#This took me HOURS
chownkiies · 2 months
Who is phone
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Starting to like tweening now so have Nickel </3
[edit:fixed the loop a little]
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dennysaurr-r · 4 months
im very normal about him please and thank you,
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apparentlyautistick · 7 months
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Hehe leosagi doodles!
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year
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he’s in his eras era
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skyekurisu · 7 months
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I was challenged by @kodakuromu to draw today, and here's the result:
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kosmic-autokrat · 9 months
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six-armed aeon of abundance
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kazanskys-mitchell · 10 months
okay it’s time for more icemav dog content!!
Sage is based off an old family dog of mine and she is everything to me (she’s so hard to draw though omfg)
she’s Ice’s dog of course, and she’s perfect
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she also gets a top gun bandana because i wanted her to have one 🩵
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death-moth-art · 1 year
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Lemon demon x Wally + home = 😌😮‍💨
Funny thing though I was literally listening to the whole album of spirit phone while drawing this which helped me get in the mood lol. Anyways enjoy!!!
Guess what my favorite song from this album is?
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pepteezer · 1 year
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the boss is waiting for you 🚬…
no shadow ver. undercut:
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writingdinosaur · 9 months
Let’s Talk Names Pt.1
I had the sudden urge to research the angels and demons that appear in Good Omens. This has nothing to do with the fact that I’m meant to be focusing on Grad School. Leave me alone. This will be long, but some of the stuff I found was pretty cool. Quick disclaimer: I am neither a good scholar nor a good researcher. I found most of this on Wikipedia.
Angels first because, honestly, they were a lot easier. Most of them will have names ending in “el” because etymologicaly, “el” means God. Most of their names have something to do with her.
Michael, for example, means “who is like God?” This is meant to be a rhetorical question as the implied answer is no one. HOWEVER, in Latin it can also be the opposite. Meaning “one who IS like God.” Kind of explains a bit about Michael’s personality, tbh.
Uriel means “God is my flame,” and is described as a smart and scholarly angel.
Sandolphon from s1 was pretty funny as his name can be literally translated into “co-worker.” I thought this was a funny nod to his role in s1, which mostly consisted of following Gabriel around and generally being a freak. BUT! Then I read further. His name is thought to deal with the Book of Revelation. The book in the Bible that deals with… The Second Coming! According to Wikipedia, his name probably refers to his relationship with the Metatron. Not Gabriel. Makes you wonder if he’ll make an appearance in season three…
Speaking of Gabriel, I decided to do this both for his given name and for Jim in case there was anything to that. Surprisingly, there was. Gabriel means “God is my Man,” or perhaps “Man of God.” Straightforward enough. Jim is where it gets a bit more interesting. Jim (short for James, short for Gabriel) can mean a few things, the first perhaps being a bit more well known. James means supplanter. Supplanter meaning to overthrow. Fitting for the Prince of Heaven willing to throw it all away for his love for the Prince of Hell. James can also mean protector (an Angel giving himself up to demons clad in a sparkly white robe comes to mind). The last meaning is “may God protect.”
Saraquel was hard to find. There seems to be a few different names for this Angel, but they all mean “God is my ruler.”
Aziraphale was a name made up by (I believe) Sir. Terry. From what Neil Gaiman has said, I think they came up with something that sounded angelic enough to be an Angel’s name. Intentional or not, however, there are still a few things that can be discussed. There was nothing on Wiki, but after consulting multiple naming websites, Azira can mean “pioneering spirit,” (aka a leader) or “rising star.” Either one fits with his upcoming arc. Rising star hits a little harder, though…. Perhaps more importantly, however. His name does not end in “el.” It ends in “le.” Close to angelic, but not quite. Very fitting for our grey shaded angel.
Time for the elephant in the room: Let’s talk Metatron (I didn’t forget Muriel. We’re saving the best for last). The etymology of the Metatron’s name is highly debated. One theory is that Metatron comes from a Greek word meaning “co-occupant of the throne.” …What?! The throne here is obviously referring to heaven, but this calls into question WHY HE IS CO-OCCUPYING?! Another theory is that Metatron comes from a Latin word meaning “forerunner.” Forerunner means (wait for it) “one who announces the coming of another.” Um… HELLO?! It’s fine I’m fine. Either of these are obviously VERY fitting and I can’t wait to see what Neil has in store for us.
