#Tinker N Design Kit
stemrobo · 2 years
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
(looks at the ask button) oo this looks like the Talk about Thing you like button. What if you talked about Mephisto the thing of all time
(Also hope you don't mind me sending you asks so often I feel like it's alot but there's no pressure)
It runs a workshop for prosthetics and general robotics on Pandora, along with its adopted daughter er, assistant, 404, and several other machines that it hides from its previous 'owners'. The name is still a work in progress but the temporary name is Amps n' Caches [which isn't the best but I don't think Mephisto of all people knows how to name things.]
They love collecting old world relics ! Picked it up with their brother when they were small, and now likes fixing old stuff to the best of their capabilities. Some stuff works better than others [Like, did you know that if its well preserved enough, you can probably still get an old world mp3 to work ? Mephisto doesn't actually like much of the music but appreciates having it regardless], but they at least can turn on and perform some of the original functions. Some of these fix-ups include but are not limited to: A dirtbike, a radio that can surprisingly still pick up some signals, a handheld unbranded videogame system that is NOT copyrighted, an absolutely ancient blocky tv with an inbuilt tape player, and a handful of dvd players that can actually run modern-day disks with enough tinkering, and sound surprisingly good given their age.
Despite mostly using its Cycl0p kit prosthetics [Arm, Legs, Spinal help and Facial plate], Mephisto has made about 14 other ones for both utilitary usage [Comfort, other kinds of tools, etc] and for funsies [Aesthetics mostly, but also just to test its skills], as well as like 30 mobility aids for particularly hard days. Some are just lighter and easier to use, some help with particularly delicate tasks, some are just to look cool when you're at a store and don't need to fight people constantly, but all of them have names and are cared for deeply [No sentience for these however].
Mephisto's lab is considered a safe haven for all those who can't fight or who need help, despite him having quite a hefty reputation for being really brutal in battle. You can just ask any of the machines there and they'll tell you they'd rather be at the end of his fucked up saw arm than at the hands of their masters, but humans (particularly, those who are disabled in some way) will say the same thing more often than not. People say he's a great host and that he tries really hard to be polite and patient to everyone, but he will always vehemently deny it <3
They often go out into the wastes to find new metal/more parts for the workshop, and since cars explode in Pandora every other day, its not too hard a task. Given the opportunity to go to other planets he will also be more than happy to dumpster dive for things And if anyone tries to stop him he'll steal their shit too. The facial plate has an inbuilt identifier for the pieces they need, but they can probably identify it out of the top of their head too.
Although it makes money out of their robotics stuff, Mephisto is also a gun modder by profession ! This originated mostly out of spite in its teens, it also was a great opportunity to fix up any flaws or annoying details its guns had as it was growing up. It can be a little expensive to get it all, but Meph makes it worth it. Also, it has its own logo. Here it is :] [it covers the oriignal gun's brand cuz he don't really give a fuck]
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Its not the best but hey, they're not a graphic designer, they're just makin' the guns.
...Sometimes, if you pay a lot of attention and put your ear against the walls, you can hear him mumbling to himself about "what happened", and how he's sorry he ever left, and how he misses "them all". If you're dumb enough to try and sneak up on him during this moment, you'll even see him clutching a folded up picture of a family in his hand, lovingly stroking it, like he's thinking about something. And then after he notices you'll catch a bullet between your eyes. Circle of life !
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spotsupstuff · 9 months
Tarrow has an adopted slugcat child?! How did it happen?
AND a scav kit!!!!
they are the kids Tinkerer took under her wing and since animals can recognize spirits in different bodies, both still see Tarrows as their mom. she is personally kind of conflicted about it, because she isn't that type of person that.. y'know, looks at an animal and dubs it their child or would call it a sibling to their proper child. but she also realizes her situation is a strange one and she Does still have responsibility for them as the Tinkerer
the scav kit glued itself to Tinktink more than to its actual mother for some reason, so she took it in. the slugpup was found in the Old Harbor scavenging around for food and tryin to dodge predators. Tinktink went in to save it, got herself into trouble and ended up getting saved by the slugpup instead. n so they adopted each other on that logic
they aren't particularly important so idk if i'll be designing them, but yeah. on the first trip to the Root Tarrows n Fish leave them behind because it's safer in and on top of his structure than anywhere else and also cuz Boreas was breathing down their necks to hurry up and travel lightly without some annoyances. the two are definitely planning to come back though, so the kids n the tribe won't be left alone for good
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Well, I finished Future Redeemed. As a whole, I'm glad I experienced it. I think the self-contained story with Matthew and Nael was really good. I'm also very shalvis brainrot with A. I think my impression of Rex was just a bit too ruined by my distaste for Xenoblade 2, but his class is very fun. It sure is a shame for brainrot. I really wish there was a bit more time dedicated to Glimmer and Nikol. Their arcs were sort of glossed over, which bugs me because Glimmer was shaping up to be a really interesting character but then the writers sort of dropped it. Mio's family should start a band. Nael, Mio, and Glimmer would emotionally annihilate me. Nael's theme and Mio's themes alone already did that. And Glimmer has to be there because Cello Supremecy (I play cello :D!!). I like how this was just the world's most convoluted family road trip. Like, so we're clear, Glimmer is Rex's Daughter, Nael and Matthew are Rex's great great grandchildren. A is Pyra and Mythra's sibling, which makes them Matthew's second cousin technically. Meanwhile, Shulk is a recreation of Klaus more or less, which makes him Rex's brother-in-law technically. And Mikol is Shulk's kid. Phenomenal. Really liked the final boss theme too. I also have mixed opinions about Matthew. On one hand, I really like him. On the other hand, I really would have liked to see more of him since I don't think I fully warmed up to the character by the time the game expected you to. Or rather, I don't think it felt like he had proved himself as the rightful protagonist. I'll have to mull over it some more before I can put my finger on why exactly tho.
I also really loved the weapon aesthetics for the party this game. The designs and animations for them were just really fun. I don't think I got the chance to properly appreciate everyone's kits because I superglued myself to A, but I will want to replay this dlc some day, and when I do, I want to try out Glimmer, Rex, and Nikol. I think the gameplay here is overall a step down from 3 tho. A lot of my favorite things in 3's combat just weren't very applicable here, and I really dislike existence of the notifications in the exploration, since it just really drained the magic out of the world for me. Mainly, there really wasn't that wonder of "I wonder how much of the world is left for me to explore, cant wait to find out" that the first game and X really fucking captured for me. And with the combat, the lack of a class system and weaker character customization really downgraded my enjoyment. I think it's also that 3 managed to capture a specific magic for me with its complex yet understandable combat system that made slowly mastering it over the course of several hundred hours such a treat. Especially with how many options there were to approach any given problem. I literally spent a week straight grinding the final fight with N and managed to not get frustrated once nor did I ever feel the desire to lower the difficulty (by, like, not being horrifically underlevelled or changing the mode to anything but hard) because the game's combat system managed to reach this sweet spot where I both understood the cause of every death, had the room to adapt and evolve my strategies, and had room to tinker with character load-outs until I reached something I was satisfied with. The game just also just managed to make finding synergies, exploiting iframes, and finding unique valuable assets and mashing them together, that actually building the party felt really good. But also, the way the game uses iframes and leniency mechanics made them really satisfying to exploit. Stuff like, you could protect a character from dying by making them interlink, because they will survive at 1HP if they start that animation. Or timing the dodge abilities to match with big attacks. And utilizing chain attacks as a defensive tool. Having to calculate when the best time is to be on a specific character and when not to. These are all things I really enjoyed doing with 3's combat. But they weren't applicable to FR.
So, with party customization, it's going to be a lot more limitted than in 3 and I don't blame that, but I was caught off guard by just how much that disengaged me from the combat. I will say that I really liked FR's affinity system. I've always disliked the concept of EXP as a growth stat. It doesn't feel meaningful and it generally makes power levels feel rather arbitrary. I think Xenoblade X is the only game I can think of where I actually liked its inclusion and implementation, and even then, levels stop really meaning much of anything after a point. But Affinity does feel rewarding and meaningful. I like how it's a shared resource and the game asks you to distribute it wisely. I also like how it's tied to exploration and defeating optional enemies, granting a better reward for facing them. It's not an unheard of concept, it's literally just a skill tree, but I really hope Monolith continues to iterate on it in future games. I'm also a fan of the chain attack books. It was fun tinkering with them. I hope Monolith iterates on that concept. I also liked A's kit. I really like how you can heal allies and you can heal yourself, but you can't do both at the same time. I also really liked the ludonarrative yummies of how well A and Shulk synergize with each other. Also, I really like how A's kit embodies the supportive nature of the Monado in 1's gameplay, while Shulk's kit embodies his will to protect. But also, I really wish that Shulk's kit has a dodge button. It feels way less interactive spamming the Evasion Up art than it did using the dodge buttons in the dodge-tank classes in 2 and 3. I also felt like it was a bit frustrating trying to build up aggro on Shulk. The Unity Attack mechanics also felt less flexible than the Ouroboros Forms in application, even if they are more flexible in theory. The problem is that every Unity Attack is designed go be used against a launched target, which makes them so much less flexible. I also dislike the prevalence of damage over time status effects. They don't feel meaningful as an intended mechanic, but they basically render clutch plays where you keep two characters alive on 1HP null. It also really bugged me that A's AI is capable of using their talent art and there's no way to disable it. That oversight alone managed to kill my interest in the gameplay because it ruined any potential skill curve on using the character since every time you swap to check on someone else, there's a chance of A using their once-per-battle super-art at the worst times possible. This alone resulted in several deaths where I wanted to save Vision for a boss's big attack in Phase 2 but the AI was like "nah." Also if you die repeatedly, the game keeps prompting you to lower the difficulty, which did more to piss me off than help. As a general rule for game design, having those kinds of prompts show up repeatedly only really serves to shorten a player's fuse when frustrated.
I also think the Valak Mountain section fell into the trapping of "the plot is picking up massively so I don't want to go through these long gameplay sections, I want to know what happens next." I think all of the Xenoblade games fall into this issue or a similar one where at some point, I either get burnt out on the sidequests or too invested in the plot so I bombrush past the gameplay. I just felt it extra hard here because I went into the mountains with the wrong idea about how much game was left and I was eager to see the finale. Though, there were also external factors at play.
