#Thomastair au
lekawi · 1 year
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“Here,” he said. “Borrow this. You can give it back to me next time I see you.”
- Chain of Thorns
But medieval au
Tag list: @anarmorofwords @rinadragomir @iloveallmyocs @cant-think-of-anything @khaleesiofalicante @drunkonimagination @life-through-the-eyes-of @summergrace-art @thomaslightwood @ddepressedbookworm @axoloteca @astriefer @lord-jethro @runecarstairs @laylax13s @221bornottobe @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @cityofthomastair5 @ipreferfictionoverreality
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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thomastair childhood friends au II/II 🌷🙈🌿🌈
well guys, it's official. baby thomas is a minion.
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marialightwood-chase · 9 months
Thomastair Soulmate AU
Alastair sat in his room, when he felt it, a sharp pain, then a gentle tingle. He stared in wonder at his left arm, watching the beginning of a tattoo form. A rose shape had appeared by the time he was called to dinner, and he rushed to cover it up. It was a sign of soulmates after all, and he wanted to keep this a secret. Just as he had kept the brown streak of hair that had come in a secret. He walked downstairs to join his mother and Cordelia.  
“….Black is so common Layla. I do hope we know him.. he is a Shadowhunter though. We know that because of the parabatai rune.” His mother was saying.  
“Yes, yes. Black is common. Cordelia’s soulmate is a Shadowhunter. We don’t know if her soulmate is romantic or platonic, boy or girl yet. She could have both a romantic and platonic. We’ll have to wait and see.” Alastair said as he sat down 
Cordelia turned to her older brother “You don’t have to be rude about it, ya know. And because you were too busy pouting in your room, you missed the news. We are moving to London! I will finally be able to be parabatai with Lucie!”  
London. Which meant being in proximity to Charles. How would he be able to keep his secret living a mere carriage ride away? He finished his dinner quickly, rushing back up to his room to watch the rose complete. It had been difficult to feel the tingling, to hide it from his mother during dinner. He marveled at the eight points that had formed, and now some letters were forming. N was at the top, on the rightmost side was E, the bottom had the letter S, and the left had W. While it was nearly complete, Alastair began to panic. He recognized the design, had been shown it when he was in Paris. Alastair knew right now who his soulmate was. Thomas Lightwood. He now had to hide the mark from Charles, so he wouldn’t wonder where the mark came from and why he didn’t also get one.  
In theory, when the brown came in among his dyed blonde, he knew that Charles wasn’t his soulmate back when he didn’t get a streak of fiery red. He never processed it. Calm down Alastair, he thought, Thomas might be your platonic soulmate. But when he thought about that week in Paris, he knew. Thomas was his romantic soulmate, not platonic. Thomas was his one love in life.  
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4uru · 6 months
What if Cordelia went to her brother at the end of 'Chain Of Iron' instead of Matthew?
Find out in the 4th part of 'Reckonings'.
Gift for @thevagabondexpress and @alastairstom also everybody say thank you to @quantummeep for beta-reading this.
It Feels Like Yesterday Was A Year Ago, But I Don't Wanna Let Anybody Know.
Taglist: @what-ho-christopher-put-in @faithfromanewperspective @tleeaves @fangirlghost-19 @caterpillarinacave @chaosandtwo
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Title from Vigilante Shit by Taylor Swift
Prompt - “I'm done. I'm done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.”
This fic might be a little OOC but trust the process
Angstmas Days of Summer Masterlist
You Did Some Bad Things, But I’m The Worst of Them
Thomas was glad to be back at Alastair’s flat after a night of being ignored at the party they had been too. It was the Herondales’ annual Christmas party and Alastair had basically ignored him the whole time, unless Charles was looking of course.
They’d been wallflowers all night, sticking along to the sidelines and barely talking to anyone else. Alastair generally ignoring his presence next to him.
Unless Charles was watching, then Alastair would be all over him. Arms around his waist, kisses on his neck, sweet smiles that he would give anything to see at another time. But it was all a show.
He knew Alastair was using him and for awhile, Thomas didn’t care.
But Thomas was tired of pretending.
He slumped down into a chair in the corner and put his head in his hands.
“Tom? Are you alright?” Alastair asked, coming to crouch next to him, a soft hand rubbing his shoulder.
“No.” he whispered, almost hoping Alastair wouldn’t hear. But he did.
