#This is what my brother said and as a Bowie fan I was offended.
thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Obi-wan and Cody watching Labyrinth.
Cody: Omg who is that? He’s not that great. Obi-wan: HOW DARE YOU!!!! That is our lord and saviour DAVID BOWIE!!!
Cody, on comm with Satine: And yeah, then he made me leave. Satine: Understandable he ended our relationship over me saying that David Bowie was a bad singer and wasn’t hot. Cody: Even I wouldn’t say that.
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A Transcript (lol)
Okay, so this got kinda long but here is my try at a translated transcript of this interview. I cropped Freddie’s part (sorry Freddie:/) but did most of the rest. It’s obviously not word for word and I did a bad job at inserting when they laugh and whatever but let me tell you! The entire thing is so lighthearted and Leon and Freddie’s interactions are drenched in sarcasm! This was so much work but so much fun so here you go @konecnynerd! Everyone who’s only interested in reading the ASG part or the Leon exclusive part might want to skip down to the very bottom, I tried to mark the different sequences! But let me tell you, the entire thing was so entertaining and I love their friendship so much, they are always a blast to witness! 
They talk about the Battle of Alberta and the All Star Game in the end!
Goldi: You’re both a bit lazy in regards to social media I’d say but your dog, Leon, seems to be an omnipresence!
Leon: Ha, yes of course! That’s the only reason why I am on social media.
Goldi: How do you have such a small dog? What do you say, Freddie, do you know him (the dog)?
Freddie: Yes, Bowie is super cute of course! Uhm… Personally, I did not meet him yet but am excited about my first encounter with the small guy (sorry, didn’t know how to translate this!) And when Leon looks the other way I’ll see what I’ll do with him but yes… It’s nice for Leon to have a loyal friend when he’s alone.
Leon: The best friend I’ve ever had! (Aw don’t shade Freddie like that!)
Freddie: Aha… After such a short time you say something like that.
(Okay but they’ve been talking like the entire time!)
Cut to the N.ICE intro woosh woosh swish
Goldi talks about N.ICE Showtime and introduces Leon and Freddie (Freddie doesn’t know about Leon joining them)
Cut to them golfing and their trick shot challenge and I’ll just point out some highlights:
Leon: Did you catch that (on camera)?
Leon: Boahh Junge (which is something that transcends translation
Leon: Jausa!
Leon: Jau Ciao!
They recreate their goal
Leon: Aw that rolled to the other side – poor you (in a very soft voice but he says “Du arme Sau”, which is uh “You poor pig” literally)
Leon: Backhand is always better.
Cut to the Freddie only interview (but I’ll skip that, tell me if anyone wants that?)
They talk about golfing, how training during Covid looks for the Kölner Haie, college hockey, the progression of the DEL season, and Leon visiting him or Freddie visiting Leon
Leon joins them and Freddie is not really surprised
Freddie: Sadly I can’t see him… Ah now
Leon: Ahhhh
Goldi: Can you hear us?
Leon: I can hear you!
Freddie: Is that a playoff beard or what?
Leon: Yes, I’m already letting it grow! (Goldie cackles) What about you? (Low blow leon aha)
Freddie: (Is offended but is laughing)
Goldi: So after hearing the season will be progressing you just thought you know what, I’ll just let it grow…?
Leon: Hah, I’ll just let it grow from now on.
Goldie: Was that something NHL PR gave you? A stick on beard for interviews to advertise the playoffs?
Leon: Maybe everything gets a bit hurried along if we push it like that (with the beards).
Goldi: Yeah, that’s it. So I’ve heard… You lastly talked a week ago or something, did he (Freddie) at least congratulate you properly for officially being top scorer?
Leon: Mnnnnhh yah, but then had to say something dumb in the end again. A no-go I thought (laughs). But that’s Freddie as we know him and that will probably never change.
Goldi: Now, you were so punctual… (Freddie interrupts) Sorry, what did you want to say Freddie?
Freddie: Something I wanted to add. I didn’t congratulate (him) obviously but didn’t want to be rude so I said something dumb – to balance it out.
Goldi: I think you’ll be able to cope. Who’s the better golfer between the two of you?
Both laugh
Freddie: By now I’d say me
Leon: Freddie took two lessons with a coach where he chipped the ball 25 m and suddenly he thinks he’s Phil Mickelson. But no, Freddie is the best, for sure.
Goldi: Freddie, what do you say?
Freddie: Uh
Goldi:  What do you think (mumblemumble) Will you be able to meet in the summer like planned? Will there be a moment for you to overlap? Anything planned?
Freddie: Uhm, I thought, well, Leon has to say something on that matter, but they might be off in September, then I think we’ll manage (to meet up) for sure. But that’s Leon’s call.
Leon: Uh yah, so. I myself don’t know how it’s going to progress here. But I think for sure that I’ll be able to go home for a month or a few weeks after the season. And maybe the DEL will be starting off then too and I can cheer on Freddie in Cologne!
Freddie: (I don’t know what he said here exactly but) You’ve been saying this for years but you never managed until now!
They talk over each other a bit
Goldi: Because you’re usually back (in Edmonton) by now then?
Leon: Yes! Because I then have to… Usually I only see some of their practice games but I really want to see a game in the Köln Arena… sorry LANXESS Arena again.
Goldie: Now…
Leon: Otherwise Freddie is going to be mad!
Goldie: So you both are not that big on Instagram, you’re both a bit lazy in regards to social media (so that’s just the opening sequence again!) I’d say but your dog, Leon, seems to be an omnipresence!
Leon: Ha, yes of course! That’s the only reason why I am on social media.
Goldi: How do you have such a small dog? What do you say, Freddie, do you know him (the dog)?
Freddie: Yes, Bowie is super cute of course! Uhm… Personally, I did not meet him yet but am excited about my first encounter with the small guy (sorry, didn’t know how to translate this!) And when Leon looks the other way I’ll see what I’ll do with him but yes… It’s nice for Leon to have a loyal friend when he’s alone.
