radio-navlee · 2 years
Whos the big man?
Fandom: DSMP MCYT!!
Characters: Lee!Jschlatt Ler! Wilbur
Summary: Schlatt needed some help with stuff and asked Wilbur to help. Wilbur finds out something about Schlatt.
We love some Lee Schlatt 😍 Also credits to  @covenofwives  (little lazy) (idk read it?)
Schlatt seemed like the kind of person to watch you trip and then laugh in your face! With no regrets! So when he comes to ask for help, you really wouldn’t expect it!
“Hey uh, Wilbur?” Schlatt walked up to Wilbur, who is sitting down on a bench, and looked up surprised
“Woah, you need something, Big Man? somethings not right!” Wilbur pointed out, Schlatt noticed, and fixed himself quickly.
“Huh? Oh! Nothing! I just needed help with something...” 
“Sure! What’s up Big Man?” Wilbur scooted over for Schlatt to sit down, Schlatt smiled and sat down. Feeling comfortable Schlatt asked
“So I was getting something from my under my sink and when I came up I bumped my horn on the top of the sink, and a bit chipped,” He said embarrassed holding out a chipped piece from his horn. Wilbur looked at it, it wasn’t a big chip but it wasn’t small either, it was about the size of his hand
“Oh, are you ok? Did it hurt-” Wilbur started to ask questions, worried about his friend, when Schlatt cut him off
“DONT make it a big deal! and yes it did hurt!” Schlatt said angrily
“Ok ok! what do you need help with though?” Wilbur asked
“This is where the embarrassing part comes in” Schlatt sighed
“You know how to fix things right?” Wilbur nodded
“Ok well, can you help me fix...well this!?” Schlatt’s cheeks blush from embarrassment.
“Sure man! Do you have anything I can “fix” it with?” Wilbur asked
“...Yeah, here” Schlatt handed Wilbur an unlabeled bottle, it looked like glue?
Schlatt stood up looking back at Wilbur giving a look that showed he wanted him to follow. Schlatt walked into some forests that Wilbur had never seen. Schlatt sat down on the forest floor indicating wanting Wilbur to sit down behind him.
“Where are we?” Wilbur asked
“Don't worry about it,” Schlatt said. Wilbur sat down behind Schlatt and began to start the “fixing process”. Wilbur took another look at the bottle to find some instructions written on the bottle with a sharpie.
1. Put subscene onto broken/chipped piece
2. Wait till almost dry,
3. If almost dry place the piece back onto the horn
4. Rub the horn to take off any unwanted glue, make sure it sticks
5. Rap horn with a bandage to keep in place
6. wear the cast for a few days to make sure it’s well fixed.
Looked easy enough, Wilbur made small talk with Schlatt while he waited for the glue to dry. Schlatt loosed up and started to become regular Schlatt.
“Ok I’m going to place it onto the horn now,” Wilbur warned Schlatt, Schlatt got anxious again going back to worried Schlatt.
“Annnnnnddd! done! Wasn’t that easy-” Wilbur looked over to Schlatt to find him with his hands covering his face giggling,
“Just gehehet it overheher with!!”
“With what?” Wilbur asked confused continuing to fix up his horns,
“Fihihihixing ThehehEHEHEM!! EEEEEE” Schlatt squealed when Wilbur started to scratch the glue off. Wilbur stopped
“Schlatt? You never told me you were ticklish!?!!!” Wilbur asked excitedly
“Youhohou  never asked heheHA!” Schlatt giggled trying to play it off.
‘I guess I just never needed to!” Wilbur teased starting to scratch right where the horns met the head of the ram, a little next to his ears. That made Schlatt go crazy!
“NAHAHAHA WAAAAAIIT!! EEEEK!! NOHOHO STOP STOP WILBURRHERERER!!!!!” Schlatt Franticly blurted out from the tickly sensations.
“Whos the big man now Schlatt?” Wilbur whispered into Schlatt's left ear which surprisingly was more sensitive than his right, Schlatt's ear twitched repeatedly.
“No no, this is pretty cute what we have going on here!” Wilbur joked, Schlatt turned red at the comment. Now, Schlatt had never called cute, let alone while he is getting wrecked, oh no no no there’s no coming back from that! “Awe little rammy boy ticklish?? awe baby rammy boy? tickle tickle!!” Wilbur's teasing seemed to never stop...
(Ghost out!)
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sadfloofy · 2 years
We pretend this is an amazing title :)
FYI: This is my first fic 😅💀
Timeline: A bit after Wilbur's death
Lees+Lers: Lee!Jshlatt and Ler!Wilbur
Summery: Wilbur gets fed up with a certain goat
⚠️ Warnings: Tickle fic + swears (and maybe a bit of threats 🤔), if you are uncomfortable with such please keep scrolling.
