#This really felt like a crash course on jealousy lol ty anon
thedeal-if · 1 year
If it’s not too spoilery can I ask how the Ro’s would act if they were jealous? Like maybe the think the mc likes someone else. (I really liked your writing btw)
Ah thanks seriously😭 And dw I don't think it's spoilery at all!
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Lol hive mind. Very convenient because as I was writing the original drabbles I really didn't like how they were coming out 😭 Ty for providing an actual scenario anon
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The two of you are finally allowed a moment of tranquillity, just a moment is all you ask of lately, and it has finally been granted. You deserve it, you all do. A walk in the park is just what you need, and one of your companions is kind enough to grace you with their beloved presence.
When the unknown person approaches you it is definitely a surprise. There’s something hidden behind their back. They catch your eye, shoot a wide smile your way and reveal to you what’s in their hands: a delicate bouquet, pale pink tulips, white sweet peas and roses, and lavender posies. It reminds you of the softness of spring.
“These are for you,” the person says cheerfully. They fiddle with their hands, a crimson blush overcoming their complexion “I just— I thought you were gorgeous and I wanted you to have them.”
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Dante doesn't usually get jealous. He's very free-spirited and feels like being jealous would be a little like trapping himself in a hole he can't escape. Oh, but if Dante does feel jealousy then it's a wildfire fire. He's always lived his emotions quite intensely. From his pov, everything is like a rollercoaster. Everything is too much, too quickly, and it's too awful. From MC's pov, they would notice Dante is sulky and a little quicker to snap. Anger is his main defence mechanism. Dante would also get very overprotective, directing this rage at whoever he thought MC liked. Lol I can't help but see Nathan being a dick about it but I'll hold back from adding him to the drabble.
Your eyes reflect your amusement, and maybe that’s the main reason Dante scoffs as loudly as he does. He stands next to you, petrified like he’s made of ice. But he definitely isn’t. Dante is close enough for you to feel the way his body temperature rises drastically.
“Scu—” Dante bites his tongue and swallows the Italian word before it spills. When he switches back to English, his words carry a certain force “Fucking pardon?”
The person who handed you the bouquet, visibly flustered, lifts both hands as if to placate Dante’s anger. It doesn’t work, it never does. If he’s a fire, any attempt to mollify him is a fan.
“Calm down. It was just a compliment, man,” the person laughs nervously “I didn’t know.”
“Dante,” you say before he can yell at them. The way he whips his head in your direction reminds you a little of a puppy expecting to be scolded.
You give Dante a look that says more than words ever could. It is also loud enough for him to hear beyond the haze of rage, and Dante sighs. Under his breath, he counts to ten in Italian—he only reaches number six before giving up and waving a hand in the stranger’s direction.
“Screw off, human,” Dante scoffs at them.
He eyes the bouquet like it has personally offended him—knowing him, it has. Dante holds his hands out, you hand it to him almost on autopilot. The Aeshma takes a step back, and you watch as he sets the flowers ablaze with the palms of his hands. That’s the moment the stranger decides to run.
With the way Lilith has lived and the relationships they've had, jealousy was something they haven’t really felt. Ever. It's a little complicated and I think it's more fun if I don't explain and you all see for yourselves ^^. If she thought MC liked someone else Lilith would definitely feel upset though. But not too openly, more like a silent resignation. Lilith is very self-conscious she tends to overthink. So she'd definitely overthink the entire situation, though she'd never openly complain or vent to anyone. Actually, she'd be quite supportive of MC making a move on the third person.
There’s a faint snorting sound next to you, Lilith startles you with her sudden huff, a surprising sound that is maybe a little too mean, especially given the fact that this is Lilith laughing, and she’s probably the kindest—not person—creature you know. Her abrupt snort quickly dissolves into an amused chuckle, and it confuses even the stranger.
Lilith smiles sweetly at them. It almost seems innocent, the way her eyes crinkle. But you know her.
“No flowers for me?” Lilith muses with a fake pout. Your eyes flutter towards her big red rose earrings. Being put in the spot like that would embarrass anyone, and the stranger is no exception.
They flush but are unable to say anything before Lilith speaks again
“I’m kidding, of course. [Name] really is lovely, right?” she asks in a whisper, cocking her head towards you. As if you can’t hear her “The flowers are so pretty too! That’s so sweet. Right, love?”
One of your eyebrows rises at her antics, “Yeah, they are,” you admit.
Lilith sends a brief smirk your way. The stranger nods their thanks, red-faced.
“I’d have chosen a... hotter pink, though,” she says, her voice low, it has a faint reverberation that ties around her cadence like ribbons. Only you can hear Lilith's words.
You’d be blind not to see that, despite her nonchalance, Lilith’s very heated tone and her eyes full of affection are saved only for you to hear and see.
