#Tokyo rev spin off
queenbees21 · 1 year
𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮
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clovers-garden-co · 2 years
I headcanon Ryusei as a Michael Jackson fan
I’d happily get him into my wild music taste
because it isn’t just one genre.. no. its a whole mix of genres, beats, random ass noises, languages, literally everything 😨
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arangora · 5 months
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Google doc with all the tokyo revengers links :
- Tokyo revengers manga
-manga spin offs :
- a letter to keisuke baji (ryusei spin off)
-toman founding members spin off
-todai revengers
-The anime seasons 1-3
-chibi rev / ribe
- live action movies (1 & 2)
-official art archive
- character books (1 - 3 - 4)
- the game - pazu ribe Road to world domination
I've added vlogs of people going to collabs and the exhibitions + official social media's ‼️
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Note : most of these are illegal websites and might have dangerous files, I do check these every once in a while but I might miss some. If you have the links to anything missing please send it my way so I can add it 💗
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buccini555 · 5 months
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 - 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮
⊹ 。 ゚Headcanons of how Ryusei would behave on your first date
⊹ 。 ゚H e a d c a n o n s!
⊹。゚𝑭𝒕. Ryusei Satou
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The boy would be extremely punctual, both to make a good first impression on you and because of his anxiety, Ryusei would be very excited about the meeting, even more so because he wants everything to be perfect.
Ryusei would be determined to be as romantic and gentlemanly as possible, so he wouldn't mind picking you up at your house with a bouquet of red roses and some chocolates filled with strawberry and passion fruit liqueur.
He would take you to a more private restaurant with a good view of the city, you can believe that Ryusei would spend months saving all the money he could to take you to a higher class place.
He would try to be as gentle as possible and respect all of your boundaries during the encounter.
If you tried to kiss him, he would definitely not deny the kiss, however, he would wait for you to make the first move out of shyness and also out of respect.
He would share his food with you if his dish looked more appetizing.
After you were properly fed, Ryusei would take you for a walk through a park, buying your favorite ice cream to please you.
Despite seeming calm, he was mesmerized by how beautiful you looked, making him remain more silent, just admiring you at times.
He wouldn't skimp on compliments, always praising you in the most affectionate way possible with a light and sincere smile.
After night fell, Ryusei would take you to his house, holding his hand, he would just ask you for a small kiss goodbye.
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
Hcs for ryusei dating baji’s younger sister (by a year so it’s not weird) >:) bonus points if she’s like super cute and like the opposite of baji
Hey love! Thank you so so so so so much for requesting <3 I already KNEW I was gonna simp for him so I had to write for him. Thank god for his requests!
It’s kinda short, but it’s something. I really hope you enjoy <3
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reader is gender neutral (for inclusion!)
character pairing: ryusei satou x reader
tw: umm mentions of fights I suppose, but overall it’s pure fluff!
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o   Let’s be honest here, Ryusei Satou was the last person you expected to date
o   Ever since you first met the guy, he constantly teased, picked on, and pissed you off
o   You were usually pretty sweet and shy, but that guy just knew how to piss you off; you honestly thought you’d never stop hating him
o   Unfortunately, Satou piqued your interest, and after a while, you ended up falling for him…
o   And now you’re dating
o   At first, your whole relationship was just a huge adjustment
o   I mean, you had no problems; you just acted like your usual self! The only thing you had to do was learn to open up more
o   Satou however, had some changes to make
o   Like you, he had to learn how to open up to you, and show a side of him that no one had ever seen before
o   It took quite a while for him to truly show his softer, less gang-y side to you but with your comforting words and presence, he just sort’ve did it on his own
o   Now, you’re one of the few people he feels he can confide in, and you, him!
o   Of course, there were other things that had to change too...
