#Howdy Pillar x male reader
tiredly101 · 1 year
Villains still need grocery too, y'know?
Pairing: Howdy Pillar x Villain!Male reader
Illustrated Au, this post was adopted from another account because they are deleting it soo I adopted it with permission of the original author, I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Picture done by @clownsuu
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Eggs. M/n needed eggs, badly. He had a brilliant idea to egg Home, that house had been getting on his nerves for a while now. Home had caused a ruckus whenever he’d spot M/n causing mayhem thus ruining some of his incredibly thought out pranks and so he decided to egg him.
Sure it may be unoriginal but sometimes the classics work the best and egging Home seemed like the perfect way to get him back for ruining such beautiful prank. The only problems is, the only way to get eggs is from Howdy. This would normally be no problem if one, Howdy didn’t know your very, very, extensive history of causing trouble and buying 50 eggs in one trip would definitely ring some alarm bells and two asking Howdy for that many eggs would be so embarrassing.
He would think you were a weirdo or maybe he didn’t have enough eggs and it would inconvenience him or perhaps M/n drops the eggs on the way out causing a mess. The idea of M/n making a fool of himself in front of Howdy was out of the question.
M/! was suffering until a brilliant idea popped in his head, he would send a letter to Howdy saying that one of the villagers overheard you wanted to bake a giant cake but didn’t have enough eggs so they wanted to deliver them to you, it was honestly a flawless plan.
That was until when M/n sent said anonymous letter to Eddie Dear for him to send off to Howdy, he decided to open it the second he got it. Which lead to a lot of confusion when the Wally Darling stood in his store buying a single apple seemed to request 50 eggs in his letter. Why wouldn’t Wally just ask while he was there?
"Hey Wally, do you just want your eggs now since your here?," Asked Howdy earning confused look from Wally.
"Eggs? What eggs, neighbour?," Wally asked with a dopey but perplexed look. "How odd...," Howdy thought.
If this letter wasn’t from Wally who could it be from? As the cogs in his brain started turning he came up with a solution, he’ll just come and give M/n the eggs himself! He had a bit of spare time and the shop was pretty quiet today so he decided he would grabs the eggs and bring them over to M/n house as a special delivery.
Howdy then started to make his way over with many crates in hands and he decided to peek through the window to see if M/n was at home. Instead he looked straight in to see a drawing pinned to the wall of a very familiar house with very obvious eggs covering it for head to toe or more specifically roof to floor and then it clicked. M/n wasn't making a cake, he wanted to egg Home and now he was very aware of your many pranks and mischievous deeds but actually seeing your plan he let out a sigh, he was looking forward to try your baking, he was sure it was great.
Although he had never been victim of one of your pranks, surprisingly may he add, he had seen and heard the results of many of them with the village constantly making a fuss and deciding that the prime gossip place was in his store. Howdy couldn’t stay mad at M/n though, although some pranks were more annoying than others he knew M/n never took it to far and quite frankly he found you rather sweet, always being on your best behaviour in his store.
Not to mention M/n was the most beautiful guy he ever encountered him but he couldn't be thinking of that right now, he should be telling M/n off for his evil plotting and as if by magic, sensing he was there, M/n opened the door.
Both, equally as shocked babbled messy excuses of what they were doing here although there was perfectly good reason for M/n to be in his house he still felt the need to tell him that he were plotting. Quickly realising his mistake M/n shut his mouth looking rather guilty until Howdy chuckled letting him know he knew what you were up to.
Shocked, mostly embarrassed, and guilty M/n profoundly apologised to him and instead Howdy just shushed you.
"It’s okay silly, just maybe instead of egging home make that cake? I’ll even help you with it," said Howdy and without hesitation M/n agreed leading Howdy into his house blushing as red as an apple and bringing out all you cake ingredients.
Part of M/n wanted this moment to last forever and the other part desperately wishing it would hurry up and end. The embarrassment was killing him but soon your worries melted away since as the cake was baking he took your hands in his and started swaying with M/n to music he had playing.
"Why do you never do any pranks in my shop?," Asked Howdy curiously while dancing softly with M/n and he smiled while looking up at him.
"Villains still need grocery too, y'know?," Said M/n which made Howdy smile softly and chuckle which made M/n's face be overtakes with a shy smile.
"Haha.. I think I prefer it when your not causing mayhem around the village, but then again it’s very endearing how silly you look when you do it," Howdy mumbled out catching both of them guard as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. Howdy apologised quickly not wanting to offend M/n but he quickly reassured him with a soft kiss in his lips that you feel the same way.
