#Toothless Human Version
melonthesprigatito · 1 year
Holy trinity of Mascot Legendaries whose designs are not really my taste but the game did such a damn good job at endearing them to me by giving them adorable/ goofy and charming personalities that I would die for them.
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xxtc-96xx · 2 months
I’m curious, what makes you dislike the third movie of HTTYD?
The short version: it basically destroys everything the first two set up. I don’t believe for a second that pale twink killed all the night furies, toothless abandons his brother for a piece of dragon ass despite refusing to take the solo flying tail in gift of a night fury, and the director had the balls to go the PETA route and claim the dragons were being corrupted by the humans by bonding with them and had to be set free so the humans can inevitably get scared of them and start killing them again, seeing that Hiccup’s daughter was already setting traps to catch dragons
Again that’s the short version lol
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Oooh what if wild Toothless who never got shot down by hiccup , toothless who can still fly , toothless who got attached very quickly to a injured human who stuck in his cove/nest❄️anon (yandere pet like concept/hcs/thoughts pretty please ) 
Yesss, here's what I got!
Yandere! Feral/Wild! Toothless Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Violence, Blood, Dragons killing dragons, Forced/Dubious companionship.
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I really like the idea of the roles being switched!
Instead of an injured dragon befriending a human, an injured human befriends a dragon.
This no doubt takes place during the times where humans and dragons are still fighting.
Toothless is still the last of his kind, an elusive species.
You've heard of dragons, you've seen what they can do.
Many vikings tell you to fear them.
You didn't believe them until you were attacked.
You met Toothless as you were hiding from dragons who attacked you.
The Night Fury no doubt smelled your blood from your wounds.
You aren't injured too bad but certainly can't make it back home.
Not with the dragons in the area.
You aren't sure what to think when you see a Night Fury attack the dragons around you.
Toothless sustains some injuries but for the most part is fine.
You fear for your life when the Night Fury approaches you.
Both of you are covered in blood, the attackers are gone.
His eyes are in slits for a moment but he notices you're harmless.
Weak, even.
You could be easy prey.
Instead, the Night Fury doesn't kill you.
Instead he nudges you softly, maybe even tries to clean your wounds.
This Night Fury would be more scared of you than you are of him.
He isn't hungry, he isn't scared, he just seems curious... concerned.
You keep staying still, even as the dragon lays beside you to watch you.
Since Hiccup didn't find Toothless in this you would be the one to give him such a name.
Maybe as you heal more you fed him, allowing Toothless to show his retractable teeth.
The cool thing about this version of Toothless is definitely his flight.
He doesn't need anyone to fly, he's a regular Night Fury.
Yet despite this the dragon befriends you, an injured human.
He doesn't eat humans, it's actually not in the Night Fury diet (Look at the Night Fury article on the wiki)
So he isn't interested in eating you.
This would explain why he chooses to protect you instead.
The fact you're both "harmless" is what makes you able to relax.
That is until Toothless decides to take you away.
After all, you can't be safe here.
Toothless means well when he tosses you onto his back and flies to the cave he usually resides in.
The dragon hates that you give him the cold shoulder afterwards.
He brings you back all sorts of food to care for you.
He wants his human friend to heal.
He feels you're being hunted just as much as him.
You don't harm him because of a few reasons.
You wouldn't be able to go home... and you are admittedly attached to this dragon as your only friend and savior.
This is what makes you accept the supplies you're given.
You even allow Toothless to cuddle around you.
The issue is the dragon never lets you leave.
Nothing gets in the den, nothing gets out.
Toothless has taken the role of your protector.
Your family may think you've been killed.
You haven't.
In fact, you're really safe.
Toothless, as a Night Fury, is intelligent and powerful.
He understands your social queues and gets you what you need.
If you tried to leave then the dragon forces you back in the den.
If he lets you go... you'll die.
Dragons who try to sneak up on you are quickly attacked by Toothless.
Night Furies don't eat other dragons, but that doesn't stop Toothless from tearing into them.
Toothless washes off the blood of his kills before bounding to you.
