#Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
mynonsenseistingling · 7 months
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Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
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aggravateddurian · 1 year
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CYBERPUNK 2077: Thorton Colby "Vulture"
A modified Thorton Colby CX410 Butte, designed for death races in the Badlands. Uparmoured, ruggedised and equipped with a pair of well-concealed machine guns, as well as a far less well-concealed guided missile launcher, the Vulture is a mean opponent, and might even keep you safe in Pacifica!
On another note, the Vulture has become my favourite variant of the Colby, though I prefer the Little Mule's paint job. The 'Vulture' would look supreme with a .50 on the back as well, either a CROWS setup or operated manually like a Hilux technical, it might even be in competition with Panam's rig for most dangerous thing on the ground since the Abrams tank.
Speaking of which, I have to post that thing about the homebrew Nomad clan called the 'Ironsides,' a Nomad clan of 'forgotten' US Army troops (read: went AWOL during the 4th Corpo War) from the 1st Armoured Div who drive around the Badlands in souped up HEMTTs, FMTVs, Bradleys and Abrams, as well as whatever other vehicles they've picked up over the years. Of course, by 2077, all but the clan's elders are new blood, joining the clan from the streets, or 'vets', the descendants of the original unit.
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
What vehicles do each of your characters drive?
Thank you for the question <3
So this one took me a bit to answer, mostly because there were some decisions I never fully committed to. They also have assigned 'modern day' cars, but I'm just gonna list the in-game ones.
Salem drives a Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson. It's sleek, black on black, with a leather interior and dark tinted windows. No other decals, since he doesn't like any of that extra stuff. He insists he doesn't want to 'draw attention', but the car itself is enough to draw the eye with how surprisingly stylish and elegant it looks.
Judah is tricky because he doesn't really drive himself all too often. He does go on drives on his own, but for the most part, he's always driven around by his chauffeur. His own personal car is an Herrera Outlaw GTS (and he recently added a Rayfield Caliburn to his collection for recently birthday). He gets driven around a Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate though, especially during work hours when he's trying to balance emails and phone calls in between traveling for meetings.
Paolo drives a Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech. Between the twins, Paolo is the car guy. He's the only one between the two that actually has a car, come to think of it. On the outside, it's pretty simple looking. Nothing too flashy, it's basic paint job and maybe a few stickers slapped on (thanks to Paola). But on the inside? The inside is very Paolo. From tacky little foam dice hanging from his rearview mirror, to the blue shag fur on the dashboard. The driver's seat has a beaded car-seat cover for those 'long hours sitting around during a job'. There's even some subtle neon lighting going on.
Paola, unlike her brother, favors motorcyles. She's the only one from my entire group of OC that drives a bike instead. If she needs a vehicle, she usually borrows Paolo's car (he refuses to borrow her bike, for obvious reasons). Paola drives an ARCH Nazaré, which was a gift to her from her late boyfriend. She actually goes through a little story arc where she totals her bike and eventually decides that it's time to move on, so she gets a new bike. It's very likely still a Nazaré, but likely a newer model.
Renato loves a good muscle car. His was one I had some trouble with the most because there are so many good options. Ultimately, he picked the Quadra Type-66 Avenger. His is a deep red color and it's pretty much his pride and joy. Sometimes he gets the question on how an ordinary bartender can afford a car like that. He just does the whole "Yeah well..." thing, never giving a clear answer.
Embry is the one that gave me the MOST trouble on this because there are a few options I really liked personally. His original car was a Quadra Type-66 "Jevelina" and up to this point, he still has it. But I wanna give him something a bit different. So he might eventually get either a Thorton Colby CX410 Butte or he can go big or go home and get a Thorton Mackinaw (the Warhorse version). If there were any Jeep style vehicles, he would so have one of those.
