#Tiva Hawke
ziraconarose · 2 years
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The Dream Team on its way to free all Mages in Thedas.
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ziracona · 2 years
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[[Hawke v Arishok, 9:34 Dragon]]
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megmahoneyart · 2 years
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Sketch commission of @ziracona‘s Tiva Hawke and her husband Anders. They deserve the best🖤
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mild-secret-au · 2 years
Beast Morphing: |Bioluminescent:
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His Voice by Sitka
Name: Chayton Hatahali
First Name Meaning: Falcon. A patient, diplomat and gentle individuals; Like a Hawk.
Last Name Meaning: medicine man.
Nicknames: Clayton
Birthday: September 22
Age: 170/25 (human age)
Species: Wendigo
Race: Native American
Gender: Male ♂
Relationship status: Married
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Facts: Chaytan used to be human, but as a child... he discovered a strange artifact that turned him into Wendigo. Through the years, her parents found ways to live longer while caring deeply for their son. He meets his wife who's a witch who can turn into animals, and now he's got a family of two daughters and three sons. The color of the marking represents emotions; blue or cyan represents calmness and relaxation while red represents rage.
Kosumi Hatahali (father)
Tiva Hatahali (mother)
Orenda Hatahali (wife)
Winona Hatahali (first or oldest daughter)
Enola Hatahali (second or older daughter)
Mato Hatahali (first son or middle child)
Chetan Hatahali (second or youngest son)
Nuka Hatahali (third or younger son)
Dyami the Pet Eagle 🦅
Nascha the Pet Owl 🦉
Hatahali Families Ancestors
Human Physiology
Wendigo Physiology
Air Walking
Antler Protrusion
Axe Proficiency
Beast Morphing
Blowgun Proficiency
Bola Proficiency
Bow Construction
Cannibalism Empowerment
Chakram Proficiency
Claw Retraction
Cold Immunity
Consumptive Growth
Contaminant Immunity
Cursed Name 
Declaration Aging
Double-Sided Axe Proficiency
Enchanted Archery
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Bite
Enhanced Body
Enhanced Dexterity
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Endurance
Enhanced Leap
Enhanced Lung Capacity
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Environment Manipulation
Eye Color Shifting
Fang Retraction
Fur Generation
Glowing Eyes
Hoof Protrusion
Human Disguise
Human Mode
Infinite Digestive System
Inner Beast Mode
Knife Proficiency
Matter Ingestion
Multi-Knife Proficiency
Natural Weaponry
Night Inducement; may be able to summon the midnight darkness before sunset.
Possessive Transformation
Powerful Bite
Predator Instinct
Rage Form
Regenerative Healing Factor
Sharp Tail
Shield Proficiency
Spear Proficiency
Supernatural Body
Tail Manifestation
Throwing Weapon Proficiency
Unique Eye Coloration
Vocal Replication
Weapon Summoning
Weaponized Tail
Cold Manipulation
Fire Generation; may leave flaming footprints as they run through the sky.
Fog Generation
Illusion Manipulation
Smoke Absorption
Smoke Aura
Smoke Manipulation
Vapor Absorption
Vapor Aura
Vapor Manipulation
Weather Manipulation 
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lenawin4 · 3 years
an offer you can’t refuse
I had this fic in my drafts halfway done, but after I watched that promo, I finished it in like, two hours. hope y’all enjoy. (also, may or may not contribute to the wave of 18x05/18x06 speculation fics. EXCITED)
“It’ll be fun,” Nick said on Day Four, then looked at them incredulously. “What? You’ve never taken down the mafia before?” ft. the whole gang, some blink-and-you’ll-miss-it mentions of Tiva, and prank wars.
Or: Nick’s jealous, Ellie’s clueless, and the team dismantles a crime family.
rating: gen, k+
length: 3.4k
genres: fluff, minor angst, romance
read on ffn | ao3
So Ellie’s in her corner of the bullpen, and Nick can’t stop looking at her. That’s how it all starts.
She’s wearing one of her cashmere sweaters, and they’ve been working this case for so long that her outfit is three days old. The bags under her eyes can’t be hidden by makeup and the curls in her hair have started to flatten. She has that crease in between her eyebrows that warns him not to bother her with a stupid joke, but that’s never stopped him before.
Ellie’s phone rings, so he freezes in the middle of sauntering over to her, halfway through the bullpen. It’s magic: her eyes widen slightly; the crease disappears; a slow smile spreads, then a grin.
The corners of his mouth start to slip upward, but he fights it down because McGee is at his desk. He’s talking to the local PDs, spelling out one of the long Italian names they’re trying to pin on something, and Tim is eyeing him like a hawk.
“Mark?” Ellie shouts into the phone. 
“Gimme a sec,” Ellie points to her phone and mouths, I have to take this, sorry, and Nick is left gaping at the back of her head as she runs to the break room.
That happens on Day Six. A recap:
Dead sailor in a drive-by shooting in Bethesda. Grab your gear.
There was cocaine underneath the bed and piles of cash in the closet in the sailor’s apartment.
McGee traced a bank account in the Caymans to a Joey DiGiorno, as in, It’s-not-delivery-it’s-DiGiorno’s.
