected her to be. She had no desire to marry her cousin but the arrangement was inevitable and she had seen what happened if you disobeyed and she felt like she had no other choice. When you are raised in the Black family you do as you are told or you are punished. 
In 1971, Sirius had started Hogwarts and Narcissa was in her fifth year. She had been known to hang around with other Slytherins and that sit still, look pretty attitude had still held with her at school and it had gained her popularity among those who also came from pureblood families. During their time at Hogwarts, Narcissa and Sirius never spoke of their engagement for neither of them thought that it was anything to be proud of even though their parents had said it was. They pretended as if the arrangement didn’t exist.
I believe that the Black family would wait until Sirius was at least 16 years old before trying to go through with a wedding since the youngest that someone can be married in England with parental consent is 16. Sirius had run away in 1977 at the age of 16, which would fit with the timeline of parental consent, and if being forced to get married was something that he couldn’t escape while living with his family, finding refuge with the Potter family would be the only way out. 
The thought of Narcissa waiting 3 years for marriage after Hogwarts if she was engaged to Lucius Malfoy seems a bit outlandish since her sister Bellatrix had married Rodolphus Lestrange between 1970-1971 which was 1-2 years maximum after she had left Hogwarts. If they had been waiting for Sirius to turn 16 it would fit the timeline a lot better since she would be 20 and would explain the delay.
With Sirius disowned, the Black family had to work fast to make a respectable wife out of Narcissa. Regulus was still too young to be married and while the Malfoy family had half bloods in their lineage, I believe that at a point in time the Blacks owed the Malfoy family a debt and both of the families needed an heir so they had arranged Narcissa and Lucius, who had been hogwarts friends, to be married. The Potter fandom page says that they were married between 1972-1979, which makes the timeline prevalent once again since Sirius ran away and the engagement would’ve been null and void in 1977.
I believe that Narcissa and Lucius married between 1978-1979. This time frame fits a lot better as to why Draco was born the same year as Harry, both of them having been born in 1980. The delay in the marriage between Narcissa and Lucius makes sense if she was set to be engaged to someone else, especially since it wouldn’t make sense for them to wait 6-7 years to be married and then an extra 1-2 years to have Draco. It would mean that Narcissa was without a child for 7-8 years if they were to be married right as Lucius graduated in 1972. But instead, if you have Narcissa waiting until 1978-1979 to be married due to having the original engagement falling through due to Sirius running away , the timeline makes much more sense and is more plausible. 
To further the point, other respectable Pureblood families at the time only had male heirs ( evan and felix rosier, rodolphus and rabastan lestrange ), so instead of possibly tainting the bloodline it would be easier to look within their own family. Sirius was the only male of that generation to hold the name Black and Narcissa was the closest of his age.  The Black family would’ve grasped at every chance to keep their bloodline pure and marrying cousins isn’t as taboo to them as it is to the rest of the wizarding world. 
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siren-of-redriver96 · 4 years
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The history of Illvermorny is the key (theory)
Update 2
(I’m slowly going crazy from how more and more hints come up ...)
His sisters
Aside from Modesty and Chastity resembling Tina and Queenie a lot, remember - Tina, when watching her happy memories of her family, firstly saw them - and then, interestingly , how she rescued Credence ... he was literally among the memories she had of her family
Rionach means "queen"
Rionach I = Isolt's mother
Rionach II = Isolt's daughter
Queenie = III
Also, Queenie was born on 6th of January - among many other things and hints, again, the "Three King's day" =
Three Queens
The brothers
There are more than a few parallels between the Scamander- and the Boot brothers - Webster was an auror, like Theseus, of course, but Chadwick resembles Newt a lot - also a world traveller, he wrote a series of books too on his subject (Charms - hey, Eulalie Hicks' subject again) which Tina and Queenie had - and he married a healer.
But most prominently: he founded house Thunderbird
An anagramm
The story of Isolt Sayre included how she travelled by ship to Britain, then America, disguised as a boy and under the alias "Elias Story", an anagram of her name.
It was a pretty significant element that I've been wondering about ... In this case, we would have two parallels the woman we see on the ship, which I've recently theorized to be a sister of Mr. Goldstein I called Esther (who could be the source of Tina's second name - and they do look a lot alike - see
She was titled "Credence aunt", and given that one way or another, she was on a mission to get him out of the country, she very likely travelled under an alias too - an anagram of her name is possible, I'm still working on re-arranging the letters of "Esther Goldstein" to an alias that would both function and hide her true identity enough. (the one who worked the best so far, in last name coverage and story relation too, was "Edith Greenlosst" - names usually foreshadow something in HP, and she seemed to have lost a "green", a member of the youngest generation in the family tree - but not only wasn't it her true name, the actual baby lived) "Elias" as a name refers to a prophet - specifically the one who, according to Wikipedia, will announced the coming of the Messiah ... idk, I feel like Isolt having this alias and the chance of someone (presumably a son) born in their family after a prophecy/to a seldom stellar constellation works surprisingly well
Side note: : By now I feel like JK wrote the history of Illvermorny first, then structured Fantastic Beasts around it ...