“No? What’s wrong? Did you not have fun at the party?”
Thomas finally looked up, seeing Alastair looking at him with concern in his dark eyes. He knew Alastair cared about him, he just didn’t want him. “No, Alastair, I didn’t have fun being used all night to make your ex jealous.”
“Thomas, what-what are you talking about?” The other man sounded almost incredulous, as if he didn’t know what he’d been doing to Thomas for months now.
“You only started dating me to get back at Charles, am I right or am I wrong?”
The silence in the room was deafening.
“Look me in the eyes and tell me that I’m wrong.”
“I can’t.”
“Because I’m not, right?”
It was silent yet again, Alastair trying to look anywhere but Thomas but Thomas wouldn’t let him do that, he couldn’t hide away, not yet.
He gripped Alastair’s chin in his hand and forced him to look up at him. “I need you to look at me when I say this. Can you do that?” Alastair managed a small nod and Thomas continued. “I'm done. I'm done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.”
“So you want to break up?” Alastair’s voice sounded small.
“Is it really a breakup if one of us wasn’t really in it?” Thomas smiled, a tight, painful smile. “I really loved you, you know. I was so happy when you finally looked my way. But now, I wish you never had.”
With that, Thomas got up and left, leaving Alastair there on the floor with his thoughts, giving him no time to respond.
It wasn’t until he was halfway to his own flag that he felt his heart begin to break inside of his chest and tears start to roll down his cheeks.
He had really loved him, hadn’t he?
I’m really just proving Kat’s point with these fics at this point, Thomas suffers dead or alive ig
@tessherongraystairs @wagner-fell @petalsofaflower-shutupthomas @littlx-songbxrd @aliandtommy
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I was working on the Thomastairs Spider-Man AU today before class and I figured I should start cataloging it. First, here is a rundown of the characters and their roles(tw: Ch*rles):
Thomas is Spider-Man, cause he fits the qualifications for the Peter Parker variant
Christopher is “the guy in the chair”, basically the science side of Spider-Man
James is MJ, obviously he’s not in love with Thomas but he’s a mixture of the drama of the in the Tobey Maguire movies and the personality of MJ from the MCU
Matthew is Harry Osborn but much less tragic and he will not have a villain arc
Alastair is Gwen Stacy
Cordelia and Lucie run an investigative blog on Spider-Man
Ch*rles is the Green Goblin
Elias is a cop
Barbara is Uncle Ben
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drunkonimagination · 2 years
no thoughts head empty just Tom interacting with the carstairs and Alastair interacting with the lightwoods. Tom being in awe of both sona and risa. I feel like Sona would remind him of his mum, they're both very elegant, are passionate about their homelands and are fiercely protective of their families (which has been passed on to their sons). And Risa!! She might be no-nonsense and a bit scary sometimes (like most mums) but Tom finds her hilarious and always offers to help around the house 1/2
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no thoughts head empty just this ask
gideon being alastair's dad and loving him like a second son is already canon to me, so yes.
sophie and alastair sharing recipes !!😭 oh imagine if every time he spends the weekend with tom's family sophie cooks traditional persian plates to make him feel like home and engages the boys in the process. like i have this mental image of the three of them in the kitchen with alastair giving suggestions from time to time since they're following a particularly challenging recipe and sophie is all *drama tone on*: “oh thank the angel we have alastair here with us or we would have messed the whole thing up ages ago, right tommy?” and little alastair, instantly feeling his cheeks burning, is filled with this sudden and unusual rush of pride and he can't stop smiling. he's just so happy.
yeees. tom would see so much of his mum in sona and he would absolutely LOVE risa too and he definitely finds her hilarious, he just does. i can't stop thinking about tom being the only kid who laughs at risa's grumpy attitude and comments while 99% of the kids are genuinely scared. he also thinks she's extremely similar to alastair and finds it twice funnier.
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rhiannons-bird · 1 year
Currently working on different drafts for a TLH social media AU/aesthetic/thingy and I’m torn between making it celebrity culture with twitter and tabloid headers or just a laid back college setting with insta posts
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melanielocke · 2 years
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻
Is there a possibility to make a mix of this two?
🕸“You’d be a lot more intimidating if you weren’t dressed like that.”
🌙Soulmates trope - but make them demons! 
