#Thread: Finn
longislandcharm · 4 months
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TIMING: After this thread. LOCATION: Winter's house PARTIES: Winter (@longislandcharm) and Finn (@animotoph0bia) SUMMARY: Winter comes to Finn’s rescue, again, and is forced to play the role of supportive friend. Which she totally isn’t… right? CONTENT WARNINGS: Alcoholism
Another night, another drunk Finn sitting at her kitchen island as Winter grabbed the boy a glass of water. Somehow she had become his contact for these types of pickups so she shouldn’t have been surprised when she’d gotten the text to come get him and yet somehow she was. What was even more surprising was her lack of argument in the matter. She’d seen it, rolled her eyes, but reached for her keys without thinking much of it. What was happening to her?
Something was different tonight though. Finn, who was usually boisterous when drunk, yelling about people’s feelings and trying to cause self destruction, was quiet for some reason. He looked more distraught than usual and yet his mouth had barely opened on the way to her house even with Winter trying to goad him. It made for a very weird car ride lacking their usual banter. Even if he threw one or two jabs her way they were lacking the heart they usually had.
She didn’t like it one bit. She’d come to know Finn as someone who could keep up with her and offer biting retorts to her own scathing remarks and now she found herself wishing for that self loathing character of a man to scowl as she slid the glass of water towards him. Briefly, she wondered if this had anything to do with the appearance of his father, the medium looking around her kitchen to see if any other spirits had filtered in besides Henry but nobody else was there. “Alright, Phenergan, spill. What’s up your ass?” She narrowed her eyes at him, daring the boy to try and skirt around whatever this was. “You’re not….you. It’s weird.”
The combination of unbelievable exhaustion and being wired to hell was far from a fun one. It had been a wonder that he’d managed to get himself accompanied to safety, although the dropped pin and message of ‘promise i won’t throw up’ hadn’t been the most eloquent. Winter had shown up anyway, which was almost the most surprising turn of events this evening. Finn couldn’t feel her, not really. Whatever was running through Winter’s head was like mist, there was no way for him to grasp it and make sense of it now. Her staring and furrowed eyebrows gave him a pretty good hint as to the reigning emotions, though. 
His hand felt foreign as he reached for the glass of water, raising it for a single sip before abandoning it. Winter’s voice was jarring after the prolonged silence and he blinked, forcing her image into focus. “Astute,” he mumbled, sliding down on the chair, barely refraining from sliding all the way to the floor to just lay there. “I fucked up. Surprise.” He didn’t really feel like talking, it took effort and thought but not talking made him want to crawl out of his own skin. Letting out a heavy sigh, Finn let his head rest on the cool counter, at least able to avoid Winter’s questioning glare. 
“I think I’m… gay. Bi, whatever.” He let the words settle - on their own, they didn’t bring any discomfort. That wasn’t the problem, that had never been the problem, not really. Sure, maybe it was inherently expected to feel some doubt, some fear about how it would be perceived but Finn couldn’t really hide behind that. His mom wouldn’t care, he knew that without a doubt, not his siblings either and since when had he really cared about what anyone else thought, anyway? It was more so the disentangling of everything that came with the realization. Combing through 28 years of life and finding all the moments where he’d shoved emotions to the side, blaming them on being owned by someone else. “Hurt my friend,” he added, just so Winter didn’t think this was purely a crisis about something that should have been fairly trivial. 
“There he is.” Her dry tone indicated how unamused she was but Winter was actually relieved to hear the bite in his words. It meant that he wasn’t too far gone from her. Which she shouldn't have cared so much about and yet here she was, caring. Her eyes rolled softly but mostly at herself even if it looked as if she were rolling them at his words. “Did you get yourself a concussion this time? Seems like the natural course of things.” She leaned forward against the island, her arms holding up her weight while she waited for him to explain.
She wasn’t expecting what came from his mouth though. Confusion filled her, the emotion clear on her face even if he couldn’t feel it, which she was sure he could. “And this is….new information to you?” She was careful about what she said, not wanting to upset him further. This was a delicate situation for a lot of people. A bi-awakening wasn’t always easy. She glanced over to Henry again, the ghost avoiding looking at either of the people in the room until that moment. He seemed to understand her silent request and turned to leave the kitchen to venture somewhere else. Winter knew that Finn couldn’t see him but this was personal enough that she didn’t want more ears listening in.
“How did you hurt your friend?” She noticed that he wasn’t touching the glass much and she needed something to do with her hands if she was going to talk this out with him. Anyone that knew her knew that she shied away from conversations concerning feelings, mostly her own, but she was willing to go through them if they were necessary. This seemed necessary. But she’d be damned if she was solely focusing on this conversation alone so she turned and started to work on coffee for them both. “What happened, Finn?”
New information? The sound he let out was the dry husk of a laugh, too tired, too everything to imbue it with any emotion of sorts. “You could say that. Bit slow, if you haven’t noticed,” Finn mumbled, words slightly muffled against the kitchen counter. Explaining how he’d felt a lot up until this point but skillfully shoved it all under the hat of ‘empathy shit’ was too much for tonight, if he’d even be able to put it into words. The only thing currently stopping him from banging his head against the hard counter was the absolute certainty that Winter would get pissed. Knocking himself out sounded so nice right about now, though. 
She was asking questions Finn felt too empty to answer but there was no escaping it now. Either he’d give it up willingly or Winter would make him, that much he knew. At least she was moving about the room now, eyes no longer boring holes into his head. “He told me he loved me.” Second time tonight, still just as much of a dagger to the heart. Fuck. With the jittery energy of pure self-loathing, Finn found the strength to stand up and start pacing, even if he didn’t quite manage to keep his balance perfectly. 
“I panicked. Then he finally wakes up from a fucking coma, whole other story-” he waved his hand in Winter’s general direction, “and I don’t say shit. I just… bolt.” Followed by a literally mind-altering make out but Winter probably didn’t want to hear about that. With a frustrated groan, Finn found his way back to the seat, very close to missing it as he sat but somehow managing. His head found the preferred position of resting against the counter once more, making a satisfying thud as he let it drop down. The pain was much too temporary of a distraction. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, Winter.”
“You’re not wrong.” She muttered under her breath, knowing now wasn’t the time for her smart ass remarks no matter how badly she wanted to shout them in his direction. Again, sensitive timing, right? But her hands stilled on the coffee cup she was working on, heart clenching just a bit when he spoke of his friend admitting to love. “Oh, god, no wonder you were drunk when I found you.” So, as it turned out, Winter couldn’t help herself. But she was trying, that had to count for something. She skipped the expresso for her own cup and instead went for a step stool so she could get into the tall cabinet above her refrigerator, coming back with a bottle of top shelf whiskey. “Do you want your coffee Irish? I think a story involving a coma calls for it.” 