The Foreshadowing 4
Pointed out to me by a fellow redditor: moeykrimz pointed out to me that the quartett of Newt, Tina, Jacob and Queenie which forms in the first movie seems to represent one Illverrmorny house each:
Serpent: mind, scholar ; Tina
Wampus: body, warrior ; Queenie
Pukwudgie: heart, healer : Jacob (the founder James was also a no maj)
Thunderbird: soul, adventurer ; Newt
Also, again: we have the Slytherin parallel in Tina, the Legilimence one for Queenie, the non-magic one for Jacob, and the parallel to Chadwick Boot, the younger of the Boot brothers who's elder was an auror)
I'd love this as foreshadowing to the role Illvermorny may play in the future, aka as kind of present from the very beginning :)
“Gaunt” and “Barebone”
fifa_1995 on reddit pointed out to me that the names "Gaunt" and "Barebone" both are english slang for a "scrawny" or "haggard" person - plus, in the Gaunt line, there's also the name "Corvinus" :)
Btw at this point, I wonder if there is a connection between Corvus Lestrange and the Gaunts - maybe via a mother once more! How cool would that be, and if Credence was, after all, a relative of Leta in some way :DSirius said it long ago, pureblood families are all related :)
The “importance” of family
This dawned on me : If Credence is a descendant of this family, then we'd have a pretty good message about the "importance" of somebody's family - because as far as I can see, while the family tree had Salazar, Gormlaith, her ensuing line, which may or may not have a line to the Letranges, and, you could say, Antioch too who desired power, it also has Isolt's line, the added one of the Boots, and the one that would ultimately lead to the Potters/James ...
So, the family is pretty balanced on "bad" and "good" blood ... and what he makes of his life is, not just for this dynamic, completely his choice. I love that.
(I should probably start an own blog concerning this theory...)
As mentioned before, Rionach II Steward chose not to have children, in fear of passing on the ability to speak Parsel.
Yet nobody seemed to consider that her sister, a squib, reproducing, might pass this gene on in her place.
Credence forms a close bond with a woman whom we know speaks the language. Coincedence? And while there's no solid proof either that Queenie or Tina speak Parsel, there isn't really a reason to rule it out - especially for Queenie.By the end of CoG, she is now in one place with not only Credence, but also Abernathy (whom we've seen has recieved an oddly forked tounge, implying he's been given the ability to speak the language), being the only people at Nurmengard she can form an honest bond with and who implied to switch sides one day ...
Plus, one reason why her and Tina may have kept this ability to speak/understand it absolutely secret is the same Ron and Hermione told Harry - it's an ability highly frowned upon and associated with dark magic by wizard society. This is precisely why Rionach refused to reproduce at all - and how absolutely ironic would it be if three descendants of her family at once would be born being able to understand and/or speak parsel, leaving her efforts completely in vain because, again, noone expected her non-magic sister to pass it on?(repeating myself, but - this.)
Rapport’s law
(I really gotta do something with this theory to make it more structured)
I've mentioned how the law that was established 1 1/2 centuries (which is long for us, but barely 2-3 generations living and dying alongside, even for muggles) likely banned Martha Steward's descendants from further communication with their magic family (huh, much like Tina was banned from contact to Credence ...) - and they were also faced with the chance that, if a magic child was born from the current family, it would be taken away - perhaps to their relatives, sure, but they'd still be banned from communcating with them.
On this level, it would make perfect sense if Martha's descendants, or at least some of them, perhaps someone who had married into another non-magic family already (here's where the name "Goldstein" may have come in) decided to leave, and asked for help from the Chadwick-Boot descendants, who then made contact with the Webster-Boots in Scotland so they'd have a place to stay and some help to start over in Britain ... seems very logical. Plus, that they'd stay in contact, not only for emotional bonds.
We know that, in Britian, the laws on how much muggles with a familiar connection to a magic one are much more eased (uncle Vernon was allowed to know about their existence before Harry was even born, and nobody ever came to obliviate him and/or say something to Petunia - and Lily and James met with them, so they knew he knew too. So, the Steward-Pocomtuc-Goldsteins and the adopted Sayre-Webster-Boots staying in contact is very likely - as is that, another few generations later, a daughter of the Boots and a son of the Goldsteins, not biologically related after all, would fall in love ...
JK Rowling once confirmed that Tina and Queenie are "distantly" related to Harry's schoolmate Anthony Goldstein ... which must mean there was another man (and he was in Britian!) who passed this name on... either an ancestor (we're talking about several generations after the arrival of the family after all, maybe one not even by this name) or a cousin of Esther and William, or a even brother (hey, 3) ... after several generations in the 90s, that would make them the nieces/cousin's children of his ancestor, and we're at distant :)
This, at least, gives us the confirmation that there are Goldsteins in Britian ours are related to :)
Marriage to the brother
Martha Steward married the brother of a friend of the Pocomtuc tribe. (this. .. is hilarious, actually XD)
Salazar’s non-magic bloodline
Since Rionach had no children, Martha Steward's line is the only one that still descends directly from Salazar Slytherin ... and this line ending with a non-magic descendant marrying a magic one, creating half-bloods that are muggle on his side ... again, this is my most valid reason to believe in the theory.
The sheer wholesome justice of Salazar's non-magic line existing and resulting (by adding magic blood from another line) in Tina, Credence and Queenie.
Thank you very much for reading! I’m shaking a little by now, it all seems so cut and dry if you look at it ... anything to add? I’m adding it :D I feel like she wanted us to notice!
Part 1: https://siren-of-redriver96.tumblr.com/post/639469071023439872/the-history-of-illvermorny-is-key-theory
Part 2: https://siren-of-redriver96.tumblr.com/post/639873651289800704/the-history-of-illvermorny-is-key-theory
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mollyraesly · 6 years
I finally watched the crimes of grindelwald
I know I’m kind of late to the game, but this movie was really bad, right?
