#This post was made by the youngest sibling gang
unicornofthemidwest · 10 months
Okay, but the fact that Gaheris is probably a misspelling of Gareth. The fact that. You're created from your brother's imprint and no matter what you do, you can never be separated. Legends grow up around you but in the end you’re just the same. You’re some kind of reflection forever, even when anyone else would say that you’re completely separate. You’ll even die the same.
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pinacoladamatata · 9 months
@coolseabird because you asked🤣 and I have far too free time rn and so much art and fic of her and I could literally post about her for days
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my Tav (who's real name is Tal'diira Baenre, who is also Minthara's youngest sister) [[I did NOT know Minthara was like... one of *THE Baenre's* for all of early access bc I thought she would just be like, a random/distant family member and not....one of Quenthel's daughters. But then come full release I realized Minthara WAS one of the daughters and had to basically face the fact I had unintentionally made my Tav her sister. and I had killed her at the goblin camp. and I felt sooo bad about it I wrote a fix it fic and modded Minthara back in]]
Class: Bard, with 2 lvl cleric dip
Baby girl is the annoying bard child of the family, she grew up idolizing her uncle, Jarlaxle. But given how strictly she was raised she became a lot more reserved as she got older (she's around 122 years old). She dyes her hair white, even though it's naturally black, at her mother's insistence. So similar to how Minthara mentions having a complicated relationship with her mom, I imagined Tav would feel the same. Feeling so weird about intimacy/safety because the person supposed to protect you most, who did protect you as a baby, also now tries to kill you maybe :/ but she has a younger brother (the true baby of the family) who she helped raise. I imagine her baby brother is like oddly softhearted and she felt like she had to protect/shield him a bit by being even More Intimidating so no one would try to fuck with her and by extension him. I'm of course like completely making this up but; I have decided the Baenre siblings all have a "yeah we'll kill each other but we'll double kill anyone who tries to hurt one of my siblings" vibe.
I really liked the idea of a high CHA character who was quiet/disarming/unsettling in the way they used it <- this was my entire basis for the character when i first played bg3 back in like 2020 lol and I happened to make a lolth sworn cleric and had so much fun that This whole fic thing evolved. She was raised to be a priestess of Lolth, until she fails her 5th trial and basically fled. Now furious that Lolth made her kill her wife, she wants revenge on a god, no big. So maybe several weeks into her escaping she finally makes it to the surface (see's the moon for the first time 😏) and is immediately picked up by the nautiloid, makes a new best friend (Shadowheart) and the rest of the gang drive her up the wall especially the vampire. So now she's unpacking all that :)
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Questions for the descendants au (I’ve been hooked since I saw the name, I watched the movies so much when I was younger) are you going to be doing the classic au thing of just swapping out the characters? (Such as Pony replaces xyz, King Ben becomes zyx) Or are you going to just use the general premise, picking out new (or additional) villain parents?
Tying in, since the main group of the movies is a set of four, would you be keeping that and putting the other three of the Curtis gang somewhere else, like Uma’s group or something, or would you just expand the group of four to be seven and have Uma’s group be other characters (like Tim Shepard???)
okay wait now my brain’s spinning to the third movie, where they bring in the kids. We don’t really know any kid greasers, the youngest we know of are Two-bit’s sister, Pony, Curly, and Johnny. So if you kept more in line with the original movies plots you could have Darry, Soda, Two-bit, and Dally as a core four and they bring over Pony, Johnny, Curly, and Two’s sister later
(just to be clear you don’t have to do anything with these ideas, I wanted to ask questions and then my brain started rambling and I figured might as well share them in case they were useful)
Hiii! Sorry this has been in my inbox for so long lol I meant to answer so much sooner
I just made another post saying which character was which including the socs, but pretty much I just put the outsiders character into different character's places and then added in different villain parents when I needed to lol. So here's a little bit from that post:
Pony is Mal
Darry and Soda are also just Maleficent's kids she just has 3 kids now lol
Two-Bit is Carlos
Steve is Jay
Johnny is Evie (just...hear me out on this one okay I was struggling lol) (and also since Mala and Evie are best friends it seemed fitting)
I needed to find another parent for Dally and Mother Gothel just felt right
And YES Uma's group!!! I was definitely thinking that Uma's Pirate Crew would be the Shepards
Tim is Uma, Curly is Harry, Angela is Gil
Don't worry they're all siblings so there's no weird romance shit going on between Tim and Curly like there was between Uma and Harry
Also I know Angela as Gil isn't very fitting but we'll just...change Gil's personality I guess lol
And it would definitely be interesting in terms of the plot of the third movie!! Since the core 4 of descendants is now the whole 7 person gang I think that they would maybe just bring over other villain kids (I wish we heard about more younger people than just Two-Bit's sister so that there would be more outsiders character to work with here but I guess they could just be more random kids lol)
I'll be making another post soon enough going more into the characters, their relationships, and the plot that I'm thinking about, I just need to spend some time cooking it up lol
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justmwahstruly · 4 months
i wanted to post about this randomly since I remembered not everyone knows Molly and Bennys new backstory for mob bc i changed it since the last post i made hehe
Starting from the top! Molly was rather young, just a girl! As was Benny, simply being a year younger than his older sister. Their little sisters were itty and bitty, very young! Also a year difference between each other, Tazee being the older younger one and Kizzy being the youngest. They weren’t enrolled in school yet, since Tazee was 6 and Kizzy was 5. Stay home children! Anyways, they went out to play a lot. Without supervision! Sure, there had been talk of gangs and such, but surely not where they lived. Right?
The girls ended up one day venturing a bit far. They saw a guy without an eye, and laughed about it. Insensitive kids! No eye, no eye! How funny! Like a pirate, even! And then they just ran off.
What an awful mistake for them.
Benny and Molly come home one day, to see their parents and sisters in pools of their own blood. And with their left (right?) eyes gouged out. In the blood of them, written ‘NO EYE!’ Of course, this was a most scarring thing for them to see. But their sisters were still breathing, and they managed to survive. They had minor injuries, other than the missing eye bit. Of course, the police were useless in helping them find who did it. And Molly was mad. She was furious. Who thought it would be such a marvellous idea? To take the lives and eyes of her parents? And the eyes of her sisters? To deprive them all of the figures in their lives that they needed?
Oh, she was furious.
She did her share of research, through newspapers and wanted posters and things. The Darlings, infamous for all having one eye like their leader.
Those bastards would pay.
After leading a bit of a life of thievery with her brother, and caring for their sisters, they soon became hitmen. A diabolical duo. The Melancholy siblings, well-known for their ruthless and smart style. Molly being the deadly, hostile one and Benny being the nasty, smart one. He’d handle business and she’d handle the ‘business.’ And vice versa.
Of course, they aren’t such cruel killers all the time. They still take the time to care for their little sisters, and to be good examples. Benny especially doesn’t want them to have to grow up in such an environment, but the life is the life. It doesn’t make anything easy, not even for the youngest. Of course, this does give them a vast understanding of things at too young an age. Sometimes they even ask to go with them when they steal things. Of course, either Molly or Benny us opposed and the other sees it as a learning experience. They usually do, but don’t take part in it, just stay hidden and watch.
And of course, at some point Molly and Benny hear of Clover’s organisations of people against the Darlings. And they’re immediately in. More protection, and power against the Darlings! Plus, they would have a better chance of keeping their sisters safe with a group than alone.
