#To someone who had a relatively harmless fun hc that made them and some other people whonsaw it happy
wtfwhy · 4 months
Just saw an annoying take about a character I like 10 dead 15 traumatized
0 notes
arknights-imagines · 4 years
"Oh no! The doctor turned into a child! -for a day only- How will the operators deal with this special situation?" ( A prompt for executor, silverash and hellagur, the idea is how would they individually handle this kind of situation with a kid turned f!doc ? ) Thanks for giving us all this content! Here's to a lot more Exe requests! :D
AAA I LOVE REQUESTS LIKE THESE SBJSHS 🥺😭 they're silly but they're so much fun looll tysm anon 💞💞 and it's my pleasure! I'm glad people like my stuff 🌸 and yes all the Exe requests please loolll 🥺🥺 I know you mention you wanted fem Doctor but since I wrote these in second person I made Doctor gender neutral ✨ I hope that's okay with you anon! Please enjoy~
Executor, SilverAsh and Hellagur with a Doctor who got turned into a child for the day
Headcanon format; in second person but mostly from the perspective of the Operator
Contains: Executor, SilverAsh, Hellagur, general neutral Doctor who's meant to be the reader, implied established relationships in each hc batch, some background characters and as much softness as I could possibly manage ✨
Word count: 6.7k in total (I went a lil overboard aaa 👉👈)
・ It truly was a 'you had to see it to believe it' kind of situation.
・ But even everyone that saw it wasn't sure whether what they saw was true or they were just hallucinating.
・ Executor had accompanied you for work around Rhodes Island that day; you wanted his opinions on new recruits for Rhodes Islands' forces. He had no objections, and he did enjoy spending the day with you, regardless of what you two were going to be doing.
・ Among the new recruits, there was one particular one - a Caster. They only stood out to Executor because they kept dropping their wand and tripping over while the drills were run. He silently wondered if they had ever even been on a real battlefield.
・ They were a bit clumsy, but relatively harmless. They were just a trainee, after all. They surely wouldn't cause any issues for you.
・ The Sankta ignored them for a while, more focused on helping you. However, while you were standing in the middle of the training grounds directing the trainees during another short battle drill, that clumsy Caster ran right into you, and you collided with both them and their wand, which lit up with sparks upon poking your face on impact.
・ "Look out-!" "Ow-!!" The collision was loud and both of you were sent tumbling to the ground. ・ Executor was quick to act, rushing to catch you before you fell to the floor, completely ignoring the flashes that had just gone flying from the Casters' Arts wand.
・ Arms wrapped securely around you, the Sankta blinked as the aggressive flashes disappeared, and he looked to make sure you were alright. "Doctor-" Executor stopped in the middle of his sentence when his eyes came to what he had in his hold.
・ Instead of you, there was a little child in his arms.
・ The Sankta went quiet for a moment, staring at the child for a few seconds with wide eyes before he realized that the child was you.
・ Executor knew that didn't make any logical sense, but there was no doubt that the child was you. They were wrapped up in your Rhodes Island coat and were wearing a shrunken outfit identical to the one you had put on that day; not to mention their skin tone and eye colour were the same as yours.
・ He stiffened a bit when you poked his cheek with your small hand, cooing out syllables that sounded like fractions of his name. "Execu?" The Sankta blinked, "Doctor…"
・ Amiya came rushing onto the scene; she had obviously seen what had happened from her place across the room with another trainee group. "Executor? Is the Doctor o-.....kay?" The young woman trailed off when her eyes fell to the child in his arms. Blinking rapidly, she exclaimed out in surprise, "D-Doctor?!"
・ Their attention was brought to the clumsy Caster who had ran right into you when they yelled out in embarrassment, crying out about how they didn't mean to and that it was an honest mistake.
・ Executor was ready to interrogate them, fully convinced this was some sort of attempt on your life, but Amiya was quick to stop anything from getting out of hand.
・ After taking a look at you herself, Amiya mumbled to herself a little before looking up to Executor. "Executor, please take the Doctor to Silence. She'll surely be able to help."