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a-pirate · 2 years
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wanderingaldecaldo · 3 years
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Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
How does the Butte differ from the base Colby? The most important difference: the standard trunk has been replaced with a pickup truck bed. It's found popularity among small business owners who use it to transport stock and among street thugs who find using a truck bed and tarp is more convenient than a car trunk for moving bodies. -- database entry
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breezypunk · 2 years
13, 15, 16, 20, 21 for dear Vaughn?? 💚
Thank you ^.^
13. If you were to choose a class for them, what would it be?
I'm assuming this means like a classroom or.. subject in a class? Let's say that's what this means, I'd say probably P.E ahahah. Vaughn hates math, and he can read pretty well, but he'd want to be active, so I'm gonna say P.E yeah. :)
Oh! Maybe I'd stick him in a science class. He loves that too. Astronomy specifically.
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice?
As a nomad, he's gotten pretty used to walking everywhere, plus he enjoys the exercise, so he highly prefers to walk. However, he does have a favorite vehicle on his lazy days. His Thorton Colby CX410 Butte, light green in color, which he calls the Green Saber. ^.^
16. how would you describe their style?
This is interesting because Vaughn's style varies. I wouldn't say he sticks to one exact style, but he definitely leans more towards an alternative aesthetic. He loves black, leather, dark reds, chains on his pants, biker boots. Those are his go to, but he likes comfy lounge wear clothes too, sweats, baggy tank tops, whatever he feels good in basically.
20. where do they currently live? describe their home.
Vaughn currently lives in Night City. He has an apartment in The Glen, that he shares with his partner. But he also travels to the badlands to stay with the Aldecaldos a lot, his main family. I HC they live out in Jackson Plain.
21. Do they have any favorite spots around NC?
NORTH SIDE! :) Vaughn LOVES it in that area, not sure what it is that's so appealing, but it's just the vibe and Vaughn loves it. Even Pacifica, he's been liking out there more recently.
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americanegg · 4 years
egg’s digestible guide for attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
(cheap to mad expensive) post then later a (free quest cars) post
Car Model >  €$ (Fixer). All details about each are my own experience. Location of vehicle by district and waypoint.
(Reminder that if you’re short on eddies you can do Gigs, Sidequests, and “Assault in Progress” mini quests to get rich and level up.)
1. Thorton Galena G240 > €$ 13,000 (Regina)
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Rusty hunk of junk but functional, especially after your car gets bodied in the beginning of Act 2. Located in the garage of your apartment building.
2. Makigai MaiMai P126 >  €$ 14,000 (Wakako)
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Small. Super fucking small but decent and could turn into a red bullet on the highway at the cost of absolutely no control on your turns. Located in the southern part of Charter Hill, Westbrook sitting neatly in a small parking lot.
3. Mahir Supron FS3 >  €$ 16,000 (Reyes)
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Sort of van type situation but compact. Cheap and definitely made of plastic. Like it says that in the lore. Located East from Hargreaves St waypoint in Arroyo.
4. Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson >  €$ 17,000 (Padre)
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It’s a smooth ride, I’ll give Padre that. Long in length and takes years to turn with but it’s not made for street racing so it’s still decent for traffic and looking like a corpo. Located directly South of the Pumping Station waypoint in Wellsprings.
5. Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight >  €$ 19,000 (Dino)
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Another van-type situation with plenty of seating. Could drive your kids to soccer with this one and get there in one piece. Average vehicle overall but can go 210mph if needed. Located SouthWest of the Downtown Central waypoint and sitting in a parking lot.
6. Thorton Galena “Gecko” >  €$ 21,000 (Dakota)
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Found in the Badlands this is a great choice for rocky roads at 100mph. Go crazy and go stupid outside the city with this bad boy. Shred rubber and whatnot. Be wary of turns and speed in rocky areas as you can make as much airtime as a dirtbike on a ramp! Located SouthWest of the Old Turbines waypoint in the Eastern Badlands.