Leon: The best friend I’ve ever had! (Aw don’t shade Freddie like that!)
Freddie: Aha… After such a short time you say something like that.
Goldi: That’s what I was getting at. Leon, I heard you play (he said “zockst” which is usually used for like video gaming) with him sometimes, you put down a ball and then the dog chases it while you play. You said he’s the best defense man, as a joke. That reminds me of street hockey as kids, when you played with the Tiffels brothers, so Bowie is a Tiffels replacement.
Leon: Haha, yeah I just wanted to say. It’s almost the same, they (Tiffels brothers) also chase the ball (Freddie laughs) and I just thought to myself “man, what’s up with Freddie”. No, Freddie and I used to play at…
Freddie: Kirschplatz.
Leon: Kirschplätzchen, we always brought a goal and rollerblades and always took 6 or 7 other boys and then… played them 2 against 6 and the 6 boys always had a 9 point lead in advance and we always won 10:9.
All laugh
Goldi: I always love when you tell that story because you’re still excited about it today.
Leon: Amazing! The feeling… insane!
Freddie: I’ll just add… My brother went with us all the time too. And we had a theory. I became such a good ice skater because when we were thirsty… my parents lived maybe 800 meters from there… I always was the one who had to go get water because I was the fastest of us all.
Leon: Dominik and I just chilled… we relaxed.
Freddie: And I sprinted, always thinking how fast can I be home, maybe I learned something from that (as a skill).
Leon: Mh, I think so Freddie!
Freddie: Thank you!
Goldi: Ah yes, Old school in early childhood… brings quality when you’re older.
Freddie: yeah for sure.
Leon: Like the Russians.
Goldi: In the USA it (the season) will resume, here in Germany we’re a bit worried but what unites us a bit maybe is how the NHLPA had a say in the process over there and helped discuss how that would work, in Germany we don’t have that, what I don’t like because I think there always should be a player’s representative present to listen and maybe voice their opinion. What’s your opinion on that. Leon, regarding the NHL and DEL and Freddie, here in Germany?
Leon: I’ll just start off now. I find it important. Of course I understand the business part of it all and of course that’s part of it, the owners and stuff. But in the end the boys, the players are the ones who present the game to the fans and that’s why I think the players should have the right to have their own opinion and having things just bypass them. And, as I said, that players, who represent the game, are able to voice their opinions and have a say in things. And I think they are great about that in the NHL.
Goldi: So that means there’s a selection of players, for example Connor McDavid, a friend of yours, and you’re not part of it but there’s certain players who attend meetings, that’s how it is in the NHL?
Leon: Yesyes! But the players who are in that committee, like Connor, they always report back to us and want to hear what we have to say and have millions of conference calls and what-not. They want to hear opinions of every single player. What we have to say plays a role like that.
Goldi: So what do you say Freddie? Especially looking at the DEL, regarding planning or the idea of a players union?
Freddie: I can only agree with Leon, I like how the NHL does that. We don’t have something like this here in the DEL. But that’s what we are trying to change right now. I’m still new, relatively new in the league but especially the boys who have been playing here for years, they have so much experience and know everything about hockey and I’d find it extremely valuable if they could join in on the discussions. Because in the end we are the product and it’d be reasonable to let them talk too in order to make the product better. And I don’t know why anyone would exclude that knowledge, the knowledge of the players.
Goldi: That’s what I think too, interesting that you’d both agree. And you, Freddie. Were you excited to maybe being able to play in the World Cup, with a not too stable season in Cologne. Maybe you would have been able to see Leon too, what Leon might now have wanted (the sarcasm has to be pointed out here, they love each other okay) Were you excited or did you know after the cancelation of the DEL that the possibility of a World Cup was slim?
Freddie: Well, after they canceled the DEL it was practically clear they’d cancel the World Cup too. Generally, yeah Cologne had a shit season and I personally wasn’t on top of my game either. So I couldn’t be sure I’d be playing. Would it have been the case I of course would have been super exited about that! Niederberger said that, the World Cup is like the icing on the cake at the end of the season. We know the boys for years and it’s just great together for Germany. Great fun at the end of the season. And go into summer break after.
Goldi: Before I say goodbye to you and talk to Leon for a few more minutes, what do you say about his season. He sounds great! Playoffs with Edmonton, Top Scorer of the League, All Star Team, re-live the Battle of Alberta, that’s what we’ll talk about later! The hate in this duel! And so on… What do you say about his season? Are you happy for him
Freddie: Yes, for sure! Insane season! We texted, when we were younger, that’s just, you look up to all those best players of the world and try to catch up to them and it’s so crazy that he’s now on top of that list. That’s sublime. And just a great thing. I already told him, he can be so proud of himself and yes, probably I am also proud of him, yes.  Even if that maybe sounds a bit dumb (dude what no! be proud of your bro!)
Leon: Thanks brother. (In the softest voice, what)
Goldi: But that’s nice. Normally, we as hockey players, don’t say things like that as often but that’s nice that it can be like that. And not only you are proud but the entirety of hockey Germany can be proud.
Freddie: And the crazy thing is… I’d say we’re best friends and I am so close to it (him) , that’s why Leon is normal to me but so far away for others and that’s… again cool and so different in a way.
Goldi: Cool.
Freddie: (Jokingly, but who are you kidding with that voice) I’ll start crying soon. (pretends to cry)
All laugh
Freddie: Sign me out! For today.
Goldi: It’s not that bad.
Leon: Ciao!
Goldi: Thank you for your time! I’ll talk to Leon for a bit now. Have a nice summer and I hope your golfing skills progress so we can test who’s better at it.
Freddie: Thank you. We can then make anther video and we’ll see who’s the better (golfer).
Goldi: That’s how we’ll do it!
All say their goodbyes
Goldi: I’ll try to sign him out.
Freddie: Yeah, kick me out.
Goldi: Or you’ll hang up that might be easier, ah found it.
Freddie: Just do your thing.