It was like he was telling her some fucked up fairytale. Quickly, she poured more than a shot's worth into her own beverage. 
She took a long sip while she watched his head thud against the island counter, not really sure where to take this either. She’d never been part of a fucked up fairytale, just fucked up relationships. Something she was suddenly glad for. She could fake it with the best of them though. “Alright, so we both know you don’t think logically in any type of situation, much less a very…stressful one. It’s fairly simple.” Was it? “Do you love him? Or at least feel anything for him?”
She was holding back her snark which was really a shame. Finn had reached out to Winter because… well, because there wasn’t anyone else to call on, was there? Even if there had been, she’d been the perfect candidate either way. He yearned for someone to call him an idiot, to not try to protect his feelings in a way he most definitely did not feel deserving of. Yet here she was anyway, trying to. Fuck. “Sure,” Finn sighed - more alcohol felt neither here nor there at this point. 
The smell of coffee was nice, attempting to push away the scent of hospital and blood that somehow still felt stuck in his nose. It was enough to get Finn to raise his head, sunken eyes meeting Winter’s and stomach twisting at the look on her face. God, he just wanted her to be pissed off with him like usual but getting her there would require energy he didn’t have. It’s fairly simple. Funny, he felt like nothing would ever be simple again. And there it was again - the same question he’d gotten from the animated stranger in the bar, one he’d been able to dodge with a smaller crisis that time. Now there was nothing to hide behind. 
So he thought about Charlie. The way he’d felt hollow at the prospect of him never waking up again. About all the times he’d been the only one Finn sought comfort in, then and now. Let himself imagine the events of tonight, except with Charlie and really feel the way his body responded to the mere thought of it. “I’m gonna ruin it.” It was the only truth he felt capable of speaking at the moment. 
She set her mug down to pour whiskey into his. Getting him even more drunk wasn’t the plan. No, the plan had been to yell at him, to berate him until maybe he cried a little because this was the third time. The third damn time that he had interrupted her life with his drunken shenanigans. But maybe she was growing softer here. Maybe the events she’d been through were starting to catch up to her and the empathy was creeping in. Or maybe…just maybe, she liked the idea of having more than one friend in her life. Winter loved Mack with all of her being but she couldn’t always be there, could she? 
She was being so pathetic right now.
Setting the mug down, she slid it over to him just as she had with the glass of water. Scowling at his words. “And there he is again. This self loathing shit gets really annoying, Finn.” She took her own mug in her hands, the warmth of the coffee staying with her due to the copious amount of whiskey she had added. “Do you want my truth or do you want me to water it down like everything else tonight? Spoiler alert, my truth might be even harder to work through.”
Her bite was a relief, digging at the places he couldn’t carve at himself, a confirmation of sorts. Which, as a response, was literally what Winter was getting annoyed at him for - what a satisfying cycle. “Yeah, well…” Finn grabbed the offered cup, letting the warmth burn his palms for a moment before taking a drink, the burn moving to his throat. It definitely didn’t settle well in his stomach but lucky for Winter, there wasn’t much to return if it decided to fully revolt. 
“The truth,” Finn answered without hesitation. She didn’t have all the facts but what little she had seen of him so far hadn’t been… pretty. He figured she at least had enough to make an informed decision on just how much of a dumbass he was capable of being. And even if whatever point she wanted to make was moot, a harsh truth - insults and all - felt very much like what he deserved. Charlie hadn’t gotten a chance to call him out on his shit, which had literally been the man’s job pretty much from the day they’d met, and Finn had no doubt that he could spiral much, much further without intervention. Maybe even with intervention, only time would tell. 
She bit the inside of her cheek when he answered her without hesitation, the girl wanting to give him a second to breathe before going right into it. Winter was fully aware of how harsh she could be and how off putting it was so she sometimes liked people to be prepared. But her soft spot for him wouldn’t save him forever. “Yea, you’re probably going to mess it up. You’re most likely going to say some stupid shit or not care enough or care too much and it’s going to cause a strain in your relationship.” She let that settle in the air, the girl bringing her mug to her lips and allowing that warmth to fill her in folds while the ice she carried in that chest of hers spilled out into the open. She could chill a room faster than Henry any day.
“But that’s not unique to you, Finn. You’re not special in that regard.” She had never thought of herself as a romantic. No, Winter was a stone cold realist who could see the cracks happening  in the seemingly happiest moments of life. Even as a child she could see the foundations of her parents' relationship splintering over time but there was something that they could always do that smoothed things over. They were still happy even if they weren’t the same as when they first met. 
“Things will happen, yes, but you can’t let the fear of that keep you from trying. A relationship isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s work and there are very few things in this life that are unforgivable. I know, that’s shocking coming from me, but I have high standards. Can’t really use me as an example.” She gave him a once over, trying to get her point across in his drunken state. Soon, her features softened even as her fingers tapped impatiently against the mug in her hand.  “So, let me ask you again but in a different way: Is he worth trying for?”
This hadn’t been the truth he’d expected. It was weirdly insightful and inspirational when Finn needed scathing and preferably hurtful. Not that his irrational fears were valid but unnecessary, that everyone felt that way and just… worked through it. Winter talked about fear and there were so many things he hadn’t tried precisely because of that. So many things that he was absolutely terrified of and that in and of itself scared him, too. What if he’d never be normal, or at least functional? What if he’d lose someone else and that would fully break him? What if he’d turned into someone unlovable? Well, Charlie had proven that wrong, hadn’t he? Even though Finn wanted to go back to the hospital and shake the man until he admitted that he was wrong, that his feelings were incorrect because they didn’t fit with the empath’s perception of the world. 
Yeah, that was real healthy. 
He took a sip from the disgusting mix in his cup, wishing now that he hadn’t asked Winter for the truth. It was definitely harder to swallow then he’d thought. At least she’d tried to warn him. Finn somehow managed a smile at her ‘high standards’, meeting her gaze. Thoughts of everything and nothing flashed behind his eyes. Finn’s stomach twisted as her face went soft - it didn’t fit their dynamic but then again, neither did him not being a bitch and actually asking for advice. 
“He is. Fuck, he is,” Finn groaned, also terrified of honesty but there was no dodging it now. What if he let himself have something good and then lost it? What if he didn’t? Abandoning the cup, probably a good thing with the way his insides were twisting and turning from booze and emotion, Finn angrily rubbed at his numb face. “God, Charlie’s going to kill me for going AWOL,” he muttered behind his hands, raking back his hair with slightly more intensity than was strictly necessary. “Like ‘hey, sorry I left you at the hospital, bud - had to go have a little identity crisis, my b’,” Finn rambled on. 