This is where Street Cred Level will come into play along with your pocket full of eddies:
(cred = streetcred level)
7. Kaiba Kusanagi CT-3X >  €$ 22,000 > 12 cred (Wakako)
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Right after Jackie’s Arch, this is my favorite ride in the game. She’s sleek, perfect for bypassing traffic, and very well-designed. Located in an abandoned parking lot in Japantown, Westbrook directly NorthEast of the Skyline and Salinas waypoint.
8. Archer Quartz EC-L R275 > €$ 29,000 > 12 cred (Regina)
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Another great set of wheels for burning rubber and kicking up sand in the Badlands, if you have the eddies for it. Located South of the Offshore St waypoint in Northside and immediately next to a Neutralize the Perps mini quest.
9. Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar >  €$ 32,000 > 12 cred (Dino)
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First of the heavy duty SUV you acquire at 30k eddies. Didn’t drive this one very much since I’m a small and sleek kinda dude but if you need to ram a taxi or show off to your video game girlfriend your chunky ride, here is the car for you. Located in Corpo Plaza SouthWest of Arasaka Tower waypoint or NorthWest of Reconciliation Park waypoint.
10. Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor >  €$ 37,000 > 12 cred (Padre)
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If you want to look like an asshole you can check this one out. Pretty much a bougie limosine type situation. Long car so long turns my guy. Located in Wellsprings, Heywood sitting in a parking lot West of Berkeley & Bay waypoint. 11. Thorton Colby C240T (aka Thorton Colby C125) >  €$ 39,000 > 20 cred (Regina)
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Vehicles to pick up your gf/bf and go to a drive-in theater with? This one. Smooth ride with plenty of seating to do you know what at said drive-in theater definitely not watching Bushido 3. Located Northside, Westbrook South of the Docks waypoint in a small parking lot in front of the Ded Zed clothing store.
12. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green) >  €$ 43,000 > 12 cred (Reyes)
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Imma be honest... I’m a slut for Thorton car models. This one is straight up satisfying to my ears and eyes. Located in the parking lot of PieZ waypoint in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.
13. Thorton Colby “Little Mule” >  €$ 49,000 > 12 cred (Dakota)
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Truckin and fuckin around the Badlands? This is definitely the car for you!  Located near the Sunset Motel parking lot in the Eastern Badlands.
14. Quadra Type-66 Avenger >  €$ 55,000 > 20 cred (Dino)
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Remember those Need for Speed games? No? Well imagine it for a second and look at this preem ride. Got that image in your mind? Now look at your wallet. Located West of Metro: Republic Way waypoint tucked under the Empathy club building.
15. Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley” (aka Quadra Type-66 640 TS)  >  €$ 58,000 > 20 cred (Reyes)
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If you haven’t noticed, Quadra Type-66 are very good at designing cars that make you look like you shred these streets since you were a babe. Like, Baby from Baby Driver would fuck this ride up, you know it choom. Located West of Kendal Park waypoint in Rancho Coronado, no more than 2-minute walk away.
16. Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate >  €$ 62,000 > 20 cred (Padre)
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Another Limo! I’ll be honest, six wheels on a car this low is crazy but Villefort always finds a way. This is the ride you’d drive to your corpo apartment to go pick up your corpo wife so you can take your corpo ride to a nearby corpo restaurant and only drink Spunky Monkey in a wine bottle. Located directly West of the Palms View Way waypoint in The Glen.
17. Herrera Outlaw GTS >  €$ 62,000 > 30 cred (Dino)
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Limousine type body but god damn if it ain’t gorgeous to look at. A real sexy piece of wheels, this one. Located in Corpo Plaza, North of Ring Road waypoint. 
18. Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” >  €$ 73,000 > 30 cred (Dakota)
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God am I a fan of rides that pick up hefts of sand and dirt? Yeah, I am. Do I love how this car looks? Absolutely. As a Nomad V, is this one of the sexiest rides you can get? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. Located in Southern Badlands near the Protein Farm waypoint.
19. Mizutani Shion MZ2 >  €$ 75,000 > 30 cred (Regina)
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Not gonna lie, this is the car that occupies my headspace every time I boot up Cyberpunk. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the design, maybe it’s the car I would take to my honeymoon, idk. Located in the same garage as the Thorton Galena in Little China, Watson.
20. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” >  €$ 76,000 > No cred requirement (Regina or Sampson)
Condition to receive for free: Sparing Samson in “The Beast In Me” side quest
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Okay other than Beast which is a chonky beast this one is a very speedy beast with classic racecar features but bulky armor. The wiki literally says this ride has 666 horsepower so you KNOW this shit is gonna slap as soon as you get in and hear that engine, dawg.  Can be found in Little China, Watson in Megabuilding H10.
21. Brennan Apollo >  €$ 94,000 > 30 cred (Padre)
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If you thought Jackie’s ARCH and the Yaiba Kusanagi was sexy boy you will not be disappointed. Smaller and more compact but a speedy on the highways and countryside. Side Effect is you’ll look like the coolest pizza delivery driver in Night City. Located in Vista Del Ray, Heywood a short walk away East of Delamain HQ waypoint. 22. Mizutani Shion “Coyote” >  €$ 115,000 > 20 cred (Dakota)
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... Look at her. Just... just look at her. Look at those wheels, that build, the spoiler, look at her! I would own so many Hot Wheels and have her in a display case alright. Like, you know what you’re signing up for at 100k eddies for Dakota. Like this car that was originally used for scooting around the city was LITERALLY modded for the Badlands. As a Nomad this is a must-have. Located in the Eastern Badlands, North of the Sunshine Motel waypoint.
23. Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 >  €$ 128,000 > 30 cred (Reyes)
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The most SUV that ever SUV’ed in Night City. Reyes calls you for this one and shit, it’s new, it’s spotless, it’s a shiny new car, and trouncing down Badlands, the streets of Kabuki, Pacifica, name it. This beaut does go maximum of around 150mph but with how big this bad boy is, it can charge through the highways but be wary of how you turn corners! Located around the block from the Red Dirt Bar waypoint to the East in Arroyo, Santo Domingo.
24. Quadra Turbo-R 740 >  €$ 129,000 > 30 cred (Wakako)
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TURBO-TASTIC ride. Again, of racecar design, you can almost smell the 1980s nostalgia from the picture alone. Located in the Dynalar building/waypoint in Charter Hill, Westbrook.
25. ARCH Nazaré >  €$ 138,000 > 40 cred (Wakako)
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Writing this guide up to this point I have discovered that Old Lady Wakako knows what “fucking nova” means because all the cars she offers are fucking bangers so of COURSE she would offer an ARCH bike like this bumblebee badboy. You can see all the fun bits in and around the bike to know what you’re getting into so expect some hella smooth sailing. Located on the way TO the Drive-In Theatre in the lot of the Gig: A Shrine Defiled. South of Drive-in Theatre, North Oak, Westbrook.
26. Rayfield Caliburn (White) >  €$ 157,000 > 40 cred (Dino)
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Dino actually coming in clutch with this last call for vehicles he offers. Like, I had to look up what “hypercar” meant to logistically know how hype this car makes me every time I hit the gas. At high speeds the engines purr like a cat, which is a whole other satisfying experience after driving hunks of junk. Located West of the Corporation St. waypoint in Downtown, City Center.
27. Rayfield Aerondight S9 “Guinevere” >  €$ 225,000 > 50 cred (Wakako)
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Um... so... this is- this is the last car from Wakako. I haven’t even gotten to the point of being able to afford this... this... work of art. I can only imagine, with the Rayfield brand, that it’s better than the Caliburn. Which I don’t even think that’s possible but once I buy it I’ll let you know. Located North of the Columbariam or directly West of the North Oak Sign waypoints in North Oak, Westbrook.
Yo, if this guide helps you or makes your day or think it’s absolutely genius or dogshit don’t forget to like/reblog! Share with your friends!
Free Vehicle Post coming soon!
