#This sucks SO BADDD.
shokupanda · 2 months
sonaposting? :3
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turns you into a glitter sticker and rotates you in my mind
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myloversthesunrise · 2 months
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this doesn't even make sense cause how are you supposed to fit people in an entire continent within one underground castle...
and let's say she only asked for each courts' high lords and their courtiers.... who's supposed to govern over these people in the fucking court.........
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rogdona · 2 months
ok had to buy another ticket, still going home
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honeynclove · 2 months
my recently searched songs 💀💀💀
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grace122 · 2 years
i want him i want him i want him i want him i want him
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yume-fanfare · 6 months
haruka :(((
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i hate it here nyx i hate it here so much im actually really mad about it punches floor. violently.
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puppysdog · 3 months
quinn and alex arent even ocs anymore those are just two guys i know
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
Oughhh my art is so bad I'm going to scream
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onecupofsugar · 8 months
I'm going to be posting more of my IMtober prompts soon! I've been super busy and I've had several technical difficulties with Day 10's drawing. I've had to start over on it completely- so I'll be catching up as much as I possibly can asap :))
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wormy-worm · 1 month
Draw sunraiser tiktok doomscrolling PUH LEASE
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bonefall · 2 years
First Sketch of Reworked Lake Territory
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(If anyone who's really good with maps wants to chime in, please feel free! It would be appreciated!)
FIRST CRACK at a Lake Territory map that would allow for more conflict and shifting borders. The idea here is to keep the lake as a central landmark while reducing how badly it gets in the way of border conflicts.
Notes and information below the cut!
The Lake Itself
-The lake is no longer circular, it’s big but it’s irregular.
-Most of the lake’s inflow comes from the RiverClan river (this water connects to the ocean to allow for salmon runs, and connects to the Tribe’s mountain further downstream)
-The outlet rivers are highly prone to changing, and the ‘basins‘ are often fought over between RiverClan (fishers) and ShadowClan (froggers). WindClan is a bit less concerned about their connected basin.
-The ‘river’ between WindClan and ThunderClan is dry for most of the year, exposing TONS of tunnels and ancient dens. This gorge connects to the Moonpool. (Note: In the next draft, the Moonpool will be lower than the gorge, not higher)
There’s also a little bit of EVERY neighbor’s preferred hunting ground in each territory. There’s sparse forest in WindClan, there’s pine cover in RiverClan, there’s river in ShadowClan... that’s on purpose so Clans have something to covet.
-Camp is now nestled into a sheer rockface, a quarry dug into the mouth of a cave. There are tunnels that go deeper, but they’re blocked off. What built those? ThunderClan assumes it was badgers (psst! it wasn’t!)
-The ancient tree is REALLY old. It’s a mature oak at least 150 years of age, probably more like 200.
-In ancient times, this area had the most civilization. There are a lot of artifacts and things to uncover.
(Note: The next draft will add more landmarks, including stone ruins.)
-I tried to make their river still have that REALLY deep bend in it. I like to think someday, it will change course, create an oxbow lake, and cause a flash flood in their camp lmao
-They now have marshland! They don’t have to abandon being marsh hunters!! Wetlands are a very underappreciated biome!!!
-With the pine coverage though they can now be very generalist hunters.
(Note: Next draft will also add more landmarks, including a lot of fallen trees, ponds, and stone coverage.)
-Actually now has the biggest territory! The borders shift often and they’re selective about what they want to defend, and when they do it. Most attacks are launched in newleaf when the rivers swell.
-Well-defended by how their territory isn’t very useful between the rivers, besides the patch of pine near ShadowClan.
-Also has the most twoleg encroachment.
-The Lake river is larger than the Forest river, more dangerous, and with more sandy shoreline.
(Note: The next draft will add a lot more human settlement including the boat lodge and a dock, and twolegplace towards the North, close to ShadowClan. I also want to try to fit in a gorge or ditch if possible.)
-The simplest, really. Heather and hills.
-There’s actually a ton of tunnels under it, which sometimes open up into sinkholes.
-LOTS of patches of specific wildflowers all over the place, but only a few specific healing herbs. Those healing herbs ARE quite important though.
(Note: Next draft will add the Barn of course, plus some isolated trees and a couple of caves.)
I left SkyClan out for now, just to keep things simple. I will show how they fit in when we get there, though!
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pink--moss · 2 months
Silly questionnn, do you play d&d?
Hiiii, never any silly questions here!! So I used to play a little bit a few years ago (nothing crazy, just casually) but I'm no longer friends with those people anymore, and I have been too shy to find new people to play with (cause I'm kinda rusty with playing and just generally awkward 😅) but, I would love to play again 🥺
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kalynscryptic · 10 months
ahahaha what if i got back into inscryption wouldn't that be crazy. ahahaha what if
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 year
wabna learn chess and solitatire simply bc i think itd amke me hot
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housewifebuck · 3 months
Guys I love seeing all your asks and spec about last nights ep and I’ll def respond to them soon but today kicked the shit out of me mentally and physically so it might be a minute I fear
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echidnana · 6 months
imagine a white man who grew up poor and is now not poor and this makes him think that everyone who is poor is just choosing to be so and has no excuse. now imagine him regularly listening to far right podcasts. that's the body's dad
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