Why wasn’t there more stuff with the circus? Who bothers to have circus characters and not show any acts (the Nagini bullshit still annoys me)?
The Leta character could have had more to do. I can’t believe JKR killed her off. Also, why didn’t someone just do a silencing charm on the baby? Or like Leta could have worn magic earmuffs. Switching babies seems so ridiculous.
I hated the way that Queenie and Jacob were introduced. Isn’t the whole Merope Gaunt storyline supposed to be about how awful love potions/enchantments are. How are we still supposed to like Queenie if she violates Jacob’s consent like that? Also, we left them having just a first kiss. It seems like too much a leap between films that now she’s using magic and violating Jacob’s consent because he won’t marry her.
I wish we would have seen more Tina and Queenie on this. But instead Tina was reduced to a love interest in this film. She’s basically Bunty.
Why was Bunty introduced? And what role did Nicolas Flamel serve? Or Nagini? Or like half the characters introduced?
They should have explained more about the blood pact and how that works. Also that’s a violation of the mirror of erised.
I hate that JKR put mcgonagall in this and made Dumbledore a DADA teacher.
Why was there an ice dragon? That made no sense. It became way too GOT for me. Especially when Grindelwald was like join me or die.
Ugh. And there are going to be three more. I really wish JKR hadn’t done this. I hate it when she violates canon to make stupid reveals and fan service stuff.
And I didn’t think I would stan Rita Skeeter, but there’s no way my girl would not have uncovered that Dumbledore had a secret brother.
I will now go back to caring about Jily. The one thing JKR can’t poison (but probably will by saying lily should have married Snape).
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under-the-lake · 6 years
Crimes of Grindelwald - First Impressions
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I went to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - The Crimes of Grindelwald on 14th November, when it was released in Switzerland. I had read quite a lot about it before, had asked a lot of questions (see this paper for them; it was written before the final trailer was out: http://under-the-lake.tumblr.com/post/176871006891/it-has-to-be-you-fantastic-beasts-the-second ), and got some answers and quite a number of new questions. Here’s a first and short delivery of my mind ramblings, but I need to see the film a couple more times to have all the details ready for a deeper delve into it.
The title of that first paper on Crimes of Grindelwald was It Has to Be You. I was sort of gutted because it seemed that this series was going to be The Chosen One  all over again, but IT IS NOT, which makes me very happy. I liked the film, and I’m curious to see how the plot develops from here. I thought there would be more plot development, but actually this second film is preparing the Chessboard for the real action, I guess, narrowing the focus and clarifying loyalties and challenges.
The Crimes of Grindelwald  (CoG) is, on the whole, the start of the Real Thing. Only the start, mind. Seeing the trailers and all the online theorising made me think that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was only some sort of prologue to the other four films. After having seen CoG, I reckon it’s right. If we compare with Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, Fantastic Beasts was the first 500 pages, until the Company reaches Rivendell, and CoG is the bit from Rivendell to Lothlórien and  the journey on the Anduin to the Falls of Rauros. So a bit slow, but setting everything that needs to be set for the rest of the plot to actually get going smoothly.
The film starts at MACUSA (and NOT the American Ministry of Magic, as stated in the film and unfortunately in the script as well- it was not canon), with Grindelwald being moved to Europe for trial. A couple of things happen here that were sort of easy to figure out would: Grindelwald escapes (that was obvious), with the help of Abernathy (which wasn’t obvious for everyone, I guess), and he has the Elder Wand and a pendant that holds some kind of blood-coloured moving liquid. You might ask why I thought Abernathy was going to betray MACUSA. Well, Abernathy (pic below) was always too oily towards Percival Graves not to be the local Pettigrew, wasn’t he.
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Grindelwald’s pendant is a bit weird, at the beginning, because it apparently serves Abernathy to save his own life when he puts it into his mouth? Of course, later in the film we learn what it is, namely a blood pact of nonaggression between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, that they made when meeting in Godric’s Hollow, 30 or so years before. So THAT is the reason why Dumbledore cannot attack Grindelwald. Unless he destroys it, which we can guess he’ll end up doing because otherwise the Chocolate Frog Cards and A History of Magic are lying. Newt’s Niffler sees to the pendant’s being stolen from Grindelwald during that Germania-type meeting in the Cimetière du Père Lachaise at the end of the film, that is so reminiscent of gatherings of Nazi or Fascists during the rise of extremist governments after WW1.
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I LOVE Newt’s basement. Just LOVE it. Even that Kelpie I was so very skeptical about. Those animals are great. I’d have loved to see more of them, and also more of the baby Nifflers, but they are all cute. The funniest, though, must be the Augurey, particularly because of the interaction it has with Jacob. Bunty, on the other hand, is just a flat version of Lavender Brown, and doesn’t seem to fill any role in the film. Is she going to be there later? Meh, for the moment I couldn’t care less.
About the new creatures we see in the film, they are really cool. Apart from the Matagots. I mean not the creatures per se, but the way it is so obvious they are CGI compared to the rest, which are brilliant work.
The Kelpie is great, but I still don’t get how Newt can have domesticated it as an underwater creature. It goes against all the lore and even against his own book. Or is it that it’s one more creature he’s nurturing back to health? Still, they tend to eat humans, Keplies do.
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The star of the creature show, apart from the Niffler, who’s discreet but capital, is the Zouwu (see picture above), a sort of Chinese dragon, that Newt frees from his chains and that becomes a valuable ally. It is really amazing.