Yet you know what he's done as you can smell the metallic smell on his scales and breath.
Toothless is loyal and will protect you no matter what it takes.
Why should you even go home? Home won't accept you anymore for having a dragon...
It's just you and Toothless now.
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: whale shark
So I may have committed a cardinal sin last week because I didn't realize it was shark week and instead of a shark, I covered hagfish. This was clearly a terrible oversight and to make up for it, I'm going to talk about the biggest shark of all: the mighty whale shark.
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(Image: a whale shark seen from the side. It is a very large shark with a flattened head and three ridges running down its side. The skin in grey and covered in white spots. Smaller sharks and remoras are swimming alongside it. End ID)
Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are carpet sharks, meaning they are members of the order Orectolobiformes. The carpet sharks most people are familiar with are the wobbegongs, who are ventrally flattened sharks they typically stick near the seafloor, but Orectolobiformes is a pretty diverse clade containing a large variety of sharks with diverse body plans. Whale sharks are the only living member of the family Rhinocodontidae, making them effectively cousins of the wobbegongs. While there is only one living species of whale shark, we know of another few in the fossil record and there were likely more extinct species and relatives that we don't know about. Because shark skeletons are made of cartilage, they rarely fossilize, leaving only their teeth as fossils. Whale sharks have very tiny teeth and smaller things are less likely to fossilize than large things. Add in that fossilization is very rare and it's very possible there were whale sharks and other similar things in the past we will never know about because they never fossilized.
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(Image: a whale shark seen from the front. Its mouth is open, very wide, and apparently toothless. End ID)
Whale sharks are the largest living sharks and the largest living animals that aren't whales. Whale sharks can reach an average adult size of 14.5 meters (48 ft) and 18,600 kg (41,000 lbs), with males being larger. The largest whale shark on record was measured to be 18.8 m (62 ft). Whale sharks have broad, flattened heads and unlike most sharks, their mouths are on the front of the head instead of beneath the snout. The mouth can be over 2 meters across in an adult and is lined with approximately 300 rows of tiny teeth. These teeth are vestigial and do not play a role in feeding. Instead, the shark uses a structure at the back of the mouth composed of 20 fleshy pads that are coated with a thin mesh and held in place with connective tissue. More on feeding below. Whale sharks are grey in color, with white bellies and white spots covering the body. Each whale shark has a unique pattern of spots that scientists can use for identification. The spots will reappear in areas where damaged skin has healed instead of being scarred over. Whale sharks also have some regenerative ability, being able to recover from major wounds and possibly regrow sections of lost fin. Each side of the body has three long ridges that may help with streamlining.
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(Image: a whale shark seen form the front with its mouth closed. There are remoras attached to its underbelly and a group of small yellow fish with black stripes swimming near the mouth, possibly acting as cleaner fish. End ID)
Whale shark skin can be up to 15 cm thick and is covered with tiny, tooth-like scales called dermal denticles. Having tiny teeth where bony fish have scales is normal for sharks. What is not normal is having them on your eyes, but the whale shark does anyway. Let me repeat: whale sharks have teeth on their eyeballs. I like body horror and I'm creeped out by that. The eyes can be retracted into the head and these two adaptations are believed to protect the eyes from predators and parasites. Another adaptations the eyes (which, again, HAVE TEETH ON THEM) have is a mutated version of rhodopsin, the pigment the rod sells of the yes use to see. this mutation makes the eyes good at seeing blue light, but the rhodopsin becomes unstable in warm temperatures. In humans, this mutation leads to a degenerative eye condition that can result in blindness. Whale sharks have a solution, though. When in warm, shallow water, the pigment can be turned off to keep the eyes from degenerating. When the shark dives to deep water, the pigment is reactivated, granting the shark better vision as blue light is the most common in the deep sea.