"Perhaps villainy and entropy could wait if the alternative is happy moment like this with him"
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Fandom : Welcome Home
Ship : Wally Darling x Male ! Novelist Reader
Word Count, Chapter 1- : 2324
Content Warnings, Chapter 1 : N/A
Synopsis : You, a well published author, have just moved to The Neighborhood, a cozy little place in a tiny town that barely made the map. As you settle in and begin your latest novel, you learn more about the residents that already reside within the Neighborhood. Everyone is very nice and polite, you fit in perfectly !
The only difference between you and your new neighbors is your fine touch of heavenly temper. But they know you’re the nicest neighbor a puppet could ask for, right ?
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You stretched your arms high above your head as you watched the trees wizz by from your window seat. The train you sat in was currently slowly but surely slowing down, signaling your upcoming arrival. You had moved to a small town with an even smaller population with the help of your most recent selling novel. The extra cash you got from the novel was just enough to break your lease and get out of the city. Moving from a crowded townhouse to an actual stand alone home was exciting, but also daunting. You didn’t know anyone here, hell, you hardly even knew the town you were going to, only from sleight of mouth or when used as a landmark when traveling to further locations.
A voice from the front of the train announced that you had finally come to a full stop and were free to grab what items you had brought on. Unsure of how long they’d stay, seeing as you were the only one getting off at this stop, you quickly thanked the train attendant as you snatched your little luggage bag off the top rack before jogging off the train.
Things hadn’t worked out quite how you wanted them to, schedules didn’t like up, and people were unwilling to compromise, which ended up with you having to send all your stuff ahead and hopefully all arrive accounted for. Not being able to supervise your items, leaving them in the hands of complete strangers, made you nervous. Not only had you just bought a new typewriter, but all your manuscripts, outlines for various projects, and an obscene collection of books were in the hands of people you don’t know. Oh god, even thinking about finding your brand new typewriter with even a dent made you restless.
As the train began to pull away from the stop, you took in a deep breath as you squared your shoulders. “No time like the present. Besides, if the movers were kind, all our items should be in our new home.” You said to yourself aloud.
Other than the inhabitants of the forest around you, you were completely alone. Seemed like this place didn’t get enough stops in town to warrant anyone supervising the train stop. Briefly wondering how those who live here come and go, you began walking on the only path available. An old sign, easily twenty years your senior, said the Neighborhood was just up ahead, an easy half mile right up the street.
With just your carry-on bag that contained your previous day's clothes, you had to stay in a little motel the night before your train departed, the walk to the main part of the town wasn’t so bad. The forest that surrounded it was lush with life, beautifully captivating, and it was enough to think about how hardly anyone lived here despite its wondrous surrounding life.
As more and more buildings came into view you realized suddenly you weren’t sure which was yours. You had remembered the address for it but upon entering the town you realized you weren’t quite sure where it exactly was.
“Oh, a little shop!” You perked up upon seeing the bodega just ahead. “I’m sure the shopkeeper knows the way.”
The building was a vibrant shade of blue, large red and white striped awnings that draped over the entire front, cutely named “Howdy’s Place” in nice green lettering. One of the massive windows that shown toward you displayed a variety of items, some household objects and other things, while the window adjacent had multiple types of produce neatly stacked in their respective bins.
‘This must be the town's bodega, like the one back home.’ You thought as you stepped inside. The air inside was still, soft music from the overhead radio crackled in and out, and distant sweeping could be heard from across the aisles.
“Excuse me?” You called out, cupping one hand around your mouth to carry your voice. “Sorry to bother you, but I need a bit of help.”
“Be right there!” A man's voice replied to you, the audible smack of the broom he had been using hitting the wall, and footsteps clicking on the linoleum floor all sounded within seconds of each other.
“Oh!” He paused upon rounding the corner and locking eyes with you. “You must be the new resident!” He smiled widely and his eye shown with excitement.
‘Ah, dammit all.’ You thought the minute he greeted you. Irritability crept up your throat and you felt your eyebrows twitch, nearly feeling inclined to scowl at this man. So word of your arrival had been passed around, no big deal, a new resident probably was exciting for them, only god knows when the last person came and left. ‘Swallow it.’ You followed your own command while putting on your best face.
“Yes, that would be me!” You matched his cheery disposition, walked towards him, and stuck out a hand. “A pleasure to meet you, I’m (F/N) (L/N). Thank you for having me.”
“I’m Howdy Pillar, a pleasure to meet you as well!” He chuckled as he shook your hand. “How can I help you, young man?”
“If it’s not trouble to you, see, I just got off my train and don’t seem to know the layout of your town very well.” You rubbed the back of your neck feeling slightly guilty. “I’m lookin’ for 1904 Cherry Street, you wouldn’t happen to know where that is, would you?”
“You’re in luck, cause that’s exactly the street right behind here. Cmon, I’ll show you how to get there.” Howdy gestured to you to follow him as he left the shop, opening the door open for you with one of his many arms.
“Don’t…you need someone to watch the shop while we’re gone?” You asked, looking around the empty store. It seemed like Howdy was the sole person who worked and operated the place.