・ Executor was a little hesitant, but he had orders, and he had to abide by them. "Yes, I understand." He wasn't really sure how to carry a child comfortably, but after adjusting his hold on you a little, the Sankta was off, walking with quick strides.
・ Ignoring whatever wide-eyed open-mouth gaping stares he got as he passed through the halls, Executor was finally able to track down Silence. He called her name to get her attention, and yawning a little, she turned to look toward him, obviously rather tired. "Huh? Yeah, what is it-"
・ When she did turn her eyes to him, however, all drowsiness left her face. As soon as she saw the child in his arms, her eyes widened, and seconds after her jaw dropped open when she realized who the child was.
・ "This is the Doctor. Amiya said I should consult you on what to do next." Considering the situation, Executor was unbelievably calm, though this wasn't surprising. He wasn't showing it, but he just wanted assurance that you were alright and unharmed.
・ Silence gaped for a few more seconds, before snapping out of her shock and nodding slowly. "Um, yes. Please follow me, and explain how this happened if you don't mind."
・ Following Silence, the Sankta explained what had happened concisely, getting a little distracted at how you were fussing in his arms.
・ By the time Silence brought him and you to the medical room she had been heading to, she knew enough. "I…I see. So that's what happened. I'll just need to run some tests on them, then I can figure out what we should do." The Medic explained, walking further into the room and preparing some equipment as she passed by, "Bring them over here, please."
・ Nodding, Executor closed the door behind him and carefully placed you on the examination table. You small hands grabbed the air, and you pouted a bit, "Exe! Exe!" The Sankta shushed you gently, bringing one of his hands up for you to grasp. "Doctor, please stay still." Your smaller hands curiously tugged at his fingers, and you quieted down, focusing on his partially gloved hand. He would admit, watching you act so innocently made his chest feel all fuzzy, but he had bigger concerns at that moment.
・ Silence was quick with her examinations and tests, and allowed Executor to sit with you as she conducted them. Once she was all finished, she handed you back to him carefully, turning back to her papers as Executor did his own quick check for injury or anything out of place now that you were in his hold.
・ Amiya had come by as soon as she could, and was now standing with the Sankta, staring and blinking at you, obviously still shocked. Turning to Silence, Amiya spoke up, "And the results, Silence?"
・ Looking at her results, the Medic began, "It looks like whatever Arts effected them caused then to revert back into a child. Thankfully, it's not permanent. They should be back to normal in enough time, maybe a day." Silence explained.
・ Amiya nodded slowly, "I see. Thank goodness it's not permanent." Cutting in, Executor spoke, "Is there no method to revert then back to an adult immediately?"
・ Arts wasn't his speciality; the Sankta wasn't even aware Originium Arts were capable of such bizarre things.
・ Silence shook her head, explaining how it would be dangerous to attempt to try anything. Knowing Arts were involved, she seemed to have wanted to run more experiments on you, but she was acutely aware that Executor wouldn't allow that - not to mention it wasn't the best idea to run any kind of risky experiments on you, especially when you were a child.
・ Thanking Silence, Amiya turned to Executor. "Well, I suppose the Doctor can't carry out their work today. I think it'd be best if they simply had someone to look after them for the time being. Silence did say it would only be a day." The Sankta nodded, his calm gaze turning to you, "I agree. It is not safe for a child to be wandering around freely in an environment like this." With that being said, it wasn't as if there was a babysitter or daycare he could drop you off at, "Who should I entrust them to?"
・ After a few seconds, Amiya hesitantly replied, "Executor, do you think you could look after the Doctor?"
・ The Sankta blinked, "You would like me to?" Amiya nodded, "Yes, if you're not too busy with other accords. I think you can best guarantee their safety, and they already seem comfortable with you as is." She explained, "But if not, I can find someone else."
・ "Hm." Executor looked toward you again, seeing you staring at him with your wide eyes,"I am able to manage that. I have dealt with children on occasion while carrying out wills and testaments." He began, "I may not have the capability to entertain them, but I have no problem looking after a child."
・ Amiya sighed in relief a bit. After thanking him and advising him to look for her or Silence if he was unsure of something, she sent Executor off.