“Well then, stop being a bitch and go get your man.” She thought the conversation would end there, that Finn might ask her to drive him somewhere else or run out the door like those poor suckers in a romantic comedy or something but when he kept talking and she realized who this conversation was about she nearly spit out the coffee she’d just taken a sip of. Winter’s eyes bugged a little. “This is about Charlie?” The outburst, the incredulity, she hadn’t meant for it to come through the way it had but it was Charlie for god’s sake. All of this uncertainty and stress for that man didn’t make sense to her.
But it should have, shouldn’t it? The way Charlie had talked about Finn when he told her they were friends should have been the first clue. Winter was usually more perceptive than that and she silently cursed herself for not figuring this out sooner. When she thought more on it, the two of them did seem like they would compliment each other in some weird way but she was still rolling her eyes at the fact that this whole breakdown of his was about Charlie fucking Hart.
Then the word ‘hospital’ hit her ears and the fact that Finn had mentioned a coma earlier came rushing back to her. “Wait, what the hell happened to Charlie? Why was he in a coma?” There was a hint of worry in her voice, not masked enough by the anger she was trying to portray. As much as the man annoyed her, as infuriating as she thought him to be, Winter still didn’t want anything bad to happen to him. He was like some weird alternate brother that she never wanted sent to her by the universe. 
Finn’s eyes rolled hard enough for it to hurt - sure, it was easy for her to just tell him to go and ‘get his man’ as if it didn’t terrify him to his core. He was being a little bitch, though, that part was accurate. “I’m not going to do it while I’m drunk,” he argued, even though being drunk would help. Maybe it mattered more that he’d kissed someone just a few hours ago. Oh, this was so fucked. Luckily, he’d accidentally managed to divert Winter’s attention away from any declarations of love right at this moment. Had he known she knew Charlie? Maybe, Finn wasn’t even sure he could recall his social security number at this moment if prompted. 
“Yeah?” he answered hesitantly, eyebrows furrowed. Was that so hard to believe? Granted, Finn was pretty biased seeing as he’d apparently been head over heels for the guy for much longer than he’d even realized. At least Winter didn’t seem to hate him, judging by the tendrils of worry Finn could detect among the confusion and annoyance and booze. “Oh. He… got stabbed. It was a whole thing about zombies and demons-” Finn paused, realizing that sounded insane but remembering that Winter saw dead people so he continued. “It was… pretty fucking shit. He was out for like a day and a half but he’s awake now.”
“You have no problem calling me to pick you up when you’re drunk. Let’s not pretend I’m less terrifying than telling Charlie you love him back. The man’s a marshmallow.” The murmur of her voice made it clear this was not what was front and center in her mind right now. Winter could care less whether he ran to Charlie tonight or not, right now priority number one was figuring out what happened to spur all of this in the first place. Which was probably why she hadn’t tried to filter her thoughts this time around. 
Her eyes rested on the confusion clear on his face and she fought the urge to roll them again. “You seriously can’t tell me you don’t understand why that would confuse me. You’ve met him, you’ve met me, this shouldn’t be difficult.” Now that Winter remembered he was okay, awake and confessing his love, she could pretend to hate him again. That little slip of hers couldn’t outweigh her annoyance. What if Finn had the audacity to tell him she cared? “I won’t pretend to understand your feelings for him, not my style.”
Stabbed. Fucking stabbed. God, she was getting sick of people and their knives. “Zombies and…?” She trailed off, brows lifting in surprise. Zombies she knew about but demons? Plus, there was only one zombie she knew of in town. What did that mean for Mack? Worry pooled in her gut again, the rest of the coffee in her hand being downed. She was going to have to drink the whiskey straight soon. “Did he happen to say who it was that stabbed him?” 
“You’re way less terrifying than actual feelings, don’t even try,” Finn huffed. Sure, maybe his friend was a ‘marshmallow’ most of the time but that just meant that when he actually got pissed off, it was so much worse. And right now, he had every right to be mad at Finn’s cowardice, mostly governed by the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy which he also knew Charlie fucking hated. “I don’t know, he’s a likeable guy? But then again, you hate almost everyone so guess that makes sense.” The softest of smiles tugged at his lips. Because she had tried to understand or at the very least, help. “You’re a fucking softie.”
Winter still looked worried which, fair, random stabbings were supposed to have that effect. It was more than that, though. Something specific was making her stomach sink but it was all still so muddled and Finn didn’t exactly have the strongest ground to stand on when it came to interrogating her right at this moment. “Demons, yeah. Or a singular demon, I guess. A zombie demon.” Still sounded like the plot to a D-rate horror movie. He raised an eyebrow at the follow up question, all of the pieces right there in front of him but not a chance in hell for him to actually fit them together, not tonight. “He just talked about some guy. I don’t remember if there was a name or anything, though.”
Finn wanted to ask why, wanted to question this strange line of… well, questioning. But his brain felt fuzzier than ever, the disgusting whiskey was hitting yet the coffee had done nothing to make him feel more alert. “I think… I might pass out in our kitchen real soon. I haven’t really slept for more than… well, I haven’t really slept.”
She was almost offended. She would have been if he hadn’t been so damn right. Feelings were hard, complicated little things and he had not only his own to worry about but everyone else’s too. “Sometimes I forget why you’re such a mess.” Winter couldn’t really blame this disaster of a human being, could she? If she had to feel what he felt on a daily basis she would drink herself away as well. “I love that you’re finally learning…” But her smile turned down in an instant when he cut off her words and continued, her eyes narrowing to slits. Now she was offended. How dare he say such awful things? Finn was begging to be left in the bar next time. “Say it again and you’re joining Charlie in that hospital. You can confess your undying love over bedpans and bad jello.” 
What the hell was a zombie demon? Her mind raced to Henry jumping into Mack’s body, struggling to keep her at bay so that Winter could walk away without being harmed but if demons existed then she imagined it would be much easier for them to do such a thing. Or were there actual demon zombies out there? Was that a thing? That was one that would surprise her if it was. Some ludicrous thoughts just went too far. Still, the tension left her shoulders when Finn mentioned it being a man. Mack seemed to be safe at least. Pity about Charlie. “That’s honestly terrifying. The crap we have to worry about in this town…” 
Our kitchen? Did he think he lived here now? It wouldn’t be off brand for her to take in another stray but the least he could have done was ask first. Winter puffed out a breath of air but decided not to argue since he did look like death had warmed over. She was afraid he was right and would pass out at her island and if that happened she was leaving him there for the rest of the night. Thea would make such a big deal about it. “Someone else is in your guest room but there’s another one down the hall from it. The bed’s already made. Don’t puke on it.”
