#This prof can go eat a fucking cactus
sensitivemusings · 8 months
So I just finished one of the most stressful assignments I've ever dealt with, and with 3 hours to spare at that. I think I definitely deserve some snuggles with soft twords maybe
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madphantom · 5 years
My PotP Headcanons
Has the amazing ability to sleep like a rock under any circumstances
Biggest fear are spiders or some shit
Can sprint ridiculously quickly if he panics
Can't get himself a girlfriend because he's just too childish
Doesn't have a car. According to him because bicycles are dope. But most probably because his driver's license was confiscated
Eats immense amounts of junk food but he doesn't get fat
Faints easily
Grew up in Cuba
Has a swimming pool with a waterslide because why the fuck not
Has deep platonic relationships with everyone
Secretly hates Swan
Life goal is to buy McDonald's
One time somebody broke into his house and he overpowered them with a frying pan
Wears Emoji underwear
Spiderman fan
Screams like a little girl during horror movies
Ships Phoenix and Winslow
Should never be entrusted with cooking
Spends his money like a six year old would
Tries to give people life advice but it's always terrible
Would trade his soul for the wellbeing of baby animals
Biggest Phoenslow shipper ever
Disguises his Shakespeare volumes as porn because he has a bad name to maintain
Doesn't mess with supernatural forces
Flower person
Gay af
God knows how many drugs he takes
Goes to pride marches
Has three cats
Makes daisy chains
Likes musicals
Not as dumb as he pretends to be
Collects post stamps
Secretly enjoys drama
Surprisingly he's an amazing cook
Too environment friendly to have a car
Vegan, but misses meat real bad
Barely eats
Drives a purple Bentley
Everyone thinks he's a brutal satanist but he's actually a really sweet Jehovah's Witness who loves to talk about Jesus
Has a massive crush on Phoenix
Loves cheap science fiction novels
Reads horoscopes
Respects Winslow a lot
Scaredy cat
Scared of groupies
Wishes he'd been born in Victorian times
Always ready for a good nap but nobody lets him
Atheistic because he lost all his faith in God
Constantly bored to death
Cooking is his hobby
Doesn't give a shit about girls
Done with everybody's shit
Hates junk food
Actually has a normal car!
Life's dream is becoming a Physics prof
Literally just joined the band because the others begged him to
Out of everyone at the Paradise he sleeps the most
Regrets his life decisions
Secretly has a crush on Phoenix
The mom friend
The most reasonable Fruit
The only thing he cares about are his potted plants
Writes books about gardening under an alias but nobody buys them
Has a private limousine
Doesn't show it but he loves his boys
Everyone's adoptive dad
Doesn't care about God
Hates his job but loves yelling at people
Hates junk food but he doesn't have the time to eat anything else
Loathes everyone except the Fruits, Beef and Swan
Never had a girlfriend
Sleeps like an hour per week
Smokes like a chimney
Spent six years in prison
Wears ugly clothes because he's too stressed to buy something half decent
Collects fancy hats
Done with everyone's shit
Drives some immense military truck
Going through a late but mighty Punk phase
Good at cooking but terrible at remembering to turn off the stove once she's done
Has had loads of boyfriends
Likes rainy days because they're perfect for reading
Probably knows more about free love than all of the Beatles combined
Wears a shit ton of friendship armbands from people she can't even remember
Due to the fact that he sold his soul to Satan we can safely assume that he's not the typical Catholic Christian
He either eats the best and most glamourous menu or nothing. There is no inbetween
Sleeps way too little to be alive
If anyone notices his evil deeds he plays it off as a joke
Likes KFC
Stopped counting his girlfriends
Believes in a God, but he's not sure in which one
Clumsy as fuck
Could break through a brick wall if he wanted to
Goth but can't afford Goth clothes
Just a total nerd
So chaotic he forgets to eat sometimes
Forgot his own age
The fuck is a car?
What is sleep?
Would love to have a pet, but he's well aware he's way too irresponsible for that, so he has a cactus. He calls it Sid.
