#Those photos were saved in mumma's phone back then
curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bumps and Dumps - Part 6
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Harry and Hattie were best friends and fuck buddies until she got knocked up. Her life was becoming one big mess and even though her best friend had finally admitted his feeling but she believed it is only because of the baby.
Harold: Him…….
Hatters: We were just friends Harry and he actually seems to care about me and he didn’t have to knock me up to realise.
Harry kept rereading the text he finally realised how bad he had screwed up his chances with her. He had always known she liked him for the most part he never realised though that one day when the universe had made it clear he can be selfish he can have her she would no longer want him. He had spent the whole of the SNL after party looking at this photo of her and fucking sink boy. Aj had been his only real threat and now he was playing the role of Dad to his unborn baby, he should be rubbing her back not him. Ever since that skit all he thought about was them going to birthing classes, getting the nursery ready in the new house and talking to her bump. Harry had been getting updates from Gemma apparently Hattie had the tiniest bump which more looked like she was bloated but only they knew it was their spud.
He tried to type her a message several times and gave up. He just kept looking at that photo he went onto twitter to see what his fans were saying. He knew Jeff would come over and try and come up with a plan to diffuse the situation but he also knew Jeff wouldn’t care as after looking at his fans tweets everyone was speculating he was going to become a Godfather to Aj’s baby all he wanted to tweet was it’s mine. Most people had assumed she had just drunk a few too many and was paying the price. Harry was so wrapped up in his phone he had forgotten that he had invited his mates to the after party including two of his exes Kendall and Camille.
“What you looking at Styles.”
Kendall quickly grabbed his phone away, Kendall had never quite known what was going on between him and Hattie but she herself thought they were meant to be together. Kendall had realised shortly into her fling with Harry that their was another women and she had never disliked Hattie the two had got on well. They were not best friends but that was because they were opposites Kendall and Camille were both slightly vain and their lives were hollywood. Where as, Hattie dreamed differently something Harry found intriguing she hated the spotlight and anything glitz and glam she craved a different lifestyle she loved fighting for people to get their attackers behind bars and helping men and women to prosecute their other halfs for domestic abuse. She didn’t need attention or money she needed to help. Where as, Camille and Kendall spent time and money on the latest clothes to look cool which is something them and Harry had bonded over, Hattie spent most her time around the house in his hoddies or merch. He tried not to compare them to Hattie when he had dated them both as he knew no matter what they would always fall short. Even when Hattie lectured him on the dangers of drug use or how he shouldn’t smoke or allow Camille to smoke in the house because his lungs wouldn’t work very well and he wouldn’t be able to hold the high notes, Hattie was a goody goody in that sense and Harry loved her for that. Now she would save her lectures for court when she realised that her child was better with Aj as a father than this fuck up. He downed his drink to help with the sorrow.
“So Harriet is having fun, wow look her new boyfriend is hot.”
“Of course.”
“Come on Styles you are normally the first to admire a man's good looks.”
“I’d admire them if he had any, she could do better.” Harry grumbled.
“By better do you mean you? I must admit thought you two would finally end up together, I was surprised you and Camille lasted so long didn’t think you could stand to distance yourself from her.”
Harry knew she was right they had cut multiple trips short during there time together because Hattie had a big test or she was stressed or he just missed her.
“I heard my name.”
Camille kissed Harry on the cheek as she joined him and Kendall.  Him and Camille were on good terms even though at the end it had hurt but he always knew he was trying to make himself love someone, when that place had already been filed.
“H, why are you so sad you just killed SNL.”
“Capital is saying you’re going to be a Godfather, is that why you’re so sad missed because you missed your shot?”
Kendall exclaimed while looking through the twitter feed.
“Harry wouldn’t care about that. When is she due? I am surprised she didn’t tell you first? Wait is she still living with you?”
Camille fired question after question at him, Camille was lovely and intelligent but she was one of those people who never wanted her ex to move on almost like a power move. In her mind Harry would have never fancied Hattie as he should still be into her. Harry quickly downed his drink he had been trying to stop drinking to fill a void but he was currently failing.