Finn breathed out a laugh and shrugged - must be nice, being able to forget the giant mess that was his life, even for a little bit. “You love it,” he muttered, rubbing at his face and finding it useless in bringing back his focus. True to their dynamic, Finn had managed to properly piss off Winter before the night came to an end - there was something poetically beautiful about that. “You’re not gonna beat me up. You like me.” He was just messing with her at this point, maybe even a little bit goading her into throwing a punch because he felt like he deserved one, but was it too far from the truth? If Winter was just helping him out because of pity, she would have let one or even two rescue missions do. Maybe, for some incomprehensible reason, she actually did enjoy his company. 
It was kinda funny, that Winter deemed one of the rooms his, even if it was apparently being used by someone else. Finn was the oldest sibling, he’d never really experienced this weird ‘older sister’ dynamic, the whole ‘I’m going to be there for you but it’s going to annoy me immeasurably’ thing. “I made a promise and I’m going to keep it,” he informed her, slinking off the chair and mustering every last ounce of energy to stand and then walk. His body felt boneless, all of the panic and intense emotions gone for the moment, his brain unable to filter any more of them. Finn knew they would return the second he woke up, which might be after an hour but possibly three or four if he was being optimistic.  Finn stopped at the turn of the hallway, needing a moment to get Winter into focus when he looked back at her. “Thanks. You’re… a good friend.” Unsure whether that would also make her threaten violence, Finn was quick to make himself disappear, finding the empty room and throwing himself at the bed.
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thcbclter · 4 months
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"what is the point of having security if they let anyone in who flashes them a dazzling smile and happens to have a $50 bill in their pocket?" akila sighs as she sees the blond approach her. setting her book down, she crosses her bikini clad legs and pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head. "if you're looking for finn, he is not home." // @bruiscdmouth
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demongemz · 10 days
❝ in times like these, we have no words. we only have each other. ❞ (finn/will - this was screaming at me to send it in hehe); || @fcrafcrtnight
Will had been grasping at every single piece of information about Cecilia he could get and most of it was coming from either Mark or Finn, he hadn’t expected the other to be this helpful or concerned. After months that felt like years of torture, the man was finally becoming the one he’d always seen, the very one he’d given his heart too much to an earth-shattering affair. It was getting hard to keep his distance after he received whatever little information he’d gotten from the other. He’d been lost within his head until the other spoke pulling him back to reality; the very words implied an intimacy they hadn’t held for months. “Such a sentimental statement, is that why you made this dish for dinner? It’s the first thing you ever made me when you were attempting to date me so many months ago” Will offered offhandedly, still not taking a bite from the appetizing food knowing this felt too comfortable, too like that date ages ago. “We have no words because you know what I want and what I’m willing to do to get her out of there…I fear we may have to get more creative” He mused, moving to take a sip from his wine.
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caseydundrich · 3 months
Closed starter for Finn Brooks ( @finn-brooks ) Location: Tidal Wave
Casey had always been a collector of things. It started with pretty rocks and Japanese erasers as a kid and had progressed into nearly every aspect of his interests. He collected everything from journals to Magic cards and mounts in W.o.W. His room back at his parents’ place in Milwaukee was covered floor to ceiling with shelves full of his stuff. His Subaru could only hold so much for his cross country trek to Aurora Bay though and most of his collections were living back at home. Even though he’d downsized when moving to Aurora Bay over this past year he’s been able to fill his life with more stuff once again.
Today Casey was in search of records. He’d brought his record player with him to town but had only grabbed his most prized records. He’d come in and out of the store often enough that he was getting acquainted with the staff and it was nice to see Finn was working when he walked in. “Hey,” he greeted him as he approached the counter to leave his backpack up front while he searched. “Anything good come in lately?” Casey asked broadly. He didn’t really have any records in mind he was looking for today he just wanted to add some variety to his rotation.
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grrr thirty six minutes to write an essay... not even a fun one a research essay
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greengideon · 4 months
starter for: @finn-brooks
location: all nighter diner
"You're not allergic to peanuts, are you? I'm trying to see something. Would you be willing to be a guinea pig?"
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bittcrsuite · 4 months
open to: anyone. plot in source.
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"you know what the most frustrating part of this is? you know what drives me crazy?" one step at a time, finn closed the space between them. he wasn't shy about getting in their face, using his height to make him feel tough. the other may have started the fight, but he was ready to end it then and there. "you did come here to fuck me, but you're so full of shit that you won't admit that to yourself."
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unapxlogeticme · 5 months
closed starter for @legendsxx finn balor and tama tonga
"hey, bro." finn reaches out a hand to stop tama from going further into backstage area. he had occupied dom to smackdown and was watching the events fold out. he had heard rumors of him being around the arena earlier in the day, but since he didn't see tama himself, finn blew those rumors off. "took you long enough to get here, mate." he firmly pats tama on the shoulder. "never thought it would actually. always thought you stay where you were or join that other place." finn laughs awkwardly. "how you, dude?"
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xtinyslip · 1 year
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gideon couldn't believe he'd let this stranger talk him into getting in the car with him. not that he figured he had much of a choice. doctor pederson didn't seem to take no for an answer and as SHAKEN as gideon was all by of this. deep down, he couldn't help but be a little impressed. not that he was trying to show it. "i think you could fit my old house in the space you have just to park your cars." this place was insane and he couldn't believe that the other was going to let him stay here. there was going to be a catch. right? like he was going to have to sleep outside in the shed or -- or something because this was far to good to be true. perhaps there had been a STRUGGLE to get him in the car and the entire car trip had been made in complete silence. honestly, he'd been too scared to make a single sound after how difficult he'd made this be. gideon finally braved a glance up at the man upon getting himself out of the car. "... what happens now?" @lcvenderhcze
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somepsychopomp · 1 year
Wait so did they just leave baby Finn in the dying vampire world??
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longislandcharm · 5 months
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TIMING: Early March LOCATION: Winter's House PARTIES: @longislandcharm and @animotoph0bia SUMMARY: Finn wakes up at Winter's house after another long night and Winter decides its time to have a talk. CONTENT WARNINGS: Alcoholism tw, Unsanitary tw (light mentions)
She was starting to feel like a babysitter for this guy and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Last time she met Finn out and he was shitfaced, Winter had put him in an Uber and called it a night but this time she couldn’t in good conscience do that. There was no telling what kind of driver he might get, not to mention she truly did want to ask the man some questions about the crap he kept saying when intoxicated. Something about feeling other people’s emotions and calling out others for said emotions. He was a total mess but her curiosity had definitely peaked.