(made for @twisty-ghost, sorry it took so long)
Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose while his only companion continued to talk and talk and talk. He knew it was just to annoy him, but that didn't stop him from developing a painful headache.
"Hey Wil! Why did the chicken cross the road!" Jschlatt asked smiling,
"I don't know Schlatt.. why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Beakause!" Schlatt chuckled a bit at his own joke while Wilbur stared monotonly at him.
Jschlatt acted disappointed as he spoke, "Aw come on, that one was funny. "
Wilbur had just about had it with this stupid ram or whatever his fucking species was. "For fucks sake, you've been talking nonstop for the last hour or so. Could you perhaps SHUT UP?"
Schlatt pretended to think about it for a second before responding, "Hmmm... nah"
This continued on for a few more hours
"To what? Kill me?" Jschlatt smirks watching Wilbur's furious expression.
"I wonder if dead people can still feel pain! I'm guessing you want to test it since your testing me, hm?" Wilbur stood up walking towards him.
Schlatt, started slowly walking backwards, only the smile on his face (That had begun to turn into a nervous smirk) showing the small bit of fear forming in the pit of his stomach.
"Hey, Wil, Wilbur, we can talk about this right??"
"No no no, you've done quite enough talking already."
Wilbur then chose that moment lunged forwards knocking Jschlatt on his back and landing on top of him (Not managing to grab him yet). Wilbur grappled with him as Jschlatt flailed around trying his best to get away, during this Wilbur accidentally squeezed his side making Schlatt flinch.
"What the fuck was that??"
"Shut up your literally trying to kill me rn!"
"Well, yea, but now I'm interested."
Jschlatt's struggling increased x10.
Once Wilbur finally managed to pin the ram's arms to his side he stared straight at Schlatt and said:
"Tell me why you flinched like I had stabbed you and I'll let you go."
"Fuck. You." He said being the stubborn idiot he was. Considering what happened next he kind of wished he came up with a lie or something instead.
Wilbur decided he wouldn't get any answer from Schlatt so he just sat there and thought for a bit thinking about what the hell could have happened. After a bit he remembered some conversation he had had with Quackity (While he was still alive of course). Where he had told him something about schlatt. Suddenly he knew exactly why Schlatt flinched.
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to be ticklish would you?" He said as grinned mischievously.
Schlatt glared daggers at him "Don't you even fucking think about it.."
And with that Wilbur dug his fingers into Schlatt's sides experimentally scratching and wiggling them. Schlatt immediately started lightly laughing.
"Aww whaatt? Can't take it?" Wilbur teased in a baby voice.
Schlatt kicked his legs trying to get away from the electric like shocks going through his body. Wilbur apparently decided just laughing isn't enough because he suddenly felt hands massaging and poking his hips and waist area.
Wilbur smiles devilishly watching Schlatt struggle to get away (And deal with the tickles).
"Ooo great spot!"
After a bit Schlatts struggling gets a bit sluggish and his laugh starts to become wheezy so Wilbur stops, he may be dead but he can still pass out.
"You.. Are a... Bitch.. " Schlatts says as he works on leveling out his breathing and wiping the tears from his eyes.
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I can't stop thinking about laughter.
(Or, a bunch of random tickle headcanons for Eret, Sapnap, Quackity, and Schlatt.)
Eret, oh my goodness. The literal "haha" laugh.
I have a headcanon every time I see someone tall, I think they'd be ticklish - sometimes specifically on underarms. Eret is one of those people who would fold at upper rib tickles.
Eret's eyes are white, I think they try not to appear self-conscious but truthfully, they don't like their eyes. I headcanon the same goes with facial expressions, they think they look dumb when laughing and that's another reason for the sunglasses. (He, eventually, learns to feel better about himself. She still has those down days, which will lead to cheer up tickles.)
He can scold and control his reactions quite well nowadays, but if you know the right tease, then she can't stop blushing. Which is a very big achievement! Congratulations!
They aren't used to being pinned, considering how tall they are he's used to doing the pinning himself. But if she's immobile or stuck in anyway, it's an automatic response to giggle harder even when nothing's happening.
One last thing, a ler headcanon, they love to pull people into their laps. Depending on the pronouns they use, it's a different feeling every time. If it's more masculine, the legs are crossed. If it's more feminine, it's bridal style and the knees are pointed up.
Sapnap has a "hehe" giggle and it's adorable.
You know the classic cry sound when Tom, from Tom and Jerry, gets hurt? Sapnap sounds like that when he laughs, there's many voice cracks. It's incredible. /pos
If you pretend to jump at him, anticipation-wise, he'll scream and giggle so frantically he can't get a word out. It destroys him instantly.