So. Ja. New backstory yayayayayayyay
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lemme thinks. Molly and Benny would probably be around 21 and 20 and as of the present Tazee and Kizzy would be 13 and 12. Ja
And the girls are swag because i SAID SO
(and also! Apologies for tagging you but! Clover mention! @chimeracarnival )
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echoarts03 · 1 year
I like your Garten of banban lads, do you have any more headcanons for them? (Stinger Flynn is my fav as well)
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Yes, I do have more headcanons, thank you so much for asking!
Buckle up everyone, this post is going to be LONG. XD
Heads up, some of these lean more into my AU. I'll put a ◐ next to the AU-specific ones.
Don't steal my art, or I promise I WILL find out and I WILL break your knees.
(PART 2)
Queen Bouncilia:
• This girl is a straight-up badass. She will put anyone in their place, including Stinger Flynn.
• I personally believe the kids in her pouch(?) are just her joeys that can't be trusted by themselves.
◐ She's kind of the mom of the gang, and the others would rather go to her instead of Flynn.
◐ She babies Josh to a ridiculous degree.
Slow Seline:
• Her head is in the clouds a LOT and she lacks a strong attention span.
• She doesn't talk much, but when she does the others are usually quite surprised by it.
Jumbo Josh:
• He is definitely the most neurodivergent of the gang.
◐ His best friend is Selene.
• He's TERRIFIED of Stinger Flynn.
• He loves cooking.
• Her patience is like that of a strand of hair.
• She's kind of an airhead. I mean, if you think a basketball is a student then there's SOMETHING wrong, don't you think?
• He HATES Flynn, and Flynn hates him. They both think they're the team leader, so that causes tension between them a LOT.
◐ He and Banbaleena are siblings, NOT romantic partners like some people seem to believe.
Opila Bird:
• She has severe anxiety and is CONSTANTLY checking over her shoulder.
• She's selectively mute but does make noises when reacting to things.
Captain Fiddles:
◐ He stays with Sheriff Toadster a lot of the time; they're buddies.
• He's pretty chill and just kind of goes with the flow. Nobody really has any complaints about him.
◐ He's the youngest of the gang and likes to drag the others into playing his games.
Stinger Flynn:
• Definitely the dad of the crew, but he's one of those dads who just ignores his kids until it's convenient for him.
• He has no patience for anyone, but exceptions can be made OCCASIONALLY for Josh and Opila.
◐ He and Bouncilia bicker like an old married couple, but don't say that to either of their faces or they'll lose their shit.
• Like I said in my last post, Flynn can change the size of his body at will.
◐ His normal/default size would be about 15-ish feet tall. He usually tries to stick to 6 or 7 feet, though.
Sheriff Toadster:
• I don't really have a lot of headcanons for him, but I do think he's extremely protective of the others.
• He radiates a weird but also nice Uncle energy.
(Headcanons may change as the chapters continue to release, so check in once in a while just in case!)
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megafreeman · 8 months
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The Bloodhounds
Okay so I've been procrastinating on making this introduction post for a while, but I wanted to make a post about Bloodhound; a gang I made for my Saints Row The Third paraquel story, Rose of Stilwater.
The gang is lead by three siblings: Anabelle (eldest, left), Gilbert (middle) and Arron (youngest, right); who hail from a small canadian town. With a base in a biker bar located between Barrio, Industries and Docks district.
The story starts well before they're formed with Arron, he was a member of the Third Street Saints in 2006 under Julius. He was really close with Playa (Lina), which put him near the main storyline of the game. Fast forward to SR1's ending, and when the Saints started falling apart after the Playa went into a coma, Arron ended up being one of the Saints that got arrested.
He was sentenced to 7 years in prison (lowest sentence for gang association, I assume with him being close to the main narrative and not as dangerous of a criminal as Gat or Playa, Troy would probably know him and argue for a shorter sentence), where he became rather popular with his inmates and formed close friendships with a lot of gang members.
Six years into his sentence, which would put it slightly after the events of SR2, he was eventually found by his siblings, who have been trying to track him down for years, and busted him out.
A lot of Arron's prison friends followed through with the escape, with over a dozen of them making it off the island in the process. The prisoners ended up being ex-Brotherhood members, the ones who managed to escape the Saints wrath by being imprisoned during the time. The ex-Brotherhood members reached out to their contacts in mainland Stilwater, eventually leading them to finding a refuge to lay low in a run down bar belonging to one of the former members.
With Brotherhood leadership being long gone, the escapees regrouped under the siblings, which essentially reformed the gang under a new management, and a new name, the Bloodhounds. Anabelle was the leader, dubbed as "The Alpha", while Gilbert, who made a name for himself in Stilwater's Underground Fight Club (known as Diesel), was her second in command. They were a lot more biker oriented now, but still rocked the red color of their predecessor (Maroon Red specifically). The gang was smaller than any other gang Stilwater ever had, with only couple of dozen people in it, which made them more family oriented this time.
With Saints being busy building their celebrity careers, Bloodhounds managed to quietly take criminal control over the Truckyard District, and the territories formerly controlled by the Brotherhood. They simply were trying to do crime just enough to support their big family and bar, looking to stay out of the Saints way not to build any tension between the two factions. Luckily for them, Saints were too busy being pop culture icons to ever bat an eye towards their direction, especially since the gentrification of Shivington and Projects.
They are involved in my Rose of Stilwater storyline, I mentioned their endgame in reboot sequel premise post.
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random-lil-illing · 2 years
Okay so I just got an ide for a ROTTMNT/TMNT 2012 crossover fanfic but I'm shit at writing so uhm here's the idea if anyone wants to write it. If you do write it please credit me/tag me/message me lol. You don't have to ask for permission just like, make sure I know about it/can read it thamks
Anyway, the actual idea is as follows:
Okay okay so it's set post-movie (like a few months later ) and everyone's recovering and healing their trauma and all that right? So they're all doing pretty ok but Leo's doing like worse than the others ptsd/mentally-wise and is very wary about like the concept of time/dimension travel.
So, Raph, Mikey and Donnie, being the good brothers they are, don't being up the topic around him, but they talk about it when he's not around cuz Donnie's making a multi-dimensional gun because since he's proved time travel, he also wants to prove dimensional travel.
Anyway so he finishes the gun, right? And so he takes his brothers (minus Leo) to test it out somewhere secluded. And it works!! And alternate veraions of him, his brothers, April, Splinter and even Casey (all 2012 mind you) come through the portal!! And everyones confused and excited so they introduce themselves and clear everything up and all that. So then the 2012 gang turn around to go home but the portal closed and the gun's not working for whatever reason. Shit.
Raph offers they stay with them, and then Mikey reminds them of Leo and everyone (-2012) is like 'Oh shit what are we gonna do'
And so they decide on a plan. The 2012 gang are going to stay in their lair until they find a way to send them back and tell Rise! Splinter about it, but make sure Rise! Leo, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE, finds out.
And the whole fanfic is them trying to navigate life while keeping the 2012 gang a secret from Rise Leo
In the end (think like a month more or less later) Leo finds out and freaks out but like a week later Rise Donnie sends them back to their universe so yeah. The Rise gang did get the 2012 gang's phone numbers tho so possible chatfic about that too??? Idk
Alyo since we're here basic headcannons about the Rise and 2012 gang!!