Now he was fast asleep in the guest room that she was still trying to unpack from her recent move, the medium trying to shake him awake with the promise of aspirin and electrolyte infused water. “Come on shit head, wakey wakey. We need to talk.” She placed her offerings on the bedside table before moving to the window to open the curtains. Despite the snow all over the ground it was a bright sunny day. She hoped that with the light filtering in it would wake him up faster. 
“You were a real peach again last night. This time I let them hit you.” And Winter didn’t feel one ounce of guilt about that. If he wanted to act like a disaster then he deserved the pain the next day. She even considered taking the aspirin away. “You really are determined to piss off this whole town, aren’t you?”
Finn was well aware that alcohol was a shit way to get some sleep - something about sleep quality and whatnot, plus the mornings that followed tended to be rough. What was good about it was the lack of dreams. As well as the meds usually worked to knock him out, they loved to throw some nightmares into the mix for the fuck of it, and where was the sleep quality in that? At least when he was passed the fuck out, there was the benefit of simply not existing for a moment - until existence inevitably turned around and whacked him in the head. 
Like, literally. He was no stranger to hangover headaches but ouch. 
“Shut the fuck up, Ellie,” Finn groaned, becoming more aware of his surroundings and the suffering with every passing moment. And eventually the fact that this wasn’t his sister’s voice, nor was it a room he was familiar with. Hands scrambled for bed sheets as he moved to sit up, way too fast which was a horrible idea, everything spinning and the pain in his head going blinding for a second. The light streaming into the room didn’t help, vision blurry as he blinked at the owner of the voice and the unfiltered annoyance. “Winter?” he finally croaked out, hand reaching out on instinct and actually managing to find his glasses. “What the fuck…” 
They hadn’t… no. No way, he would have remembered that… right? Also, she was way too pissed off for that to be… well, actually… Wait, pants. He was still wearing pants which was a good sign, even as he still clutched the sheets to his bare chest like a lady in a film from the 60s. “Wait, who hit me?” Finn eventually said, now able to distinguish the pain of the headache from what was definitely a bruise forming on the side of his face. 
“Yes, Winter, the one who keeps witnessing your very quick descent into infamy. I don’t know an Ellie.” She turned, hands on her hips, to find the man clutching the fabric of the sheets to himself as if she were trying to get a peek at him. For a brief moment she wondered if he still had his pants on for him to act like that but then a realization came to her. She was almost offended by how terrifying sleeping with her seemed to be. “Oh, you wish.” Rolling her eyes, she grabbed his shirt from an armchair next to the bed and tossed it at him. “I won’t look, princess. I didn’t even see you last night, I just threw you in here and said good luck.” For good measure she turned back towards the window so he wouldn’t be uncomfortable. Even with the biting words, she didn’t want him feeling like that.
“I don’t know. It wasn’t the big guy from last time but this one was pretty big. Muscley, someone I would have actually taken home if you weren’t almost out cold on the ground.” No she wouldn’t have. She would have never touched that guy but she felt like rubbing it in just because it seemed so ludicrous to him that they could have. Winter was petty, there was no denying it.
“There’s water and aspirin on the bedside table. Take it. You’re going to need it because I want to talk to you about something.” Her arms were crossed but she brought one up to inspect her nails as she waited. She wasn’t sure how much time he needed since Winter was sure he was moving slowly. The man was a wreck. “Something about feeling emotions and all. You brought it up again last night and I’m finally curious enough to ask what you mean.”
Everything was still so fuzzy, the process of waking up someplace he had no recollection of arriving at making everything more confusing. And even though he was barely awake enough to say more than a few words, Finn was somehow still managing to piss Winter off further. “We both know you’re way out of my league, hence the confusion,” he did manage to fumble out, hoping it would at least slightly rectify the situation. Whatever the situation was. 
Even though it made the room spin, Finn used the provided opportunity to scramble from the bed, grabbing his discarded sweater from the floor and pulling it on. It smelled how he felt which was in no way helpful. “You really shouldn’t perpetuate the myth that girls only sleep with assholes,” he shot back because everything hurt and Winter’s bad mood was easily rubbing off on him. A ‘thank you’ was definitely due but she was pissy which meant so was he. Although the aspirin did seem like a peace offering, no matter how ominous that ‘something’ sounded. 
Finn didn’t have to wait long for Winter to elaborate and of course this discussion was about some shit his big, dumb mouth had been blurting out. Gulping down the water like a man shipwrecked for weeks, Finn made an attempt to stand before deciding against it. “Right. That. Don’t know what there is to discuss, sounds pretty self-explanatory,” he said dryly, tentatively touching his aching jaw and wincing. Must have been a pretty decent punch. 
Way out of his league? Well, that was enough to simmer her anger down a bit, Winter sighing softly. The people in this town needed to get more self esteem even if Finn was correct. She was out of his league. “You’re not the worst choice of partner out there, have a little more faith in yourself. It might help others like you if you actually liked you.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him, still annoyed but clearly losing her edge little by little. For some reason she held a soft spot for the self deprecating people of this world. She didn’t show it in the best way, no, but she only wanted them all to realize the good things about themselves so they could appreciate them all, no matter how little those were in quantity. She wanted the same for him.
Until his next statement, anyway. “I didn’t sleep with you, now did I?” Her arms crossed over her chest, annoyed with him once more for accusing her of perpetuating such a stereotype. It wasn’t even true. After hearing his rustling around in the room, she figured it was safe to turn her head and see if he was dressed now, and thankfully he was so she turned the rest of the way to face him. “So, not perpetuating anything.” 
Her eyes narrowed in on him, not amused with his answer. Why was it so difficult to talk to people around here? “So you can feel the burning desire I have to punch you myself, right?” It was rhetorical, of course, as her curiosity for what he could do outweighed her need to go back and forth with him. Winter uncrossed her arms to take a seat on the opposite side of the bed from him as she continued. “But really…you just feel what everyone else feels? If you wanted to know what I was feeling towards you then you could dig around with your mind or? How does that work?”
It was almost a compliment, but genuine. Mission accomplished in not getting himself thrown out the window, then. A fair point, too - at least he wouldn’t try to eat someone on the first date. Chewed with his mouth closed as well. Probably put him well above a few of the picks in town. “Hey, I’m an oldest child with a dead dad, what do you want from me?” Finn shot back, hoping to discourage any further attempts at a lesson in self love. Which was easy seeing as he was running his mouth and Winter was already on edge. 
“Fine, point Winter.” Finn scooted back on the bed, leaning against the wall with a quiet groan. Counting down the minutes until that aspirin kicked in. This had to be the worst possible moment to be having this conversation but it was either that or standing up so Finn rode the wave of Winter’s annoyance at his nonanswer. Raising an eyebrow, realizing that she actually didn’t crave violence too badly at this moment, he only replied with a slightly smug shrug. 