・ For a child, you were well behaved enough. He did have his own things to attend to around the facility, but you didn't create much of a fuss.
・ He hoped you wouldn't attract much attention, but that wasn't exactly possible considering his reputation and that he was walking around carrying a child.
・ Executor didn't quite understand the commotion, however. He could care less whether or not he frustrated people because he wouldn't allow anyone else to hold you.
・ "Awww!! I just wanna squish them!!" "I cannot imagine that would be comfortable for them, so please refrain from doing so."
・ When you were both alone, he very much liked it when you combed your fingers through his hair while he rested his head in your lap, but as a child you seemed much more interested in putting his hair in your mouth than anything else. He had to gently direct your hands away from grabbing his hair or his halo; while it wasn't exactly connected to him, it was just like one of his body parts, so he didn't exactly want you grabbing it as cute as you were while trying.
・ Unfortunately, conversations were a little useless considering both him and whoever he was talking to had their attention on you.
・ "Uhm, should I come talk to you another time, Executor?" "That is not necessary, please continue."
・ You would only be occupied by his hair and halo for so long, and he didn't have much that would entertain a child - in fact most of the things he kept on his person were things you'd want to keep away from children.
・ Fortunately, Amiya had come to find him, informing the Sankta that you and him would be better off staying in your office for the rest of the day. He didn't like not being able to attend to his work, but Amiya assured him she'd send everything he'd need to the office for now.
・ Your office was quiet, and he was used to staying inside it. Fortunately, by the time he got there, you were napping. Your office wasn't exactly childproof either, however, so he kept you in his lap while he did paperwork at your desk.
・ You slept for awhile, but when you awoke, you were fussing up; "Execu, Execu…" The Sankta furrowed his brows together, worried that something had happened. In a soft voice, he answered your small coos, "What is bothering you, love?" Now that you two were alone, he could drop any formalities. He didn't use the nickname too often, much more accustomed to using your own name when he didn't need to call you 'Doctor', but you seemed to respond well to it even as a child.
・ Taking one of your smaller hands in his own in hopes to calm you down, he tilted your chin to see there was anything out of place.
・ Knocking on the door caught his attention, and soon Amiya peeked her head in, holding a small tray. "Executor? Silence sent me, she said the Doctor should eat this." Noticing how you were fussing up in his arms, she hummed, "They must be hungry. Make sure they eat."
・ Ah, yes, that was probably it. You had been sleeping for a while. Nodding, Executor let her place the tray on your desk. "Of course."
・ Feeding you was easy enough, the food was just some fruit slices and a baby-food like mix that was in a jar.
・ He fed you small portions, letting you sit in your office chair while he sat in another chair before you. You were a little messy, however, and by the time you were done eating, your cheeks were covered in crumbs and pieces of food.
・ He caught your attention gently after putting the food away, calling out, "Love?" His eyes softened at how you were innocently clapping your hands together while cooing out "Execu, Execu!", and Executor gently wiped your cheeks clean with a napkin, "You've made a mess on your face."
・ You were well behaved after that, falling asleep not long after. Busy doing work and looking after you, Executor didn't even notice it was night until it was too dark to see what he was writing. Taking a break to stretch and check up on you, he considered taking you to your room so you could sleep properly, but just as he was;
・ "Hm-" He blinked, and suddenly he was holding a full grown, adult you in his lap. You were back to normal, Silence had been right.
・ Shifting, you groaned a little, lifting your head from his shoulder, "Executor…? What's going on?" You didn't seem to remember what had happened, but you were rather disoriented.
・ Softly, the Sankta pressed a kiss to your forehead; light as a feather. "You will hear about it all in the morning. Thank you for behaving well, love, but for now, please take it easy."
・ You were back to snoring in no time. Returning to his work, he figured he'd stay with you for the time being; Executor felt warm and safe with you so close, so he wasn't in any rush to leave.
・ While he knew he was cold and detached, with you, even when the most ridiculous things happened, he felt he grew a little warmer everyday.