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vdbstore-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://vintagedesignerhandbagsonline.com/the-style-season-starts-here-everything-you-need-to-know-from-the-september-issues-fashion/
The style season starts here: everything you need to know from the September issues | Fashion
This season’s look
Saint Laurent’s £6,855 rhinestone boots. Photograph: SIPA/Rex/Shutterstock
You’re going to need a trousersuit. Think campus, not boardroom: Vogue champions the “seventies geography prof” corduroy trousersuit while Harpers is feeling the Maxmara velvet double-breasted number. “Ditch your scruffs and start dressing like the boss you’ve always wanted to be,” says Glamour. Confusingly, you’re also going to need sequins. In Love, editor Katie Grand talks up the “not been to bed yet” chic of a sparkly gown for day. Harpers, helpfully, suggests how to blend the two, teaming Saint Laurent’s £6,855 rhinestone boots with a trousersuit. Everyone agrees that warm-hued neutrals replace the cool tones of grey, navy and white: think mustard, tan, chestnut, burgundy and oxblood. The jury is out on how much flesh to show, though. Vogue celebrates the demure “full body stretch” silhouette (high-neck sweater, long skirt whose hem covers the top of your boots), but in Love, Karen Elson is naked and Alexa Chung topless. Key details on which we have consensus are: daytime shoes should have a low heel and a high front (the opposite of toe cleavage, as it were – a high neckline for your foot), while for evening it’s all about a skintight over-the-knee boot. This is essentially a silk stocking with a stiletto heel attached. Oh, and you’ll need a cardie. “Crop it, embroider it and puff the sleeves: the cardigan is back,” says Vogue.
What you would buy if you could afford it?
Miu Miu transparent PVC trench (£1,240). Photograph: REX/Shutterstock
In Vogue, the shoot styled by Kate Moss – the one with the bare bottom in it, naturally – opens with a beaded silk Chanel dress for a cool £23,330. The Miu Miu transparent PVC trench (£1,240) is everywhere, as is the Chloé red velvet dress with heart-shaped cut-out at the neckline (£1,670), but both of those will spark a thousand high-street imitations before September is out, so why not save your pennies for the Gucci AC/DC jumpsuit with tailcoat, as seen in Red (£3,650).
What you might actually buy
M&S autograph Prince of Wales check jacket, £79. Photograph: Marks and Spencer
We’ll have to wait till next month for the bargains – the October issues are traditionally the high-street showcases – but Vogue has several high-street versions of this season’s must-have Prince of Wales check blazer, of which the standout appears to be the Marks & Spencer Autograph £79 version. An H&M dark-floral chiffon blouse, £20, and the Sherpa jacket by Levi’s, £110, are also worth racing for. Red draws attention to Zara’s excellent selection of fancy new-season sock boots.
The vibe to steal for your Instagram photos
Nostalgic Americana vibe: Raf Simons for Calvin Klein. Photograph: SIPA/REX/Shutterstock
There’s a subversive-slash-nostalgic Americana thing going on in editorial right now. Vogue’s shoot styled by Kate Phelan and shot by Alasdair McLellan is all about a mug of black coffee, a slice of pie in a diner, and a rusty railway sleeper. In Love, the unsmiling straight-backed young couple posing in front of a wooden-slatted house are straight out of Grant Wood’s American Gothic. In Glamour, an outhouse workbench with a beaten-up wheelbarrow is the backdrop for cowboy boots and a bandana. It’s a bit Sissy Spacek, a bit Lana Del Rey, very Raf Simons for Calvin Klein. Channel by accessorising your new-season look with a burger and milkshake and making mocking reference to Making America Great Again in the caption.
Styling hack to steal
The white poloneck under a denim shirt or jacket, as seen on the Calvin Klein catwalk, makes three appearances in Vogue’s aforementioned Americana shoot, each time worn with the kind of sentimental gold necklace your aunt would give you for your sweet 16th birthday.