The bed dipped under her weight and the curiosity grew. It really did seem like she believed him. Pushing back unruly hair, Finn sighed. “Yes and no. It’s not exactly an on or off thing, more like… smelling, I guess. Trust me, I would love to be able to only pry when I wanted to but no dice. It’s just… there. Constantly. Which is great because people totally have emotional regulation and it never gives me a mental breakdown.” Alright, oversharing a bit, back it up. “Aaaand I have no fucking clue how it works or why so there.”
That escalated quickly. Winter raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that he would say that so indelicately, but she couldn’t judge. She had no idea what it was like to lose a parent or how people coped. Still, she was pretty sure his dead dad wouldn’t want him to hate himself so much…right? That’s how parents were, or should be, really. “And I’m an only child with parents who apparently manipulated me my whole life. Doesn’t mean you should think so badly of yourself.” The words might have held the facade of being unsympathetic but her tone was softer this time, almost as if he didn’t annoy the shit out of her. 
Satisfied, a smirk pulled at her lips, the girl taking that as a win. He could rub her the wrong way but at the end of the day she did like somebody who could be as snarky as she was, especially when they gave her credit for comebacks. It was enough to satiate her need to ‘one up’ as her mother had once called it. 
Winter couldn’t imagine having to be in his shoes. The girl didn’t even like her own emotions, or admitting to having them anyway, and this man had to walk around and feel everyone else’s constantly? It was almost violating in a way, knowing that everything she tried to hide from others was readily available to him but at the same time he couldn’t help it, could he? She now understood why he was such a mess. On one hand, she hated this for him, but on the other she was wondering whether or not Finn could feel that sympathy she now held for him. “Wow…it must suck to be you.” It was all she could think to say, fully aware that she couldn’t handle what he had to go through every minute of every day. “No wonder you’re a dick.”
Aw, shit. Was there a way to go back to her being exasperated? Finn would much rather deal with that than the waves of pity currently worming their way into his brain. Probably his fault for prefacing all of this with a dead dad joke - fine, less of a joke, more of a snarky comment - but still. It was glaringly obvious, even with the tendrils of worry he now specifically recognized as people wanting to guard their emotions. It had been there with Milo but to be fair, he’d been high when the bomb had been dropped. If only he had some weed to offer Winter now. 
A saving grace, she didn’t offer her condolences. Instead, she had Finn barking out a laugh that immediately made his head throb. “I know, right? I was actually tolerable right up until puberty. Which applies to a lot of guys but still.” He sighed, letting his head drop back against the wall. Trying for once to focus on the horror of his hangover instead of Winter’s process of working through what this meant, a small attempt at privacy. “It’s almost hilarious how quickly people believe me here,” he pondered out loud, gazing at the ceiling. “You have no idea how many psychiatrists back home have tried to shove me somewhere into the DSM five.”
With no warning except a groan of effort, Finn pulled himself up from the bed. “I need caffeine. And then maybe food, jury’s still out on that one.” Especially now that he was standing, even though his stomach felt extremely hollow. Fuck, had Winter watched him hurl again? The fact that he’d thought for even the briefest of moments that they’d slept together seemed even more ludicrous now. 
She rolled her eyes, knowing damn well that anybody was insufferable after puberty hit. But she didn’t deem the comment worthy of correcting. Maybe his hit different. “Why? Is that when you started feeling everyone else’s moods?” It made sense, right? Puberty meant changing bodies so maybe his ability or whatever he wanted to call it manifested at that point. Winter almost thought that would have been worse though, suddenly having something that had never been there before and having to figure out how to navigate it? Yea, she knew how that felt and it wasn’t the easiest thing to go through. If that’s what he went through anyway…no need to form a kinship if that wasn’t the actual case.
A scoff filled the room, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked directly at the disheveled man currently inhabiting one of her guest rooms. Did he not know what went on around here? “I don’t think the DSM five has a place here. Let's just say, your little gift is the easiest thing I’ve had to believe in this town.” Just then, Henry walked through the closed door, the ghost looking between the two. ‘Am I interrupting something?’ She rolled her eyes again but Winter took the opportunity to explain what she meant. “For example, the shithead that just walked through the door. You know, the ghost you most likely can’t see? I see them everywhere.” 
She watched him pull himself to his feet, unimpressed, but the fact that he had the nerve to ask for anything else after their morning was almost impressive. Winter would have respected it had she not been the one who had to comply with his requests. Now she was just annoyed. Again. “I can make coffee but you’re on your own with food. I don’t really keep much in the house, mostly because I would probably burn it down if I tried to touch the stove.”
“Yeah,” Finn groaned, rubbing at his temples in a pathetic attempt to soothe the headache. “Almost made the voice cracks tolerable. Just like ‘hey, here’s some hormones and also, you’re maybe going insane’.” Winter reminded him once again that the only reason people believed him was that this was a hellscape town and if he’d been in better shape, Finn would have loved a sharing session of what atrocities she had encountered so far. Seriously, a list of places and people to avoid sounded great. Instead, he was focused on caffeine and food, barely registering her statement as he worked on patting himself down in search for his phone, responding with a distracted ‘mm-hmm’ as the search moved to the bedsheets. Bingo. 
“Wait, ghosts?” His brain finally caught up, sort of, and Finn quickly waved off the descriptions of her cooking skills. “Also, yes and thank you on the coffee even though I was totally planning on getting it somewhere else but since you offered- you can see ghosts?” Was Winter keeping up with him. Was he keeping up with himself. Clutching at his phone, Finn’s head swiveled to take in the room, as if he would suddenly see a person there that he’d just somehow missed before. “Where? Who? Are we talking like a Poltergeist deal or are they just… there?” Heaving in a deep breath because this was using up all the energy he really didn’t have, Finn resisted the urge to flop back down onto the bed. 
“That sounds rough.” Her voice was flat though, no sympathy to be shared this time around. She’d already given him that and even if Winter thought feeling everyone’s emotions at once was a fate worse than most she wasn’t someone to feel sorry for one long, especially when that someone brought on a lot of what they got themselves. “I can understand not knowing what to do with it at a young age but have you ever tried to look deeper into it? There’s gotta be some information out there pertaining to your…condition. Maybe even a way to control it? Because you can’t keep getting drunk in bars and starting fights with random strangers or you’re going to end up dead.” And for some reason that wasn’t a fun thought. Sure, he wasn’t her favorite person but she didn’t hate him either. She wouldn’t have brought him to her house if she did.
Why? Well, that she didn’t quite know herself.