・ You snacked randomly and inconsistently often throughout the day; it was a bit of a bad habit. Half the time, you were so endorsed in your work, you didn't even pay much attention to whatever you ate.
・ SilverAsh would scold you a little everytime he caught you eating incorrectly, advising you to find time to eat a real meal so you didn't lose focus or get ill.
・ "Snacks again? My dear, you'll get sick if you keep your eating habits like that."
・ You always brushed it off though; you'd be fine, it wasn't like you were eating things that weren't edible.
・ Well, it was all fine, until you ate an old candy bar you found in between the cushions of the couch in your office. You were in a rush, and it was the only thing you had to eat. Without SilverAsh or anyone else around to scold you, you wolfed the whole thing down, going about your day afterward.
・ Though, in the middle of a conversation with Amiya just hours after you ate the candy bar, you had excused yourself suddenly, rushing off to the restroom nearby while clutching your stomach. SilverAsh had been across the meeting room, and lifted a brow when he caught a glimpse of you dashing off looking sick.
・ Wanting to make sure you were alright, he excused himself from his own conversation, taking off to go find you.
・ The restroom wasn't far down the hall. The Feline opened the door cautiously, calling out your name. "You took off rather suddenly, are you feeling well?" Concern was in his eyes when he didn't receive an amwser. Eyes narrowing, he headed further into the restrooms, knocking on the closed stall he presumed you were in. Calling you name again, all he heard in reply was small babbles.
・ Now worried, the Feline forced the door open without much warning, prepared to find you hurt or struggling to breathe - considering the sounds he heard.
・ Calling out your name again, he opened the stall door, eyes searching for you immediately. "My-.....dear?"
・ SilverAsh's tone fell quiet when his eyes came to a small lump on the ground made up of your jacket and something wiggling underneath it. He blinked at it for a moment, frozen in shock a bit. Snapping back to reality, he cautiously knelt down, pulling back your jacket, only for his eyes to widen ten fold.
・ Peeking up at him was a small, babbling little child. The Feline gaped a bit, shocked eyes staring into the little childs' curious ones. "How….-" As if he couldn't have had more surprise written on his face, his eyebrows shot up when the child smiled at him, and he immediately realized this little kid was you.
・ When you reached out to him, smiling wide and babbled out "Encio! Encio!", there wasn't any doubt.
・ Carefully, he picked you up, unsure on how to hold or carry a child, he tried his best to cradle you comfortably. Still processing the situation, he only snapped out of his shock when the restroom door opened, and Amiya peeked her head in. "Mr. SilverAsh? Is everything alrigh-" As soon as she laid eyes on him - or more specifically, who he was holding in his arms, her eyes shot open.
・ "D-Doctor?!"
・ In a blur, Amiya, SilverAsh, and little child you were in a medical room, standing before the small medical team that was Hibiscus, Ansel and Myrrh.
・ Hibiscus squealed, clapping excitedly, "Aren't they just adorable? Their eyes are so cute!!" Ansel, on the other hand, seemed interested in the fact that you had completely transformed from an adult back into a child, "Fascinating…." The only one who wasn't distracted entirely was Myrrh, who quickly asked SilverAsh how you turned into a child.
・ The Feline explained as best he could, a little stiff with you in his arms staring at everyone in the room with wide, curious eyes. Presenting the candy bar wrapper he had found on the restroom floor to Myrrh, she hummed a little, reading the packaging before making a small exclamation.
・ "This candy bar…it's long past expiry date." She pointed out. Ansel turned to her, "But that can't possibly be enough to turn someone into a child." Myrrh shook her head a bit, "No, I mean it's long past its expiry date. I'm…not even sure how the Doctor got their hands on it."
・ SilverAsh sighed a little, looking at you with a bit of an exhausted look. "My dear, must I approve everything you eat?" Amiya cut in, "Well, no matter how this happened. Do you think we can revert them back to normal?"
・ Myrrh bit her lip for a second, "We'll….have to run a few tests to determine what we should do. Is that okay with you, Mr. SilverAsh, Amiya?"