Quackity's laugh can sometimes sound like a deer in headlights. He'll be laughing and then suddenly gasp and go silent with this giddy look on his face.
The type to hug his stomach and kick anyone who comes close.
I think he'd be shy when it comes to raspberries or nibbles, genuinely hesitant to try those things.
He blushes so easily, it's the sweetest thing!
There's not a lot of JSchlatt content. Have you heard this guy's maniacal giggle? It's hysterically funny. /pos
I'm soft for the idea that Schlatt acts tough, and is tough, but will let himself loose when trying to reassure people it's okay to not be tough.
He's evil, he doesn't pretend not to be, but he's used to the rougher stuff. Sometimes quick and easy to take it out. If anything gentle is used he may not react right away. But don't be fooled, he'll crack if you keep it up and tease him.
Speaking of teases, not many people can take him down a notch. Not many really dare to push too far. He likes the banter back and forth, and enjoys pushing people's buttons. If you do the same for him, he gets excited and giddy.
The back of his neck is a sweet spot, but he guards it with his life, good luck.
There's a sneaky spot just under the stomach, but above the hips, that makes him scream and buck wildly. If someone kneads there, then he'll shriek bloody murder.
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Hello! How r you? I hope you're doing ok. Also: please give me your Puffychu hc i don't care if au or not because we need more Puffychu and you are just the perfect person for that. The angstyer the better xD
I'm doing good!
oh boy oh boy niki hc...
puffy's vision blacked out for a second out of pure FEAR and RAGE when the eggpire threatened niki
puffy's horns remind niki of jschlatt. this has resulted in more than one incident of niki attacking puffy, puffy trying to file down her horns and niki flinching away from puffy.
oh also correlating with the one above, puffy's first thought when she saw niki flinch away for the first time was that niki had had an abusive ex. angst ensues
puffy is TERRIBLE at baking and niki gets ptsd from smoke since l'manberg so the first time puffy burnt something accidentally, niki had a full-on panic attack
in a soulmate au where they feel eachothers pain, puffy would get these huge aches of hunger, followed by a sharp pain everywhere before it disappeared. she wasnt sure that niki was her soulmate but didnt rule it out, and her theories were basically confirmed when niki looked much thinner at the banquet than she had been pre-doomsday
as mentioned above, puffy is terrible at baking, but over times she becomes just below mediocre. niki boasts abt it to everyone she meets
puffy always exaggerates with everything ever so once when niki struck her with flour, she made this big deal abt betrayal
both of them were gonna play an original concert together after new l'manberg festival (ig thats kinda angsty but whatever)
puffy gets ticklish around the armpits and under-knee area so those are niki's go-to spots
niki is ticklish EVERYWHERE but specifically her neck and puffy abuses the fuck out of that
puffy doesnt really get REALLY flustered easily, but niki knows she just has to kiss puffy's neck and whisper in her ear and puffy melts, which niki, again, abuses the fuck out of
niki is buff, i will die on this hill
puffy was kinda skeptical that niki was buff. like last she had seen niki she was kinda buff from baking but not really BUFF yaknow? well she was surprised when puffy came to help ranboo move into michael's mansion, and she was completely flustered when she saw niki lift heavy objects and was reduced to a flushing, stumbling, stuttering mess when talking to niki trying desperately not to think gay thoughts
also on the niki buff hc, puffy sometimes asks for niki to pick puffy up bc... stromk woman... stromk gf...
and of course has a gay panic every day
niki was the one to propose i will die on this hill
they did have one moment when they tried on each others clothes with niki loving the rainbow hoodie but hating the suffocating feeling of the captain's outfit
and puffy loving most of nikis clothes but hating the Coat (you know which one im talking abt)
they have pet names but specific ones: "angel, sheepy-head (based off sleepy-head), grumbler" and then a lot of generic ones like "babe, sweetheart, my love, hottie" etc
uh yeah thats all i got for now
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Idk dude punz just gives me ticklish vibes ???
Like there’s some people who don’t IE Jschlatt
but like Punz,Dream,Foolish they give ticklish vibes
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ghostlee · 4 years
Lee (and ler? Maybe?) Jschlatt headcanons? (Sknsmshu ok but Wilbur tickling schlatt please) Sorry if this is annoying aaaaaaaa
Lee!Jschlatt Tickle HCs
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Ok so... Nobody has ever really dared to test the theory if the goat man is ticklish or not. EXCEPT.. For Wilbur...
Dude almost got bitch slapped to Brazil for it... But the theory was true... Jschlatt is infact ticklish...
He’s not like insanely ticklish but enough to bring him to the ground and wreck his shit.
Remember those challenges Wilbur and Jschlatt did like the water rising and lava rising stuff? Some ticking was definitely ensued off camera...