“Don’t you worry about that, neighbor. I've got the keys right here.” He patted his bright orange apron pockets.
Letting out a knowing ‘ahh’ you thanked him as you exited the bodega and he locked the door behind you.
As he began walking you to your new home, he pointed to the various houses that surrounded the Neighborhood. “You’ll see the town is more in a circle shape than anything else. Although, this street that connects to the train station makes it look like a tree from a map's view. The bodega is two floors, upstairs bein’ my house and downstairs bein’ the shop. We’re all pretty spread out around here so you’ll have plenty of space to yourself.” Howdy explained as he took you along a smaller path of stones and pressed grass.
‘People will always carve out a desired path, even with one already present.’ You mused internally as the two of you strayed off the main path and to the adjacent street.
“Those two houses we just passed back there belong to Sally and Poppy’s, both who I’m sure you’ll run into soon enough.
“Who’s was that in the center? The one a bit further from here, near your shop?” You asked feeling curious.
“That’s Home! Wally lives there, Wally Darling.”
“Wally Darling,” You parroted back tasting the new name on your tongue. It was nice. “What a charming name.”
Howdy laughed a deep hearty laugh at this. “He lives up to his name too, although he can be a bit rambunctious. He’s my main customer when it comes to apples, I’ll tell you what, for such a little guy he can sure pack em away.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his description of the man. At first, especially upon arrival, you were anxious to meet those who lived here. But now, chatting away with Howdy, you felt at ease. How he spoke of his neighbors and friends made the knot in your stomach unravel.
“Ah! Here we are,” Howdy stopped suddenly, two arms on his hips and the others pointed at your new home. “1904 Cherry Street.”
It was a simple house, really. Unlike the houses you had passed before, many which seemed to be two stories like Howdys own, this sat at a single floor. What it lacked in height, though, it made up for in length. It was exactly like your realtor had shown you before you moved, and within the house you could see dozens upon dozens of cardboard boxes, hopefully, containing every single one of your belongings.
“Thank you for walkin me to my new home. You have a very lovely neighborhood.” You nodded in thanks as you pulled the house keys out of your bag.
“It’s no problem,” Howdy said while putting a pair of hands on his hips. The other arms fiddled with the hem of his apron seemingly anxious. You quickly looked from his hands to his face, seeing a familiar expression.
“You got a question?”
Howdy chuckled. “I don’t mean to sound intrusive but, ah, what made you move to our little town? I mean, what do you do for work?”
“Oh, I’m a writer. I’ve been writing books for a couple of years now, and uh, my latest novel gave me enough push to move outta the big city.” You explained, jerking a thumb back to the mountain of boxes shoved against the living room windows. “Those boxes there will hopefully have my typewriter and scripts in em.”
Howdys expression changed from that of anxiety to curiosity. “An author!” He exclaimed. “That must be a lotta fun.”
His boyish like happiness made you laugh. “Yeah, it can be. Although,” You turned your body slightly towards your house to glare at the unsuspecting boxes. “I’m about to find out if those jackasses were able to keep all my shit together and not loose anything.” Your voice dropped flat, sounding upset.
You had heard stories of people moving and somehow between point A and B, boxes seemed to vanish into thin air. The idea alone of movers loosing your items, even a single box, was enough to cause that familiar feeling of anger and irritability crawl its way back up your throat. How could someone be so careless with your items, anyone for that matter, to loose a few items between moving? Isn’t that their job, moving you and your things from one place to another? You could feel yourself getting heated.
‘Don’t loose your temper, (Y/N).’
“O-Oh…” Was all you heard from Howdy.
You had to remember where you were quickly. Who you were, when you were, and what you were doing. “Ah- Sorry! Sorry, gosh, lost myself a little there.” You returned back to facing him once more. “I’ve, uh, got a bit of a temper that I’m working on. Also, I’ve got a lot of important and expensive stuff in there. If anything’s lost, I’d be awfully upset.” You found yourself apologizing and trying not to vomit too many words while backtracking.
Howdys body seemed to relax at this, and it wasn’t until he loosened up visibly, that you realized you were holding yourself just as tense. “I see,” He nodded understandingly. “I wouldn’t move outta here, but if I absolutely had to and found my things had up and gone, well, I wouldn’t blame ya for getting upset.”
“Sorry about that..”
“It’s okay,” Howdy placed a hand on your shoulder before patting it. “If you ever need me, you know where to find me.”
The two of you said your goodbyes before you waved him off and back into the main section of the town.
“Alright. Let’s check if we got all our stuff.” You mumbled, watching the caterpillars silhouette disappear over the hill. Turning around and fiddling with your keys, finding the main house key, you finally let yourself inside to get to work.
