#This is how you get WVD.
clit-a-cola · 2 months
Periods are probably more likely to be irregular in the wasteland due to radiation and the various levels of food insecurity and S T R E S S.
But I wonder if everyone's just free bleeding or if they've reinvented pads.
Cause like depending on where you are you don't wanna waste clean water on cleaning reusable pads. But at the same time I can not IMAGINE the sort of wasteland fuck off diseases and mutations that'd result from pads cleaned with dirty AND irradiated water with who fucking knows trace amounts of FEV floating in it with the microplastics
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#literally they look like the couple that will show up ridiculously late at a party and still own the night because theyre just that powerful
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Okay so I’ve had this prompt(?)/idea(?)/plot outline(?) stuck in my mind ever since Black Panther gave me Erik “Killmonger” Stevens🥺 to drool over so here it goes:
• Post CW: Peter and Tony have been together for almost 2 years, Peter’s convinced their endgame cuz they’re both so in love. WRONG, Peter discovers that Tony’s been cheating on him with Steve for the past 6 months when Tony moans Steve’s name during sex.
• Tony tries to apologize, excuses start flying out his ass, “Baby you know you’re the only one for me.” Peter, against his better judgement, relents and they try to make it work.
• Not even a week goes by, he walks in on Tony and Steve. Tony tries to appease him but NOPE, Peter packs his bags and leaves.
• On May’s suggestion, Peter goes on sabbatical to Oakland where he decides to volunteer at the Wakandan embassy. There he starts to heal and stuff. Then, he gets the chance to actually go to Wakanda for immersion.
• In Wakanda he meets the newly healed and inducted prince N’Jadaka (Erik). It’s rough at first, Erik is closed off and Peter’s just starting to find himself again but they make it work. They complement each other and they’re beautiful together.
• 4 years later, SI is in need of Vibranium so Pepper and Tony, who’s not looking so great cuz him and Steve are just not okay, travel to Wakanda to negotiate with the Foreign Relations co chair and COO of the Wakandan Vibranium Distribution
• They arrive in a lavish conference room, set up their presentation/proposal, the door opens and a Dora Milajae announces the arrival of “the soon-to-be Prince Consort of Wakanda, the fiancée of Prince N’Jadaka, the Foreign Relations co chair and the COO of the WVD, Dr. Peter Benjamin Parker.”
• “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, shall we start the presentation? I have a meeting with our wedding planner and a cake tasting this afternoon. Who knew planning for a royal wedding was going to be so much work?” Everybody present laughs except for Tony.
• Because there in front of Tony is the man whose heart he broke looking absolutely breathtaking with a dazzling smile on his face and his heart aches remembering how much he fucked this up not just for himself but also for SI.
This actually looks more like an outline as opposed to a prompt but when I started writing the words just wouldn’t stop😅 anyways I’m just sooo glad I got this out of my system as I’ve been playing this story in my head for so long.💕✨
26 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
This is my first ever starker fic and I hope you like it. The fic is not beta read because this was supposed to just be a ficlet that turned into a full length-ish one. For some reason when I opened my Notes app this story just started to write itself so its rushed and not perfect, so please be kind to it🙏🏽 alsooo TW‼️ for attempt at non-con starting from: “memories of his Heart” up to “Back pressed against the wall”. If anyone wants to beta this please feel free to dm me and I’ll post it on ao3 🤩anyways here’s the fic, I hope you like it!🥺✨💕
It happened. The one thing that Tony tried to warn everyone about. “A suit of armor around the world”, that’s what they needed but no one NO ONE believed him and it cost him the one thing THE ONE THING he couldn’t live without. THE ONE THING he’d burn the whole world for.
Two years. Two blissful, mind numbingly wonderful years became the film reel he’d see every damn time he closed his eyes. Whispers beneath black silk sheets. Smiles reserved only for him surrounded by his creations, Their children. Declarations of “It’s going to be You and Me together Baby, always.” Hazelnut eyes sparkling with intelligence, wit, and love. The Love he lost in a planet lightyears away from home. Gooey caramel eyes that looked at him with so much adoration and warmth. So desperate to feel a smidgen of that warmth again, he plunged right back into old habits.
“Tony, you need to stop this! You’re killing yourself!” Tony looked at her, tumbler creaking under the weight of his hand. The woman he thought he loved years ago. Ha! She couldn’t even accept the biggest part of him. Couldn’t look at the symbol of his determination and perseverance to live. No, He was the only one who truly loved him but He’s gone now, he failed Him. Dust in a small alabaster jar on his nightstand. A reminder that He loved him as fiercely as He protected the city that raised Him.
“Why don’t we go away for a little while Tony. Some place quite just the two of us huh? Please for me.” Please for Me. Please for Me. PLEASE FOR ME. Tony, let’s go grab dinner. We’ve been stuck on this equation for 10 hours. Come on, please for Me. Everything imploded. Arms suddenly embraced him. Sinking on his knees and letting the grief wash over his soul, at least what remained of it after Titan. Tony relented, succumbed to the comfort he didn’t love.
Nobody knew of course. To everyone else, Tony Stark didn’t lose anyone of importance to him. They had no fucking idea that the Heart he finally had after decades of iron and pain and false affection turned to crumbled in front of his eyes, Dust in a small alabaster jar on his nightstand.
The house by the lake was what Tony envisioned the first time He said, “You know, I love New York. I’m tied to her but sometimes I just want to put my feet up, lounge on a swing by the porch looking out to a lake with you by my side.” He would’ve loved it here. His Nymph, his little Sunflower Prince. This would’ve been Their paradise, His meadow, the house he built for Him beside the lake He imagined, porch swing included.
She didn’t let him bring anything he could work on. “No distractions, please. You need to rest.” That’s what she insisted on. She could try and take away, his projects, holograms, ban him from his workshop, but she could never take away the old Starkphone with busted up screen from him. “This isn’t a distraction! It’s my Lifeline Pep!” A Lifeline filled with conversations of forever, images of those two years, and His voice. She tried to fight him for it but she backed off eventually, said “okay Tony” and went back to her calls. Her worked distracted her enough from realizing that he had another lifeline strapped to his thigh for safekeeping.
“Tony, come on. I know you want it, need it even.” It became a routine a few weeks after she sequestered him in the middle of nowhere. “No Pep. I don’t want it. I don’t need it. I have my own room for a reason.” A conversation repeated almost everyday now with the same words said, the same responses given. And every time she sulks, flounces around house, clattering pots, pouting, looking at him with glassy ice blue eyes, he apologizes like it’s his fault he doesn’t want to touch her like that. Can’t even stomach anyone touching him like how his Heart used to.
