#Tom Hiddleston story
May I request for Tom Hiddleston smut with #30, #41 and #45. Thank you.
30. 'Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up' 41. 'Kiss me and/or shut up' 45. 'Well that’s your bad'
If you want to submit your own drabble prompt idea, click here. I'm closing the drabble prompt ideas in 24 hours.
A lot of energy (smut, 18+)
‘What?’ you groaned in frustration.
‘I can’t sleep’ Tom sighed.
‘Please… tell me  this is not why you woke me up’ you answered a little annoyed. You were sleeping soundly.
‘I’m too excited’ you could feel him shuffling underneath the covers.
‘Tom..’ you sighed, looking at the clock on your nightstand. ‘It is almost 3 o’clock in the middle of the night. Let me sleep’
‘But I can’t believe we are FINALLY starting shooting for the series tomorrow. FINALLY’ he sat upright in the bed, making the blankets slide off your shoulders a little. The cold air was unforgiving against your skin.
‘I know, but if you don’t sleep either you will be tired’ you tried.
‘Yeah, yeah, you’re right. I’ll try’ Tom finally agreed.
10 minutes later
‘Tom, seriously’ you answered. You were almost back to sleep, but not quite yet.
‘Would you want to read the script?’ he asked. He got upright again.
‘I want to sleep’ you said.
‘Well, that’s your bad’ he grumbled.
‘Tom, you know I love you. You know I’ll go to set with you tomorrow and I have read the script three times with you already. Please, and I beg of you, please let me sleep’ you sat upright as well.
‘Alright, alright.. sorry, darling. Just go to sleep. I just need to figure out what to do with all this energy. Maybe I’ll go for a run’ you kissed his cheek and laid back down again. Thinking that was the ending of you interruptions. Little did you know how wrong you were.
10 minutes later
 You were awoken by two lips kissing your neck.
‘Toomm..’ you whined and moaned at the same time.
‘I know what to do with all this energy I have’ he whispered in your ear.
His hand crept underneath the hem of your night dress. He leisurely started to circle your clit on top of the fabric of you underwear. You turned around to face him. Your need was already growing, and you didn’t mind the interruption of your sleep anymore. That is what his hands did to you.
‘Do you still want to sleep?’ he teased. ‘Because if you do, I’ll let you sleep’ his hand disappeared underneath your waistband where he resumed his leisurely rolling of his fingers.
‘Kiss me and shut up’ you panted.
‘O gladly, because I have a LOT of energy for this night’ he growled before catching your lips in a ferocious kiss.
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ancientwastedlores · 11 months
Find Part 1 and Part 2 here
A few hours before the wedding, the atmosphere was a tangible mixture of nervous anticipation and frenzied excitement. Kate was on the bride's side, caught up in a whirl of satin and lace, champagne and laughter, as Honoria readied herself to step into the new phase of her life. She looked breathtaking, radiant in her happiness - or maybe it was the glint of relief that reflected in her eyes as the reality of retaining her inheritance drew nearer.
On the other side, things were starkly different. You were with Tom, helping him with the last-minute preparations. His suit hung untouched, the rich fabric glimmering under the soft light. The cufflinks, a gift from his mother, lay neatly on the dresser. His groomsmen's gifts, hand-picked by you, were wrapped meticulously, awaiting distribution.
Yet, there was a palpable tension in the air. Tom was quiet, his silence unnerving. His friends looked worried, stealing glances at him and whispering amongst themselves. Their jovial banter from the previous night had disappeared, replaced by an uneasy quietude.
"Tom," you began, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He flinched slightly, startled, and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
He laughed humorlessly, running a hand through his hair. "What do you think, Y/N?"
The air around you shifted as the groomsmen recognized something was going on. The group excused itself from the room, leaving you alone with Tom. He watched them leave before turning to look at you, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions.
“You still have time. You can still leave.” 
"I can't, Y/N," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have no choice."
"But you do, Tom," you insisted, holding his gaze. "You always have a choice."
For a moment, he looked like he might argue. But then he sighed, dropping his gaze to the floor. "I can't let Honoria lose everything. And it's not just about the money or the inheritance. It's... it's about her dignity. Her legacy."
"And what about you, Tom?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. "What about your happiness?"
Tom fell silent, his expression hard to read. "I... I don't know, Y/N."
You looked at him, your heart aching. You had seen this man in moments of joy and sadness and watched him prepare for the biggest day of his life with a resignation that was heartbreaking. And now, as you stood there, you realized just how deeply you cared for him.
The silence stretched on, filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions. Finally, you decided to break it, "Tom, I..."
He held his finger against your lips, the touch igniting a fire inside you. "Y/N, don't. I can't... I can't hear it right now."
"But, Tom..."
"I appreciate everything you've done for me. For us," he said, his voice hoarse. "I just... I need some time."
Nodding, you excused yourself, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. 