・ The Feline nodded slowly, "Be careful with them." With that, he handed you to a beaming Hibiscus, who tapped your nose happily as soon as she had you in her arms. Your eyes turned back to SilverAsh from over her shoulder, and with one last little "Encio?" from you, Hibiscus followed Myrrh and Ansel to the testing rooms, carrying you with her.
・ They didn't take long - no more than an hour later, the trio of Medics came out from the room, Hibiscus carrying you in her arms. Smiling at you one last time, she handed you to SilverAsh, who thanked her quietly, trying to make sure you were comfortable in his arms.
・ Myrrh explained their results as best she could while you occupied yourself with nibbling on the beaded pendant in SilverAsh's hair, "It's a temporary effect, probably caused by the expired snack they ate….but it will go away with some time, it looks like. If they're not back to normal by tomorrow, we'll talk with someone with more experience." In an upbeat tone, Hibiscus added in, "Proper supervision is recommended! Just look after them and they should be alright."
・ Amiya and SilverAsh nodded in understanding. Amiya spoke up, "Mr. SilverAsh, will you be alright with looking after the Doctor today? I would do it myself, but I have another important meeting I have to attend…." The Feline was a little shocked still, but you were just a child, he could definitely manage looking after you. Besides, the rest of his schedule was relatively clear anyways, so he didn't have anywhere urgent to be. "Very well. They will be my responsibility."
・ Thanking the Medics and exchanging a few more words with SilverAsh, Amiya was off, leaving the Feline with you. He turned to you, sighing a little when he found you with his beaded pendant in your mouth. "My dear, you should be more aware of what you putting in your mouth." Moving the pendant away from you, he brushed your cheek ith his thumb gently, smiling just a little when you cooed at him. "Not everything is edible."
・ He could spend his time leisurely while he looked after you, but he had no doubt that he'd run into people that would see you in his arms and immediately make a fuss. Unfortunately, as soon as he began walking down the hallway to go to his room, he turned a corner only to run right into a familiar pair of Felines.
・ Cliffheart and Pramanix; both quieting down when they saw their brother. Cliffheart smiled cheekily, and Pramanix prepared to excuse herself, but they both froze in their tracks when they saw the child in their siblings' arms.
・ Cliffheart gasped loudly, "'Cio, when did you have a kid?! I know you're intent on making sure our bloodline doesn't die out, but whoa, you and the Doctor aren't even married yet!!" Pramanix lifted a brow, leaning down to look at you. "That isn't a random child…that looks like the Doctor." Another loud gasp left her sister, "Did they go back in time?!"
・ Sighing, SilverAsh cut in, "They were being careless, so now they're going to be in the body of a child for some time." The Feline looked at you, lifting a brow when he found you trying to reach for the fluffy ears on his head, "I've been entrusted to look after them until they turn back to normal."
・ A little shocked, Cliffheart patting her brother on the back with a laugh, "Well, I guess now you can figure out if you're good with children or not!" After some more teasing remarks, Pramanix ushered her sister away, leaving SilverAsh to return to his journey to his room.
・ The Feline sighed a bit at his sisters words; you were just a child, of course he'd be able to manage you. He would be able to do his work and make sure you were alright with no problem.
・ Or rather, that's what he was hoping for.
・ Unfortunately, SilverAsh wasn't familiar with how to take care of children. He did have pets, but other people took care of them in his absence.
・ His room had enough space for both him and yourself, but he hadn't anticipated for you to be unbelievably energetic; you were unable to stop yourself from trying to climb up bookcases or tables - SilverAsh almost had a heart attack when you were about to run right into one of the sharp corners of his desk.
・ Checking you to make sure you hadn't gotten hurt, he stopped you from running about any further, "My dear, settle down. Must you be such a handful?" He attempted, scooping you in his arms and placing you in his lap. You made a few babyish noises, pouting. Sighing, the Feline reached around and took his tail in his hand, before offering the fluffy tip to you. "Here we are, pass the time with this, won't you?" Your eyes lit up with stars, and SilverAsh laughed gently when you took the end of fluffy tail in your small hands; all your focus to it. Patting your head carefully, the Feline returned to his work, fully convinced you'd play with his tail until you fell asleep.
