#Tiredly Jackie adopt
tiredly101 · 1 year
Pairing: Wally Darling x Biter!Male Reader
Illustrated Au, this post was adopted from another account because they are deleting it soo I adopted it with permission of the original author, I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Stablish relationship with Wally and lastly picture was a very closed screenshot but it was made by @clownsuu!
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It was well known around the village a certain neighbour could be seen chewing and biting all sorts of things. Of course chewing and biting was pretty normal when eating, it was pretty out of the ordinary when the villagers started to notice bite marks on random objects.
At first they thought a animal of some sort had come in looking for a late night snack but the bite marks didn’t match with any sort of animal. It was only until while Eddie Dear was delivering some mail he noticed M/n gnawing on his pencil while he sat in front of his house sketching.
Usually this wouldn’t have caught his attention as it wasn’t that strange of a thing but they way M/n dug his teeth into it, as if to completely crush it, he started to suspect it had been M/n that left the bite mark on the plastic end of one of Franks bug nets. As Eddie was just stood watching you, it caught Wallys curiosity.
"Hello Eddie, what are you looking at?," Asked Wally while looking with curiosity at Eddie then following his line of sight to M/n which made his smile grow just a tad bigger.
“Oh, hi Wally. Say, is it me or is the way M/n is biting their pencil is a bit aggressive? If you know what I mean," Wally, now that Eddie mentioned it, did thought M/n were really going at it, perhaps the pencil broke while he was sketching. Sometimes that happens to himself so he understands M/n's frustration. Waving goodbye to Eddie when he went on his way to finish delivering mail Wally decided to head over to M/n and see what got him so agitated.
"Hello neighbour, you know if i didnt know any better that pencil seems to be your sworn enemy," Wally jested which made M/n snap up his attention to him.
“Huh..?,” M/n replied confused, having no clue of what Wally meant until he noticed how damaged the end of your pencil had become.
“Ah! Oh no! I didn’t even realise I was chewing it... It’s such a bad habit I can’t seem to stop,” M/n said while sighting softly. Wally chuckled, what was so bad about it? M/n eas doing no harm, well besides to the pencil. He sat down beside you taking the pencil out of your hand and looking at the ravaged end trying to hold back a laugh.
"You know perhaps you should try something softer, you could damage your teeth. I understand the constant need to chew on something so don’t be ashamed,” Wally reassured M/n softly, slowly grabbing his hand and interlocking his fingers with M/n's.
"You chew things too?," Asked M/n hopefully while looking at Wally which made him smile and chuckle before giving a little peck on M/n's cheek.
“Oh, no. I eat with my eyes silly," Wally said which made M/n smile, how could he forget such an important detail of his boyfriend?
“Here”, said Wally before he held out his arm out in front of M/n's face waiting for his reaction. M/n seemed so puzzled at first not knowing what he was offering until he realised he basically just gifted himself to you as a personal chew toy. Perhaps Barnaby does the same so he’s use to it? But it became more and more embarrassing as he just stared at M/n waiting for him to take a bite.
Eventually M/n started gnawing on his arm a little while he focused in drawing again and soon M/n completely forgot he were even doing it until once he finished the drawing and he went to show Wally and found his arm muffling what he was going to say.
It was pretty embarrassing but he seemed fine with it, he was grinning for ear to ear and had a look of adoration in his eyes. If practically chewing his arm off wasn’t embarrassing enough the way he just gazed and admired M/n had his face warming in a instant.
As this went on M/n found himself more often than not randomly nibbling on Wally at a random point of the day. Sometimes when trying to figure something out or even when a conversation was going on for to long and M/n needed to occupy himself with something to stay focused but each and every time, M/n's boyfriend, Wally seemed bubbly with joy.
The rest of the villagers were happy with this as well since they have stopped finding bite marks in their possessions. It wasn’t long before Wally himself started nibbling M/n at random points, seemingly just blinking at him and then suddenly M/n felt something on his arm or shoulder. M/n was flustered at the beginning but he soon got used to Wally's playful nibbles but never got used to Barnaby jokingly giving you both chew toys on rare occasions.
The funny thing is that when M/n and Wally were alone sometimes you both would actually use the chew toys. Wally's favourite was the fake apple chew toy and M/n's was the soft yellow lemon.
"We are such a cute couple"
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nottinghillhq · 1 year
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welcome to notting hill corrie and kat we’re super excited to have you here, you’ve got twenty-four hours to send in your accounts!
 AULI'I CRAVALHO. SHE / THEY  / have you ever heard of JACKIE ONASSIS  by sammy rae & the friends , well, it describes MYA STEVENS  to a tee! the twenty three year old, and receptionist @ graves marketing and design was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE/THEY are  more MESSY or more optimistic  instead? anyway, they remind me of plaid jumpers tied around waists, always having a skateboard with you and messy bedroom floors,   maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [CORRIE ] * LAKE STEVENS ADOPTED SIBLING FIVEL STEWART. SHE / HER / have you ever heard of LIVING HUMAN GIRL  by the regrettes, well, it describes REN FOSTER  to a tee! the twenty six year old, and WOMEN’S FOOTBALL PLAYER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is  more guarded  or more athletic  instead? anyway, they remind me of hair always tied up, mucky football boots, black coffee, and late nights spent at the gym  maybe you’ll bump into them soon!  CHRISTOPHER BRINEY. HE/HIM / have you ever heard of YOU KEEP IT ALL IN  by the beautiful south, well, it describes ALEXANDER “ALEX” COOPER  to a tee! the twenty five year old, and CASHIER @ NEXT CHAPTER BOOK STORE was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is  more moody  or more intelligent  instead? anyway, they remind me of well loved books, big cosy jumpers, the crunch of leaves under foot  maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
SARAH BOLGER. SHE/HER / have you ever heard of UNFORGETTABLE by nat king cole, well, it describes AMELIA RÓISÍN BENNETT to a tee! the thirty-one year old, and NURSE AND HOBBYIST FASHION DESIGNER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more evasive or more GENEROUS instead? anyway, they remind me of jazz on a rainy day, tiredly drinking coffee at 3am, a new bouquet of flowers in a glass vase and walking into a home filled with the smell of freshly baked goods, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! [ KAT / SHE/HER / 27 / GMT +2 ] 
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Whumptober #4- Trust Fall
“Do you trust me…?” Jackie whispered as quiet as he could. He wouldn’t want to let everyone know him and Aiden were awake. God knows the guilt he would feel if his friend got another beating on his behalf.