Thank you and no pressure about this ask, you do lots anyway 🤍
I postponed this to the last possible day, and also included the Haunted House prompt I'd been given by @spears-in-small-spaces who I can't seem to tag and also @tessherongraystairs
The Unforgiven
‘What a place to meet.’ The young woman took in her surroundings as she entered the old house.
‘I didn’t choose it,’ the other woman said, raising her shoulders. ‘This is where the gateway is going to be. This midnight.’
The first woman walked up the creaking stairs. What a lovely place this way. Old, abandoned, and probably had a couple of ghosts in the attic. She had always been able to see ghosts, long before she’d become what she was, but hadn’t spent time with any in a while.
‘Afternoon, Cordelia,’ she said. ‘You look…’
‘Like a demon? Intimidating? Beautiful?’  
‘Beautiful, sure. But you’d be a lot more intimidating if you weren’t dressed like that.’
Cordelia was wearing something that looked like a Halloween demon costume. A short and revealing red dress with a red tail at the back. Although Lucie knew the small red horns coming out of her head were real, they looked like they were a part of the costume and the headband had just disappeared under Cordelia’s thick red hair.
‘They’re having a haunted house event in here,’ Cordelia said. ‘This way I’ll blend in. Everyone will be dressed in costumes like these. We can reach the gate without anyone asking what we’re doing in here. The event won’t start until seven though, if we’re lucky we find the gate before then.’
   ‘How sure are you of the gate?’ Lucie asked. ‘We’ve been wrong before. Many times, in fact. Every year on Halloween you drag me all over the world to haunted mansions and pumpkin fields and claim you’ve found the gate to free the Unforgiven but every year we find nothing.’
‘I know. I’m sorry for last year,’ Cordelia said. ‘At least we had fun, didn’t we?’
Lucie had come to enjoy Halloween, it was true. Every year, she and Cordelia would go on some sort of Halloween activity, and it was fun right up until the moment midnight had passed and they had to admit they’d failed to locate the gate to where the Unforgiven was locked up again.
‘We did,’ Lucie admitted. ‘But I don’t understand why this year would be any different.’
‘Because we have help now,’ Cordelia said. ‘An angel.’
Lucie stared at the other demon. ‘An angel? You’re kidding.’
‘There have always been angels sympathetic to our cause,’ Cordelia said. ‘Who believe the Unforgiven’s punishment is unjust and he deserves to be freed. Who know he never did anything wrong. The problem is, very few of them have the kind of power to help us. We’re far more powerful than your average the angel. The problem is that there’s more of them, they’re highly organized, and the archangels are too strong for us.
But this new one. You should see him. He’s strong. Not exceptional, sure, but he broke into the Archangel’s stronghold. He found a map and pinpointed this location, and then brought me the information. He’s meeting us here later tonight.’
‘Can’t wait,’ Lucie said.
She hadn’t seen an angel in a very long time. They kept to their city nowadays, and Cordelia was right, the majority of angels were far weaker than either Lucie or Cordelia. Lucie had never truly been an angel herself. Her father had been one, but her mother had been born a demon and Lucie had been something in between until she’d chosen to embrace her demonic side. She could have chosen differently, sure. She could have chosen to become an angel like her brother. Lucie had never seen the appeal though. Believing you were good and pure did not make it so and Lucie believed demons had been right all along.
Cordelia had been born full angel, but that was a long time ago. Her brother had been the first to fall. They said he couldn’t take it anymore, that he had chosen to pursue the freedom the angels abhorred. He’d never meant to start a war, but the angels had never hated anything more than what he’d become, and had dubbed him Unforgiven and locked him far away. No one could remember his name now.
After the Unforgiven had fallen, many others had followed. Including Cordelia and her mother. Cordelia had spent centuries trying to free her brother from his imprisonment. She might have forgotten his name, but she had not forgotten that she loved him. That had been long before Lucie was born though, when she’d met Cordelia she had already been a demon.
‘So, what’s the plan for when we do find the gate?’
‘Go in, free my brother, get out,’ Cordelia said. ‘Before the night is over and the gate closes. Otherwise we’ll be trapped for a year.’
The gate to the realm where the Unforgiven was imprisoned was only open in between six in the evening and midnight of October 31th every year, which gave them a very limited time window. Lucie had never quite known where Cordelia got her information for the different locations she’d searched.