・ After only an hour and a half of being in his lap, you squirmed your way off. SilverAsh allowed you; you seemed more calm now, what was the worst that could happen?
・ That was what he thought until he heard the door to his room open, followed by quick, rapid footsteps. His eyes widened, and he turned around only to find you were nowhere in sight. In an instant, he was up from his chair and rushing out of his room, calling your name as he looked up and down the hall. Letting out a sigh, the Feline took a deep breath before setting off to go find you. You were just a child, you couldn't have gone far.
・ He began getting worried when he couldn't find you after minutes of searching and calling your name, but fortunately, he saw a familiar Feline holding you in her arms standing at the door of his room when he had returned after circling around the hallway.
・ It was Pramanix, shushing you and calming you down. She silently returned you to SilverAsh once he was close enough. Nodding, he hid his relief and thanked her a little formally. He expected her to excuse herself right after, but to his surprise, she spoke up hesitantly, "They're probably hungry. Have you gotten them something to eat?"
・ SilverAsh blinked, looking to you to find you pouting a little and cooing out mumbles. He hadn't realized how hard it was to communicate with children, he wasn't sure how to tell if you were hungry or not, but it was likely that you were. Since that cursed candy bar, you hadn't eaten anything.
・ He nodded at his sister, "I will try that. Thank you." She bowed her head, taking her leave after saying a quick, "Good luck".
・ Once she was gone, the Feline looked to you, tilting your chin up and sighing, "My dear, you will owe me for all of this hassle you're causing me."
・ SilverAsh managed to find Myrrh and asked her about what he should feed you. She was able to provide him a small jar of sliced fruit, which would probably satisfy you for now.
・ Taking you back to his room - and making sure to lock the door this time, he sat you down at the small table he had and began feeding you.
・ You were definitely hungry; you ate the fruit eagerly until it was all gone. Afterwards, however, you were fast asleep. SilverAsh sighed in relief, picking you up and cradling you in his arms. "It's about time, my dear."
・ Letting you sleep on his shoulder, he wrote out his paperwork with his free hand. You slept through the afternoon, and before he knew it, the sun was down. Yawning just slightly, he signed his last document, before looking toward you to see you still fast asleep on his shoulder. He smiled softly, standing from his chair and sitting on his bed with you in his arms. He blinked as you stirred awake for a moment, but when he placed the tip of his tail in your hands, you hugged it a little like a plush toy and went back to sleep. SilverAsh patted your head, relaxing, "You've caused us quite a day, my dear."
・ He too fell asleep in no time, leaning against the headboard of his bed, holding you in his arms.
・ When he awoke, it was to you shifting in his arms the next morning. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that he was holding a fully grown you in his arms. You were back to normal. His tail was still in your hands, and your head still rested on his shoulder.
・ He laughed a bit, relieved you were back to normal. Tilting your chin, he left a kiss on the corner of your lips. "I sincerely hope that whenever we have children, they'll have less energy as you did." You weren't awake, so you didn't pick up anything he said, but at that moment he knew he would look forward to every day he spent with you, even if you were a bit of a hassle.
・ Hellagur didn't know much about medicine, but he knew enough to know that it wasn't supposed to explode into smoke, much less turn people into children.
・ So, when he stopped to talk with you in one of the labs, he didn't pay much attention to the beaker you seemed to be mixing odd substances in. Well, that is until it bursted into a poof of oddly coloured mist out of nowhere.
・ Panic was immediate; the others working in the lab jolted or yelled in surprise as your form disappeared in the cloud of smoke your beaker had created.
・ Hellagur called your name, the smoke beginning to thin into the air and disappear. He was prepared to protect you or go after your assailant if this was some sort of assassination attempt, but none of those were the least of his worries when he saw what was left where you had been standing.
・ Bundled on the ground was your trusty Rhodes Island jacket, with a small moving lump under it. The beaker was shattered on the floor nearby, spilling that odd looking liquid on the floor.