“Styles tell us what’s going on? so we can cheer your miserable ass up and get the fuck out of here and celebrate.”
Harry looked around at all of his friends in the room they were all so Harry and here to congratulate him.
“It’s mine.”
“What’s yours H?”
Camille stroked his arm and glanced at Kendall waiting for her to answer, she normally understood Harry.
“Whats going on over here?”
Jeff joined the group kissing both the girls on the cheek before looking at his mates solomon expression. Harry grabbed another drink of a waiter and downed it. Kendall passed Jeff Harry’s phone.
“Harry mate slow down a bit. I will sort it have you called Hattie made sure she is ok?” Jeff tried to reason knowing that Harry wasn’t handling his transition into parenthood the best mainly due to the baby mumma issues. He also knew one of Harry’s rules was protect Hattie so even though this would blow over in the press it probably wouldn’t have made it there if she hadn’t been friends with Harry or caught with the future CEO of one of the most prestigious law firms in the Country.
“The baby its mine.”
“Wait what?” Camille laughed out not believing him.
“She’s nearly twelve weeks, I am going to be a dad.”
Jeff was busy texting someone probably to get the press under control about Hattie.
“So why is your girlfriend with a random guy at 6am?”
“We aren’t together she doesn’t want me. I screwed it up by ignoring her for other people. Her exact last text was basically said I only want her because I knocked her up.”
“Let’s just have fun H.” Camille gave him and kendall both a glass.
The rest of the night was a blur until he woke up the next morning to five missed calls from Gemma and two from Anne. He could barely open his eyes the hangover was that bad.
“Hey Mum, sorry I was out last night?”
“Harry you need to call Hattie. She is devastated they told her that the no longer required her at the firm. Said the press photo was not a good look for the company having a employee throwing up at 6am outside Starbucks. Apparently clients won’t take her seriously and she did sevre damage ”
“Wait what? Did she say she’s pregnant?”
“Gemma has tried to comfort her but she’s distraught. She did they already knew she thinks that’s why they did it. She said to Gemma is was a possibility.”
“I can’t come home mum I have the late late show and my interview with Apple.”
“Harry you need to do something? Honestly Gemma called me panicked as you weren’t answering Hattie tried to call you of Gemma phone apparently her pregnancy hormones caused her to throw hers at the floor the other day.”
“Mum I am going to go.”
Harry layed there trying to figure out what to say, he couldn’t get out of work these things had been booked for months. Maybe he could convince her to fly out here for a break I mean he was sure his record label could use a solicitor but knew she hates that bit of the law.
“Gemma pass me to Hattie” He cut of his sister hello he was in a rush.
“Hattie, I am so sorry baby. You’re amazing.”
He could hear her hiccuping back her tears this was her dream job she had been through shit to keep this job and now she had lost it thanks to him.
“I wo-r-ked sooo …. Hard Harry.”
She began sobbing again he knew how hard she’d worked.  She was a robot at uni trying to get a first and not settling for anything less.
“Hatters baby, come to LA.  I have to be here all week but we can figure stuff out ok. I promise I will make you feel better.”
“I can’t even get drunk to numb this pain.”
Harry chuckled a drunk Hattie was a scary sight .
“Get on a plane now I will pick you up myself we will get ice cream and cake or anything spud will stomach.”
“I can’t Aj said he could get me a interview at his dads, In the family law section it’s not perfect but it’s something. I was really helping people though H they took it away because of spud. I am not going to resent spud though it’s not his fault or hers. It’s his mummy’s for being a whore.”
“Hattie what the fuck? You are not a whore.”
“That’s what twitter is saying and the people at work said I get around.”
She began crying again and selfishly all he cared about was the fact that she would be working with Aj and that made his blood boil. He also still had the hangover from hell and was struggling to not vomit.
“When is this interview?” He calmly asked so to not upset her.
“Later today.”