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
Unbeknownst to you, your simple arrival in town had gotten everyone excited. You were quite literally the talk of the town.
“You spoke to them!” Sally had cried out, sprawling herself dramatically against Howdy's front counter. “What were they like? What’s their name? How old are they? What do they like to do?”
“Hold on, hold on!” Howdy held up his hands defensively. “I only helped him find his house is all! I didn’t pry like a nosey Nancy, now.”
“Learn anything neat?” Sally asked, peeping out from her shirts puffy sleeves, her eyes full of fake unshed tears. The theatrics never stop.
“Well, he’s a writer. An author! He didn’t say what kind of books he writes, other than that whatever his latest novel gave him enough money to move here.” Howdy said. “He mentioned he’s got a bit of a temper that he’s working on. Maybe livin’ in the city was no good for him, ya know, bad for his mental health.”
“That’s so cool, being from the city!” Julie pipped up. “Now I really REALLY wanna meet him.”
“Everyone does,” Barnaby agreed. “But it’s best not to crowd him all at the same time. Everyone trying to get to know him on his first might scare him into never comin’ out. And if he’s workin on not being so snippish, then crowding him might make him worse.”
Julie and Sally groaned at this, but they knew Barnaby was right. Everyone in town trying to clammer for your attention might freak you out, and who’s to say if they make a good impression or not. Howdy made a good one, that’s for sure, but the rest of the Neighborhood all at once?
“What do you think, Wally?” Barnaby asked.
“Hmm..” Wally hummed thoughtfully looking out the window in the general direction of your house. “I think Barnaby is right…what if he’s nervous? It is his first day home afterall.”
Howdy clapped his hands bringing everyone’s attention towars him. “Alright everyone, we’ll introduce ourselves slowly, over time, ease him into it.”
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Hey neighbour! I don't know if ur still taking request,,
Can I ask for a howdy x human! reader but the reader is seriously injured and they're from our world!
Maybe like, when the reader gets transported into Welcome home they get injured on the way?
Sure! This was actually pretty fun to do! I love this kind of trope! I didn't know if you wanted it platonic or romantic so I only made it platonic, I can always make it a romantic fic for Howdy later for you! I hope you enjoy!
Treated Injuries
Cw: Howdy Pillar x Injured Human!Reader, gender neutral reader, reader is from our world, getting transported, reader is seriously injured, mentions of blood, serious wounds, mentions of being attacked, reader gets stabbed, angst to fluff, platonic
You don't remember much about what happened or what was even going on, all you remember was someone blindfolding you from behind before getting attacked on your way home. Your were stomped on, kicked, punched, you even felt a knife dig itself into your skin forcing crimson red liquid to pour from your body.
By the end of the assault you were covered in wounds, blood and dirt. Dirt clung to your now messy (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin. Blood stained your clothes, mixing with the dirt that laid on your skin and smudged across wounds. You could barely move. You felt like your dominant wrist was damaged, your leg was definitely broken from the odd bent it had, there was a large stab wound along your side, you could even feel bruising forming on your ribs. Blisters and bruises laced your lip as the blood ran down it dripping onto your clothes. You were in no position to get up. You couldn't even talk, most likely having messed up your vocal chords from how much you screamed. It felt like everything was out to get you.
Why did this have to happen to you of all people?
Why were you always the one in some form of pain?
As the questions of why this happened to you, you begun thinking back to your childhood when your life was at least a bit peaceful. You use to run around with friends, dance around to the music playing in the streets, eat junk and laugh, but there was one memory that you favored over the rest. It was the memory of you watching a show called "Welcome Home" the first time you met your favorite character, Howdy Pillar.
In the episode you vividly remembered Howdy refusing to let Wally inside due to the smaller male taking his apples the day before. The moment you laid eyes on him you knew he was going to be your favorite. Howdy was quick witted, charismatic and overall a joy to watch. It was always the light of your day watching Howdy scold Wally for knocking over his apples, handing out glitter glue to Sally for her plays, helping Julie pick out hair accessories, joking around with Barnaby and so much more. Tears welled in your (e/c) eyes slowly pouring down leaving wet streaks against your dirtied cheeks. What you would give to watch Howdy on your tv again. To watch him smile so kindly when helping his fellow residence. To be a kid again without a care in the world. As the thoughts of your mind began to grow your eyesight begun to blur, then your vision went black and no more thoughts plagued your mind.
Slowly you were awaken, hearing the sounds of muffled speech and soft mumbles. Bright light forced your eyes to stay mostly shut as you were faced with a red hot pain throughout your limbs. What was going on? Due to the light you couldn't open your eyes fully, but you could tell you were no longer on the street near your house. What even happened? You remembered getting attacked then things turning black, but you didn't remember getting moved or hearing sirens at all. So where were you?