Switch to Leon only interview (and that’s probably what you wanted to see^^)
Goldi: That’s how it is in life, you’re out in a second. You’re still in Canada. Did you ever entertain the thought of coming back home or did you think that might be to risky, maybe they’d resume earlier than anticipated?
Leon: Yeah sure, I of course thought about going home. But somehow it didn’t work out and the days just dragged along and the reason why I didn’t fly home… oh now there’s Bowie…
Goldi: Oh he’s there now?!
Leon: (Picks Bowie up) and yeah, I didn’t know when we’d go back to playing so I didn’t want to fly all the way to Europe just to have to return to Canada two weeks later. That’s why we decided to stay here.
Goldi: Did you chose the dog after your beard? They look kinda similar even through the bad screen.
Leon: I’m trying to recreate his look right now.
Goldi: Looks kind of the same. Do you have the opportunity to skate on ice right now in Canada or is it just work outs? Do you have different opportunities over there, like the Swedes for example?
Leon: Yes, I’m currently at my girlfriend’s parent’s house in Ontario, close to Toronto and luckily I found a small rink and have been on it for the last few days. The first two days complete “Hackstock” (stiff and everything) but we’re getting there slowly.
Goldi: That feeling you’re talking about, going back on the ice, totally stiff and feeling like you don’t have any puck control, is that the same for the Top Scorer of the NHL?
Leon: Yes! I mean, of course! Especially the first 15 to 20 minutes feel like you’ve never been on the ice before. And you think, if we resume, I have no idea how I’m supposed to play in this league. But it’s all coming back fast.
Goldi: Coming back to you being Top Scorer of the League, really great and I am happy for you, and it’s for sure great publicity for German hockey. But overall, this season is for sure something you can be proud of! Not only are you Top Scorer (if they say that one more time I stg), you were at the ASG, Edmonton is in the Playoffs. Even with the shortened season, how satisfied are you?
Leon: Very! Mostly because we had such a successful season with the team and finally made people pay attention to us. We played successful hockey, which is very important and personally I am proud to having played such a great season. But still I think there’s a lot of room for improvement and without the entire team I’d only been half as good. Big thank you to the boys.
Goldi: Room for improvement, that’s what you always say. Someone who doesn’t know you might say that’s just a truism you say because it sounds nice but you are convinced that that is the case. You work your ass off even during the summers. Working and repeating important things. You’re not necessarily the person to compare yourself to others, you’re more one to say “I want to get better, what the others do is not my concern”. Do you think it’s part of attitude, that one does just always go on?
Leon: Yes, I think so for sure. In my opinion, even if it’s a cliché, you can always work on yourself and better the little things every day. That’s what I’m trying to do and that’s why I know I still have room to improve. Maybe in points or goals that’s not the case for me, no one knows that. But with the small things: Defense, bullies, penalty kill, power play and so on. The small things where I believe I can still get better.
Goldi: Getting better, that’s what I talked about to you last summer. I liked you (Oilers) getting James Neal into the team, then I think you did some good moves concerning the trading deadline, Yamamoto, who had been playing with you for a bit, who played a great season, who fit right in. I felt like you were pretty set for the playoffs but now with this big pause in between… Do you think that’ll be like a complete restart? Like you won’t be able to hold onto that good wave or do you feel like you’re still the same group that knows what they are doing?
Leon: Yeah, I for sure think that we’re still the same group and that we know that we, as a team, know we are were we are rightfully. Rightfully so in the playoffs. But of course the flow as a team and as an individual player might be a bit over and I think I’ll speak for everyone. Two and a half to three months have passed since we’ve been on the ice together and that’s (the flow) is getting a bit lost like that – you know that yourself Goldi – but the good thing is that that’s the case for everyone, for every team so there are no advantages for anyone.
Goldi: One more question, because I’m interested and I loved to see it – Battle of Alberta. It’s always talked about, Edmonton against Calgary, a lot of hate and aggression but I felt like that wasn’t as bad the last years. Now this year there was a messy move that, in my opinion, didn’t get punished in a way I believe it should have. From Tkachuk against one of your players. That brought back that rivalry in a way- where I saw you with a kind of grittiness, putting in even more effort – How much fun was that or was it over the edge and not good?
Leon: No, that was phenomenal. What it did for the entire World of Hockey (around the world). Amazing and I think, like you said, that this rivalry had been kinda lost over the years, this Battle of Alberta, because both teams didn’t have a lot of success and both teams didn’t have a big reason to give the other any grieve. That just was not the case. Now both teams fought for the playoffs, both teams were successful. Same, or similar standing in points and then something like that happens and things get unruly and yes, I think that was great for hockey, for the NHL and it definitely was a lot of fun being a part of.
Goldi: I’d imagine! And as a joke, you kind of took that with you into the ASG, when you’re “Kollege” (fellow player I guess) passed you the puck. Did you know you were mic’ed up or did you only realize after?
Leon: Haha, no I knew! For that weekend, that was only fun and games and we were all there for the same reason and it was fun. The funny thing was our first game after the ASG was against Calgary and it just continued as aggressively as before.
Goldi: Resumed to previous things!
Leon: Yeah.
Goldi: Last thing maybe. How does the plan for the playoffs? Are there any specifics? Or are there no tangible ideas yet?
Leon: No. NHL is still at the beginning stage of planning and we don’t know more than you all can read everywhere. I’d imagine we’ll be able to practice in small groups on the rink again the following weeks and from then on I think they’ll look from week to week how things go. How and when the season will resume
Goldi: Thanks for your time Leon! Good luck for the playoffs! Do your thing! Maybe we will be able to catch up in the summer, play some golf – did you play a little?
Leon: Yes, a few times! Last weekend I went two times so my game is getting better too.
Goldi: You still got some time!
Both say their goodbyes and out 
I think I wrecked my wrist doing this lol
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Pen and Dagger
Summary:  Madness isn’t always a sudden realization. Sometimes it’s a slow descent, an image here, a flash there. The Author is living the high life, having fun, but his life is a house of cards and the Author cannot control fate forever.