“Do you think he has a cousin named Domino’s?” Ellie asked; and —
For the fifth time this month, Nick realizes that he’s in love with Ellie Bishop.
Joey does not have a cousin, but he does have a criminal record and an uncle who happens to be the DC/Virginia/Maryland leader of the DiGiorno Family. 
“Wow, two states and the capital city,” said McGee. “Impressive.”
On top of Nick’s To Do List - Get Gibbs everything on this guy: records, cars, girlfriends, other nieces and nephews, etc., etc.
“It’ll be fun,” Nick said on Day Four, then looked at them incredulously. “What? You've never taken down the mafia before?”
McGee follows the money to a nightclub in DC (“Do they serve pizza?”; “Nick, please.”), but there’s no way to know when or how the drugs are smuggled into the building, which can only mean one thing: stakeout time.
Stakeouts are the worst. Stakeouts mean unlimited time in a confined place with nothing better to do, the uncomfortable silence of Nick and his thoughts and the little place in his head that teeters between sixteen different names and a glass jar of lake water that hides on the shelf of his apartment.
Right now, a stakeout is the best thing that could ever happen to him.
So, Mark. He can’t exactly Boyle his way into this, not after Bishop nearly chewed his head off because he cancelled her date. 
It’s not helping that Bishop keeps smiling at her phone every two hours, and semi-aggressively types out a text in all caps and extra exclamation marks. (He watches the way her fingers move. He knows those are exclamation marks. Like, at least ten of them.)
“Didn’t know dates liked it when you yelled at them all the time.”
“What?” Ellie says, not looking up from her phone.
He puts his feet up on the desk a little too harshly. Ellie wrinkles her nose.
“What could possibly be more important than this very, very interesting stakeout right now? Don’t you see there’s a hooker in front of the club and it’s barely noon? We should report it to Gibbs.”
There’s that sarcastic laugh that’s reserved for him, a quip about not being able to afford her, then back to the invisible Mark he’s heard nothing about.
To: ninja lady, 11:59
hey on a stakeout w El. what should i do
To: big wuss, 12:05
prank war. worked for us.
To: ninja lady, 12:06
i’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not
He tells her he’s buying fast food and chips a few blocks away. He asks the cashier for an extra paper bag and places a spring-loaded glitter bomb from the Dollar Tree at the bottom.
To: ninja lady, 14:05
To: big wuss, 14:07
ha! watch your six. revenge is tasty, no?
To: ninja lady, 14:09
i think you mean vengeance is sweet, but check with your husband
Nick returns from a bathroom break and peers left and right. Nothing in the room has changed: Ellie is still finishing the bag of fries. Her head is turned towards the window, and she’s glancing at her phone every few seconds. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but he sort of doesn’t care. His chair hasn’t moved from the computer desk, and there are no booby traps outside the bathroom door or in the hallway.
Okay. The coast is clear.
“Hey, maybe you should check your face one more time, I think you still have glitter — ”
His chair explodes in a tidal wave of green and red paint, splattering all over his jeans — gross, it feels so cold — and his leather jacket. 
When he looks up, Ellie’s beaming at him from behind her phone, fry stuck in her mouth like a cigarette, green paint smeared across her cheek like evidence. Mercilessly, she sends the video to McGee, Kasie, and Tony.
To: big wuss, 17:25
I’m disappointed.
To: ninja lady, 17:29
yeah, yeah, laugh all you want
this sucks
To: big wuss, 17:30
Not just the stakeout, I presume?
To: ninja lady, 17:32
who the hell is Mark
she keeps texting him
it’s distracting me
To: ninja lady, 17:35
you know, from work
To: big wuss, 17:40
Oh, Nicholas.
(Across the Atlantic, in a small apartment in Paris, a married couple compares recent messages.
Ziva clicks her tongue. “I think he might be a bigger wuss than you, Tony.”
“I had better pranks than this guy, okay, at least give me that.”)
There’s a crowd of seamen lounging around the club. Their voices send pinpricks into his brain, and he can smell the alcohol from the second floor of this building. The bouts of laughter and shouts are interrupted by crunching. Next to him, the foul smell of artificial cheese surrounds Eleanor Bishop. Her fingers are coated with orange dust. Her eyes are laser-focused on the group of men, arms around each other, starting to sing the first bars of “Piano Man”. She licks her lips, and a bit of orange dust is left over at the edge of her mouth. She brings her fingers to her lips to lick them clean.
Nick’s mouth is suddenly dry.
Okay, okay, he needs to focus. Focus. It’ll be easy.
When he finally turns away, the hooker is grabbing one of the men by his tie, who tries to pull away. He rolls his eyes, but before Nick can say, “Playing hard to get, are we?”, the sailor is handing her a thick wad of cash. It’s exchanged for something thickly wrapped in saran plastic wrap, and he jolts out of his seat.
“It was the hooker!”
Nick did not know running that quickly in high heels was possible.
Ellie’s phone dings three times past his limit on the way to the interrogation room. The sound grates against his ears and his eyes can’t roll further up his socket. She doesn’t even notice.