Raph: -Oldest at 16 (I like to think the movie happened a year after the show)
-Genderqueer, He/She pronouns, any terms (Fem, Masc, GN), AMAB
-Likes women (technically not straight)
-anywhere between 6'10 and 7'5
-ADHD and Anxiety
-Mom friend/sibling
Donn: -Second oldest at 15
-Nonbinary, They/It/Tech, GN/Masc terms, AMAB
-Aroace or nblw (Non-Binary love women) can't decide
-Autism and Social Anxiety
-Very sarcastic
Leon: -Second youngest at 15 (He's the younger twin)
-Transmasc, He/They and possibly Star/Starself, GN/Masc terms, AFAB
-Gay, the closet is made of glass (dating Usagi)
-ADHD and Insomnia
-Flamboyant af
Mike: -Youngest at 14
-Genderfluid, if you don't know then use They/Pizza/Sparkle/Brush, terms depend on what they feel like that day but if you don't know use GN terms, AMAB
-Panromantic Ace
-ADHD and a bit of Autism
-Therapist friend but at the same time unhinged friend
April: -19 y.o
-Female, She/They, Fem and GN terms, can’t decide whether AFAB or AMAB
-Lesbian, there was never a closet in the first place (dating Sunita and Cass)
-Probably ADHD lol
-Chaotic big sister energy
Cass: -19
-Demigirl, Any pronouns, any terms, AFAB
-Lesbian (dating April and Sunita)
-Unhinged and throws hands any chance she gets
Casey Jr: -14
-Questioning but definitely Masc, He/Him pronouns as of now, Masc/GN terms, AMAB
-Questioning but definitely Ace
-ADHD and Anxiety
-Has like 3 moms and 2 dads
Raphael: -Second oldest at 19
-Transmasc, He/Him, Masc terms, AFAB
-Straight (dating Mona Lisa)
-Anger Issues with a side of OCD
-Angry tiny
Donnie: -Second youngest at 19 (they’re quadruplets)
-Non-Binary, They/He, GN terms, AMAB
-Bisexual (dating his Casey)
-Wants to be unhinged but his Leo wont let him
Leo: -Oldest at 19
-Bigender, He/She/They, Any terms, AFAB
-Bisexual (And does NOT have a crush on Karai, it was gender envy)
-Acts all serious infront of his Splinter but when he’s gone he’s more silly
Mikey: -Youngest at 19
-Genderfluid, if you dont know then They/Pizza pronouns and GN terms, AMAB
-ADHD and Autism
-Chaotic af
April: -19
-Girl, She/Her and sometimes They/Them, Fem terms, AFAB
-Bit of Autism
-She’s either done with the Turtles’ shenanagins or she’s doing the shenanagins no inbetween
Casey: -20
-Transmasc, He/Him, Masc/GN terms, AFAB
-Bisexual (dating his Donnie)
-Super chaotic lmao
I don’t have enough headcannons for the Splinters for them to have their own category but basically:
Gender/Pronouns: -Rise! Splinter - Man, He/Him, AMAB
2012! Splinter - Man, He/Him, AMAB
Sexualities: -Rise! Splinter - Bisexual
2012! Splinter - Straight
Heights: -Rise! Splinter - 3’5
2012! Splinter - 6’1
Anyway thats it lol, make sure to tell me where I can find your fic of this if you decide to write it (or any animations/drawings of it either) <3
peace y’all
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jassygay · 10 months
Meet my GL2 ocs :D
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Ruby Jewels (Name by: @randomperson1638 thx you for giving her a name) a redesign version of an spoiled brat and she is not one of the villains ok she had no sins (she sinless btw) she lesbian
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Ryana an cute lil chunky oc ^v^ (Ryana is trans so she is born as a boy and change her gender to female) Ryana is a human
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Nature child, she died of being chocked by the vines and she became an nature angel, (she is aroace cuz she had no attraction to any gender ok)
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Pure, she is wingless cuz Darker rip her wings but she had a ability to fly without wings so yea she is wingless Angel (angels don’t need wings btw) she straight ally, made her from an art challenge
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Jason, he an demon, don’t ask about his skin cuz I made him from an art challenge of making demons, also this hair kinda reminds y’all that his hair is made of pineapple, so yea he had pineapple hair, he is also straight ally
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Plum, she is not a human she is a plum ok, also from an art challenge, she is pansexual
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Horror, y’all may know her cuz of my last post, she is half demon and half angel, her parents doesn’t hate her only other demons and angels, she is omnisexual
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Girl, you guys also see her in my last post from last month ago, an goddess of feminism, she is any sexuality of your choice, married relationships with Gender Neutral and Boy
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Holy, she is an faceless angel, she is sapphic, I can’t make a good pic of her cuz her wings are big, she an angel and I made her from 2 months ago during Halloween
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Eerie soul, you guys also see her in my last post too, I update her bolder thingy, she use the bolder thing to hit people in the head and kill them, she is straight ally again, she lost her husband and kids cuz people in Spain kill her and her family and she haunts men and children to be a family again or looking her family (kinda like La Llorona some you guys may know about her and people who are Mexicans also know her)
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Diana, my very old oc, she is lesbian and Jassy’s gf (Aglia hates Diana but didn’t know that Diana is Jassy’s gf) Diana is not a kitsune, a Wendigo, or a deer, she is an princess goddess of diamonds
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Miles, you guys see him in my last post, redesign version of bad boy, Neko’s bf, he gay, he is half wolf and half demon
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Jackie (name by @idkwhatthisisbutheresdcandstuff thx you for giving thema name ^v^) Jackie is a Hybird, they are half rabbit, half wendigo, half goat, and half human, (cuz hybirds can be any half species) you also may call them Hyona(not name by @idkwhatthisisbutheresdcandstuff@) but Jackie is still her name ok
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Neko, redesign version of OwO cat, Miles’ bf, he gay, he is an cat but he is 0% sus and 1000000000% normal, he likes anime
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Indigo, made them bigender, Indigo had been abuse by their parents for being Bigender but they run away, they are also bisexual too, Indigo is a human
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Ocean, he is not a human he is a train (old oc and he is my Thomas the train oc) he been taken by scientists and he was experimented and Demin, Cerulean, and Sapphire kidnapped him and took him and treat him like he is their youngest brother so yea he been adopted, he Omnisexual, he always wanted to go to the ocean
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Heather, Jassy’s childhood friend, Heather is not straight she is lesbian, human, she wanting Jassy to be back because Jassy been abuse by her stepfather because of her biographical parents had a divorce in few years that Jassy’s parents never get divorced they love each other and loves Jassy and her siblings, Heather join the detective gang
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Insane, you guys also see him too in my last vid, I update him a lil, Insane possess people and turn them into crazy psychopaths, he not an demon he is a virus
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Gore, you guys may not see her but you guys see her as a genderbend, Gore hates people but not her friends, she never hates Jassy cuz Jassy never do anything bad to Gore, she is lesbian, she is a Gorgon means that she can turn people into stone, GL2 had no snake hair for Gorgon ocs but we can use Brazilian hair as Gorgon hair, or other hair that are look like snake hair for your Gorgon oc, Gore had trust issues, crush in Jassy
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Realistic man, you guys seen him in my VERY LAST post of Jassy’s and his past, he was use to be an Seraphim(but without an Angel with wings that had eyes on them) He was thrown out of heaven because Heaven was attack, and was adopted by humans a group of nuns and priests, he been married and had 3 kids (Jassy is one of them) and 1 unborn child, so he is Jassy’s biological father, the reason why Jassy run away from her home because she wanted Realistic man back and become a family again with her biological mother and siblings and adopt Kyle and then Kyle got kill by Aglia and her unborn child is also got kill by Aglia(Yall know about Kyle) so yea he is an entity and an seraphim, his real name is Damarcus
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Hand, he is just an demonic hand with one eye, I try to make him but he LOOK LIKE THIS💀 hand is autosexual
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Antonia, she is a human and redesign version of gacha heat, she is lesbian and a wrestler, she been rap3 by her own stepfather but she beat him up and her mother kill him(her mother didn’t get a new husband anymore cuz she didn’t want Antonia be rap3) she had a gf name Autum
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Autum, she is Antonia’s gf, bisexual, made her from an art challenge again, born in September, Virgo, and her birthstone is Sapphire, she is human
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Moonlight, she is an alien, an star alien, she creates stars of an dead soul, sweetful, loves creatures of space, loves humans, loves galaxy, she is sapphic
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Monarch, she is aromantic, she is not a butterfly she a fairly, made her form an art challenge
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Máximo, he is an Brazilian, he a human, he is trans and demiboy, he work as an builder, support every countries
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Sea, daughter of Seala the sea goddess, Stari is her pet, loves animals in the ocean, loving, caring, and beautiful, she is bisexual, she a mermaid
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Deep, he also a mermaid, had a crush on Sea, pansexual, loves animals that are in the deep, doesn’t mind about humans, hates when humans taking animals and other mermaids
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Color, an entity of color, loves all the color, creates the whole earth with colors, painter, never kill humans at all he harmless, bisexual and nonbinary
that all it I had more ocs to work on :) hope you like them
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Oh and I definitely want part 3 🙏 I'm really addicted to this AU ♥️
Sure here you go 💞
Part 1 Part 2 of the Spider has siblings Cabin in the Woods AU
So the first few weeks in the Cabin are rough as hell
Quaritch, Lyle and Z try to nicely discipline the kids but it has little effect.