He sleeps, he eats, he tries to survive. She “dotes” on him, tries to get him to open up, then tries to distract him with SI work because “the company still employs thousands of people Tony. We can’t all be stuck in our grief.” With nothing to drown himself with, he relents. Works on improving tech for Stark now that “Tony’s had time to grieve and he’s going back to work Mr. Walker, don’t worry I’ll make sure of it.”
They celebrate the company hitting another milestone 1 year, 7 months, 16 days after Titan, after the snap, after he put Dust in a small alabaster jar on his nightstand. Stark giving the world a breakthrough in first response equipment. A biodegradable easy to use adhesive for wounds based on His formula. A formula tucked away in the servers he made for Him. Servers she had no right snooping around in. “This could help a lot of people Tony. Relief operations, rescue missions they’re still happening. SI could aid in those efforts.” He wasn’t convinced, this was His. His creation and no one but Him should decide what to do with it but he’s gone, Dust in a small alabaster jar on his nightstand. “Okay” he yields.
“This is great Tony. We’re still on top of almost all major fields. Stark is still the powerhouse we built despite everything that’s happened. And you’re finally coming out of your funk. Here, I know you shouldn’t but since it’s a special occasion you can have a glass or two.” One glass, two, three, four. One bottle, two, three, four. He sat there, throat burning, vision blurring, his whole world spinning, it was nice feeling warm again, even just a little bit. He wants nothing more than to keep floating, drifting like he did in the Benatar. No expectations, no deadlines, no pressure, just him and memories of his Heart.
Then a weight on his lap disturbs his peace. Arms around his neck, hands on his hair, chapped lips on his. “It’s okay Tony. I know what you need. Don’t worry I’ll take care of everything. We’ll be a family, I’ll make us a beautiful family. You and me together, always.” He screams, “GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” Shoves his arms forward and scrambles to the corner of the room. Back pressed against the wall, nanites crawling up from his thigh to his outstretched arms, gauntlets ready to fire. “WHAT THE FUCK TONY! We were finally going to be together again!” This bitch, THIS BITCH! “What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?! I TOLD YOU! I told you NO YOU BITCH! NO!”
“TONY! I’m trying to help you! THIS, ALL THIS I can fix it for you. WE can fix this, all you have to do is let me take care of you the way you need it.”
“THE WAY I NEED IT?! And you think what?! Everything’ll be okay after we fuck?! Is that it?!”
“No! We’re going to make love the way we used to. Tony, I love you so much, I just want to help you, let me help you.”
“I don’t know what ideas you’ve convinced yourself with Potts but I don’t love you anymore! Hell, I never knew what love TRULY meant when we were together. Whatever fantasies you’ve conjured up about us is just that, a fantasy because I’ve only ever loved someone once in my whole life. My Heart, who I lost on a godforsaken planet lightyears away from here!”
“Tony you don’t mean that! You’re just confused, we weren’t together when you were up there, I’m still here Tony. We can even be a family now. No more Iron Man or Avengers distracting you. We can finally make a life together, a family. Don’t you want that?”
“My Heart isn’t you Potts. It never was. I don’t even want you to know who He was after what you pulled you selfish bitch! The only family I want is the one I built with Him! Just like how I want to live in this house, the house I built FOR HIM, WITH HIM!”
Seething, he was seething. It was clear, even to Rhodey whenever she let him visit, that he held no affection let alone love for her. He thought she was safe, but he should’ve known. Should’ve realized all those times she insisted she take care of him that way. How could he be so stupid.
“Tony, please you have to understand, I’m doing this for US. I won’t let you ruin the life I made for us here. I won’t let you!”
“What life?! I was trying to survive my grief, these months weren’t us making a life together. I needed a place to grieve the Love I lost and you INSISTED on being there for me but what did you do? You took away my suit, Rhodey has to go through you before he can visit me, you only let me use the workshop because you thought I just needed to suck it up and make SI more money! This isn’t life, this is a prison! And I was soo stupid not to realize the shit you were pulling.”
He had to leave. He had to be safe, so he fired at the wall across him and ran up to take the last thing that was His. Dust in a small alabaster jar clutched safe in his hands, the suit engulfed him and before he could reach him FRIDAY freed him from the prison she made.
“I’m so sorry Baby, don’t worry I’m gonna make sure that We’re going to be safe from now on. FRIDAY set a course for the compound, alert everyone I’m coming back.”
The field was littered with the remains of the team he once considered his family, a family that he was trying to mend because the world needed them. You’re so much more than who you mask yourself with Tony. You’ve always been kind, generous, you gave the world a hope unlike any other. And I AM SO PROUD of you for doing this. Nobody moved when he landed but when the nanites retreated, their eyes saw everything. The grief he tried to survive, the pain that bled through every bone in his body, they could all see it now. Laid bare, hands clutched around the Dust in a small alabaster jar, he wept.
“It’s okay Tones, FRIDAY told us, it’s going to be okay, you’re here now, you’re safe.”
The days passed but the hollowness didn’t, everything was still painful but he was starting to hope now. He didn’t think he’d ever get to the point where he would function without his Heart but he was trying, it’s what He would’ve wanted. I’m not going to pretend that I know how difficult this must be for you Tony but you are doing the right thing. It’s scary, I’d be peeing my pants if I was in your shoes, but you can get through this. I’m gonna be with you every step of the way.
See the full post
32 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
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“They met by pure chance.
Peter was working a very much illegally obtained job as a pizza delivery boy, and Tony had just escaped Obadiah's dreadfully boring client briefings. Peter makes his last delivery to a shitty nightclub- the same shitty nightclub Tony picked to avoid paparazzi.
Tony is not gay. He's really not. He's just drunk and painfully horny. He figured he'd give it a chance because this guy was very hot- and definitely on the young side but that's what bouncers were for, right? To check ID.
He didn't expect to fall in love. He didn't expect to be someone's dirty secret. He didn't expect to be the one begging for a relationship.”
Made my first ever moodboard for this starker fic I’ve been obsessed with for quite a while now which is Dacrylagnia by Extraho🤩
It’s very well done and a big departure from the common dynamic that I’ve seen starker portrayed in fics💖 here’s the link and as always, mind the tags!💕✨
86 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Post CW Avengers where Alphas Steve and Bucky pull a Clint-with-the-secret-family and bring the entire team to hide out in their upstate NY home but forgetting to inform their former HYDRA Spider/Red Room’s only begotten Son/Herald of Death Omega Peter that they’re bringing guests over.