Essential cocktail party chat
Rich pickings in Harpers’ “at-home” with Samantha Cameron, which reveals that the person she most admires is Vivienne Westwood, for her “passion for campaigning”, and that David Cameron drinks tea from a mug emblazoned “Leader of the Opposition”, has an Alison Jackson print of a lookalike Tony Blair placing a bet on the election by his desk, and makes jokes about his “internationally acclaimed shed”. Also: the end of actually speaking to people and the illicit Joy of Text. “It’s OK to wait for your phone to stop ringing so you can text and ask what they wanted,” says Glamour. Discuss.
Places to be seen
Vogue tips artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Photograph: Jean-Michel Basquiat/Barbican
Vogue tips the upcoming Basquiat show at the Barbican. For holidays, Harpers waxes lyrical about Colombia’s “cloud forests and technicolour one-horse towns”. Red roadtests new Manhattan phenomenon, the “Cave Day” productivity retreat. Millennials pay to surrender their phones and spend a day in white-noise, in order to learn to get stuff done rather than faff about on the internet. “Meredith Gray, founder of a quinoa snack company, is hoping to complete some financial spreadsheets.”
Celebrities to try to make friends with
Nicole Kidman: that Love cover in the red swimsuit has set the Kidmannaissance to red-hot.
What to eat
No avocado on toast to be seen. Harpers has reports from summer’s canape front line, with tales of smoked salmon on rye at the Serpentine and “a two metre long prawn-shaped ice sculpture dripping in crab claws” at the Royal Academy. “The answer to still or sparkling is now, ‘tap’,” says Glamour.
Should you cut your hair off?
Probably. Kristen Stewart’s blond crop on Harpers is epic, while Stella Tennant flies the flag for short hair on the front of Vogue. Inside Vogue, everyone from Adwoa Aboah to Cressida Dick is showing off short locks.
Vocab to drop
Valentino’s dusty-lavender-pink. Photograph: Jonas Gustavsson/Sipa/PA
The prefix “super” is replaced by the suffix “AF” (as in “as fuck”). Feisty! So, instead of being “super excited” about cocktails, you must now be “excited AF”. Update your WhatsApp chats accordingly. Runner-up new colour of the season comes from Vogue, where the dusty-lavender-pink of Valentino’s long dress (look 12, fact fans) is dubbed “amaranth”. But in pole position, we have “cactus”, the shade of limited-edition luggage by Rashida Jones for Away, as seen in Glamour.
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hndrsnl · 8 years
On Friday (Friyay?) I ended up at Weedon Island (my fav Nature Preserve) around 10am. My original plan was to meditate a lil’ and finish reading for my Archaeology class (because I spent two hours at a coffee shop prior to this fucking off and reading tEN pages in two hours so 11/10, me) but when I got there, there was a gaggle of people congregated by the entrance to the museum. Curiosity consumed me and I packed my shit in my backpack and meandered over to the group who didn’t pay me much mind. I noticed they were around my age, in similar dress, and were all carrying notebooks scribbling furiously while a Weedon staff member talked.
Duh, students.
After my ground-breaking discovery, I decided to stick around and take notes on my phone because shit started to get really interesting. Then I decided I wanted to make a blog post about it.
Cool story, bro.
A’ight, so anyway, I’m standing in the hot ass Florida parking lot and jotting notes furiously with one hand, as the other greedily clasps a water apparatus and here’s what I wrote.
Weedon Island Preserve is home to twenty-six (26) different ecosystems- but human interference has tampered with all of them. They do controlled burns- which simulates the natural process of getting rid of dead shit. Lighting would strike, lighting things ablaze, it would burn itself out, life would spring from the ashes like a phoenix (California forest fires, anyone?); but then we (humans) got greedy and built shit everywhere and overpopulated the Earth and now we burn nothing and are ruining the planet.
So controlled burns (10/10) wipe out the dead brush so lightning doesn’t come in and burn it all down.
