#Tonny x Julia
todosmeiape1an · 4 months
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Payasitos 🤡💖🤡
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frogberttt · 11 days
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They’re idiots
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pinkcheesecake7 · 2 months
Okay so.. I just got done reading the marionetta WEBTOON and on chapter 46 one of the top comments was praising Sahejul and the people in the replies were being very hypocritical in my opinion, I left some comments and here it is.
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“Sahed is a jerk!!” So is everyone else in the webtoon. Julia literally came in just yelling racist crap, Kamille is a terrible friend, Dotty is a cheater, and Tonny is a liar. They all have flaws. Yet I notice that Sahed and Kamille got the most shit for it? Tonny is “a nice guy who doesn’t want to do this” which is most likely TRUE! But he’s still doing it, and he knows it’s wrong but is lying to everyone. Julia was racist for quite a while and literally calls everyone around her names in front of their face “she was brainwashed!” Which is true. But everyone excused it? While Kamille (who I hated at the start for being a bad friend) forgot her birthday and wondered off a few times because she wanted to escape being forced into something against her will, gets NO grace? And Sahed, a boy who was taken by colonizers, wants justice and safety for his people, wants to expose the lies of the horrible government is a bit pushy and suddenly he’s the devils incarnate. 💀 Okay.
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floralcavern · 1 year
Usually for love triangles, I’m all for shipping every character into an individual ship. But sometimes I draw the line at one person in the triangle trying to kill the other
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stale-breadcrumb · 10 months
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they've been on my mind a lot lately 👼
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Haven’t been here for a while but…
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Sahed and Tonny are either exes or they will end up together in the end, because THE TENSION THEY HAVE-- I swear
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A new spectacle?
A @littlegremlinflower has requested something and who am I to deny her request?
warnings/summary: fluff, nearly getting caught by the whole circus, and Anthonn and reader make out :}
word count:
It shouldn't have happened at all. No, not like that, I mean, the old lady told you you'd have a great live ahead of you, meet the love of your life as well, so why were you drowning?
Why did you feel like you couldn't swim up anymore? was it because the ice cold water pireced into your skin and bones, making them numb? Was it because one of your bullied pushed you?
was it because you maybe didn't believe the old woman, and didn't move because of that? Because you didn't believe in a happy ending for yourself?
I mean, sure, you had food, a roof over your head, but that was not everything. You didn't have enough clothes to go where girls your age would normally go, you didn't really go studying, only finishing highschool and having to help your mother and father earn money to bring food to the table.
Why were you always the one with the worst of luck?
You tried moving your body, but nothing. you tried telling your heart to beat, beat louder, faster. You tried telling yourself to not give up, you tried to gain at least some willpower, a little push-
"Hey, are you alright?!" "I don't think she can hear ya, she's blue."
Yes, you actually took in a blue-ish skin color, the snow falling into your frozen face as you just laid there, limp, in another man's arms.
The guy who held you sighed sadly. Then he took you more in his arms before he carried you bridal-style into a warmer place. The guy next to him looked the the first guy with a smirk.
"Wh-what?", the first man asked who carried you. He had a slight pinkish colour on his cheeks and ears as he looked at his companion.
"You're not gonna let her rest in piece?", the other boy said as he gave him a knowing look. "But, you do you. Maybe she'd be a great woman for you-"
"I-I wasn't thinking about that, Sahed! I-I just thought that she was very young, and that we'd be able to take her under our wing is all!"
"Sure, whatever you say, Tonny."
"Huh? Where am I?", you asked yourself as you looked around. You woke up in a small room, where you found yourself laying in a bed with pastel-pink sheets, and a rosy smell.
You felt like you had the best nap ever, if only you hadn't realized what you didn't do before.
Or better said, what happened to you before you "slept".
A sudden knock made you flinch as you quickly looked at yourself. 'Wait, what am I doing? Shouldn't I be dead?', you asked yourself before the door opened without your consent and a shy looking blonde man poked his head inside.
"Ah, you're awake...may I come in, miss?", he asked with a friendly smile.