They’re behind the glass, waiting for McGee to question her, when Gibbs walks in. He takes one look at the green paint on Ellie’s cheek and sees the same paint on Nick’s jeans.
Before Ellie can try to explain, Nick announces, “Gibbs, I told Ellie to call you about the hooker hours ago and she didn’t listen to me!”
“That is not true!”
“Yes, it is!”
“Wait, so we’re just going to give up?” Ellie’s hair is still slightly frazzled from tackling the suspect down, strands loose on her forehead and around her ears. She ran up and down four flights of stairs to catch her, but they’ve been given an order to push the case to another day with another lead. “What about Sugar Honey?”
“We can’t catch anyone higher up the food chain if she doesn’t consent to wearing a wire.”
“So sneak one on her!” The Director raises his eyebrows.
“Bishop.” She snaps around, eagerly awaiting Gibbs’s cowboy orders. “Go home. Get some sleep.”
“What? I can’t believe you’re actually agreeing with this.”
“Ellie,” Nick says, coming to her supposed rescue. There’s a flicker of hope in her eyes, and he hesitates to kill it. But he has to. He stands up, and immediately yelps and whines. Guiltily, he savors the look of concern she gives him. “Actually, could you drive me home? I think I twisted my ankle when we were chasing down Sugar Honey.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Ellie pouts. It maybe makes his stomach flutter, which is stupid, because Nick doesn’t feel things like that.
“You know me. Stoic face and all. I could get stabbed and none of you would know.”
“You know, that’s not a good thing.” She grabs his car keys from his jacket and puts his arm around her shoulders.
Bishop throws a stern look to the Director and Gibbs. Their bosses look half-confused, half-amused; Nick avoids Gibbs’s knowing look. “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She walks him to his car. He feels warm and lonely all at once, because her phone rings two more times.
Nick plops down on the passenger seat, and Ellie wrenches the car into ignition, and says with no small amount of strife, “I know you’re lying and I’m either taking you to your apartment or back to the club. Your choice.”
Um. “Hey, let’s not do anything dangerously impulsive here.”
“Me? Impulsive? What about you?”
“What? When have I ever done anything dangerous or impulsive?”
“You stole a truck and totaled it when you were chasing down a suspect last month. Gibbs was already waiting on another block to cut him off.”
“Well, at least I didn’t get hurt.”
“You had a concussion and I had to wake you up every hour that night.”
They’re already out of the Navy Yard, almost ten over the speed limit, and going in the opposite direction of his apartment.
“Okay, I’m sorry I lied about my ankle. But Bishop.” He’s not sure how to say it, so what leaves his mouth is a sound of frustration. “You can’t dismantle the mafia with just this one case. These things take time. One Sugar Honey confession was the best we could do today. And that’s okay. But we’ll catch another one tomorrow, or maybe next week, and the week after that.”
The car slows down; Ellie’s pout becomes more pronounced. The sudden U-turn makes him clutch at the dashboard and pray for his life.
“Fine,” Ellie says. “But — ”
“Tomorrow, I will help you possibly arrest a drug dealer, that will lead us to the drug supplier, that will lead us to the boss.”
She nods, hands tightly holding the steering wheel. There’s glitter in her hair and streaks of paint on her jeans. They’ve barely slept in the past two days, driving each other insane. 
“I can take the couch for a few hours and then we’ll be on our way. We both need to rest.”
Ellie doesn’t reply.
“If you don’t crash at my place, I’ll call Gibbs and tell him you’re going back to the club.”
Ellie protests for the rest of the car ride, but Nick doesn’t budge an inch.
The stakeout resumes peacefully. Gibbs and Vance were right: the dealers are spooked and no deals occur for the next week.
Bishop doesn’t spend every single moment on her phone, so at least there’s that. He can’t deny the twinge of longing every time he sees her eyes brighten at the sound of another text.
Still, even that is nothing compared to the ache he feels when she yawns and rubs her eyes. It’s the type of case that makes her want to prove herself, to risk everything to accomplish her ambitions, to run after something without a thought of the consequences. He knows the feeling. He has that feeling every time a kid is involved.
So he triples the bags of junk food on the floor of the moldy apartment. He lets her rest a little more when it’s his watch. She curls up in the blanket she stole from his apartment and sighs in her sleep.
They’re both exhausted, so their prank war grinds to a halt. Nick’s exasperated, and he doesn’t reply to any of Ziva’s requests for updates. Ellie’s smile is something admirably distracting and infuriating, especially when it’s not directed to him.
Here’s the thing, though: Nick can’t imagine when Ellie had time to go on a date with a Mark that he’s never met or heard of in the past few weeks. Before Operation Take DiGiorno’s to Prison, they had back-to-back murders that took a total of two weeks out of their lives. Before those, Nick went to pilates with her for three consecutive weekends. So whoever this Mark is, might be special to her. Someone she wants to keep to herself. Someone she wants to talk to all day, someone she wants to smile and laugh with, someone she wants to be with. It’s that simple.
It’s just not Nick.
The seaman in Interrogation still isn’t talking, but at least there’s something in the cocaine.