Now Queenie and Jacob. Well, that was sort of foreseeable, wasn’t it? I mean that they end up together. I (and other people online as well) had thought that since the Swooping Evil Venom used at the end of the first film didn’t really Obliviate people but only erased bad memories, Jacob couldn’t have lost his, since they weren’t bad. The last scene in his bakery at the end of the first film is clear enough about that. What is a bit far-fetched to me is the fact that Queenie thinks it obligatory to charm Jacob to make him follow her. Why? Because he wouldn’t leave his flourishing business? He does love her, so much so that he doesn’t want her to risk her liberty for him. She says it’s because of the laws: in the USA, relationships of any kind between the magical community and Muggles are strictly forbidden, and thus a marriage would end up with Queenie in prison and Jacob properly Obliviated (this time).
The use of a spell to enchant her lover reminds me a bit of Merope Gaunt, I must say, with the minor difference that Tom Riddle Sr. didn’t love Merope, and therefore her using a potion (yeh I know, Queenie used a spell) is more ‘understandable’. Plus, if the couple actually travels to Europe, why not marry there where the laws aren’t that primitive? Queenie suggests it, at some point, but Jacob still refuses. This is a complete mystery to me, I must admit. I mean the logic doesn’t fit.
BUT. If there was one of the four heroes who should rally Grindelwald, I thought it would have been Queenie, because she’s got a different sense of right and wrong, because she’s got that weakness when it comes to feelings, and because, on a more ‘evidence’ point of view, her head is straight under Grindelwald’s logo in the San Diego 2018 ComicCon poster. IT WAS QUEENIE. I’m glad she does. We’ll see how it gets going though, I’m rather curious about her future. Will she realise that whatever Grindelwald’s promises, Jacob is not part of them? And how come she doesn’t read his mind? Is Grindelwald using Occlumency against her? But she’s not a canon legilimens, whatever Rowling tries to explain about that. She can’t access people’s hidden stuff. Hmm…
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However, I don’t think, as many reports do, that Queenie has turned evil. I reckon she’s only desperate to get above those MACUSA laws that prevent her marrying Jacob. She doesn’t think much, though, does she. Yet she’s been showing wit and presence of mind in the first film, where she plays an instrumental part in saving her friends: when she blackmailed that MACUSA official to get Jacob back, and helping the lot out of the building inside her suitcase. She knows how to use her charms with some cleverness and à-propos. So why the ruddy hell does she let herself draw in by Grindelwald? Why doesn’t she question his statements, while she knows who he is perfectly well? This is really weird. I mean she’d be the perfect character to show that it’s not because someone looks like the local Betty Boop she is a peabrain, and can do nothing of her life but be idle. She’d be superbe at that. Maybe she will, in the end, because she needs to travel through darkness to find her own light. Maybe we’ll have a spy again. Maybe… dunno. Maybe she’ll just stay with Grindelwald. Hope not, though.
About Obliviation…. I didn’t know that it also meant ‘removing only the bad memories off the head’. That sounds weird. So what the Swooping Evil Venom does is wipe off bad memories. That’s what Newt says in his suitcase to Jacob, in the first film (scene 46). Later, when the whole of New York needs to be Obliviated, he suggests the use of that same venom. If everyone in New York had their bad memories wiped off, that means they are starting a completely new life based only on their good memories from the whole of their lives. That’s a bit harsh, like a memory genocide. I mean imagine the whole city waking up and not knowing what bad things had happened, who is your foe or why you can’t get to do something you wanted? Plus, I’m sure that some people had good memories related to seeing creatures in Central Park or things like that. So they would still remember them. This isn’t canon Obliviation, and furthermore, doesn’t stick to the USA law that says wipe off ALL memories of magic from Muggles, not only the good ones. Mind you, how would it have looked like if they had been really Obliviated? A whole city of strangers? Big Loophole, I reckon. Which brings us back to Jacob’s situation. He apparently hasn’t forgotten about everything. But how could you say that being chased off by an Erumpent across Central Park could be a good memory? Yet Jacob hasn’t forgotten about them magical rhinos, since we can see Erumpent pastries in his bakery window display. This is all very strange. Kikimora suggested that actually after the canning factory (that sucks all the life out of him), having such an adventure can’t be a bad memory. I reckon she’s got a point here :P
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Leta. Hm…. Well, she sacrifices herself in the end. Is that going to provide some kind of protection to the Scamander brothers? Or was it only because she couldn’t make up her mind between them or between light and darkness? Or because she was feeling too guilty? However, I’m glad that she’s not related to Credence, and that the Lestrange thing is something different. Leta is a complex character, and I’d have liked her to develop a bit more in the future films. It seems like a waste, for the moment.
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Now there’s one question, from one snake to another. The Maledictus is Credence’s friend (or whatever you want to call that relationship of two scarred souls). She doesn’t really have a part to play in this film, but I guess that she’s not there for nothing, because of her name, for one. Nagini. That’s Voldemort’s pet snake, that Wormtail milked to feed him when he was trying to survive in Goblet of Fire, which makes me wonder, by the way: how can a snake be milked, unless the final transformation the Maledictus goes through is not complete, and that at the moment of transforming she is with a baby and breastfeeding. Plus, she’d be over 90 years old when Voldy uses her. That’s a lot of interrogations. And second, she’s been separated from Credence at the end of the film, because he was once again lured by Grindelwald, who claims he knows his true identity. She can’t just see him go and that’s it, can she. Third, HOW THE BLOODY HELL COME that seeing this, she would end up joining Voldemort? HOW?