“Batter up,” the Author shouted as his bat connected with one of the thugs’ heads. He flew back, not getting back up.
“Dammit, Artie,” Illinois rolled his eyes, walking over, “the Old Man told us not to make a mess.”
“I’ll clean it up,” Arthur smiled, pointing the bat towards his direction. “Promise, cross my heart, hope you die.”
“It’s hope to die,” Illinois glared at him.
“Yeah, whatever,” the Author grinned.
The two young men, barely into their early twenties were taking down a part of a new gang that had tried to move in on Dark’s territory. They were in an underground basement of a building. A new mall that had been taken over by the gang and all the shops were being extorted for protection.
Needless to say, Dark had been furious and sent his two personal hitmen after the gang. The Author, as he liked Dark’s network to call him, and Illinois were two adopted brothers that Dark trusted with all types of secrets and missions. Mostly Illinois got the information since he was “the responsible brother” and the Author was just pointed at people to hurt or kill.
The two young men got to a steel panic door, the last line of defense in the basement.
“Knock knock,” Author used his notebook to make himself inhumanely strong and then beat the steel door down with his bat.
The gangster began shooting at them, but Illinois’s own aura acted like a whip and knocked the bullets away from them. The gangster’s gun clicked uselessly.
Arthur just smiled at him, “You’re supposed to say who’s there.”
“Sweet Mary,” the gangster looked at them in shock. “You two are just kids.”
“Shouldn’ta said that,” Illinois clicked his tongue.
Arthur glared at his book, his pen already moving furious as he wrote, and the man’s right knee broke in half. The young Author stomped on his broken knee. “Let’s try that again.”
“I’ll give you anything,” he began to desperately beg as the Author began to take out a black leather bound notebook and a pen.
“Oooh,” Arthur smiled, the expression almost shark-like on him. “How much? Can I get my own private island?”
“Yes, yes,” the man begged desperately. “Anything you want?”
“Quit playing with your food,” Illinois jabbed, looking through the man’s desk.
“Fine,” the Author glared back at him, writing something in his book.
Illinois frowned, trying to pull at one of the drawers. “Huh, a locked compartment with no keyhole.”
“Well, start talking,” Arthur ordered, tapping the top of the notebook with his thumb.
“I don’t—” the man started and then the young Author was scribbling something and the man’s whole left arm twisted at an unnatural angle. His elbow and shoulder dislocated as they turned.
With a desperate scream the man tried to grab at his mangled arm but found that his body wouldn’t move. Arthur was just smiling down at him, taking a deep breath.
“Wrong, answer,” the Author grinned. “Let’s dig down deep for some motivation.”
There was another crack, and Illinois just drummed his fingers on the table, knowing that the other man was being a sadistic drama queen, but knowing that if he tried to move to stop it, the situation would only escalate.
“Just tell us where the key is,” Illinois ordered.
“It’s,” the man was stammering through the pain and his tears. “Magnetic . . . lock.”
“Oh, clever,” Illinois dug through another draw to pull out a magnet and maneuvered it under the drawer and it clicked open.
The only thing inside was a USB drive, tucked into the back of the drawer. Illinois held it up, “This it?”
Author smiled and after writing a couple words the man coughed violently. His voice raspy. “No . . . it needs an arming . . . key to be used.”
“So, it’s hardened plastic without it?” the Author smiled.
Smiling back, his first real smile since he’d entered the facility with Arthur, Illinois took out a good sized Bowie knife and carefully pried the USB open, and then stabbed into the circuitry. “Oops.”
The man looked furious beneath what Illinois knew had to be agonizing pain.
“You know,” Arthur looked the gangster over. “I think you would be perfect for my new book.”
“Wha?” the man whimpered.
“Come on, I don’t need the Old Man complaining at me cause of the mess,” Illinois told him.
“If I feed Bim, I’m sure they won’t be too upset,” the Author shrugged and with a couple lines the man’s body seemed to snap back to being whole, the room filling with loud, agonized screams that eventually fell into labored breathing. Then he disappeared, Arthur finishing with an overdramatic flourish of his pen. The young man jumping a little with sadistic glee. “I’m thinking eldritch horror, with a 1940’s gangster vibe.”
“You literally just described the Old Man,” Illinois rolled his eyes.
Arthur let out a very offended gasp. “I would never be so hackneed as to plagiarize someone else’s content when I am more than capable of making my own stuff. No, he’s going to be my main character, this monster is going to be more Azathoth and less Nyarlathotep. I bet he lasts five hours before I have to track down a new one.”
Illinois chuckled nervously, “You sadistic prick.”
After a couple uncomfortable jokes at Illinois’s expense, Arthur procrastinated clean up a little bit but finding the staff bathrooms, carelessly stepping over the bodies of the other thugs. Illinois however wasn’t too far away, making sure he couldn’t run and leave the younger of the two with all the grunt work. Using the excuse that he had to go to the bathroom too as a flimsy excuse to keep an eye on him.
Flipping, Illinois off, Arthur walked over to the sink, compulsively making sure his hands were clean and his hair was nice. Then he felt something, almost like it was dribbling from his eyes onto the skin just below it and rolling onto his cheeks like heavy tears.
Confused and concerned, Arthur reached up with his still wet hands and felt nothing. Only his own fingers dampening his skin. Quickly looking up, the Actor expected to see dirt or dust, or even his own unexpected tears of irritation.
But he didn’t.
Arthur startled when he looked up, in the reflection was a man in a brown trench coat, blood soaked bandages over his eyes, and a blond streak in his hair. Tears of blood rolling down his face. The reflection smiled, his teeth dripping with blood. The young man jumped, looking around him to find Illinois.
“What’s wrong?” Illinois asked, zipping up his pants.
“There’s,” Arthur began, looking back but only seeing himself again in the mirror.
“Did you see someone?” Illinois asked, looking at the mirror seriously, gently nudging Arthur out of the way. Washing his hands at the same sink, never breaking eye contact with the mirror. “Think it’s the Old Man?”