I gave Josh the sin of envy for a reason lol. When it comes to people, he never does things halfway, if he really likes someone he likes them all the way (it's kinda the same with his friendships). Josh is kinda low-key the same with all his relationships: when he sees the person he likes with someone else he starts to seriously question his own self-worth. Much like Lilith he would never complain or vent. Josh is a person who prefers to deal with his own problems and insecurities himself, even if he doesn't really know how to cope with them healthily sometimes. He'd also be quite supportive while he's dying inside.
Josh gazes over the flowers with clear interest, a look that seems entirely out of place when you see just how stiff his posture is, and how tightly he’s gritting his teeth. You’re pretty familiar with his ticks and quirks after being friends for so many years, but this new reaction of Josh’s is new, strange and, frankly, quite thrilling. You didn’t think he’d be the type to be jealous.
“Thank you,” you tell the stranger politely. Josh echoes your words absentmindedly, like an afterthought. Like a child whose mother just ordered food at a restaurant.
He snaps back out of it quickly and smiles at the stranger.
“They are very pretty,” Josh nods “The flowers, I mean.”
The stranger tilts their head his way, but it’s you to whom they give a knowing look. It’s only once they’re gone that Josh speaks again.
“I didn’t know you liked flowers!” he says all too tightly. Focusing on the nice things and dealing with the big elephant in the room—his very obvious discomfort—is just such a Josh thing to do.
“It’s nice, y’know. Getting flowers.”
“Yeah,” Josh mumbles. He swallows and offers a tentative smile—too coy to be accidental, “I promise that the ones I’ll get you won’t look like you’re about to do a bouquet toss.”
Josh and future tenses—you know it’s a promise and not an empty hypothesis.
Villanelle has one philosophy and one philosophy alone: if she ignores a problem it doesn't exist anymore. Sure she likes MC but it doesn't mean she has to like them forever (is what Villanelle tells herself when she starts to feel jealous). Villanelle believes that bad feelings can be willed away if she thinks positively and manifests an optimistic outcome. Would probably do a 1000 tarot readings to sort out her thoughts. (It doesn't really work most of the time, she still overthinks like crazy).
Villanelle releases a loud gasp before you can react, she leans forward to get a better look. You know the witch has a very intense passion towards flowers—plants in general, Villanelle gets fiercely defensive when you mix the two up—, so it’s not that strange for her to be more excited than you.
“Thanks,” you tell the stranger. Villanelle gushes over the pretty shade of lavender.
The stranger appears amused by the witch’s shameless elation. They promptly ignore her in favour of offering you a suggestive smile.
“No need, it’s my pleasure.”
The bundle of energy next to you appears to have found a way to quiet her restlessness. Villanelle has frozen a little, frowning at one of the roses. Her thoughts seem to have a mind of their own, and you fear that Villanelle is either having a vision or glaring at a nasty bug. You don’t know which one you hope for.
“Oh?” she blinks and smiles at you “I’m peachy, don’t worry.”
She must be as peachy as she claims. Villanelle turns around and busies herself while you say your goodbyes to the stranger, thanking them again for the flowers. By the time Villanelle returns to your side, she’s holding two common daisies in each of her hands.
When your eyes land on her you can tell she’s blushing.
Villanelle clears her throat, tries again.
“I give you flowers so often it feels weird not to collaborate on this one,” she explains earnestly. A frown interrupts her honest expression “Is that strange?”
“No. No, it isn’t.”
Villanelle grins widely, “Ah, good!”
One of the daisies joins the bouquet. The other, (you have to lean down for her to place/) she places behind your ear.
It'd be hard to notice Victor is upset because his disposition seems serious and neutral all the time lol. Victor would definitely be the kind of person to be jealous and feel mad at everything when he's jealous. He wouldn't logically understand why he's feeling that way, he wouldn't be able to find a rational explanation and that would be so frustrating to him. It'd drive him mad. But Victor wants and he wants very badly despite himself. Rather than lashing out, though, he'd be much more prone to brooding. Probably would glare a lot at the person he thought MC liked.
The stranger and you establish what is originally meant—at least on your part—to be a polite conversation. You thank them for the flowers, compliment the bouquet’s colors. One thing leads to another and now the stranger is telling you about themselves, flirting skittishly and telling you about themselves. In all honesty, you have no clue as to why they might feel so encouraged. You know you wouldn’t be the same way if Victor glared at you the same way he’s glaring at them.
An irritated Victor—genuinely irritated—is a sight you know like the back of your hand. Hands that hold the bouquet he briefly glares at, too. Victor is angsty.
“Let’s go, Warner,” he says suddenly. The way he ignores the stranger’s presence is far from accidental.
Said stranger throws their hands up in mock indignation, “Dude, I was talking to them.”
The glare Victor sends them is renewed, more than angry. It seems to be more deathly than a knife to the throat.
“You look like you're trying to explode their head with your mind,” you comment teasingly.
His murderous eyes settle on you, and they soften.