“You know damn well I trust you. I don’t understand why you being so secretive all of the sudd— WOAH!” The words left the black haired male as wonder filled his brown eyes when the electricity cracked in Jackie’s hand. Though, at the exclamation Jackie is quick to cover Aiden’s mouth.
“Shut up! You want us to be caught!?” Jackie hissed alarmed, looking behind his back as he listened to any footsteps. He sighs with relief when nothing comes their way. However, dread is soon to settle in as he slowly looks at his friend. “Y-You’re not scared…?”
“The hell I am! That was so cool! It’s like you’re a superhero!”
The memory is soon to fade away to nothingness and the bleak school hallway takes over his field of vision. He sighs tiredly, his hand rubbing his face to get rid of the ever creeping exhaustion. Jackie closes his locker as he slings his backpack over his shoulder, and soon starts to walk down the hallway.
A chill runs up his spine, almost making him turn towards the source of the voice but instead Jackie ignores it.
“I’m talking to you!”
Ignore him. Keep walking. Keep walking.
“Hey, freak!”
That… word. Fist clench tight around the strap of his backpack, his slow walk coming to a full stop. Upper lip begins to twitch broth contained anger. Just one punch, that’s all it would take to get him to shut up. Who would care if he ended up in detention again? Is not like there was anyone waiting for him. Not like he had a home or friends…
“That’s more like it.” The black hair, brown eyed teen said with a smug tone. Indigo eyes fallare from the corner, the hallway was quiet and empty, not a student in sight except for them two. Then again, he would much prefer the quiet over the loud chatter of every single student and staff member of the school. Jackie keeps his guard up as he watched Aiden, watching his movements. Maybe he should just walk away, continue skipping class as he intended to. Though, surprise is evident on his face when he got shoved onto the lockers. “Listen when I talk to you, dumbass.” Aiden mocked, a smirk on his face. However, what happened next was sure to catch him off guard.
Jackie doesn’t hold back when he shoved Aiden away from him. Indigo irises hold rage and hurt. Ever since they both entered high school… and Aiden got adopted… He had changed. His fists now tremble besides him with contained power, small sparks of electricity surrounding him before he tackles Aiden down, a loud thud slamming on the floor as they both fall. Jackie doesn’t hesitate throwing the first punch, and soon more follow suit.
“Don’t call me a freak!” He screamed enraged, “Just leave me the hell alone!” Tears stung his eyes as he glared at who used to be his best friend, and the anger he felt slowly turned into hurt and betrayal. “I trusted you, Aiden! I— I trusted you…”
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sp00kworm · 8 years
Darkened Shadows (Part 4)
Sorcerer AU with a mischevious adopted werewolf Mccree, a grumpy sorcerer dad Gabriel and local heart throb Sherrif Jack Morrison. In this chapter we continue our seasonal merry mishaps.
Based on the work by: @freedomconvicted
Part 3   Part 5
Unfortunately, although Gabriel did cover some of the costs, Jack still ended up spending some of the money out of his nice rounded digit bank account. The money he supposed, wouldn't be spent again on decorations, but it felt saddening to see the money he had been saving for a new horse be spent on a once a year holiday. The upside, Jack supposed, was that he got to see the happy smiling faces of Gabriel and Jesse as they got to work, placing the tree in its stand in the corner of the lounge before tearing through the decorations and getting to work. Jack left them, mostly, to their own devices, but intervened to help Gabriel drape tinsel all over the upper branches to the very top- a job that Jesse was too small to help with. Gabriel then pulled him into candy cane placing (but only where and how the fussy warlock wanted them on the tree), and Jack was exhausted by the time they finished decorating the tree, the fire place and the hearth. Gabriel stuck the final tack into place, holding a piece of mistletoe over the doorway to the hall, and Jack smiled as Jesse yawned from his place huddled in the chair. The boy was huddled in a blanket, and had been since they had finished the tree, snoring softly, drool dripping down his cheek.
Gabriel smiled softly at the boy, and gently eased his arms under Jesse, before heaving him upwards, curled protectively in the wizard's embrace. Jack eased the door open and headed up the stairs as Gabriel followed, heaving the heavy youngster up the stairs to the room he had made up for the boy. The warlock tucked Jesse into the blankets and sheets, and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before shutting the door quietly behind him. Jack was faced with a sudden blank, and he coughed a little, searching for something, anything, to say to Gabriel.
“So about earlier...” Internally, Jack smacked himself across the face cursing, he'd not wanted to talk about the snowball fight at all. He cringed and flushed red, “Ah- I mean. So-So what do you and Jesse want to help out with tomorrow?” The blond rushed over his words which tumbled past his lips like verbal soup, slipping out before he could stop them.
Gabriel raised a dark eyebrow, but smiled and walked along the landing, “I think Jesse said he'd like to help you out with the horses tomorrow morning, and maybe ride one of them. But I-” Gabriel shook his head and smiled, “Never mind, but the kid really would like to help out with the horses. Its those westerns you let him lend. Jesse's mad about anything remotely 'cowboy' now thanks to you.” The sorcerer snorted and began to descend the stairs, his hand running along the banister for support.
“Its not my fault the little shrimp pestered me for them. How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes?” The two of them laughed before Jack pursued Gabriel down the stairs and back into the front room of the house where the tree glimmered prettily in the corner.
The fire snapped and crackled, licking at the fresh logs Jack tossed into the flames as Gabriel made himself comfortable in the arm chair once again. Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, the warlock finally began to relax.
“Do you want a drink?” Jack held up two varieties of red wine, and Gabriel snorted before grinning and pointing to the whiskey behind Jack in the cabinet.
“Come on blondie,” He leaned forwards in the chair with a white mean smile, “at least give me the good stuff.” The warlock snickered into the blanket as Jack huffed and blundered back over to the drinks case to fetch the whiskey instead. He poured two shots before retrieving ice, and handing it to Gabriel. Gabriel reached a hand through the small gap he made in his mass of blanket, and gripped the drink, taking a swig before hissing with a smirk,
“Definitely the good stuff, Sheriff.”
They fell into relative comfortable silence, until Jack began to fidget in his seat. The fire popped, and Jack found himself glancing at Gabriel from the corner of his eyes. Gabriel seemed to be oblivious, and watched the fire dance along the logs before he smiled, and locked eyes with Jack, waving a single finger in the air outside the blanket. With the movements of his finger, red magic danced through the flames and formed shapes. The fire burst into a pack of wolves which scrambled around each other, howling and snapping their jaws, the fur on their backs bristling with licks of flames. They evaporated and a stag walked elegantly along the log, its antlers long and strong, held proudly for all to see. It called into the air and wiggled an ear before calling again and bolting, erupting into a flicker of flame. The final creature was made of darker coloured flames, wings erupted from it's back and talons dripped with smoke which curled away from its form in wisps. Red eyes glowed behind a cloak of smoke before the creature opened its mouth, and Gabriel snapped his fingers, his magic flaring to life abruptly, and the creature vanished into ash.
