#This one is short because I haven't read Ch 6 yet
sadinasaphrite · 2 years
Whumptober Day 29 - Idia
Idia has a long night.
Sleep Deprivation | Defiance | “Better me than you.”
Read on AO3!
Fic beneath the cut!
This would be a lot easier, Idia thought, if he hadn’t been up all night grinding raids in League of Fantasy. As things stood, he’d gone almost twenty-four hours without sleep already. He smothered a yawn with a hand, but not enough to hide it.
“Brother, we don’t have to do this now,” Ortho’s voice crackled through the speakers in Idia’s headset. “It’s not a big deal if I miss a day or two of classes. If we explain the situation—”
“No,” Idia interrupted. “It’s my fault you’re in this mess, so I’m going to get you out of it. It’s not fair to you to leave you in this state.”
“It was an accident,” Ortho insisted. “A miscalibration. It isn’t your fault.”
Idia bent over the workbench where Ortho’s broken body lay. “Body,” wasn’t really the correct term. Right now it was more like an empty shell now that Ortho had been uploaded into the lab mainframe. A hardware fault in the chassis led to a miscalibration during flight class this afternoon, and Ortho had crashed hard enough to rip his body to pieces.
“I should have been more careful,” Idia insisted. “If you had hit the ground a little harder, even your black box could have been destroyed. And then…”
He didn’t want to think about it. Judging from the silence in his headset, Ortho didn’t either.
“You should still sleep,” Ortho finally said. “What if you make a mistake because you’re tired?”
“I have both you and the VI double checking my work,” Idia said.
“Please, Ortho,” Idia said softly, “just let me fix you.”
Ortho didn’t protest, and Idia worked long into the night. Idia drank caffeine every few hours like he needed it to live, and blasted upbeat music through the lab, but even that couldn’t stop the exhaustion from weighing on him by the time the sun crested the horizon.
His eyes burned and vision blurred and he sat back to rub his eyes. At some point in the last few hours, a headache had formed at the base of his skull and was slowly radiating upwards. His eyes closed. Just a minute… he just needed to rest a minute and… his head nodded as sleep threatened to claim him and he snapped upright. He shook his head and gave himself a slap to the face.
Not yet. He was almost done. Wasn’t he?
Idia blinked at the chassis in front of him, no longer cracked or broken, but still not quite done. There was still something more to do, wasn’t there? What had he done last? He was so tired, he couldn’t think, but he couldn’t rest until Ortho was fixed.
“Red wires into port B,” Ortho’s voice patiently instructed over the headset.
Oh. Yeah, that’s right. Idia’s fingers were slow, but not clumsy, and affixed the wires to the correct location.
“Good. Now close up the shoulder panels and go back into the main chassis…”
Idia latched onto Ortho’s voice like a lifeline, focusing on following his instructions as everything else faded to white noise. His entire awareness narrowed down to Ortho’s voice in his ear and the motions of his fingers.
“Close the main chassis and seal. Good. Now back to the main control panel, right menu, upload…”
Ortho’s voice turned to static in Idia’s ear, then vanished. Idia blinked at the holoscreen, uncomprehending.
“...huh? …Ortho?”
“I’m right here.” Ortho’s voice didn’t come from the headset, and it was only when small hands closed around Idia’s did he realize Ortho was whole once more, standing in front of him.
“You did it,” Ortho explained. “You fixed me. Now it’s time for me to help you.”
Ortho tugged on Idia’s hands, and Idia stumbled after him. That’s good. This was good. Ortho was okay, and that was what mattered. His eyes drooped as Ortho led him through twisting, darkened hallways, and he didn’t recognize his own room until Ortho was gently urging him into bed.
“Sleep, Idia,” Ortho said.
A vague grumble of protest rose in Idia’s throat, but nothing more. He let out a soft sigh and let sleep claim him at last.
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matcha-milkies · 5 months
Hiiii I'm not dead
I got a lot of pots on the stove right now, here's a quick breakdown of where I'm at with my WIPs:
Meteorite Ch 6 - 500 words, this is the next thing I've got slated to post as I can easily bang out the rest of this the next time I sit down to write. And I posted for Invincible most recently so I'm due an Omori update. I honestly meant to get this update out a lot sooner.
Little Spaces Ch 2 - 800 words, I know no one cares about this one lol I'm writing it for me and will probably post it immediately after Meteorite since it's another short work.
