#Tokiwa Gozen
cestacruz · 11 months
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GENJI CLAN some of them anyway (some designs except canon ones) might change with time (or when fgo releases them........... hurry it up nasu....)
For clarifications:
Tokiwa Gozen - ONLY Yoshitsune's mother (some sources indicate her dying at 42 and some mention her living at least until 48 years and no confirmed year of death), Yoshitomo's favorite concubine, mother of Yoshitomo's last 3 children
Yoshitomo - Yoshitsune, Yoritomo and Noriyori's father
The design choice for making Tokiwa look so much like Yoshitsune is based on the fact that in Heian-Kyo it was established that Yoshitsune looks exactly like Tokiwa via Yoshitsune's memory of words Taira no Kiyomori said to her as a child
Yoritomo - Yoshitomo's third son and Yoshitsune' and Noriyori's older half-brother
Noriyori - Yoshitomo's sixth son, Yoritomo's younger half-brother and Yoshitsune's older half-brother
Yoshinaka - Yoshitsune, Yoritomo and Noriyori's cousin
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cutehomeart · 1 year
Kuniyoshi's poignant depiction of Tokiwa-Gozen with her children provides more than just a visual spectacle. The piece is infused with the emotional depth of the characters and the compelling narrative they belong to.
Tokiwa-Gozen was a noblewoman of the Heian period of Japan, living in an era rife with political upheaval. Her life story, a tale of love, loss, and endurance, has found its way into the Japanese art, literature, and theatre, and Kuniyoshi's piece is a testament to her legacy.
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animeweeb115 · 4 months
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sekaitransparents · 4 months
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encounter with the unknown!? cosmic opera gacha: to know the thoughts of tokiwa gozen ~ nene kusanagi
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japaneseaesthetics · 2 years
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Kuniyoshi Utagawa: Tokiwa-Gozen with her three children in the snow, 1840
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sillykana-13 · 7 months
future ensekai events 🫶 will update every time new event w/ nene is released
march 11th
Towards the phoenix at the skys edge
4* nene, “the difference i was made aware of”
march 30th
In the corner of a resonant town
3* nene, “to get closer to the canary”
may 11th
One day-trip before sea
2* nene, “giving support, even when we’re apart”
may 20th
The canary sings in a quagmire
4* nene, “because i’m not good enough”
july 20th
Happy birthday nene! 2024
🎀 nene, “happy birthday! nene kusanagi”
august 21st
Our happy ending
4* nene, “all of your sadness”
november 22nd
A story where you are the star
2* nene, “a nervous start”
november 30th
The best picture wrap!
4* Limited!nene, “to create the best film”
january 23rd
Backlight lens flare
4* nene, “gotten used to preparations”
march 8th
Keep it steady, aim for the star! (world link event)
4* nene, “towards one’s admiration”
may 23rd
perspective for smile
2* nene, “understanding tokiwa gozens feelings”
may 31st
wedding live ♡ with everyone!
4* nene, “the dress i’ve wished for”
started: 3/3/24
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missmyloko · 11 months
Hi! Do you know of who is who/casting of the jidai matsuri this year?
The participants were as follows: Tomoe Gozen: Mameya - Gion Kobu Yokobue: Mamemaru - Gion Kobu Sei Shonagon: Mihoko - Gion Kobu Murasaki Shikibu: Ichiyuri - Gion Kobu Ono no Komachi: Mameryū - Gion Kobu Ono no Komachi's Attendant: Nanoha - Gion Kobu Wake no Hiromushi: Eriha - Gion Kobu Wake no Hiromushi's Attendants: Kokinu, Kozakura, Katsuhide, and Hanako - Gion Kobu Ki no Tsurayuki: Mametama - Gion Kobu Tokiwa Gozen: Mamefuji - Gion Kobu Yodogimi: Naokazu - Kamishichiken Yodogimi's Attendants: Fumisono, Ichiyū, and Satoha - Kamishichiken Abutsu Ni: Fujichiyo - Kamishichiken Shizuka Gozen: Naokinu - Kamishichiken Shizuka Gozen's Attendant: Katsusa - Kamishichiken
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project-sekai-updates · 4 months
perspective for smile / An Encounter With the Unknown!? Cosmic Opera cards
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Otori Emu - One Who Laughs at the World
"...Dear me, this is tedious..."