- - - - -
“You know, when I told you boys you could bring work home with you sometimes, I meant you could bring paperwork or evidence you need to study, not bring your entire team over because the villain of the week blew up the compound.” An unknown voice rings loud and clear in the hull of the Quinjet startling the already agitated heroes.
After a moment of stunned silence, Tony peeps out, “Um, hello? Hi! Who are you?”
The voice responds cooly, “Ask the Alphas whose knots are in danger of being fodder for the pigs.”
“Heeey babydoll! Um We know this isn’t the best time to do this but we thought the team could spend a few days at ours?” Steve, who apparently knows the owner of the voice, reasons. The Captain fiddles with his hands and throws a sheepish smile towards one of the cameras.
“Don’t you babydoll me Steven Grant. We agreed that the pups and I are off limits to your crew until we’re all ready. This is a clear violation of what we agreed on.” ‘Babydoll’ bites out.
Bucky opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by a flailing Tony, “Wait wait wait! Hold on! Babydoll? Pups? What the actual fuck is going on right now?”
Bucky stares at Steve, a whole conversation happens with their eyes. Steve widens his eyes at Bucky and the latters sighs heavily. With a pinch of his nose he says gesturing to the ceiling and then towards the team, “Um so everyone this is Steve’s and I’s mate, Peter. Peter, darlin’, this is the team.”
Peter, who seems to be more exasperated now than displeased responds, “I would like to say it’s a pleasure but considering the circumstances it’s quite unfortunate that this is how our family’s introduced to all of you.” He sighs and calls out to Steve and Bucky, “Steven, James, KAREN’ll take care of the landing protocols. Make sure not to agitate any of the plasma cannons near the fences, I’d prefer it that I’m the one that gets to blast you both for this.”
Both super soldiers let out a relieved breath, “We’ll make it up to you sweetheart. We promise.”
“Oh you better or else you both can get ready sleeping with the horses for at least a month.”
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I am KAREN of the Spider’s network. I request everyone to please be seated as we are about to reach the Barnes-Rogers family home. Thank you.
90 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Just thinking abt ABO starker with FRIDAY calling Peter “Madame Stark” UGHHHHH
Could be a post CACW fic with Tony “welcoming” the rogues back to the compound and FRIDAY saving him from a confrontation by announcing,“Boss, Madame Stark has arrived and is looking for you.” *insert the rogues’ confusion here*
172 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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peritossolutions · 1 year
Azure Cloud Virtual Desktop to Modernize Your Workplace
Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) or formerly known as Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is a desktop and app virtualization service that resides in the cloud and is then accessed by users using a device of their preference. AVD offers a wide range of products designed to meet the various needs of businesses of all sizes. With AVD, specific users can remotely and securely access their data from any device, anywhere as its products are highly reliable, easy to use, and backed by world class customer support. It can be deployed through Azure and allows users to access Windows 10 and all the essential applications, from anywhere, on any device. Businesses are enduring their digital transformations to turn out to be more agile, and Azure Virtual Desktop is a leading example of fluid flexibility.
Why Cloud For Your Business and Why Now?
If you’ve migrated your business applications and data to the cloud, why not host the desktops there too. Centralization keeps the whole thing congregated and increases performance. While it may seem off the beaten track to push desktops to the cloud, it is the next step in the advancement of the digital transformation. Similar to how you balance web-based enterprise applications to your employees and customers, you can now rapidly organize desktop with the same scalability potential. While traditional VDI achieves this, setting up a cloud desktop platform is far easier from a configuration and operation point of view. Plus, you’re getting benefited from the power, security, and scalability of Azure.
We at Peritos have a wealth of knowledge in delivering AVD based solutions that permit secure, flexible and remote working capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is here to lead you through developing your IT strategy and roadmap, helping you make conversant decisions on what is right for your business. For more information, reach the team today.
Making the decision to employ Azure cloud services Virtual Desktop (AVD) is a great first step to changing the way your team works. No matter what industry your business functions in, it is very important that employees are able to access the applications and IT systems necessary to be productive and work efficiently.
The necessitate of remote and hybrid working has presented a challenge for businesses as employees have to be able to securely access these applications and IT systems from any desired location.
Virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs) have been around for some time, but with the pandemic causing a spike in remote working, cloud-based VDIs are now in high demand. The use of Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) growing rapidly as businesses deploying virtual desktops to enable secure remote working. With many of us still tearing our time between home and the office, it’s worth considering if AVD is right for your business. We at Peritos solution committed to delivering the best possible virtual desktop experience with AVD. Those who adopt AVD as their preference of virtual desktop infrastructure will definitely benefit by easier management, lower costs and intrinsic security features — all of this collective with the necessary flexibility to meet any future business demands.
Here are some of the key benefits while you will obtain while partnering with us.
Highly cost-effective solution
Flexible working environment
Power high-performance users
Enable simplicity of management
Fulfill with security regulations
Support legacy applications
24*7 technical support
Do you have question in mind that how can you get started with azure virtual desktop? Lets continue reading you’ll get your answer shortly. AVD is a Microsoft Azure service that enables you to set up and manage a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) in your Azure subscription. The Azure portal permits you to effortlessly prerequisite and manages your AVD surroundings. In addition, AVD integrates with other Azure services such as Azure Active Directory, making it easier to secure and manage your virtual desktop communications. AVD offers many benefits over traditional on-premises VDI solutions, including the capability to scale up or down as required, pay only for what you use, Etc. To use Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), you must have the following requirements: You must be an Azure AD tenant, have an Azure AD account with global permissions, and have an Azure subscription with owner permissions.