・ Before he could advance any further, a panicked lab worker stepped in, "General, just a second please! That smoke just now could've been toxic, you should leave the area right no-"
・ The worker stopped mid sentence when a small coo came from the bundle in the floor, and their eyes shot open wide when a small head peaked out from under the sleeves of your coat. Hellagur's face mimicked their own as he laid eyes on the small figure crawling out from under your coat.
・ 'A….A child?'
・ The lab worker was in pure shock, and so was he when the mystery child turned their head and looked toward them. It was only then that he realized the child was in fact you.
・ Moving past the lab worker, Hellagur knelt to the ground cautiously, catching your attention. The Liberi called your name slowly, blinking when you stared back at him with big, doe eyes, a smile coming to your little face. In a babyish voice, you exclaimed out to him, "Hel-gur!"
・ There was no doubt; it was you. The only difference was you were a child.
・ Admittedly, that was a very, very big difference.
・ Carefully, he picked you up in his arms, wrapping your jacket around your small form like a blanket. You seemed just fine, no injuries and you didn't seem ill.
- in fact, you were alert, and curiously pulled at his hair as soon as you were in his arms.
・ "Huh." His heart swelled a bit at your behaviour, but there was an elephant in the room he had to address.
・ By then, the lab worker had snapped from their shock, and quickly rambled on about how they had to get you to a medical professional immediately.
・ Hellagur compiled, not exactly in any place to disagree, and soon he was following the panicked worker down the halls as they looked for someone who could help.
・ You were calm in his arms, thankfully. Looking this way and that with your wide eyes, you simply rested on his shoulder without any complaining.
・ It didn't take long before they were able to find Warfarin in an office nearby.
・ The lab worker awkwardly waved their arm to catch the Medics attention. "M-Ms. Warfarin?" The Sarkaz spared them a small glace, waving her hand a little dismissively, "Just a minute, the Doctor asked me to get these to them as soon as I-" Warfarin came to a complete stop when her eyes fell to you - well, child you, in Hellagur's arms.
・ Her lips formed into an 'o', and her eyebrows shot up. "Ah."
・ Cutting in, Hellagur explained what had happened as best he could, and once he was done, Warfarin let out a long sigh, blinking a bit. "Geez…I told the Doctor not to mess with medicine, it always bites back."
・ Hellagur cleared this throat a bit, looking back to you gently, "I'm aware this situation is a little outlandish, but we should begin with a course of action." The Liberi couldn't help much, considering his medical knowledge wasn't exactly extensive, but you couldn't possibly stay a child forever.
・ Warfarin snapped from her shock, nodding, "Ah, yes. Come on, let's start with drawing some blood." Dismissing the lab worker - which they seemed very thankful for, the Sarkaz motioned for Hellagur to follow, still staring at you with a lifted brow.
・ The tests were quick and simple; it seemed as long as Hellagur was nearby you wouldn't fuss up.
・ After reviewing the information she had gathered, Warfarin turned to Hellagur, her lips pursed, "Well, good news is this…effect is temporary and harmless. They'll probably return back to being an adult tomorrow." She looked to you, sighing a bit as you stared back with curious eyes, "Bad news is, I can't reverse the effects of whatever they did immediately. So we're just going to have to wait until it wears off. They'll be stuck as a child for a day."
・ Hellagur nodded, "I understand. Whose care would they be best under for the time being?" At his question, Warfarin hummed a bit, looking at you and him, before she shrugged, "Actually, General, could you look after them for today?"
・ Hellagur lifted a brow slowly, "I should look after them?" The Sarkaz shrugged a bit again, "Just look, they're well behaved when you're carrying them like that, and that isn't really surprising. If you're not too busy, I think it would be best if you watched them until they're back to normal." With that, she turned back to her computer screen, waiting for his reply.
・ "Hm. I see." The Liberi made a small hum, his eyes turning to you as he adjusted his arms. You made a small exclamation, grabbing a lock of his hair and occupying yourself with it. A light smile came to his face, and he brushed his fingers on your cheek for a moment, sighing.
・ Catching Warfarin's attention as he stood, Hellagur nodded, "They'll be safe with me, I'll look after them."