Before you could think more, you heard a door open and soft footsteps coming near you. You braced yourself for the worst but you heard something click and through your most shut eyes you could see the lights had been dimmed. "I'm sorry about that, when Julie heard I brought someone back she immediately cut on the lights. I hope you aren't too upset about it." a gentle voice called out to you. Wait, did you know that voice? It sounded familiar but it was unclear why. Turning your head towards the voice, your eyes slowly opening trying to adjust to your environment.
When you opened your eyes you were met with a familiar face. Oh, so thats why the voice sounded so familiar. The green fleece skin, the blue pompadour, the four arms and legs. It was Howdy, Howdy Pillar from Welcome Home. But how? Where you dreaming? You went to speak, wanting to know what was going on only to feel a sharp pain go through your throat causing you to wince. Howdy's eyebrows furrowed a bit, one of his hands grabbing a glass of water from a table while another one held you up gently in a sitting position. The hand helped you drink the water, a few soft coughs escaped your lips after a few sips before Howdy sat the glass back down still holding you up.
"Your vocal chords are damaged, so I would hold off on talking for a bit." he started, his voiced laced with worry as he begun telling you about your body's current situation. "When I found you behind my shop you were badly hurt. You were covered in blood and unconscious so I brought you inside to get you fixed up. Your leg is broken, your wrist fracture, you have a large gash along your side and your ribs seem to be bruised." Howdy paused, his expression one full of concern. "I was worried, you seemed to have lost a lot of blood so I'm glad your awake. Do you feel any better?" he asked. The question making you nod your head a bit, the action made Howdy smile a bit, one that seemed to be out of relief.
"That's good." Howdy went to say something else before the look of concern quickly returned to his features. "Are you sure? Your crying." his voice was soft as he used one of his free hands to gently wipe your tears. You hadn't even realized you were crying, let alone shaking. Everything that had happened came at you like a brick and your body could make you do nothing but cry. Large globs of tears fell from your eyes at a fast pace as your body shook forcing broken sobs from your lips. Howdy said nothing instead opting to gently wrap his arms around you, holding you in a warm embrace. Your cheek laid against his chest, warm tears staining his apron. Your body hurt, hurt more than it ever had but you really couldn't think of that. Howdy's gentle embrace, soft patting of your head and kind praises filled your mind helping you find peace in such a dangerous and confusing situation.
Even if you couldn't see it, you could bet Howdy was worried that worry most likely showing on his face. Slowly lifting your head up, tears blurring your vision you expected a look of worry but instead you saw a small smile. A smile that held calmness even if you tell by his eyes he was concerned. He was smiling for you. He was trying to make you feel better by smiling. Something about his smile made you break out a wobbly smile of your own. Tears stained your face and from what you could see your bandages. Your nose was running, and you felt awful but Howdy didn't seem to care about your appearance. He only cared that you were safe and that was more than enough for you to feel some sort of relief from the horrid situation. You were attacked cut and dry. You were injured beyond belief but you were able to get something good out of it. You got to see Howdy. Even if it felt like a dream, you got to see the one thing you had always loved.
A gentle hand ran across your hair, pushig messy strands from your face while another one cleaned your tears with a sleeve. You felt a tissue press against your nose as you stared at Howdy. "Blow" he said softly, signalling for you to blow into the tissue which you did reluctantly. He asked this of you a few more times before you shook your head showing him you were fine. You were placed back on what you now knew was a bed, propping your body up with pillows for extra comfort. "I'm Howdy, Howdy Pillar it's nice to meet you (Y/n)." he said softly. Huh? How did he know your name. You must've had a look of confusion because Howdy chuckled pulling out your wallet showing your ID, drivers license and other identification. "I found out because of this." if you could sigh you would've but instead you nodded. Howdy smiled gently at you placing your wallet next to the glass of water on the table. He went to speak only to be cut off by the sound of knocking. Before Howdy could ask who it was, the door opened revealing two others you recognized as Wally Darling and Julie Joyful.
Julie must've opened the door while Wally stood beside her holding a basket. The smell of baked goods filled the room as Julie and Wally walked inside. "Hey Howdy! We brought some snacks Poppy made for our new neighbor!" Julie exclaimed, Wally held up the basket when the energetic girl spoke of snacks. "She wanted to make sure we got to them here before they got too cold!" Howdy nodded one of his hands reaching out for the basket which Wally handed over without much of a fuss. "I will set these with their other things, thanks you two." Howdy spoke kindly to the two individuals who now stood in the room. Julie smiled proudly while Wally turned his attention to you.