I don’t think Quaritch is above hitting his kids but he wants to earn their affection and knows that striking any of them will only make them hate him more.
So they do what they can. Like I said in the last post, Gunner has his “cool down room” which is the hallway closet with everything cleared out of it except for some blankets and pillows. The closet got turned into this because of Gunner and he does spend the most time in there but the other kids have all gotten put in there too. Ada for kicking and biting, Spider for arguing and trying to fight, and even Hunter got put in there once.
I imagine Spider and Gunner basically ganging up on Hunter like the “aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you ever just want to go ape shit,” meme and Hunter did in fact lose his shit on the adults and it was pretty terrifying for the entire household. And that’s what landed him in time out.
The siblings bond pretty quickly. Spider already had a base level relationship with each of them, and they all look up to their big brother, who’s not afraid to fight their dad and always protects them.
The kids practically move in a herd, all of them clinging to Spider.
They go to him for everything too, especially the things Quaritch tries to help them with.
Hunter has a migraine because he’s trying to read without his glasses on (before the whole family learns he has bad eyesight and that his mom wouldn’t let him wear his glasses because she didn’t like how he looked in them) Quaritch wants to give him some medicine and hold him close while he rubs his son’s head until the aches subside. Instead Spider swoops in. Hunter feels much more comfortable telling his brother about his glasses. He takes the pain killers Spider offers him, and they lay on the couch together until the pain stops.
I imagine Ada as being one of those kids that watched Tangled and decided they wanted hair like Rapunzel and so it’s obnoxiously long. She’s only 10 so it’s hard for her to manage on her own, but she will start crying if anyone even talks about cutting it (Z made that mistake once and it was bad. The adults spent hours trying to coax her out from under her bed and in the end they caved and had Spider do it. She came out in 5 minutes) Quaritch actually spent a lot of time before he kidnapped his kids learning how to do his daughters hair and was prepared to help her brush and style it every day. It’s one of the main things that gets him kicked in the shins. But Ada has no problem sitting for Spider. He learned to braid from Kiri back in middle school and is happy to help his little sister.
The stress of everything makes Gunner start having nightmares so intense he screams in his sleep, waking the whole house. Unlike in Blood Brothers the kids don’t share a room, they just get locked into their own rooms at the end of the day. So Quaritch runs to Gunner’s room and tries to comfort him but Gunner just screams more and pushes him away. The kid is completely inconsolable. Spider meanwhile is banging on his bedroom door for release, taunting Quaritch for all his inadequacies as a father. Quaritch wants to prove his eldest wrong by soothing his youngest son but Gunner simply won’t have it, pushing himself into the furthest corner of the room in an attempt to get away from him. Quaritch caves, picks the kid up kicking and screaming and throws him in with his big brother. 
Spider is smug about all this too. Because he knows it pisses off his dad and he loves that. He wants the man to feel like a terrible father. Because he is, and needs to realize that, and let his siblings go.
Quaritch on the other hand is formulating his plan of attack. He knows Spider is the leader of his siblings. If he breaks his eldest son, then the others will start to fall in line. 
Spider is on the edge of sleep one night when he hears his father walk in, locking the door behind him. Quaritch pulls up the desk chair to the edge of the bed. Spider pretends like he’s still asleep. His father runs a hand through his hair tucking it behind his ear and whispering, “what would your siblings think of you if they knew the truth huh? That you’ve lived with me for years. That you stalked them with me. That you wormed your way into their hearts long before I put my plans into action. It all looks pretty suspicious don’t y’a think?”
Spider whips around to face him, “it’s not like that and we both know it.”
“Yeah, but they don’t.”
Spider’s blood turns to ice in his veins, “you wouldn’t say that shit to them.”
“Oh but I would. I think you need to remember son what your life was like before. Neglected, abused, abandoned. I saved you from that. I provide for you, love you…”
“That’s different! I had nothing! They have families…”
His dad scoffed, “look me in the eye and tell me Hunter isn’t better off with us.” Spider couldn’t. The glasses thing, Hunter’s timid nature, like he was afraid of being punished at any second. And how in just the past few weeks his confidence had grown beautifully. 
“The twins' parents were good. They miss their moms like crazy…”
Quaritch waved him off, “they’re ten. Once they adjust to being with their real family they’ll be just as happy as before.” Spider shook his head in dismay at a loss for words. His father grabbed his face, forcing him to look up. “You want this Miles. I know you do. You want our family to be together so desperately. You love being a big brother. You love that they look up to you and follow after you like little chicks. Now imagine what it’ll feel like to have all of that ripped away again…” Spider had tears in his eyes at the thought, “….if I let you all go, then you will never see them again. You’ll go back to all your shity foster homes bounced around like your nothin’ until you turn eighteen and they cut y’a lose without a second thought.” He could see the fear taking hold in his son's eyes. He moved his hands from his face to the back of his neck, holding him so close their foreheads were almost touching. “I am never letting you kids go again. You know that. So do yourself a favor and fall in line. You’ll be so much happier when you do.”
And just like that, his dad left, leaving him with nothing but his thoughts and a hollow pit in his stomach.
The change didn’t happen overnight. It happened slowly, like a fire burning out, leaving behind nothing but smoldering remains that eventually cool and turn to dust.
He’d still argue with Quaritch but there wasn’t the same fire behind it anymore.
