#Tinky is arguably the worst here
pocket-lizart · 7 months
Look at my silly LiB doodles boy!
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ashtxeman · 2 months
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Okay this tag on my Black Friday post SENT me so I have to do it, here’s my thoughts on what every Lord in Black’s apotheosis would look like. All - Every apotheosis causes an upsurge in violence in infected individuals and an extreme desire to spread the apotheosis globally. All infected also inherit blood, spit, tears, eye colour, etc that resembles the colour of the related Lord in Black. Use TGWDLM as an example of these phenomena. 
Wiggly - As we know from Black Friday, Wiggly’s apotheosis causes an extreme admiration for Wiggly himself. All sense of identity remains and the original individual is still conscious, but their mentality is rewired to worship Wiggly and all other previous desires and dreams are forgotten about in favour of him. Rather than being part of a hive-mind, all infected retain their own thoughts but still gather in cultish groups, led by an elected prophet with direct communication to Wiggly in the Black and White (someone like Wilbur or Linda). Appearance-wise, the infected may appear with green spots or tufts of fur across their body, and more notably have tentacles wrapped around their limbs. In other cases the infected may be able to summon tentacles from their mouths or backs and these can function as additional appendages.
Pokey - Of course we know all about Pokey’s apotheosis from TGWDLM, but I’ll drop some additional stuff anyway. All sense of original identity is erased upon infection, internally and mentally the infected individual is entirely rewritten but retains the notable qualities and mannerisms of the individual they used to be, largely to fool the uninfected into a more vulnerable position by presenting as the people they love. The infected have an innate desire to sing and dance and to accompany this inherit the ability to do so as if they are a trained professional, making for some interesting numbers. Song and dance is a primary form of communication amongst the infected and they favour this above talking, as it can be used to daze the uninfected. This apotheosis functions as a hive-mind which is controlled by a central system or a ‘leading man’, mainly Pokey himself but equally so Paul Matthews. Appearance-wise the infected look largely the same as before infection, with the exception of them now producing the apotheosis-inducing goo, increasing the level of contamination. The infected retain any injuries sustained to them prior to infection, whether deadly or not, but do not experience pain or symptoms related to them once infection has taken place.
Tinky - Arguably the most chaotic of the bunch, those under Tinky’s influence inherit his unpredictable nature as well as his laugh, essentially becoming inferior versions of Tinky himself. The original individual remains but their personality is altered and heightened to make a ‘bastard’ version of who they were before, meaning they are the worst version of themselves, think Hyde from Jekyll and Hyde. The infected are purposely altered from their original selves to be recognisable but completely insufferable to be around, just a bunch of assholes really. Appearance-wise this apotheosis changes people most, with infected often gaining yellow spots or tufts of fur (similar to Wiggly’s), alongside blue tongues and horizontal goat pupils. In rare cases the infected may gain horns and pointed ears, furthering their likeness towards Tinky’s. The infected are natural hoarders and enjoy collecting things for their ‘toy box’, becoming violent if anything of theirs is threatened. Despite this territorial nature, the infected enjoy being amongst each other and can often be found in large groups, or ‘herds’, hunting the uninfected or creating other entertainment for themselves for the shits and giggles. At times, upon the discovery of an uninfected individual, the infected may claim the uninfected as their own and toy around with them instead of infecting them (sound familiar, teddy bear?).
Blinky - In contrast to Tinky this is probably the least chaotic apotheosis, although upon initial infection people experience an extreme surge in violence and attack anybody around them with the intent to kill, and stop at nothing until their goal is fulfilled. During this period it is possible to reverse the apotheosis, although difficult, however once this period has passed the apotheosis is irreversible and the individual is now fully infected. When fully infected, people essentially act as walking cameras, wandering around aimlessly and keeping watch for any uninfected. Individuals will retain a sense of self but become quiet, hardly ever speaking. Instead the infected use blinking or otherwise telepathy as their primary form of communication, as this is more secretive and prevents the interference of the uninfected, making it easier to arrange ambushes and spread apotheosis. Appearance-wise the infected gain several more eyes on their body, mostly the cheeks and arms, of which they are able to see out of simultaneously. This makes them keen observers and incredibly difficult to avoid alerting. Infected may also gain purple discolouration on their body, primarily around the hands and face. If an uninfected individual makes eye contact with an infected individual, they will experience paranoia and fear that they are being watched, making them easier to ambush.
Nibbly - A close second to the chaos that Tinky creates, those under Nibbly’s apotheosis gain a similar territorial nature, although for food instead of trinkets and toys. Infected people develop an insatiable appetite and if their access to food is threatened they will quickly become violent. The infected function in an almost opposite manner to Pokey’s apotheosis, preferring to keep to themselves rather than join in groups, however this preference can change in certain situations. For example, two infected will fight amongst themselves, but if an uninfected individual is spotted they will immediately team up to spread the apotheosis. Food is a popular contaminant of the infection and this makes it incredibly difficult for the uninfected to survive. Appearance-wise, the infected have larger mouths and can even gain extra teeth, usually in the mouth but sometimes appearing on other areas of the body. They are able to unhinge their jaw which makes for a formidable bite. The infected often froth at the mouth and this contributes heavily to the contamination of food. Additionally, the infected can have pink spots on their body or pink streaks in their hair, and their mannerisms change to adopt a less complex speech pattern with an accompanying gravelly voice. Individuals under this apotheosis operate best at night as they are good at stalking people and require less people present for an ambush.
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