Jack let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding as the cloud of ash rushed out onto the rug in front of the fire. Gabriel let out a pained sigh, and pinched at his nose. The red flaring magic recoiled from his fingertips and curled back down into his palms in shining veins, before disappearing completely. The sorcerer opened his eyes again briefly, and Jack watched in awe as the veins of magic around Gabriel's eyes receded, and the black sclera bled to white, and the magic drained from his irises. Soon they were tired and expressive brown once more, and Gabriel turned his head away, tugging at his hair a little before massaging his temples. Jack felt the strange spell that had befell him snap like a string under tension, and he was instantly up to fetch Gabriel some painkillers and a glass of water. Jack's concern soon got the better of him, and after forcing Gabriel to take the painkillers, he helped him up the stairs and threw another blanket over him when he was tucked under the covers.
“Calm down, Jackie.” Gabriel tiredly smiled and snuggled into the soft felt, “Sometimes I just- can't control it. It happens...” His eyes blinked and fell shut, before sluggishly opening.
“Go to sleep, Gabriel, you can explain tomorrow if its really that important.” He pressed a hand to Gabriel's forehead before scooping the Latino's hair back. Running a finger through the curls, his back stiffened as he felt himself leaning down. Stopping himself, Jack turned back and walked out of the room, shutting of the light and closing the door behind him.
The next morning, for Christmas Eve, was incredibly quiet. Gabriel was still asleep when Jack poked his head in the warlock's room, and so he quietly closed the door, and sneaked downstairs to make breakfast. Neither of the other two emerged until a good hour had passed, and Jack had read his newspaper and drank two cups of coffee. Jesse emerged into the lounge first, and yawned, scratching at his hair as he dragged his feet to a chair at the table.
“Come on little man! I thought you wanted to help me out with the horses this morning? You've gotta look more alive than that!” Jack watched the kid's eyes slowly crack open, and a smile form on his face as he placed a plate of pancakes and bacon down in front of him.
“Ya' mean it? Pa' said you wouldn't be too keen on me helping out, but so long as you think it'd be okay.” Jesse shot him a cheeky grin just to sweeten the deal, and Jack nodded, making himself some pancakes as well.
Gabriel appeared a little while after, his gown tied around his waist and large novelty slippers on his feet, demanding coffee like a zombie.
“Black, no sugar, no milk. I need it strong if I ever want to wake up this morning.” He planted his face against the table top and cracked open a single eye, “I'm guessing by the grin that Jack agreed to let you help out?”. Jesse's firm nods only achieved a grunt, and Jack sympathetically placed a large mug of black coffee in front of Gabriel, before ushering Jesse to go and get dressed, and to leave the poor magic deprived sorcerer alone to stew with his black coffee and cold pancakes. Gabriel took a look at his pancakes, a smiley face drawn in maple syrup, and cracked a small smile. Stupid good guy cop.
Jack and Jesse made good time getting out to the stalls after letting the triplet of cows out to graze on their feed in the stable after milking. Jack had separately wrestled the bull out into his own penned area while Jesse cheered him on from behind the thick wooden fence. The horses were nibbling the last of their hay when the two entered. One of their heads shot up, ears pricked forwards in curiosity, and the other stood, its head reaching for the last of the hay in the manger. The male snorted, and stomped his foot at the sight of the new comer, nickering softly to the female. The female's head slowly rose, and she blinked, chewing her hay with a mild interest in Jesse. She soon put her head back down and drew some more hay, evidently not too concerned about the small boy. Jack snickered and walked over to the large bay male and sighed before carefully petting his nose, scratching at the small white diamond between the horse's eyes. Jesse, quietly followed after Jack and clicked softly to the female.
The mare's head shot up and she snorted, finishing her mouthful of hay before nuzzling at Jesse's hand with the expectancy of food or a treat. Finding none, she turned her attention to his hat, and tugged at the rim with impatience. Her dappled grey coat was dusty and Jack gently flicked the stressing male before pulling out a bucket of brushes, and measuring out the pellet feed for the two horses. He placed the feed down and lead the mare out of the stall, tying her off at the wall. Jack tugged out the currying comb and held it out to Jesse.
“Firsts things first. Lets get them clean. Then I might let you get up on Stormwind here. Don't let her laziness fool you, she's a speed demon, but at least she wont try and buck you off like Michaelangelo. I don't think your dad would appreciate you coming back inside with a broken bone or a nasty bite.” Jack looked over at the bay male and sighed, watching the horse stomp his foot angrily. Jesse paled as Jack explained, but was reassured when Stormwind mouthed at the material of his coat and tugged the brim of his hat down. Jesse gigged and gently pushed her head away before scratching at the dappled fur of her neck. Jack smiled and smacked her back,
“Come on then Jesse, get to work.”
It didn't take the two of them long, with Jack separately brushing down Michaelangelo before tacking the two up and leading them to the dirt training ring. The snow had been cleared by Jack a few days ago, and he was thankful no more had settled on the ground since then. He tied the male off on the fence and lead Stormwind into the ring before shoving a large block by her side for Jesse to use. Jack held out a helmet for him and tutted when Jesse turned up his nose.
“You're not getting on top of this horse without it on, so suck it up kiddo.” He whipped Jesse's hat off before he could protest, and shoved the helmet on over his hair. “Fasten it and stand on the block and I'll help you get on.” Jesse huffed and fastened  the helmet under his chin, before climbing up onto the mounting block, shaking slightly in his nervousness of the large horse swaying a little before him.
“Now put your left foot in the stirrup closest to you and grab hold of the pommel and back before swinging your other leg over and put it in the other stirrup.” Jack held the horse steady with one hand, and helped Jesse heave his other leg over the saddle. He flicked the reigns over the horse's head and arranged Jesse's hands on them before adjusting the stirrups for Jesse's legs.
“Now, I've got hold of her bridle so don't worry, but squeeze your back heels together gently into her sides.” Jack held Stormwind's head carefully as she began to walk slowly. Jesse squealed in shock, and leaned forwards in the saddle until Jack reached over and pushed him back to sit more evenly.
“The more evenly you distribute your weight, and the straighter you sit, the easier a ride it'll be, Jesse.” Jesse nodded, the helmet wobbling with his head, and Jack smiled softly, walking along side them, “You're doing just fine for your first time, don't worry.”