“No,” Arthur shook his head, even if he looked away the mirror only showed himself looking back. The Author didn’t know what was worse that he had probably only imagined it, the “overactive imagination” that his old orphanage had derided him for . . . or that there had really been something. “I saw someone.”
“Was he wearing red?” Illinois put his gloves back on and touched a finger to the mirror, checking if it was an actual mirror or a one-way.
Arthur shook his head again, starting to kick in the stalls to check that they were still empty. “It was some dude with bloody bandages over his eyes, and a trench coat.”
“That’s not good,” Illinois agreed, trying to look for any magic. “Least this creep’s got your flare for the dramatics. Think we should tell the Old Man?”
A “Yes” was at the top of his throat, but he ground his teeth down. “No, I can take care of it myself. Don’t need the old geezer motherhening me and locking me in the Void with Bim.”
“Okay,” Illinois allowed. “If shit hits the fan I’ll tell him though. If you’re good right now, let’s start cleaning up. I don’t want to wind up on the Heroes’ watch list.”
“We could join Yan, she looks like she’s having fun,” the Author tried to chuckle, taking meticulous care to dry his hands so that when he pulled out his notebook, his precious leather bound wouldn’t suffer even a damp speck of water damage.
As the two left the bathroom, however, none of them looked down at the floor. Two bloody sneaker prints were right in front of the sink, the print slowly fading away the farther away the young Author got from the sink. Leaving no trace of the incident, except for the festering echo in the young man’s mind as he tried to focus on clean up.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Will Byers Doesnt Have To Come Out To Be Stranger Thingss Queer Hero
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Stranger Things Season 3. 
Among all the weird and wonderful things that occurred in Hawkins, Indiana during the third season of Stranger Things, some of the more heartfelt and compelling moments of the show revolved around the characters sharing their innermost thoughts with one another.
When newcomer Robin (Maya Hawke) comes out as gay to Steve (Joe Keery) following the pair’s escapades in a movie theater bathroom, it’s a tender, realistic scene that makes your heart positively swell for lovelorn Steve and his plucky new confidant. After a bout of confusion, he realizes the girl he’s slowly been falling in love with will never reciprocate those feelings. He quickly accepts this, and thus one of Hawkins’ most epic friendships is solidified.
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It’s the show’s first official introduction of a canonically queer character, which is a victory for diversity and a fantastic step for Stranger Things, a show set in the ’80s. But the season also hinted at another character’s sexual identity journey: Will Byers (Noah Schnapp).
The popular fan theory stems from a moment that you may not even have noticed in the larger scheme of things — a tense, rain-soaked conversation between Will and his best friend Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard) in the third episode of Season 3.
As Will grows frustrated with how his friends are concerning themselves more with girls and less with their friendship, he experiences the very same growing pains we’ve all gone through at one point or another. He’s content to stay in the basement with his guy friends and hang out, playing Dungeons and Dragons just like they all used to. But Mike and Lucas are especially gaga for their girlfriends, Eleven and Max.
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Will doesn’t seem to understand what’s so special about the relationships his friends have formed with the opposite sex, and one day his frustration comes to a head. He makes a hasty exit from Mike’s basement, the Party’s hallowed hangout spot, and walks out into the rain to head home. It’s not like his friends aren’t sympathetic — Mike goes out after him and makes an attempt at calming his friend down. For a moment, it seems like they might reach an understanding, but in the heat of the moment, Mike exclaims, “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls.”
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Will is immediately taken aback, obviously reeling from the hurtful remark. The hurt expression on his face is impossible to miss. For a moment, he has no idea what to say. He feels trapped — but to what end?
It’s unclear at first blush whether he’s offended at Mike’s insinuation that he just doesn’t like girls “yet” or if he doesn’t like them period, meaning he could be queer — a slip on Mike’s part that he apologizes for in the moment. Fans have interpreted it both ways, and while it could be a simple, innocuous comment, it’s caused quite an uproar in the Stranger Things fan community. Is Will gay? Are we hurtling toward a coming-out story line for him in the near future?
There are a few ways to take this statement. One, Mike could be asserting that Will just hasn’t grown out of the stage where playing with his friends isn’t as important to him anymore. It can take a while for children to fully blossom into teenagers, and with it, find a sense of their sexuality. Will could be what’s colloquially referred to as a “late bloomer,” and could indeed find himself in the middle of a relationship in a later season.
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After being trapped in the Upside Down and possessed by the Mind Flayer, Will has undergone some of the most traumatic events of the series, and these stressful situations could have affected his emotional growth — making him cling to the people and experiences that bring him comfort.
But it’s possible that this line also foreshadowed Will’s Season 4 journey, as he enters high school away from Hawkins and the comfort of The Party. It’s possible the Duffer Brothers have began building the foundation for a coming-out story line for Will since the beginning. In the creators’ original treatment for the series, they described Will as a “sweet, sensitive kid with sexual identity issues” who “doesn’t fit in with the 1980s definition of ‘normal.'” This initial character description codifies Will’s queerness. Of course, things change from page to screen, and neither the Duffers nor Schnapp have canonically confirmed Will’s sexuality, preferring to leave it up for interpretation.
Speaking to The Wrap, Schnapp explained that he believed the line was meant more along the lines of not being ready to grow up.
“All his friends have girlfriends and they’re out dating, and he just wants to have fun with his friends,” he explained “You see in Episode 3, he just wants to play D&D in the basement, and now all of his friends have girlfriends and they are dating. And it’s kind of, when you hear Mike say that line, it’s really up to the audience to interpret it. I kind of just interpret it like he’s not ready to grow up and he doesn’t really want to move on to dating and relationships yet. He still wants to be a kid and play in the basement like he did in old times.”
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Meanwhile, according to Finn Wolfhard, the scene wasn’t always meant to play out the way it did. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, he noted there were “a lot of different versions.”