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Tenma Tsukasa - An All-Out Dash to Become a Star!
"Haah! Until I make it to the end like this…!"
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Kagamine Len - Training Together!
"Just a little longer…!"
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Kamishiro Rui - Tengu's Swordsmanship
"Fending off an attack from my opponent…!"
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Kusanagi Nene - Understanding Tokiwa Gozen's Feelings
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atopearth · 1 year
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei Part 3 - Shungen Route
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I'm not too interested in Shungen so let's see how this goes~ I felt so bad for Shanao when Tokiwa Gozen slapped her hands away. I can't imagine how it would feel to finally see your mother and talk with her but be rejected so harshly. I'm starting to think that people probably don't like Shungen and Benkei because their characters are more supportive roles who accept Shanao no matter what she does and just hopes that she will be happy and free from her responsibilities. Anyway, I'm glad that they were able to resolve the vassal thing without much issue. I guess considering the era and culture, it's a bit harder for me to understand how big of a deal it is for Shungen to be allowed to treat Shanao as basically an equal rather than as her vassal since her position is of one that should command authority, so if she's not treated as a "higher level" and with respect, then others might not show her the same level of respect she deserves as a lord. Regardless, I'm glad Shanao decided to say screw all that, and tell Shungen that what was most important was them being comfortable with each other and keeping things the way they have always been because this is what they want rather than what it should be.
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One thing I enjoy about Shungen is that not only can he fight, but he is also a good strategist. Although Kagetoki is frustrating to deal with from Shanao's perspective most of the time, I wish he had an IF ending too, I just think him and Yasuhira are more interesting and different since even though Tadanobu and them are good, I kinda just want guys who aren't into/revere Shanao so much already lol. This might be silly, but wouldn't it be wild if Shungen was actually the real son of Genji and Yoritomo's brother rather than Shanao? I feel like the localisation makes Yoshinaka sound more arrogant and brazen when I think he's just focused on destroying the Heike and nothing else. Shanao looked very beautiful as a shirabyoshi! Felt bad for her when Yoshinaka pinned her down but at least Shungen very easily made it clear that this isn't on. Although it's sweet that Shanao really relies on Shungen to comfort her because he understands her so well, I think their relationship as childhood friends could be better utilised for their romance. On another note, I honestly wish Yoshinaka had a route because I feel like it would be so tragic and interesting! Especially since he goes against Yoritomo and all that. But I guess he's too tyrannical? But then just because they doesn't show it as blatantly as they do for Yoshinaka doesn't mean Shigehira and Tomomori are that much better lol. Well, dang, Yoshinaka's sword is so long, he might as well be following the footsteps of Sephiroth. Honestly, the Emperor is distasteful and disgusting to force Yoshinaka and Yoritomo to fight after ruling that Yoshinaka is useless to him now. Not that I'm supporting Yoshinaka's tyrannical ways but the Emperor obviously never really cared either. I wonder if killing Yoritomo is something that will be discussed in his route? Well, I feel bad for Shanao. She just lost her whole identity and self. Not only was she rejected by the one she thought was her mother but no one aside from Shungen cared about her feelings, and yet it's hard for her to face Shungen because he is basically who she is not.