Credence… well. He’s alive, no big deal there, and starting to control both his Obscurus and his magic. He’s joined that weirdo circus because it was travelling to Paris, and he knew there were answers to his quest about his true identity on the Old Continent. He knew about that half-elf, Irma, who had taken care of him on his journey to New York when he was a baby (so it must have been around 1904, right?), so he goes looking for her with the Maledictus after they escape from the circus. Now I don’t get it why he’s drawn to her. Why are they escaping together? Maybe only because they’re both outcasts, and both being in an abusive environment they can’t stand.
Then there’s this Ministry of Magic (MoM) bloke who took the job to track him down and kill him (the job that was offered to Newt but which he flatly refused - You’ve never met a monster you couldn’t love), but he kills Irma instead. Like WHAT? Why? So that she wouldn’t tell him the truth? As if she knew it. We learn later in the film that Credence is the baby she delivered to MaryLou Barebone in New York, but that is should have been little Corvus Lestrange, who was apparently killed by Leta herself on the journey, because she swapped the babies (her brother Corvus was whining too much, and she couldn’t stand it anymore, so she swapped it with another baby, but then the boat sank).
That Ministry bloke is apparently secretly working for Grindelwald because the MoM policies are too soft (see scene under the bridge). So he probably was afraid that Irma’s hugging Credence would lessen his powers since love and family are -again- the remedy to the curse of the Obscurial…
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In the end we learn, via the fact that Credence is having a baby Phoenix first (twice in the film, actually), but then because Grindelwald tells him, that he’s actually Dumbledore’s brother Aurelius. Right. I think I’ll keep that discussion for the second batch of reflections, because it needs a bit of digging. Still, I couldn’t resist adding a picture of the cover of the Crimes of Grindelwald screenplay, where it is obvious that a phoenix (or two) are hiding.
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Flamel. Something weird about him. ‘We don’t keep food in the house.’ WHAT? Of course he and Pernelle are rich enough with the Stone not to have to cook themselves, but seeing how Flamel moves, I can’t imagine him rambling around Paris to go to restaurants thrice a day. Even climbing into a motor might be something of a challenge. Some could argue the Flamels don’t need to eat. Yeh. Well, since when does Immortality and Wealth dispense you from eating? That’s not consistent with the story around the Stone, be it only the glimpse we see in Philosopher’s Stone or the reality of the alchemical achievement. I’m a bit disappointed in the part the character has to play. Just a safe home for Yusuf to recover and have his water dragon parasite removed from his eye, and that’s about it? We do get a glimpse of the Philosopher’s Stone, and yes, Flamel has some kind of Palantir he uses to see what happens outside, and yes he’s at the Père Lachaise for the final scene, but still I’m like so that’s it right? meh.
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We go back to Hogwarts. The young Newt is played amazingly well, given that he had to match Eddie Redmayne. Well done Joshua Shea (and David Yates for casting him and not using visual effects to make Redmayne look younger)! Apart from the pinch when you see Hogwarts appear from above with the Dark Lake and all, it’s nothing special. Leta takes a tour, which leads her to speak with Dumbledore and this dialogue is probably the one worthy of attention during all the Hogwarts sequences (apart from ‘would you like a cup of tea’ in the end) - and adds to the ‘why did you kill her?’ question.
Young McGonagall is completely out of character. Sounds like she’s been taken straight from Cursed Sh***... that was a disappointment. She’d never behave as she does in this scene.
And I still haven’t got over the fact that Dumbledore is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. No explanation is given in the film. I’m annoyed.
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The French Ministry of Magic is accessed via a fountain. As said in my previous paper, I was wondering how people would be entering it in a non conspicuous way, because apart from shrinking themselves in the middle of the street and jumping into the plumbing… well. Apparently they vanish and the fountain sprouts some kind of railings? Come on people, this is a heavy breach of the Statute of Secrecy. Muggles wouldn’t see people disappearing?? No way. It is already bizarre enough at King’s Cross. Second thing is that again, the location tag on the screen reads ‘French Ministry of Magic’. Well, that’s not in accordance with what it is called everywhere else, namely Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France’. Why??
Same question in the USA: Why, in the name of Merlin’s most baggy pants, is MACUSA referred to as ‘American Ministry of Magic’? First of all, America is a continent, not a country. Referring to it as ‘American’ (YES, I know it’s common to do that but it still irks me) means that there are no other countries that can claim to be American in all three subcontinents. Try and tell Canadians that they don’t live in America, or Brazilians, or Mexicans. That’s not right. Well. If we set this ‘detail’ aside, the name of the United-Statesian Ministry of Magic is The Magical Congress of the United States of America, and NOT The American Ministry of Magic. Rowling made it quite plain in all her writings on Pottermore, for instance. So why WHY change that now? It only makes canon void of sense and nomenclature confusing.
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Apparently, there’s a whole Wizarding layer to Paris, unlike London or New York, that you can enter via a statue of a woman sitting on a column (pic above). The Paris you enter has exactly the same map as the Muggle one, but it’s a parallel Paris. A bit weird, but probably the only way to manage a magical travelling circus without having to make yourself unplottable. Mind you, the Hogwarts Express can’t be seen by Muggles. So why couldn’t the same technique be used on a circus?