“Local PD’s been digging up everything they can about the drug ring for months, and this little sample here matches their signature packaging and purity. But I’m telling you, whoever hired their chemists needs to do a better job, cause this stuff ain’t pure at all.”
“Can we connect it to Joey or the uncle?”
“I’m so glad you asked. We, in fact, do have a way to arrest them, thanks to Kasie — ”
“Don’t talk about yourself in the third person.”
“Okay, someone’s grumpy! DiGiorno’s olive oil company bought bulk chemicals, which are being delivered to this address. We’ve got dimethyl sulfoxide, tetrahydrofuran — ”
“English, Kasie.”
“Coke. They’re making coke. Trust me, those materials are not extra virgin.”
He grunts out a thanks and swirls around, ready to leave.
“Woooaaahhh there, son.” Kasie holds her hands out in front of her to tame him. “What’s going on with you, Nicholas?”
“What? Nothing!”
“Okay. Then I guess it has nothing to do with you and your feelings.”
“What? Nothing’s up with Bishop and me!”
“I didn’t say anything about Bishop.”
“Okay,” Nick chuckles, searching for an exit route that may or may not involve rolling past Kasie in a very ninja-like manner before booking it out of the building. “You said something, I said something, now we’re both confused, and I gotta go now, bye!”
McGee’s hawk eyes peer at him when Bishop retreats to the break room again. It makes Nick squirm in his seat and try to pry his gaze away from her empty desk.
“Is something going on between you and Bishop?”
“Uh, no, why, did she say something?” He crosses his arms to quell the sound of his heart.
McGee scoffs. “I mean. You guys have barely talked since you came back from the stakeout.”
“Well. I don’t need to talk to her. All the time.”
“But you do.”
Nick makes a face. Bishop strolls back into the bullpen, carefree and light, and he shuts his mouth.
“What do we got?” Gibbs says, and McGee has no choice but to brush this under the rug.
It’s Day Ten, more accurately Night Ten, and they’re sitting in the car, driving to the warehouse where they’ll arrest Joey and his uncle. She’s wearing a vest and he has the urge to clean his gun before a shootout. But they’ll be fine.
He glances at her tied-up hair and the clench of her jaw. His hands tighten on the steering wheel, because he wants to hold her face in his hands and tangle his fingers in her hair. He wants to tell her something he can barely admit to himself.
She says nothing. The phone doesn’t ring. He keeps driving.
He forgets she has a vest on. He forgets everything, really, when he sees Ellie go down in the middle of the raid, and Joey starts running away. Gibbs yells at him to call an ambulance before he and McGee chase after the idiot who shot his partner.
Nick scrambles to her side, vision blurring, and he has more trouble breathing than she does when he reaches her. “Bishop, El, you’re gonna be okay, alright?”
Ellie groans as he slices her vest open. The bullet clatters off the Kevlar.
“Nick,” Ellie’s saying. “Nick, I’m fine.” His hands hover, barely brushing over her arms, neck, head — I have to check for concussion — and it does nothing to reassure him, until her hands fold into his. “Nick.”
She looks at him, mouth parted, cheeks flushed. Her ribs are probably bruised, if not broken. Her hands are the only source of stability; every other part of him is shaking.
“You’re alright.”
Ellie breathes out a heavy sigh; it shakes like his legs quiver, and he has to kneel next to her. “I’m alright.”
Along with the DEA, they confiscate every last bit of cocaine from the warehouse, effectively crippling the crime family’s major source of money. Joey rats on every aspect of his uncle’s business for a shorter sentence. As the EMTs are wrapping her ribs up, Nick holds his hand up for Ellie to slap and says, “We took DiGiorno’s to prison!”
He offers her his arm and a ride home. She graciously accepts, and the smile is his, again, for now.
But he can’t not say anything now. She almost — she almost. There’s nothing else to say about that.
So Nick says, “So, you’re going home to Mark today? You got a hot date?”
He’ll get over that lump in his throat, that spike in his pulse eventually. She’s alive, and he’ll be fine.
He doesn’t expect her to start laughing, only to be interrupted by a wince and a tender hand on her left side. “Nick, who do you think Mark is?”
“Uh.” There’s a dark hole of miscalculation, the feeling of falling down the cliff of Being Wrong. “Your hot new date you kept texting over the past, like, five days?”
Nick rolls his eyes. “Stop laughing, you’ll make your ribs worse.”
“It’s — ” Ellie takes a deep breath and pulls out her phone. She scrolls, and Nick’s about to say something about not wanting to read her love letters to Mark when:
Auntie Ellie, thanks for my birthday gifts! I miss you so much.
The voice can’t be older than five, with a light stammer and a lisp. Nick takes his eyes off the road to gape at a boy with two missing front teeth, and his heart both soars and sinks. Someone honks behind them, and he steps on the gas pedal, startled that he’s stopped at a green light.
“He turned four last week, and my brother’s been letting him call or text me videos every day. They’re stuck in Oklahoma and they miss me.” He can hear her shrug, the fabric of her jacket rustling against the car’s leather seat, but he keeps his eyes on the road. “I haven’t been home in almost two years.”