He still protects his siblings. Still listens to them vent about their fears, still comfort them when they cry
But each time he feels guilty. Because he knows they’re suffering, especially the twins. But Quaritch’s words ring in his head, “you want this. You love being a big brother,” and it’s true. He won’t deny that. He doesn’t want to ever be separated from them again. But the only way he can stay with them is here. And he just feels so selfish and disgusting because of it.
His dad walks into his room a couple of nights a week to try and turn his head. He sits by his bed, speaks softly, pets his hair. And it would have been comforting. It was comforting back when it was just the two of them and Spider would break down over the destruction of his family, and the trauma of being in the foster care system. But now it makes him feel sick. Because he still finds it comforting, but he also thinks his father is a monster for what he’s done.
Quaritch says things like, “I know you're happy here.” “This is everything you’ve ever wanted.” “You shouldn’t feel guilty for being happy. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with your family.” “This is how things are supposed to be. This is what’s right.”
It takes weeks, but little by little Quaritch chips away at Spider until he’s a guilt ridden wreck and then works to put the pieces back together.
Spider tries his best to act like nothing has changed in front of his siblings but they can tell. There’s just less life to Spider than there was before but they have no idea why. And because Spider is fighting Quaritch less, the rest of his siblings start fighting less too. 
I hit the character limit so I've got to end it there but I've got more so let me know if you'd like a part 4! 💞
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inkycorvid · 1 year
I keep forgetting to like, put my animations up on here?? So here's this.
Youtube description copy and pasted below for easy access however,
While in the originally video this was directly before the story breakdown, I'll put this note here at the top instead.
Nothing here is romantic. This was in a period of time where the iterators were seen more commonly as siblings, and this was the headcanon that was used in the RP.
Sig and Moon are Pebbles older brother and sister. Pebbles is the second youngest in the local group in this AU.
Flight, Prince and Pebble's relationships are strictly platonic.
Found family was sort of the main theme of this AU and I ask that you please respect that when engaging with this post.
Rot world as an AU was created by @fivepebble (Mata).
Alright so for context. (Process+Art direction)
This video is based on an old rain world RP I was in back in 2019.
I started working on this in November of 2019 and kept working on it up until March 2020.
I decided to sit down and edit what I hadn't yet added in. (Which ultimately wasn't much.
Though I did need to re-edit the warehouse scene due to a glitch) and cut the video off at the final frame I'd actually completed.
As mentioned in the video, I had help from another artist by the name of Kraehe.
I had a lot of trouble sketching out my ideas and the perspective of some of the shots.
so Kraehe would help by providing sketches and redlines for the majority of the scenes here.
With how inexperienced I was at the time I don’t know how far this would’ve gotten If I hadn’t had the help.
The total frame count for this video was 172. (Partially due to me writing out lyrics instead of using the in program text tool)
The only animation I’ve made since that’s come as close is my part for the Pliocene MAP. In terms of art direction.
Light yellow represented any sort of significant scar. Be it emotional or physical. Yes this includes things like NSH's symbol and Princes eyes.
(I couldn't fit this in the youtube description. The context for this in RP was NSH originally had a third eye, but an ancient tore it out and tore his puppet out of his structure. It's a point of trauma and bitterness for him. Moons eyes being yellow were symbolic of her memory loss, and Prince's eyes and visor being yellow were symbolic of her ptsd.)
Story breakdown
Some foreshadowing shots of both the rot and the lizard that would later take Pebble’s arm.
- Global communications come back online.
-The pearl that Pebbles would write with instructions to himself post-disconnect. (As disconnecting from his structure caused him to lose all of his memories.)
-Pebbles with his new arm. Sort of just a general scene of self reflection.
-Moon pre-rescue with a random slugcat. Most likely survivor but It doesn’t really matter to the plot since the entire rp was post-survivor.
-Pebble’s arm post-disconnect. An Overseer sending this picture to the global communication was an in rp scene.
-Arch of Prince and Post-disconnect Pebbles. They're in a shelter together waiting out the rain. Pebbles is having a bad time
-Symbolic imagery of two of the ancients involved in the creation of the local group. "Mother" (As she was called in rp) was also involved in Arch of Prince's creation and is deceased by the time of the RPs plot. "Father" or Reserves as he was called, was not.
-After meeting up with Father, getting Moon out of Shoreline and Saving Pebbles from dying of Rot for a little while longer. The gang goes to investigate what might've happened to NSH. Who had a system failure due to in RP events.
At the time of this, a new character had joined the RP and was being generally menacing in the global chats. When the gang arrives they find aforementioned character, Wings in Flight, attempting to revive NSH.
-Father and Prince work together to fix NSH.
-Father offers to create a new arm for Pebbles as well. Pebbles agrees.
-Flashback to just after Pebble's disconnected from his structure and attempted to climb down the wall. He's been attacked by a white lizard who takes off his arm.
-General rot symbolism :tm: of Pebbles method of disconnection. Which involved using the rot to alter his puppet. (I forget the exact details
-Rot symbolism 2 but Pebbles actually did get rot tendrils after a scavenger stabbed him in the back earlier in rp.
-Family Reunion Between Pebbles and Big Sister Moon and Big brother Sig. (The lore in the RP was that all of the local group were siblings, and Pebbles was the second youngest.) Flight chillin.
Probably internally being sad bc all his local group/siblings are gone. (In hindsight Neither Krae nor I thought to like, look at how BIG a king vulture would be compared to an iterator puppet. Even a taller one like Flight.)
-Time skip. Encounter with a parasitic device that just ended up getting called buddy. New character in RP. Took control of Flights Puppet and caused him to attack the others. Pebbles defends his family. Realizes that something is going on and is yoinked by a vulture that the gang uses to escape after Flight manages to let go of him.
-Flight watches. Scene changes to a warehouse that Buddy wanted to go to for some reason (I do not remember why.) Scavenger slaughter occurred here.
-See in video text -Buddy is killed by Pebbles using an explosive spear. Flight got decapitated in the fight.
The gang does questionably ethical things to revive him. ect ect.
This doesn't cover the entirety of the RP, there were some other things that happened but this was sort of the big, main plot of it when we were most active in writing it.
A little silly, a little weird. But it's still special to me. Both the base game and this AU had some major impacts on my life and happy to finally share this after leaving it to just sit on my PC for three years.
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jedidiahxowens · 1 year
ꕀ ᐝ 𖠳 pete wentz, cis male, he/him 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ ‷ heads up ; if you hear bishop's knife trick by fall out boy blaring, it’s most likely jedidiah (jed) owens making their way down the shore ! they’re 43 years old and celebrate their birthday on 10/9- i knew they were a libra ! especially since they’re very intelligent and indecisive. they are from dillon, texas staying in the cove and are currently working as a house band bassist at aretha's corner, here at the cape. they always did remind me of the buzzing glow of a neon sign in the dark, the feeling when you get off a rollercoaster and had the time off your life, and the desert wind in your hair as you speed down the open highway.‷
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full name: jedidiah ezekiel lewis owens
nickname(s): jed, jj (taluluah/sibs only)
date of birth: 10-9-1980
gender: cis man (he/him)
sexual orientation: pansexual
spoken languages: english, conversational in patois (Jamaican secondary language)
neighbourhood: the cove
occupation: house bassist @ aretha's
hair colour / eye colour: naturally black/bleached blonde / hazel
height: 5 ft 6in
body and built: slim, atheletic
tattoos: (will provide a second post but all of the FCs tattoos)
piercings: tongue, left nostril
positive trait(s): intelligent, creative
negative trait(s): indecisive, stubborn
his dad, a jamaican man named leroy, disappeared the day his mother told him she was pregnant with jed.