Quietly the small male padded his way over, placing a small box of flashcards on your lap. "Howdy told us you can't speak right now so Sally made flashcards for you so you could speak." Wally's soft voice told you about the kind bundle of sunshine; literally, who was nice enough to give you a way to communicate due to not being able to use your dominant hand from it's fracture. You smiled at the small male nodding your head showing your understanding. "That's enough now." Howdy spoke his hands pushing Wally and Julie out the door. "We should leave (Y/N) alone, they need rest." Wally nodded in agreement as Julie waved goodbye to you happily. "Bye bye (Y/N)! We'll come vist you later!" Julie's sweet voice called out from outside the room. "Get some rest." Wally stated, before walking out the room completely. Howdy sighed gently turning back to you. "I'll be back to check on you after I close up shop okay?" you nodded, smiling at Howdy who in turn smiled back once more. "Alright then, get some rest." and with that you were all alone. Even though you were alone you didn't feel lonely. Maybe it was the shock of what happened. Or maybe even the confusion but you felt more loved than you had in a while. If this was a dream you wanted it to last forever. Your eyes slowly closed, black clouding your vision as you rethought of Howdy's soft words from when you were crying.
"Don't cry, your safe now."
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sunshine--void · 11 months
🏠 Rules 🏠
👁️ Masterlist 👁️
🗒️ About me 🗒️
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Wally darling 🍎
Julie Joyful 🏵️
Sally Starlet ⭐
Howdy Pillar 🐛
Barnaby B. beagle 🐾
Poppy Partridge 🍰
Eddie Dear 💌
Frank frankly 🦋
What I will do
Fluff, light angst, very light limes
Character x reader
Certain aus (corpse puppet, human, lovesick, alive, actor, honestly just ask for whatever and I might do it)
GN reader, Female reader
What I won't do
Smut (respect clown's boundaries!)
Intense angst
Character x Character
Male reader, black reader, plus size reader (sorry, I really don't know how to write for you guys!)
Incest and pedophilia
If there's anything you want that's not on here, just ask and I might do it <33
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🏠👁️ Check bio for requesting 👁️🏠
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Welcome Home Masterlist
Wally Darling
Wally x Male reader who's afraid of bugs
General Dating Headcanons
Wally x Trans Masc Reader
Julie Joyful
None yet
Barnaby B. Beagle
None yet
Frank Frankly
None yet
Eddie Dear
Eddie Dear x Villain GN! Reader pt.1
Sally Starlet
None yet
Howdy Pillar
None yet
Poppy Partridge
None yet
Watching horror movies with the welcome home cast
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swoonbots · 2 years
Howdy! Welcome to SwoonBots!
Writing Masterlist: Here
We're a writing blog that celebrates non-humans although some have worked their way into our hearts. As of right now, here is our roster:
All Colored characters are currently available for requests.
Robot List:
Sweet (Deltarune)
Cap'n (Deltarune)
Cakes (Deltarune)
Calculester (Monster Prom)
Wheatley (Portal)
Non-Humans List:
Mammon (Obey Me!)
Simeon (Obey Me!)
Elias Gallagher (The Groom Of Gallagher Mansion)
Sunny Day Jack (Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack)
Bo (Dachabo)
Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Magolor (Kirby)
Taranza (Kirby)
Wilt (FHFIF)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home)
Eddie Dear (Welcome Home)
Jax (The Amazing Digital CIrcus)
Caine (The Amazing Digital CIrcus)
Hex (Monster Prom)
Chilchuck (Dungeon Meshi)
Authorized Humans List
Kiwi (Wandersong)
Ingo (Pokemon)
Emmet (Pokemon)
Taylor (The Groom Of Gallagher Mansion)
Laios (Dungeon Meshi)
Alan (My Dear Hatchet Man)
Stu (My Dear Hatchet Man)
More characters will be added as the mod gain interest in them.
But here are our request rules:
Feel free to request NSFW but... understand that I will not write any unsanitary, unconsentual kinks. I have a right to deny any request!
Don't request anything that could fall under the category of 'proship'. This includes things like incest, pedophilia, non-con, etc.
Request only ships between the roster and x-readers! If it's not on the roster, then they do not exist. (It's totally not because I don't know how to write for them.)
No Female Readers. Nothing against them, of course. But this writer wants to write about only male readers at the moment.
When requesting, specify if you'd like your drabble to be platonic or romantic! This is so you get your idea made into reality.
No Heavy Angst. This is a happy blog. So, unfortunately, not many angst requests will be accepted. Those that do will usually get a happy ending. I will write for unhealthy relationships here and there but it'll always be specified and will not be romanticized.
No Au's. Mostly because I may not be very familiar with them! Although I will say, if it gets written for before: you may ask for them again.
That's all! Feel free to go nuts in the inbox! It will never be closed.
~This post was made by MOD COMET~
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vincey-wincey · 11 months
I'm so distraught cause I can't find any Howdy Pillar x Male/enby readers <//3 lemme read about the silly caterpillar man so I can be the queer that I am
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tiredly101 · 1 year
howdy x male reader for number 1 fluff
Hi dearie! Love the request so here comes a fluffy fic for you!