They managed to get Jesse up to a trot before calling it a day, and he watched Jack ride around the ring with the bay male at a full gallop, stood in the saddle, helmet forsaken despite what he had told Jesse. The horse snorted and stomped, coming to a halt as Jack tugged the reigns gently. Jesse flinched as the male whipped around snorting at him and grumbling as Jack sat back in the saddle, letting the horse walk himself down. Jesse busied himself by stroking his hands over Stormwind's neck in awe of the powerful muscles. She snorted and whinnied as he scratched  behind her ears, and Jesse smiled whispering, “I like that too girl, it feels nice right?”.
“Jesse what do you mean?” Jack chuckled, leading Michaelangelo from the training ring.
Jesse flushed red and patted the mare's side, “Ah, nothing Jack, just talking to Stormie ya' know, nothing that means anything, just gibberish.” The blond just shook his head and walked his horse over to the fence before taking off the saddle.
“Could you go and fetch me the hoof pick please? Its by the feed in a bucket.” Jesse nodded and carefully walked around the horses before running for the stable.
Jack heard the crash of metal and water before he heard Jesse yelp. Placing Michaelangelo's foot down, he sprinted for the stable and froze at the door. Jesse was laid on the floor, drenched in water, the trough on its side and water pooling across the floor. That wasn't what really concerned him though. Jesse's hat was laid at the side, and a sizzling necklace was melting in a puddle. Jesse groaned and looked up.
“Hey, ah sorry about that Jack! I really didn't mean to but the pick is up on that shelf there and-”
Jack simply pointed at Jesse.
“Explain to me why you have dog ears on your head Jesse, right now.” Jack's face fell into a scowl and Jesse held up a finger with a sickly sweet smile.
“What ear-” Jesse placed a hand on his head and blinked before shouting, “PA IS GONNA KILL ME!” and covering them with his hands as he leapt out of the puddle of water. A large tail then sprang to life, popping out of his jeans, damp with all the fur on end in horror. Jack scowled and grabbed the sizzling green necklace before tugging Jesse along back to the house, thunder in his steps.
“Gabriel Reyes! I suggest you get out of that shower and explain why your son has dog ears and a tail!-” Jack felt Jesse weasel out of his grip, and the child scoffed.
“These ain't no mutt ears I'll have you know! These are wolf features!” Jesse immediately covered his mouth and Jack's jaw dropped, and for a moment, just a moment, he was even more dumbfounded. Quickly, he recovered, and scowled as Gabriel's annoyed face appeared at the top of the stairs.
“What the hell are you shouting about, Jackie. Jesus- Oh for fucks sake. Jesse what happened?!” Gabriel, clad only in a towel wrapped around his waist, sprinted down the stairs and smoothed a hand over Jesse's hair and ears, checking for injuries. It was then that Jack held up the melting charm, and Gabriel sighed, telling Jesse to go and shower before he faced Jack.
“Care to tell me the truth now then, Reyes?” Jack snarled and shoved the green bubbling metal into Gabriel's hands. The towel clad wizard sighed, pinching at his nose, tossing the necklace onto the table next to the house phone.
“I guess now would be the best time.” Gabriel snorted and folded his arms over his chest.
After throwing on some sweat pants and a hoodie, Gabriel sat down in the lounge across from a very annoyed stood up Jack.
“Come on then, cough up the truth Gabe.” Jack's jaw tightened and Gabriel took a deep breath, regretting immensely the lie he'd told in the first place. Its not like it would have been impossible to explain to Jack in the first place, after all, he knew about Gabriel and some of the magic world, explaining the existence of werewolves was less of a shock than a Latino guy saving your life, and knitting your bones and flesh back together with only his hands pressed against you. Pressing a hand to his forehead, he began to talk.
“Jesse isn't my son.” He waited for a reaction, and risked a glance at Jack, seeing only a hurt look of betrayal, “I found him as a kid in the graveyard. His parents had been strung up on trees and gutted like animals, butchered and killed right before him. I found him crying over his mother, and saved him from the townsfolk chasing them. He's a werewolf. A shifter that changes into a wolf on the light of the full moon, but judging by his parent's, I'm guessing he's a pure blood, and he'll be able to shift when he wants when he hits about sixteen. Everything was a lie, and I understand that-”
Gabriel never heard the punch to his face coming until it cracked against his cheek and tossed his head to the side. He winced as his cheek blossomed red and stung with the contact, he tasted a small amount of blood from where he'd bitten the inside of his cheek. He looked up with a scowl, and saw the same scowling face from Jack looking back at him.
“You asshole! After everything we've been through you couldn't pluck up the balls to tell me he's a werewolf! For gods sake its not even that big of a deal considering you can use magic!” Jack span around and pointed an accusing finger at Gabriel before deeply sighing and slumping his shoulders.
“Jackie, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry for not trusting you and not considering your feelings in this. Please... I'm so sorry Jackie.” Gabriel stood up and gently grasped Jack's hand in his own with a hopeful look, “Please...”
Jack sighed again and gripped Gabriel's hand with a sad look, “Just please, god dammit Gabe, next time just tell me instead of waiting years you dick-head.” Jack gripped Gabriel's hand tightly and gave the sorcerer a hug. Gabriel returned it, a strange wait having lifted off his chest. Jack pulled back and smiled sheepishly, running a finger over the blossoming bruise on Gabriel's cheek,
“Sorry about your cheek.”
The rest of the day passed by uneventfully, until it came to the evening, and trying to get Jesse to bed and asleep before they could sneak the presents beneath the branches of the tree. The werewolf, although it was weird for Jack to see the sweet talking brunette kid as a big scary furry wolf, was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, eager and excited for Christmas to finally be here. Gabriel sighed and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing a mug he filled it with milk, and placed it in the microwave for a minute before stirring the walk milk thoroughly and handing it to the bouncing Jesse.
“Drink this up Jesse, then its off to bed. You've already stayed up an hour and a half past your bed time.” Gabriel pinched his nose and sighed, seating himself down as Jesse guzzled the warm milk like a famished monster. Soon after, Jesse's eyes were drooping and Gabriel ushered him up to bed and tucked him in easily.
Upon returning down the stairs, Gabriel was met with the amused face of Jack, “That's all it took then? A little bit of warm milk and he was out like a light. You'll have to remember that one Gabe.” Jack smiled brilliantly over the top of his book and sipped at his green tea before folding the book shut and placing it on the small table next to him.