I also found the way the map was connected to feel a bit clunky. Specifically with the ether rails. It felt like the devs wanted to make a looping in world design but had to cheat a little to get there, which diminished the payoff of the loops. It felt clunky because the transportation felt unnatural as it often involved characters sliding up slopes at high velocity.
It's not that the exploration was bad in a way I disrespect, but I really hope that Monolith does not take its exploration mechanics in this direction for future entries.
Overall, I have some major issues with the dlc, but I'm still very happy to have experienced it.
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iri-scrublord · 1 year
Weapon Nerd Goes Off About the New Shit (The New New Shit, Not the Old New Shit)
Okay so a lot of the stuff we got was new kits for old weapons. They're alright, I guess, I like having a Tenta with a hyper-aggressive special like the zook, but I'm not here to talk about those.
First off, the Painbrush.
I'm no stranger to brushes. Hell, they were basically all I could use for a good while before they loosened some regulations about weapon sizes. Brushes are, by and large, pretty easy to mod if you don't really care about the official shit or getting banned, so I was really surprised that not only did we only ever get two SquidForce Regulated:tm: brushes since 2013 (!?!?) but even Mr. Grizz (my hero in terms of weapon modding, god bless that capitalist pig) never touched the things. They're sticks with bristles on the end guys, they aren't that hard to make variations of.
So what do I think of the new kid on the block? Eh, could be worse. Its bristles, like the Octobrush, are thick as hell. But unlike Octo, they put a swivel on the end of the head, so those gobs of ink that collect in them get flung WAY further. We have a brush with RANGE now. People are calling this the Dynamo Brush and I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it does feel pretty damn good to use. Time'll tell if it'll be revolutionary, though, unlike-
The S-Blast '92.
This thing looks a lot like the N-ZAPs, huh? Well, there's a good reason for it. The humans used to have this thing called a NESS, and they had these things called 'light guns' you could use with them. They're kind of like the games you can play in the Shoal, but like...at home, and infinitely worse quality. The N-ZAPs are designed after these light guns for the NESS, and the S-Blast is another one of those. I'm pretty sure it was called the Super Scope made for the NESS's sequel, the Super NESS (though I just call it the SNESS.)
This thing is god damn revolutionary to me. It demands perfection, for sure, but after a bit of tinkering around with this thing, I found it one shots at range like the Range Blaster, sure, but at the drop of a hat, you can turn it into a functional Luna. There's definitely flaws to the production - there's a LOT of complicated systems that go into this plastic thing to make it a Range Luna. And with so many guts in it there's not really a lot of room for the projectiles to be particularly large. The long range blasts are absolutely tiny. We're talking very possibly less than Rapid tiny. Like I said, this thing demands perfection.
Also its kit is hot garbage.
But I'm pretty sure that under the right hands, this thing could define top matches for the next, what, six months? I'm terrified of this thing and I am one billion percent here for it.
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martellthemandalor · 4 years
Assistance - Chapter 5
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader (No Y/N, reader is nicknamed)
Warnings: Swearing, I think that’s it
Rating: 15
Word Count: 2.9k+
Summary: You ask some questions and Mando gives you hand with your armour.
A/N: There’s some possible sexual tension in this if you squint, as ever I’d love feedback :) (also yeh the gif is really bad I’m still figuring them out lmao)
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The ambient temperature of the barn was soothingly cool, and the change of it felt like a balm against your flushed skin. Your legs were unsteady beneath you as you tried to feign your usual confident strides; however there didn’t seem much point in doing so as from the way the Mandalorian had studied your walk before, you were certain he could see through you right now. He had situated himself on one of the many piles of long red gratham stems that lined the walls of the barn, sitting so impossibly still with his visor trained on you. He watched as you collapsed against the pile opposite him, letting your bag slump against the ground next to you. You leant your head back and closed your eyes, running your hand down your face to massage at your neck as you tried to regulate your heartbeat. Despite the cooler climate of it, the atmosphere in the barn felt hot and heavy. 
You could feel him staring at you again and as much as you wanted to counter it with a fierce stare of your own, you just couldn’t conjure the energy for one. Instead you opted to open you bag and pull out your tool kit before unclasping your right cuff and beginning to tinker with it. The silence felt thick, only interrupted by the occasion sizzling spark of a live wire making contact with your probe.  The respite here did you give you time to think about what had happened today and thinking back you realised you only really had one question to ask. You looked up from your work and your gaze fell across his figure, splayed across the long stems piled beneath him, helmet leant against the wall, still so motionless that you wandered if he was even awake.
“Why were those bounty hunters after you?” Your voice rang across the barn, it startled you how loud it sounded in the quietness, but the Mandalorian didn’t move a muscle. You let the question hang for a few moments, before conceding that he probably was asleep and so ducked your eyes back to your task.
“I broke guild rules,” His even tone cut through the peace, making you look up from your work.
“Yeh no shit laserbrain, I figured that bit out” You retorted, waving your probe at him.
“I was sent to fetch for a quarry for an imperial warlord,” You prickled upon hearing that, jaw tensing on impulse. Kriffing imp. “I did the job, I brought it back to him, I took my payment and left. I knew it was wrong but he was offering beskar that had been collected in the purge, my clan would do anything to have that back. It was only after payment that I realised I couldn’t leave the quarry with the imp, so I took him back, destroying their safe house in the process.” He lifted his head from where it had been laying against the dusty brown wall to look properly at you. A smirk had twisted itself onto your lips, eyes glinting with mischievous delight.
“Anything that involves destroying an imp safe house and, presumably, killing some bucket heads is a victory in my eyes. Are they after you then? Or do you still have the quarry with you?”
“The quarry is under my protection.”
“Well then you’re an idiot,” you scoffed, “the guild will keep sending hunters until what’s owed is given over, surely you know that?” You shook your head at him in disbelief that this druk for brains still had the quarry with him.
He cocked his head to the side slightly. “They will. And I’ll keep fighting and running. The kid is all that matters now.”
“Mother of moons Mandalorian, the imp wanted a child? Whatever for?”
“The kid’s special.” There was a beat, like he wanted to say more, but all he gave was silence.
“That’s it?” You asked, taken aback at such an abrupt response.
“That’s all anyone needs to know.” His head dropped back against the wall. You had so many more questions now, however the soft thud of the beskar hitting the wall told you the conversation was over. Mandalorian’s are known for how they take in foundlings, nonetheless you found it hard to believe that the tin can sitting opposite you had taken one in for himself, let alone one with a bounty on its head. You furrowed your brows, shaking your head as your work drew you back in, enveloping you once again.
“How do you know about Mandalorian creed?” He asked suddenly. You looked up to see him sat up, feet planted firmly on the ground, his posture a dramatic shift from the relaxed way he had been lounging what surely must have been mere moments before, his helmet on a slight tilt as he regarded you. You slightly furrowed your brow at him, scoffing.
“The Mandalorian’s are the fiercest warriors in the universe, how could I not know?”
“Yes, most people know us, but you know us.” He leant forward ever so slightly, helmet straightening on his shoulders. Even from across the cracked floor of the barn you could feel his presence bearing down onto you. You were the one to tilt your head this time, your brows forming a harder line across your face as you furrowed them further.
“I don’t understand,”
“You never asked my name, you don’t ask personal questions, you actively told me you wouldn’t look when I had to drink, you told the people here we would eat in the barn and even then you sat outside to make sure no one came in while I was eating. Others ask questions, they want to know. You already know. Why.” All this time of answering the same questions, people pressing him for answers he simply couldn’t give, he had grown used to the exhaustion of it all. In reality you were a breath of fresh air, yet it was eating away at him that you hadn’t asked the questions yet. For him it was part of the routine and without the usual interrogation it felt like there was something missing from the exchanges the two of you shared. 
You blinked at him a couple of times, before letting your eye wander from the T shaped visor to the cobwebbed beams of the roof above. You swallowed thickly and returned your gaze to statue of beskar.
“I studied,” your eyes fluttered shut at the admission, shoulders sinking somewhat as they did. “As a child I had heard about an ancient creed of fighters, whose battles are legend and whose weapons are a part of their religion. Story’s like that stuck in my impressionable mind, so when I was old enough to travel and discovered the city over had an info stack, it was the first place I went. The Mandalorian’s were all I was interested in studying, you have such great tales and legends and wars, your weaponry is unparalleled and your armour? It’s something else,” The mere idea of that was enough to make your face light up, nose crinkling slightly as you looked up at him.  “I’d just turned 18 when all the information was wiped from the info stack. The empire had banned all knowledge of Mandalorian’s; they were eradicating your history. It’s more important than ever that the creed is respected and your clans live on. That’s why I don’t ask questions. That’s why I respect your creed to never remove your helmet.” The assuredness of your voice was punctuated by you flicking the interface of your cuff shut with a flick of your wrist, the snap of the metal pieces connecting echoing through the dry air. 
The Mandalorian leant back slightly, arms bracing against his armoured thighs. He could see the glint in your eye when you spoke of his clan, the way you waved your probe at him talking with your hands in way he hadn’t seen before now. You truly cared about this.
“Thank you,” he affirmed simply, adopting a softer tone through his vocoder.  You nodded back him, pressing your lips into a small smile of acknowledgement.
“So then,” You started, eyes scanning across the bails of gratham scattered around you, eventually falling on the pile of blanket the pair of you had carried out from the house, “seeing as you’re the one sleeping in the helmet, I think it’s only fair you get pick of the bail.” Standing up, you gathered an armful of blankets and threw them at the man of beskar. He caught them without looking, gloves closing expertly around the soft fabric. You watched as he looked down at them, hand splaying over the bundle, then back up at you.
“I’m fine on this one,” He informed you, before rising to spread the blankets across the bail. You’d already spied a particularly comfy looking pile. The long plants hadn’t been carefully stacked into a rigid formation yet, and when you arranged your own selection of blankets on top of them it resembled some sort of nest. You nodded your head indignantly at the makeshift bed you had created, then glanced over to find your assistant already lying on top of his own bedding. He hadn’t taken off the heavy beskar, and you found yourself wandering how comfortable he could actually be sleeping like that. You shook away the thought, turning your attention to removing the durasteel of your own armour. Bringing your left arm across your chest you winced as the muscle of your bicep spasmed in pain.