Aliyah is always so hard to answer asks for, her mind and life are an entire mess and a half. I think she'd be pretty divided in terms of jealousy? It really depends on her mood and day. Aliyah either can't be bothered to care and convinces herself that she's all that and that she shouldn't waste her time with MC, or she drowns in very self-deprecating thoughts. Most likely, Aliyah wouldn't even dare complain. Though jealousy is annoying, it'd be much scarier if someone realized she felt that way in the first place.
Aliyah’s hatred towards humans originally seemed like a one-time thing. Your kind is the Top 1 in her long ‘Aliyah’s comprehensive list of distasteful things she doesn’t ever want to see or hear from again.’ Though you’re clearly kidding, you wouldn’t be surprised if such a list exists. If it does, it probably has been expanded to include flowers and bouquets.
The flowers in your hand, specifically, appear to be the scum of the Earth—according to Aliyah’s very biased and opinionated mind, at least. She doesn’t say so outright. But the very disgusted grimace on her face can’t mean anything else.
Aliyah shudders, and you think she’s probably remembering the compliment the stranger gave you, “Seriously?”
“You thought the hu—” Aliyah stops herself, grits her teeth, she seems to drown in some newfound irritation “You thought this idiot here was gorgeous and decided, what? To buy some shitty gas station flowers to prove it?” a loud snort follows, “Don’t make me laugh. That’s just so... pathetic.”
Very flustered, the stranger flounders with their answer.
“Excuse me?”
Aliyah opens her mouth to answer, but she seems to decide not to. With a groan, she crosses her arms defensively, turns towards you with a neutral expression and says, “I’m out of here.”
The Genie walks away, and you pretend not to notice that she waits for you to catch up.
Nathan is a gremlin who wants attention 100% of time time. He might feel a little bad here and there if he thinks MC likes someone else but, rather than dwell on those thoughts and emotions, Nathan finds himself doing all he can to get MC's attention. In his mind, he hasn't been rejected and it'd be stupid to assume they can't just change their mind. In the privacy of his mind, Nathan would be surprisingly vulnerable about the entire situation. But if Nathan is known for something, that is barreling head first into situations with little to no thoughts involved. He's definitely not backing down until MC is with someone else, he starts liking someone else, or MC flat-out rejects his advances.
For a—not a person—creature as dramatic as Nathan, he doesn’t give much of a reaction. The angel looks at you, at the flowers, at the stranger, at you again, and then at your hands. You can tell he’s thinking, but you’re not sure you want to know what it is about. Nathan’s ideas... You shudder, remembering the long list of misfortunes that always follow the words ‘Guys, I have an amazing plan!’
But your fate is sealed when Nathan smirks. You lost.
“Hey, mate, where did you get these?” he gets his answer, waves at you and the stranger with a loud “Cheers! Be right back,” and leaves before you can say something.
By the time he returns, you’ve already said goodbye to the stranger. Nathan skips over to you like a little kid, excited to show you something. When you do a double take you notice two things: firstly, Nathan is carrying himself like he’s the embodiment of smugness, like the cat who caught the canary.
Secondly, Nathan is holding a beautiful bouquet of roses colored in an intense indigo—his favourite color—and carnations. He skids to a halt in front of you, half-lidded eyes anchoring on your frame.
“Oh, our new friend left already? Pity,” he sighs. Nathan moves on all too quickly for the sentiment to be sincere “Anyway. These are for you! I thought you were beautiful and I wanted you to have them.”
You snort, “Really?”
“You like my flowers, don’t you?” Nathan smirks, presenting the bouquet to you “You like them much more than theirs. I can tell~”
Your eyes roll fondly. You don’t deny it, though. It’s no use.
Eden is very logical and practical but complicated feelings often go way over his head. He wouldn't get jealous, not because he doesn't get jealous, but because he's extremely oblivious about these things. If Eden thought for a second that MC liked someone else he'd probably avoid the feeling (he really hates drama), which might make him come off as cold, or like he's giving MC the cold shoulder. Overall he's the most upset about MC not making any extra time for them, which he quietly sulks about.
Eden is often quiet and only speaks up when he has something absolutely important to say. You don’t think it’s out of character for him to listen silently to you and the stranger.
They are very shameless and flirty at first but revert back to measured politeness once they notice you don’t seem all that interested in them. They say goodbye after a short chat, leaving you behind with the bouquet and an Eden with a small pout and a furrowed brow.
“What’s wrong?” you ask lightly, bumping your shoulder against theirs.
“Hm? Oh. Nothing. It’s dumb,” Eden waves a tired and dismissing hand “It doesn’t matter.”
He sighs in defeat.
“I don’t know,” he reaches out boldly, takes the flowers from your hands and resumes the walk “Seeing you and them like that. It was really annoying.”
After a brief pause, amused, you ask, “Are you jealous?”
“What? Of course not.”
Eden’s grimace indicates his clear distaste for the topic. It drops too quickly, and he changes the topic before you can question him again.
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