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wintslim · 2 years
Download virtual city playground for pc
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This time for the phrase the Buzzy pain distraction at the start of this experiment the site was ranked number 10Īnd again after getting people to search and click Then click the link for his blog at the start of theĮxperiment the site was the right number 7 3 hours in 220 Eclipse later the site was now ranking number one for that term here is the second test conducted You know who this is if you guests Rand fishkin you were right Rand is theįounder of Mazda calm and he conducted an experiment toĭemonstrate just how powerful CTR can be in this test he askedįor people to search for the key word I’m at clad in Google and Now look when deciding where to rent website do Known as c t r has become the number one most important factor that Google is Searchmetrics ranking factors for 2014 click-through-rate also What is the future of SEO well according to Know that is marketing is the most long-term profitable business model that you can have. Right well surprise surprise because anyone can follow this proven business model and many of you probably already Goes step one is to build a list step two is to sell something to that list not what you wereĮxpecting her many of you were probably expecting some extremely complicated formula that is only reserved for the super Elite marketers You ready to find out what that formula is well here it There is no other business model that’s bigger more proven and more consistent than following this for me. Of sales generated yes that’s 9.4 billion and one day and a large percentage of those sales can be attributed to the simple two-step for me. In sales being generated every single year and going acrossĮvery single night you can think of on Cyber Monday alone there was 9.4 billion dollars worth I’m just to step formula is responsible for billions upon billions of dollars The big secret to all my successes I’m talking about the big secret that all the gura marketers have been hiding from you all this timeĭo you have an idea what that secret to success can be well it’s actuallyĪ very simple to step for me. Video you understand that you’re about to discover what This is a very important Public Service Announcement by watching this Lastly, once we have the Session Host and Session ID we can run the Remove-AzWvdUserSession Remove-AzWvdUserSession -ResourceGroupName AZ-MNT-WVD-RG -HostPoolName AZ-MNT-WVD-HOSTPOOL -SessionHostName -Id Session Host will look like this – AZ-MNT-WVD1.ad.local with WVD# being the server they are currently connected to. We can do that with the Get-AzWvdUserSession Get-AzWvdUserSession -ResourceGroupName AZ-MNT-WVD-RG -HostPoolName AZ-MNT-WVD-HOSTPOOL -SubscriptionId | select UserPrincipalName, Name Next, we need to get our users Session Host and Session ID. This is an example of the command you can issue to remove one user from a hast without needing to log in yourself to remove them, or have to kick everyone off using the Azure Portal “logout all users” function.įist thing first we need to connect our account to the Az module by running this command. Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/ is a new technology being offered by Microsoft and while there is a good set of PowerShell commands to complement it, there isn’t a lot of info regarding them.In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem! Some original games do not work when a certain application has been installed, like DAEMON Tools.When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files!.When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game! Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online.
Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online!.
Game or Patch Questions? Visit FileForums
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futelco · 3 years
2020 Operator Log Excerpts
Eleven operators logged over 42 operator calls in 2020, providing information, assisting users, and sharing conversations, many quite boring but also many not boring at all. Here is a sample of logged calls, with some sensitive and many less interesting examples removed.
2020-01-07 Caller asked, "which operator is this?" I replied that it didn't matter and disconnected.
2020-01-21 Caller asked if I could place a call and gave me a number, I told them how to get a dialtone. Caller asked a long confusing question, something about whether this was a government benefit and which organizations were involved. I told them I didn't understand the question but I hoped they benefited from it. Caller talked about what they were doing, again something confusing about telecommunication abilities or maybe telepathy, I told them I was glad to hear it and said goodbye.
2020-01-31 Caller asked for the number of a retirement community.
2020-02-04 Talked with caller, who appreciated the chair. Isn't it cold there right now? You f-in know it's cold.
2020-02-05 Caller asked for a residential number. I advised that I was just googling and probably couldn't help. Caller provide a name and street in Albuquerque. I was able to recite three numbers off one of those stupid name lookup sites and advised caller about their source. Caller repeated numbers to verify, I corrected two mistakes, caller apologized and said they were writing them down in the rain in Portland.
2020-03-25 Dude called to report “hello operator? I’m calling to let you know that the phone on the corner of Killingsworth and (??) has been wiped down and sanitized with bleach” I told him thank you and to stay safe out there.
2020-03-30 Caller requested the number for Henry Ford Hospital, which I provided.
2020-04-09 Caller asked how to celebrate their best friend's birthday, I told them to give them a hug.
2020-05-26 Caller wanted to know how to make a call. Operator explained dialing 1. Caller blessed operator and everyone involved in providing this heavenly service.
2020-05-31 Caller wanted to place a call, I told them how to.
2020-06-01 Caller asked for information on manufacturing PCP. I found instructions on Google, but was unable to summarize them over the phone. Caller nevertheless appreciates the service.
2020-06-18 Caller was confused about what they they should say after I answered their hello, I hung up.
2020-06-23 Caller wanted the number for OHSU, asked if I could forward them because they didn't have a pen. I could not but repeated the number with them.
2020-06-26 Caller wanted to know “what the fuck is a Futel?” Caller was trying to make a collect call. I suggested they try a free call instead. Caller hung up.
2020-07-01 Caller asked what time it was, I told them. I forgot to tell them that there was a utility menu entry for that.
2020-07-01 Caller asked me to call 911, I told them to hang up and call 911.
2020-07-04 Caller and friend asked why I/Futel exist. Attempted to explain. Caller hung up mid-attempt.
2020-07-13 Caller asked for the number of a Happy Valley hospital, which I provided.
2020-07-20 Caller wants to make a call, Asks if the phone is working. Explained dialing 1. Caller hung up mid-explanation.
2020-07-21 Caller reported static on the Clinton St. phone. Then she/they/it asked all sorts of weird, intriguing questions re: the meaning of September 5th 2020, the Willamette Valley Dream Survey, the manifesto printed on the Futel payphones, etc. We had a long-ranging and interesting discussion about the nature of reality and the meaning of the various texts on the Futel telephone.
2020-07-25 Caller asked how to report a dream, I told them to use the directory. Caller asked what happens to the dream recordings, I replied that it was an external number and I didn't know. Caller started telling me an obviously fake dream, I suggested that they report it and hung up.
2020-08-07 What is this, is the dream survey available here, what other interesting choices are there, blah blah blah, just try it already.
2020-08-23 Caller wanted the number to report their dreams. I told her the WVDS is in the menu system, tho i could not recall where. I offered to record the callers dream in the Futel log instead. Caller dreamed they had just killed two people — they didn't recall who — and was running from the law. They found their child, confessed the crime, and they absconded together. I wished them a better dream tonight.
2020-09-06 Caller asked how to call the Druid, I told them to use the directory.
2020-09-09 Caller's grandparents are visiting in the house upstairs. Caller also has a spider living in their window. Caller attempted to conference in the spider, but could not operate the speakerphone. Caller explained that spiders have their own telephones built into their webs. Discussed literature, comic books, etc. Then caller had to go.
2020-10-07 Caller asked for the police non-emergency number, which I provided.
2020-10-12 Heard a series of tones, after I announced myself sounded like the caller was using the phone keypad. Tried announcing myself again but when the tones stopped there was what sounded like hold music. Girl from Ipanema. Ended the call.
2020-10-22 Caller asked the Operator if they could help them reach a named individual. Operator asked for more information about them. Caller told her Nevermind, and ended the call.
2020-11-22 Caller needed to get in touch with a friend or family member but had no phone numbers. i searched for a few names for them and expect they will call back for some additional number hunting.