I’ll save Grindelwald, the raven and the Lestrange vault for my second piece, as well as Newt, Tina and Dumbledore, I think. I thought I’d leave the Deathly Hallows for the second bit too, but no. WHERE ARE THEY? They are everywhere from the title of the film to all the artwork by MinaLima, but not once are they mentioned in the film. Apart from the Elder Wand, in the hands of Grindelwald. Like the Potter films. Me. Is. Lost.
Many people around me or online have been complaining that this film had killed the wizarding world. Well I reckon it hasn’t, quite the contrary. It’s embedding Hogwarts in the Wizarding World, and not the other way round, folks. Rowling always stated that the Fantastic Beasts series would not be a children’s film series. She also often spoke about this as an allegory of the Interwar period, meaning the rise of extremism in Europe, culminating in WW2. It’s not a fairy tale, and not meant to be so.
Some more questions remain unanswered from before, or some details from this film, regarding the things discussed - or rather said - in this bit of writing:
Why didn’t Grindelwald kill the MoM official at the beginning, and ‘only’ made him fall into the Hudson river?
How come people can Apparate on the Hogwarts Bridge while all sources tell us you cannot Apparate on the grounds?
Why is a bloke called Travers the head of the MoM delegation sent to Hogwarts?
Why is the man replacing Newt to track down Credence so ambiguous? What’s his real role?
What’s Credence’s real family tree? Is he Dumbledore’s brother or half-brother? What’s the story behind this?
Phoenixes come to the Dumbledore family members when in dire need of help. Are there two phoenixes or is the one that comes to Credence actually already Fawkes?
So many questions, and so many more to come... when I get time enough to write the second part of this. Happy thinking, and please comment below with your own thoughts, agreements, disagreements, etc...!
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Rowling, J. K. (2016). Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - The Original Screenplay. Little Brown, London, UK.
Rowling, J. K. (2018). Fantastic Beasts - The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay. Little Brown, London, UK.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
holy shit, who the fuck are you even??? your fantastic beasts posts are so pretentious and annoying, you just keep assuming a bunch of shit out of things you're taking out of context and you talk as if its confirmed canon, when it's obviously NOT, like, do you have the fucking script right there on your hands??? no??? then shut the fuck up and stop clogging the tags with your stupidity.
Dear Sir, or Madam, Thank you for taking the time to write me such an informative and interesting response to my commentary on recent events regarding the Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. As you clearly have some questions that you want answered allow me to answer them for you. 
To the first inquirer, you ask who am I? (Although the correct terminology is either “Who even are you, or who do you think you are” ) For the record I am a  college teacher that teaches game design and development, specializing in the writing aspect for games (since they tend to need work on telling stories) who holds a Bachelor degree in Fiction writing and is right now working on a masters computer science degree. My focus in college was understanding how fictional stories are created and how they work, in both written and visual mediums. Does that answer your question there? Oh and I was originally going in for animation and journalism, so I have a background there as well. Also I have a strong understanding in article writing and how opinion pieces vs. fact pieces are written. Moving right along then. You mean my opinions on the matters in regard to the reaction over the whole issue with David Yates comments? Or are you talking about the fact that I laid out all the facts and links to articles with quotes, and went into explanation as to why Yates would have put the terms that way and theorizing what they are planning. You see, I was taking what was written in the books previously in Harry Potter in regard to both Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Ariana and Aberforth. The facts are in the book as stated: 
1. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were friends during the time that his sister was dealing with her issues. 
2. Aberforth noted in the book that Ariana was traumatized by muggle boys causing her to repress her magic and become ill.
 3. We know from Credence that repressing your magic early can cause you to become a Obscurial. Due to this one can then hypothesis that Ariana was a Obscurial as well. 
4. We know, thanks to the books and Dumbledore talking to Harry that Grindelwald was using him. 
5. We know that Graves/Grindelwald was using Credence’s abilities as per the first Fantastic beasts. We can then, assume with little to no guessing that Grindelwald saw a way to Ariana through her brother and used him to get at her and this probably lead to her untimely death.
 6. We know how Grindelwald operates due in part to his acts as Graves and from what Dumbleore said in the books as well, as well as the memories and Aberforth’s comments.
 7. Rowling seems to write her bad guys in similar fashion, not exactly the same, but very much alike.
 8. Tom Riddle is a prototype to the new version of Grindelwald in this movie (since we’ve seen how he uses his words to emotionally manipulate people) and more than likely she’s using a lot of Tom’s charm on Grindelwald (as per the comments of him -Grindelwald being very charming in the books). 
Taking these facts into consideration it’s not too hard to assume, at all, that Grindelwald is going to use that manipulation to get under various peoples skins and cause fractions between the cast of characters. Just as Voldemort got under Harry’s skin regarding Dumbledore, so too, it would make sense, that Grindelwald will do the same to Newt. Making him question his mentor and forcing him to grow as a person. 
Also, for fact, as I stated in my posts, if you look at the time period of the fight between Grindelwald and Dumbledore (not till 1945) it would make more sense for her as a writer to do a build up over the next 2 (FB3 and FB4) or 3 (FB3, FB4, and FB5) movies with Dumbledore and Grindelwald, than to front load the movie here with them and have a weaker meeting in the last where (let’s be honest here with 5 movies you know the last will be at the end of WWII in regard to this since it’s been set up in Harry Potter) they have their fight. 