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(Image: a close-up of a whale shark eye. It is a small, black, lidless eyeball surrounded by gray skin. End ID)
While whale sharks are huge, they aren't hunters. They are one of three living species of filter-feeding shark, the others being the basking shark (which I covered previously) and the awesomely-named megamouth shark. The majority of a whale shark's diet consists of plankton: primarily copepods, krill, eggs and larvae, and small fish, squid, and jellyfish. The shark can feed either by ram feeding (swimming forward with the mouth open) or creating suction to draw water into the mouth. The mouth is shaped like a funnel and forces water through the filtration pads. The pads, which likely evolved from gill rakers, capture food particles, which are then swallowed as the water is forced out through the gills. The filtration pads are extremely efficient and resistant to being clogged up with debris, though whale sharks have been observed performing a coughing-like behavior that is speculated to help clean the pads. Whale sharks spend up to 8 hours a day near the surface of the ocean, feeding on an estimated 2.7 kg (6 lbs) of plankton per hour.
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(Image: an artistic diagram of the feeding pads and gills of a whale shark and how water flows through the mouth and out the gills. Source: EmilyDamstra.com. End ID)
Whale sharks live in temperate and tropical oceans worldwide and can be found in both the open ocean and coastal regions. They are gentle giants who swim slowly and bask at the surface of the ocean, not threatening anything bigger than a sardine. While they spend a lot of time at the surface, whale sharks periodically dive in search of food. Most of these dives are less than 200 meters (660 ft) deep, but they will occasionally dive over 500 m (1,600 ft) deep. The deepest recorded dive reached 1,928 m (6,325 ft), the deepest recorded dive of any fish. Whale sharks are known to practice different feeding behavior based on available food in their region. There are two subpopulations of whale shark based on location: the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations. 75% of the whale shark population lives in the Indo-Pacific. Whale sharks seasonally migrate following warm waters and food and may also migrate to mate. Multiple places around the world host seasonal gatherings of whale shark, making them to best place to reliably see them.
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(Image: a whale shark from the side, swimming with its mouth open. Other fish can be seen in the background. End ID)
Not much is known about Whale shark mating. It has only been seen a few times in Saint Helena Island in the Atlantic and off the coast of Australia. Mating likely occurs during the seasonal aggregations. Female whale sharks are believed to travel to regional pupping grounds to give birth, but where exactly these are is an open question as juvenile whale sharks are rarely seen. The youngest whale shark ever observed was discovered having been captured and tied to a stake on a beach in Pilar, the Philippines. It was measured at 38 cm (15 in) and was released after being measured. This discovery likely means there is a pupping ground in the area. Whale sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning their eggs hatch internally and the young are born live. Whale shark females are believed to be able to reserve sperm and impregnate themselves repeatedly between matings, rather than bearing all their young at once. It is not clear how long it takes whale sharks to mature or how long they can live, though some estimates put them at sexually mature at around 25 years old and with a maximum lifespan between 50 and 150 years. It is estimated that only 10% of whale sharks live long enough to reach sexual maturity. Adult whale sharks have no natural predators.
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(Image: a baby whale shark that was rescued from a gill net in India. It looks like a smaller version of the adult, but with a proportionately larger head. A human (out of frame) is holding it just above the water. ENd ID)
Whale sharks are classified as endangered by the IUCN. They are threatened by fishing, poaching, bycatch, and boat strikes. Whale sharks are hunted for their skin, liver oil, and meat, though countries worldwide are increasingly regulating or banning whale shark hunting. Whale sharks also ingest large quantities of microplastics. The health effects of this are not understood currently. Whale sharks are kept in captivity in less than 20 aquariums worldwide. They need very large tanks and have special feeding requirements that makes it difficult to keep them healthy. Wild whale sharks pose no threat to humans though there have been reports of them ramming sport fishing boats after being provoked. In places where whale sharks seasonally aggregate, snorkeling or SCUBA diving alongside them has become a major ecotourism industry. Touching the sharks can hurt them and is illegal in most places. Some tourism agencies have been known to lure in young whale sharks by feeding them shrimp, something which is discouraged by naturalists as it can foster dependence on humans and potentially introduce dangerous chemicals to the sharks' diets.