“Kriffing mother of moons,” you hissed bringing your hand to tentatively palm at the armour covered area, but you found nudging the metal only made spikes of pain bloom across your upper arm. You were stupid to think you’d gotten out of that fight unscathed; the blow that hit your bicep must have left a bruise and a damn big one at that. Rolling your shoulder you attempted to ease the tenseness of the muscle, hoping it would make it easier to stretch across- nope. 
You groaned quietly, running your right hand through your hair resting it at the nape of your neck, the low sound rippling from you and disturbing the soft quiet of the barn. Your breastplate had been designed to release right side first and it made the magnetic claps feel alien under your fumbling fingers as you tried to undo them with just one hand. Strings of curses hissed through your teeth and you swung your head back to look up at the high beams of the ceiling when your fingers had slipped over the first clasp again, hands tensing into fists as you fought back the urge to kick something.
The Mandalorian’s attention had been drawn by your audible struggle, watching as your hand repeatedly slipped over the obtuse metallic fastenings that descended the side of your torso. After what had happened this morning he knew that you weren’t likely to accept any help, yet at the same time he could see your frustration simmering hotter and hotter and he didn’t want to see the outcome of you detonating.
“Want some help with that?” He asked, swinging his legs over the stiff bale beneath him and sitting up, watching your erratic movements becoming steadily more exaggerated.
“No,” You hissed, throwing him a warning look. One, two, three more times your digits harshly skimmed the harsh metal. You growled, cradling your aching fingers, watching as the fingertips flushed a darker shade. Taking deep breaths you slowly pivoted to face your beskar clad assistant. “Yes,” You conceded through gritted teeth. You could imagine the shit eating grin he was wearing under the helmet, even if his body language betrayed no sign of gloating as he got up moved towards you.
He stood in front of you, his confidence seemingly faulting, unsure of how to proceed. You lifted your arm slightly, bracing your hand on the back of your neck and angled your side towards him so he could see what he was doing. He hoped his vocoder didn’t pick up on the way he swallowed thickly as he started fumbling with the metallic clasps. The only time he was ever this close to anyone was during fights, but here he was close by choice. It made his brain run in overdrive that you were even letting him this close, letting him help you remove the very items that keep you protected, especially since you’d known him less than 24 hours. Granted you had jumped into a battle that he was possibly, and only possibly, outmatched for and helped him without a second thought. This however was a whole different level of, dare he think it, trust? After a minute of his gloves sliding over the first fastening and muttering various expletives, he noticed you stifling a laugh.
“It’s hard to do undo them with gloves, why do you think mine are fingerless?” You chimed. Right as you did however, the first fastening popped open. He looked up at you, visor inches from your own face.
“You were saying?” He retorted, the victory in his voice evident even through the vocoder of the helmet. You rolled your eyes in response, and by the time they returned to look at him his focus had returned to your armour. “Besides, I thought they were a fashion choice,” He joked quietly. He wasn’t exactly used to making jokes and he was surprised when you laughed properly this time, a rich sound he hadn’t heard you make yet.
“You’re making jokes now?” You marvelled, tentatively giving his armoured shoulder a soft tap. The next clasp popped free with a click, making the Mandalorian nod his head. You watched your reflection in the beskar silver warp and shift at the movement.
“While I’m winning against these fucking fastenings? Yes.”
Once again the familiar silence fell between the two of you. You didn’t mind, between his laser focus on your armour and your own focus on steadying your heart after working yourself up over undoing the damn thing, it was very comfortable. His pace picked up slowly as he got into a method for undoing them and so descended the length of your torso with ease. The both of you relaxed a little into the intimacy of it. Both of you also ignoring when his shoulder would brush against your raised arm or how at the final clasp his hand was resting half on your hip as he worked the fastening open.
“Switch,” He murmured as the final clasp opened, his gentle tone not suiting his cold beskar exterior. You nodded lightly as you shifted position, but as you went to raise your arm the familiar pain in your bicep returned. Your face contorted as you dropped it back down to your side. The Mandalorian took a small step back from you, visor focused on your upper arm. Then without saying a word he disengaged the magnetic seal of the armour plate covering your bicep and removed it, before doing the same with your shoulder plate. You watched his hands as they deftly worked removing these pieces; you figured his armour must use magnetic seals to, given how quickly he disengaged yours.
“Try now.” You moved your arm, the pain was still there, except it was considerably less intense than it had been with the durasteel pressuring it. Resting your hand on the base of your neck again, you gave the Mandalorian a nod to continue. He hesitated a moment, then closed the gap between your bodies and got back to work. There were fewer clasps on this side than the other, so when the shaped metal suddenly started to fall away from your body it took you both by surprise. The Mandalorian was faster than you in catching it, you watched as he carefully removed it from your figure and placed it softly by the side of your nest, next to the other discarded plates. 
You got back to removing the rest of your armour, starting with the cuff that circled your left forearm. What you didn’t expect was for him to come up behind you and start removing the armour from your right arm. He worked wordlessly, and while you initially flinched at the sudden contact, you made no effort to stop him from helping. Your torso and arms felt practically buoyant without the usual weight of your armour resting on you. The Mandalorian paused, you could feel his hesitation radiating from behind you. Then you felt his hand graze your hip as he reached to disengage your thigh plates.
“I can handle it from here,” the words almost fell over themselves as they let your mouth, your body curving away as you stepped from his touch. His own hand instinctively shot back, landing in a fist by his side. 
You both circled away from each other, moving around like clockwork, him towards his bail and you towards your nest as you discarded your thigh plates. He stole glances at you, cursing himself for doing so. You thought of the brief contact at your hip and cursed yourself for doing so.
That was out of necessity, you both told yourselves, it can’t happen again.
You curled into your bed, cocooning yourself in blankets as you felt your eyes grow heavier. The dim light of the barn faded away and you finally let sleep claim you.
Next Chapter
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the-canary · 5 years
Good Intentions - B.B (3)
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Summary: What if everyone knew except the two of you? Accepting it might be the hardest thing of all though. (Reader/Biker!Bucky Barnes) 
Prompt: Biker AU! + @polaroid-idiocity ‘s biker!bucky and mechanic!reader request.
A/N: this is for @sgtbucketbarnes ‘s writing challenge.
Here's the thing though, as much as you try to make a difference in life -- there is always something darker that might take its place, a truth that people can't or even refuse to answer. It had happened to Bucky once or maybe twice in life, and they were choices that he had to live with.
"The girl or your life, Jones. If that's even your real name."
Jones --serious and blue-eyed-- looks at Rumlow with his gun straight between his eyes. The girls are scared and huddled in the corner as the fire gets closer and closer to them. Brown eyes flicker to meet Jones' blue ones, but before anything can be done by the two -- there is a pop and crack It leads to Jones falling over as he hears Rumlow laugh.
"You should've left when I told you," a female voice remarks from behind and Jones can only curse before blacking out completely.
Maybe, this is what Bucky gets for placing his emotions on the line.  
You wake up half an hour later to the sound of more active beeping coming from the heart monitor and the sight of Bucky --or was it better to call him James?-- talking with the nurse. The man had always been a charmer and even now you could tell that the nurse seemed to like the attention he was giving her and for some reason -like she was the one coming in this past week to watch over him-- that sent a chill down your spine. So, without another word, you get up and the noise of the chair scraping over the linoleum floor is enough to grab their attention.
However, you don't address either of them as you get your phone out of your pocket and try to call someone, anyone to help you with what comes after this.
The nurse blinks before letting an awkward laugh, clearly thinking she had gotten caught, as her eyes turn from looking at Bucky to the door then back than him. However, Bucky is only staring at the door with an almost pained expression.
"Your girlfriend is a sweet thing," the nurse exclaims as she goes back to making sure that everything is in order, "She's been here every day, checking up on you."
"I see," is Bucky manages to say before the nurse leaves the room.
Unsure of what to do next, Bucky just sits there and takes in the room. He had tried to after waking up, but the nurse and doctor had quickly come in afterwards to check up on him --they probably knew who he was connected to-- and though there were still major wounds that needed healing he was in relatively good health after waking up.
He takes in that there are a duffel bag and a smaller purse where you were sitting with papers and notebooks stewed about. Bucky can't help but wonder what you've been doing since the last he had seen you, since before he went underground. There had been so much time lost and choices made, though Bucky didn't regret anything -- it was all for the better good.
But the nurse was right, you had been here the whole time and Bucky wasn't sure exactly how to feel about that or even what to say when you came back.
"He woke up," you exclaim on the phone near the bathroom, "What am I supposed to do?"
"I'll call the Captain," Steve remarks and you're all but confused over his statement, "Everything will get sorted out soon."
"That's great and all," you sigh out, "But, what am I supposed to do, Steve?"
"Talk to him," Steve replies like it's the easiest thing in the world like you haven't ignored each other for years, "Get to know who he is now."
He hangs up, forgetting that the only present Bucky you now is a potential drug maker and future convicted felon.
It takes you longer than it should get back to his room as you end up wasting time by walking up and down corridors and fighting with yourself over what you wanted to snack on from the cafeteria two floors down. You aren't delaying the inevitable, but at the same time, you are.
What if this had all been a mistake? What if he didn't want to see you, much less interact with now? Who was Bucky Barnes now anyways?
There were so many questions looming in your head and after getting even more snacks from the vending machine down the hall, you end up in the same place all over again -- Room 301A. The light is streaming down beneath the door and you take a deep breath and open the door with arms full of candy and junk food -- at least they can help to keep your mouth shut when need be.
However, you don't expect electricity to strike you when blue eyes meet yours, to be frozen still by a simple glance and a hitch of breath. It's then you realize that sleeping Bucky looks completely different from awake Bucky and the years add more to that realization. There are crinkles and lines over his eyes with a bit of grey on the short beard he has managed to grow. There's a seriousness to him that you aren't used to because Bucky you knew was always smiles and laughs and this one was looked as if he was trying to analyzing you.
Though you were sure, it looked like you were doing the same.
"Glad you see you're awake," you admit because you had been dreading that he was never going to since you got that 3am call, "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got run over by a burnin' bus," he groans and sits up as you move the chair a bit closer to his bed and take a seat, "How have you been, jellybean?"
You freeze for a second at the familiar nickname and notice that he is looking at the all-too-familiar bag that is strayed about among all the rest of the candies. You can't help but let out a laugh at the memory from that one Halloween -- fighting for said candies and Almond Joys until you were too sick to move.