o   Satou did have to cut down on the pissing you off thing
o   I mean, he definitely still teases you, but doesn’t do it as much now since, well, he doesn’t wanna piss you off too much
o   You’re the last person he wants to enrage
o   Of course, there’s the Baji problem too
o   The whole reason you met Ryusei was because of Baji, and when Baji first introduced the two of you, he set a strict ‘off limits’ rule on you
o   Clearly, it didn’t work
o   To be honest, the moment you started falling for Satou, Baji knew, and he teased you A LOT over it
o   He just never thought something would actually happen
o   Well, something happened
o   And frankly, Baji wasn’t a fan of it
o   He was just so afraid that you’d get hurt in some way that he instantly disapproved of your relationship
o   Thankfully, with a lot of convincing and reassurance, Baji accepted your relationship!
o   Now he thinks you guys are the cutest and he constantly teases you BOTH
o   In any case, yours and Satou’s relationship is super healthy and cute!
o   Ryusei literally thinks you’re the cutest person in the world
o   And he treats you like ROYALTY
o   Seriously, Satou spoils you so much it’s crazy
o   He loves buying stuff and surprising you with things, simply because he loves to see the look on your face! For the same reason, he LOVES taking you out on dates!
o   Sometimes it’s a cute stargazing date, other times it’s a date teaching you how to fight, and other days it’s just an afternoon cuddle and nap (which you both love)
o   Speaking of cuddling, Ryusei loves cuddling with you
o   He would drop everything to cuddle with you
o   And hug you
o   And kiss you
o   Really, he’s also all over you
o   He just finds you so cute and hot that he can’t keep his hands off you
o   Except an arm around your shoulder 24/7….and maybe more
o   Of course, if PDA makes you uncomfortable, he lays off it and only does things with your permission
o   He’s respectful like that (towards you)
o   And he’s pretty protective
o   If someone dares to hit on you, you better except them to be unconscious on the ground in a matter of seconds
o   What can I say, he’s gotta protect you! Afterall, Sato honestly can’t see himself without you
o   You really are the most important person to him, and you taught him how to be a much better, kinder person
o   He’s beyond grateful for you
o   And him, you
o   Satou really is your savior. He helped you break out of your shy shell and open more! He also taught you how to stand up for yourself, so people wouldn’t look down on you
o   You both taught each other so many new things, and you helped each other become better versions of yourselves
o   Overall, yours and Satou’s relationship is adorable! And trust me, it won’t be ending…ever
o   You guys love each other too much for that!
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <3
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mayoyanan · 1 year
chifuyu as my cat pt 1
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i have so much more of these :’)
part 2 part 3 part 4
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ewthatshot · 2 days
im almost done w/ the anime and find this out. 
(tags: @7surugi @rainyrindou )
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keisukibaji · 7 months
Watch Baji grow up with me :D
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just a little something for Baji month <3
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wisteria-aa · 2 years
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Mmmhhhh Who is this Yotsuya gang?
Someone already made this theory but I can’t find it anywhere
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mazojo · 2 years
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Chifuyu Matsuno in Letter from Keisuke Baji basically
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june16th2018 · 2 years
i need more ryufuyu ship content, why are my ppl so quiet
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melonnsorbet · 1 year
Ryusei Satou fanart, August 2022 vs February 2023!
See that improvement? <3
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I can't read a lick of Japanese, but the way I would let this absolutely cave my head in with that kick of his.
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buccini555 · 1 year
𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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♡𝑹𝒚𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒊 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅♡
↣ Most of the time, he's super cute and pretentious.
↣ He takes you to many cool places.
↣ Always buy snacks to give you.
↣ You spend a lot of time watching movies or series together.
↣ He likes to give you tight hugs.
↣ Sometimes he tries to be romantic and buys you flowers.
↣ Always protects you from everything, he would never let anyone harm you.
↣ Ryusei is quite jealous, so he always makes it clear that you belong to him.
↣ He likes slow kisses and delicately holding your hair or neck as he kisses you.
↣ His cheeks turn red when he sees you.
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
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Ummm I think I missed something
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mayoyanan · 1 year
chifuyu as my cat pt 2
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theyre the same person
part 1 part 3 part 4
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