#This is about Fighting Prawn btw from
coolcabinet · 5 months
When you get an insanely mid role in the school play so you have to make said character that appears in 3 scenes total a little spotify playlist as a treat
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bluesylveon2 · 2 years
The Little Mermaid
Summary:  Hange Zoe, princess of Eldia, is even more curious about the outside world after meeting Levi Ackerman.
Disclaimer: The Little Mermaid is an American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and Walt Disney Pictures.  Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha. 
For context: anyone with royal blood can control the trident. Btw I cant write fight scenes so let’s assume that Kenny and Mikasa attempted to help Erwin, Nanaba, and Rico.
And we are at the end!!! Thank you to everyone for reading. I hope that yall enjoy the final chapter!!!
Huge shoutout to @peculiarvelociraptor for beta reading!
Link to Masterlist: Here
Chapter 6:
They say that the happiest day in a woman’s life is her wedding day.
Pieck was not one of them. She was not happy. In fact, she was furious at Zeke. If Pieck were to be honest, she would rather go back to when the Princess first visited so she could be a prawn again. To her, it was more ideal than this. 
She gracefully walked down the aisle towards her fiance with a fake smile on her face. Her eyes scanned the crowd. On one side was the King, who had a proud smile on his face, Mikasa, who was glaring at Pieck since they met (not that Pieck blamed her), and finally Mike, Levi’s personal guard and close friend. On the other side was Zeke. He blended in with the humans with the crisp black tux he wore, but Pieck knew what he was really thinking. She was nothing more than a chess piece in his plan.
She stopped walking when she made it up to the altar and took Levi's hand. Then things got boring when the priest began to speak. 
"We are all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between Prince Levi Ackerman and Lady Pieck Galliard."
Pieck frowned at the last name. It might be a hilarious joke to Zeke but not to her. Was it too late to stab Zeke or could she stop the wedding to do it now? 
She took the time to briefly glance over at her husband-to-be. Who knew what the man was thinking behind his robotic stare and stance?
Poor guy. Pieck thought pitifully. She briefly glanced over at the setting sun over the ocean. Any normal person would stop to appreciate the beautiful scenery but not Pieck. She knew that what would occur would be anything but beautiful. 
"And now I will recite something to bless this union"
"Can we just get straight to the kiss?" Levi interrupted with a slightly irritated voice. 
Pieck wanted to roll her eyes as Levi’s uncle howled with laughter from behind them. 
"Of course, your Majesty." The priest said with a chuckle. "Do you-"
A bird called out. The priest briefly stopped before continuing. 
“As I was saying-”
Multiple birds called out and it sounded closer this time. 
“What is that?!” A woman yells and everyone turns to the source. Everyone turned to see a massive black blob coming closer as each second passed. Zeke, in the crowd, squints to get a closer look.
“Birds?” He muttered unaware of Eren’s plan. 
“We attack when we get close to the boat! Do not attack the drunk uncle, the stoic prince, and the pretty princess!” Eren yelled to his team before diving down. 
“ATTACK!” Eren yelled and hit the nearest human, which happened to be Zeke. 
“Get off of me you stupid bird!" Zeke yelled as he attempted to grab Eren. 
In the midst of the chaos, Pieck grabbed the shell necklace out of her neck and threw it on the ground. She immediately jumped overboard as a glowing gold orb began to float in the air.
Ahh ah ahhhh. ah ahh ahhhhh.
Hange's voice floated in the air until it found its owner. Hange beamed with excitement for finally regaining her voice. Meanwhile, Levi was free from the spell and his eyes returned to normal. 
"What happened?" Levi groaned and rubbed his head. He looked around his surroundings when he noticed a bright orb floating towards Hange. 
"Hange?" Levi asked and walked closer to Hange. 
"Levi, it’s me." She replied breathlessly, a huge grin illuminated her face. 
Levi's mind went blank, but he knew what he needed to do next. 
Hange. He repeated and ran towards Hange to hug her. "You're here. You're actually here." He said lovingly, unaware of Mikasa and Mike smiling in the background.
"What the heck is going on?" Kenny thought aloud. 
"Levi." Hange’s face became serious. Her eyes briefly glanced at the setting sun. "I need you to kiss me right now." 
Levi looked at her with confusion . "Why?"
"Goddammit, Levi just do it. I'll explain everything later."
Levi smirked. "You don't have to tell me twice."  He replied and leaned up to kiss Hange. 
"No!" Zeke yelled, interrupting the couple. He raised his arm towards them, summoning some water to separate Levi from Hange and throwing him into the sea. 