My love…
Pairing: Howdy Pillar x Short!Male reader
Short fic btw!
Promp list of which the request came from!
Illustrated Au, picture done by @eechytooru
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M/n has always being short, barely taller than Wally but compared to Howdy and Barnaby he was a speck of dust and yet Howdy loved him with all his heart. He found M/n being short more adorable than anything but that didn’t mean it didn’t make it over protective at times.
M/n was on a stool trying to reach the filling cabinet since he needed to send some letters through Eddie but Howdy accidentally placed them on the top where only he could reach. Maybe he did in purpose but M/n wasn’t going to question that yet and Howdy entered just when was about to loose balance and then he fell to end up being catches by Howdy arms.
“Hello handsome,” said M/n shyly while looking at Howdy who laughed softly at him before putting him down and grabbing the letter and handing it to M/n.
“Your lucky that I'II always protect you because if I didn’t you would be dead by now,” said Howdy teasingly which made M/n pout before lunging at Howdy with a hug and giving him multiple kisses as a revenge.
“This is what you get for putting the letter so high up!”
Hope you liked it @fernstarsblog!
Additional tag: @waywardstardustcollector
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Latino flavor (400+ Follower’s Special)
Pairing: Striker Human!Wally Darling x Goalie latino!Male Reader / Human Goalie!Howdy Pillar x Defense!Gepeto Verinechi
Human Soccer Au, We fucking made it to 400+ in my account and so here is the fic that has been sitting in my drafts for weeks-! I’m a latino myself so I enjoyed writing this and yes my first language is Spanish sooo enjoy! Don't know where the hell y'all came from but I don't mind one bit! Picture isn't mine btw
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Wally loved watching M/n's futbol games, loves the way his eyes would just glaze a darker shade of color in determination, loves the way he could go from standing normally to throwing himself on the ground and stopping almost every ball from entering the net, loves how in each game you would cross your arms and with both hands do a sign to which recognized him for and he mostly loves the way the crowd cheers everytime M/n enters the field.
Sure Wally Darling is a striker, the one of the opposite team M/n played for but he couldn't help but crush over him. After all no one but M/n could stop his goals and he loves seeing that soft smile he gives Wally everytime he does as if saying "Next time?"; Even though it wasn't smug, of anything it was encouraging and because of that he put more effort. M/n still blocked any, if not all, of his goals.
They had a game, Welcome Home 9 and Hidden Pictures 13, it was a nerve wrecking game but Hidden Pictures managed to pull up. Wally knew that M/n was tired from only his pose and that is the only reason he managed to score so many goals long side his teammates but then, Gepeto, their striker started gosling the living hell of their goalie, Howdy, and slowly the score ended like that.
The stadium was on fire by the end of the game, tears flowing down their face at the winning of Hidden Pictures and Wally couldn’t help but smile at M/n doing his signature cheer.
“Good game,” said M/n in the locker room while patting Wally in the back who blushed softly at the contact. Wally’s eyes traveled until they landed on Howdy and Gepeto blushing softly while holding hands, big smiles on their face. 
Gepeto was an amazing defense while Howdy was a great goalie and they made the most adorable couple. Wally’s eyes went to M/n’s figure; he wanted with M/n what Howdy had with Gepeto, he wanted M/n. M/n finished changing into some fitted jeans shorts and a loose merch shirt of Wally’s team and he walked towards M/n in a shy manner.
“Hey M/n, I had a question to make you,” said Wally making  M/n smile while turning his way. M/n smiled softly while turning around to meet with Wally’s blue eyes and Wally smiled weakly, already feeling how his legs were aching from being up for so long and M/n’s tights were burning from all the bruises that were being formed while he looked at Wally but neither seemed to care.
“So I was thinking that we could, maybe, if you’ll like, go out with me, perhaps in tomorrow?,” said Wally while fiddling with his hands and M/n smiled while lifting up Wally’s face with his hand and before Wally could question it he pressed a feather light kiss on his cheek.
“Me encantaría ir en una cita contigo Darling…” Wally has never being happier of knowing spanish in his whole life
I loved writing this and I’m willing to write a second part for it but let me know if you’ll like a second part!
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tiredly101 · 1 year
I had this in my head all day what would be a reverse... From Wally's place to be aware of his world and break the 4th wall and fall in love with the reader it was Howdy who would become aware and break the 4th wall and fall in love by the human reader.
Man, would he do the same thing as Wally and take the reader into his world?
I'm in love with this request dearie! As soon as I saw it my jaw dropped in shock and happiness! I did headcanon for this and made male reader since you didn't specify which gender you wanted for this reader!
Hello love bug...