“Ok after I will book a flight this evening. You need a little break we can spend the rest of the week together I only have to work today and tomorrow. I can selffishly get my best friend back and hopefully you will feel a bit better.”
“I think I like that, I am sorry for being a bitch recently it’s hormones and also I couldn’t hold in my feelings.”
“We can talk when you get here.”
Hattie was annoyed with herself for apologising she was still mad at him but she wanted him bad. She had the interview and Aj had helped her a lot they had offered her a job and she was so thankful for Aj. If not she would be a pregnant singleish mum with no money at least she lived with Harry so she wouldn’t be on the street. She was excited to start next week mainly because Emily had been distant with her recently so Aj was all she had friends wise who wasn’t somehow linked to Harry. She had packed light for LA not wanting to take a lot as the morning sickness had made her feel very weak. She was surprised that she was willingly seeing Harry but she needed to. They had never spent this long without constant communication she was also excited for him to hold her as she still couldn’t believe she had lost her job and managed to get a new one in a 24hour period I guess it goes to show how important it is to know the right people.
She spent the whole flight passed out in front of the toilet or with her head down it being sick. She was convinced this baby hated her.
Bump and Dumps Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
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walking into sunday dinner (submission)
hey all, so this is just pure shitty lowercase letter fluff for you to enjoy! sorry it’s a bit choppy, i don’t know but i liked the idea of having the time frame. lemme know if that’s something you like or not. thx walking into sunday dinner friday afternoon “she’s doing it, she’s doing it” joe flapped excitedly pointing the camera at the 16 month old. “say ‘look mummy i’m walking!’” the little girl grinned as she toddled and collapsed into her father’s arms. joe held her tightly and placed a hard kiss on the top of her head. he quickly hit send on the video to taylor and stood little ivie back on her two feet. “can you do it again? mummy’s going to be so jealous she’s missing this” he had tried to call her twice but it was the middle of the night in the states and he didn’t expect her to answer anyway. “mumma” ivie babbled, her blue eyes staring directly into joe’s.
“that’s right, mumma will be back in two days!” taylor had to go to la for some work, she was finalising some things with regards to a record label she was starting. once they had ivie, their main home was london, it was great as it meant joe’s parents could come and help out when they needed it. joe was also very happy about the fact his daughter had developed an english accent, and it was something that taylor thought was the cutest thing ever. the only issue they found living in london was joe’s working schedule, he would quite often be away filming but he made it a priority to only take roles when taylor and ivie could come along too. with only one of them working at a time it meant they could always be together. however with something like the current situation and taylor only being away for five days, it was just easier for joe to stay home. it was purely a business trip and she would be home on sunday. they had dinner with joe’s family every sunday, and he thought it was very sweet she scheduled her trip around it. she landed at 2:30pm so would meet them at his mum and dad’s house. the phone rang suddenly and startled him slightly. he knew it was taylor, he knew as soon as she saw the video, asleep or not, she would call. they had been betting for weeks with each other when ivie would actually start fully walking. she’d been pulling herself up on chairs and various other pieces of furniture for weeks but hadn’t quite mastered the walking part. “i can’t believe she’s walking and i’m not there, this is so unfair” she whined. her hair was messily spread across her face, bangs in all different directions. she was fresh faced with no makeup and clearly had been sleeping. “hello to you too” joe laughed looking at her pouting face on his phone screen. “why do i always miss everything, you got the first words, ‘dada’, the first laugh and now the first steps!” “i think it means you work too much” “ugh” she groaned her face hitting the pillow beside her. “ivie look who it is, it’s mummy!” the little girl looked up with some confusion before joe handed her the phone. “hiiiiii” ivie looked down at the screen, camera pointed straight at her forehead. taylor laughed a little at her innocence, she loved her being this age. “hey baby girl, you are not allowed to walk anymore until i am home!” “walk?” ivie questioned. “no walking” taylor grinned. “no walk” the little girl repeated. “that’s