2020-12-08 Caller wanted the number of a motel in SW Portland, which I provided.
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techsolutions12 · 3 years
Getting My Business continuity software To Work
Connection hazards and controls on to the business continuity programs they relate to with our taxonomy technological innovation
In the long run, clients arrive out on top rated simply because they are reaping the many benefits of a far more in depth solution.
Although not all VDI implementations are produced equal. Security, effectiveness and guidance for particular services and workflows differ amongst solutions, And that's why it’s a good idea to find a System that works with business-critical programs and is usually simple, safe and inexpensive to work with. WVD excels on all of these metrics.
This segment also incorporates an job interview with an organization which includes properly executed a business continuity plan and features a discussion about what business continuity scheduling suggests to them.
Make contact with this solution company and in your own private strategic tactic, try to obtain the answers to those a few critical thoughts earlier mentioned. Typically, vendor who really wants to demonstrate its craft will provide product demos on a greater amount. Other folks will even invite you to check their by now deployed and working programs.
Server Segmentation – Dividing your server into segments is a method for limiting cyberattack harm. Gaining entry to a person segment will not bring on accessing other segments. It’s useful for serving several accounts.
One other important location of collaboration is with the safety staff -- Even though the two teams frequently function independently, an organization can attain a whole lot by sharing information and facts across these departments. At the pretty minimum, Everybody need to know the basic methods for the way the Business designs to respond.
In which do cybercriminals get hacking software? Often through the “darkish Website” where by nefarious entities connect with get and promote illegal things.
The BCP teaching ingredient from the Suite is often a thirty minute video clip-centered program, which examines the significance of BCP, offers an summary on BCP, and prepares end users to put in writing their own strategies. It is broken into three segments:
Loss Administration: Protect against further reduction from business continuity tools getting into personal debt early on resulting from any unexpected contingencies.
A part of hacking has much more to try and do with human conversation and final decision producing than technological know-how. You must safeguard your digital assets from scammers who use electronic mail along with other digital communications to trick workers into activating unsafe malware by clicks. 
Many companies are already ready to stay away from the worst cybercrime troubles by turning to cloud solutions. Obtaining the opportunity to accessibility your tools, applications and files from any locale is a component of The crucial element to trying to keep an enterprise running through an emergency.
Both of these tools obtain this with close to real-time file Examination, a signatureless solution that helps you to fight the most up-to-date threats without needing to await day by day definition updates, and offline protection.
Business continuity refers to the opportunity to maintain business functions up and operating during the party of the disaster. A business continuity plan employs concrete measures to define how a corporation will go about protecting full features if disaster strikes.
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earthfulbliss · 6 years
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You could say that my weekend in Melb was pretty gooood🌻🌻 @world_vegan_day_melbourne was absolutely incredible, just as were all food places we visited - I just wanted to go everywhere!!🙊 For those who went to WVD, which was your favourite stall? For me and my boyfriend it was definitely @mango_licks , we both couldn’t get over how fresh and amazing their mango lassi’s were👌✨ These pancakes were from @theveganshack which were pretty tasty too!🌿 Have a beautiful evening guys x https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo_LJA6naIc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a4znoqnr3u6q
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htmdcommunity · 3 years
How to Set Time Zone for WVD VMs with Endpoint Manager | Intune Policies | Settings Catalog
[New Post] How to Set Time Zone for #WVD VMs with Endpoint Manager | #MSIntune Policies | Settings Catalog #MEMPowered #MEMCM #ConfigMgr
Learn How to Set Time Zone for WVD VMs with Endpoint Manager | Intune. There are PowerShell scripts and Group Policies to change the time zone of Windows Virtual Desktop virtual machines. I think it’s better to give us an time zone option in the WVD VM provisioning template. I have a post where you get all the list of time zone details that Windows support. Learn how to change the time zone of…
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Okay so I’ve had this prompt(?)/idea(?)/plot outline(?) stuck in my mind ever since Black Panther gave me Erik “Killmonger” Stevens🥺 to drool over so here it goes:
• Post CW: Peter and Tony have been together for almost 2 years, Peter’s convinced their endgame cuz they’re both so in love. WRONG, Peter discovers that Tony’s been cheating on him with Steve for the past 6 months when Tony moans Steve’s name during sex.
• Tony tries to apologize, excuses start flying out his ass, “Baby you know you’re the only one for me.” Peter, against his better judgement, relents and they try to make it work.
• Not even a week goes by, he walks in on Tony and Steve. Tony tries to appease him but NOPE, Peter packs his bags and leaves.
• On May’s suggestion, Peter goes on sabbatical to Oakland where he decides to volunteer at the Wakandan embassy. There he starts to heal and stuff. Then, he gets the chance to actually go to Wakanda for immersion.
• In Wakanda he meets the newly healed and inducted prince N’Jadaka (Erik). It’s rough at first, Erik is closed off and Peter’s just starting to find himself again but they make it work. They complement each other and they’re beautiful together.
• 4 years later, SI is in need of Vibranium so Pepper and Tony, who’s not looking so great cuz him and Steve are just not okay, travel to Wakanda to negotiate with the Foreign Relations co chair and COO of the Wakandan Vibranium Distribution
• They arrive in a lavish conference room, set up their presentation/proposal, the door opens and a Dora Milajae announces the arrival of “the soon-to-be Prince Consort of Wakanda, the fiancée of Prince N’Jadaka, the Foreign Relations co chair and the COO of the WVD, Dr. Peter Benjamin Parker.”
• “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, shall we start the presentation? I have a meeting with our wedding planner and a cake tasting this afternoon. Who knew planning for a royal wedding was going to be so much work?” Everybody present laughs except for Tony.
• Because there in front of Tony is the man whose heart he broke looking absolutely breathtaking with a dazzling smile on his face and his heart aches remembering how much he fucked this up not just for himself but also for SI.
This actually looks more like an outline as opposed to a prompt but when I started writing the words just wouldn’t stop😅 anyways I’m just sooo glad I got this out of my system as I’ve been playing this story in my head for so long.💕✨
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peritossolutions · 2 years
Azure Cloud Virtual Desktop to Modernize Your Workplace
Making the decision to employ Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is a great first step to changing the way your team works. No matter what industry your business functions in, it is very important that employees are able to access the applications and IT systems necessary to be productive and work efficiently. The necessity of remote and hybrid working has presented a challenge for businesses as employees have to be able to securely access these applications and IT systems from any desired location. Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) or formerly known as Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is a desktop and app virtualization service that resides in the cloud and is then accessed by users using a device of their preference. AVD offers a wide range of products designed to meet the various needs of businesses of all sizes. With AVD, specific users can remotely and securely access their data from any device, anywhere as its products are highly reliable, easy to use, and backed by world class customer support. It can be deployed through Azure and allows users to access Windows 10 and all the essential applications, from anywhere, on any device. Businesses are enduring their digital transformations to turn out to be more agile, and Azure Virtual Desktop is a leading example of fluid flexibility.