‘What do you think your brother’s going to say when he sees you and you’re wearing that costume?’ Lucie asked.
Cordelia shrugged. ‘I brought a change of clothes for once we pass through. But I needed a Halloween costume and pretty much everything is like this. But I look good, don’t I?’
‘You do.’
‘I thought you’d like me like this.’
‘For a lust demon,’ Lucie continued.
Cordelia rolled her eyes. ‘It’s so dumb that lust demons are almost always portrayed as sexy women. If anything, the personification of lust would be sleazy men with neckbeards drooling over said sexy woman. Lust is the feeling of desire, not being desirable.’
‘True. But I imagine the men with neckbeards much prefer watching movies with lust demons who look like you.’
‘They’re not the ones I want to drool over me though.’
‘I can assure you, I’m positively drooling,’ Lucie said. ‘Wait, do I need a costume too? You don’t happen to have a last minute costume for me?’
‘You’re dressed like you’re from a different century, I’d say you’re fine,’ Cordelia asked.
Lucie guessed that was true. She was wearing a black Edwardian day dress, something she wore regularly. Demons tended to get stuck wearing the fashion from their days and while Lucie tried out modern clothes frequently, she tended to go back to Edwardian fashion out of habit.
‘You don’t think there are any real ghosts here, do you?’ Cordelia asked. ‘That would be one way to pass the time.’
‘I didn’t realize you could see ghosts.’
‘You’d think demons could, but no. Seems like you’re the only one who can.’
‘Who knows what the Unforgiven can do once we free him,’ Lucie said.
‘I hate calling him that. He’s my brother, and he’s not unforgiven. I should be able to remember his name and call him by it.’
Angels believed names were everything. Legacy, power. Even once you were long gone, you could be remembered by your name. That’s why it was something they liked to take away, that was why they’d dubbed Cordelia’s brother the Unforgiven.
‘You’re right, it’s their name for him, not ours. What do you think we should call him?’
Cordelia shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I’m sticking to my brother for now. That’s the best I could do.’
Someone knocked on the door and Lucie went downstairs to open it. A very tall young man dressed in a nice suit and a top hat. Lucie didn’t think she’d ever seen him before.
‘Hi. I’m looking for Cordelia Carstairs? I was supposed to meet her here.’
‘Right. You’re the contact. Come on in. I’m Lucie Herondale. Cordelia’s girlfriend.’
‘Oh, of course,’ the man said, a little awkward.
Last Lucie had heard, angels were still highly queerphobic. Of course, this man had chosen to betray the archangels and work for Cordelia instead, so who knew?
‘Your contact’s here. And he’s not dressed for Halloween either,’ Lucie said.
‘Uhm, this is a costume,’ the man said. ‘I am dressed as an Edwardian gentleman.’
‘Oh, right. I forgot modern human men don’t dress like that anymore. Real shame,’ Lucie said.
‘You two match,’ Cordelia pointed out. ‘Lucie, this is Thomas, the angel. Thomas, this is Lucie.’
‘A demon,’ Lucie added.
‘We have another hour until the gate opens,’ Thomas said. ‘I thought maybe we could order some food, I don’t like working on an empty stomach. Wait, do demons eat? What do you guys eat?’
Cordelia rolled her eyes. ‘Of course we eat,’ she said. ‘Mostly the same things as humans and angels. Though angel food tends to be bland.’
‘Eating too much is considered sinful,’ Thomas said. ‘Or food that is too flavorful.’
‘So basically, anything fun is against the rules,’ Lucie said. ‘Seems like it hasn’t changed much since my day. No wonder my dad chose to marry a demon woman instead.’
‘Yes, that sums it up,’ Thomas said. ‘My parents don’t really agree with the angels, and my dad tried to change things from a seat at the angel council, but that didn’t really work. I believe we have to bring back the Unforgiven. He’s the only demon powerful enough to stand against the archangels.’
‘Cordelia’s pretty powerful,’ Lucie said. ‘But then she’s his sister. Ordering food before we go looking is actually a pretty good idea. Cordelia, do you think we should order anything for your brother? I imagine he might be hungry after being imprisoned for so long, it would be rude not to give him something to eat.’
‘Sounds like a plan.’