"Levi!" Hange yelled as she tried to catch him but it was too late. She screamed as Zeke tackled her to the ground. 
"It's too late, Princess." Zeke laughed as he held the struggling Hange. "You're coming back with me." 
"No," Hange said with a strained voice. She felt fear the longer Zeke held her and Levi stayed in the water.
"Not so fast." A new voice joined in. Hange gasped with happiness and relief. 
"Well, well. I didn't know that you invited the whole family." Zeke said mockingly, briefly glancing at the King. He still continued to hold Hange. 
"Let go of my sister,” Erwin demanded with a stern face. Hange noticed the tight grip he had on his gold trident and she felt her eyes water. On a normal day, Hange would stop to hug her brother and apologize for everything, but there was no time for that now. They had a bigger problem on their hands. 
“You and what army?” Zeke’s eyes flickered to behind Erwin where the empty sea lay. “You’re alone.”
“I don’t think so.” a female voice interrupted and Hange almost squealed with joy. Hange had no idea what happened next. One minute, she was being carried off into the sea by her sister.
“Lynne!” Hange exclaimed after they went up for air. Lynne smiled. “Hey, Hange. It has been a while.”
“Don’t forget about us!” Ilse and Petra called out from behind. Hange swam over and immediately pulled the three in for a hug.
“I have missed you all so much. How did you find me? Where are the others?”
Ilse spoke first. “Armin told us what’s going on. Nanaba and Rico are helping Erwin out.” Zeke screamed as if on cue. They watched as Nanaba briefly held the trident up and pointed it to the sky. It began to turn dark and the sisters felt the rain splash on their skin. “As you can see,” she added as Nanaba threw the trident back to Erwin. 
Hange searched around with panic in her eyes. “Where’s Nifa?” 
“Right here.” She called out. Hange noticed that Nifa was not alone. Her sister was carrying a dark but familiar figure. “Guess who I found swimming alone in the ocean,” Nifa chuckled. 
“Levi!” Hange called out and swam towards the duo. “How did you survive?” She asked as she checked him for any injuries. 
“Mermaids.” He said with a dazed look. “They really exist…” 
Nifa giggled. “You would not believe his reaction when he saw I saved him earlier. The human thought that he actually died.” 
Hange wanted to laugh along with her, but they were on a tight schedule. The rain clouds might be covering the sky, but Hange knew that time was ticking before the sun went down. She did the best thing she could think of to snap Levi out of his daze.
She slapped him.
“Ow!” Levi yelled while holding onto his injured cheek. “What was that for, Hange?”
Hange rolled her eyes. “I need you to still kiss me before the sun sets.”
Levi blushed red. “R-right.” He stammered and pulled Hange close, both of them treading the water to stay afloat. Meanwhile, Hange’s sisters swam off a bit to give them some privacy. Levi closed his eyes and leaned close. Their lips had just grazed each other before they were interrupted by Hange being pulled down by Reiner and Bertolt. A bright light began to glow underwater.  
“What the?” Levi started.
“No!” Hange’s sisters screamed with horror but it was too late. Hange was gone and the sun had already set. 
Zeke laughed maniacally from above. "It is too late! You are all too late!” Zeke’s body was surrounded by a mist that grew bigger and bigger. The mist dispelled to reveal Zeke’s true octopus form. He jumped off the boat to the ocean with Erwin following from behind. One of his tentacles knocked the side of the boat, causing some of the people to fall into the water, and the boat began to sink. 
Levi began to scream, but no voice came out. It was his birthday all over again, except he was going to lose everyone he loved. 
"Don't worry, human." A mature voice called from behind him. Levi turned around to see a tall mermaid with a blonde undercut, and a short mermaid with short platinum blonde hair. "My sisters and I will take care of the humans.” Nanaba nodded to her sisters to go help but noticed when Rico didn't move. “You need to get to Hange. There is a possibility that Erwin will need your help" 
"How would I do that? I can't swim that far without drowning."
"I think I can help you out there." A new voice joined in and Rico frowned. 
(Levi began to wonder if someone new was going to join in)
He turned to the newcomer. "Who are you?" He asked with confusion. 
Pieck rolled her eyes. She ignored Levi and turned to Nanaba. "You guys can go ahead and I'll handle the Prince."
"Funny to see you again after so long. Why should we trust you, Pieck Finger? I know that you work for Zeke." Rico spoke up with narrowed eyes. 
Pieck sighed. "Used to. I quit a few minutes ago when I snuck into his lair to steal this seaweed." She held up said item for everyone to see and turned to Levi. “This is a special seaweed enchanted by Zeke. This will help you breathe underwater for three hours.” 