“He's one hell of a handful.” Gabriel plopped himself down on the large couch and rubbed his temples before looking over the arm at Jack, “I suppose we best go and get the presents then before Jesse decides to wake up because its Christmas morning.”. The two of them chuckled and Gabriel stood up before they both headed to the attic, and pulled down the gifts to place under the tree.
The last of Jesse's gifts were tucked in the corner, and Gabriel weighted the gift in his hand with his decision. Smiling, he sat down next to Jack by the tree and held out the wrapped box.
“You may as well open it now, when Jesse isn't here to ruin the effect.” Gabriel nudged Jack's arm and forced the blond to take the gift from him. Jack raised an eyebrow, but took the gift, and gently tugged the golden bow off before tearing open the red and white paper. The next box inside was simple, sleek and long and black. Carefully, Jack eased it open, and peered at the jewellery nestled on the red velvet cushioning. A simple chain of long links of silver lead to a piece of sparkling mirror, curtained by curling, glittering ivy around its outsides.
Jack pulled the silver chain free and chuckled, “Care to explain to me what this is meant to be? I'm guessing its not just a mirror necklace.” Gabriel smoothly took the chain and clipped it around Jack's neck before touching the mirror piece where it lay in the middle of Jack's chest.
“Its a mirror of fate. It allows you to see events a few seconds ahead of when they are going to happen, or to find your loved ones, where ever in the world they may be.” The surface of the mirror rippled as Gabriel moved his finger away, and Jack turned the small reflective piece towards him as images flickered to life in its silver surface. A blue light bathed the room as the mirror rippled to life, and Jack watched as an image of himself and Gabriel appeared before him. Gabriel smiled and moved in for a kiss, and Jack relented, placing his hand  between them. Gabriel looked shattered and moved away out of view, while the alternate Jack cursed at himself.
Jack peered over the edge of the mirror and smiled before moving forwards. Gabriel looked at him quizzically until his lips met with Jack's own. The blond didn't persist for long, and soon moved away with an embarrassed smile.
“Too soon?” Jack shrugged his shoulders in a small nervous movement, and Gabriel rolled his eyes before leaning in, planting his hands either side of Jack's hips with a cocky grin plastered on his face.
“Look at the boy scout stealing my thunder. I suppose the mirror showed you something you weren't too fond of eh?” He snickered and stole another long kiss from Jack, pulling back before tongues could get involved, Jack's lip between his teeth. “Unfortunately, Jackie, I like to keep my spot light.” The sorcerer stood up after that, and almost strutted towards the kitchen, “Now how about some hot cocoa? You've never lived until you've had it with mint and sugar.” Jack, dumbfounded, stumbled like a deer, before following into the kitchen, hoping to steal cocoa laced kisses from Gabriel before bed.
Gabriel heaved as Jesse landed on his stomach the next morning. The werewolf child almost yipped like a dog in excitement, his tail wagging side to side. The sorcerer groaned and covered his eyes as the curtains were tossed open, the sun barely over the horizon.
“Jesse! For gods sake! Its only just turned seven o'clock!” He then shoved a pillow over his face and wanted to howl in despair at the time he'd just read.
“COME ON PA! ITS CHRISTMAS!” Jesse almost screamed, and Gabriel fought with himself in order to not toss his pillow at the boy's head, and send him back to bed. Instead, after taking a deep breath, he pushed the covers back, and heaved himself up.
“Fine. I'm up, I'm up. Is Jack awake?” Gabriel yawned and tugged on his slippers before grabbing his dressing gown and sliding his feet along the floor towards the bathroom. Jesse followed like a puppy, and Gabriel pushed his head out of the bathroom as he went to pee.
“Jack's been up for an hour already pa! He's downstairs making you coffee though...” Jesse whined, knowing he had already annoyed the sleep deprived warlock- and a sleep deprived warlock was not a happy warlock.
After being tugged downstairs by an insistent Jesse, Gabriel accepted a steaming cup of black coffee, and drank two mugs before he could even face the flashing lights of the tree and Jesse's constant vibrating against the floor. The boy was simply just too excited. Jack held him back until Gabriel was sat down, and eventually relented, letting Jesse choose the first present to open.
“Get the one with the golden bow first, Jesse.” Gabriel pointed to the present at the bottom of the pile and smiled as Jesse's face twisted in suspicion. Nevertheless, Jesse pulled the present out and undid the bow before tearing the paper away, to reveal another hard wooden box. Gabriel smiled and watched as Jesse flicked the small unlocking mechanism which popped open the top of the dark wooden box.
Reaching inside, Jesse tugged out a beautifully detailed wooden wolf carving. The mane of the wolf cascading down the knots of the wood and Jesse's mouth dropped as he span the carving over in his hands, gently petting at the lines that detailed fur. Gabriel leaned forward, and twitched his fingers as though he was tugging invisible strings on a marionette, his eyes flaring lava red. The wolf's head turned up to the ceiling and its mouth opened to release a howl into the air. The eyes were clear gems, and they began to shine a brilliant white before the spell was dispersed.
“Its for you to use to escape danger if I'm not around. The howling mechanism triggers an enchantment which calls spectre wolves to your aid. You just push the tail left. The eyes are a finer spell though. They're designed to glow when vampires or other undead ghouls are nearby so you can get away.” Gabriel swirled his finger and smiled as the wolf howled again for Jesse's entertainment. The young boy sniffled for a moment before launching himself at Gabriel.
“Thank you so much pa...for everything.” Jesse nuzzled Gabriel's shoulder and the stubborn wizard smiled.
“De nada, pequeño lobo.” He hugged him tightly, vowing that this truly was the best Christmas as he pulled Jack into the squeeze and pressed a kiss to the blond's cheek.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Villains still need grocery too, y'know?
Pairing: Howdy Pillar x Villain!Male reader
Illustrated Au, this post was adopted from another account because they are deleting it soo I adopted it with permission of the original author, I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Picture done by @clownsuu
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Eggs. M/n needed eggs, badly. He had a brilliant idea to egg Home, that house had been getting on his nerves for a while now. Home had caused a ruckus whenever he’d spot M/n causing mayhem thus ruining some of his incredibly thought out pranks and so he decided to egg him.
Sure it may be unoriginal but sometimes the classics work the best and egging Home seemed like the perfect way to get him back for ruining such beautiful prank. The only problems is, the only way to get eggs is from Howdy. This would normally be no problem if one, Howdy didn’t know your very, very, extensive history of causing trouble and buying 50 eggs in one trip would definitely ring some alarm bells and two asking Howdy for that many eggs would be so embarrassing.
