#Tiny Minus Eteled
luckykittyzine · 1 year
New redesing of him :3
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And him
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
new redesigns of them and my oc
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emo-metalhead-punki · 2 years
😈🤘 Metal! Mini Minus Austin 🤘😈
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Le ship and
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And smol boi uwu
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zippityzero · 3 years
random wdy quotes i made up at the top of my head on Twitter
Sam: [opens a cabinet] ..NATHAN? Nathan: [casually s t u c k -] CMSHOVEDMEINHEREBECAUSEIWONTSTOPPLAYINGTHEFLUETTT- TwT.. Sam: [neck snaps at CM while slowly pulling out a gun] CM: ETELED WAS ASLEEP-- Kyle: Less talking, more running for your life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kyle 'n Sam: [arguing over playing bowling or tennis] Nathan, sitting beside the TV watching the fight: Soo- how's your day going guy's? Eteled: Good good- CM: Their gonna be fighting for a while, aren't they? Nathan: Yep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eteled: It's strange how I feel water on my face when were in the Wii. CM: Eteled, your literally crying because I accidentally brought up your mom in our fight moment's ago- Eteled: [CRYINGEVENMORE] SHUTUPPPP- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eteled and CM AU's: [exists] Minus CM:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nathan: [just enjoying his ice cream] Kyle: [pops a balloon behind 'em-] :) Nathan: [SCREAMOFFEAR- and just r a n to Sam sobbing-] TmT... Sam: [pat pat Nathan and holding a knife] K Y L E - Kyle: Ohs*it- Eteled: This. This is a good show. CM: No, but yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minus Austin: Henry, what is that? Minus Henry: [just gently holding tiny M!Eteled] A friend. Minus CM: THATSMY- Minus Henry: [GRAB'S SHOTGUN AND SHOOTS MINUS CM] STFU AND REMAIN DEAD. Tiny M!Eteled: [process] Minus Austin: OHGOD- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minus CM: I despise Eteled (Minus) with all my life. I deeply want him dead. Minus Eteled: . Minus CM: Waitwait- Iwasjoking- Eteled- Minus Eteled: [proceeds to s o b.] TvT... Minus CM: ETELEDD- I WAS JOKING, I WAS JOKING- QnQ''' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eteled: What is CM doing-- Minus Eteled: Having a stroke. Eteled: Again? CM: [AGGRESSIVE LAGGING ALL OVER THE PLACE] NOT A STTTROKE, DUMBA&^- Minus Eteled: Yep, a stroke. Eteled: . Eteled: That's not a stroke at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minus CM: CM hate's Eteled with a passion. Minus Eteled: What Passion? Minus Henry: A gay passion. Minus Austin: PFFF- (not sure if i showed that one, but oh well)
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
I also made a design for them :3
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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the designs are made by @emo-metalhead-punki
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
just a mini comic of the two of them
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
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That's what you get for ignoring me!
that little thing started!
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Tiny minus eteled:(hey are you ok?)
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emo-metalhead-punki · 2 years
Minus mini austin still friends with minus eteled but love minus punki so they share lol
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And minus tiny eteled and minus punki jr is their sons lol
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lucky3gskittyzine · 2 years
HOLDING TINY MINUS ETELED GENTLY IN MY GHOST HANDS i will cherish and protect you with all my ghost life, you absolute beloved one,,,
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I think he can take care of himself
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zippityzero · 3 years
i uh
may have caused chaos with Ampella and some friend's of ours on VRChat and they began to snort the ducking capri suns on the glass bridge game here's the screenshot's of these monsters snorting the capri suns:
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yeah, uh Outrage!CM done passed out (not irl, not irl) from snorting too much capri suns then SFD decided to say " HE OVER DOSED- " as he snorted his capri sun have this cursed screenshot which happened moment's before we did some Carson Dance chaos: (Steam = Me. Minus Eteled 'n CM = Friend's. Eteled = Ampella.) Steam: NO- WHAT ARE YOU DOING- YOU DEMONS- Minus Eteled 'n CM: [WHEEZING] Eteled: JUST GET OVER HERE, WERE OUT- Steam: WHATAREYOUDOINGYOUDEMONSWHATTHEDUCK
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me and Ampella were not ok from them both doing that except Ampella, i do not think i have to say it since they just said it in Discord 💃 now the chaos of Carson Dance, and i'm not joking when i say that me 'n Madlad were laughing the hell out of our self (Eteled = Ampella. CM + Flat Eteled = Madlad. Steam + Flat Eteled + Tiny Eteled = Me.) their not in the correct order either bc lazyness time and i am drawing so
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so uh yeah and we kept playing random audios as we did all this, so there's that and i rick rolled them both :D which was at the cost of nearly being killed by Ampella-
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