Levi reached out to grab the item but was stopped when Rico intervened by pulling out a hidden knife and holding it against Pieck’s neck.
“Rico!” Nanaba lectured but Rico chose to not listen. 
“Why should we trust you? That could be poisoned.” 
Pieck sighed. “You could question that for as long as you want, but right now, the humans and your sister are in trouble.” She pointed towards the sinking ship and to the ocean for emphasis. “But now is not the time to argue. You are going to need my help though. Out of us four, I know Zeke the most.”
Rico studied her for a minute before pulling away and pocketing her knife. “Fine but I will not hesitate to slit your throat if something happens to my family or the human.”
“Fine by me,” Pieck replied. Nanaba grabbed Rico’s hand and dragged her away, leaving Pieck and Levi alone. She turned to Levi while holding out the seaweed. 
“You are going to need this.”
Levi was amazed by Hange’s world. He was surrounded by many colorful fish and corals. He wished that he could stop to admire the view, but he was on a time limit now. 
“Zeke’s lair is up ahead,” Pieck said and Levi looked to see where she was referring to. It was not actually hard to figure out where it was because it was surrounded by dust and light beams, indicating a fight occurring. 
“We are going to have to be sneaky about going in. There is a bottle of stonefish venom that will be enough to kill Zeke." She held out the bottle for him to see. "We just have to figure out how to put it in his bottle first,” she finished and handed Levi the bottle. 
“So he has to ingest it?” Levi asked with a hint of surprise that he could talk underwater.
Pieck nodded. “Bingo.” 
It was quiet between the two, but there was an unspoken (and awkward) tension lingering, Levi decided then it was time to address the elephant in the room.
“Why are you helping us? Hange’s sister mentioned that you used to work for Zeke. Why did you switch sides?”
Pieck sighed before answering. “I was like Hange a few years ago, a woman in love. His name was Porco. We were childhood friends, but we wanted to change that. We both went to Zeke to make our wishes come true. It worked for the most part, but we did not meet our condition . Zeke changed us into polyps, but he is a sadistic guy….” She hesitated to keep going.
“Where is Porco now?” Levi carefully asked.
“Gone. That’s all you need to know. Zeke kept me alive to be a puppet. I would rather have stayed as a polyp or joined Pock instead, but I know that he would find a way to throw me back and tell me to live my life.”
The two continued swimming until they stopped at a boulder near the lair. Levi noticed Pieck’s frown as they observed when was the best time to move in. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Something's not right. It is too quiet.”
Levi looked at her confused. “What do you mean? That bearded bastard and the King are being the loud ones right now.” He added while pointing to the struggle occurring. 
“Yes, but someone is missing.” 
“Well, well, well. It seems like Pieck finally decided to visit.” Pieck cursed under her breath and Levi glanced at Pieck with confusion. 
“Reiner. Bertolt.” Pieck said curtly and turned to greet the newcomers. 
“I always knew something was up with you.” Reiner started as he and Bertolt circled around the two. “First, you steal from Zeke, then you bring the human along. What’s next?” Reiner said with a shrug. 
“We are going to split up on my signal,” Pieck whispered, quietly enough for Levi to hear while maintaining eye contact with Reiner and Bertolt. The two started getting closer and closer with every second. 
“Where would we go? We don’t have any weapons and the only person with a weapon is fighting the octopus bastard.” 
Pieck’s lips curled up slightly in a smirk. “Trust me. Just go in the opposite direction.” 
“Do you have any last words?" Reiner asked after he and Bertolt cornered them. 
“Yeah, I do. Run!” Pieck yelled and ran to her left. Levi nodded and swam to the right. 
“I got the human, you get Pieck.” Bertolt directed to Reiner before they split up. 
He realized that he was at a major disadvantage right now. He did not have a tail like Pieck, so he was not as fast as her, and he was not familiar with the sea. The only options were to swim around and eventually get lost, or somehow lose Bertoldt in the chaos. 
“Over here!” A merman with a green tail waved Levi over. 
Levi hesitantly made his way over to the merman, unsure if he should trust him or not. 
"I'm one of Hange’s friends, Moblit," Moblit stated as he beckoned Levi over. He immediately grabbed Levi when he was within arm's reach and swam away as fast as he could. "I saw Hange get taken away, but what are you doing here?" 
"That other mermaid, Pieck, helped me."
Mobil's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "I see." He then continued to drag Levi around until they were near an old shipwreck. "This is the best place to lose Bertolt. Trust me." He said and stopped in front of the ship. 