He would think you were a weirdo or maybe he didn’t have enough eggs and it would inconvenience him or perhaps M/n drops the eggs on the way out causing a mess. The idea of M/n making a fool of himself in front of Howdy was out of the question.
M/! was suffering until a brilliant idea popped in his head, he would send a letter to Howdy saying that one of the villagers overheard you wanted to bake a giant cake but didn’t have enough eggs so they wanted to deliver them to you, it was honestly a flawless plan.
That was until when M/n sent said anonymous letter to Eddie Dear for him to send off to Howdy, he decided to open it the second he got it. Which lead to a lot of confusion when the Wally Darling stood in his store buying a single apple seemed to request 50 eggs in his letter. Why wouldn’t Wally just ask while he was there?
"Hey Wally, do you just want your eggs now since your here?," Asked Howdy earning confused look from Wally.
"Eggs? What eggs, neighbour?," Wally asked with a dopey but perplexed look. "How odd...," Howdy thought.
If this letter wasn’t from Wally who could it be from? As the cogs in his brain started turning he came up with a solution, he’ll just come and give M/n the eggs himself! He had a bit of spare time and the shop was pretty quiet today so he decided he would grabs the eggs and bring them over to M/n house as a special delivery.
Howdy then started to make his way over with many crates in hands and he decided to peek through the window to see if M/n was at home. Instead he looked straight in to see a drawing pinned to the wall of a very familiar house with very obvious eggs covering it for head to toe or more specifically roof to floor and then it clicked. M/n wasn't making a cake, he wanted to egg Home and now he was very aware of your many pranks and mischievous deeds but actually seeing your plan he let out a sigh, he was looking forward to try your baking, he was sure it was great.
Although he had never been victim of one of your pranks, surprisingly may he add, he had seen and heard the results of many of them with the village constantly making a fuss and deciding that the prime gossip place was in his store. Howdy couldn’t stay mad at M/n though, although some pranks were more annoying than others he knew M/n never took it to far and quite frankly he found you rather sweet, always being on your best behaviour in his store.
Not to mention M/n was the most beautiful guy he ever encountered him but he couldn't be thinking of that right now, he should be telling M/n off for his evil plotting and as if by magic, sensing he was there, M/n opened the door.
Both, equally as shocked babbled messy excuses of what they were doing here although there was perfectly good reason for M/n to be in his house he still felt the need to tell him that he were plotting. Quickly realising his mistake M/n shut his mouth looking rather guilty until Howdy chuckled letting him know he knew what you were up to.
Shocked, mostly embarrassed, and guilty M/n profoundly apologised to him and instead Howdy just shushed you.
"It’s okay silly, just maybe instead of egging home make that cake? I’ll even help you with it," said Howdy and without hesitation M/n agreed leading Howdy into his house blushing as red as an apple and bringing out all you cake ingredients.
Part of M/n wanted this moment to last forever and the other part desperately wishing it would hurry up and end. The embarrassment was killing him but soon your worries melted away since as the cake was baking he took your hands in his and started swaying with M/n to music he had playing.
"Why do you never do any pranks in my shop?," Asked Howdy curiously while dancing softly with M/n and he smiled while looking up at him.
"Villains still need grocery too, y'know?," Said M/n which made Howdy smile softly and chuckle which made M/n's face be overtakes with a shy smile.
"Haha.. I think I prefer it when your not causing mayhem around the village, but then again it’s very endearing how silly you look when you do it," Howdy mumbled out catching both of them guard as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. Howdy apologised quickly not wanting to offend M/n but he quickly reassured him with a soft kiss in his lips that you feel the same way.
"Perhaps villainy and entropy could wait if the alternative is happy moment like this with him"
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Cute villain
Pairing: Wally Darling x Villain!Male reader
Illustrated Au, this post was adopted from another account because they are deleting it soo I adopted it with permission of the original author, I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Picture belongs to @eechytooru
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In all fairness, having the Wally Darling steal M/n's heart was definitely not part of his plan to cause mayhem in the sweet neighbourhood. It was supposed to be a perfect plan, down to the very last step everything had been thought and analysed on how you were going to make a mess of the bright and cheery village. He'd change directions of sign posts sending people to the wrong places, swap envelopes so people would get the wrong mail, put snail on their plants and replace the stores fruit with fake fruit.
At first it was going well, Barnaby was wondering around completely lost wondering why the sign to the shop ended up pointing him toward the complete other side of the village or why Julie was getting bug magazines and not hair ones in her mail and why Poppys beautiful flower beds were being devoured by hungry snails.
This was all so amusing for M/n until he felt a tap on his shoulder from behind him in his little hiding spot in the trees. Because M/n was busted he jumped a little, letting out a little squeak when he turned to see none other than Wally Darling staring into his eyes with a unrecognisable look.
Only once he held out one of M/n's fake apples with a giant gap of it missing you realised he bit into one, well sort of? Maybe he blinked into one? He eats with his eyes, which although was kinda weird to M/n he also found it kinda cool but the it dawned on him that Wally wasn’t very happy about his apples being tampered with.
Although this was M/n's plan all along he can’t help but feel guilty but suddenly guilt is the last thing he feel when Wally tips his head up and stares into M/n's eyes which made him melt in Wally's hands. For a split second it makes M/n uncomfortable, did he make Wally that mad? But then Wally lets out a smile and his grin widens which manages to confuse M/n completely.
“You’re so so silly M/n, I do enjoy watching you do your little pranks but next time please leave my apples out of it," Wally said softly and then he chuckles softly when you tumble over your apology and he pulls you into a tight hug.
“Haha! Look at you, your as red as a apple! Maybe I should eat you instead to make up for this one,” M/n was going back and forth from flustered to being confused and the a tad scared. Could he actually eat him tho? He technically would just have to blink, it wouldn’t be hard in M/n's perspective. Wally sees M/n's panicked expression and so he pats his head softly and gives M/n a friendly smile.
“Bye bye neighbour, I hope to see you around more," said Wally before walking off back to Home leaving the fake apple in your hand. Sort of dazed M/n just stand there for a little. M/n was supposed to bring chaos and not suffer it chaos himself.
What left M/n a blushing mess was how just a few little words from Wally and he made could make steam blast out his ears. M/n was sure his face was so warm that it could fry a egg and yet he started to feel bad. Wally was always so nice and kind to M/n no matter what cunning tricks or prank M/n played on him.
He felt guilty, he denied it tho because that little village being all cheerful and bright annoys him beyond explanation and that includes Wally which means he can't be an exception…
And yet, Wally Darling... he was so warm and kind, he reminded M/n of the pleasant soft sun of a evening, not to harsh and intense but just enough to be perfect.