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(Image: a person in a pink swimsuit wearing goggles and a snorkel swimming next to a whale shark just beneath the surface of the water. Two other whale sharks are in the background. End ID)
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hellooo :)
Wanted to ask if you can write a Predacon Buddy version/AU? In my idea their alt mode would be similar to a Night fury from How to train your dragon/HTTYD. I'm imagining a mix between movie 1 Toothless personality and movie 3 Toothless personality mostly.
Buddy being very playful and outgoing even as a Predacon, play fighting with Skylynx and/or Darksteel and teasing Predaking by laying in his lap (can we call it that?? I dunno. I mean his front legs) and placing their paws/claws on Predakings snout. Or simply stealing his Energon/prey/whatever he eats for a chase?
Buddy, despite being with their pack most of the time, sometimes ends up with the Autobots. Nobody knows how or why. Buddy, being in their alt mode, just one day chilling in the Autobots base as the bots come back from a mission (Ratchet left for too). The bots just walk in and see a fragging Predacon chilling in the middle of their base like- THE FRAG?? HOW DID THAT GET IN HERE??!
Please do it with the Autobots and Decepticons if that's alright!!
I love your writing SO DAMN MUCH ♥️♥️
PS Sorry for any spelling mistakes!
Thank you for the complement! And don't worry too much about spelling mistakes, we all make them!
Predacon Buddy's are slowly becoming a common theme here.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Night Fury Predacon with Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Predaking, and Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Shockwave doesn’t really know what happened to this Predacon when they came out of the test tube.
He blames Starscream.
Does Starscream have anything to do with this?
Maybe. He seems like the most logical suspect.
Buddy came out small, cute, and curious. Already nipping at Cons pedes when they came to close with their retractable dermas.
Curiosity was a dangerous thing to have if left unchecked.
So, Shockwave did the only logical thing.
He gave Buddy to Predacon, Skylynx, and Darksteel to look after.
The three older Predacons had their servos full trying to take care of Buddy.
Which was mainly Predaking doing most of the work. He was the most responsible out of the group and their king, naturally he picked up this duty.
Draksteel and Skynx where in charge of playing with Buddy.
Curiosity led Buddy to find the empty Autobot base by accident.
Of course, they didn’t really care about this ongoing war.
Right now, they wanted some places with a warm spot, maybe something soft to cuddle.
Some stray beams of sunlight hit the floor of the base creating a lovely warm place to sleep. But they needed the soft thing now to make things complete.
A soft little gasp was heard behind Buddy as they turned around quickly baring their retractable dermas.
They quickly put them away seeing a small human boy frozen in place. The weird looking frames on his face intrigued Buddy as they crept closer.
Raf just stayed still not knowing what to do.
Buddy vented out roughly knocking Raf’s glasses off his face which caused him to fall to the floor.
Buddy softly pocked at Raf’s hair.
Finally! The soft thing has been found!
Buddy carried Raf by the helm of his shirt and moved to the warm spot, circled around the place before plopping down.
Raf was trapped in between Buddy’s helm and front servos as they snuggled up to him before falling into recharge.
This is what Raf gets for staying at the base for 5 minutes alone.
Miko was never going to let him live this down.
For now, he figured he wasn’t in danger, and the small dragon was warm… and he didn’t get much sleep lately…
Raf was out like a light before he knew it causing Buddy to snuggle even further into their new favorite human.
Team Buddy duty
These bots were supposed to be watching Buddy. Buddy wasn’t supposed to leave the Nemesis until they had orders to go otherwise. Are they panicking when they can’t find Buddy on the ship? Who’s going to tell them in their face without risking the consequences?
Team that’s about to have a break down
These bots are very concerned in finding Buddy. Whether it be in the base sunbathing with their new favorite human or just gliding back from a long day of flying, these bots are about to lose it. They are just glad that no one got hurt by the end of the day.