You were taken aback by how handsome he was, how sweet his face looked, and all while keeping his boyish youth, he also looked like a grown up. you couldn't however guess his age or where he was from, but you felt connected to him, as if you two've been knowing each other from somewhere.
"Yes..? Um, where am I?", you asked instead, hoping for an answer from the gentleman who sat himself down on a nearby stool.
The guy in front of you rubbed his neck sheepishly as he looked to the side with a small grin. "Well, you're in a circus, which is moving from town to town."
'A moving circus? Is that even possible..?', you thought before you hugged the blanket closer to you. "So...um... I don't know if I may sound crazy or something to you sir, but um...I think I'm actually dead, like I think I died? But why would I be alive still, you know what I mean?", you explained and asked, and as you moved your hands for more insight.
You looked at the stranger then with hope. He only frowned at you sadly. "...promise me you won't freak out.", he only said before he stood up and approached you.
You sucked your legs close to your chest as his figure neared the bed. You gulped when he came to you, placing one knee after the other before you were caged against the wall, his hands on either side of your shoulders.
"Please promise me.", he spoke softly, looking down at you softly. you could smell his cologne, and it was rather sweet and flowery than rough and, I don't know, these weird colognes men nowadays wear?
The blonde smelled nice. He looked nice. You only hoped he was nice, too. And you also felt a little intimidated by his bigger body. His hands and arms looked like they had been through a lot, but why was his face still so...young?
he reminded you more of a man now, instead of a boy your age. He reminded you of a guy who had seen stuff he saw way too early for his age, with the way the man sitting in front of you looked at you. Eyes filled with...sorrow? fatigue? sadness?...but from what?
"I...promise...?", you mumbled with a red face, because the stranger was no less than a few inches away from your face, his eyes looking right at yours. He nodded.
then he nodded again, as if to reassure himself.
"Okay....okay, um. you actually are- no, were, sorry, you were dead.", he spoke, and you smiled at him.
"The thing is...you got murdered, miss. Your...uhm...some other woman, maybe around your age or older, had pushed you into a small lake. And it was winter. You were drowning, a-and I tried to save you!...", he exclaimed with wide eyes, his hands finding themselves holding your shoulders as these rised when you remembered what happened.
Then he sighed. "But you froze to death in my arms..."
You watched him. His face, his underlip slightly quivering...in regret? anger?, his throat, the slight wobble of his addams apple, and felt his hands slightly crumble your nightgown.
"then...how come I am alive now?", you asked, and you put your hands on top of his. The guy gulped when he felt your hands on his, a slight blush coating his ears and cheekbones.
"Please tell me, um...?"
"Eh! Ah, uh, m-my name is A-Anthonn Gremminger!", he introduced himself nervously, and you felt his hands get warm. Sweaty hands?
"Anthonn Gremminger. My name is ____ _______. Could you please tell me what happened after my death? How come that I can breathe a-and talk to you? Is this some sort of magic circus?"
He started to slightly massage your shoulders, but he looked deep in thought when his thumbs softly pressed into your body. You sighed at the feeling, and your body relaxed. your hands loosened their gentle grip around his wrists and went down to his elbow slowly but stopped mid-way.
that movement snapped Anthonn out of his thoughts as he shook his head slightly before he looked at you with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I've just been thinking on how to answer that, you know?"
"You can just say yes or no. I don't think I'd understand anything regarding magiv if you told me, anyway."
"Well, okay then...yes. This is a magic circus.", Anthonn answered after a short moment of silence.
You sighed. "My god...and because of that...I'm alive again?", you asked, feeling scared that something like that could have actually happen.
Anthonn pulled you close to him. Slowly, as if he'd give you all the time in the world to push him away any second if you'd like.
You didn't.
You just let yourself get leaned against his chest, but you heard no heartbeat. "Not even a beating heart..?", you asked softly, and Anthonn forgot he was dead.
"S-sorry about that..I-I actually wanted to calm you down with my, um, heartbeat, b-but it didn't work, and I forgot..!", he tried to reason, feeling embarassed of himself. You huffed.
"It's alright. It...still calms me down.", I say softly, and Anthonn sighs in relief.
and you two stayed like that, with you getting calmed down and comforted in Anthonn's arms, and after that, you got introduced to the circus.