“I’m sorry.” It punctuates the silence that follows, leaving them both speechless, wondering, wishing.
“Were you jealous?” Ellie whispers.
“Yes.” He can’t stop himself. Not anymore. Nick floors the brake and looks at his passenger’s seat, red light shining on her, everything else dark and unimaginably lonely. “Yes.”
Ellie nods, then smiles. “Okay.”
They arrive the next morning together. McGee smirks at his phone. Kasie’s eyes switch between them, back and forth, before she raises an eyebrow and glares at Nick, threatening and protective. Gibbs says nothing. Nick smiles the whole morning, because he still tastes her lipstick on his teeth and feels her hair in his fingers.
To: big wuss, 10:20
Congratulations. You aren’t a bigger wuss than Tony.
To: ninja lady, 10:25
ha. thanks
for everything, i mean, i guess.
To: big wuss, 10:26
You’re very welcome, Nicholas.
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indestinatus · 4 years
Something blue (part 2/?)
read it in AO3 if you prefer
*this is a tiva fic. Please read chapter 1 first.
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"Goooood morning!" Ellie exclaimed excitedly as she entered the bullpen, putting her backpack on the ground.
McGee was in his desk, concentrated on something on his computer, eyes unblinking, completely ignoring the world around him.
"Hey, McGee, goooood morning!"
There was no reaction, but Ellie noticed that some beads of sweat now covered his forehead.
"Goooood- hey what's wrong with him?" asked Nick, arriving at the bullpen, casting a puzzled look to Bishop who was still next to her desk studying the other agent.
"Don't know yet, he was already like that when I got here."
Nick and Ellie hovered around McGee, cornering him until they're standing on each side of his computer, but just as they tried to look at his screen, he was faster and closed it.
"Hey, guys, good morning."
"Okaaaaay. Weird," stated Ellie.
"Are you hacking this time of the morning, bro?" asked Torres, eyes squinting in distrust, "you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm just-"
"Petty officer Grove isn't," declared Gibbs loudly, entering the bullpen as usual, in a rush, "grab your gear, we're going sailing."
"Sailing?" asked Torres, eyes wide "as in bluewater, sunset, a drink in my hand-sailing?"
"I think he means we're going to a ship," Ellie patted his shoulder in consideration, "maybe later, Gatsby."
"The man makes sailing boats all the time..."
McGee's eyes turned unfocused again and he stood silently, eyebrows furrowed in clear concern as he grabbed his backpack mechanically.
"Hey, man, you alright?" asked Nick again, eyeing McGee curiously.
"Yeah, yeah, I am. I just... Yes. I am," said Tim, walking towards the elevator without looking back.
Nick and Ellie exchanged a meaningful look as they entered the elevator, a clear connection between the two, who now shared the same thought.
McGee wasn't, in fact, alright.
"Oh, man, this isn't EVEN close to what I imagined it would be," said Nick loudly, trying to beat the sound of the waves and the wild sirens of the ship, "and I'm starting to feel a little bit sick."
"You might try to get used to it, we are in the middle of nowhere," Ellie smiled at him from where she stood on the main deck, the wind aggressively tousling her hair, "besides, something tells me we're going to stay here for a while."
"Why don't we do something different for once? Like, have a case that leads to Hawaii or some deserted beach?"
"Quit dreaming, Torres," said Gibbs as the team entered the accommodations, leaving the sirens and wind behind, "Palmer should be here already, find him."
Nick nodded looking a bit pale, and he left to search for the medical examiner.
Ellie eyed McGee with distrust, he hadn't spoken a word during the whole trip to the naval base. His forehead was furrowed and his eyes were darting everywhere, as if his thoughts were more important than the actual reality.
"Body is down in the control room," Nick popped his head by the door, sweat coating his skin, "oof, remind me to never again set foot on a ship."
"Will do," answered Ellie, patting his shoulder as they descended the stairs to the control room.
Palmer was squatting next to the petty officer's body, who was laying on the ground almost as if he was only sleeping, arms placed on top of his abdomen, hands together.
"He was shot once in the head, entry and exit wounds present, probably 0.38 caliber bullet. He was young, around 25, but it was a quick death, at least," Jimmy sighed, "as my grandmother used to say, never forget to seas the day."
Palmer barked a laugh but as soon as he looked up to the team and saw that no one was laughing with him, his face became serious again as he muttered his apologies under his breath.
McGee arrived at the scene with a camera around his neck, the back of his hand wiping his forehead, clearly uncomfortable.
"MCGEE!," exclaimed Jimmy, standing up in a second, "I need to talk to you."
"Not now, Jimmy, we'll talk later."
"But we have to-"
"Yeah, I know. I'm doing it. Just... Just let me think for a second."
Ellie's eyebrows shot up and she glanced at Nick with wide eyes, who sent her a knowing look in return. As McGee started to take the photographs of the scene, bending down to the ground, deep in his thoughts, Bishop and Torres got closer to Palmer.
"Hey, man," said Torres quietly, grabbing Jimmy's arm and pulling him to a corner, "is everything alright? He has a crazy look in his eyes."
Ellie got closer, crossing her arms, "do you know something that you're not telling us, Jimmy?"