There it was. Amusement took over the annoyance when her words finally hit him. She heard Henry snort as Finn started to look around the room, Winter throwing her arms up with a shrug. Oh, she was going to have fun with this. “He’s right next to you. Not a poltergeist…” A shudder ran through her at the thought of her last run in with one of those but the uncomfortable feeling passed as Henry moved closer, waving a hand in front of Finn’s face. “Did you feel the temperature drop? Did it wake you up a little more?” Her smile turned into a smirk. “That’s Henry. He says hi and sorry for your unfortunate circumstances but at least you have both of your arms…unless he takes one from you.” 
Now she was just being an ass but she hoped the entertainment she got would be worth it. Henry gave her a look and she shrugged at him to wave it off. “Alright, coffee it is. Henry will join us….well, he can’t drink it obviously but just a warning that he’ll be there in case you’re chilly.”
“Why do you think I’m here?” Finn admitted, just the tiniest bit annoyed that he was getting brutally called out on the self-destructive behavior. And argument that he never planned on starting a fight seemed fruitless at this point, so he added instead, “I sure as fuck didn’t move here for the affordable housing or career opportunities.”
For a moment, he wondered if she was just messing with him. Finn had been here long enough to not doubt that there were people that could see ghosts but whether Winter was one of them… she was definitely enjoying the look on his face enough for this to just be one, big joke. Wrapping his arms around himself as she looked at something unseen just beside him, Finn figured that if it was a lie, she was a convincing actress. “Hello… Henry.” Was it colder or just the power of suggestion? Shuffling uncertainly across the floor, very aware that he might walk through someone, Finn followed her out of the room. 
“What’s he going to do with one of my arms?” he scoffed, even though the comment only prompted him to clutch both arms closer to his person. “So he just… follows you everywhere? What if you’re, like… y’know, with someone. Or showering?” Taking a seat in her kitchen, still glancing around as if that might suddenly provide him with the sixth sense (seventh?), Finn found that the Advil finally seemed to be doing its job. 
“To start random bar fights and end up in a pretty girl’s house, of course.” She shrugged, as if that was the most obvious answer in the world and her dry humor wasn’t on full display. Winter moved towards the coffee maker, the one appliance in her kitchen that got used more than anything, and started to work on their pick me up that they desperately needed. “Do you want an espresso shot too? You might need one…” She trailed off before finishing her harsh thought of ‘to get out of my house’, not wanting to scare him away. Because as much as she wanted him out of her house there was also an opportunity here to do something that she loved to do; research. “How far have you gotten with your search? Have you discovered anything about it yet?”
The smirk pulled at her lips, deepening, but Finn couldn’t quite see it as her back was turned to him and she let a casual tone slip into her voice. “Oh, you know, ghosts always seem to want what they don’t have. He’s missing one of his. Even if he can’t exactly use your arm his jealousy might get to him so I’d hold on tight.” Henry snorted at that, his head shaking at her antics. “You should leave the poor boy alone.” She just glanced over, showing the ghost how much fun she was having with the look on her face as an answer.
His question was a fair one but it did give Winter pause. The showering thing happened every day obviously but the other part of his question couldn’t be answered. That would have to be figured out at a later time. She could feel her cheeks heating causing her to frown. It wasn’t the fact that he was asking about it but the realization that she hadn’t needed to figure that out with Henry yet that was embarrassing her. Had it been that long? “Not that it’s any of your business, but he can be about twenty feet away from me.” There was a sharpness in her voice that she hadn’t intended on mixing in but that’s what she did when she was embarrassed; she lashed out. The severity depended on how embarrassed she got. “In the house he’s been able to roam freely without being by my side constantly. He gets stronger the more time he’s around so I think that’s helping him be able to pull further away.” 
“That too,” Finn agreed in the same, flat tone, a ghost of a smile on his face. Still just a bit too hungover to enjoy sarcasm at the moment. That coffee, though, that he would enjoy. He didn’t even bother to hide the excitement on his face as Winter went to work, agreeing enthusiastically with her offer for more coffee. Six espresso shots were probably closer to what he really needed but he was already a giant bother to Winter. “Not really. Just mostly been avoiding death and doing dumb shit since I got here. Feel like I’ve basically met and seen everything except something that might help me with this.” What a surprise that his plan of ‘go there and see what happens’ wasn’t working out perfectly. 
If his brain hadn’t been filled with cotton at the moment, Finn probably would have caught on to the smirk in Winter’s voice. In this current scenario however, the fear that an invisible figure would suddenly decide to tear off his arm was very real. “Cool. Very cool,” he mumbled, following Winter’s gaze at nothing, and shivering once more. Fucking ghosts. 
For the first time during their two rather unpleasant meetings, Finn felt his body grow warm with Winter’s embarrassment, followed by immediate guilt from himself. Oops. “Totally right, shutting up now.” She had answered his question though, satiating his curiosity on whether or not ghosts were just inherently pervy. Although the idea of an arm ripping ghost growing stronger wasn’t exactly putting the empath at ease. “Please don’t revoke my coffee privileges.” 
The medium let silence linger for a moment, Finn’s question making her think about her dry spell more than she wanted to. Ultimately, she blamed the town. It was full of weirdos and murderers and who’d want to sleep with those, right? That’s what she kept telling herself because delusion was better than blaming herself and her shitty attitude. Then she wondered why it was so easy to slip into those thoughts without the other interjecting. Winter, surprised that Finn wasn’t pushing this further, looked over her shoulder at him to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep where he sat. It felt like the only reason he wouldn’t be teasing her but no, he was sitting there just pleading for his coffee. 
And then she realized he’d probably felt how embarrassed she’d gotten and she bristled. That was going to take some getting used to.
She slid the coffee over the counter to him, deciding to give him a break on the ghost stuff since he was dropping the last topic as well. Instead, she would focus on his issue. “It’s called research, Finn. Reading, the internet, tracking down people who know about your abilities…it’s not that hard in Wicked’s Rest. I might know some people who can point us in the right direction.” Winter had used ‘us’ without even realizing it. Now she was curious too and whether she liked it or not she would be doing her own research. She might as well share her discoveries with him as she went. It was his problem after all. 
Even though the totally out of line topic had been dropped, Winter was still pensive and definitely annoyed. Not at Finn so much, he was starting to get a decent feeling for the exact kind of annoyance his presence evoked in her - no, it was an annoyance that he oddly related to. More of an… impatient restlessness that… Oh. Maybe he was way off but the chances of Winter appreciating a line of questioning about how long it had been didn’t seem high, even if Finn was on the same boat. That would definitely get his coffee privileges revoked. 
When Winter finally procured the cup of coffee, it inspired Finn’s first genuine smile this morning. Grabbing the cup did mean releasing the death grip he had across his torso but honestly, it probably wouldn’t even do much if Henry decided he was in the mood for chaos. And Finn really wanted that coffee. As he reveled in the sweet taste of caffeine, Winter started providing advice in a way that was a bit like scolding but beggars couldn’t really be choosers. “Oh, it’s called research, is it?” Didn’t mean he could shut down the hungover urge for sarcasm completely, though. 