Last but not least. Muriel. I’m warning you now, there isn’t much here. What is here is a FUCKING ROLLER COASTER! Boring part first, Muriel comes from myrrh. Yes, the myrrh that was gifted by the wise men to Baby Jesus. Now I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what else it says about them.
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First of all, Muriel is a Dominion. They tell Crowley that they cannot access Gabriel’s trial because “you have to be a throne, a DOMINION, or above.” Now, is it possible that Neil picked an Angel at random to fill in this position? Yes. But considering he kept the positions of the other Angels, why would Muriel’s be changed? Second, and perhaps the scariest, Muriel, in biblical lore, becomes the ANGEL OF DEATH. I… Neil. Neil if you hurt them…. Also, perhaps Muriel is promoted to Dominion when they BECOME the Angel of Death?
Anyway, it’s 1 am now. I’ll do part 2 tomorrow. I’m new to long posts on mobile, so I hope I did this right.
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sebxvettel · 2 years
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Sebastian Vettel 🤍
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choices-ceri · 4 months
I've bin busy. I made a quiz. On quotev.
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Hot people follow me on Quotev
When I say hot I mean either way. Like personality or appearance. Like for example: Kieran (TCH). Personality wise he's not hot but visually.... Still no.
You just need to think of them and Be like "yes, they're hot".
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milyisbored · 3 months
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esme-elora · 3 months
Weekly Update!
Hello my lovely readers! This is a big one.
Ordinarily, this would be a subscribers-only update, but it’s important, so I’ll be having it public.
(If you want to continue to see the details of what I've been working on, you can subscribe to my Patreon or Ko-Fi, whichever you prefer! On top of weekly updates, you can also get WIPs, first drafts, early releases, and exclusive content, as well as access to my Discord server. So if you like lesbian furries in dark fantasy settings with accurate disabled representation, look no further!)
But to business!
There’s actually a few things that I’d like to get into, so I’ll have headings to each topic.
Aurora Progress
I got about halfway through Chapter Seven when I hit a wall of combined disinterest and confusion. I knew, objectively, where it was going, but I couldn’t get it to go there properly. I decided it would be in my best interest to ask some (anonymous) colleagues in publishing and editing what I should do, as they have expertise I lack.
They broke down what I should fix and what I should keep, and as editing goes, it resulted in a very different story. The core of the story, of course, is the same; it’s a cozy lesbian romance focusing on trauma, healing, and self-improvement. However, so many details are different. I want to list them all out, but I also don’t want to spoil anything, because it’s going in such a better direction and I want you to experience the story in real time.
I will, however, reveal the biggest core difference.
For a laundry list of reasons I can’t get into, I’ll be leaning into Esme Elora being a succubus goat creature. Esme being a succubus is crucial to her character arc—in recovering from her past, in self-acceptance, and in her relationship with her future wife (who will be introduced much earlier now). It is so intrinsically intertwined into the plot that it must be emphasized in ways I failed to before. Art will come soon!
If you’re a spider fan, though, do not lose hope! Esme’s original design will be recycled into a new character I know you will cherish. Pietro, too, will remain the main supporting character, and his motivations are far clearer now than they were. The phaedrani remain central to the story, just not in the same way they were before. Further, Eva, Esme’s familiar, is still a character and retains an arachnid form. You’ll see why.
I will have the first version of Aurora up on Patreon for the $9 tier for archival purposes; however, in this form, it will be discontinued.
I hope all of this is not a disappointing update, but this is unfortunately how novel-writing goes. Sometimes, you have to try things out to figure out that they don’t work, and that requires a lot of patience and rewriting. I am still so eternally grateful that you’re still on this writing ride with me.
Other Writing Progress
The Pillow Book has not been reviewed, but as it provides lore essential to the stories of Aefarell, it is still in progress. Sethira is a difficult lady to write; she is strong-willed and determined, and she absolutely writes herself. It has made the story go in a different direction than I intended, but it complements well with the new version of Aurora. I’m sure you’ll like where this ends up.
Otherwise, I have some smutty short stories I’ll be posting; I’m reviving the Matriarch story from last year, just revising for pacing. I plan on writing many stories about the girls of that brothel, and one goes in a deliciously horrifying direction that I’m sure you’ll find intriguing.