With Azure cloud services  Virtual Desktop, users can access their required desktop experience regardless of their location and can work effectively. Access can be from any device that contains either the Windows Virtual Desktop native client application or a Windows Virtual Desktop HTML5 web client. Here’s some of the many of what Azure Virtual Desktop can do for you and your business.
• Virtualizes both desktops and apps, then allocate and connect users to them. • Virtualizes Office 365 and carry it to your users in an optimized environment. • Reduce your Capital Expenditure costs by reducing the impact of hardware product life cycles. • Lesser costs by pooling multi-session resources and decrease the number of virtual machines in your environment. • Get your existing Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Windows Server desktops and apps to any computer with no difficulty. • Publish as many host pools as you require accommodating your various workloads. • Offers a combined and simplified management experience for your admin group.
Why Cloud and Why Now? If you’ve migrated your business applications and data to the cloud, why not host the desktops there too. Centralization keeps the whole thing congregated and increases performance. While it may seem off the beaten track to push desktops to the cloud, it is the next step in the advancement of the digital transformation. Similar to how you balance web-based enterprise applications to your employees and customers, you can now rapidly organize desktop with the same scalability potential. While traditional VDI achieves this, setting up a cloud desktop platform is far easier from a configuration and operation point of view. Plus, you’re getting benefited from the power, security, and scalability of Azure.
Do you have question in mind that how can you get started with azure virtual desktop? Lets continue reading you’ll get your answer shortly. AVD is a Microsoft Azure service that enables you to set up and manage a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) in your Azure subscription. The Azure portal permits you to effortlessly prerequisite and manages your AVD surroundings. In addition, AVD integrates with other Azure services such as Azure Active Directory, making it easier to secure and manage your virtual desktop communications. AVD offers many benefits over traditional on-premises VDI solutions, including the capability to scale up or down as required, pay only for what you use, Etc. To use Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), you must have the following requirements: You must be an Azure AD tenant, have an Azure AD account with global permissions, and have an Azure subscription with owner permissions. Virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs) have been around for some time, but with the pandemic causing a spike in remote working, cloud-based VDIs are now in high demand. The use of Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) growing rapidly as businesses deploying virtual desktops to enable secure remote working. With many of us still tearing our time between home and the office, it’s worth considering if AVD is right for your business.
We at Peritos solution committed to delivering the best possible virtual desktop experience with AVD. Those who adopt AVD as their preference of virtual desktop infrastructure will definitely benefit by easier management, lower costs and intrinsic security features — all of this collective with the necessary flexibility to meet any future business demands. Here are some of the key benefits while you will obtain while partnering with us.
• Highly cost-effective solution • Flexible working environment • Power high-performance users • Enable simplicity of management • Fulfill with security regulations • Support legacy applications • 24*7 technical support
We have a wealth of knowledge in delivering AVD based solutions that permit secure, flexible and remote working capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is here to lead you through developing your IT strategy and roadmap, helping you make conversant decisions on what is right for your business. For more information, reach the team today.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
I Will Tell You The Truth About Azure Windows Desktop In The Next 8 Seconds | azure windows desktop
If you are thinking of buying a new home and are thinking of installing azure windows, you should look at all the different designs that will match your new home. There are many designs available for azure windows, which include French, Roman, Tiffany, Victorian, modern and more.
There are many different ways to design your home and to design the windows too. You can buy a home that is already designed by the architect with the exact measurements of the room or space that you want to use the windows in. In some cases you can get lucky enough to have an old home that was recently refurbished and has the right layout to help you create a beautiful and comfortable home.
When you are planning out your home interior designer you should consider the different styles that fit into the overall design and architecture that you have decided to build. Many times the architect will have made all of the plans for your new home but you are not able to make the changes.
If this is the case then you might want to look at getting your interior designer to give you a design that you will be able to live with. The best part about getting a new house designed is that the architect will tell you exactly what to change in order to improve the look and feel of the home and to make it feel comfortable. This can also give you ideas for other aspects of the home like the bathroom and the kitchen.
You need to decide whether you want to get a new house or you want to rent it out when you decide to sell. Sometimes the home you are buying is a foreclosure and you may not be able to get the house back on the market if it is older. If you are renting you might be able to keep the house but you will not get all the benefits that a new house will offer.
When you are looking at the new home that is going to fit into your space, it is important to think about how many different colors of paint will look good together and how you are going to get it installed correctly. When you are shopping for the windows for your new home you need to think about the different styles and the different designs that will fit the entire home.
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Windows Virtual Desktop – #8 – WVD Azure ADDS – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Windows Virtual Desktop on Azure is here | azure windows desktop
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Windows Virtual Desktop – breakdown of architecture and current – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Bulding VDI Solutions in Microsoft Azure and now with Windows – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Виртуальный рабочий стол Windows Microsoft Azure – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Use Azure Firewall to protect Windows Virtual Desktop Microsoft Docs – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Windows Virtual Desktop – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
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Виртуальный рабочий стол Windows Microsoft Azure – azure windows desktop | azure windows desktop
The post I Will Tell You The Truth About Azure Windows Desktop In The Next 8 Seconds | azure windows desktop appeared first on Desktop Drawing.
from WordPress https://desktopdrawing.com/i-will-tell-you-the-truth-about-azure-windows-desktop-in-the-next-8-seconds-azure-windows-desktop/
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agirlnamedally · 7 years
What did you think of WVD this year? I was there but didn’t see you :(
So fun! We had a blast, can't believe how crowded it was.Sorry I couldn't do a meetup or anything today, I had a few messages asking why I didn't do one - I've only just got back from overseas and wanted to spend time with friends that I only get to see a few times a year. Those of you I did get to say hi to, it was so so nice meeting you all. Genuinely it made my day getting to chat with you. If we took a photo together, tag me so I can find you online 💛💛
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop service is now generally available
Microsoft today announced that Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), its Azure-based system for virtualizing the Windows and Office user experience it announced last September, is now generally available. Using WVD, enterprises can give their employees access to virtualized applications and remote desktops, including the ability to provide multi-session Windows 10 experiences, something that sets Microsoft’s own apart from that of other vendors who offer virtualized Windows desktops and applications.