Jimmy huffed an uncomfortable laugh, "Uh... I don't know if I can tell you, guys, it's just-"
"Let him be," a grave voice startled them from behind, "this time it's actually important."
Gibbs angled his chin to Nick, "Torres, with me, ask about witnesses. Bishop," he pointed to a video camera on a corner of the ceiling, "get that."
Nick's eyes shot to Ellie, the white of them visible as he motioned between them with his index finger, "only WE don't know what's going on, blondie."
"Hmmm," muttered Bishop, putting her hands on her hips as Gibbs and Torres left the scene to ask about the dead petty officer to the others on board.
She looked around, eyeing Palmer and McGee with suspicion, trying to discover any clue of what was going on, but they were both engrossed in their jobs.
"I will find out," she stated to whoever was listening, leaving the scene confidently, her boots stomping on the stairs.
She didn't notice that Jimmy's lips opened in a small grin.
"Dancing queen... Young and sweet..."
Jack Sloane was singing in the bathroom stall softly, whistling along with the melody of the song.
She opened up the door and almost fell to the ground.
"Oh, my God, Ellie," she declared, raising a hand to press at her chest in surprise, "you scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here like that?"
Ellie was leaning her back at the bathroom counter, arms crossed and face grave, "what do you know?"
"What do I know about what...?"
Bishop gave two knocks on the door rhythmically and Nick appeared, locking the bathroom door behind him.
"Does she know something?"
"Nick, this is the women's bathroom."
"Yeah, I know."
"And what are you doing here, then?"
"We're interrogating you."
"Interrogating me?" Jack huffed a laugh, "what did I do?"
"What you didn't do, to be exact," said Bishop with distrust, "do you know something about what's going on with Jimmy and McGee?"
"With... Jimmy and McGee? And why-"
"Don't try to cover them up, it's been days since they have these lunatic eyes and secretive conversations," complimented Torres.
"But why-"
"Does it have something to do with you-know-who?" asked Ellie, getting closer to Sloane with her arms crossed, followed by Nick doing the same on her other side.
"You-know-who as in...?"
"T and Z, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the hawk and the eagle, the shotgun and the dagger, ya know."
"Codenames? In the women's bathroom, seriously?"
Ellie looked at Torres and nodded in agreement.
"Yep," said both at the same time.
"It's been a few weeks since she left and we didn't get any news from anyone. Then McGee appears one morning looking like he's just been shot and Palmer is the same, not being able to form complete sentences. So... It's about someone they both knew."
"Them," stated Bishop, nodding to what Nick was saying, "and Gibbs knows as well. So... You know."
"Hey, guys, hold on," asks Jack, hands opened in front of her as an attempt of defending herself, "why do you think I know only because Gibbs knows?"
"Well, because-"
"That's not the point," interrupted Ellie, clearly impatient, "the point is: what is it?"
"Well, you should ask them," said Jack, eyes narrowing, "so excuse me, because I have no idea what you're talking about."
She washed her hands and fled the bathroom, leaving Nick and Ellie frustrated and confused.
"Do you think she's telling the truth?"
"I don't know, she’s hiding something."
Once they arrived at the bullpen, McGee was furiously writing on something. He then threw away the paper with a concerned face and started over again. The floor near his desk was already mostly covered in paper balls.
"Okay, MCGEE," called Ellie loudly, putting both her hands on his desk with loud 'thump', "What. Is. Going. On?"
Tim looked at her with wide eyes, as if it was the first time he noticed he was actually in the bullpen and not in his room in front of his typewriter. He looked at Torres, behind her, arms crossed and face puzzled. He looked at Gibbs leaving the scene with a smirk, coffee in hand.
"Okay, okay," he said, standing up, his hands opened in front of him in defense, "I wasn't supposed to tell you yet, but I think they've already sent them."
Ellie cast a questioning look to Torres, who appeared just as confused as she was, "sent what?"
"What's this?"
Kasie raised a light grey envelope in the air, eyes darting from McGee to Torres to Bishop. Ellie looked at Nick and raced to get it from Kasie's hand, but he was faster than her and grabbed it first.
"Okay," Nick said panting, "what's this?" he repeated, turning the envelope in his hands.
Ellie looked across his shoulder, Nick’s arms blocking her way to the envelope, "open. It. Nick." she asked.
It was wrapped in a bronze ribbon, with an olive branch placed behind a golden wax seal. It read "T and Z" in beautiful, cursive golden writing. It was lovely.
"No no no no, let me open it," said Ellie once she saw what it was, "or you'll damage it."
"I think you both got one," said Kasie, raising another envelope from Ellie's desk.
She raced to it, grabbing the envelope with a force but then carefully unwrapping the ribbon, opening it gently.
"Save the date," she breathed out.
Ellie held Kasie's hands and started jumping up and down in some sort of dance, a big smile on her lips "they're getting married! We'll have a wedding! They're getting married!" she started to chant.
We do. (yes, finally, we know) You’re important to us, so save the date! - Tony and Ziva  
McGee couldn't help but smile at the scene. His two best friends were finally getting together and starting a new life next to each other, and their daughter. For him, it was almost surreal. After years of bickering, boyfriends deaths, undercover operations, all finally ended well. His heart warmed with the thought.