You still couldn't believe that you lost your loved ones, or that you were about to travel the world like that. You also couldn't believe that Anthonn was blushing around you.
Madly so.
Fast forward, Anthonn confessed shyly, and it was the sweetest confession you've ever heard. And a sweet relationship blossomed. You loved Anthonn dearly, with him loving you back twice as much.
But...that's where the hormones kicked in.
"mmh, __- *kiss* -__! Please *kiss* gimme *kiss* a break!", Anthonn tried to say, panting as he did so, but you were too drunk on his lips to listen. Too in love to stop. Too determined to make himself and yourself feel good, as you just kept kissing him fevereshly.
"Don't wanna", you whispered before you angled his head to your liking and licked at his lips, wanting him to part them. And who was Anthonn to deny his lover?
However, there was another problem besides your onslaughter of affectionate physical love which was taking the air out of Anthonn's lungs.
You guys were right behind the stage as Anthonn started to part his lips for you, and he became a goner when your tongue went into his mouth. You were just...so...skilled! How come he couldn't do that?
Anthonn couldn't help but close his eyes in bliss when you lazily let your tongue explore his mouth, all the while your hands travelled around his body -even private parts- and he blushed intensly.
He didn't stop though. He didn't tell you to stop, nor did he push away. He actually pulled you closer because he didn't like the distance. (Anthonn please you guys nearly have your tummy's touching.) He was hugging you now, with you kissing him softly but passionately, and he could hear the cheers.
He imagined having a wedding with you, where they'd cheer louder than that, right at the moment where he'd kiss you after the guy would say: "you may now kiss the bride".
He whimpered at the thought, but you mistook it for something else. You immediately parted yourself from him, looking him in the eyes.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry if was going too harsh on you...", you spoke softly, caressing his red face. He looked to the side, embarassed.
"n-no, I'm alright!", he said quickly, and that was where a worker of the circus showed up. "C'mon Thonny, you need to make another announcement for who is going up next!!!"
But, the worker raised their eyebrows upon seeing Anthonn's red face, with lipstick marks adorning mostly his mouth, and then all over his face and neck. He even had your lipstick stains on his hands.
"...nevermind, we'll just do it ourselves...", the worker said with a knowing look, smirking at you and Anthonn before they left.
Anthonn whined at that. You huffed in amusement. "Hey, at least the whole circus didn't see us makingg out.", you mused, laughing when Anthonn groaned at that, while covering his face shyly.
you then took his hands away from his face and stared at him lovingly. "Wanna stop?", you asked, grinning at him.
Anthonn averted his eyes before he took you to a more secluded area, and you guys went back on your ministrations.
Heyyyy how was that? Pretty short, but I did my best! Sorry, but I didn't really know how to keep going and..yeah.
read you in the next post!
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puddingkingu · 1 year
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Marionetta shoulder demon and angel au
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justminawrites · 1 year
it was only her (first) invitation
Summary: A little one-shot exploring the aftermath of Tonny's invitation to the bonfire Party.
The circus was a strange place for Julia Lazarett.
Painful in its unfamiliarity, every unexpected sound, every unwelcome color scraping at her already withering moral compass, paper cuts bleeding her of everything she’d once known. Everything she’d once been.
Julia mouthed the word into the mirror slowly so she wouldn’t have to say it out loud: alive. She’d once been alive. The girl in the reflection stared back at her in bemusement, brown hair hastily braided, loosely at the roots and far too tight at the ends as though the braider had tried to correct their mistake halfway through.
Light bounced off the glass, into her eyes and for a second a shadow loomed over her. The same heavy breathing, writhing, glowing mass that had found her in the attic; the smell of rotting fruit as it sighed into her mouth. The same eyes that chased her out of her dreams, silently reminding her how she’d signed her life away; reminding her the hourglass hadn’t yet stopped spilling, grains of borrowed time gradually trickling to the bottom.
Julia tugged the tresses free and tried to weave them into submission again. One year left; that’s why she’d agreed to attend the party. At least, that’s what she’d admit out loud anyway. It definitely didn’t have anything to do with the way she’d been serenaded into accepting the invitation.