right, no walk” taylor and joe talked for a little while longer before she decided it was time for her to go back to sleep. if she didn’t, she worried she would be late for her morning meeting or worse, tired through the whole of it. saturday morning joe and ivie spent the morning in bed together reading some books and playing with her pink stuffed animal bunny. it had been given to her by one of taylor and joe’s friends when she was born and she was never seen without it. once ivie had become bored of lying in bed, joe decided it’d be a good idea to take her to the park. it was a beautiful summers day, they’d actually been having a rather hot summer in london making it nice to spend some time outside. he dressed himself quickly and then moved on to tackling ivie’s head of thick curls. he opted for pigtails after taylor taught him how to do it just last week. “now lets get dressed, what do you want to wear today?” joe dug through ivie’s wardrobe which happened to be ridiculously huge for a child. taylor bought every cute item she saw and it showed, she didn’t shop for herself anymore, it was all for ivie. whilst joe was looking for clothes, ivie had decided she wanted to wear her rapunzel dress and wasn’t budging on the decision. “stubbornness is one of your mother’s personality traits, lucky me you have it too” joe decided the rapunzel dress was going to do and it really didn’t matter what she wore, she was a child after all. he also made the executive decision not to bring the stroller, ivie could kind of walk now and he would carry her anyway. “lets take a picture to send to mummy so she can see your beautiful dress and pigtails!” the little girl smiled sweetly, tilting her head to the side and holding her hands on her dress. joe: dress by ivie and pigtails by daddy taylor: the student becomes the master, great job daddy joe: thank you, i do try my best to please you taylor: why are you like this? joe: like what? taylor: you know what i’m talking about! anyway, goodnight mr joseph, have a good day, give our little cherub a kiss for me and save one for yourself too! joe: love you, sleep well my darling “right ivie, lets go!” joe picked up the little girl and placed her already giggling on his shoulders. this was her prime spot, she loved sitting so tall. he shut the front door behind him and made sure their gate was closed before making the short walk to the tube station. joe thought he’d take ivie to the bigger park today, it was a little further away but now she was walking more, she could have more fun! as much as he loved going out with taylor, it was nice sometimes to just be able to take the tube with his daughter and just be normal. of course he loved taylor more than anything and was very happy to be with her even with the minor complications. “are you ready to go on the train?” joe looked down at ivie who had moved down to his arms instead of his shoulders. “train” she repeated as he held her close quickly running down the stairs to catch the train already sat in the station. “yay!” ivie clapped as joe jumped on just as the doors closed. he sat them down in a spare chair next to an older woman ivie immediately took a liking to. “what a pretty dress! are you being a princess today?” the woman probably in her 70’s asked. “say ‘yes i’m being rapunzel!’” joe replied for her as ivie continued to study the woman’s face. “oh rapunzel! well you certainly have beautiful hair like her. my granddaughter used to love that story too when she was little” “pig tails” ivie blurted out pointing at her hair. “oh yes little pig tails, did daddy do those for you?” the woman questioned. “well good job daddy” she looked at joe and smiled. saturday evening JOE ALWYN TAKES HIS AND TAYLOR SWIFT’S DAUGHTER TO THE PARK IN NORTH LONDON Actor Joe Alwyn was spotted in a North London park on Saturday afternoon with his one year old daughter. It’s the first time the little girl whom he shares with singer Taylor Swift has been seen. The little girl whose name is still unknown was wearing a Rapunzel dress along with pigtails and carrying a small pink bunny. Alwyn kept it casual with a plain white t-shirt and some blue shorts. The pair played in the park for about an hour before getting a quick ice cream for on the way home. An onlooker tells us: “They were very lowkey and didn’t seem to draw too much attention. The little girl played with some other kids too but was a little shy and seemed to prefer playing with Joe. He was very hands on, you could tell he adores her.” Alwyn and Swift have been living in London for many years now, Alwyn having lived here all his life and Taylor switching out her Nashville roots for somewhere closer to his family. Swift was spotted earlier this week arriving solo into LAX from London on her private jet. taylor: i have just been informed by tree that you and ivie are front page news on the mail online taylor: believe me i’m not happy