"Aw shit," said M/n softly admitting to himself that he couldn't deny it anymore, he was absolutely smitten over Wally which was embarrassing in his perspective, there’s no way on earth he could face the guy again.
Unknown to M/n's very obvious subtle gay panic, the village people are huddled in tight trying to figure out how to stop his antics.
“This has gone on long enough! The mayhem he is causing is not ment for Welcome Home," exclaimed Frank while frowning.
“He’s right, it’s just unacceptable... We have to kick him out of the neighbour,” Poppy said anxiously while grasping a bunch of half eaten flowers.
As this discussion continued didn't input a word. He himself was thinking about how cute M/n looked when he caught him red handed, all on edge like a little bunny perked up when the sound of someone being near. Personally he knew your pranks would go to far sometimes but couldn’t bring himself to care, it was always a excuse to see him! So this discussion meant little to him until he heard something he didn't like.
“Well! We’ll need to set a date to be rid of him! Perhaps tomorrow or the day after...,” Sally exclaimed while everyone nodded in approval. "A date? A date… yes, yes! That’s what he’ll do," was what Wally thought before getting up happily catching everyone's attention.
“A date.. yes, your right Sally. I’ll ask him on a date!,” Wally said happily and the way the villagers heads turned so quick, he could almost hear the wind from the force of it.
“Wait- Wait, Wally not THAT kind of date! I think your confused?,” Barnaby tried to explain before Wally interrupted with a cherry smile and soft blush.
“No no, I’m sure of it. I must ask him on a date!,” said Wally and without another second he was dashing off back to Home leaving not a single explanation to the other villagers to write a love letter.
After spending hours rewording what to say and adding cute little drawings Home finally shoved Wally out, forcing him to confess by locking him out and this lead to him walking around swiftly, full of excitement until he found M/n resting so peacefully under a tree. He wasn’t sure if he had the heart to wake you since you looked so cute but he knew he couldn’t back down now, mostly because if he did it would end with him leaving on the streets for at least a week.
Carefully sitting beside M/n he gently nudged him until he showed signs of waking up, M/n's sleepy expression made it hard for Wally to not squeeze M/n's cute cheeks and pepper his face with little kisses but now was not the time.
“Good morning M/n,” said Wally softly while looking how M/n tried to adjust his eyes to the light.
“Oh! Uh Wally, good morning? What are you doing here?," Asked M/n shyly while looking at Wally thorough half lidded eyes. If M/n wasn't so disoriented from just waking he would probably scream of embarrassment. Waiting for Wally reply ended with him grasping you hand and placed the letter in it, encouraging him to read it now.
He could see M/n's beautiful eyes dart across the page re-reading it over and over again the same word just making sure that he wasn't dreaming. Until Wally touched M/n softly which made him jump a little. M/n looked at him with a shocked and flushed face which made Wally wish he could keep this moment forever ingrained in his mind, maybe he would paint it to keep the memory but snapping out of his thoughts he realised M/n was yet to reply.
M/n was simply in awe and just didn’t quite believe it until Wallys yellow cheeks started to turn light pink realizing that he was blushing. M/n didn’t even know he could do that... it was a very cute sight and without thinking he held Wally pink dusted cheek in his hand. Wally quickly melted into M/n's touch while placing his soft hand on his that was positioned on his face, and he just stared at M/n and admired him.
Any fear of rejection melted away as he watched M/n fighting to hide back a huge grin and almost jumped into him incasing him into a big hug.
“Does this mean you feel the same way?,” Wally questioned while he chuckled, hugging you back after going limp for a couple seconds.
“Oh Wally, all that and more,” M/n said, nuzzling deeper into Wally's welcoming embrace. Maybe, just maybe he could hold fire on the pranks for now, after all it looks as if M/n has more important things in his schedule for now...
"Better said a more important someone"
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tiredly101 · 1 year
He is a caretaker, he is sunshine part 2
Pairing: Wally Darling x Caretaker!Male reader
Part 1 (part 1 was also adopted)
Illustrated Au, I kinda ended up adopting two more fics because I'm kinda weak but I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Picture done by @doueiie
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To say today was exhausting would be a understatement. It had been one of the children’s birthday today and the sweet little boy decided he wanted to bring in cupcakes for the other little children, most would think that was a sweet action but most don't know how dangerous it is giving more than twenty children sugary cupcakes so early on in the day.
The rest of the day the children were zooming around, bouncing off the walls and swinging dangerously high on the swing set. It was chaos and trying to calm down such hyper children was not a easy task especially when you could practically see them vibrating because of the sugar.
Luckily after a genius idea of getting them to all play some extreme hide and seek and tag game to exhaust them just in time for their nap and M/n found himself wanting to join them for a nap and this was as clear as water to someone.
While rocking one of the younger children helping them fall into a blissful sleep, M/n found himself nodding off. His head growing heavier until bumping into something soft to this side. Realizing what he had done M/n quickly apologized to Wally who M/n didn’t even notice when be plopped himself beside him.
Softly and reassuringly smiling at M/n Wally brought your head back to his plush shoulder allowing him to rest and even though M/n was at first against the idea as he was worried about the other children he quite quickly drifted off.
Seeing the current predicament, the others did their best to quiet any waking children to let M/n and Wally have their little moment much to Wally's joy. M/n was softly snoring on the puppet still with the little girl snug in his arms and Wally did think it was a sight to behold.
M/n was very relaxed and Wally wishes he could stay like this forever, it was as if M/n was the sun to him and he was so desperate to bask in M/n's warmth forever yet he knew he would never forget this moment. Enjoying the peaceful silence he soon noticed the little girl in your arms start to wake up and he carefully took her from M/n's arms and started rocking her very gently as to not disturb M/n's sleeping figure.
Wally whispered quietly to the little girl who was excited to share what she had dreamt before letting her go play with her friends leaving just the two guys alone once again. M/n was always so good with the children, always so kind and understanding; so warm and sweet and in Wally eyes M/n was perfect but soon, as if M/n felt his stare, he began to awake, kinda groggy and hair messy from laying on him for so long.
Wally thought M/n looked so adorable like this that it made his heart swell, slightly disoriented M/n was quick to realize that he had fell asleep on him.
"Oh Wally, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep, wait where are all the children!," Said M/n and Wally laughed at how he was so quick to worry for the children and so he reassured M/n that the children were fine and just playing out side and that he had no problem with M/n sleeping on him.
Wally so desperately wanted to tell M/n how much he loved having him by his side but it was too soon and the fact that the two of you were still working didn't really help the romance. Wally knew he would soon have to repay his friends for keeping the peace for his sake.