Levi looked at Moblit with confusion. "Aren't we going to hide?"
Moblit shook his head. "No. Trust me on this."
The duo watched as Bertolt's figure came closer. That was when Moblit started yelling.
"What are you doing? Are you trying to get us killed?" Levi hissed and Moblit chuckled. 
"Hopefully not."
Levi raised an eyebrow just as Bertolt prepared to attack. He was ready for the pain and closed his eyes. 
Until nothing happened.
"What the?" Levi opened his eyes to see Bertolt being chased by two big great white sharks.  Moblit sighed out of relief.
"C’mon." Moblit urged as he pulled Levi's arm. "We don't want to be shark bait."
There was not a trace of Bertolt left after that. 
"Hand over my sister or else," Erwin demanded as he held up his glowing trident, ready to attack.
"Or else what?" Zeke asked as he swam towards Hange. Hange, who was tied down and gagged, could only let out muffled screams. "Your sister was the one who signed the contract. She agreed to the terms and conditions, and as you can see, she did not follow through."
Zeke used one tentacle to grab Hange’s chin and bring her close to him. His hand began to glow an eerie green color. "I think that she will love it here. She will be away from her uptight brother and who knows? She could even be my wife." Zeke added with a smirk.
"You bastard!" Erwin screamed and let out a warning shot near Zeke.
"Look at you being so pathetic. What a king you are." He said and pointed another glowing tentacle out to Erwin. 
"Now die."
Unknowingly to the both of them, another person decided to join in. 
Pieck threw Reiner's body in front of Erwin, and it was too late for Zeke to stop it. Reiner turned into a pile of dust.
"No!" Zeke screamed out in agony before turning his anger out to Pieck. "I'm going to kill you!"
He began to lunge at her but was stopped by Erwin firing a shot at his chest. Zeke began to cough up some blood. 
"Your business is with me, not her." He said and stood protectively in front of Pieck. "Now hand over my sister."
"You want your sister?" Zeke scoffed as he wiped out the blood on his lips. "Then give me the trident in exchange. It's a fair trade."
"No!" Levi yelled out. He and Moblit had finally caught up with everyone else. 
"The human?!" Erwin and Zeke said at the same time. 
"Your Majesty, Hange is worth more than the trident. You should not trade it for her."
Zeke rolled his eyes. "I knew that I should have killed you earlier. You stupid humans going on and on about worth."
Erwin turned to Levi with a stern look. "That is true but Zeke is persistent. I could risk  Hange getting hurt if I don't do it." He then turned to Zeke. "Fine. I will do it." He said and held the trident out for Zeke. 
Zeke greedily grabbed it and began to laugh victoriously. "Yes! It is mine! All mine!"
The binds that held Hange disappear into dust. "Erwin! What did you do?" She asked her brother who stood there stoically. She had expected an answer, not for him to throw a small vial into Zeke’s mouth. 
Zeke stopped laughing to take out the vial but was stopped by Pieck jumping at him from behind. She covered his nose and mouth, effectively causing Zeke to swallow it. Zeke started to cough and he dropped the trident in the midst of it. 
"What? What did you do to me?" Zeke asked and Erwin smirked. 
"The trident only works for people with royal blood. Something that you don't have."
Zeke’s eyes turned red and his body began to pale. He started thrashing around until there was no life left in him. 
“We did it.” Erwin said breathlessly. He swam towards Zeke’s body and towards his sister to free her. 
“Erwin, you’re okay.” Hange hugged her brother and began to cry. “I was so scared.” 
“Shhhh,” Erwin said and rubbed Hange’s back. “You’re okay, Everyone is okay.” 
“Not everyone,” Pieck spoke up and the siblings looked at her with confusion. She pointed at the entrance of the lair where the polyps whined with agony. “Those things there are actually merpeople. You should do the honors, you Highness.” She addressed Erwin. 
Erwin let go of Hange and picked up his trident. A bright light appeared at the end and a golden beam hit the polyps. One by one, they began to turn into regular merpeople. 
“Moblit, help these people get back to Eldia. I’m sure it has been a while since they got to stretch their tails.” 
Moblit nodded and led everyone out of the cave, finally free from their imprisonment. 
“Woww,” Levi said with awe before getting engulfed in a hug by Hange. 
“I missed you, Shorty.”
Levi rolled his eyes and hugged Hange back anyway. “Tch. I missed you too.” 
Meanwhile, Erwin and Pieck smiled at the couple. 
“So what will you do? Are you planning on going back to Eldia too?” Erwin asked Pieck. 