"Not stressing' now that you're awake, idiot," you let out with a shrug, hoping that your voice doesn't crack at the end as Bucky gives you a weary smile, "I got a call from Steve saying that a Cap should be heading soon."
His jaw tightens and he nods, "That's good to know."
This was a lot easier than you thought it would be, but maybe it came with pretending that he was still someone you knew and that your time with him was limited -- that soon he might be taken away and locked up and you would likely never see him again. Maybe, you were living a fool's dream or just too damn naive, but you wanted to spend time with Bucky --whatever version was in front of you now-- as much as possible.
"Kit Kat? Mars Bars?" you asks while raising some bags to his eyesight and thus so he can stop staring at you. He leans in and ends up taking a Mr.Good Bar instead, which causes you to give him a questioning glance because you don't remember him liking it in the past -- however, you let it go for now.
"So, what do ya do?" he asks while ripping the bag and popping a piece of chocolate into his perfect mouth. You try to ignore it and move forward with the questioning, only slightly worried about whether a hospital patient should be indulging in candy or not.
"I work as a mechanical engineer at Stark Industries," you explain while taking another piece of candy into your mouth as blue eyes widen and Bucky whistles in surprise.
"Damn, that's pretty impressive," he answers back and for a second you're between asking the same question and dropping it altogether. Yes, the years have passed you by, but what good was bringing them all up in the end when you were sure he was going to just leave all over again -- it was better to live in the moment, no?
(A much younger Bucky had told you to always live in the present, after watching a bit too much Top Gun.)  
"Is that what you're workin' on?" Bucky asks, dragging you out of thoughts and perpetual frown, as you turn to look at what he is pointing at -- the folded blueprint underneath a novel to you were slowly making your way through since last month and some balled up post-it notes.
"Yup," you nod and look at him. Blue eyes gleaming with excitement, "Do you wanna see it?"
"Really?" Bucky perks up considerably as you nod, "Nothing top secret, right?"
"Not at all," you answer back in an obvious lie but at the thought of that Bucky who spent too much time with the robotics team and could score the winning goal for the team and ace that dreaded maths test all in one Friday -- and well, you didn't mind getting Tony mad a little later.
"Sure!" Bucky grin, as you get up and grab the paper only to unfold it on his lap. And at that moment with his bright blue eyes glow in excitement underneath the low lighting of the room -- you knew he understands what you were trying to tinker with.
Bucky always understood, even when you didn't want to talk. He could tell how you felt in second even when you were hiding behind books and tinkering in his dad's garage. So, why couldn't he ever tell that you were--
"And what's this for?" his voice brings you back out of your thoughts, like it always had, as his patched up fingers point to a certain corner of the design.
"Well, that's---"
And it's almost like old times, as Bucky finds himself sneaking glances at your smile as you explain things and you lean a bit more into his shoulder than you really should. The night passes on like that until you fall asleep on the chair unsure of what will happen to Bucky once morning arrives.    
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Character bios (short version)
Zaniah Tapalo
basics; Corellian male, 20 rank; Jedi Knight (soon to be Master) Force side; Dark, Grey, Light # of sabers; 3  saber design(s); dual-bladed, disconnects to two single-blades. also a shoto.  saber color(s); white, darksaber (one half of the dual-bladed saber) droid(s); R1-D0 “Ondi” color(s); grey, violet troop; Silver Company troop color(s); mulberry purple, plum purple Commander(s); Blue, Lucky troops; Jack, Boxer, Rocky, Jigsaw. Rascal, Bandit, Tinker, Smudge. Scout, Timber, Diesel, Caliber. Shelby, Skipper, Roxy, Ninja. Master; Dunn Iblis Padawan; Jana Trance (eventually) skills; more skilled with the Force than anything else
Red | Ire Kevvaq
basics; Dathomiri male, 22 rank; rogue Force-user Force side; Dark # of sabers; 1 saber design(s); dual-bladed saber color(s); red droid(s); 8-T, B4-884 “Barra”, D0-T “Dotti” color(s); red, grey, gold troop; None troop color(s); N/A troops; N/A Master; Unknown Padawan; N/A skills; Unknown
Soralan Thel
basics; Kiffar male, 24 rank; rogue Force-user Force side; Light # of sabers; 1 saber design(s); dual-bladed saber color(s); yellow droid(s); None color(s); gold, tan troop; None troop color(s); N/A troops; N/A Master; N/A Padawan; N/A skills; concealing things with the Force
Kias Dormiir
basics; Coruscanti male, 25 rank; N/A Force side; Grey # of sabers; 2 saber design(s); dual-bladed, one side longer than the other saber color(s); yellow droid(s); None color(s); grey, gold troop; Tundra Company troop color(s); tan, grey, bronze troops; Blink, Tuck, Splash, Glimpse, Socks, Rook, Skarr, Blackeye, Tat, Axe, Bowman, Switch, Feather, Keen, Dabble, Hade, Vex, Hover, Ford, Esko, Leap, Spook, Lightup, Serrade, Dell, Odeka.  Master; Dunn Iblis Padawan; N/A skills; mastery of both sides of the Force
Tinian Dabih
basics; Corellian male, 26 occupation; Bounty Hunter side of the war; whichever pays better weapons; advanced visor, two darksabers, blaster droid(s); None color(s); browns and greys, light green crew; None crew color(s); N/A Force-sensitive; no
Rhel Vohdin-Jun
basics; Coruscanti male, 27 rank; Jedi Knight Force side; Light(?) # of sabers; 1 saber design(s); dual-bladed saber color(s); purple droid(s); R5-D9 “Niner” color(s); tan, gold troop; Tundra Company troop color(s); tan, grey, bronze Commander; Hunt troops; Blink, Tuck, Splash, Glimpse, Socks, Rook, Skarr, Blackeye, Tat, Axe, Bowman, Switch, Feather, Keen, Dabble, Hade, Vex, Hover, Ford, Esko, Leap, Spook, Lightup, Serrade, Dell, Odeka.  Master; Quinlan Vos Padawan; N/A skills; specialty in mind-tricks and manipulation
Crix Duelian
basics; Alderaanian male, 29 rank; Jedi Knight (soon to be Master) Force side; Grey # of sabers; 1 saber design(s); spear/staff saber color(s); white droid(s); BD-4D “Fort” color(s); orange, yellow troop; Vagabond Company troop color(s); gold, orange, black Commander; Smoke troops; Dusty, Sandy, Cook, Rowdy, Favor, Jink, Etti, Polo, Scoop, Sharp, Target, Clave, Coral, Notes, Rattle, Spark, Starstrike, Skye, Bubble, Ari, Ruffles, Juke, Scope Master; Agen Kolar Padawan; N/A skills; broad knowledge of many topics
Dasas Tadii
basics; Nautolan male, 31 rank; Jedi Master Force side; Light # of sabers; 1 saber design(s); single-bladed saber color(s); blue droid(s); R9-E7 “Arnine” color(s); blue, turquoise troop; Stingray Company troop color(s); turquoise, grey Commander; Cade troops; Sword, Epicen, Oak, Glass, Dulcet, Dropper, Spinkick, Draft, Bottle, Zero, Mix, Brood, Etch, Groove, Flood, Flutter, Smiley, Glitter, Rollie, Crown, Sightline, Brisk, Swift, Scratch, Fireside Master; Kit Fisto Padawan; None skills; more skilled with a saber than anything else
Falynn Gait
basics; Corellian male, 31 occupation; Bounty Hunter side of the war; whichever pays better weapons; hat with a blade in the brim, crossbow-blaster, throwing knives droid(s); E-B “Ebee” color(s); blue, red, brown crew; None crew color(s); N/A Force-sensitive; no
Dir Kadara
basics; Nautolan male, 32 occupation; Pirate Captain side of the war; Neutral, Republic-leaning weapons; stolen lightsaber (green, single-blade), dual blasters, blaster rifle, energy staff, numerous vibroblades, droid-poppers droid(s); K-A8 “Kaet” color(s); black, grey, yellow crew; Whitecaps crew color(s); teal, white First Mate; Dajecc Kass crew; Adali Kass, D’thaera Dramil, Antan Gergeda, Umili Dosda, Vil J’yarii Force-sensitive; yes
Kun Lago
basics; Mandalorian male, 40 occupation; Bounty Hunter side of the war; Neither weapons; four blasters, two rifles, six vibroblades, many throwing knives, a darksaber, as well as traditional Mandalorian warrior kit droid(s); Junk (R2-unit) color(s); grey, dark purple, dark blue crew; N/A crew color(s); N/A Force-sensitive; no
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angst-and-heartache · 6 years
Chapter 3: How times Haven't Changed
The folowing is a fictional story based off events in the show RWBY. All rights and ownership belong to Rooster Teeth. Any pallels between this story and future episodes of RWBY are pure coincidence and I claim no credit for them. Please support Rooster Teeth and watch the show through them if you haven't already.