Keep in mind that that final battle was where Dumbledore procured the wand of the hallows. We know that, from the books, Dumbledore owned at least two of the hallows and not the third, though it was in his possession after James Potter’s death and he returned it to Harry and had never used it. We can, assume then, that Newt’s journey has ties to the hallows, given the title has all three items in there, and we know Albus at this point doesn’t have the wand but Grindelwald does. I was off about the mirror and for that I apologize to my readers. However I don’t think I’m wrong on the idea that Grindelwald is going to France after one of the hallows (either the stone or possibly one of the Potters that owns the cloak or possibly one of the Gaunts, since they have the stone with them -although given the time frame for Morfin’s imprisonment I don’t see it being the stone so possibly the cloak) it would fit his MO so far, seeing that he wants to unite all three for world dominance. We can assume a lot of things based on what we’ve seen before in her writing. Writers tend to, and I know I’m guilty of this as well, have a pattern for their stories, especially when it pertains to situations like Harry Potter or the Fantastic Beast Series. The similarities are hard to dismiss. Slightly nerdy and unusual hero makes friends with a smart and talented girl and a slightly goofy guy. Trio is harassed by a charming yet ultimately dangerous big bad that wants to use some powerful mcguffin (object or person), to take over the world. Said trio needs to find a way to stop said person and uses help from mentor ally. Said ally has a dark past with the villain that is only revealed with time and for dramatic purposes. Main hero suffers powerful loss that propels them into action to defeat said bad, no longer for the sake of the mentor, but for their own sake. Wash, Rinse, repeat. Now which story am I describing Harry or Newts? This is why I honestly think the things I’m saying in the posts are true. There’s enough there if you read a lot of books and understand the patterns of a story, particularly the hero’s journey, to get why things are set up the way they are and why Yates and Rowling are being the way they are. It’s all down to how well you can critically read a book or watch a movie. If you know the hints, the signs, everything is laid out for you there in the trailer and the previous movie. Newt’s feelings for Leta, Leta clearly being a Lestrange and more then likely working for Grindelwald given how her father is a dark wizard that has ties to him. Hell her cousin is tied to Voldemort. Rolf being the hero that Newt wishes that he was in some ways. Leta being Newt’s lost love, etc. Anyone can see where this story is going if they look hard enough at what’s presented. Clearly there are parallels between the relationship of Dumbledore and Grindelwald and Newt and Leta. There’s enough hints there to show that she’s not a good person and probably hurt him emotionally and it’s not a far jump to assume that a Lestrange may fall for someone that’s charming and evil like Grindelwald, who could use that lust for power to do some bad things. It’s all there in the tropes! I really don’t need to have a copy of the script that’s coming out in my hands to understand what’s going on because we kind of read pretty much a lot of it via other books and her own novels and the way Jo tends to set things up. 
If however you are talking about my notes early on about the situation on the romantic aspect of Dumbledore and why he hides himself. Again, I am basing this on history, and, as we’ve seen in the books, the Wizarding world is just as predjudice as the Muggle world is. There’s enough evidence in Harry’s books to indicate that a lot of the laws that govern modern wizarding society probably have ties (namely in Britian) to the laws that were governed by the Queens and Kings of England. We’ve already seen the ties via the fact that Merlin is a real person so that would mean that, in all likelihood, so too is King Arthur. We also know that there are probably half bloods working for the ministry to tie in modern day british laws to the wizarding world, so It’s not that far fetched to assume that the wizarding minsitry has a similar law set up that I mentioned in my first post. If you are objecting to the fact that I used that fact, well I’m sorry, but it does fit within the aspect of the world that she is building as we’ve seen that most of the Ministry figures have duplicates in the Muggle world, down to the detectives and cops in the form of Aurors of different ranks. We’ve also seen that the MACUSA also has a similar set up to the pre-1940s version of the US Feds, and we have speakeasies and mobsters, meaning that the Wizarding world there is also in prohibition. And, if that’s the case, then there is no reason to not at all assume that the Law that I mentioned was still in effect in Great Britain where Dumbledore is living. If you object to that, well then sir or madam, I’m not sure what else to tell you other then I did my research before I wrote my counter pieceI highly doubt that she didn’t, at the very least, know about this law and other laws like it since, you know, Jo grew up when a lot of the laws were being looked at by the LGBTQ+ activist of the time so that they could . Also, it wouldn’t be to hard to look up that sort of info, since she clearly looked up about prohibition to include the fact that at the dining table they were drinking anything but liqueur, as that was not available at the time period of the film. Again, it all comes down to the facts that we have been presented, the opinions we have based on our own views, as well as the information we can gather from both her former works and works of others regarding how a story works in the visual medium.
As I said before, it’s their opinion that’s fine, but a lot of people are overlooking a lot of facts from the books to build this case against them, when non of us have the script at all. But as I said, critically watch the film and then the trailer and focus on the idea of the Hero’s journey and the 13 aspects of it, then think about what we know about Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Newt and compare them to Harry and Tom and you’ll see a lot of similarities to the original story. Not quiet the same but it’s still all there. 
As for being silent, I don’t think so. I had my say on the matter, and, when the film comes out, and I turn out to be right on all my points, I’ll be pleased. If I’m wrong and all my theories turn out to be false, ah well. Regardless I still hold that the fact that both Yates and Rowling seem to be hinting at a longer story being told with Dumbledore and Grindelwald and the given history in the Harry Potter books, and the fact that Newt is the lead and it’s his journey, that we’re not going to see a lot of the relationship deeply until film number 3 or 4 with the climax of all that being in film 5 in 1945, and that’s my honest opinion on it. 