jed is tallulah (he calls her loulou) owens' oldest (half) brother.
he acted out growing up, getting into trouble, tattoos and drugs way too young.
at the age of 15, he got into some trouble with a local gang. he asked his step dad for help and he threw a bottle at his head.
jed stole what cash his step-dad had left and settled with the gang.
when the dust settled from that, he realized he didn't want his younger sibs to feel the way he felt when he asked for help and was refused, so he took on the role of man of the house and quit everything (but weed) cold turkey and got a job the day he turned 16.
jed never graduated high school, but he provided a steady source of support and income for his siblings.
he stayed till the youngest brother left home and then he himself traveled (read: couch surfed and hitchhiked across the country, but when tallulah moved here, he came to visit and never left.
currently lives in the small guest house on her property.
jed loves all kinds of music with the exception of country. it grates his nerves like nothing else.
he only ended up playing bass because he won a bass when he was 17 off a poker game with friends. he taught himself and played in a few shitty bands here and there, but never made it big.
he writes (dark) poetry daily.
he DIYs 99% of his clothes. he'll buy a plain shirt, jeans, or hoodie and create something sweet. he started in high school with sharpies and it expanded into cricuts and a screenprinting set up in his little guest house.
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turtles-n--cats · 2 years
Warriors AU: 2012 gang pt1
We’re starting with 2012 because they’re the ones i have the most fleshed out appearance/story-wise, and will also be the initial focus of the AU
keep in mind two things as you look through these pictures: -ONE!!! i know very little about cat genetics, so im mostly ignoring it much the actual warrior cats series does. -TWO!!! imma end up mentioning a few cats who won’t be shared in this post. I’ll get to them in a later post.
edit: art is all done. Credit for the bases used goes to Rockyspotted on deviantART
this one’s gunna be a bit of a long post, so info below the cut!!!
Splinter, aka “Magnoliaclaw“: his name is symbolic and a reference to his clan name “Hamato”, which according to the brief google search i did, means “Noble”. Magnolia’s are symbolic of nobilty, as well as purity and perfection. He’s a brown classic tabby
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he was born into Nightclan, and in this au is the actual brother of 2012 shredder (formerly Poppystrike before taking the title of Shredderstar) he left to join Sunclan after a falling out with Poppystrike when they were young warriors, and took Spiritpond (Tang Shen) with him. In this au, Leo/Raph/Mikey/Donnie are all his bio kids in edition to Karai. Karai is still stolen, raised by Shredder, and believed to be dead, though it plays out differently than the show (a given XD)
Leo, aka “Bravepaw”: I’ve mentioned in a previous post that the rise gang is the youngest, all apprenticed aged at the start of the au. Leo’s name is a referance to his nickname “fearless”. He’s a lynx-point spotted tabby (like his mom uwu) with blue eyes
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I’ve got a warrior name picked out for him (and all his siblings actually) but those get to stay a secret for now. He was stolen along with Karai as a kit, though Splinter managed to get him back (barely).  His mentor is his dad, 2012 Splinter/Magnoliaclaw
Raph, aka “Pricklepaw”: he’s got a bit of a prickly personality at first glance. Raph looks the most like their dad, also a brown classic tabby with green eyes
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Because of how closely he resembles his father, the two are often compared. Raph’s got a bit of a complex about it because nothing he does ever seems to live up to expectations. His mentor is 03 Casey, Eagleheart
Donnie, aka “Tallpaw”: Him and Mikey both got physical descriptor names, while Raph and Leo got personality descriptors. He’s a silver classic tabby with orangish-brownish eyes
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Second youngest but easily the tallest of of his siblings. He’s a clever apprentice, but has a tendency to get frustrated when things don’t come easily to him. His mentor is Bayverse Donnie, aka “Whisperwatcher”
Mikey, aka “Frecklepaw”: there was no way i wasn’t giving 2012 Mikey a way to keep his freckles. He’s an orange spotted tabby with greenish-blue eyes, and white on his lower muzzle
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A quick study, Mikey excels in his training, often to the frustration of his brothers. He gets along pretty well with most of his clanmates, tho he has a penchant for trying to befriend any rogues or loners he comes across. His mentor is Rise April, aka “Sunflowerpounce” (and she’s also the first of the Rise gang to be made a mentor XD)
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hatlordave · 2 years
Warriors AU: 2012 gang pt1
We’re starting with 2012 because they’re the ones i have the most fleshed out appearance/story-wise. 
keep in mind two things as you look through these pictures: -ONE!!! i know very little about cat genetics, so im mostly ignoring it much the actual warrior cats series does. -TWO!!! i prioritized fur-color and markings. a lot of the eye colors DONT match up. I’ll replace all these images with my own art later -AND THREE!!! imma end up mentioning a few cats who won’t be shared in this post. I’ll get to them in a later post. 
edit: art is all done. Credit for the bases used goes to Rockyspotted on deviantART
this one’s gunna be a bit of a long post, so info below the cut!!!
Splinter, aka “Magnoliaclaw“: his name is symbolic and a reference to his clan name “Hamato”, which according to the brief google search i did, means “Noble”. Magnolia’s are symbolic of nobilty, as well as purity and perfection. He’s a brown classic tabby
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he was born into Nightclan, and in this au is the actual brother of 2012 shredder (formerly Poppystrike before taking the title of Shredderstar) he left to join Sunclan after a falling out with Poppystrike when they were young warriors, and took Spiritpond (Tang Shen) with him. In this au, Leo/Raph/Mikey/Donnie are all his bio kids in edition to Karai. Karai is still stolen and raised by Shredder and believed to be dead. Leo, aka “Bravepaw”: I’ve mentioned in a previous post that the rise gang is the youngest, all apprenticed aged at the start of the au. Leo’s name is a referance to his nickname “fearless”. He’s a lynx-point spotted tabby (like his mom uwu) with blue eyes
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I’ve got a warrior name picked out for him (and all his siblings actually) but those get to stay a secret for now. His mentor is his dad, 2012 Splinter/Magnoliaclaw
Raph, aka “Pricklepaw”: he’s got a bit of a prickly personality at first glance. Raph looks the most like their dad, also a brown classic tabby with green eyes
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his mentor is 03 Casey, whom i don’t have a warrior name for yet
Donnie, aka Tallpaw: him and Mikey both got physical descriptor names, while Raph and Leo got personality descriptors. He’s a silver classic tabby with orangish-brownish eyes
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his mentor is bayverse Donnie, aka “Whisperwatcher”
Mikey, aka “Frecklepaw”: there was no way i wasn’t giving 2012 Mikey a way to keep his freckles. He’s an orange spotted tabby with greenish-blue eyes
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His mentor is Rise April, aka “Sunflowerpounce” (and she’s also the first of the Rise gang to be made a mentor XD)
part 2 will cover Casey, April, Karai and a few others
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axolotlbottle · 1 year
❝Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained❞ - Jonathan Harnisch
Samuel "Junior" Sunglint
This is Junior! He's my oc that is the son of BenxSally, but in my universe ✨️ In this version, Ben & Sally knew each other since middle school, (maybe became more aquainted in highschool, and then went in to be college sweethearts) grew up, got married & had 3 children 💕 Junior being the youngest of the bunch. I absolutely love Ben x sally, so it was fun to design one of their children! (My friend designed the older two) Also, I imagine that if Sally grew up, she would be a sweet elementary school teacher & ben would have been some sort of early-internet wiz & programmer! ༉‧₊˚✧
ⓘ NOTE: BEN/SALLY do not belong to us, obviously. Therefore, our children for them are not canon to ben/sally's original lore (canon in me & my besties universe though) nor should be taken as such. Sally belongs to @la-mishi-mish & Ben belongs to Alex Hall. We will not in any shape or form claim their parents to be our own characters. 💚💖.