"Yes, we have a wedding," he said to the group, "and I'll have to write the best man's speech, just as Palmer will have to make a toast as... Let's just say the man of honor. That's why we were so jittery the past few days. I have to get this right, they're both very important to me."
"Oh, McGee," said Ellie, patting his hand in reassurance, "you'll prepare a brilliant speech, I'm certain of it."
"Besides, we're all be there by your side to laugh at all your jokes," said Kasie with a smile.
"You're going too, Kasie?" asked Ellie.
"Oh, yeah, I think even George the janitor is going. I just didn't get the invite yet."
Just as she said that, Gibbs appeared in a rush, coffee on one hand and a light gray envelope wrapped in a ribbon on the other, which he softly gave to Kasie without saying a word.
"Guys," said Nick alarmingly, eyes wide while reading the invitation, "GUYS. GUYS. GUYS. OH MAN, THIS IS GOING TO BE SWEEEEEET."
"What? What did we miss? What's going on?" asked Ellie.
Gibbs was smirking in his desk, but silent. McGee had an amused look in his eyes but also didn't answer. Bishop ran to Nick and tried to seize what was in his hands to have a look but he was faster.
"This wedding isn't in DC," said Nick as he started to do a sequence of reggaeton moves, "MY MAN IS GOING ON VACATION!"
Everyone started to cheer and laugh loudly, as a family does.
In the back of the paper, a little message was placed at its center, a branch of olive leaves on each side of the elegant handwriting.
Grab your gear, We are waiting for you in Greece. - lots of love, T and Z.
P.S.: If any of you start to sing Mamma Mia like I'm listening to FOR DAYS from my two ladies, I WILL go mad. P.S.S.: But if you have the urge to, do it. This will be a great party. - T.
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stanathanxoox · 6 years
Get Through This Part 2
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Anon requested: Get Through This part two? Overprotective dad!Pride when ncis team visits in New Orleans and Gibbs found out.
You sit in the kitchen of your father's workplace, you've been staying with him in the tiny apartment above the building since you came to him that day almost two months ago now. Ever since you woke up about three days ago, you had been feeling subtle little signs that your child was in your belly, moving around, and you had been keeping track of all of that with a pregnancy app recommended to you by your OBGYN. You were grateful to your father and his colleagues, Tammy and Loretta were always willing to be nursemaid for you on days when you were having morning sickness or you had felt more than just a little under the weather, and Chris, Sebastian and Patton were your knights in shining armour, trying desperately to make you feel better, trying to make you laugh or giving you massages, fetching you drinks or whatever else you may feel like at a moments notice. It was nice but the person you were most grateful for was your dad, he'd been there every step of the way, had accompanied you to your OBGYN appointments, been there when you had been severely dehydrated and your blood sugar levels had dropped so drastically you'd been rushed to the hospital and spent three nights in hospital being monitored as they diagnosed you with gestational diabetes. "What are ya doin' Y/N?" Chris asks as he makes his way into the kitchen and you look up, leaving your hands flat on your slight bump you answer with a short "Just thinking", he nods and looks up as he hears a commotion, rushing out to the main room, you get to your feet and follow only to see Agent Gibbs and Agent McGee standing in front of her...
Before you know it, everyone is kneeling over you, your father is quick to be at your side, making sure that you are in the right position, just in case you were going to fall unconscious from a knock to the head or something. Taking a steadying breath you look up and hold out your hand, before saying "I'm good dad, please don't call for an ambulance. I was just a little shocked" you explain and he nods, but Chris rushes over with your insulin case, he checks your insulin levels before rushing off to get you something to lower your blood sugar levels. You look past everyone crowded around you to see that Ellie is standing back, she's nowhere near you or even coming close. Your father looks at you and then sees what you're looking at and he growls before Gibbs says rather gruffly "Don't Dwayne, not now", your father turns his gaze to Gibbs and says "She's the reason my daughter is in this situation, Gibbs, she left Y/N, when Y/N needed her the most" your father says and you feel like crying, Sebastian who is opposite your father, pulls you in for a hug seeing how upset you were getting, while Chris hands you a glass of orange juice and tells you to sip it. Your fathers' team watch you like a hawk, ensuring that you're going to be alright while you listen to the argument that has begun to heat up between your father and his old friend. Finally, after what feels like an eternity you can't help it, you lose it completely, scrabbling to your feet you take Ellie out of the building, into the courtyard.