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 4 months
Buddy pal friend, show Tumblrrrrrrr your arttttt
Show them the L u n a r ™️
Ramble about them p l e a s e
Hehehehe alien Lunar rambling time >:) including art for visuals
(note: this is just my interpretation/au of the “lunar is technically an alien” thing and it’s very self-indulgent, as all the stuff I create usually is also this may or may not end up becoming canon to the Icarus au, we’ll see)
So starting off, Lunar has a lot of features that are indicators of him being an alien/star-hybrid (my interpretation of the stars is also different though I won’t focus on that here-)
These features are (but not limited to):
Lunar, similar to Toothless from httyd, has retractable teeth (his teeth can retract on command into little pockets in his “gums” aka the silicone alternative of gums that he has)
His teeth are also sharper with much more prominent canines
(also yes he has used this ability to scare/surprise kids as well as family before)
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This isn’t exactly something entirely specific to him but he also has padded hands and feet and retractable claws
The thing that is more so specific to him though is that he is really good at climbing walls as well as other usually hard to climb places as the pads themselves act as natural suction cups
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Lunar and the others are semi-organic (which means they can do things such as properly ingest and digest food and drinks amongst many other things) HOWEVER, Lunar is different in ways than the others
One of these ways being that he doesn’t bleed oil but instead actual blood though it is still of course different from normal human and animal blood
Lunar can be injured much easier than the others due to this though something about his biology allows him to heal quickly, though how long it really takes depends on how severe the wound is
Lunar also has a form that is much more alien-like though they often don’t use it as they’re still getting used to it (the most they use it is during training as its easier to use their abilities then)
This other form gives them other physical traits such as soft and squishy feelers/nubs around their head and along their body that are very sensitive to changes in the air and vibrations as well as touch (he is able to pick up the faintest of sounds and movements using them so it can be very overwhelming)
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Being semi-organic also comes with other abilities (both for Lunar and the others): giving them equipment like tongues as well as other things
This means that any of the cast who are semi-organic are technically able to have kids due to their biology, including Lunar (though due to being part alien their methods are slightly different from the others coughs)
Along their face and body are star/constellation-like patterns that, while barley visible in the light, glow in the dark/at night
Lunar’s eyes also glow at night and he has amazing night vision (though the ladder is a thing others like Moon and Eclipse possess as well due to coding)
Going back to the patterns; they can technically communicate using them (they just don’t know how to yet-), kind of like how seawings use their bioluminescent markings to communicate in wof, by pulsing and flickering the lights (which Lunar sometimes unintentionally does when they are startled/flustered/upset)
Two versions of Lunar with markings (without light and with)
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I see Eclipse given four arms all the time so why not Lunar? He’s part of Eclipse’s code after all (and part alien now sooooo 4 arms :) )
Moving onto behavior:
Alien Lunar’s behavior is more feral (ex: growling/hissing and baring his teeth when upset or scared)
He is not a complete wild animal or anything like that but he does possess animal-like behaviors such as the one listed above and more (he can get really feral though when he’s super upset or scared or just experiencing other really high emotions)
Other behaviors include:
Zoomies when super excited or happy
Kneading like a cat when sleepy
Other vocalizations like purring (which is more like a rumbly whirr than an actual purr but still) and clicking/chirping and cooing like a dove/pigeon
Lunar tries not to let things like that slip much though they still do and they get embarrassed by it (again they’re still very much getting used to everything)
That’s all I have rn, again this is very self-indulgent and also I’m going into depth about a lot of stuff and being detailed (even with the more “below deck” stuff if you know what I mean even though can’t really say much about that here coughs) cuz I like doing that when creating any kind of biology for species/character stuff, it’s fun and helps build an interesting and complex thing I think
Imma stop rambling now-
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countlessofvoids · 24 days
I know I'm five years late on this and frankly this conversation is really fucking annoying at this point, but I gained analytical skills just recently, got hyperfixated on HTTYD again and have few things on my mind;
There's a ridiculous amount of bad writing decisions regarding the third movie's main antagonist and even more in the entirety of the film. However in my opinion, Grimmel's character could improve even if you kept all other aspects the same by getting rid of one plot point. And that is "drugging deathgrippers with their own venom".