Pairing: Aware!Howdy Pillar x Human!Gender neutral reader
Eddie Dear, Barnaby Beagle, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Sally Starlet, All of them, Howdy's ending, Eddie and Frank, Eddie's ending, Frank’s ending, Wally's ending, Barnaby’s ending,
Aware Howdy Illustrated Au, I somehow managed to find a picture of Howdy like the one below- anywho picture done by @clownsuu
Extra: I'm gonna publish later on what are like the characteristics of my main Au which is the Illustrated Au so keep you eyes open for that
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It all started with a delivery order of stock where he found this Tv, let's say that in the original timeline he gives it to Wally since he had no place to it but in this one he keeps it.
That Tv was his downfall since as soon as he closed the shop and decided to check it out he saw the other world. The real world...
Of course at first he didn't want to believe it but at the end he gave up in denying it since he found the division between worlds thank to the Tv.
He didn't really go at it like Wally originally does when it came down to being aware, he was what most would call discreet.
He honestly didn't go at it like Wally originally does until he saw you sitting so comfortably in your couch while you did sketches of everyone on Welcome Home but mainly on one person and that was himself.
He couldn't help but gawk and blush at you, you were just so pretty but with time your personality, the little traits and little tattletale of your emotions had him swooning. Who wouldn't with such a pesky little thing like you?
Slowly the damn Tv and your face drove him insane, he needed to hold you and make sure that no one touches his love bug. 
He wasn’t going to kidnap you, he figured that he would only need to make your life a living hell so you would willingly go with him because he was your hero, right? You did give up eventually and he decided to give you the opportunity of joining the neighborhood which you took.
“Hello love bug, welcome to Welcome Home”
Hope you liked it anon!
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Welcome Home Masterlist Oneshots
Acrobat human!Wally Darling x Acrobat!Male Reader: Circus...
Wally Darling x Oracle Fallen angel!Male reader: Sinner’s way
Wally Darling x Dancer!Male reader (UPCOMING): Flirt in the dance floor
Wally Darling x Biter!Male Reader: Chomp!
Wally Darling x Villain!Male reader: Cute villain
Howdy Pillar x Villain!Male reader: Villains still need grocery too, y'know?
Striker Human!Wally Darling x Goalie latino!Male Reader / Human Goalie!Howdy Pillar x Defense!Gepeto Verinechi: Latino flavor
Satanic x Wally Darling x Shy!Male reader: Lover boys
Wally Darling x Male reader (UPCOMING): If you're sad don't let it show
Promps I use
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Welcome Home Masterlist Request
Request are always opened so please go ahead and do one!
Request list/Rules
Wally Darling x Chef!Male reader (REQUEST): My cute chef
Wally Darling x Human!Male reader (REQUEST): That TV is possessed, isn't it?
Wally Darling x Fashionista!Female reader (REQUEST): A penny for your thoughts?
Idol!Wally Darling x Everyday joe parent!Male reader (REQUEST): Camara's flashing
Emo!Howdy Pillar x Emo!Wally Darling x Flirty as fuck!Female reader (REQUEST): Three dark souls
Wally Darling x female reader headcanons (REQUEST): Lovely Days
Home x Platonic!Architect!Female reader headcanons (REQUEST): Colorful Afternoons
Wally Darling x Baker! Gender neutral Reader (REQUEST): Home is a language
Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender nuetral Reader (REQUEST): Shy cutie
Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender nuetral Reader Part two (REQUEST): Apple assault
Barnaby x Short bunny personality!Male Reader (REQUEST): Puppy love
Wally Darling x Gymnastics Eddie adopted!Gender fluid Reader (REQUEST): Love letters
Wally Darling x Trans!Male reader (REQUEST): Finding out
Wally Darling x Trust issues!Male reader (PROMP REQUEST): Trust is ment to be earned
Promps I use
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Welcome Home Masterlist series (part two)
Request are always open so please do one!
Request list/Rules
Welcome Home Masterlist Request
Welcome Home Masterlist One shots
Wally Darling x Hired by the mafia killer!Male reader (ON HOLD): part 1, part 2, part 3
Doll!Wally Darling x Every day Joe!Male reader (ON HOLD): Part 1,
Tall Joker!Wally Darling x Short Librarian!Male reader (ON HOLD): Part 1,
Wally Darling x Replaced!Female reader (ONGOING): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Aware!Welcome Home crew x Human!Gender neutral reader (REQUEST): Howdy Pillar, Eddie Dear, Barnaby Beagle, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Sally Starlet, All of them, Howdy's ending, Eddie and Frank, Eddie's ending, Wally's ending, Barnaby’s ending,
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I just finished The Shining audiobook after watching the movie for the millionth time and I think
Im Gonna write a welcome home fanfic , maybe a Wally x male ! Reader ? the reader as an aspiring author ? or maybe they already ARE an author and is working on their latest novel ᕦ(òヮóˇ)ᕤ
I think it would be neat
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