Walls Ch 3 - 4k words, some of those scenes might get cut though. This is not as far along as it should be because I keep writing random stuff for works later in the series HEHE HOOHOO
Buon Appetito Ch 3 - 2.5k words, I'm ngl I had a spurt of inspiration for this back in November but haven't really worked on it since then. I haven't forgotten about it, but it might be a while before this gets another update, as I don't want to rush it.
Unlikely Ch 3 - 0 words, this does not exist at all yet lol
New MarkRex fic - 1k words, will be part of a series alongside Unlikely.
My Owl House fics... one day I might return to those... maybe. I never forgot them. My TOH muse sadly went down the drain and I've been trying to snake it out for years.
To anyone reading this, thanks for all the support <3 It means the world to me!
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Volume 1
I'm doing things slightly out of order here, but I'd like to get to all the side stuff that came out prior to Tamers before I move on from Adventure. This is the first Digimon manga that came out (aside from C'mon Digimon which is contained within this release) so it'll be interesting to see those humble beginnings.
-So I guess this is some alternate universe version of season 1? (Or maybe like a beta version?) The plot feels a little similar to Digimon World where digimon are a battling v-pet IRL and the main character gets sucked into the digital world solo.
-In this version of the story, Taichi has a V-dramon. Unclear so far what level digivolution a V-dramon is or if it's related to Veemon. Zeromaru is a dumb name...
-Goggles AND a cape? That's a bit much Taichi...
-I like how doofy Gabumon looks in this. The digimon are way more cartoony and expressive so far.
-Full color and actual, red blood!? This manga looks fabulous on my tablet <3
Ch. 2
-More Digimon World vibes. The Holy Angel Castle looks a lot like the ice castle that you can only enter if you have a vaccine digimon in the PSX game...
-There's a "should digimon have human partners?" element here that we haven't really seen in the show yet. I feel like this question is inevitable for most mon series.
Ch. 3
-Okay, I'll admit, I didn't see the pun in "Zeromaru" (maru is another way to say zero) until this chapter. I hate the name slightly less now.
-A Tonosama Gekomon and a HolyAngemon are a pretty bizarre combo lol
-I really love the art style in this actually. Chibi-mode Taichi was adorable in this chapter and the colors are really nice as well. I wish we got more full-color manga releases like this one!
-So Demon is gonna be the big bad in this? That's kinda nice actually cuz he got majorly short shrifted in 02. Seems like his design is completely different here. Kinda looks like Ogremon...
Ch. 4
-I kinda like how the wild digimon get names in this. Since every digimon from the same species seems to be pretty much identical, giving them names allows me to become more attached to them.
-Only just realized that I don't really know why Etemon is called Etemon. I tried googling it and the Digimon wiki's explanation didn't really help...
-Pretty wild that Gabo said "God is gone" lol. Also, Digi-world creation myth confirmed.
-The manga's McGuffin was introduced: V-tags. I'm guessing the "V" is for "Virtual," but if you're going to call everything "digi" that seems to go against the branding a bit...
Ch. 5
-Okay Gabo's incessant "You guys need to act more concerned!!" gag is getting really annoying. He says it like every 3 pages!
-I had no memory of Deltamon so I thought he was new, but I guess he appeared in an 02 episode? He's really ugly. Also, how many samey dino digimon designs do we need!?
Ch. 6
-These chapters are super short and since a lot of them are battles, they take like 2 minutes to read. Perfect for young kids I guess!
-That triceratops with pecs was pretty cursed.
Ch. 7
-When the digimon are hurt their skin cracks like they're made of plastic or something. Kind of a weird choice...
-Another thing that differs between the manga and anime is that we see Taichi perform first-aid care after fights. The anime doesn't really show a lot of wounds in the first place and usually the digimon just rest to heal.
Ch. 8
-I was surprised to see MarineDevimon who doesn't appear in the anime until 02. I wish I knew more about which chapters of this came out when because it apparently came out over the course of 5 years (1998-2003) -- Edit: this info is thankfully on the wiki
-In this chapter Gomamon says that Triceramon being a data-type means he's a "good" digimon. In the anime they said that even virus-types can be good. So maybe that's more of a prejudice than a fact? (Or it's just different in the manga).
-Gomamon is so baby in this!
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Ch. 9
-This manga reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh! season 0 where everything is just slightly off.
-The digimon are more blatantly programs and apparently if you go inside them it's just a neon void? Also, I guess the 01 in the manga's title is a reference to binary.
-Let's see how much random stuff the digivice can do in the manga. So far it allows you to scan digimon for their HP and to communicate telepathically.
Ch. 10
-Already 2 out of 5 tags collected which means that this tag collecting thing is probably just one out of many arcs.