I am not focusing on multiverse content. You’ll just have to do the handwave “because magic” when you think about Esme having internet access. For now, anyway. I want to focus on Aefarell and its development, and I’ll have to do a better job at surrogacy (thankfully, I’ve noticed the furry fandom loves this).
Also, I am no longer focusing on fan content, so all fanfics are on hold. If I work on any of them, it’s due to writer’s block. They are not a priority.
Subscription Update
If you’re new to my work and want to subscribe, I am now updating Patreon and Ko-Fi due to popular demand! Both will give you access to my Discord server. Now you can choose which platform you prefer!
My tiers are now:
$3 - Access to all early releases (one chapter ahead of public releases), weekly updates, and the Discord server*
$6 - Access to all previous rewards as well as WIPs and first drafts (two chapters ahead of public releases)
$9 - Access to all previous rewards as well as all archived and discontinued content AND exclusive background/worldbuilding posts and writing on the world of Aefarell
I’m still not doing commissions because I’m too busy, but I am so flattered that so many people are interested!
NSFW Update
I am no longer locking all adult content behind a paywall since I am, at the heart of it all, a romance writer, and I personally like sexual passion with my romance. It’s very hard to separate the two at the point I am at with my stories. I’ve had a lot of deep shame about being a romance writer, particularly since people act like romance isn’t “real writing.” I’ve tried very hard to diversify, but love is my favorite thing, and I love writing about love between women.
Patrons can now opt-in to NSFW discussion channels** but should assume all subscriber channels will have NSFW content. Further, there is a chance all chapters may contain sexual content.
I believe this covers everything I needed to discuss. As always, leave comments or chat in my Discord if you have any questions!
Esme Elora
*I have been asked if I’ll make a Telegram, since furries prefer it, and I’m at a hard maybe. I’m not overly familiar with Telegram and don’t know how to properly moderate it.
**The only reason I separate them is because I work and don’t want people in my office seeing hardcore furry porn when I’m just saying hello in my Discord. I’m sure other members are in the same boat.
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bitchysmartass · 9 months
🔎🌌 Saimota Playlist For Cool People 🌌🔎 ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Reverb⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years
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[Heartslabyul Dorm]
Twisted from: A half-painted rose
Name: Raizel Petal
Gender: Male (He/They)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Age: 18
Birthday: Jun 21(Cancer)
Height: 170 cm
Dominate Hand: Right
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Family: Unnamed Mother & Father
Grade/Class: 2-C
Occupation: Student
Club: Film Studies 
Best Subject: Potion Making
Fun Facts
Hobbies: Painting
Pet Peeves: Hearing people gossip
Dislikes: People interrupting him
Favorite Food: Shrimp Carbonara
Least Favorite Food: Caviar 
Talent: Being flexible 
Raizel, despite his parents' disapproval, is an introverted hopeless romantic who just wants friends and a love life under his snobby arrogant persona. Even in NRC, they are afraid to show their true emotions.
Raizel was born in the Rose Kingdom and raised there. His parents own a company called "The Crownporium" and are well-known in their home country. Raizel's parents loved him, but they also put unrealistic expectations on him. 
Raizel was taught at a young age not to show any signs of weakness to those around him. His parents always say that anyone could take advantage of not only his position, but also of their kindness. So, from then on, Raizel pretended to be snobbish and arrogant in order to avoid appearing weak. Of course, this alienated many people from Raizel and led to gossip about them.
 Although Raizel was content with his daily routine, he gradually began to feel empty. They began to fantasize about life with friends and developed into a hopeless romantic. Unfortunately, they continued to suppress their emotions, knowing the consequences if those scenarios occurred. 
Even as he walked through the halls of NRC, he maintained his persona in order to protect himself. However, Raizel will soon discover that someone in NRC is going to break through their facade.
(That student is the next character I’ll be redesigning)
Unique Magic: 
“A New Shade of Red”
Raizel is able to Roses grow out of people's bodies. Although it does not hurt them…the restraints of the stems can bind his enemy in place. He can do this for a quick escape or a cheap punt either way, he has the upper hand.
-Raizel is the face of his family’s company
-The perfume is called “Bouteille de Triomphe” the catchline “Smell like royalty any day”
-Really loves giving hugs but he is afraid that he’ll be made fun of
-Raizel always wanted to be a painter as kid but of course his parents shut that down immediately (Thankfully he does it in his free time)
-He has several romance books hidden in his dorm room (he ugly cries a lot whenever there’s a kiss scene)
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