Lucie started exploring the mansion, mapping it out and searching for places where the gateway might be hidden. They had to be back within those six hours, they should aim to waste as little time as possible searching for the gate. When she’d made a list of all the difficult to find places where the gate might appear, she returned to Cordelia and Thomas, who had just accepted several bags with food.
‘What did you get?’ Lucie asked, excited.
‘Persian food,’ Thomas said. ‘I figured Cordelia’s brother might like that.’
They finished their food, leaving a portion behind for the Unforgiven. It would be a real shame if they didn’t find him now, because the food was very good. Two minutes to six. The clock was ticking, and the silence was almost unbearable.
‘So, are we splitting up, or searching the house together?’
‘Splitting up is faster,’ Thomas said.
‘Splitting up is how people die in horror movies,’ Cordelia interjected. ‘We don’t know if the archangels are going to try anything, and we have to face them together if they come. Preferably with my brother there.’
‘Kiss for good luck before we go?’ Lucie asked Cordelia.
Cordelia put her hands on Lucie’s waist, pulling her closer before kissing her. ‘Good luck,’ Cordelia said as they broke apart.
They found the gate only a few minutes after six. It was in the attic, and while Lucie had been worried about recognizing the gate, she shouldn’t have. There’s no way anyone could have missed this. In the middle of the attic was an area of pure darkness. Something like a black hole.
There were footsteps on the stairs up. People visiting to celebrate Halloween? Or archangels? Lucie wasn’t eager to find out.
‘Let’s go,’ she said, taking Cordelia’s hand in hers, and Thomas’ in the other.
Together, the three of them stepped through the gate. For a moment, there was nothing. All she could feel was Cordelia’s hand, still in hers. Then they were in a dark cave, a faint light shimmering through the corridors.
‘It’s a maze down here,’ Thomas said. ‘But my friend Kamala gave me a magic thread we can follow back to the entrance.’
‘That’s useful,’ Lucie said.
‘Not sure how we find the Unforgiven though.’
‘Through me,’ Cordelia said. ‘I have a spell that will lead me to my brother. You roll out the thread so we can find our way back.’
Cordelia cast her spell, and a flame led the way deeper into the maze. They had to run to keep up, the flame was fast, and the three of them were completely out of breath by the time they entered the center of the maze.
 It was a round room with several corridors leading to a different place into the maze, and in the middle of it was a young man with black wings. He looked like Cordelia, but his hair was black rather than red. His hands were bound behind his back, tied to the floor.
‘Brother,’ Cordelia said. ‘We have come to set you free.’
The man looked up and into his sister’s eyes. ‘Layla. You came for me. I never thought I’d see you again.’
‘I found you, I finally found you. Come, we’ll break your chains.’
‘It takes angel blood,’ the young man said. ‘A clever trick they pulled on me, because what angel would wish to set me free?’  
‘I’m an angel,’ Thomas said. ‘I’ll give you the blood you need.’
The young man looked at Thomas, his eyes wide with surprise. Thomas took out a knife and made a small cut at the base off his wrist.
‘Now what?’
‘Smear the blood onto the chains.’
The moment Thomas’ blood touched the chains, they dissolved into nothing, and for the first time in centuries, the Unforgiven rose. He was truly as magnificent as the demons had been led to believe. A pair of black feathered wings, the biggest Lucie had ever seen. He radiated power. Yet at the same time he seemed so vulnerable underneath it all. It’d take time to reclaim his strenght.
‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘What is your name?’
‘Thomas. Thomas Lightwood. What about you?’
‘It’s Alastair,’ he said.
‘Alastair,’ Cordelia breathed. ‘Of course. That’s your name. I’d forgotten for so long. Come, we’ll take you home.’
‘I’m not sure I’m strong enough,’ Alastair said.
‘Lean on me,’ Thomas said.
Thomas, it turned out, was too tall for Alastair to comfortably lean on, so instead Thomas picked him up, carrying him in his arms as they followed the thread back to the gate.
‘There it is,’ Cordelia said. ‘You’re going to be safe, I promise. I won’t let anything else happen to you ever again.’
They all walked through the gateway together, back into the attic of the haunted house. And they were not alone.
In front of them, were four archangels. Including Elias. They said he was the reason Alastair had fallen in the first place. They said he was the most terrible archangels who had ever lived. Lucie had never known him, even when she’d still moved among angels he had actively avoided her.