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He looks identical to his mother, Sally & loved her dearly (he especially loved it when she made cute outfits for his stuffed frog walter) . Though he is a HUGE daddy's boy, hence being very clingy onto his father, Ben. ( Ben spoils him in return.) He didn't get along with his older siblings. His older brother Benji was stuck up indoors playing videogames & his older sister preferred staying indoors with her dolls & such. Junior is the only child who despised being stuck inside 24/7 and loved the outdoors as his second home. He often got ganged up on by them, but he had his parents to back him up lol.
Yes, unfortunately, Junior is deceased. His other family members' whereabouts are unknown to him. Unbeknownst to him & the outside world, all of them are deceased except his older brother, Benji, who has been missing since [REDACTED].
I would NOT call nor refer to him as a ghost-child. He isn't vengeful, nor does he "haunt" the location he died at. He rarely appears in a ghostly/undead form. Being trapped as a "spirit" is depressing & he has mourned greatly. But luckily he found comfort in being able to "live" in an environment he loves. He resides in a cabin at an undisclosed location, where all his trinkets & belongings mysteriously appeared there. He continues to collect trinkets & his hobbies, having hope the spirits of his parents will find him one day. If other alive hikers / travelers come by, he typically ignores them or "dissappears." He's still very much new to being a "spirit" after all, he can barely understand the quirks of it being a child and all :P. He doesn't like to interact with others like him either. The most he can do is levitate, but that freaks him out so he rarely does it!!
I associate the crowcore aesthetic with him very much. And also the song "Ends of the earth" by lord Huron.
I found a cute art style on Pinterest and wanted to recreate it with Junior , and I think I did a decent job.
I also posted this on Instagram but had to limit it because instagram has too many limits on their posts. However I did add some vids there that I associated with Junior!! Regardless, this is all I have for now. I just wanted to share it here to get a lot of info out there. Thank you if you have read this far :).
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bubblegumxemo · 2 years
Not So Vampy Challenge
posted on old tumblr, deleted a tumblr that was linked to it, which deleted all my tumblrs... annoying but here it is!
The Not So Vampy Challenge! (Inspired by the not so berry challenge by lilsimsie)
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Starter rules
Max out vampire lore on every heir/heiress which is 15 levels btw
Must have family live in the same house for every generation in forgotten hollow
if sim dies put his/her/their gravestone in backyard
Vlad's ghost would be fun to have around and befriend his descendants.
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Generation 1: Pink
Growing up in the human world you always read every vampire book ever. Whether it was twilight or the infamous Vlad Straud. You were obsessed! You just were really interested in vampires and with your evil side it was not so good. So as a young adult you move to the mysterious town of forgotten hollow and find out that Vampires are real! In fact, You meet Vlad himself! This is when you realize your true fascination with vampires. You want to be one. Mix that with your villainous career as a criminal and you got one dangerous vampire.
Traits: Ambitious, Hot headed, and Evil
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: Criminal
Branch: Boss
skills to max:
Pipe Organ
Vampire Lore
Things to Achieve
Become vampire from Vlad
Cannot have children until vampire lore level 9
Must do dark meditation once a day everyday
Master Criminal Career
Have 1 kid with Vlad and take over his empire then kill Vlad (vlad must also have mastered all vampire things like have all the perks and even accomplished the aspirations just not the good vampire one)
Must drink blood and kill 8 other sims
Turn 7 sims into Vampires and have them be your cronies in your vamp gang (get together is useful)
Master Aspiration
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Generation 2: Purple
You were conceived by wanting power. Your Mom/Father was always busy with work and never bothered to pay attention to you. In fact you didn't even have siblings to play with. Other than that you're pretty much the black sheep of your family. They're all evil while you're good. So since you were pretty much alone most of your life, You decided to pick up a paint brush. You were really good at it too. Painting went from hobby to passion. As a young adult you also realize that you don't want your kids to feel the way you felt.
Traits: Good, Art Lover, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Good Vampire
Career: Painter
Branch: Master of the real
Skills to max:
Vampire Lore
Things to Achieve:
Master Painter Career
Be good friends with all of your kids
Have 3 kids
Master Aspiration
Have a Knitting Hobby, Complete at least one item from each collection, ie, one beanie, one pair of socks, a rug etc. Make at least 5,000 simoleons on this…
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Generation 3: Blue
Growing up you felt smothered by your parents. You've always wanted adventure and suddenly you started attending classes at the local university where you meet someone. You both fall madly in love and shower each other in affection. After Uni you guys take a trip to mount. Komorebi where they have family there and there you had a slip up, after 9 months you have 5 kids in one go. Quintuplets are hard, but it's a challenge you're willing to take.
Traits: Adventurous, Active, Romantic
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Athlete
Branch: Professional Athlete
Skills to max:
rock climbing
Vampire lore
Things to achieve:
Master Career
Have 5 kids with same lover/Partner (you can cheat this, since it's 5 kids)
master aspiration
keep active lifestyle
make sure last child is a vampire though to keep this challenge going
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Generation 4: Green
Being the youngest of 5 kids wasn't what you had in mind. Although it had perks. all your siblings and their friends were your friends so you were never alone. In fact you never once made a friend alone. It was always family or their friends. So 10 year old you decide to rebel by breaking curfew and go out to the abandoned ruins to then meet your new best friend (and future lover). They find out you're a vampire and want you to turn them. You tell them to wait after high school before uni to turn them, and when you finally turn them before the first year of uni you then realize they didn't want to stay with you forever and used you for immortality. While you're pregnant with his kid? The audacity.
Traits: Outgoing, Gloomy, Bookworm
Aspiration: Social Butterfly as kid, then aged up to have soulmate as teen, date the jerk, then bestselling author as a young adult
Career: Writer
Branch: Author
Skills to max:
vampire lore
Things to Achieve:
Master Aspiration
Master Career
Meet future lover at abandoned ruins around 12pm while family is sleeping as a kid
Gets caught by previous heir and gets grounded for a month
Gets dumped while pregnant
Have a baby girl
Cry everyday
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Generation 5: Black
While you were always around your mom because she said your dad left. You still weren't very close to her either. She was always depressed which made you look at the brighter side of things. However you were too smart whereas you didn't have friends either from the countless times you've brought up random facts and corrected them on something. You tried countless times to cheer her up but nothing ever worked. As a Teen your mom ended up dying from a broken heart. So to drown out your own sorrows of losing your mom you cooked until you found out everything you made tasted amazing. You started studying it more which caused you to realize you loved food! You went from just regular cooking to baking to gourmet cooking! you tried everything! You know the rat chef in Ratatouille, Remy? You're him! except a vampire.