-For some reason the official release goes up to chapter 10 for volume 1 but the fan scans go beyond that? I'm going to stick to the official release because 10 is a nice clean end point.
This manga seems pretty typical for a game/anime-tie in for young boys. The chapters are very easily digestible and nothing too deep happens. The magazine it was serialized in, V-Jump was also home to things like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest, so the demographic is pretty clear. I'm really enjoying the artwork mostly. I wish there were more character moments but the reoccurring cast is pretty dinky at the moment. Let's see where this goes!
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Turn for the Better
Someone To Stay Ch. 1
Spencer x fem!reader
Spencer POV:
I open my eyes and glance around the room. It's darker than I remember. I must have fallen asleep reading on the couch again. I glance down and see a pile of books on the rug. Oh yeah...I only made it through about four books this time before I nodded off. I sigh in frustration that I'm awake. Might as well get up I suppose.
I wander into the kitchen and pull open the fridge only to be met with a jar of peanut butter, week old left overs, and a half empty jug of juice. Next.
I try again with the pantry. Almost completely bare. I guess this is what happens when you stop going to the grocery store. I settle on a cup of apple juice and a bag of chips... better than nothing right?
I slump back down onto the couch and pull my green wool blanket over me. As I stare up at my ceiling, as I begin to let my mind wander. But this was dangerous territory. I have to keep my mind occupied, I just have to. So I quickly sit back up and turn the TV to one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes. They say that anxious people re-watch the same shows because they find the familiarity comforting. I could definitely understand the feeling.
It was the weekend, which meant I wasn't called into work. Cases had been slow lately, as we spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork back at the office. Unfortunately for me, this meant less distractions. Distractions were good. Distractions were necessary. They are the only way I make it through the days anymore.
Things had finally returned to normal for me back at work. I was going into the field, and it felt like my coworkers were no longer tiptoeing around me. I hate when they do that, and it bothers me more than any amount of teasing ever could. I'm not so delicate, so easily breakable. Look at everything I have been through, everything I have endured. Yet here I am, still alive, still doing my job. I didn't need to be babied. So it was a relief when I felt the regular rapport I shared with my friends return. They had gone back to the sarcastic remarks and silly nicknames. I was grateful for it. They did, however, continue to check up on me. This was something that I did appreciate. They've seen me go down a dark road once before. I have no intentions of ever returning. I was stronger than that... I think. All I know is I have held on this long without resorting to any unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Coping mechanisms...oh how I wish I had something to make the healing process easier. Having a fairly empty social calendar left me alone often. Normally I would find comfort in the peace and quiet of my solitary apartment, but not quite so much lately. I couldn't very well make plans to go out, and I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that. Who would want to hang out with me right now anyways? I'd be a damper on the fun, and everyone knows it. That's probably why my friends stopped inviting me to the nights at the bar.
There I go again, letting my mind slip into a dark hole of anxiety. Its not a safe place to be. I quickly turn my attention back to the show in front of me, letting it drown out all other thoughts.
The ring of my phone quickly draws my attention away. Finally...another case! I jump up to answer, seeing the name on my screen: Derek Morgan. That's odd. Usually Hotch or Garcia call to notify us of a new case.
"Hello?" I answer, confusion lacing my voice.
"Pretty Boy! Buzz me up!"
Well now I'm even more confused. Derek never comes to my apartment. I quickly press the button letting him into the building and opening my apartment door, waiting for him to arrive.
As he comes up the stairs, he gives me a grin shouting, "Come on man! Get dressed. We're goin' out!"
I roll my eyes and retreat back into the apartment, Derek close behind me.
I sink back onto the couch, my eyes glued to the television as I tune him out.
"Aw c'mon. Don't be like that. How long have you been sitting there watching TV? Have you done anything else today, at all?"
I don't answer, I don't even look at him.
"Oh, let me guess. You've been reading all day, huh?"
"Wow, can't get anything past you huh?" I say dryly, regretting my tone as soon as the words left my mouth.
"Alright that it. You've been cooped up in here too long. Like I said before, we're going out. And I'm not taking no for an answer" he says sternly, raising an eyebrow at me.
I finally look up at him as I roll my eyes.
"You know I can kick your ass right?" Derek smirks.
"Fine" I concede. "Well...where are we going? I don't know what to wear unless you tell me what our plans are."
"Don't pretend you don't wear the same fancy button ups no matter where you end up going."
I let out a small laugh...he's got me there.
"Dinner at Rossi's. I know pretty boys are high maintenance but, hurry up or you'll make us late!" I smile at the nickname. Same old Derek.