Weedon Island is also home to the Gopher Tortoise! GTs make dens that extend underground forty feet (40 ft.)!!! How cool!!! There is also a Gopher Frog that extends the burrow another couple of feet, hangs out there all fall/winter, and packs up his things during the spring to go find water and mate. Nature is nifty. GTs carry a virus so do not touch them unless you have to (ie: in the middle of the road. ALWAYS carry them in the direction they were headed, they have a built-in GPS). Their favorite food is the Prickly Pear Cactus but they will eat (most) anything green and are usually found munching on blades of grass as the sun warms their back. Also important is not to stand on the loose sand around the opening to the GT den- that’s where females lay their eggs! Circling back to the human interference of habitats, when the road was constructed through Weedon it cut a GT habitat smack down the middle. That was a problem because the GTs couldn’t get past the curbs on both sides of the road and both sides became isolated. This is a problem!
When two species become isolated, they start interbreeding and all sorts of shit can go wrong here. Hypothetically, one side could have a dude that has a genetic mutation hindering eyesight rendering him blind. Well, if the population of 8 got split in half, there is a 50% shot of producing blind offspring on one side. With each passing generation, that percentage climbs higher and higher. Whereas if the population wasn’t separate, you would only have less than a 25% chance and then the eventual genetic outbreeding of that trait because it isn’t evolutionarily adaptive, nor a dominant trait, and would be the minority. That is to say- an Eagle Scout proposed a plan to build ramps down the curbs so the GTs can cross the street and continue on with genetic diversity which is what we all hope for. Go Eagle Scouts.
We were hiking through Florida scrub at this point and I was hella thankful I wore my hiking boots- who am I kidding? I wear these things 5/7 days a week and the other two I’m wearing my Birkenstocks (holla). In front of us was a rather large palm tree that I recognized as a Cabbage Palm from my time as a field biology student- the FloridaTM tree. Its proper name is Sabal palmetto, and common names are Sable Palm, Cabbage Palm, and Palmetto Palm. They are native (as fuck) to Florida and some are older than the Sequoias in California (damn, son)! They have hella intricate roots that radiate outward from the tree. Also known as an alligator palm (serrated edges of fronds), they were known as the “Home Depot” of the Native Americas because they were incredibly useful. Roofs were made from the palm fronds (more effective than our roofing- lasts up to 50 years) which were waterproof and insulated. They would use the string from the fronds and weave it together to make a ridiculously strong string-like material that they used for everything from clothing to securing their housing and weapons. Probably the coolest thing we learned, though, was to never cut off your dead palm leaves. Why you ask? BECAUSE BATS. Sweet bats love the fronds and make homes in there! So be very careful if you have these Palms in your vicinity and leave the dead fronds alone so you don’t destroy someone’s home!!
When hiking, you can tell when an armadillo has been digging because there will be tail drag marks in the disturbed sediment (!!!).
We learned a lot about the Rattlebox plant, which I remember from that time my old Earth Science prof and I pocketed some seeds, that is invasive as fuck to Florida and originates in India- but farmers keep them around because, when they mow them down, the plants help the soil retain nitrogen necessary for future crop growth (also known as a “cover crop”). They are a problem here because their seeds go everywhere and are easily carried by the wind, animals, and people (whoops). The coolest thing I learned was that they are bilateral flowers, which means you can only cut them on one plane to produce a symmetrical result. That is important because only specific pollinators can access the pollen.
Sand pines need fire to reproduce (same).
Insect galls don’t harm plants, don’t fuck w them if you see them (unless they’re hornets then destroy tf out of them).
I also learned about a Scrub Jay bird and how they are COMMUNAL families. They work together, babies help raise other babies, they have a sentient lookout that warns others when predators are nearby so everyone hides, and they cache their food! They love acorns like squirrels do but the difference is they remember where they bury their shit. How neat is that? They also hide different types of acorns that have different nutritional values and eat accordingly- less nutrient ones first and as winter progresses and food is scarce, they eat the super hearty ones. BIRDS ARE SO COOL. NATURE IS SO COOL. FUCK.
And then I had to pee so badly I slipped away from the group and waddled my way to the bathrooms. 
The weather was beautiful, the teacher was hella knowledgeable and super nice (and didn’t notice I wasn’t in her class), it was magical! I ended up hanging around by the picnic tables after and finishing my reading and meditating and it was a great way to start a weekend.
Go immerse yourselves in nature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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