“We tried, ‘It’s not my fault you don’t like girls yet.’ I don’t even know if it had to do with Will’s sexuality; I think Mike was just mad and listing off a genuine fact that he’s not interested,” he explained, though ultimately acknowledged that it was “all up to the Duffers and what they want to do” when it comes to how the story will ultimately end up playing out.
While it would certainly be a transformative part of the series if Will were to come out, how do fans feel about that direction for the boy who vanished to the Upside Down?
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“I’m happy they introduced Robin as a queer character but seeing Will have his big ‘moment’ is kind of what I’ve been waiting for this whole time,” Stranger Things fan Tony Mattingly told MTV News. “He hasn’t really ever had a big, triumphant win or anything like that, and it’s like, ‘Come on!’ He deserves happiness too, and I think a queer storyline for him makes total sense.”
Others, like Sacqua Campbell, believe Robin’s coming-out moment only previewed what’s to come with Will.
“They decided to test the waters [with Robin,]” she said. “They wanted to see how people would respond to a queer character before committing to making one of the main characters gay, and now they’ve done it, so it’s time to see if the positive reaction gives them the ‘go-ahead,’ of sorts to go in the same direction with Will.”
All of the fan speculation around Will’s sexuality only further heightens the need for more queer characters on our screens. But positioning Will as a character with an impending queer “reveal” would make total sense for Stranger Things, a story about a group of kids coming of age and experiencing uncertain things like first love while saving humanity from certain evil. By the end of the third season, all of the members of The Party have found that special someone — Dustin and Suzy; Lucas and Max; and Mike and Eleven.
But just because Will may not be “interested in girls,” that doesn’t mean he has to be interested in anyone at all. Sexuality is a spectrum, and there’s no one way to be queer — nor is there a set timeline for these kinds of revelations. He’s 13 and about to enter his freshman year of high school. He’s moving at his own pace, and going into Season 4, he has someone new by his side: his surrogate sister of sorts, Eleven. There’s so much to explore with this pairing; after all, they’re the only people who understand each other’s trauma. Not to mention, they’re both outsiders. It’s possible that Eleven will be a significant part of Will’s coming-of-age journey.
Whether that journey brings him to a certain realization, we’ll have to wait and see. But Will Byers doesn’t have to come out to resonate with queer fans who so desperately see themselves in him, a kid who doesn’t quite fit in a heteronormative society. After all, he’s a David Bowie in a room full of Kenny Rogers.
The post Will Byers Doesnt Have To Come Out To Be Stranger Thingss Queer Hero appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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burritodetodo · 7 years
A Regular Show Epic Final Battle part 3 review
Parts 1&2 review http://burritodetodo.tumblr.com/post/156043910394/a-regular-show-epic-final-battle-parts-12-review
What the fuck happened!? Is this a joke by CN or what? Why is The Power airing? I'm so mad... WAIT! Rigby is remembering the fight before hitting his body to the wall? YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF US! The episode continues with Rigby remembering all the events before the end and Mordecai incredulous, thinking it was just another joke of his friend. In the flashback, we could see the box set was finally buried in the park and not sent into space. So Rigby took Mordecai to unearth that, but his friend still didn't believe him... until he touched the box set. They both knew they were in trouble, even more because the other park guys were erased. It was a time glitch caused by their interference on the Big Bang Brofist that reseted time and space. Luckily, The Power wasn't erased so they used it to "take us to the end/take us to the end/wo-ohhhh".
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Due to that glitch, the battle between Mega and Malum Kranus continued. Mordecai and Rigby arrived, Pops was pissed off because all his friends were erased from existance. Anti Pops shot M&R to Lolliland and then he destroyed it, leaving our buddies in the debris. The evilest guy also sent Titan Pops to a worm hole that led him to... THE NAIVE MAN FROM LOLLILAND SHORT UNIVERSE! Pops went back to his normal form and escaped from that place while confused because his sibling was trying to erase that universe too. He went to rescue Mordecai and Rigby from Lolliland's debris, dodging and destroying Regular Show's logo letters while they are falling down on his way! The blue jay and the racoon were in a worse situation because of a blizzard of post-its with all their moves, a sign that the universe was being teared apart: "The fabric of time is unraveling".
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Pops remembers The Seer words about he could make the difference: "I should have been listening to my heart this all time", said Pops to Mordo and Rigs. With a positive energy burst, Pops goes towards his sibling and hugs him strongly. The only way Pops could end this battle and the destroy of the universe was sacrificing himself with his brother: "I'm not going to let go". Mordecai and Rigby couldn't believe Pops was going to do it: "I promise this is a happy ending. Take care of each other. Goodbye". Anti Pops, during that good feels felt happiness and relief for five seconds. Both died feeling goodness. The battle ended and the universe became regular again.
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FLASH NEWS! Del Hanlon announces the Spark came back from space after a THREE YEAR TRIP. While listening to her partner, Margaret rushes to the Park to meet her friends. The Space Rangers were recieved like true heroes while David Bowie's Heroes was playing as background music. Mordecai's parents went hug and kiss his beloved only son; Sherman, Barbara and Don did the same with Rigby, only that Sherman was wearing jeans and finally being proud of his son!; this was one of the most gorgeous moments ever in Regular Show's history: Starla goes with Muscle Man with a little girl: THEIR DAUGHTER. MITCH'S FACE WHEN HE MET HIS KID!; Techmo recieved Skips; Margaret went to strongly hug her best friend Eileen; Celia and fives did the same, but their love hug was even more pure; finally Applesauce/Leroy came to Benson. You thought it was enough? RIGBY AND EILEEN FINALLY KISS ON THE LIPS! But on the other side, Mr Maellard was extremely sad because his son sacrificed himself to save everybody. After that, there was a memorial service in the Park, where a Pops statue was revealed and Benson left flowers. The Park crew splited up. Mordecai and Rigby packed their stuff in their cars and, alongside Eileen, they gave themselves the last hug and went to do their new lives.