Your out there for a couple of minutes before you turn to Ellie, she looks genuinely sorry. You sigh "I'm not going to scold you, Ellie, I just want to know why? Why you left me? And if me and our baby are worth it for you? Either you step up and be apart of this babies life or you give up any rights to it. I can't have someone popping in and out of this precious wee things life, not like that" you say. She gasps and takes a step towards you but you can see that she's struggling, you knew getting into a relationship with her all that time ago, that she came with baggage, that because of that baggage she had become committed to her job and there wasn't a lot that was going to deter her course of action, the course that would ultimately lead her towards being the youngest Security of the Navy, you knew she had the juice and the diplomatic presence and understanding to go far but would she give it up for you and your child. She answered your question, by moving her hands up to the necklace, the one you had gotten her as an anniversary present, she unclasps it before looking down at it, before walking towards you. She places the necklace in your hand, a stray tear falling down her cheek as she whispers "I don't think I can give up this dream Y/N, not when I'm getting closer," she says and you nod your head, trying not to let the emotion show. She places a kiss on your cheek before saying "I give up all rights to see our child Y/N, and I will go and accept the promotion that I got from SecNav, I only took this case so I could see you" she whispers and you feel your heartbreak, it hurts, even more, this time because you know that she's never coming back, not for you or the baby. When your sure she's gone, you slid down against the wall, finally letting out the tears, the gut-wrenching sobs that escape are enough to alert your father and he's by your side in an instant, pulling you up into his arms as you sob your heart out and cry yourself to sleep.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @captain-dwayne-pride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden, @samchelforever007, @kirkspockbones, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love, @haliannej, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake
Tag List for NCIS/NCIS NOLA: @powerpuffbubbles , @diaryofafan17
*If you want to be tagged in my tag list, please let me know so that I can add you.*
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 years
Seven Sentences
The rules are as follows: Go to page seven of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag seven more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
Thanks to @flootzavut for the tag.
“No matter how many nurses there are, I always come home to you at the end of the night. I’m always drawn back to you, Beej.” He laughs as he said it, because he should have shut up six drinks ago, should have let Beej just get him off and never said another word, should have just bottled up whatever he felt for Beej in the first place, but he couldn’t. He can’t.
“And what do you call this phenomenon?” Beej asks, lightly.
“Gravity,” Hawk says.
“I think that’s been taken.”
“I don’t care,” he tells Beej. “It doesn’t need a name.”
They’ve gravitated towards each other since that first day at Kimpo, when Beej started following him around like a baby duck.
It’s gravity, the way they always end up back at each other’s side, no matter what.
And it's gravity that pulls him back to Beej for another kiss. It’s tentative at first, and then it’s Beej who kisses Hawkeye more fiercely, clutching Hawkeye’s face, nipping at Hawkeye’s lip, and laughing at the needy noise Hawkeye makes in response. Hawkeye has had his fair share of kissing boys, and he’s no novice, but fuck, Beej is good.
This is (just like the last one) from my “Some 38th Parallels” fic where Beej helps Hawk get over his impotence.
I swear to whoever is above, this was supposed to just be a smutty interlude, but then again, it’s Hawkeye, and he has too many feelings, so now it’s an actual (semi-plotted) story. And it’s still not fucking done.
And I can’t think of seven people, so I will instead tag three
@itbloomedforyourlittlegirl @24-ellick-tiva-x and @ziva-david since i know you’re all writers, and you can do this or not, it’s all good.
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ziracona · 2 years
Finally! Vindication for my boy Anders.
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#dragon age inquisition#Anders#da anders#Anders dragon age#Tiva Hawke#though HIGH key judging the dev team for making the /MOST/ positive thing a Hawke set to ‘romance-saved-condoned actions’ is ‘he’s#complicated. not like people say. he isn’t just a monster or a hero. or maybe he’s both. he was trying to change the world. he knew it#couldn’t happen peacefully’ UHM?? is ‘condone’ a joke to you? in DA2 my Hawke got to straight up say she’d have helped him if she knew /in/#the text of the game? devs for Inquistion chopped their balls off ethically speaking. what happened to allowing us the freedom to have an#opinion other than ‘centrist all the way’ or ‘I’m evil’??? like. >.>#her real text would be ‘A good person under too much pressure alone for too long. he was fighting a war in isolation for years and he ran#out of time. Sometimes the good options all leave and you’re stuck with bad and worse. he did what no one else was willing to do to make the#world a better place. maybe if I’d done more it could have been different. But what’s done is done. Someone acted and the world /has/#changed. he was right. I only wish he hadn’t felt the need to do it alone. I wish I hadn’t made him feel that.’#he WAS right and there was literally no better way by the end of Act 3! there was the right of annulment ALREADY sent for before the chantry#AND Justinia was taking an exalted march! there were no better doors left. change only comes through the use or threat of force sorry but#no vile power structure has EVER changed in history bc you asked super nicely. you have to apply pressure to move something. he was right.#and he made the world better and it’s going to keep getting better too
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ziracona · 2 years
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A photoset called “Full circle”
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ziraconarose · 2 years
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Little DA2 doodle
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ziraconarose · 2 years
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ziraconarose · 2 years
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How it Started : How it’s Going - Finale Edition
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ziracona · 2 years
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Ok but the arcane filter is way more fun than it should be
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ziracona · 2 years
Tiva if she hears someone call her husband’s body-mate and the third member of the polycule a ‘demon’
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ziraconarose · 2 years
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“Hawke pretends she’s alright through the day, when we’re around, but every night once she falls asleep, she weeps endlessly. With her waking mind not in control, her body will find a part of me to cling to, and she sobs for hours. I don’t know how to help her. I’m trying. But I don’t know how.”
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