When Weiss finished her meal she sat back, exhaling with satisfaction. “Dust, that was good. I wonder where she learned to cook.” The huntress stood slowly, taking a deep breath. “Suppose I should get cleaned up too.” She pondered for a moment, gazing toward the staircase. “So are the showers upstairs? That’s where Ruby went so I suppose so.” Weiss moved along the wall, using it to support herself as she walked to the staircase. As she reached the second floor she found several doors, one being the room she woke up in. The first door opened up into a linen closet, stocked with towels, sheets, and some medical supplies. “Good to know…” She mumbled. She opened the second door to see another room, very similar to the one she slept in. Standing near the closet was Ruby, nothing more than a towel around her waist, her body still glistening with water. Weiss stood at the door, frozen. Ruby looked over at her, raising a brow. “Can I help you?” Weiss couldn’t help but stare. Ruby’s body was immaculate. Even more so than when they were back at Beacon. Every muscle on her body was clearly defined and the water on her body perfectly complemented her tan skin. Her back was covered by a large black and red tribal-style tattoo with scars breaking a few of the lines. Against her better judgment Weiss’s eyes moved to Ruby’s chest. She felt a little jealous because Ruby’s were still bigger than her own. Ruby rolled her eyes. “Honestly. Stop staring, you useless lesbian.” Weiss blushed furiously, averting her eyes. “U-uh, sorry. B-bathroom?” She said quietly. “Other side of the hall.” Weiss nodded, quickly leaving the room and closing the door. Ruby shook her head and went back to her clothes. Weiss found the bathroom and slipped inside, beginning to remove the bandages around her torso. The ones around her abdomen were lightly stained with a faint red tinge right below her ribs. When all the bandages had been removed Weiss noticed the wound the ursa inflicted. It was at least six inches long, stitches keeping the wound closed. A knock on the door caught Weiss’ attention. Before she could speak Ruby’s voice called from the other side. “When you get cleaned up come back to my room so I can redress your wounds. Got it?” “Uh, yea, sure.” Weiss replied. “Good.” As the footsteps faded Weiss let her hair down and stepped under the stream of hot water, inhaling sharply as is touched her cool skin. She hadn’t realized how sore she was until now. Every muscle in her body ached as the water poured over her. Weiss let out a small groan, the tension in her muscles easing slightly under the heat. She relaxed beneath the water, letting it flow over her. Weiss’ thoughts began to drift and the world around her seemed to fade. Her mind turned back to the night she was injured, replaying her last conscious moments. The memories came in flashes, each one more intense than the last. Broken ribs. Phone call. Claw to the side. Losing blood. Falling. Dying. Arrow, arrow, arrow! Large bow. Hood. Red. So much red. The flashes ended, leaving Weiss under the water once more. Her heart was racing and she was panting. She turned off the shower and opened the curtain coming face to face with a wall of steam. How long had she been in there? She slowly stepped out of the shower, reaching for the door handle. When she opened the door a large cloud of steam immediately flowed into the hallway. As the room cleared up she found her towel and wrapped it around her torso. To Weiss’ relief it was long enough to cover her breasts and hang down past her hips. She grabbed her dirty clothes and made her way to Ruby’s room.
Ruby was sitting on her bed, tinkering with a red metallic mechanism that was fastened to her right arm. Her work halted when the sound of knuckles striking the door rung through the room. “I’m dressed, Weiss. Come on in.” The door slowly opened and Weiss stepped through, clothes in hand. Ruby gestured to a corner of the room. Weiss followed the movement and tossed the clothes to said corner before making her way over to Ruby. “You said you wanted to put on fresh bandages?” Ruby nodded. “Eventually. Lay down and take off the towel.” As she spoke she gestured to the bed she was sitting on. Weiss raised a brow at her. “You want me to do what? You think I’ll just strip down for you at a moment’s notice?” “Face down, you idiot. I’ll move the towel over your butt if you’re that self-conscious.” Weiss narrowed her eyes at Ruby. “Fine. But get frisky and you’ll be the one who needs bandages.” Weiss crawled onto the bed, resting her head on the pillows and her arms underneath them. Ruby chuckled. “Yea, sure. You couldn’t even take down that Ursa. How do you expect to take me?” Ruby gently removed the towel and placed the bulk of the cloth over Weiss’ posterior. Weiss scoffed and closed her eyes, trying to relax despite the tension in her muscles. Ruby moved to the edge of bed and grasped Weiss’ shoulders tightly. The huntress would have jumped off the bed had Ruby not been holding her. “W-What are you doooooo ohohohoho.” Ruby’s fingers began pressing into her shoulders, her muscles almost instantly relaxing. Her touch was rough but soothing as her hands moved to Weiss’ back. Ruby was digging into every pressure point and every sore spot on Weiss’ body. Fifteen minutes passed before Ruby finished her massage, leaving Weiss lying motionless on the bed. “Better?” Ruby asked. Weiss nodded and groaned blissfully. She had never felt this relaxed in her life. “How did you do that?” She asked. “A trick I learned in my travels. If one knows enough about the body they can manipulate it through touch.” Weiss looked back at Ruby who gave her a warm smile that she was so good at. She had this way of making Weiss’ heart flutter. “Now roll over so I can dress that wound.” Weiss nodded and rolled to her back, covering her breasts with her arm and keeping the towel over her waist. Ruby reached under the bed and pulled out a small clear box with medical supplies. “You got lucky. That ursa could have easily ripped you in half. Your reflexes are the only reason you’re still alive.” She produced a tube of some sort of ointment, spreading it on the injury without warning. Weiss winced and grit her teeth. “Your aura is stronger now too. Healed your ribs almost overnight. This wound, though, is different.” Ruby put the ointment away and grabbed a roll of bandages. She urged Weiss to sit up, wrapping the bandages around her abdomen to cover the wound. “The ointment is a mixture of healing herbs combined with a alchemical recipe my mother and uncle cooked up. It should help numb the pain and hasten the healing process.” Weiss laid back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. “There was something different about that ursa, wasn't there? It hit me like my aura wasn't even there. How is that possible?” Ruby began packing the kit away. “I don’t know. The grimm in this area are unlike those anywhere else. They’re lethal at close range and are able to pierce even the strongest of auras with a single blow. I have seen more than enough skilled fighters fall to these beasts. I decided to step in. But now that village is in danger.” Weiss sat up and looked at her. “In danger? How?” Ruby’s expression became grim. “That village has never been set upon by grimm before. They usually keep to the woods, feeding on the wildlife, attacking the occasional traveler. Lately the grimm have been coming to the edges of the forests, even moving around the outskirts of town. The people are terrified and that will bring the grimm. I know why you were meeting with Hacha. You need to get back to Atlas and this village needs those soldiers if they’re going to survive.” Weiss looked at her, surprised. Ruby stood and walked to her closet, changing on the spot. “You should get some rest, heal up. You can sleep there if you like, I won’t be back till morning.” Weiss looked at her, puzzled by her actions. “What? Where are you going?” Ruby was now dressed in full leather armor except for her right arm. The chest piece had scaled shoulders down to the middle of the forearm. There were two three inch wide straps that started at the shoulder blades, crossed over the chest in an X pattern, and reconnected just under the ribs. These straps held several throwing knives in sheaths. On her belt rested her dust magazines for Crescent Rose. She wore a red metal sleeve with intricate borders and designs. The leggings were a general pair of leather tights with extra padding on the knees and the right thigh. “To make sure no one in that village is killed tonight.” As she spoke her sleeve began to whir. The metal pieces began to move towards her hand forming a large meter-long arrow. Reaching into the closet once more, Ruby removed a large metal bow. Its size alone was intimidating, standing only a foot shorter than Ruby and closely resembling the device on her arm. Ruby retracted the arrow and collapsed the bow into a briefcase sized device and placing it in a holster on her back. Weiss was watching in awe. “You modified Crescent Rose?” Ruby nodded. “The gunfire attracted too much attention for my area of expertise so I added a bow. The sniper rifle is still functional, though.” Ruby grabbed one last item from the closet. A red cloak outlined with white embroidery. Ruby looked at it for a moment before putting it on and pulling the hood over her head. “One last thing, Weiss.” Ruby turned her head to see her past the hood, only half of her face visible to Weiss. “Yea?” Weiss asked. “What is it?” Ruby looked at her, a stern expression on her face. “Do not leave this house. You’re no good to those people dead.” Ruby walked out the door, leaving it open. Weiss watched her go and watched the door for a time after she was gone. She pulled the blanket over herself and laid down. Sleep came quickly, as her body was still recovering.
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stemrobo · 2 years
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
Fandom: Overwatch Character: Junkrat Relationship: Junkrat/reader Request: Im soo happy you can write for Overwatch!!! Could you please write a oneshot for Junkrat where hes injured and when the readers worried about him, he tries to make the reader laugh again and it turns into a confession? Thank you It was late when you finally gave up on the little thing you had been tinkering with. Signing with frustration, you threw it across the room, bouncing it off the opposite wall and it fell to the ground. “Whats up, Sheila?” A voice from the door way and you heard the uneven footsteps of Junkrat as he entered the room. “I just know how to-“ You trailed off and looked over your shoulder to see a rather dishevelled looking Junkrat. He was leaning to the right side and was covered in dirt, soot, bruises and blood. “What happened?” You jumped from your seat and ran over to him, your eyes scanning his body for any sign of permanent or dangerous injury’s. “Aint nothing. Just a bit of a scrap, ‘s all.” He shrugged, his lips pulled up into his permanent grin. “No need to worry ‘bout me.” He giggled. You had known Junkrat the majority of your adult life, given the two of you had paired up after you had both tried to rob a bank on the same night and, after things went wrong, had had to work together to get away. You had been there when Roadhog has joined you and Junkrat. The three of you made a rather good team. The added muscle of Roadhog made it easier to drag Junkrat away from fights or explosives while you were a voice of reason in the group and the brains. IN fact, you were the one who designed and, with the assistance of Roadhog and input from Junkrat, created his mechanical arm and leg. You grabbed Junkrat by his mechanical hand and dragged him to where you had been sitting, you pushed him into the chair as you fetched the med kit that you kept in the ‘work’ room after Junkrat continued to injure himself in this room when he tinkered with bombs and you got fed up of running to the kitchen for the kit. “Aint nothing wrong!” Junkrat protested when he caught on to what you were doing. But when he saw you weren’t going to let him leave without you looking him over, he slouched in the chair, lazily swirling around in it. You liked the chair, it was one of those office chairs with wheels. You couldn’t count how many times Junkrat had wanted to spend time with you and so had grabbed the back of the chair and pulled you into another room. You couldn’t understand how he had managed to get into such a bad state. The three of you had been out in a pub but you had left about 2 hours ago. But you ignored in, pulling the kit back and placing it on the table, opening it to pull out some antiseptic wipes. You then kneeled in