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Like uhhh, what. I don't want to doubt Shungen either but just because a deer can safely go down a steep cliff doesn't mean a horse can especially when a deer is probably more light and horses are heavy and huge, and it doesn't help that a human is riding on it too, so yeah😥😥 I know they wanted to show how capable Shungen is at leading as well as his ability to increase morale but I think Shungen's abilities lie in his rationality and tactics so I think this plan is actually quite unlike him imo, but then again, I don't feel like I really know much about him because alot of his personality that has been shown up until now basically revolves around Shanao and I find him quite boring. Considering how big of a deal it is for Shungen to be the true heir of Genji alongside Yoritomo, it honestly feels anticlimactic how everything was dealt with. They literally just went it'll be okay and everything was okay lol. The ending was also expected considering their personalities, so they would never wage war against Yoritomo no matter what, knowing how much pain it would cause the citizens. But yeah, it's kinda sad that I think Shungen and Shanao's romance is rather weak because I think their CGs are the best right now! It's also saddening because they have the longest relationship with each other and yet it feels the weakest lol. I felt bad for Shungen in the tragic love ending, he planned all this hoping to live happily with Shanao but in the end, only he survived. Anyway, the other bad endings were pretty dumb imo, not worth the time.
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Overall, I really wanted to like Shungen but I can see why he is quite unpopular from what I've seen. As the character with the longest relationship with Shanao, it's sad that what is shown between them is very surface level and disappointing. I think this both in regards to Shungen's character and his route. Personally, their romance was pretty shallow and I guess it was rather annoying because he kept reiterating that he wanted Shanao to have the peaceful life she wanted, which is nice but considering how smart he is, you would think that he would understand that the current situation wouldn't allow for that until much later on. Shungen's true identity was expected as we followed along the story, and I liked it but I think the execution of this whole route was rather poor. Especially the way Shungen earned respect from the other soldiers, but I think the worst was how it was such a big deal for Shanao to have this sudden identity crisis and for them to reveal that Shungen was the real brother, only to have it be so easily taken care of and accepted with a few lines lol. Honestly, I am quite disappointed and hope Yoritomo's route will be better.
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yajifun · 3 years
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雪月花之内 水野年方 画 1884年
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cestacruz · 11 months
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Tokiwa Gozen (ushi's mom) can like, get it, mayhaps (?)
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
Yoshitsune (Ep 5)
Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) plays a flute on Mount Kurama in remembrance of the two women he loves, his mother, Tokiwa Gozen, and his childhood friend he met on the streets, Shizuka Gozen (Satomi Ishihara).
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arsnovacadenza · 2 years
got any headcanons about Yoshi's relationship to his mother? I hc that he has mommy and daddy issues since he lost them when he was young
I'm...not sure if I wanna use the word 'mommy' or 'daddy issues' in the context of Yoshitsune. But I can imagine him having severe (but supressed) attachment issues that shaped his relationship with his bro Yoritomo (and Benkei and possibly Shizuka to some extent)
I don't have a lot to say about Tokiwa gozen other than the fact that she missed him dearly. Even after being a mistress for a Taira lord she still thought about her missing toddler from time to time. I'd like to think that Yoshitsune's name was the last word she uttered on her deathbed.
As for Yoshi....I don't assign the usual attitudes that fictional men tend to have toward women when they have issues with their maternal figures. In fact, I love the hc that Yoshi's bond with Shizuka is his healthiest stable relationship since she's mature and level-headed enough compared to the (sometimes) overly passionate Benkei and Yoritomo
Thank you for the ask! Send it more if you like heheh
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keruworld · 5 years
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Today on things that no one asked... a GOZEN x Zio crossover.
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japaneseaesthetics · 2 years
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Kuniyoshi Utagawa: Tokiwa Gozen in the snow
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aic-asian · 3 years
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The Beginning: Tokiwa Gozen Fleeing with Her Three Children (Hattan, sanshi o tomonatte Tokiwa Gozen hyorosu), from the series "The Life of Yoshitsune (Yoshitsune ichidai zue)", Utagawa Hiroshige, 1827, Art Institute of Chicago: Asian Art
Clarence Buckingham Collection Size: 24 x 35.9 cm (9 7/16 x 14 1/8 in.) Medium: Color woodblock print; oban
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