#Took a while to finally land on a look for Alula that I really liked
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It’s sure been a while but I wanted to come back with Alula’s brand new updated design! Hope you like her!
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Vil x Reader x Neige pt.2
The VDC festival is coming soon and Vil was hard at work to perfect his perfect team. As Y/n sat in the judge's seat and drew in their sketchbook, Ace commented on how Y/n wasn't even paying attention.
"Ace, your form was horrible, and you were a few seconds behind everyone else," Y/n said as they looked up from their book.
"Y/n is right rooky #1," Vil said as he tried to fix Ace's stance," Y/n could you be a dear and get us some water?"
"Alright," Y/n smiled as they got up from their seat and left the ballroom.
"Guys check this out, that bird brain is a really good artist," Grimm said as he flipped through Y/n's book.
"H-hey Grimm doesn't do that," Yuu panicked as he pulled the book away.
"Wow, Grimm was right. That birdbrain really is an artist," Ace said as he grabbed the book.
"Wow, they really have an eye for detail," Kalim awed.
"Yes, our monsieur le Roi du Ciel is extremely talented. They are well on their way to being a master artist. Such a rare beauty," Rook smiled.
"This book is almost filled with drawings of Vil," Deuce commented.
"That's because Monsieur le Roi du Ciel's muse is the beautiful Vil himself. And I believe Vil enjoys that," Rook whispered to the group.
"Rook, Stop spilling such rubbish," Vil sighed as continued to admire Y/n's work.
As the group flipped through the pages filled with drawings of Vil, they soon came to an almost finished drawing of Y/n and Neige. A photo reference was clipped at the corner. Vil gasped silently as his body tensed in jealousy, he glared at the filtered photo of his Y/n being all close and friendly with his rival.
'Neige, why must you always be the one to take everything from me?!' Vil growled to himself. _________
As Y/n grabbed a bottled water from the vending machine, they felt their Phone vibrate in their pocket. Pulled out their phone, they quickly recognized that it was Neige.
"Hello Neige," Y/n smiled as they held the phone between their ear and shoulder.
"Hi, Y/n. Sorry if I'm calling at the worst time, but I just really wanted to talk to you again," Neige said from the other side.
"Neige, we hung out a week ago, and VDC is coming soon, And your Career keeps you busy," Y/n smiled.
"I just really miss You. Do you think it's possible to hang out again?" Neige asked.
"I don't know. Hey, why don't we hang out at VDC, and check out the stalls before the performances start?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah I would like that, but there is a practice I have to attend to first. Meet there at the Purple stage?" Neige asked.
"Yeah, I'll see you then," Y/n smiled as they hung up.
Neige sighed as he laid on his bed after the call, he could feel his heart flutter at the sound Of Y/n's voice so close to his ear. Neige smiled as he looked through Y/n's magical account to see if they posted any new works and videos. As he looked through at all of Y/n's beautiful work, something caught his attention. It was a photo that was posted a couple of days ago. In it was Y/n, sitting on a chair, holding a finished portrait painting of Vil. Behind Y/n was Vil himself, as he was resting his forearms on Y/n's shoulders.
Neige's eyes soon landed on the description.
I was lucky enough that the beautiful Vil Schoenheit was willing to lend me some of his time to make this lovely painting of him. I'm glad I was able to work with the fairest.
Something about that made Neige's heart sink a little as he reread the words over. He held the photo of him and Y/n close to his chest as he felt his heartache.
"I'm sure they're my prince charming," he mumbled to himself.
"Vil and Neige had been acting strange, well maybe a bit off as of late. Vil for one has been a bit cold to me as of late. He didn't even want me drawing. He didn't even really want to look at me, while Neige has ghosted me completely. And I don't even know why," Y/n sighed as they ate their salad," And after the final practice, Neige didn't even want to hang out as we planned.
"Maybe, cause the VDC stress is getting to them. So they are mostly focusing on their performances," Yuu suggested.
"That may be the case," Y/n sighed.
Y/n was ordered to create the VDC trophy for the event, they would even be the ones to hand the winners the trophy as well. The two quickly ran to the purple stage for the last practice before the real deal, Team vil became a well-oiled machine and their song was amazing.
"You all Did amazing you guys," Y/n smiled as they handed them a bottle of Epel's apple juice.
They all happily thanked them, while Vil Merely passed Y/n, and ignoring them. Y/n sighed sadly as he made room for Neige and his friends to pass, Y/n smiled as Neige smiled back, but quickly turned to leave unusually quickly.
"Are you alright Y/n?" Yuu asked.
"I-I think I'm gonna go and add final touches to the trophy I made for the VDC," Y/n said sadly," I know when I'm not wanted."
As Y/n made final touches to the VDC trophy, they suddenly heard a shatter outside their waiting room.  Y/n opened the door only for a dark green and purple mist to seep into the room. The moment they breathed in the mist, his lungs burned with every breath as they coughed violently. They held their breath and ran through the mist to see Yuu, Grimm, Kalim, and Rook caught in the same poisonous mist.
"You guy's what Happened?!" Y/n called out through his sleeves.
"Roi du Ciel! Don't come this way!" Rook warned.
Y/n froze in place in place as he took in Rook's warning. Yet as they stood there in the mist, they get a chilling presence staring down at them. They slowly turned to see an overblot Vil Schoenheit floating above him. Chill's ran down his spine as his instincts kicked in, as he jumped away, but vil quickly grabbed their wing and slammed them to the wall.
Y/n groaned in pain from the attack on his body and lunges as the Overblot creature lifted Y/n by their collar.
"V-Vil?! W-what happened to you," Y/n coughed.
"Why would you betray me like that, my artist," Vil growled.
"Wha-What are you talking about?" Y/n chocked.
"Was I not enough!? So much so that your eyes wandered to my enemy, Neige," Vil seethed with anger.
"What does he have to do with-"
"You were mine first! What does he have that I don't, why must he take everything from me!" Vil interrupted as he growled at the frightened siren.
Black spots start to consume their vision, as they grew weak and dangled from Vil's grip. Y/n's breathing started to become more and more shallow as he stared up at the still beautiful vil, as they weakly lifted their hand and softly caressed Vil's cheek.
"So...Beautiful," Y/n chocked out before passing out.
"Don't YOU DARE DECEIVE ME!" Vil shouted, as his hand trembled.
Vil trembled as all sorts of emotions flowed through him. Anger, jealousy, sorrow, and joy flowed through his veins as the poison mist grew more and more toxic, from all his intense conflicting emotions. So much so that the very mist ate away at Y/n's beautiful feathers, leaving all but the alula and marginal covert feathers.
Neige had a massive headache when he came to, one moment he was chatting with Vil, and the next thing he knew he was standing in front of a crowd of his fans. So with much assistance, he was eventually escorted back to the purple stage, only to see a horrible sight in front of him. Paramedics and nurses were rushing about a patient who was being lifted onto a gurney. Neige's heart dropped as he recognized the victim, Y/n.
"Y/N!!" Neige called out as he ran to their side.
He gasped in horror at the sight of them; they were so pale and their wings were burned away. Tears welled up in his eyes as he was them lay unconscious in the gurney with a ventilator mask over his mouth.
"Excuse me sir, but we need to get this student to a hospital right away," Said a nurse as they filled Y/n into the ambulance.
Part 1 here
Alternate endings
Neige ending
Vil ending.
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