MASTERLIST (find the next chapters here!)
Requests are open!
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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bebx · 7 months
in the end, Loki sacrificed himself so the sun could shine on Mobius
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it’s a tragic love story, but it’s still a love story
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zehiiro · 7 months
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Loki the God of Stories - 02x06
This is now my favourite scene in the entire MCU, and you can't convince me otherwise.
He has literal tears in his eyes; he had no idea if he would make it, but he still took the risk just to save his friends, and look at him now! An actual selfless hero and one of, if not the most powerful being in the entire MCU! Frigga would be so proud ♡♡♡
[Part 1][Part 3]
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no but think about the Loki from Thor. from Avengers. the fact that he’s fighting for something good that he believes in means so much. the fact that he can sit there and say he just wants his friends back. these friends. the ones who see him for him. who don’t judge him. who he feels like he BELONGS with.
when has Loki ever felt like he belongs anywhere? he’s always been the outsider, the outcast, the villain. at the TVA he has felt appreciated and accepted. no one is singling him out or giving him a hard time for being himself. he FITS. he has come so so far. and shipping aside, the main reason for that is Mobius. someone who has seen every dark crevice of his life and his bad choices and his darkest moments and treated him with compassion and understanding.
the orphaned, abandoned, misunderstood villain has been able to write his own story because one ordinary man believed in him.
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janus-cadet · 6 months
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We were robbed of Jötunn!Loki content. So, here is my attempt to draw him! A full card, for the God of Stories.
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Still here? Wow !
It's actually my second Loki card of the kind, ah! The first one, I've done like- at least three years ago. When season 1 came out. I mean... Look at that...
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"Your savior is queer" is still very nice, tho. Weirdly, I'm not too ashamed to look at this one.
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mischievous-thunder · 7 months
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wolviestars · 7 months
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he didn't come back to him
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years
#47 and #25 Tom Hiddleston smutty please and thank you 😛
25. “Let’s kiss and see where it takes us.” 47. “You do know that we’re in public, right?”
If you want to submit your own drabble prompt idea, click here.
Sick of hiding (smutish, 18+)
It was slightly risky to meet in a park together. But the two of you needed to talk. You were dating for almost six months, but didn’t think it was a good idea to get the paparazzi and the public involved. Not yet, at least. Thing took rather an unexpected turn, when your team was pushing you to get into a fake relationship with your co-star. The movie you were working on could use a boost, and two co-stars that fell in love off-screen, would certainly do the trick.
So, here you were. Struggling to balance your career and personal life. While Tom did understand the logic behind it, did understand the reasoning, it didn’t mean he was pleased to hear about the idea.
‘If you do get together with him, you know that we can’t go public for at least a year’ he said. ‘I don’t know if I want to wait that long’
‘I know’ you answered.
‘Does your team know about us?’ he asked.
‘I did tell them I have been in a relationship, but didn’t tell them with who’ you answered.
‘It’s just’ he stood still and took your hands. ‘I want to hold you when I can’
‘I want to brush the hair out of your face when I can’ his hands were slowly going through your hair.
‘I want to kiss you when I can’ he whispered. His fingers hooked underneath your chin, making you look up at him. His lips were too close for anyone who could see you to misinterpret the gesture.
‘You do know that we’re in public right?’ you said.
‘Hmm, darling. You do know that somewhere in the future we are going to do a lot more in public than kiss?’ he teased. He took a step closer and you did feel his erection push against your thigh.
‘Oh, do I? Let’s kiss and see where it takes us’ you answered.
‘Finally’ he sighed before his lips met yours.
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ancientwastedlores · 11 months
Find Part 1 here
A few hours before the wedding, the atmosphere was a tangible mixture of nervous anticipation and frenzied excitement. Kate was on the bride's side, caught up in a whirl of satin and lace, champagne and laughter, as Honoria readied herself to step into the new phase of her life. She looked breathtaking, radiant in her happiness - or maybe it was the glint of relief that reflected in her eyes as the reality of retaining her inheritance drew nearer.
On the other side, things were starkly different. You were with Tom, helping him with the last-minute preparations. His suit hung untouched, the rich fabric glimmering under the soft light. The cufflinks, a gift from his mother, lay neatly on the dresser. His groomsmen's gifts, hand-picked by you, were wrapped meticulously, awaiting distribution.
Yet, there was a palpable tension in the air. Tom was quiet, his silence unnerving. His friends looked worried, stealing glances at him and whispering amongst themselves. Their jovial banter from the previous night had disappeared, replaced by an uneasy quietude.
"Tom," you began, placing a gentle hand on his arm. He flinched slightly, startled, and looked at you. "Are you okay?"
He laughed humorlessly, running a hand through his hair. "What do you think, Y/N?"
The air around you shifted as the groomsmen recognized something was going on. The group excused itself from the room, leaving you alone with Tom. He watched them leave before turning to look at you, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions.