about these photos but you guys look so cute. i miss you both so much joe: i’m sorry, didn’t think we’d be recognised let alone papped taylor: well i suppose 16 months is a pretty good run without having been seen joe: i just hate that her face is out there now. i can’t even take her to the park. taylor: lets look at it this way, she wasn’t harmed by it or traumatised, they had a long lense and they weren’t near her. we obviously just need to be more careful next time, maybe just stick to the park by us. joe: it’s not right that we have to stop doing things because of a bunch of low lifes who should get a real job instead of taking photos of children taylor: joe we knew this would happen, i know it shouldn’t but it does joe didn’t reply, he was angry and annoyed. he hated the fact that because of him and taylor their children would never have ‘normal’ lives. they would never be able to do the things he did and make the mistakes he made without being front page news. he looked down at ivie sleeping in his lap. she was so innocent, had no idea of anything. she lived in her own little perfect bubble and he couldn’t stand the thought of that being broken. he was worried about the day when ivie realises her parents are ‘different’, he wondered when it would be. his thoughts were interrupted by another text from taylor. i love you sunday afternoon taylor: i’m outside babe joe: coming my love “ivie, where’s mummy? quick go find her!” joe lifted the excited little girl out of her high-chair and placed her to the floor. she toddled her way through the kitchen and living room to the front door. joe followed excitedly, he couldn’t wait to see taylor’s reaction. he opened the door and ivie ran as fast as her newly walking legs could take her down the driveway and straight into taylor’s arms. “my sweet baby! you’re a walker now, i can’t believe it!” she mumbled holding ivie tightly. her eyes slightly brimming with tears, not accepting the fact their little girl was growing so quickly. she stood up whilst holding ivie on her hip and reached up to joe for a quick kiss. “five days away is still too long, you missed so much!” he kissed her again. “i know, i’m never leaving again, ever, ever” they laughed. “good, i don’t want you to” he wrapped his arms around both of his girls. the three of them stood like that in the driveway for a little while until they were interrupted by elizabeth standing at the door. she looked on with a smile before mentioning that dinner was getting cold and they should come in. they agreed and walked through the house back to the full dinner table. “i can’t believe how much she looks like you taylor, every time i see you two together you’re like twins!” richard pointed between the two of them. “right! none of our genes are in that baby, even personality wise, all taylor. they even sleep in the same awkward positions” joe looked at taylor and she rolled her eyes. “well strengthen those genes and better luck next time bro” taylor playfully hit him in the chest. after the family finished dinner taylor and joe offered to do the dishes and tidy up as elizabeth had done all the preparation beforehand. taylor sat on the counter next to the sink holding a dish cloth. she was the dryer and joe the cleaner. the pair sung and joe danced along to the radio with taylor watching on with a giggle. he dramatically sung into every glass, spatula and wooden spoon before helping taylor dry them. “that was my impression of you” he poked his tongue out at her. “oh lord if that’s what i look like i need a new choreographer” she laughed as joe placed the final glass down on the counter top and held her face in his hands. “i missed you” he continued holding her face as he pulled her in for a hard kiss which then happened to turn into a mild make out session. “oh my god my eyes” patrick walked in and immediately covered his face with his hands. “i make my lunch on that counter top can you not make a baby on it thanks” he continued with a sarcastic smile before leaving the room again. sunday evening “can’t wait for date night, it’s been so long” taylor smiled up at him. after dinner and a few glasses of wine elizabeth and richard offered to have ivie for the whole of the next weekend so taylor and joe could have some alone time. “you know the only reason they offer to take her is so we can make more” “i can’t believe she’s walking now, and i missed it, what the actual fuck” they sat intertwined on the living room couch with ivie peacefully sleeping beside them. “i know, our little baby, i think we do need another one” joe said brushing ivie’s hair from her face gently not to wake her. “i think so too” it was barely a whisper. “really?” he looked down at her blue eyes staring up at him. “yeah” she nodded and closed her eyes snuggling closer into him. “i think we need another three” “don’t push it mr alwyn”
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