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The Future
Mordecai: He goes back to art school and graduates. He gets a studio in which he paints abstract art (Bad Portrait callback) where we can see CJ and Margaret paintings, but also one with him and Rigby. He becomes famous and has exhibitions, and in one of them he falls in love with a bat girl. They have three kids. Before that scene, we (at least I) notice that Mordo was kinda depressed.
Rigby: He lives with Eileen and get married. They have a regular life with two daughters. Rigby keeps playing videogames but with her eldest daughter. There’s a Park’s house picture framed in the living room. He keeps the moustache he liked on Ugly Moons and looks like Future Rigby from the movie. Benson: Stays working at the Park, like some sort of owner and manager because Maellard is dead. PAM GOES BACK WITH HIM and, despite not having kids, they adopt cats and Applesauce's descendence. Also, the crew he is with resembles the “best crew I’ve ever worked with”.
Skips: Also still works at the Park, but he has a car repair shop too (Exit 9B callback)
Muscle Man: He and Starla kept on making kids and now they're six. Eight persons living on a, I think, bigger trailer. He couldn't face the Sorensterin's hair issues and goes bald like his bro and his dad.
Fives: he moved with Celia to Prague and both became DJs
A 25 year reunion takes part on the Park. Muscle Man and Starla have a grandchildren, Fives and Celia raise a boy of their own, Rigby and Eileen daughters play with Muscle ones, while Mordecai and his wife ones are with their cellphones. Maellard got a statue too, next to Pops. There's a group photo and then Mordecai and Rigby go find old videogames in the shed "for old cart's sake", thinking all their puns they did 25 years ago were dumb for their 57 year old selves. Pops watches all this scene from another plane of existance, ejects the VHS from a Hanatronic TV with VCR saying "jolly good show".
The end.
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On one hand, the freedom the crew worked with in this episode erased the fourth wall from existance. They smahed it, broke it down and demolished it this season. In this last episode they went Anti Pops and erased it. They tricked us with The Power sequence, made Pops go to The Naive Man From Lolliland short (redrawn by the animators and voices remastered for sure), the falling Regular Show logo, the blizzard of post-its, or the end with Pops watching the show on VHS like us, the spectators! Speaking of the short, including it in the finale was to me the way JG showed us that he was closing a circle he started more then 10 years ago and led him to do one of the best animated series of this decade.
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Mordecai and Rigby being the key to save the universe were crucial for Pops to realize he had to sacrifice himself to save the universe. Both Sam Marin and Robert Englund sounded so natural, pure and peaceful on their last dialogue. The levels of emotion Pops' sacrifice scene handle makes, for instance, Steven Univese's or Gravity Falls' (at Weridmageddon to compare) dramatic moments tiny (don’t offend buddies). This scene also had a Dragon Ball Z influence with the messianic sacrifice of Goku on Cell's Saga to save the Earth and all his loved ones to be destroyed by Cell-bomb.
This finale puts the straw very high for Adventure Time, which series finnale airs next year, despite being already done.
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The arrival scene, with David fucking Bowie's Heroes hit me so hard I can't listen to that song the same way for the rest of my life. It was the most accurate tune for that moment. Did you notice that aging was cannon? At least Mordecai and Rigby were 29 when the Dome took off and 32 when they came back. Continuing, it was good watching Rigby making amends with his dad at last. Muscle Daddy moment almost made me wept of joy. The crew expressed that part so real that you can't get very emotional on it (in fact, while writing this lines I remember those seconds and I have a knot on my throat). The pureness of Fives and Celia hug almost hit a double death emotional combo, but the Rigleen kiss was a triple death emotional combo. The Park crew should have made a spot for our emotions before Pops' memorial service.
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And about the future: I'm one of the guys that is okay with Mordecai's fate. Despite being a Mordaret shipper, the bat fan girl move was clever and they showed us Mordecai moved on with his life, besides returning Art School and become a recognized abstract painter. Mordecai and Rigby quitting their jobs showed one of the morals of this story: moving on from an dead end job may improve your life.
I was glad that Benson finally ended with Pam, they had one of the cutest Season 7 episodes and they didn't deserve that end due to distance. Benson deserved to be happy at least once and it finally happened! To sum up, the future life of Park guys was satisfying and it was a happy ending, as Pops said before his death. I have to regret one thing and that's Margaret, CJ and Thomas destinies in the future. They must have had a second or two to see what happened with them.
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The bittersweet end of Regular Show confirmed what I've been saying these years: this is one of the best cartoons of this decade and I'm glad to be part of its fandom. My congratulations to ALL THE CREW for making one of this year's events. Seriously, thank you.
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beatrixacs · 7 years
So I was tagged by @thewayshelooksatme for this info about me. And I tag @bertandtiva, @dazzlingstarlight and whoever else who wants to do that.
The last:
1. Drink: Beer, if I do not count water and coffee as my usual stuff.
2. Phone call: Mom
3. Text message: To a friend, informing her that Barbara Hershey joined X-Files Season 11 and it is so cool, because she was such a badass as Cora Mills in OUAT.
4. Song you listened to: Believer by Imagine Dragons
5. Time you cried: Sunday, seeing Usain Bolt ending his career.
6. Dated someone twice: No. No man ever steps in the same river twice.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Oh well... Probably? I mean, he was cute and fine, but he was a fan of my rival football club. I felt like I betrayed my colours. But it is a long time ago.
8. Been cheated on: By a boyfriend? No. If it is meant as a general betrayal, then yes, recently. Do not want to talk about it, though.
9. Lost someone special: Unfortunately, yes.
10. Been depressed: In that society exaggerated meaning – yes, a couple of times. Last time probably this March. Never been officialy diagnosed, though, and I do not see myself as a depressed person.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Oh God, yes and many times! :D But as I grow older, I check my drinking level. So it did not happen recently.
Three favourite colours:
12. Black
13. Red
14. Blue
In the last year, have you:
15. Made new friends: Yup, I did. Both in my closest surroundings and internet.
16. Fallen out of love: Well, I am not currently in a relationship, so no. If it is meant platonically, then nope either.