front of him and took his human hand in your own, starting with his battered knuckles. Despite his verbal protest, he made no effort of move away from you and allowed you to work across his body, cleaning the cuts and making sure he was okay. Occasionally, he would giggle and laugh to himself, but then he would fall back into a comfortable silence. you finished, noting to yourself to check him over again in the morning in case you had missed anything due to your tiredness. Your eyes then fell on an open cut on his cheek you had missed. You got to your feet so you were able to reach it easier and started to dab the cut. “You have to be more careful.” You spoke in a soothing voice, trying not to sound like you were scolding him. You saw his face break into another smile, an eyebrow raised at you. “You know I don’t like to see you hurt like this. Plus, I’ll need to check over your arm and leg to make sure theres no damage.” He let out a loud laugh that you had learned to associate with when he had an idea. Then, his mechanical arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you down onto his lap. “Junkrat!” You couldn’t help but giggle as he used his mechanical leg to kick the chair around in a circle. “Oh no! IVe lost control of them!” He cried out in an obviously fake voice of fear. You had to wrap your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady even though his arm was securely around your waist. “Get your grubby mits off her!” He cried out, using his human hand to grab the mechanical one and try to pry it from your side. He made grunts and he wrestled with himself. “Its trying to take you, [y/n]!” You were laughing so hard that tears started to flow down your cheeks. No one could make you laugh this hard, and it was something Junkrat prided himself on. “I wont let you take the one thing I love away from me!” He said, almost too fast for you to full catch it, but you did. You saw the brief moment that Junkrat had realised what he had said, his gaze falling on you, the battle forgotten and the chair coming to a halt. In that moment that you looked at him, you knew you loved him. Whether this was a joke that had went too far or a genuine confession, you didn’t care. You had always loved him. “Well, if these are our last moment together…” You trailed off as you leaned down and pressed your lips to his own. Your hands rested on his shoulders, feeling the muscles there tense before he let out a small moan and kissed you back. Both his arms had wrapped around your waist and held you securely against his chest. You felt him shiver under your touch as he quickly started to dominate the kiss, growling into the kiss. You smiled against his lips, loving how you could feel his reaction. You pulled back slightly, feeling him leaning forward, obviously not wanting to break the contact which made you giggle. “They seemed to have settled.” You said, looking down at the mechanical arm. “I think this is the only way to stop them! You gotta keep kissing me.” Junkrat spoke with a grin plastered on his face as he pulled you closer. “Oh well, if it’s the only way.” You shrugged, moving down to kiss him again. This time, the kiss was more relaxed, more comfortable. You quickly realised that Junkrat would be a loud lover, because he let out soft groans, moans and noises against your lips. But you didn’t mind. You couldn’t help yourself as you let out your own soft moan. Junkrat stiffened before pulling away. You were about to ask if everything was okay when he stood up, lifting you up. You let out a gasp, surprised by his actions. “Gotta keep you with me from now on.” Junkrat chuckled as he walked towards your own bedroom. “Well, if it keeps the world safe.” You giggled, pressing soft kisses to his neck, being careful around any cuts or bruises. You knew there was little to no point in scolding him for carrying you. Once inside, he lowered you to the floor. You kept your arms around his neck as he kept his around your waist. It was his turn to initiate the kiss and he was all too happy to oblige. He twisted you around and pressed you up against the door, kissing you with a wild passionate that made your head spin. You allowed your fingers to venture into his wild hair, expecting pain from the soft flame at the end of some of his hairs, but the small amount of pain was welcomed. Junkrat, groaned against your lips and if your eyes had been open, you would have seen his own eyes roll into the back of his head. There was a sort of danger you felt from kissing him, one that set every fibre in your body on edge but, at the same time, filling you with pleasure. You wanted nothing more than to stay like this forever. “Stay with me tonight?” You breathed against his lips, panting slightly as he pulled about an inch away. “I aint going anywhere, Sheila.” Junkrat laughed, pulling you away from the door and further into the room. That night, you couldn’t think of one moment where his touch had left yours. It was like you two were always connected at some point, whether it was lips, mouths on skin, hand, finger and other things. And even when you drifted off to sleep, it was in his arms.
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rangercommand · 5 years
NEWS - Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Nominated for TOTY Action Figure of the Year
In advance of Toy Fair 2020, The Toy Association has announced the finalists for the 2020 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards. In the Action Figure of the Year award, the Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Figure by Hasbro has been nominated. This is the only Power Rangers related toy to be nominated this year.
There is strong competition in this category with Marvel Legends, Toy Story, Bakugan and more. Will the Beast-X Ultrazord come out on top to win? The winners will be announced at the TOTY Awards gala on Friday, February 21, 2020, which kicks off Toy Fair New York. Read below for the full press release and find more information at www.toyawards.org.
2020 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Award Finalists Unveiled
These 114 Creative Toys & Games Will Top Kids’ Wish Lists this Holiday Season!
New York, NY | November 11, 2019 – The Toy Association today unveiled 114 toy and game finalists for the prestigious 2020 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards. Known as the “Oscars” of the toy industry, the TOTY Awards program recognizes the top playthings on the market – from STEM/STEAM and innovative toys to dolls, action figures, creative toys, and more. The program is also a vital fundraiser for The Toy Foundation, which annually delivers toys to millions of children in need.
Finalists were announced this morning by a group of well-known online influencers who serve as TOTY ambassadors. Between now and January 5, 2020 play-lovers of all ages can visit www.ToyAwards.org to vote for their favorite playthings in each of the 16 categories, browse toys, download shopping lists for the holidays, and enter for a chance to win one of 16 toy prize packages.
“From an extraordinary field of nominees carefully reviewed by expert judges, this year’s TOTY finalists truly represent our members’ ability to bring fun, laughter, discovery, and learning to kids across America and around the world,” said Steve Pasierb, president & CEO of The Toy Association. “We are proud to unveil these playthings in advance of the holiday season and celebrate the toy community’s enduring ability to inspire generations of play. Everyone is encouraged to cast their votes at ToyAwards.org and help decide the winners!”
Winners in each category, as well as the coveted overall Toy of the Year winner and the People’s Choice winner (based solely on consumer votes), will be announced at the TOTY Awards gala on Friday, February 21, 2020 at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City. The celebration will kick off Toy Fair New York and include the induction of three trailblazers into the esteemed Toy Industry Hall of Fame.
More information about the TOTY voting and selection process can be found in the “About the Awards” section of www.ToyAwards.org.
ACTION FIGURE OF THE YEAR Toys that represent a person or fictional character intended for active, imaginative and narrative-based play
Bakugan Dragonoid Maximus Transforming Figure by Spin Master
Disney Pixar Toy Story Basic Figures by Mattel, Inc.
Heroes of Goo Jit Zu by Moose Toys
Jurassic World Destroy ‘N Devour™ Indominus Rex by Mattel, Inc.
Marvel Legends Series by Hasbro, Inc.
My Hero Academia Katsuki Bakugo Action Figure by McFarlane Toys
Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Figure by Hasbro, Inc.
COLLECTIBLE OF THE YEAR Toys that compose a set and can be collected in multiples; can include novelty playthings, miniature versions of existing lines, licensed collectibles, etc.
Blume by Skyrocket Toys
Hairdorables Dolls Series 3 by Just Play
L.O.L. Surprise! Winter Disco Series by MGA Entertainment
Lucky Fortune by WowWee
My Singing Monsters Collectible Musical Figures by PlayMonster
Pulp Heroes Snap Bots by Far Out Toys
Shopkins Real Littles Lil’ Shopper Pack by Moose Toys
CONSTRUCTION TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that include building as the primary play pattern.
Erector by Meccano, Inventor Set, Intro to Robotics by Spin Master
Fisher-Price® Wonder Makers™ design system Build Around Town™ Starter Kit by Mattel, Inc.
LeapBuilders® ABC Smart House™ by LeapFrog
LEGO® CITY Deep Space Rocket and Launch Control by LEGO Systems, Inc.
LEGO® MARVEL Iron Man Hall of Armor by LEGO Systems, Inc.
My Robotic Pet – Tumbling Hedgehog by Thames & Kosmos
VEX Catapult 2.0 by HEXBUG
CREATIVE TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that allow kids to build and/or make items that are unique to them.
Blinger by Wicked Cool Toys
Cool Maker GO GLAM Nail Stamper by Spin Master
Crayola Glitter Dots by Crayola
littleBits Electronic Music Inventor Kit by Sphero
smART Pixelator™ by Flycatcher Inc.
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Droid Depot Custom Astromech Units by Disney Parks
Y’Art® Craft Kit by Kahootz
DOLL OF THE YEAR Toys that include baby, toddler, and fashion dolls.
Ballerina Dreamer Dancing Ballerina by Hunter Products USA LLC
Candylocks Basic Doll by Spin Master
Creatable World by Mattel, Inc.
Cry Babies – Kristal Gets Sick & Feels Better by IMC Toys
Disney Frozen 2: “Into the Unknown” Elsa Doll by JAKKS Pacific
Disney Princess Ralph Breaks the Internet – Comfy Princess Assortment by Hasbro, Inc.
L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Dolls by MGA Entertainment
GAME OF THE YEAR For families and children’s (ages 0-14) games including board, card, electronic or other physical game formats and puzzles, exclusive of video or app games.
Funkoverse Strategy Game by Funko Games
Heist by Megableu USA
MS. MONOPOLY Board Game by Hasbro, Inc.
Orangutwang by PlayMonster
Pictionary Air by Mattel, Inc.
Ravensburger’s Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared by Ravensburger
Throw Throw Burrito by Exploding Kittens
UNO Braille by Mattel, Inc.
INFANT/TODDLER TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are developed for ages 0-3 (0-18 months infant/18 months-3 years toddler).
Fisher-Price® Linkimals™ by Mattel, Inc.
InnyBin by Fat Brain Toy Co.
KidKraft World of Eric Carle Shape Activity Cube by KidKraft
LeapBuilders® 123 Fix-It Truck™ by LeapFrog
Mix & Match-a-Saurus™ by VTech®
Musical Lili Llama by The Manhattan Toy Company
Tinker Truck by Radio Flyer
INNOVATIVE TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that utilize innovative design, technology, or manufacturing processes to enhance play value.
comicam® the Instant Comic Camera by Hangzhou Rulei Technology Co., Ltd
Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak by Wow! Stuff
Hot Wheels™ id Smart Track™ Kit by Mattel, Inc.
Hot Wheels™ TechMods by Mattel, Inc.
RockIt Twist™ by LeapFrog
Shashibo (The Shape Shifting Box) by Fun In Motion Toys
tori™ Explorer Pack by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America
LICENSE OF THE YEAR Character or property that has had success spreading its brand through the development and merchandising of products developed from the intellectual property.
Baby Shark by Pinkfong
Barbie 60th Anniversary Program by Mattel, Inc.
JoJo Siwa by Nickelodeon
Marvel Avengers Endgame by Disney / Marvel Licensing
PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Super PAWs by Spin Master / Nickelodeon
Pokémon by The Pokémon Company International
Ryan’s World by pocket.watch
Toy Story 4 by The Walt Disney Company
OUTDOOR TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are designed for outdoor play, including ride-ons.