‘I always thought this would end in a fight,’ Lucie said. ‘Good thing I’ve come prepared.’
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @leslutapologist @ikissedsmithparker
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yuls-real-consort · 1 year
Someone give me good bury your gays fanfiction pleaseeeee i need it
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purplebass · 1 year
Apparently doing the dishes is my way to get inspired to write new one shots as I daydream a lot while doing that 😜
That'll come in handy for my followers celebration which I'm doing soon I promise
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lekawi · 1 year
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Medievalaufication continues
Let them kidnap each other
Tag list: @anarmorofwords @rinadragomir @iloveallmyocs @cant-think-of-anything @khaleesiofalicante @drunkonimagination @life-through-the-eyes-of @summergrace-art @thomaslightwood @ddepressedbookworm @axoloteca @astriefer @lord-jethro @runecarstairs @laylax13s @221bornottobe @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @cityofthomastair5
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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thomastair childhood friends au I/II 🌷🙈🌿🌈✨
(finally <3)
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marialightwood-chase · 9 months
A snapshot of a WIP that should be up on my AO3 at some point....
Took a deep breath in the mirror  He didn't like it when I wore high heels  But I do  Turn the lock and put my headphones on  He always said he didn't get this song  But I do, I do  Walked in expecting you'd be late  But you got here early and you stand and wave  I walk to you  You pull my chair out and help me in  And you don't know how nice that is  But I do 
Alastair breathed in, and out. ‘It’s alright.’ He told himself ‘Thomas isn’t like Charles. You know him. He isn’t anything like Charles.’ And yet…He fumbled. He still doubted. Because that was the thing about a toxic relationship. It stuck with you forever. Cordelia was currently sitting in the driver’s seat of his car. A feat he didn’t quite understand himself. “Do you think Thomas will be okay with this?” He gestured to his shirt and pants. 
Cordelia sighed. “I’ve told you a dozen and a half times already, that Thomas is actually a decent human being who doesn’t care what you’re wearing. I promise you this much, Alastair Esfandiyar Carstairs, that if this date DOES go catastrophically wrong, I will grab Lucie at a moment’s notice, and first beat into James how bad he is at choosing his friends, and second, make Thomas pay for anything he has done. And that offer stands if he ever breaks your heart. Just know that that treatment may be applied to you if you break Thomas’ heart. And instead of Lucie and me, it would be Anna and Ari, and you know as well as I do that you do not cross Anna Lightwood.”  
Alastair smiled slightly, and he felt a bit of his worry seep out of his ligaments. He reached over to hug Cordelia. “I’ll call you when I need you to pick me up, Layla.” 
“Go! You don’t wanna be late” Cordelia very nearly shoved him out the door once it was open. 
Alastair began walking to the café where he was supposed to meet up with Thomas. ‘Not supposed to’, he reminded himself ‘going to.’ Thomas is not Charles. He put an earbud into his ear an listened to one of his favorite songs. One that Charles had never appreciated. Alastair ended up there about 5 minutes before their agreed meeting time, and with a shock, realized that Thomas was already there. He didn’t know how much he had been prepping himself for drinking a cup of tea, making it last for 20 or 30 minutes. ‘Stop thinking comparing Thomas to Charles. They are not the same.’ He looked at Thomas and saw him stand up. Alastair walked right over to him. “Thomas!” He said. 
“Alastair, how are you today?” Thomas asked, taking a chair out from the table for Alastair. 
“Well enough, and you?” Alastair asked as he sat in the chair that Thomas had pulled out for him.  
“Pretty good myself. Christopher keeps pulling me into making explosions in Henry’s lab. He says it’s for the purpose of science.” Thomas replied. 
“While I understand the purpose of science, I do not quite think that constantly exploding various combinations of substances is required in the world” Alastair said. 
“I think that he desires to create a fireproof fabric that once caught on fire, will burn forever.” Thomas said on the matter.
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4uru · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Last Hours Series - Cassandra Clare Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alastair Carstairs/Thomas Lightwood Characters: Alastair Carstairs, Thomas Lightwood Additional Tags: Fluff, Short One Shot, Random & Short, Boys Kissing, Grinding, Comfort No Hurt Summary:
Sleeping lover and Orange scarf.
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streettealee · 1 year
In short: Pride and Prejudice Thomastair AU on AO3 only if that is of interest to anyone.
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