You let out a sigh of relief as you watched your coworker approach you, ready to receive report. It had been a particularly busy shift, and you were ready to get some much-needed rest. You walked to each patient room, giving Clementine summary of the day and the latest updates on labs and vital signs. You stepped into each room with her, checking one last time to make sure each of your patients was doing well and didn't need anything else before you left. Normally you and Clem would spend some time catching up and making jokes, but she could tell you were tired and needed to be home more than anything. You wished her good luck on her shift as you made your way to the break room. After putting away your stethoscope and the large collection of pens, pencils, and markers you kept in your pockets, you finally headed towards the elevator to leave for the day.
You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by your dog, Juneau. She was a rescue you adopted a few months back. She still needed to make progress, but she had really warmed up to you and your friends and seemed much more comfortable in her new home. After feeding her dinner and taking her for a short walk, you heated up a quick frozen dinner and sunk into your couch.  Curling up in your blanket, you spent a few minutes browsing through different streaming services only to land on The Office, as usual.  Your mind drifts to what your next few days might consist off. You just so happened to land 4 days off in a row, but you had no idea how you would spend your time. You glanced down at your phone as it lit up.  It was your Uncle Will.
"Hey, whats up!" you chimed, glad to hear from your favorite uncle.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm actually calling to invite you to a dinner some friends of mine are having tomorrow night. I know your schedule is real busy. But I haven't seen you much since you moved up here to Virginia! I know you haven't met many people here yet, but I think I can help you make a start. "
The kind gesture made you smile. You had always been fairly close with your father's side of the family. He had grown up in Louisiana and met your mother at a college in Texas. You spent your childhood in Houston but frequently visited the Cajun half of your family. Uncle Will had moved away once he fell in love with Jenifer Jareau, his now wife, and you hadn't seem much of him the past few years. But as luck would have it, your nursing career had lead you to a hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. You felt extremely lucky to have family nearby, or else you would have been completely alone. But sometimes you still felt that way, which is why you were so grateful for his offer.
"That actually sounds great! I am off for the next four days, and I didn't really have anything planned. Who will I be meeting at this dinner?"
"Well it's some of JJ's coworkers. They're like a second family to us, and I know they'll be just as welcoming to you. I already told them you moved up here, and they've been begging to meet you."
"Aww I can't wait to see Aunt JJ and my sweet little cousin, Henry! Its been so long since I came to visit you guys. I think Henry was barely two years old the last time I saw him."
"Well we all hope to see you a lot more now that you're here. You're like a daughter to us, Y/N. You are welcome to visit any time you like. I know nursing is a stressful job, and it can take a toll. Its important to have family and friends around you when things get tough." You could hear that this was a genuine offer and you fully planned to take him up on it in the future. Being alone in a new state was taking its toll.
"So where and when should I plan to meet for dinner?"
"I'll text you the address real quick. Everyone is planning to meet around 6. It shouldn't be too far of a drive. It's one of JJ's coworker's houses. David Rossi. He's a real easygoing guy, and he loves cooking for everyone. He loves meeting new people even more, so you should feel right at home!"
"Sounds like a fun time. Thank you again for thinking to invite me. I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Alright boo, talk to you later."
You smiled at the pet name used by the entire Louisiana side of your family. I guess the north had yet to steal his southern roots. You hung up the phone. You finally had plans. It would be nice to talk to someone who wasn't a coworker.  It would also be your first excuse to dress up since moving and starting your new job. Too excited to wait, you jumped up from the couch and began to rifle through your closet for something to wear. You didn't want to be too over or underdressed. You grabbed a black spaghetti strap fit and flare dress and throw it on with some black panty hose, a lightweight maroon cardigan, and some black heels. You snapped a quick photo in the mirror and shoot a text to Aunt JJ.
Y/N: Apparently I'm joining y'all for dinner tomorrow night...is this too much???
Aunt JJ: I heard! I can't wait!
And oh my goodness, no! You look gorgeous! It will be perfect.
Also...Henry is so excited to see you!
You smiled, more confident in your choice. Aunt JJ had great taste. You had only had the chance to meet her in person a couple times, but the two of you had clicked right away and stayed in touch over text and Facetime. Sometimes she felt more like the sister you never had.
Starting to feel the effects of your particularly difficult shift, you start to get ready for bed. You wanted to be well rested for tomorrow. You say goodnight to Juneau and crawl into bed, snuggled under all the blankets. You fall asleep with a smile on your face, with the feeling that things in your life are about to take a turn for the better. You couldn't explain it...but somehow you just knew.
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