Crazy Cart® Shift™ by Razor USA
Create A Castle by Create A Castle
EzyRoller Drifter X by EzyRoller LLC
Globber GoUp COMFORT by Incredible Novelties
My Buddy Wheels by Yvolution USA, Inc.
Toilet Paper Blasters™ Sheet Storm™ by JAKKS Pacific
ZURU X-Shot Fast-Fill by ZURU
PLAYSET OF THE YEAR Toys that are designed to work together to enact some action or event, including characters and role play.
Beyblade Burst Turbo Slingshock Cross Collision Battle Set by Hasbro, Inc.
Disney Frozen Ultimate Arendelle Castle Playset by Hasbro, Inc.
Hape Fire Station by Hape International Inc
Hot Wheels® Colossal Crash™ Track Set by Mattel, Inc.
L.O.L. Surprise! Winter Disco Chalet by MGA Entertainment
Timber Tots by Fat Brain Toy Co.
PLUSH TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are made of fabric and stuffed with cotton or similar filling, including toys with interactive or electronic features.
Cutetitos by Basic Fun!
Dolce Safari Adventure by Magformers/DOLCE
Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs Real Rescue Electronic Pet by Moose Toys
Pinkfong Baby Shark Song Puppets with Tempo Control by WowWee
Pomsies Lumies by Skyrocket Toys
Shimmer Stars by KD Group
ZURU Rainbocorns Ultimate Sequin Surprise Series 2 by ZURU
PRESCHOOL TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are developed for ages 3-5.
Demo Duke by Spin Master
Coding Critters by Learning Resources®
Kid Trax Rideamals Unicorn by Pacific Cycle
Kindi Kids by Moose Toys
Myla the Magical Unicorn™ by VTech®
Peppa Pig’s Magical Parade Floats by Jazwares
Wild Ones™ by Razor USA
SPECIALTY TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are distributed through independent retailers, i.e. neighborhood toy stores, and not sold at mass brick and mortar stores. Toys that are sold only online do not qualify.
AirFort by AirFort
Hape Emergency Services Headquarters by Hape International Inc
LEGO® Ideas Central Perk by LEGO Systems, Inc.
LEGO® Stranger Things The Upside Down by LEGO Systems, Inc.
littleBits Space Rover Inventor Kit by Sphero
OombeeBall by Fat Brain Toy Co.
ThinkFun’s Thinking Putty Puzzle by ThinkFun, Inc.
STEM/STEAM TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that encourage kids to develop skills (foundational or curricular) in the core disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Amazing Rescue 50Pc Set by Magformers
Artie 3000™ by Educational Insights®
Beaker Creatures Alien Experiment Lab by Learning Resources®
Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic Lab by Crayola
Gumball Machine Maker by Thames & Kosmos
LEGO® BOOST Star Wars™ Droid Commander by LEGO Systems, Inc.
Mech-5 Mechanical Coding Robot by Elenco
VEHICLE OF THE YEAR Toy cars, trucks, trains and other vehicles in all scales, including R/C vehicles but exclusive of ride-ons.
Grrrumball by Alpha Group US
Hot Wheels Mario Kart Die-Cast Vehicle Assortment by Mattel, Inc.
L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 Glamper by MGA Entertainment
Monster Jam Mega Grave Digger Remote Control Vehicle by Spin Master
PJ Masks PJ Seeker by Just Play
STAR WARS D-O Interactive Droid by Hasbro, Inc.
X-Power Dozer™ by JAKKS Pacific
The finalists were selected from 633 nominees submitted by 236 companies. Eighteen judges, including toy and play experts, retailers, academics, and journalists, reviewed and ranked the products in categories relevant to their areas of expertise. The judges then participated in a discussion to determine the finalists in each category. They considered each product’s creativity, design, play value, and marketing.
The TOTY Awards gala is open only to toy industry professionals. Tickets for the event will be available for purchase on December 2; all TOTY proceeds are donated to The Toy Foundation, which partners with generous toy companies throughout the year to bring brand-new toys to children who are sick, at-risk, in foster care, impoverished, or otherwise in need.
About The Toy Association www.toyassociation.org / www.thegeniusofplay.org / www.playsafe.org
Founded in 1916, The Toy Association™, Inc. is the not-for-profit trade association representing all businesses involved in creating and delivering toys and youth entertainment products for kids of all ages. The Toy Association leads the health and growth of the U.S. toy industry, which has an annual U.S. economic impact of $110.9 billion, and its 1000+ members drive the annual $28 billion U.S. domestic toy market. The Toy Association serves as the industry’s voice on the developmental benefits of play, and promotes play’s positive impact on childhood development to consumers and media.
The organization has a long history of leadership in toy safety, having helped develop the first comprehensive toy safety standard more than 40 years ago, and remains committed to working with medical experts, government, consumers, and industry on ongoing programs to ensure safe and fun play.
As a global leader, The Toy Association produces the world-renowned North American International Toy Fair and Fall Toy Preview; advocates on behalf of members around the world; sustains the Canadian Toy Association; acts as secretariat for the International Council of Toy Industries and International Toy Industry CEO Roundtable; and chairs the committee that reviews and revises America’s widely emulated ASTM F963 toy safety standard.
NEWS – Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Nominated for TOTY Action Figure of the Year was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
0 notes
actionfigureinsider · 5 years
These 114 Creative Toys & Games Will Top Kids’ Wish Lists this Holiday Season!
New York, NY | November 11, 2019 – The Toy Association today unveiled 114 toy and game finalists for the prestigious 2020 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards. Known as the “Oscars” of the toy industry, the TOTY Awards program recognizes the top playthings on the market – from STEM/STEAM and innovative toys to dolls, action figures, creative toys, and more. The program is also a vital fundraiser for The Toy Foundation, which annually delivers toys to millions of children in need.
Finalists were announced this morning by a group of well-known online influencers who serve as TOTY ambassadors. Between now and January 5, 2020 play-lovers of all ages can visit www.ToyAwards.org to vote for their favorite playthings in each of the 16 categories, browse toys, download shopping lists for the holidays, and enter for a chance to win one of 16 toy prize packages.
“From an extraordinary field of nominees carefully reviewed by expert judges, this year’s TOTY finalists truly represent our members’ ability to bring fun, laughter, discovery, and learning to kids across America and around the world,” said Steve Pasierb, president & CEO of The Toy Association. “We are proud to unveil these playthings in advance of the holiday season and celebrate the toy community’s enduring ability to inspire generations of play. Everyone is encouraged to cast their votes at ToyAwards.org and help decide the winners!”
Winners in each category, as well as the coveted overall Toy of the Year winner and the People’s Choice winner (based solely on consumer votes), will be announced at the TOTY Awards gala on Friday, February 21, 2020 at the Ziegfeld Ballroom in New York City. The celebration will kick off Toy Fair New York and include the induction of three trailblazers into the esteemed Toy Industry Hall of Fame.
More information about the TOTY voting and selection process can be found in the “About the Awards” section of www.ToyAwards.org.
#gallery-0-49 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-49 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-49 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-49 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
ACTION FIGURE OF THE YEAR Toys that represent a person or fictional character intended for active, imaginative and narrative-based play
Bakugan Dragonoid Maximus Transforming Figure by Spin Master Disney Pixar Toy Story Basic Figures by Mattel, Inc. Heroes of Goo Jit Zu by Moose Toys Jurassic World Destroy ‘N Devour™ Indominus Rex by Mattel, Inc. Marvel Legends Series by Hasbro, Inc. My Hero Academia Katsuki Bakugo Action Figure by McFarlane Toys Power Rangers Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Figure by Hasbro, Inc.
  #gallery-0-50 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-50 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-50 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-50 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
COLLECTIBLE OF THE YEAR Toys that compose a set and can be collected in multiples; can include novelty playthings, miniature versions of existing lines, licensed collectibles, etc.
Blume by Skyrocket Toys Hairdorables Dolls Series 3 by Just Play L.O.L. Surprise! Winter Disco Series by MGA Entertainment Lucky Fortune by WowWee My Singing Monsters Collectible Musical Figures by PlayMonster Pulp Heroes Snap Bots by Far Out Toys Shopkins Real Littles Lil’ Shopper Pack by Moose Toys
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CONSTRUCTION TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that include building as the primary play pattern
Erector by Meccano, Inventor Set, Intro to Robotics by Spin Master Fisher-Price® Wonder Makers™ design system Build Around Town™ Starter Kit by Mattel, Inc. LeapBuilders® ABC Smart House™ by LeapFrog LEGO® CITY Deep Space Rocket and Launch Control by LEGO Systems, Inc. LEGO® MARVEL Iron Man Hall of Armor by LEGO Systems, Inc. My Robotic Pet – Tumbling Hedgehog by Thames & Kosmos VEX Catapult 2.0 by HEXBUG
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CREATIVE TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that allow kids to build and/or make items that are unique to them
Blinger by Wicked Cool Toys Cool Maker GO GLAM Nail Stamper by Spin Master Crayola Glitter Dots by Crayola littleBits Electronic Music Inventor Kit by Sphero smART Pixelator™ by Flycatcher Inc. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Droid Depot Custom Astromech Units by Disney Parks Y’Art® Craft Kit by Kahootz
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DOLL OF THE YEAR Toys that include baby, toddler, and fashion dolls
Ballerina Dreamer Dancing Ballerina by Hunter Products USA LLC Candylocks Basic Doll by Spin Master Creatable World by Mattel, Inc. Cry Babies – Kristal Gets Sick & Feels Better by IMC Toys Disney Frozen 2: “Into the Unknown” Elsa Doll by JAKKS Pacific Disney Princess Ralph Breaks the Internet – Comfy Princess Assortment by Hasbro, Inc. L.O.L. Surprise! O.M.G. Fashion Dolls by MGA Entertainment
#gallery-0-54 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-54 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-54 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-54 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Jeff O’Brien/Krystal DeBord
Photographer Katie Cornett/ Stylist Cristina La Bianca
GAME OF THE YEAR For families and children’s (ages 0-14) games including board, card, electronic or other physical game formats and puzzles, exclusive of video or app games
Funkoverse Strategy Game by Funko Games Heist by Megableu USA MS. MONOPOLY Board Game by Hasbro, Inc. Orangutwang by PlayMonster Pictionary Air by Mattel, Inc. Ravensburger’s Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared by Ravensburger Throw Throw Burrito by Exploding Kittens UNO Braille by Mattel, Inc.