His hoofs..? Goat feet? Would he just have human feet or? Who knows. THEY ARE TICKLISH.
Has ✨Excellent ✨flight or fight reflexes.. and boy does he use both. But since this is the Lee section, we are going to explore his flight a bit..
He can climb like.. a goat. Well? Can easily get away from people but if Wilbur is the one tickling him he just kinda like.. let’s it happen?
When he became president a lot of focus was centered around him in the DreamSMP one of which being talk if he was ticklish or not. Rumor going around was that he infact was ticklish. But people were to scared to try and do it.
His underarms are pretty bad and so are his hips but you didn’t hear that from me.
Curses like... a lot? When being tickled like that’s the main reasoning for teasing behind wilburs attacks his going. “Schlatt you csnt curse!” And just tickling him more.
Hiccups lightly during and after being tickled.
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Ler!Jschlatt Tickle HCs
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Oh man he is a mean ler, a good ler but a mean one.
Mercy.. who’s Mercy never heard of her?
Tickles Wilbur... Daily.
Says things like “That’s fucking pathetic, look at you squirming around and begging because of a few tickles.”
Sounds mean but is scarily caring afterwards. Doesn’t like to show that he cares tho but if other people are in on tickling the Lee ss well he will drop kick someone to make sure they don’t go to far.
Knows EXACTLY where Wilbur is ticklish at and has sold off information abt his tickle spots to others for his own benefit.
He’s a cute goat in a cute blue sweater that’s short and adorable but he is a MENACE when being ler.
Usually goes for the worst spots first on his Lee if he already knows what it is. He likes to make them suffer early on...
Tickles Tubbo sometimes as a friendly kinda... older father/brother figure with love and care behind it. But also sometimes wrecks the bee boys shit to get him to do what he wants.
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tklpilled · 4 years
Still the ler Jschlatt anon, I love the possibility that the only two people who were actually wrecked by him were Quackity and Wilbur, everyone else has never had an encounter with him but hearing the two just,, terrified of Jschlatt to no end makes them nervous
To be clear, Schlatt definitely has some spots that make him laugh, but he shields them at all costs and Wilbur is constantly under threat because “hey Wilbur, remember how I'm not ticklish at all? Yeah me too, would be a shame if you were to lie or something :)” and Wilbur just goes silent and makes sure to never speak about Schlatt ever again for the rest of the day
As for Quackity, he doesn't even dare anymore, he's too ticklish for his own good and it's just too risky lmao
there is one (1) time when wilbur tells quackity schlatt’s spots. quackity doesn’t say how he got this information but obviously either it was a lucky guess or wilbur said something to him, so schlatt goes to find wilbur. wilbur never tells anyone ever again
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moose-muffin · 4 years
Hi yes do you know who jschlatt is of course you do. *slides 20 bucks* headcanons plz -Okami anon (who you might see a bit of)
Jschlatt tk headcanons
- to start is off heres one word LER
-ya so he’s ler ok?? I just honestly think he would be good at tickling and be an absolute jerk about it but sometimes in a fun way??
-idk how to describe it but it’s good 😳
-I think he could be teasy, but more like the “oh my god you’re ticklish here?! what?!?” rather than like baby talk or something
- It’s definitely still effective it’s just less cutesy and more aggressive but in a fun way I guess!!
- I feel like he doesn’t like to show that he’s good at tickling because he doesn’t want to give off that vibes (not ler vibes but like, vibes that he enjoys tickling at all)
- but if he’s alone with a close friend, tickles fight galore!! he normally is ler but he’s definitely been lee before no lies 😳 he wouldn’t want you to *know* that so pretend I didn’t tell you
- but ya boy can be lee 😏 I said what I said
- he tends to keep everything tickle related to himself but there’s been times where maybe like Quackity tried to initiate something in public and Schlatt is having *none* of that
-in public he would go FULL LER because him?? lee?? neverrrr
- but in all honestly I think tickle fights can be fun for him if given the opportunity
ahhh ok there you go!! these aren’t the best I’m sorry!! but I’ll try to make more hcs soon!! I hope you enjoy and so sorry these are out late!! Also to both you, and anyone else reading!! feel free to send more requests!! they may take a bit to get out but I appreciate them!!
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tklpilled · 4 years
Headcanon that everyone is just,, terrified of ler Jschlatt.
Like you know how Technoblade is known to be the blood god and all that, and he's definitely a ler, but some people like Philza know he has a few weak spots.
But for Jschlatt? No one knows any tickle spots for him, nor does anyone know if he's ticklish at all, they're all just too scared to try it out
quackity has definitely tried a few times, but he never got any reaction before the tables were turned (wilbur probably knows a couple of his spots because i hc them as childhood friends, but schlatt Can and Will wreck his shit if he tells anyone, so he pretends not to know)
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