“But uh…” Finn took another sip of coffee before continuing, wanting to make sure that the next words weren’t accidentally laced with sarcasm as well. “I’d definitely… appreciate that. Maybe I’ll even try not to be wasted next time you see me, as a thank you.” He glanced over at her, feeling immensely grateful for a moment while also completely undeserving of Winter’s help. Stupid hangover making him extra mushy. “Sorry. For, y’know… me.”
Her smirk returned when she saw Finn’s death grip unravel in favor of the coffee cup, her eyes flicking to Henry who rolled his eyes goodnaturedly. He was enjoying this just as much as her but he didn’t want to show that. No, that would be giving Winter too much credit. This would be a fun gag to keep up for a while, hopefully Finn would still believe it once he was in a better headspace. 
“Yea, asshole, research. Apparently, you don’t know the meaning.” Sarcasm for sarcasm, it was their thing. And then she sighed when she realized they had a thing apparently. Why was it so easy for people like this to get under her skin and burrow there? Their first encounter had ended with him in an Uber so how had that progressed into her giving him a room the next time? She should have left him in a gutter, she really should have, no matter how lost he seemed. As if to answer those questions, Finn’s words pulled at her lips, not able to help the amusement that came with them. “You? Not drunk in my presence? I’ll believe it when I see it.” She took her own cup from where it had just finished brewing and took a sip, Winter looking over the edge of it at him. He had to stop doing that if they were going to look into this together. She wouldn’t be able to handle the self depreciation too long. “Don’t ever apologize for being who you are, Finn. Own it or change it, but don’t apologize.”
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finn-brooks · 8 months
CLOSED STARTER for @madiiscn
"Hey, Mads — did you get that?"
Finn leans over to her side of the study room table, tapping the eraser end of his pencil to her (very empty) notepad. "Obelisks? Commemorating the dead?" The notepad is turned so he can begin scrawling notes down on the paper. "Representing Egyptian kings and honoring—" he sighs, leaving the sentence on the page unfinished and leaning back in his chair to stare at her dead on.
"I'm not carrying you through this project, you have to do something in it. And Egyptian art history is… well, it's pretty straight forward." It's nothing like touching on impressionism and the baroque era of art. Finn flips to the next page in the text, skimming the page with pictured hieroglyphics. "Everything about it is. There's no hidden symbolism."
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demongemz · 2 months
Will had found himself fully trapped within this prison that Finn had created for him, how many times had the man stopped by to mock and rage about things he couldn’t do anything about? Finn’s obsession with him only seemed to grow the more he rebelled against his emotions, it was hard to even remember what day it was as time passed in his cell. Hearing that Phineas's gone hurt him in a way that he knew he had to bury, he couldn’t give Finn the satisfaction at the news that he no doubt knew the other was proud of. “First Filicide now Parricide, I swear did you come here thinking the more people you kill I’ll fall to my knees and beg you to take me back?” He questioned the quiet rage that had been building with each one of these new visits, how it resembled what Hannibal had done to him turning everyone against him and even having him believe that he killed his daughter, what cruel punishment this was being kept from the very people he’d come to love. “Awww little rich boy has to wait to find out that you aren’t getting shit from the man you continuously disappointed? I’d suspect your new fiance, work, and children would keep you far too busy to visit me, your handlers here are doing just fine with torturing me every moment I’m in here. Who knows maybe one day they’ll hit me so hard I’ll die and forget everything about you and this place.” He mused, still refusing to even meet the other’s eye, he was tired and kept up all night to ensure that he’d remain weak and under their thumb. “You could leave but that’s the one thing you seem incapable of doing…I don’t want you Finn, I don’t love you and I never will.” @fcrafcrtnight
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freebirdyance · 2 years
It was about three in the morning, and the window in Yancy's room was wide open. The crisp air wafted through the bedroom and the curtain fluttered in the air, and there was a particularly energetic assassin standing at the foot of his bed with a small plastic bag in their hand. Finn was practically buzzing with energy, their slender frame barely highlighted by the dim moonlight shining through the open window.
It had been so easy to find Yancy's personal home and to break into his house... if he didn't wanna get killed, he should probably do something about that. Even just a couple of thugs posted outside his front door would be a better protection system. Of course, Finn planned on killing him anyway, but just in case someone else wanted to kill him. He was valuable goods, after all, and he couldn't be so carelessly reckless.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" they shout, snatching off the blankets that covered his body and grinning like a maniac. "If you don't get up and at 'em in thirty seconds, I'm shooting your foot so the adrenaline will wake you up... the pain of having a piece of metal lodged in your flesh might help wake you up a little bit too, but you know. Details."
- @lost-in-gardener
Yancy had a couple of different places he stayed at. One was a fifteenth story penthouse apartment that he spent the majority of his time at. That's where he usually had the most security posted outside his door, and... you know, fifteenth fucking story. Anyone wanting to break in another way had to figure it out with that little detail.
His other place was more homey, more of a getaway than anything. And, up until this point, he thought it was more private. He comes to consciousness with the distinct feeling he was being watched, just before someone is yelling and yanking the blankets off his body. His hand is under the pillow in an instant before he's aiming a gun at them.
Is that... no fucking way. He recognizes the voice almost immediately, but he still doesn't lower the gun. Letting out a huff of air, he tries to calm down before the adrenaline makes his heart explode. "What... Finn?? What the fuck?!" He says quietly, voice still rough from sleep. His other hand slaps at the lamp on his bedside table as he sits up, casting a faint glow in the room. At least he wore boxers to bed because he was naked otherwise. "What the hell are you doin' here?"
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missdcalls · 7 months
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the house was quiet. he was resting peacefully besides levi, worn out from their festivities of the night. akila was out with friends and wouldn't be home any time soon, so the two had taken advantage of having the place to themselves for a little while. his arm is protectively wrapped around the other's shoulders, holding him close to his side. finn never wanted to let him go.
just as he's about to reposition himself, he hears a noise. his body stiffens and he does his best to try and figure out where it's coming from, but he's unable to pinpoint it. "levi - wake up. did you hear that?" // @bruiscdmouth
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐘 ] ― sender and receiver hear a sound when they should be alone ( footsteps / creaking floorboards / a scream / etc ).
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luckylewis · 10 months
lucky 📲 finn.
Lucky: Yooo 👋🏻 Lucky: Have you got any music recs for me now that you're surrounded by it Lucky: I feel like I need to breathe some new life into my Spotify playlists. My wrapped is going to be tragic this year
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