・ With that, Warfarin was off to go inform Amiya and get to work to see if she could possibly find some way to get you back to normal quicker.
・ Hellagur didn't mind putting his other duties on hold to look after you. He had a soft spot for children, and he had an even bigger soft spot for you. Carrying you around wasn't a big deal, and quite frankly, he didn't intend on letting you leave his sight.
・ The Liberi kept to quiet places for most of the day, aware that those at Rhodes Island would cause a commotion in no time once they saw the state you were in. He knew you probably had lots of energy, but it wasn't safe for a child to be running around a place like Rhodes Island.
・ Warfarin was definitely right when she said you were calm and well behaved so long as it was him carrying you. During the rest of the morning as he walked around and attended to business around the facility, you didn't cause trouble not even once, too occupied with trying to eat his hair or trying to reach the feathers on his head.
・ Hellagur might have grown a little cold because of war, but he was gentle and good with children nevertheless, and it showed while he took care of you.
・ He'd gently pry his hair from your hands whenever he'd feel you tugging on it, usually smiling softly and speaking a lighthearted remark, "Doctor, you shouldn't put things in your mouth so carelessly."
・ Sometimes you'd exclaim out gibberish like "Hel-gur!" in your babyish voice, which forced a smile out of him.
・ He brought you along with him to the library in the afternoon, letting you stay on his arm as he read his books and went over whatever papers he had to. It was a little hard to focus with you making small noises and gibberish coos now and then, but soon enough, you were fast asleep. Hellagur blinked, laughing just a little at how your face was pressed to his shoulder.
・ "Haha…being alert is important, but aren't you adorable?" He spoke quietly, unable to contain his smile.
・ When you woke up, he took a break between his work to stop and find a nice fairytale that he could read to you. Hellagur wasn't sure if you understood what he was saying, but you seemed to enjoy looking at the pictures in the books and listening to his voice.
・ Of course, the worlds in the fairytale books were just fantasy, but with you, he believed there was a world like that awaiting everyone in the future.
・ Though it seemed impossible, he was able to keep unnecessary attention away. The only one who really knew what had happened besides him, Warfarin, and a few of the lab staff was Amiya, and occasionally she stopped by to make sure he was doing alright.
・ Even she could admit you were quite adorable.
・ "They're so small…" Amiya commented with a small grin, lifting her finger and giggling lightly when you tugged on it. Hellagur grinned a little, nodding in agreement. "Adorable, aren't they?"
・ When you needed to, you were surprisingly good at communicating with Hellagur.
・ "Hel-gur!" He paused his walking and turned to you, "Hm?" Wearing a small pout, you spoke again, "Can-y! Can-y!"
・ It took him a second to figure out what you wanted, but when he did, the Liberi laughed a bit, taking a second to place you down before kneeling in front of you, "You want candy? It's quite late for sweets, but I have a few left." Reaching into one of his pockets, he pulled a single colourful wrapped candy out and presented it to you carefully. Smiling at how your eyes lit up, he placed it in your small palm and patted your head, "Beware of cavities."
・ You had been so well behaved that he barely realized the day had gone by. Soon enough, it was nighttime. After Warfarin's approval, Hellagur brought you to your room, close to midnight while you were fast asleep - or was in the midst of doing so, at least.
・ Halfway down the hall, you shifted in his hold, and in an instant the Liberi felt a bit more weight in his arms. "Huh-?"
・ Calling your name quietly, his eyes widened in shock a bit when he discovered he was now carrying a fully grown you - you had turned back to normal.
・ Mumbling, you rubbed your eyes, peeking up at him. "Hellagur…? What happened?" He shushed you, readjusting his hold on you before placing a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. "There will be time to explain, but your day has been far too eventful as is. Return to sleeping." With that, you were fast asleep again, head resting on his shoulder.
・ That same warm smile came to his face again, 'Even without the face of a child…you don't cease being adorable.'
・ His heartstrings tugged. Even if you weren't in the form of a small child, you were still the most precious and most adorable thing to him, and he silently promised to protect you no matter what form you took.
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