“You still have time. You can still leave.” 
"I can't, Y/N," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have no choice."
"But you do, Tom," you insisted, holding his gaze. "You always have a choice."
For a moment, he looked like he might argue. But then he sighed, dropping his gaze to the floor. "I can't let Honoria lose everything. And it's not just about the money or the inheritance. It's... it's about her dignity. Her legacy."
"And what about you, Tom?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper. "What about your happiness?"
Tom fell silent, his expression hard to read. "I... I don't know, Y/N."
You looked at him, your heart aching. You had seen this man in moments of joy and sadness and watched him prepare for the biggest day of his life with a resignation that was heartbreaking. And now, as you stood there, you realized just how deeply you cared for him.
The silence stretched on, filled with unspoken words and hidden emotions. Finally, you decided to break it, "Tom, I..."
He held his finger against your lips, the touch igniting a fire inside you. "Y/N, don't. I can't... I can't hear it right now."
"But, Tom..."
"I appreciate everything you've done for me. For us," he said, his voice hoarse. "I just... I need some time."
Nodding, you excused yourself, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. 
The next time you saw Tom, he was in a suit. The sight of it took your breath away, and you couldn’t stop your heart from dropping to your knees. He looked gorgeous, almost surreal. The impeccably tailored suit hugged his form, accentuating his lean physique. His hair was styled to perfection, a few stray locks playfully falling over his forehead. And his eyes, oh, his eyes were a tumult of emotions - nervousness, anticipation, and a hidden sadness that only you seemed to perceive.
He went on to distribute the groomsmen's gifts, each one met with a chorus of appreciative remarks and brotherly jests. His friends clapped his back and murmured words of encouragement into his ear, but all their joviality couldn’t mask the concern in their eyes.
And then, it was time for his speech. Tom stood at the head of the room, his gaze scanning over his friends and family. The room fell into a hushed silence as he cleared his throat.
"I want to thank all of you for being here," he began, his voice steady. "This day...this day wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you."
You watched from the sidelines, your heart echoing with a dull ache. The air seemed to thin around you as you saw him standing there, on the brink of a decision that he wasn't entirely at peace with. It felt like watching a scene from a tragic play, beautiful yet heartbreaking.
The car ride to the venue was quiet. The bustling cityscape of London rushed by in a blur, reflecting your tumultuous thoughts. Beside you, Tom sat, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery, lost in his thoughts.
And then, he broke the silence.
"Y/N..." he murmured, turning to look at you. His voice was soft, hesitant as if he was grappling with the words. "There's something I need to tell you."
Your heart pounded in your chest, a flurry of emotions coursing through you. "Yes, Tom?" you managed to ask, bracing yourself for what was to come.
"I..." he began, faltering for a moment before taking a deep breath, "... I care for you. More than I should, more than is appropriate, given... everything."
Your breath hitched in your throat. "Tom..."
"No, let me finish," he said, a hint of desperation in his voice. "I know it's too late. I know that... well, I am about to marry Honoria. But I... I can't stand the thought of not telling you how I feel."
Your heart felt heavy in your chest. All the unsaid words, all the hidden emotions - they were out in the open now. But it was too late. A sense of bittersweet relief washed over you tinged with regret and an inexplicable pain. But for now, you could do nothing but offer him a weak smile and a whispered, "I know, Tom. I know."
MASTERLIST (find the next chapters here!)
Chapter 3 of Freed by Fate here
Requests are open!
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#my man was NOT subtle 🤣😉
+ bonus: message received 😅
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bebx · 7 months
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Loki wanted to hug Mobius again in this scene, but knew he couldn’t because this Mobius hasn’t been through what HIS Mobius went through with him yet.
and Loki’s Mobius — our Mobius — doesn’t know that he’s actually had his goodbye with Loki, right here, as he watches Loki become the God of Stories.
but whether or not Mobius knows it, he is the only person Loki got to say goodbye to, the only one Loki chose to say goodbye to. right here.
thank you, Mobius = goodbye, Mobius
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twyllodrus · 7 months
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"I'm the God of Lies. What's a lie, Verity? A lie is a story told. That's all. And we can rewrite our stories. All of us. Write our own happy endings. Our own redefinitions. We don't have to be what we're told to be. Even by ourselves. I'M THE GOD OF STORIES"
– Agent of Asgard, Issue #13
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jovuuu · 6 months
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I still haven’t recovered from that ending so here’s a comfort drawing
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shambelle97 · 6 months
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Congratulations to cast and crew of Marvel Studios’ Loki on their four Critics Choice Awards TV Nominations including Best Drama Series, Best Actor in a Drama Series – Tom Hiddleston, Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series – Sophia Di Martino, and Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series – Ke Huy Quan. #CriticsChoice
Pics by: marvelstudios
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