17. Laughed until you cried: Oh, all the time!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, both in good and bad sense. As I do not care what people who do not know me think about me, I do not feel offended.
19. Met someone who changed you: No, not in the last year. I have not changed, so... That is pretty much it.
20. Found out who your friends are: Well, I have stabilized base of my friends who I trust, so I do not have to find out who my friends are anymore. Internet-wise – I realized that some people are just not worth of my attention, if they are not paying it back.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Do not have Facebook, so impossible for me. If I had it and had certain people on it, then yes. I do kiss my friends when we meet.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Like I said – I do not have Facebook, so irrelevant question.
23. Do you have any pets: No, I do not. But I would love to have one.
24. Do you want to change your name: No, never thought about it. I have a nickname and that is enough for me.
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Well, since people can be assholes when it comes to parties, I made a day for myself.  I took a day off in work, went to massage saloon, had a delicious lunch... It was all about me.
26. What time did you wake up: I usually wake up at 6:50 AM.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was actually just going to sleep.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: October! On 10th, I go on a classical concert that is also a tribute to Les Miserables musical as it celebrates 25th anniversary since the premiere in the Czech Republic. On 16th, I go to a concert of Ennio Morricone to see him for one last time before he retires. And on 21st, I go to see for the second time musical Tanz der Vampire.
29. and 30. Where did you go, I do not have these questions in here...
31. What are you listening to right now: I am in work, so clock ticking. :D
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes, my brother is Tom.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Liars. Attention whores.
34. Most visited website: Youtube. I spent too much time there, really. Then Fanfiction.net and tumblr.
35. Hair colour: Natural – medium brown with green reflection I absolutely hated. Dyed – basic black mixed with dark red.
36. Long or short hair: Have had both, long although it can be bitchy.
37. and 38. Again missing questions.
39. Piercings: Do not have any, never wanted any.
40. Blood type: I have no idea. But I think that A. I know my father has 0.
41. Nicknames: The one I use for ages – Beatrix.acs. Other than that variations on my name Tereza – so Terka, Terezka, Teríšek, Terinka...
42. Relationship status: Single
43. Zodiac: Pisces
44. Pronouns: How is this meant? Like my favourite pronoun? Then probably ourselves – I use it so rarely. :D
45. Favourite TV show: Okay, TV shows. SHOWS. There is never just one and I will always forget one. Stargate, Frasier, Miranda, Sherlock, NCIS, JAG, The Mentalist, X-Files, House MD, OUAT, ER, Relic Hunter, Step by Step... So many.
46. Tattoos: Do not have one. If I did, it would be The Horde crest from World of Warcraft.
47. Right or left handed: Right all the way. My left hand is just for decoration, really. I practically do not use it.
48. Surgery: Never had one.
49. Piercing: Like I stated above – do not have any, never wanted any. If it is meant what is my opinion on them – do not mind them.
50. Sport: Passive or active? Actively, I used to ride a bike, do inline skating, rafting etc. Now, I do mostly yoga. Passively – wow, so many – football, almost all winter sports like ice-hockey, skiing in all forms, snowboarding... Athletics, motorsport.
51. Vacation: Sea. Definitely sea and especially in Greece. Though this year I went to the mountains.
52. Pair of trainers: My black Nike shoes.
More general:
53. Eating: Nothing right now. Looking forward to lunch. Generally, I eat a lot of meat.
54. Drinking: Water. I like beer a lot (we are beer nation, hey), wine, coke, tonic...
55. I’m about to: I do not know, finish this and start working? :D
56. Waiting for: Afternoon to come because I have to leave work to meet with a client.
57. Want: Massage, pool, cool drink and just sit down and read.
58. Get married: Maybe one day. I would love to wear wedding dress. But I have to find Mr. Right first.
59. Career: Secret agent, police officer or a lawyer.
Which is better:
60. Hugs or kisses: Kisses are fine, but sometimes hug can comfort way more.
61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. Shorter or taller: I am quite short... So probably a bit taller than me but not too tall. Like I have a neck to keep in mind.
63. Older or younger: Older. Unless the younger would be too mature for his age, but that is so rare that I do not think I will ever meet anyone like that.
64. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms. It does have a lot to do with hugs.
65. Hook up or relationship: Relationship.
66. Troublemaker or hesitant: Oh well.. Hesitant, I have had my share of troublemakers.
Have you ever:
67. Kissed a stranger: Yes, I did. I knew him just a couple of hours.
68. Drank hard liquor: Of course, I have.
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Do not use contact lenses. I have to keep my glasses on my face all the time, so it is hard for me to lose them. Broke them? Yes. Lost them? No.
70. Turned someone down: Yes, multiple times.
71. Sex on the first date: No, I am not cheap, neither did I ever felt such a strong attraction.
72. Broken someone’s heart: Apparently I did? Did not have the idea, though. Was told about it by others.
73. Had your heart broken: Works both ways. Indeed, I have.
74. Been arrested: No. I am woman of the law.
75. Cried when someone died: Of course! Damn, I cry even now when I remember Alan Rickman, or David Bowie. Or when I watch a year old cinematics from World of Warcraft: Legion and see Varian, Vol’jin and Ysera die.
76. Fallen for a friend: Yup, I did. Got my heart broken.
Do you believe in:
77. Yourself: That is how I live, so yes. Without that belief I would have never achieved things I have achieved.
78. Miracles: I do believe in miracles, yes.
79. Love at first sight: Rarely happening, but yes.
80. Santa Claus: No, I am not from the United States, so we do not even have Santa Claus here. The gift bringer here is Baby Jesus (Ježíšek). And I do not believe in him since like I was 8 years old.
81. Kiss on the first date: That indeed, I believe in.
82. Angels: No, I am atheist.
83. Current best friend’s name: I do not call anyone my best friend as I do not like to privilege anyone. We meet and talk when we have time, it is not like when I was younger and we spent every single second with each other. For a long time, it was Lucie.
84. Eye colour: Brown
85. Favourite movie: The Godfather
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