“I’ve left you to deal with this madness by yourself.. I’m sorry..”
Tonny had sounded so sincere in his apology that Julia was sure she’d agreed only so he wouldn’t see how close she was to dissolving into tears. He’d been the only one to acknowledge her death, her loss, her mourning, while everyone else was quite content to sweep all this dying business under the rug when they’d welcomed her into the circus.
Julia’s hand slipped and the riotous curls tumbled around her shoulders. But it wasn’t just that, was it?
“I want to be there for all of you..”
How long had it been since someone had tried to take care of her? Shame overran her cheeks and washed down her neck, watercolor against her pallid nightgown; and she feebly bunched up her hair in an effort to hide it from the girl in the mirror.
Julia had always been good at taking care of herself, she didn’t see the need for any of that to change even after her mother disappeared. Her father had been content to accept her silent steadfastness, relied on it even during the months following the absence, as the warmth seeped out of the house just as steadily as the loneliness seeped in.
She hadn’t even noticed the switch until she’d met Kamille.
A quarter of a year had passed and her father had been away on one of his military trips, and nine-year-old Julia had convinced herself she could sew a loose button on one of her mother’s old dresses.
The house had remained eerily quiet all day, holding its breath as she bought the shiny new buttons, spare silk she threaded through the needle, and inevitably pricked her index finger with the sharp silver point.
A tiny red droplet blossomed onto the cuff of the ivory gown, blooming peony, and it was as though the room had momentarily become submerged under water. Isolation rushed through the open windows and Julia found she couldn’t hold her breath fast enough to keep the waves at bay.
Her heart spasmed with panic and she became aware of a sudden, painful tightness in her chest that seemed to have been there all along, waiting for her to notice. Her empty hands had begun to shake and the dress slipped onto the wooden floors; she couldn’t remember where she’d put the needle and half-heartedly wondered if she’d swallowed it.
The waves of seclusion threatened to overwhelm her, her father was gone and Julia was alone. Alone, alone, alone. She was all alone in this world, and she was drowning in an empty house and she was drowning and drowning, and nobody would find her because she was–
The waves retreated momentarily as a voice drifted through the open windows. Her neighbour’s daughter had somehow wandered into the rosebushes, and was peering into her room with the doe-like confusion of someone who’d never lived in a flooding house.
Julia had managed to get Kamille untangled from the thorns and Kamille had offered to sew on her button. The two had been inseparable ever since; and the waves had stayed away.
But lately, Julia had begun to feel them steadily lapping at her feet, in sync with the rocking of the cart-ship-vehicular-monstrosity carrying the entire circus. Cold seeping through her socks as she crawled into bed, goose-pimples on flesh, she could feel them watching, lying in wait to take her to her mother. Even Dotty had remarked on the chill in her fingers before she’d quickly snatched them back.
Julia could always feel the water. Until she couldn’t.
“I can’t let you stay alone in this room every night... I’d like you to come to the bonfire party..”
It retreated under her bed when Tonny knocked, and sulked like a child as he fidgeted by the doorframe, unwilling to rob her of modesty. It stayed away the rest of the night too, long after he’d gone, and for once Julia’s bed had been blissfully warm.
Julia put on the fuzzy pink-and-yellow vest Plip had lent her and fastened the buttons, trying to ignore the rosy hue of the girl in the mirror. It must be the vest; pink had never been colour.
She couldn’t put a finger on what had tugged at her heartstrings (as Dotty would call it), the sincerity of the apology or how nervous Tonny was giving it.
Perhaps it was the way he sensed how Julia’s fate hadn’t been her choice, maybe even related to it a little, and was bent upon allowing her as much say as he could.
Perhaps it was even something as simple as shouldering her happiness, making it his responsibility. Offering a hand to help her up; and how she couldn’t remember the last time someone had done that for her unprompted.
“I want to be there for all of you..”
“–for all of you..”
for you.
Kamille had always needed taking care of; her naiveté had led her into more trouble than Julia had been able to get them out of, but Kamille was gentle in a way Julia had never been.
Gentle, trusting, kind.. too kind. Kind enough to be swindled by a Three– by someone like Sahed!