In addition to making the service generally available, Microsoft is also rolling it out globally, whereas the preview was U.S.-only and the original plan was to slowly roll it out globally. As Scott Manchester, the principal engineering lead for WVD, also told me that over 20,000 companies signed up for the preview. He also noted that Microsoft Teams is getting enhanced support in WVD with a significantly improved video conferencing experience.
Shortly after announcing the preview of WVD, Microsoft acquired a company called FSLogix, which specialized in provisioning the same kind of virtualized Windows environments that Microsoft offers through WVD. As Microsoft’s corporate VP for Microsoft 365 told me ahead of today’s announcement, the company took a lot of the know-how from FSLogix to ensure that the user experience on WVD is as smooth as possible.
Andreson noted that just as enterprises are getting more comfortable with moving some of their infrastructure to the cloud (and have others worry about managing it), there is now also growing demand from organizations that want this same experience for their desktop experiences. “They look at the cloud as a way of saying, ‘listen, let the experts manage the infrastructure. They can optimize it; they can fine-tune it; they can make sure that it’s all done right.’ And then I’ll just have a first-party service — in this case Microsoft — that I can leverage to simplify my life and enable me to spin up and down capacity on demand,” Anderson said. He also noted, though, that making sure that these services are always available is maybe even more critical than for other workloads that have moved to the cloud. If your desktop stops working, you can’t get much done, after all.
Anderson also stressed that if a customer wants a multi-session Windows 10 environment in the cloud, WVD is the only way to go because that is the only way to get a license to do so. “We’ve built the operating system, we built the public cloud, so that combination is going to be unique and this gives us the ability to make sure that that Windows 10 experience is the absolute best on top of that public cloud,” he noted.
He also stressed that the FSLogix acquisition enabled his team to work with the Office team to optimize the user experience there. Thanks to this, when you spin up a new virtualized version of Outlook, for example, it’ll just take a second or two to load instead of almost a minute.
A number of companies are also still looking to upgrade their old Windows 7 deployments. Microsoft will stop providing free security patches for them very soon, but on WVD, these users will still be able to get access to virtualized Windows 7 desktops with free extended security updates until January 2023.  Anderson does not believe that this will be a major driver for WVD adoption, but he does see “pockets of customers who are working on their transition.”
Enterprises can access Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 7 Enterprise on WVD at no additional licensing cost (though, of course, the Azure resources they consume will cost them) if they have an eligible Windows 10 Enterprise or Microsoft 365 license.
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htmdcommunity · 3 years
Fix WVD Refreshing Your Token Error | Couldn't Connect to Session Desktop
[New Post] Fix WVD Refreshing Your Token Error | Couldn't Connect to Session Desktop #WVD
Let’s Fix WVD Refreshing Your Token Error. I don’t know how many of you have seen this WVD issue Oops, we couldn’t connect to “Session Desktop”. Well, it’s not an issue instead it’s more a security feature! I regularly get this error message when I try to access the session desktop after around ~20-30 minutes of idle time (especially with the WVD web Client). Advt Let’s see how to fix it…
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enterinit · 5 years
OneDrive new features announced at SharePoint Conference 2019
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OneDrive new features announced at SharePoint Conference 2019.
OneDrive is the files app for Microsoft 365
Use OneDrive on the Web to upload files and folders, access and manage files from throughout Microsoft 365, discover files based on recent activity and trending motions, and get back to your recent files, shared files and the files you’ve saved for later. Recommended files view on web Leveraging Office’s new intelligent services, Recommended files appear right at the top of your Files view, showcasing relevant files based on how you work and collaborate with others. This view brings attention to important files you may not want to miss, based on actions like a recent edit from a fellow collaborator, highlighting a file you recently opened, and general file activity trends. Get intelligently back in the action. Intelligent on-hover file card updates You can now see important information about a file, like how long it would take to read in full – we call this “time to read” – plus a quick summary of what’s inside – an AI-powered table of contents to get an at-a-glance look inside before you commit to opening it. Visibility of all file activities per file is key, and now on-hover you’ll see a plethora of visual information about your files. Across OneDrive and SharePoint, the updated file card helps keep track of activity for all files (not just Office). Life cycle signals such as checked-out/in, malware, DLP and missing metadata will also be reflected; the same signals you would see throughout the library (and lists) now come through within the on-hover card experience. You’ll also see activity of guests and anonymous file access in the activity list. Save for later Like how you can save a SharePoint site or news article to review later, now you can save documents for later. Simply click the Save for later bookmark icon on files and folders from your OneDrive or files in shared libraries so you can more easily get back to them and share them with others. You’ll see an aggregate view of all saved files and news articles under the Saved for later section of SharePoint start page (previously referred to as SharePoint home in Office 365; it will now be accessible when you click My SharePoint off of your company SharePoint home site). Full-fidelity shared libraries in the OneDrive user interface (UI) Not only can you sync shared libraries from SharePoint and Microsoft Teams to your PC or Mac using OneDrive, you can now view shared libraries with full fidelity from within the OneDrive UI on the web. This means you can create new documents, pin important ones to the top, create views, manage metadata, share and more. We are also updating the Create new shared library with a streamlined experience backed by an Office 365 group, allowing you to specify the people you want to share with – and the new shared library appears immediately as a new content collaboration space for your team files. Autodesk AutoCAD DWG file previews In partnership with Autodesk, we’ve recently begun bringing rich, new file formats like AutoCAD (DWG files) – enabling view and use right in the browser. And in one click, you can edit a DWG file with the powerful, integrated AutoCAD web app – knowing the file remains in OneDrive throughout view and edit actions. 360° image previews 2D is so 2018. 2019 is all about visualizing in 3D. OneDrive supports previewers of over 320+ file types - and now add to that 360° images. Once your 360° images are uploaded into OneDrive, you get a rich, interactive preview of the images without leaving OneDrive, and without requiring additional software or apps. 