Pieck shook her head. “I don’t. I know some people do not like me being around given my history.”
“You could always stay at the castle. My sisters and I will make sure that you are safe.”
Pieck raised an eyebrow. “Is this your way to make me stay and then eventually become your queen?” She asked with a teasing tone. 
Erwin blushed red. “N-no! I was just trying to help you. None of that other stuff.”
“I’m kidding.” Pieck giggled. “But I am serious about staying.” She eyed the couple and saw herself with Porco. What could have been had it not been for Zeke. “Someone told me to live my life and I am going to follow that.”  
Hange watched Levi from her rock. The supposed seaweed Levi consumed had finally run out of time, and being in the ocean pressure for a long time had caught up to him. She smiled sadly as Mikasa, Kenny, and Mike ran up to him and cried with relief. Little did she know of another pair of eyes watching her.
“She really loves the humans now, does she?” Erwin said to Armin. 
Armin smiled from atop of Erwin’s shoulder. He started reminiscing of the memories in the human world. “Yeah, she does. Her eyes lit up like the first sunrise of a day or a shining pearl.”
Erwin sighed and looked at his sister with sad eyes. Hange is not a child anymore. She will always be his little sister, but she is old enough to make her own decisions. “I’m really going to miss her.”
“Yeah, I-” Armin stopped and looked at Erwin with shock. “What do you mean?”
“It is time to let her go.” Erwin dragged his trident across the water. The water glowed a light blue and headed towards Hange’s direction. 
Hange was too focused to see it until she noticed the blue light around her. She recognized that magic anywhere and she shed a tear. 
“Thank you, Erwin.” She whispered before being enveloped by the light. 
“Levi!” Mikasa exclaimed before enveloping her brother into a suffocating hug. “You’re okay.”
Levi felt the tears in his eyes and returned the hug. He noticed a few more figures heading his way. 
“Kenny? Mike? Is that the castle staff too?”
Mikasa chuckled and pulled away from her brother. “You had the whole castle worried about you.”
“I thought you died!” Kenny exclaimed after he caught up with the duo. “Do you know how worried I was? I didn’t want to lose you after losing Kuchel.”
Levi realized someone was missing after Kenny’s statement. He turned to Mikasa with hopeful eyes. “Is Hange here?”
Mikasa looked away with downdraught eyes. Even Kenny avoided Levi���s stare because of how awkward the situation was. 
Luckily for them, Mike was there. “We haven’t seen you here since the attack. It was like she disappeared.”
“Oh.’ Levi said dejectedly. 
“Don’t be so down now. Her kingdom is probably not too far. Besides, what are the chances of her magically showing up right now anyway?”
“Highly unlikely,” Levi replied with a depressed tone. There was his one chance to finally be with someone he wanted and now she was gone without a trace. 
Meanwhile, the rest of the castle staff noticed a bright light in the ocean. They saw the figure of a familiar woman heading their way and they gasped with awe. 
“Oh.“ One of the maids, Ymir, started.
“My.” Another maid, Sasha, said with her jaw open from shock. 
“Gosh.” A third maid, Hitch, finished. 
A third maid, Historia, started to jump with glee and ran to the royal family. “Your Highness! Your Highness! I see Lady Hange heading this way!”
“Where?” Levi jumped up but stumbled a bit due to his imbalance. 
“Whoa be careful kiddo. I don't think she is going anywhere.” Kenny joked while Mikasa and Mike laughed. 
Normally, Levi would tell them to shut up, but he did not care. He needed to see Hange. And that’s what he did, a man in love, ran across the beach to meet his woman. Levi ignored the cheers coming from his family and the castle staff because his eyes were only focused on Hange. To him, she looked stunning in her sparkly sea blue dress. Like a goddess rising from the sea. 
Who knew that the stories his mom would tell him before would actually be true? That there was an underwater kingdom filled with merfolk. Levi didn’t. Yet, he knew that there will be a day when he will get down on one knee and propose to one of the kingdom’s princesses. It was funny how life worked that way.
Levi stopped when the ocean water hit his calves so he could pick up Hange and twirl her. She smelled like saltwater and her laugh was like music to his ears. Levi pulled her close so their foreheads touched. 
“Welcome home.” He whispered and Hange smiled the radiant smile Levi loved. 
He finally kissed her.
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish.
The condition Pieck referred to was being pregnant buuutttt Zeke never let that happen 😭
That's the end! I hope that you all enjoyed it. See you at the next story! The focus is nicosasha in a beauty and the beast au!
Be on the lookout for another chapter added lol. You will see ;)
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