Traits: Foodie, Cheerful, and genius
Aspiration: Master chef
Career: Culinary
Branch: chef
Skills to max:
Gourmet cooking
vampire lore
Things to achieve:
Master cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking
Master Career
Master Aspiration
Must marry a glutton sim
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Generation 6: Red
While your parents were always in the kitchen, your only entertainment was tv and video games. You loved spy movies like spy kids! inspired you then decided you definitely wanna become one yourself. Through your teens you then become overly confident and try to study as much as you possibly can about spies from movies and video games. As a young adult you end up in the spy career alright. You end up dating and marrying an evil spy too since they liked your jokes.
Traits: Goofball, Geek, Self insured
Aspiration: Chief Of Mischief and Grilled cheese
Career: Secret Agent
Branch: Diamond Agent
Skills to max:
video gaming
vampire lore
Things to achieve:
master career
master both aspirations
after having 4 kids spouse dies from sunlight
Spouse should also be a secret agent but from the villian branch!
Must win 1st place in video game competitions 3 times
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Generation 7: Orange
As your parents were touring around the world saving/destroying lives you spent most of your time online. Youtube is your favorite and you hoped to be a world famous youtuber when you're older. You come up with idea after idea for videos and finally you decide to actually become one in your childhood years by starting to post videos to the web anonymously since your parents are spies. After your 2nd star you have your birthday and become a teen you think you're all that and a bag of chips and end up marrying your first stalker. You're jealous nature also makes you think they're cheating on you so you marry really young.
Traits: Ambitious, Jealous, self centered
Aspiration: World famous celebrity
Career: Social Media
Branch: internet personality
skills to max:
vampire lore
media production
Things to Achieve:
become a 5 star celebrity as an adult
master aspiration
master career
must marry obsessive fan lol
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generation 8: Yellow
As a kid all you wanted to do was to make music. You already had a foot through the door thanks to your parents dream of social media and becoming a world famous star. But this is more of something to do on your own. You practice and practice making music but feels like theres something missing. You realize you've spent so much time practicing music you barely have time left to find romance the very epitome of your music! You then head to the bar and the first person you see is your target. You end up having a one night stand though and getting pregnant and never hearing from her/him again. You then write a song called "One Night, One Time" and then become instantly famous and make millions over a one hit wonder. Then recieve a letter through the mail. It's the father of your child! He wants to meet up. He ends up telling you he was really sorry and that he was hella drunk that night from too much juice. You tell him he has a kid. Through your co-parenting you both end up falling in love together!
Traits: creative, music lover, ambitious
aspiration: musical genius
Career: entertainer
Branch: Musician
Skills to max:
vampire lore
Things to achieve:
master career
master aspiration
Have the one night stand as an adult
Become famous from one song (cheats allowed on this)
Fall in love with person from one night stand
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Generation 9: White
You grew up wanting to be alone surrounded by fish. Until you meet your best friend who's a mermaid! Your fish obsession grew because of this. In your teens you two fell in love and because people see you talking to water and can't see your best friend you end up becoming the town crazy which gives you an annoyance. So you started stealing from everyone who calls you crazy.
Traits: Loner, Kleptomaniac, Erratic
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Career: Fisherman
Branch: None as its a part time job
Skills to max:
vampire lore
Things to Achieve:
Complete career
complete aspiration
marry the same sex who's a mermaid
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Generation 10: Gold
You're so sick to death of being a dang vampire. You want to go outside! Go camping! So you study about vampires as much as possible to find a cure. When you do you cure yourself of this ridiculous curse. Then go camping where you find a nice human. Get married and have a big happy family where you move to Willow creek and out of the family home.
Traits: Family oriented, loves the outdoors, vegetarian
Aspiration: Big happy family
Career: Stay at home mom
Branch: none
Skills to max:
Vampire lore
Things to achieve:
Cure vampirism
Marry a sim you met while camping
have 3 kids
Move to willow creek forgetting all about your vampire heritage
~ lots of love, Lizzy
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nacheesemi · 2 years
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in the season of golden shining from heaven's blue and clear water waves crashing against gritty white sand, nakajima himari had took her first breath of existing.
NAME: nakajima himari
AGE: 17 (pre-timeskip) 23 (post-timeskip)
HEIGHT: 179.5cm
WEIGHT: 54kg
PLACE OF BIRTH: kobe, hyogo
DATE OF BIRTH: june 11
FAVORITE FOOD: streetfoods
CURRENT CONCERN: tanaka owes her money and it's been 3 weeks since he said he was gonna pay
she has amethyst eyes, auburn hair, and a visible scar on her right cheekbone. her sand skintone designed with scars from her past, and her build slightly musculine due to work-out. her aura is intimidating for others and they tend to get terrified of her.
FASHION & SCENT: mari is known for her wild and carefree nature, therefore she's gotten into trouble multiple times. she's viewed as someone who looks like a girl gangster because of her scars and the way she's dressed in dark leather jackets and skirts, sported with boots just as dark. to cover her blemishes on her legs, she wears dark thigh-high net stockings. she definitely uses perfume, one that has a strong scent but isn't irritating to the nose
COMMUNICATION STYLE: words that come out of her mouth are usually just jokes and insults - of course, for the people she's close with. himari is a chaotic dork, and she could be enthusiastic at times, or obnoxiously loud. having been born in hyogo, she has quite the accent.
KARASUNO HIGH SCHOOL — the number one trouble maker. causes trouble in the hallways and makes an entertaining mess. despite that, her grades are top tier she doesn’t study she just has common sense and is a member of the baking club.
for as long as she's remembered, she grew up without a mother and father, leaving her under the roof of her grandmotherʼs care with her motherʼs youngest sibling, which is also her uncle. being the wild girl she is, she's always playing wild games outside. she's the type to look for insects like spiders and grasshoppers, and she used to pick a fight with boys the same age as her because they constantly made fun of her for being a girl.
during middle school, she was feared by many. she joined gangs and was labeled as 'the youngest' and joined wars against other gangs. on her third year, smoking was influenced by her gang leader and she tried while it lasted for a month. she didn't have a good relationship with her grandmother in that period of time, so disagreements often happen between them and himari would just simply leave the house and come back after weeks without a word.
everything changed on her first year in high school, and she's gotten better.
her adventures when she was a little child exploring the world as if she was made to conquer it. himari loved the moments when she laughed genuinely with good friends and went on fun, silly adventures.
graduated with an arts degree while playing setter in a volleyball team. had a lot of part-time jobs as a college student and worked a job that didn't interest her but paid well. she’s a practical girl.
skateboards with luna’s older brother langa and his friends. (plays sports with her friends overall) and she she bakes and experiments in the kitchen when she has nothing to do. goes out of her house a lot
himari has a genuinely carefree and wild demeanor. being tough, though, is a façade she puts on in fear of showing her vulnerable side. she does not like the idea of disappointing someone and being abandoned afterwards i mean damn look at what happened with her mother
nakajima akako (grandmother) — her beloved grandmother and #1 mother figure. she loves her cooking. gives himari an earful of her scolding for being reckless and careless at times but it's ok
nakajima goro (uncle) — coolest uncle ever, she says. taught her sports & how to be tough because it’s a dangerous world out there. went on adventures with her.
hasegawa nanako (aunt) — himari’s #2 mother figure. she visits her a lot and nanako bakes cookies for her.
hasegawa luna (cousin) — her childhood friend. loves her despite how different their personalities are and supports her in everything she does. luna gives her gifts & himari takes her to new places
tsukishima kei — HER ENEMY 👺 she HATES him. gets into constant arguments with him. TIMESKIP — my guy proposed
OTHERS ARE: karasuno vb team, coaches & manager, bokuto, kuroo
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