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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ky-rar · 4 years
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Age: 24
Favorite weapon: DR12 Quasar
Favorite vehicle: Yaiba Kusanagi CT-X3 & Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
Favorite radio station: Body Heat Radio
Ann comes from a Nomad family, but got lost in the neon current of Night City. She spent her first year and some change as a corpo’s plaything, but he eventually got bored of her and she escaped this rather depressing life. She’s now still trying to build a life on her own, working as a mechanic and delivery girl by day and driving in high speed races at night.
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Thorton Colby CX410 Butte
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aggravateddurian · 1 year
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Cyberpunk 2077: Thorton Colby "Little Mule"
A modified Thorton Colby CX410 Butte, uparmoured, ruggedised and armed with a pair of front-mounted machine guns. A reliable all-rounder for the discerning nomad, or the Night City merc with a penchant for danger.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Cyberpunk 2077 Cars: Everything You Need To Know
While Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t emphasize vehicles as much as other open-world games like Grand Theft Auto, you are going to rely on the game’s array of cars, bikes, and trucks in order to get around Night City and the Badlands.
Like most other things in Cyberpunk 2077, though, the ins and outs of how vehicles work aren’t necessarily explained to the player. It’s not unusual to find yourself halfway through the game without any idea of how to acquire certain vehicles or what you are supposed to do with them.
With that in mind, here are a few answers to some of the most common questions regarding Cyberpunk 2077‘s vehicles.
Can You Steal Cars in Cyberpunk 2077?
You can steal most of the cars you see in Night City, but some of them are easier to take than others.
While clunkers and fairly average cars in Cyberpunk 2077 can be stolen at the push of a button, others require you to have the appropriate number of hacking or body attribute points. It’s generally not worth pursuing either of those builds just to steal more cars in the city, but if you’ve already chosen to focus on either of those attributes, then consider the extra grand theft auto opportunities to be a fringe benefit.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Just be aware that trying to steal cars in the city may result in a bystander reporting you to the police.
Can You Store Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077?
You can store vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077, but at the moment, the only place to permanently park them is in the garage by V’s apartment.
You should also know that the only vehicles you can store in that garage are the ones that you acquired through missions or legally purchased. You’re currently not able to permanently store stolen vehicles.
It’s also worth noting that you can only “summon” one vehicle at a time. If you want to change the vehicle that comes when you trigger its AI tracking system, you’ll need to go to your garage and swap your currently selected vehicle.
Can I Buy Cars in Cyberpunk 2077?
Yes, you can buy cars in Cyberpunk 2077, but the process of acquiring them is a little strange.
There are no traditional car dealerships in Night City (at least none that have been found yet). Instead, opportunities to buy new cars are typically gated behind certain progression events. Completing specific missions will unlock the opportunity to buy a new car, as will earning enough Street Cred.
Basically, the best way to unlock cars is to keep driving around the city, keep completing side quests, and keep progressing through the main story. Eventually, opportunities to purchase new cars will be added to your side quest log.
Just know that unlocking the chance to purchase a new vehicle doesn’t necessarily unlock the vehicle itself. While it’s possible to earn free rides, you’ll still have to pay for many of the game’s vehicles. That’s potentially very bad news considering that some of the best cars in the game come equipped with the biggest price tags in Night City.
Can I Customize Cars in Cyberpunk 2077?
The very short answer to this question is “no.”
While CD Projekt Red was working on a car customization system, they revealed that this feature was abandoned at some point during development. It’s not entirely clear what the problem was, but it would be nice if car customization options were added to the game down the line along with the ability to tweak your character’s physical appearance once you’re past the initial character creation phase.
Can I Just Fast Travel in Cyberpunk 2077?
There is a fast travel option in Cyberpunk 2077, and it’s tied to Night City’s public transportation system: Night City Area Rapid Transit.
If you look at your map, you should see various NCART icons spread throughout the city. By visiting one of these NCART points, you should be able to jump from one public transportation hub to another. For now, though, there doesn’t seem to be any other way to fast travel from a specific point in the city to another specific point in the city.