Julia shook her head in disbelief. That’s right, she’d never be Kamille. She’d always be Killjoy Lazarett (as her classmates kindly pointed out), but for a moment she imagined taking his words at face value.
She wondered how he’d react to the contract she signed, chicken scratch on golden paper; pondered how to bring up the conditions of her release. The girl in the mirror mouthed the words because she couldn’t. “–to kill you.”
Julia felt her chest stir as she recalled the softness in his dark, dark eyes; gentle with understanding. But would he truly understand, she wondered, if she’d said she had no choice? Would he understand what it felt like to be so wary, so afraid to take a breath for fear of it just being water? 
Would he understand if she told him the needle might still be in her throat?
I have to kill you.
Tonny hadn’t tried to scold her into submission; he hadn’t growled or grumbled or berated her for her purposefully shutting herself out from everyone else (even if some of her prejudices were warranted). He’d made her feel safe, feel wanted; even Kamille acted like she hadn't wanted Julia around lately.
Out of everyone in the circus, it had to be Anthonn Gremminger, the one person she was predestined to end. Though Julia occasionally wondered whether he had the capacity for unkindness, what with the way he let himself get pushed around by everyone- even children.
I have to kill you.
The girl in the mirror looked back at her sadly, hair undone and for the first time, Julia was struck by how much she felt like a puppet. Slick golden threads descending from above to wrap around her knees, her wrists, her neck; steadily guiding her knife to the ringmaster’s throat.
No– telling him was a stupid idea.
Julia pinched the blush out of her cheeks; who knew what these crazy circus people would do to her when they found out why she was actually here? They’d probably lock her up in the basement and perform some voodoo-magic nonsense on her until she lost all her memories and Kamille.
No, there was only one way out of this. Julia would just have to do something about it herself.
She gave herself a long, hard look in the mirror: This circus was the enemy; Tonny was the enemy; but she wasn’t about to kill him.
There must be some other way to get rid of the contract, some way to break the seal. She was sure Sahed was hiding something from her - she’d need a way to break into his room later.
Yes, there was only one way.
Julia half-heartedly smiled at her reflection and tried to ignore the ominous swooshing of water in the distance.
‘It's the wind,’ she told herself as she left to attend the bonfire party, ‘A storm must be brewing.’
Right, just the wind.
A/N: So I was in a deep deep writing slump but then I happened to catch up with the most recent episodes of Marionetta on Webtoon and it just {DID SOMETHING} to me man. The way Míriam does the expressions?????? *chefs kiss*
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kairos-in-space · 10 months
they'd be friends
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todosmeiape1an · 7 months
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Blessed by the tatas🍈🍈🍋🍋
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girlscoutbrownies · 1 year
Episode 33
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you don’t know the SHOCK that came across ym face when i saw this dawg in a “YAAA PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE MAKING SO MANY TONNY X JULIA SHIP EDITS OF THIS ON TIKTOK” way I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE SO SILLY ?!?! Also the way he didn’t grab her hand but grabbed her wrist instead 😭😭 No handholding before marriage fr
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crowsncorvids · 10 months
i was gonna say that tonny x julia is probably sinking npow but tbh id still go out with a girl who tried and failed to kill me, actually that would make her way more attractive, i still like sahed though lolll can we just have a murder polycule thanks
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What in the toxic yaoi…..
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MARIONETTA - Masterlist - 02.09.2023
Gossip part 2
Gossip, part 3
What did you just say? (Julia x Sahed)
A beautiful smile. (Sahed x reader)
"Tone it down, Tonny...!" (Anthonn x reader-suggestive)
Tonny and you acting like an old married couple :]
Under my spell?! (loser! Tonny x bully! reader)
"You're one year too late." (Sahed x fem! reader angst)
Jealous Sahed = Hot Sahed (jealous sahed x reader)
"My favourite type of flower..." (Sahed x reader)
Sahed the perv. (Sahed being a pervert around you)
"Intense." (Sahed x Julia smut)
Cursed lips (Tongue-tied Sahed x flirty reader)
A new spectacle? (Anthonn x reader)
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