#gallery-0-55 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-55 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-55 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
INFANT/TODDLER TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are developed for ages 0-3 (0-18 months infant/18 months-3 years toddler)
Fisher-Price® Linkimals™ by Mattel, Inc. InnyBin by Fat Brain Toy Co. KidKraft World of Eric Carle Shape Activity Cube by KidKraft LeapBuilders® 123 Fix-It Truck™ by LeapFrog Mix & Match-a-Saurus™ by VTech® Musical Lili Llama by The Manhattan Toy Company Tinker Truck by Radio Flyer
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INNOVATIVE TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that utilize innovative design, technology, or manufacturing processes to enhance play value
comicam® the Instant Comic Camera by Hangzhou Rulei Technology Co., Ltd Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak by Wow! Stuff Hot Wheels™ id Smart Track™ Kit by Mattel, Inc. Hot Wheels™ TechMods by Mattel, Inc. RockIt Twist™ by LeapFrog Shashibo (The Shape Shifting Box) by Fun In Motion Toys tori™ Explorer Pack by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America
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LICENSE OF THE YEAR Character or property that has had success spreading its brand through the development and merchandising of products developed from the intellectual property
Baby Shark by Pinkfong Barbie 60th Anniversary Program by Mattel, Inc. JoJo Siwa by Nickelodeon Marvel Avengers Endgame by Disney / Marvel Licensing PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Super PAWs by Spin Master / Nickelodeon Pokémon by The Pokémon Company International Ryan’s World by pocket.watch Toy Story 4 by The Walt Disney Company
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OUTDOOR TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are designed for outdoor play, including ride-ons
Crazy Cart® Shift™ by Razor USA Create A Castle by Create A Castle EzyRoller Drifter X by EzyRoller LLC Globber GoUp COMFORT by Incredible Novelties My Buddy Wheels by Yvolution USA, Inc. Toilet Paper Blasters™ Sheet Storm™ by JAKKS Pacific ZURU X-Shot Fast-Fill by ZURU
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25 July 2019 – Fat Brain Toys’ products are photographed for catalog at Karen and Mark Carson’s home located in Elkhorn, NE.
PLAYSET OF THE YEAR Toys that are designed to work together to enact some action or event, including characters and role play
Beyblade Burst Turbo Slingshock Cross Collision Battle Set by Hasbro, Inc. Disney Frozen Ultimate Arendelle Castle Playset by Hasbro, Inc. Hape Fire Station by Hape International Inc Hot Wheels® Colossal Crash™ Track Set by Mattel, Inc. L.O.L. Surprise! Winter Disco Chalet by MGA Entertainment PLAYMOBIL Mars Space Station by PLAYMOBIL Timber Tots by Fat Brain Toy Co.
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PLUSH TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are made of fabric and stuffed with cotton or similar filling, including toys with interactive or electronic features
Cutetitos by Basic Fun! Dolce Safari Adventure by Magformers/DOLCE Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs Real Rescue Electronic Pet by Moose Toys Pinkfong Baby Shark Song Puppets with Tempo Control by WowWee Pomsies Lumies by Skyrocket Toys Shimmer Stars by KD Group ZURU Rainbocorns Ultimate Sequin Surprise Series 2 by ZURU
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PRESCHOOL TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are developed for ages 3-5
Demo Duke by Spin Master Coding Critters by Learning Resources® Kid Trax Rideamals Unicorn by Pacific Cycle Kindi Kids by Moose Toys Myla the Magical Unicorn™ by VTech® Peppa Pig’s Magical Parade Floats by Jazwares Wild Ones™ by Razor USA
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SPECIALTY TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that are distributed through independent retailers, i.e. neighborhood toy stores, and not sold at mass brick and mortar stores.  Toys that are sold only online do not qualify
AirFort by AirFort Hape Emergency Services Headquarters by Hape International Inc LEGO® Ideas Central Perk by LEGO Systems, Inc. LEGO® Stranger Things The Upside Down by LEGO Systems, Inc. littleBits Space Rover Inventor Kit by Sphero OombeeBall by Fat Brain Toy Co. ThinkFun’s Thinking Putty Puzzle by ThinkFun, Inc.
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STEM/STEAM TOY OF THE YEAR Toys that encourage kids to develop skills (foundational or curricular) in the core disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
Amazing Rescue 50Pc Set by Magformers Artie 3000™ by Educational Insights® Beaker Creatures Alien Experiment Lab by Learning Resources® Crayola Color Chemistry Arctic Lab by Crayola Gumball Machine Maker by Thames & Kosmos LEGO® BOOST Star Wars™ Droid Commander by LEGO Systems, Inc. Mech-5 Mechanical Coding Robot by Elenco
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VEHICLE OF THE YEAR Toy cars, trucks, trains and other vehicles in all scales, including R/C vehicles but exclusive of ride-ons
Grrrumball by Alpha Group US Hot Wheels Mario Kart Die-Cast Vehicle Assortment by Mattel, Inc. L.O.L. Surprise! 2-in-1 Glamper by MGA Entertainment Monster Jam Mega Grave Digger Remote Control Vehicle by Spin Master PJ Masks PJ Seeker by Just Play STAR WARS D-O Interactive Droid by Hasbro, Inc. X-Power Dozer™ by JAKKS Pacific
  The finalists were selected from 633 nominees submitted by 236 companies. Eighteen judges, including toy and play experts, retailers, academics, and journalists, reviewed and ranked the products in categories relevant to their areas of expertise. The judges then participated in a discussion to determine the finalists in each category. They considered each product’s creativity, design, play value, and marketing.
The TOTY Awards gala is open only to toy industry professionals. Tickets for the event will be available for purchase on December 2; all TOTY proceeds are donated to The Toy Foundation, which partners with generous toy companies throughout the year to bring brand-new toys to children who are sick, at-risk, in foster care, impoverished, or otherwise in need.
About The Toy Association  www.toyassociation.org / www.thegeniusofplay.org / www.playsafe.org Founded in 1916, The Toy Association™, Inc. is the not-for-profit trade association representing all businesses involved in creating and delivering toys and youth entertainment products for kids of all ages. The Toy Association leads the health and growth of the U.S. toy industry, which has an annual U.S. economic impact of $107.5 billion, and its 950+ members drive the annual $26.5 billion U.S. domestic toy market. The Toy Association serves as the industry’s voice on the developmental benefits of play, and promotes play’s positive impact on childhood development to consumers and media. The organization has a long history of leadership in toy safety, having helped develop the first comprehensive toy safety standard more than 40 years ago, and remains committed to working with medical experts, government, consumers, and industry on ongoing programs to ensure safe and fun play.
As a global leader, The Toy Association produces the world-renowned North American International Toy Fair and Fall Toy Preview; advocates on behalf of members around the world; sustains the Canadian Toy Association; acts as secretariat for the International Council of Toy Industries and International Toy Industry CEO Roundtable; and chairs the committee that reviews and revises America’s widely emulated ASTM F963 toy safety standard.
2020 Toy of the Year Award Finalists Unveiled #TOTY2020 These 114 Creative Toys & Games Will Top Kids’ Wish Lists this Holiday Season! New York, NY | November 11, 2019 – …
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washngloss · 5 years
Types of Gifts to Buy for a Car Lover Friend: Car Accessory Ideas for Gifts
Do you have a friend who constantly tinkers with his or her car and doesn’t really like doing anything else. Buying a gift for such a person can be easy enough in the beginning, since you’ll know that it should have to do with cars. However, the actual work of deciding on and purchasing the gift can be harder than you think, especially if you don’t know much about cars.
The best course of action would be to choose some kind of car accessory that they’ll most likely enjoy having around. A handy tool like a kit for getting in and out of a locked vehicle is a great thing to start with. Moreover, you can consider special car freshners, organizers and car seat covers designed for pets as viable options.
You can also consider various perishables. Even though they don’t make good enough gifts according to some, car lovers who are truly dedicated to their vehicles will consider these some of the best gifts they ever received. For example, car wax, a special solvent for removing upholstery stains can be extremely practical, and they can also make that person’s vehicle look amazing.
A great gift idea for a car lover is a gift of services like weekly car washes or complete auto detailing. Find these incredible services at Greeley Wash n Gloss.
Even though you might not fully understand how some of these products can be considered so valuable, remember that the person you’re buying your gift for “lives and breathes” cars on a daily basis. So don’t worry too much about getting them nothing but car gifts; most likely, they will just keep praising and thanking you for all of them.
Article Source right here: Types of Gifts to Buy for a Car Lover Friend: Car Accessory Ideas for Gifts
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vividracing · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/announcing-new-products-specials-and-info/novitec-n-largo-720s-everything-you-need-to-know/
Novitec N-Largo 720S: Everything You Need to Know
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We all know that McLaren makes fantastic road cars. Some might say they’re perfect as they are and no changes need to be made. While that argument has some truths, as enthusiasts we want to tinker with everything, even McLarens. Novitec, a big name in high-end aero and tuning for vehicles such as Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis, and many more, has set their sights on the 720S. Novitec’s new N-Largo package made quite a splash when it was announced recently, so let’s take a look at what makes the N-Largo so special.
Limited to just 15 vehicles worldwide, the exclusivity of the N-Largo alone created a massive amount of hype. On the outside, the N-Largo is six centimeters wider up front and thirteen centimeters wider in the rear compared to a standard 720S. The wider body allowed for a larger wheel/tire combo from Vossen. In the front, the styling is quite a bit different than a stock 720S with a much more angular design. All these body parts are made from carbon fiber to keep the whole car as light as possible.
Underneath the crazy aero is the same 4.0L twin-turbo V8, but with output increased as far as 806 horsepower. This powerplant catapults the mid-engine racer from rest to 100 km/h in just 2.7 seconds, shattering the 200-km/h mark after just 7.5 seconds. The top speed increases to 346 km/h. The McLaren 720S was already one of the best cars on the road, and this N-Largo kit takes it to a whole new level.
If you have any questions about the Novitec parts, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached by phone at 1.480.966.3040 or via email at [email protected].
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