Are There Motorcyles in Cyberpunk 2077?
While cars and trucks tend to dominate the streets of Night City, there appear to be at least five kinds of motorcycles you can acquire through theft, purchase, and unlocks.
Actually, one of the best ways to get a motorcycle early on is to just steal one from the Tyger Claws. It’s not a permanent solution, but the bike’s design is inspired by the motorcycle in Akira, so it’s got that working for it.
How Can I Unlock The Porsche in Cyberpunk 2077?
Yes, there is a Porsche in Cyberpunk 2077, and it turns out that it’s actually not that hard to unlock. You just need to follow these steps.
*Slight Side Mission Spoilers*
Proceed through the main story until you unlock the “Chippin’ In” side mission.
Meet Rogue.
During the mission, put your weapons away and choose to spare Grayson.
At the end of the mission, you should be rewarded with the Porsche 911.
How Do I Unlock Keanu Reeves’ Motorcycle in Cyberpunk 2077?
A recent Cyberpunk 2077 teaser revealed that a motorcycle made by a company that Keanu Reeves‘ co-owns would be included in the game. While not every Cyberpunk 2077 feature made it to release, this is one promise that CD Projekt Red did keep.
How do you get it? There are currently three known ways to acquire one. The first requires you to raise your Street Cred to 40 and buy an Arche Nazare motorcycle from a fixer in Westbrook for a whopping 138,000 eddies. Ouch.
If that price tag is a bit too high, then you can earn an Arche Nazare for free by completing either the “Heroes” or “The Highwayman” side missions. Without getting into spoilers, the one you get through the “Heroes” side mission is a little cooler and has a personal story attached to it. It can also be acquired very early on.
What is The Full List of Available Cars and Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077?
For the record, “available” is the keyword here, as there are some cars in the game (most notably, flying cars) which you will see around the city but seemingly can’t drive or pilot at this time.
Having said that, here’s the full list of drivable cars, trucks, and motorcycles that have been discovered so far:
Arch Nazare Archer Quartz EC-T2 R660 Archer Hella EC-D I360 Brennan Apollo Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar Herrera Outlaw GTS Makigai Maimai P126 Makigai Supron FS3 Mizutani Shion MZ2 Mizutani Shion Coyote Porsche 911 Turbo Quadra Turbo-R 740 Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech Quadra Type-66 Rayfield Aerondight Guinevere Rayfield Caliburn Thorton Colby C125 Thorton Colby CX410 Butte Thorton Colby “Little Mule” Thorton Galena G240 Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate Villefort Alvarado V4FC 580 Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor Villefort Cortes Delamin No. 21 Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight Yaiba Kusanagi
There are a few variations to some of those vehicles (including a few special variations that can only be unlocked by making the right story choices), but that’s a rough overview of the game’s current drivable vehicle list.
The post Cyberpunk 2077 Cars: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/379Vclt
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breezypunk · 3 years
Cyberpunk 2077 Q/A Game: If you lived in Night City
Tagged by @katsigian, thanks choomba. ^__^
Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo?
- Nomad
What would be your age?
- 26
What would be your job?
- I’d probably be one of those street vendors who sells clothes hehe.
What would be your district?
- Northside
Who would be your romantic partner?
- Max Jones or Michiko
Who'd be your best choom?
- Vaughn.. ^__^ 
Who'd be your gang?
- No gang, BUT very friendly with The Mox.
Favourite radio song?
- Delicate Weapon - Grimes
Your major arcana?
- The Fool
Your #1 vehicle?
-  Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Vaughn calls it the Green Saber).
Rules: Like if you want; Reblog and replace the answers; Tag who you want; Enjoy the game!
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americanegg · 4 years
egg’s digestible guide for FREE attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
Car Model > When it is available . How to get/Location of vehicle.
1. Archer Hella EC-D i360 > Given free after the prologue
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Automatically added to your car inventory.
2. Jackie’s ARCH Nazaré > After Act 2, completing the quest “Heroes” aka Jackie’s Funeral.
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After Mama Welles gives you the keys to his bike, it is added to your car inventory.