Powerful sharing options to control how you share your files and folders
OneDrive is the files app for Microsoft 365, and it is a powerful sharing tool, too. Sharing can be managed and customized by broad or granular policies that apply to all or specific shared libraries. You can easily share files inside and outside your organization and work together on them at the same time (co-authoring FTW!). Microsoft is bringing a consistent sharing experience consistent wherever you share from. Today, this includes OneDrive, Office desktop and mobile apps, SharePoint document libraries, desktop Windows Explorer and Mac Finder – with Microsoft Teams coming on board soon. As much as we are rationalizing the files experience across Microsoft 365, we, too, are working to ensure the sharing experience and rich set of sharing options are consistent across devices and platforms. Requests files from others You may want to receive documents from others and with our new Request Files feature, it's easy and safe. You simply select a folder you want the recipient to place documents into and click Request Files. The email to the recipient automatically fills in the name of the folder, and then type in the email of the person you want to request files from. The recipient clicks on the link, picks her or his files, and uploads - only able to see the files they upload. The original requestor will get an email when new files are added - seeing the new files with the name of the person who uploaded them. Files requested - files done. Microsoft Teams file sharing integration in chats and conversations Users of Microsoft Teams will be able to see and configure OneDrive link sharing settings right from within Teams. This new file sharing experience lets you choose what kind of sharing link you want in 1:1 chats and within the conversations tab. When typing your message, simply click the paperclip Attach icon, select OneDrive, choose the file you wish to share, and click the Share a link button; you can also copy/paste a sharing link and Teams will properly format it to look nice within the discussion. The initial sharing settings adhere to the default of your OneDrive or of the shared library where the file comes from, and you can change the sharing setting by clicking the drop-down arrow of the file that now appears in your message. This brings up the Link settings card – the same, consistent sharing experience you use throughout Microsoft 365. And after you’ve shared a file, automatic sharing reminders are sent after seven days to help you and your colleagues stay on top of things even if you missed the original notification. Share. Remind. Collaborate. Done. Sharing files with easy-to-read links in Outlook Web App (OWA) The industry is moving away from attaching files to an email, rather working to enable best practices about giving permissions to view and/or edit a file – as links – to keep it in one place. This is the single source of truth approach versus multiple copies in everyone’s email inboxes and outboxes. And now, when you copy/paste a link to a file stored in OneDrive, Outlook Web App (OWA) will reconcile the file name as a hyperlink instead of the pasting the full URL. You, too, have the option to keep the default sharing mechanism from where the file came from or change it to meet the needs of how you want your recipient(s) to view and/or work with the file. Popular around me is a new intelligent view within Shared with me Don’t get lost when looking through all the files that have been shared with you. Now you can find important, relevant content at the top of the Shared with me view in OneDrive. Get direct links to individual PowerPoint slides (web only) Focus your sharing to the benefit of others. Get a link to an individual slide and share it with recipients. Help others land on the most relevant information without having to seek and find what you were trying to show them. Save time and share with a purpose. To do this in PowerPoint Online, go to the slide you wish to share, right-click on the slide's thumbnail and choose Link to this Slide. You can adjust the link settings using the consistent sharing experience – and when the recipient clicks on the link, they’ll be taken directly to that slide with preferred or enforced sharing settings intact.
Improvements coming to the OneDrive sync client
What do you sync? We hope lots of documents, photos, and other files – taking the important ones with you while having visibility across all. Using the OneDrive sync client, you can back up and protect your Windows desktop using Known Folder Move (KFM), access and share all your files directly from your desktop in Windows File Explore or macOS Finder and save space on your PC or Mac with OneDrive Files On-Demand. Differential Sync saves time and network utilization Differential sync brings the ability to sync only the parts of large files that have changed, not the entire file. This makes the file synchronization process faster for these files. Currently OneDrive supports differential sync for Office 2016 files. Later this year, we will bring the ability to leverage differential sync to all file types stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. OneDrive allows you to work with your files directly within File Explorer on Windows 10 and Finder on Mac, and to synchronize files so that you can work with files locally and when you are disconnected from the network. Today, we announced differential sync will sync only the parts of files that have changed, greatly reducing sync time and bandwidth utilization. Currently OneDrive supports differential sync for modern Office file formats. Later this year, differential sync will support all files stored in Microsoft 365. Windows Virtual Desktop (VDI) updates Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD; public preview) is a cloud Desktop-As-a-Service platform service offering on top of the Microsoft Azure. You get infrastructure service benefits such as brokering, web access, load-balancing, management and monitoring. It also gives you access to the new Windows 10 Multi-User (EVD) Operating System – optimized for the sake of Office 365 ProPlus services, such as Outlook, OneDrive Files On-Demand (per-machine), Microsoft Teams and more. Support OneNote files during Known Folder Move (KFM) Until now, the OneDrive sync client has not supported OneNote files. And we feedback shows that it's critical to migrate OneNote files as any other - thus we're introducing the ability for the OneDrive sync client to help migrate desktop OneNote files when leveraging Know Folder Move (KFM) to move your primary desktop folders (Documents, Pictures and Desktop) to the cloud.
Improvements coming for the 4.5 star rated OneDrive app plus a new files experience in Outlook mobile
Work does not solely revolve around an office space. You can easily create, scan, annotate, edit and co-author documents with your peers, across departments or an external vendor outside your organization – directly from mobile device, with a consistent experience with respect to web and desktop. New files experience in Outlook app (iOS) Sharing a link to a document from Outlook while on your mobile device should be a delight, not a chore. We are bringing an improved file picking experience to Outlook mobile. Not only will it be easier, it will be more consistent to the OneDrive file sharing experience you find within Outlook web app. When you go to attach a file (share a link), you’ll see recent files, your files, frequent shared libraries – with the ability to navigate and browse all your files and libraries. Updated recent view for mobile apps includes PDFs and scans Getting back to your recent work – quickly – is helpful no matter where you are. And when on a smaller screen with limited time, it’s even more important. We’ve been working on improving the recent files experience in the OneDrive mobile app - that same experience you see in all Office end points. And on mobile, the recent list now includes scans and PDFs created from OneDrive. Updated annotation options when marking up PDFs With PDFs, either as a native PDF file uploaded into OneDrive or when you scan an item like a whiteboard, receipt or business card, you can annotate the PDF to circle items or add notes for you and others. We are updating the user interface when you go to add your annotations, to give you more options and for it to be more user friendly. Mobile markup made easy. Read the full article
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jxdxamazing · 4 years
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You must do the thing you cannot do... it's easy to get overwhelmed with life... but once you start running from it, you'll never stop... just do the thing you're afraid of... take that test... quit that job... go all in on that business idea... get those lab results... tell that person how you feel... do it just once and you'll build strength... then you'll gain momentum... then you'll see that what you thought was stopping you never really was... the obstacle is the way 136/365 #juststart #restart #beamazing #blackdiamond #triology #iamthemessenger #theprotector #mistakestomiracles #killdistractions #focusisfire #reallifeinthemaking🎬 #rex #wvd #bb #riotprowrestling #blm #glhs https://www.instagram.com/p/CG4h55FpYxP/?igshid=sfqeomtkxjhq
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