Wally was sure it would have been a difficult task without M/n helping them. Maybe one day he’ll be able to tell him how he feels and maybe one day sleeping on him wouldn’t be such a rare thing.
He wishes to feel M/n's warmth again, unknown to him M/n was also praying for the exact same thing. It had been the best nap you have had in years, it was just so easy to be at peace around him.
"M/n was sure Wally had put some sort of spell on him"
This post was also adopted but would you guys like a part 3? Let me know and I'll tag you
Tag list from the adopted post:
@xllisa @thesmilingface @ghostlysenses
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tiredly101 · 1 year
He is a caretaker, he is sunshine
Pairing: Wally Darling x Caretaker!Male reader
Part 2 (part 2 was also adopted)
Illustrated Au, I kinda ended up adopting two more fics because I'm kinda weak but I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Picture done by @doueiie
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After hearing that a new person would be joining taking care of the children at ‘Welcome homes daycare’ everyone was buzzing, staff and children alike are excited to meet their new friend.
But no one was even cose to being as excited as Wally Darling. He didn’t show his excitement as much as the more livelier of the staff did but on the inside he was practically bouncing off the walls. He had seen the guy come in for the interview and he instantly caught Wally eye with you light yellow jumper and those rainbow sleeves of his black shirt. Wally thought that the guy was incredibly cute and he loved the colour yellow and Wally himself was yellow which meant the guy would like him quite quickly.
Once he caught wind of the guy soon to be arrival Wally was already practicing how he would introduce himself, either in the mirror or to random objects. The children giggled when the puppet stood with his hand out introducing himself to the potted plants scattered around the daycare.
The moment the guy walked in he was desperate to become his friend but the sea of tiny children gathering around his feet became troublesome, he supposed he had to just wait his turn with a pouty look on his face although no-one could tell since his face was stuck in his signature smile.
Once the kids lost interest after a dragonfly was spotted outside Wally took that as the perfect moment to strike, ready to walk up to the guy who sported a soft smile on his face with friendly charm and confidence but, the second the guy made eye contact with those beautiful eyes with him no words came out of his wide mouth. He was lost in a trance at your kind and inviting smile and at this rate he would lose his title of friendliest staff but he wouldn’t even be sour about it because he himself felt so at peace just by the way you smiled.
The guy had a slight tilt in his head and his expression shifted into a more confused but equally sincere expression and with that Wally was quick to recover and introduce himself.
"Well hello new neighbour! I am Wally, Wally Darling! I look forward to working with you," said Wally happily while putting his hand out, the guy smiled which made Wally blush softly.
"It’s nice to meet you Wally, I am M/n," M/n said while he himself reached out to shake Wally extended hand and he was quick to reciprocate shaking M/n's hand very enthusiastically, any harder and he would have thought that Wally was swinging his arm as if it were a skipping rope but now looking back at it he probably was.
After being introduced to the rest of the group and nearly being crushed by a giant hug from Barnaby, M/n got to work straight away. Taking care of the children, stopping any little squabbles over toys and reassuring Wally he was okay and didn’t need any help putting away the toys the children lost interested in.
That day M/n thought was more of entertaining Wally instead of the kids, although he wasn't complaining since he was very nice company and very handsome but he was indeed following M/n around like a lost puppy asking every question known to a cartoon man was probably not what his job was.
It got to the point even some of the children were starting to get jealous of Wally, each kiddo wanting M/n attention but not wanting to be rude and ignore his questions. After a while with all the questions about hobbies, interests and food preferences Wally was sure that M/n and himself were best friends, he was so delighted until he was snacked in the face with the realisation that M/n had finished his shift and had to go home but all it took was for M/n to flash him a kind smile and telling him softly that you’d see him tomorrow was all it took for his sadness to be gone.
"Maybe he should make you a drawing"
Tag list of the adopted post:
@xllisa @thesmilingface
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Father figure Eddie? From welcome home also these are separate! And a very flexible nb s/o with Wally like he walks in and sees the reader putting their legs behind their head and acting like nothing is happening and Wally is like :???? Wtf doesn't that make u uncomfortable? And reader is like :no why would it?? And Wally explains that normal puppets would rip their seams out if they did that and reader is like : oh ya I was made for a gymnastics episode And reader and Wally both know that they are in a cartoon and are ok with it. That would be nice!
please drink water eat ur fav food and get sleep! You can take breaks anytime you want please remember you don't have to if you don't want to!❤️❤️
Hey Vi! Love this idea, I've decided to mix them since they just seemed to harmonize quite nicely!
Love letters
Pairing: Wally Darling x Gymnastics!reader / Parent Eddie x Adopted!reader
Summary: Your relationship with Wally started with you receiving love letters and eventually you guys started dating but what will be Wally's reaction to you doing some stretches?
Illustrated Au, picture is not mine. Request by @ghosteezofvispast
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Y/n had been adopted by Eddie, a nice mailman, when they were eleven and they honestly lived in the Welcome Home neighborhood since then. They knew of the division of the cartoon world with the “real world” but its like they didn’t even grow up since they only remember their life from when they appeared in an episode with the famous Wally Darling, they had always had a tiny crush on him but actually receiving love letter from him was what made you fall for him harder that you were already.
He will send Y/n from a basket of apples to a portrait to love poems and letters. He loved showering Y/n with love and this was even before they started dating which lets you know how devoted this man was when it came to it. Eventually him and Y/n started dating and it was honestly one of the most wholesome relationships the neighborhood has seen apart from Frank and, Y/n’s dad, Eddie.
Wally entered Y/n’s house unannounced since he wanted to surprise Y/n with some gifts he made but he saw them on the living room doing stretches. They had their legs behind their head and acting like nothing is happening which left Wally frozen in place, all of him went white with the shock but soon he recovered and looked at Y/n confused.
“My dear, doesn't that make u uncomfortable?,” asked Wally in a soft voice, sitting in the ground while looking at Y/n undo their position.
“No honey, why would it??,” asked Y/n while looking at Wally with a little head tilt which made Wally chuckle softly before explaining that he has never seen any cartoon character do positions like that on purpose.
“Oh, but honey... You know that I was made for a gymnastics episode,” said Y/n making Wally realize his little mistake. He can’t believe he almost forgot about that because of the shock, Y/n leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Wally’s cheek but he moved his head on purpose making Y/n kiss Wally on the lips.
“Thanks for the kiss, my dear,” said Wally while Y/n blushed cherry red. Smiling softly Wally placed one last soft kiss on Y/n’s lips while chuckling softly.
Hope you like it Vi!
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