3. Brennan Apollo “Scorpion” >  After completing “Life During Wartime” main quest with Panam.
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Once the mission is over and you’ve said your temporary goodbyes, and interrogate Hellman.
4. (Villefort) Delamain No. 21 > Given by Delamain at the end of “Don’t Lose Your Mind” once you’ve completed all seven Epistrophy quests.
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Added in your car inventory after having a neat conversation with the car’s Delamain.
5. Porche 911 II (930) Turbo > Found after the fight with Grayson, with or without letting him live in “Chippin’ In”
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Johnny Silverhand’s fully customized Porsche. I personally always kill Grayson since his body has the key to the cargo box anyway. To get the car added to your inventory, make your way to the ladder at the starboard of the ship (from where Grayson is (slumped dead or standing alive), go to the left of the ship), climb the ladder and there will be a control panel with a prompt. You’ll see the cargo container lowered into the yard. Use the key you looted/got to open it and acquire the car for your car inventory.
6. Thorton Mackinaw “Beast” > Given by Claire at the end of “The Beast in Me” quests
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After you talk with Claire whether you finish the race or not, she gives Beast to you and it is added to your car inventory when the quest ends.
7. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” > Given by Sampson IF you let him live. Otherwise, it can be bought for €$ 76,000.
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In order to get this car for free, follow these dialogue options when on the final “The Beast in Me: The Big Race” and Claire talks about her husband:
After qualifying for the Final Race: “You sure it was murder?”  >> “Sorry, Claire, but I can’t help.”  >>  “Okay, I’ll still drive but only to win”
During the race once Sampson goes offroad: “What’s he mean?” >> “Wait, wanna hear this.” >> “Claire, that true?” >> “Yeah, let him go.”
Note: You will still be able to get Claire’s “Beast” at the end of the quest. Sampson will call you later to give you his car.
8. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Orange) > Can be found at the abandoned movie set in the Eastern Badlands.
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Attainable BEFORE Act 3 so GRAB THIS CAR WHEN YOU START ACT 2. It’ll literally just be sitting there and you can add it to your inventory. Afterwards, you will not be able to get it.
9. Rayfield Caliburn > Becomes available after completing Panam’s side quest “Ghost Town”. 
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Make your way back to the tunnel where you and Panam crashed Nash’s hideout. Tucked in a corner near where the hideout starts, there is a shipping container that will make the “Vehicle Required” sound once you open it. 
Another way to find (by accident as I’ve done this twice) it is taking the long way back to Night City from the New Aldecaldo’s Camp after the “Queen of the Highway” quest is completed. On the way back, you’ll find that shipping container in that same tunnel.
10. Villefort Alvarado “Vato” > Becomes available when unlocking “Beat on the Brat: The Glen”.
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This car you have to fight for, literally. The owner El Ceaser is the next Beat on the Brat after the twins in Kabuki. Find him in Heywood, he’ll wager €$ 4,000 and V will need to match it. After defeating him, he will give you the car.
11. Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech > Available one in-game day after completing “A Life’s Work”. 
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Padre calls V after you complete those in-game days waiting, giving the “Sex on Wheels” gig. The reward at the end is this fabulously iconic sports car.
12. Thorton Galena GA40XT aka “Rattler” > Only available for Nomad lifepath
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First actual car before V’s Archer Hella, you recall starting the game having it fixed up. At some point, you no longer have the car and look for it in the nearby junk heap. V will receive a text with coordinates to where your car is located, alive and well (Medeski Fuel Station in Badlands). After speaking with a very special NPC (Alanah Pierce) you can make a deal to get your car back.
13. ARCH Nazaré “Itsumade” > Available once completing the puzzle to “The Highwayman”
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This is a secret gig you can find in the southeastern-most part of Rancho Coronado. To start the quest you need to walk behind the gun shop and start the quest.
tutorial: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/The_Highwayman
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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