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Stress relief. (Ibram Gaunt x OFC)
This is part one of a maybe two parter in which case part two will be smut lmao I am a whore okay.
But this part is just Leta and Ibram having a moment of almost domestic bliss.
The whole point of time away from the battlefield was to rest, to relax, get drunk and forget for one moment that you’re practically committing suicide on a daily bases.
Leta was realizing, as she watched the sun dip below the horizon, that the ones in command never get to relax, Gaunt had left just before breakfast for a meeting and she hadn’t seen him since. 
The hotel room was nice, there were worst places to be left alone, it was grand and was not only a bedroom, but also a sitting room and rather large bathroom, with a bathtub so big Leta could swim laps in it.
She had woken around noon and ordered lunch to be delivered to her room, roast duck, roasted vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes, with gravy, and of course desert, a large ice cream sundae, with a bottle of wine to wash it all down with.
The door opened with a soft hum, and she heard Ibram speaking.
“That’ll be all for tonight Milo..” She couldn’t hear the boy's reply, but Ibram chuckled “Yes, go eat and sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow, hopefully not as early.”
Leta rose from the bed and crossed to the door, in the sitting room she watched as Ibram removed his coat, and hung it up, then his cap, then his boots.
“Lets?” He called “You here?”
She opened the door, now satisfied that no one would see her, not that no one knew she was here, of course everyone knew that on vacation, Leta was with Gaunt, no more pub nights with the boys for her, but she didn’t really want anyone to see her wearing one of Gaunt’s shirts and little else.
“Sorry Princess..” Ibram sighed “It has been a long day.”
“Anything interesting?”
He raised an eyebrow “You know I can’t tell you.”
“It was worth a try.” 
She walked towards him, the plush navy blue carpet tickling between her toes, once she reached him, he put his arms around her and placed his head on top of hers.
She put her arms around him and nuzzled his chest.
“You ate then I see..”
He must have noticed the empty dish and wine glass.
“You were gone all day.”
“Remember I have to pay for that.”
“You can afford it I’m sure.”  
He chuckled “I missed you.”
She smiled, “Missed you too.”
His hands dropped to her ass and gripped her tightly before lifting her up, she giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to listen to people drone on about ration supplies when I know you’re waiting for me in bed?” 
She did know, out in the field, it was easy to push all her neediness to the back of her mind, she was at work, so to speak, if she started day dreaming about Ibram, she’d be killed or she’d let someone else be killed, she needed to be alert.
But throne damnit this was her time off, it was supposed to be him and her together, they deserved that.
“What happened to not letting our relationship affect our duties?” She teased, kissing his neck just above his starched collar “Hmm?”  
“It didn’t affect my duties..” He started to walk towards the bedroom “I asked questions and nodded in the correct places..”
“And had poor Milo write everything down because it was all going in one ear and out the other?”
He dropped her on to the mattress, she bounced, which was a surprise, she was used to the almost stone like surface of a cot, he then sat on the edge and attempted to undo his cufflinks, cursing as they remained in place.
“Let me.”
The cufflinks were gold and round, nothing overly flashy but still a sign of rank. 
She undid them and then placed them on the bedside table.
“What would I do without you?”
“Brinnie boy would have to do it.” She smiled, she had picked up Bragg’s nickname for Milo, and she knew that it made the younger man blush, so naturally she used it around him every time she saw him.
“You terrify the shit out of him, you know that?”
She laughed “What? Little old me?”
“Poor boy doesn’t have much experience with girls from what I can gather and then you stride up in your combat boots and he doesn’t know what to do.” 
“I got that impression from him…I will try to be less scary.”
She sat in his lap and started to undo his shirt, he released the tension from his shoulders, Leta imagined a world where this was how they always were, where he was the hard working husband and she was the stay-at-home wife who cooked and cleaned, who sewed the buttons back on his shirts, who listened to his worries.
But then they wouldn’t be Ibram and Leta would they? The whole reason they worked was because of who they were.
Ibram and Leta.
Middelocke and Gaunt. 
Two sides of the same coin.
“What? No kissing every bare inch of my chest?” 
“You almost sound disappointed.” She smiled as the last button came undone. “You look tired and a man of your age needs a rest after such a hard day.” 
“I’m only twelve years older than you.”
“Exactly, you're middle aged.”
He chuckled and placed his hands on her hips, underneath the shirt so his rough fingertips made me giggle as they tickled her.
“You do look tired, though, love..” She kissed his chest, right above his heart “And I was thinking a nice relaxing bath would help.” 
“You’re obsessed with your fething baths.”
���It's so nice not to have to ask Bragg to keep watch so no one spies on me..” 
He lowered his face to hers and kissed her softly
“Perhaps I’ll start showering with you…scare away any spies..”
“I think that would give them an entirely different thing to spy on..”
He chuckled and rubbed his face against her neck “Might improve morale.”
She laughed “Run it past Corbec, see what he says.”  
“Actually on further consideration, It would lower morale..because everyone would be so jealous of how I get to bed the most beautiful, gorgeous woman in the galaxy.”
He kissed her neck, right below her ear. 
“They’d be green with envy.”
“Some already are, I'm sure..”  
“They can be as green as orks..won’t change the fact that you’re mine.”
She grinned, she’d never tire of him saying that, it drove her crazy and he knew it.
He stood up, taking her with him.
“Now..I think I will have that bath, but only on the condition, you join me.”
“Naturally, did you think I wouldn’t?”
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