#Tigerclaw: please GOD will you two take it to your BEDROOM
dongpound · 7 months
I like how most people in your au treat Anton and Ivan like lovers.
I don't know much about how Tiger Claw feels.
YES!! Bc they’re in LOVE and ITS SO OBVIOUS AND GROSS I love them sm. I feel like the last one to know was Chris bc. He simply. Doesn’t fucking care. And frankly is neutral at BEST towards Steranko and Zeck. Xever mentioned how they’re dating one time (pre au like back at shredders lair) and Chris was like “they’re what?” And was fully convinced Xever was lying for like 2 weeks. He is a DENSE and OBLIVIOUS motherfucker.
Tigerclaw’s whatever about it bc he has his own bs going on, so long as their emotions don’t affect his plans he’s not gonna say anything.
he’s really just annoyed by the fact he can’t grab his midnight glass of milk w/o running into those two sucking face on the couch . However this is a feeling shared by everyone.
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loco-warehouse · 6 months
How did Baxter's marriage proposal to Angela go after the events?
Can we see this dialogue between the two, please?
Six months. Six months of recovery and Baxter feels like he's barely halfway through.
From exiting the fire in second and third degree burns, to police investigations, to his long stay in the hospital-- God, when will it end. His bedside was covered in medications and gauze wraps. He laid in the spare bedroom of the Patel's cottage home, looking towards his window as birds gave their occasional visit. The TV plays lightly in the background, reruns of VHS movies and cartoons. Baxter closes his eyes, trying to ignore the aching pain within' his skin. It's cut short though, as a light knock is placed at the door. "Come in." Angela opens the door slowly, the door squeaking and needing a desperate need for WD-40. "You awake, Bax?" She whispers. "I am."
She welcomes herself in, saying, "It's time to change your wraps." Baxter nods, and waits for Angela to join him by his bedside. Minutes passed as she gently helps him sit up in bed, gritting his teeth and wincing at each move. Baxter keeps his focus on the TV, trying to ignore the peeling of the older wraps being taken off his arms. He glances at it before looking away, saying, "I don't know how you can stomach looking at that." Angela chuckles to his comment as she began to put a dampen cloth on his oozing arm. "I've seen worse, believe me." "Oh, really?" "Remember when Tigerclaw had his arm cut off?" Baxter cringes at that thought, remembering Bebop and Rocksteady dragging TC in as Stockfly was having a meeting with the Purple Dragons. Immediately he had to dismiss everything as he attended to the sudden, gruesome wound, but never realize how much Angela saw of that incident. He proceeds to put his focus on the TV as she begun to wrap his arms back up, before gladfully taking the painkillers and chugging a glass of water. "Do you need anything else?" "No, I'm okay Angie...thank you..." Angela gives him a sombering smile, remaining to sit beside him as the TV plays and place a gentle hand on his injured hand. Though Baxter finds a pain in doing so, he tries to curl his fingers the slightest to grasp hers. Over time, Angela keeps her eyes on the TV before realizing Baxter was looking towards her. She turns, asking, "Are you okay, honey?" "Angie, we should get marry." Angela barely had time to react, her eyes widening and blinking multiple times as she processed what he just said. She held her breath, than let go, smiling as she shook her head towards his sudden proposal and states, "Would next spring be okay for a wedding?" Baxter smiles, nodding, " 'Course! I can't wait."
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