One the dumbest parts of THW, only beaten by Toothless & light fury's boring romance and the movie's message. But the difference between those is those at least serve some purpose. This could go unmentioned and much wouldn't change. Sure, it shows us Grimmel uses their venom for his crossbow arrows, other than that, the "slavery" aspect is useless. All it does is make him ridiculously evil. Because the audience forgot he's not nice, apparently.
What I'm getting at is - I believe a better alternative would be the deathgrippers serving Grimmel not because they're forced to, but because they want to. Make them have genuine bond like Hiccup has with Toothless.
In universe justification: Deathgrippers are said to be intelligent dragons, so they'd probably understand that working with some creature who helps them hunt is beneficial for them. And since they're pack animals, hunting also works as a bonding activity. This would be a perfect gateway for Grimmel to make them more loyal to him. They don't necessarily need to have Hiccup & Toothless' bond (although I would personaly prefer it that way). Think of it like the speedstinger in RTTE - Despite not liking Snotlout at all, it defended him against the other speedstingers because it considered him a part of it's pack.
Writing/narrative justification: Having a group of dragons take part in killing simply for their enjoyment portrays them as intelligent creatures, which emphasizes how similiar dragons are to humans. Some are assholes just because! Also it means them dying at the end isn't a horrible way of making your audience question your protagonist's morals, since in this version they kinda deserved it.
Grimmel being friends with a bunch of dragons while hating all the others gives him depth as a character - it makes him a hypocrite.
But most importantly, Hiccup and Grimmel being parallels would be much clearer. It shows how they're the same person on different paths, that he could be like Hiccup but choose not to. Or it could lead to him being a parallel to Valka. Older person who doesn't like other people and prefers living with dragons? Sounds like Valka to me!
Now this could create a plot hole with the whole Alpha thing, since in canon they don't listen due to being drugged. However I choose to ignore that because I don't like the idea of every dragon mindlessly following Toothless no matter what personality and concept of the alpha in itself.
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rederiswrites · 6 months
I don't see how trump turning America into a christofacsist state is any different than the norm? like it's been like that for native and black people since it's creation like we inspired the nazis in the first place so like what the point? oh trumps gonna kill everyone who isn't a white cis male! and? that's what america's best quality since day one
Okay I'm actually going to respond to this Edgelord Supreme bullshit, because as absurd as it looks written out like this, I actually do think a lot of people are feeling some half-articulated version of this despair and cynicism. Let's kick that in the ass.
First, let's get one thing straight. History has been terrible awful bad always and forever. There have been a thousand genocides and a million wars and a billion brutal, inhuman war crimes. Back in the days of the earliest civilizations, wiping out entire cities when you defeated them was basically just how things were done for many societies. The fact that we have international laws and international bodies of justice, however obviously toothless they remain, is the result of thousands of years of extremely mixed progress.
So at this point, you pretty much have to say either that a) humans are an incurable blight and don't deserve to live, or b) that we've done amazing, beautiful things and experienced billions of moments of happiness and created art and fallen in love despite all this, so we're still worth working on. Personally, I am very strongly in camp b. I see things worth living for a hundred times a day. There's really no comparison.
Second, the USA is not uniquely bad. It is terribly damaging to people both within its borders and all over the world. It is build on genocide and slavery. Many of its foundational institutions are deeply corrupted by these things. And guess what, that's uh....pretty common. No, really. The US is currently a big fucking problem. It's our turn with the big stick, for sure. But even then, we're not alone.
So how the fuck is this encouraging? It isn't. I'm not encouraging you, I'm telling you to fucking GET GOOD, because when you say shit like the above, what I hear is "Oh I SEE, I'm a TERRIBLE PERSON I guess I should just kill myself to make your life easier." I hear someone who would rather give up and call their country morally bankrupt and irredeemable than to PUT IN SOME FUCKING WORK.
Cynicism is so comfortable. It doesn't ask anything of you. "It's always been like this," it says. "Nothing's going to change."
Except things do change, and things have changed, and your entire premise is in fact absolute dogshit. The two presidential candidates are not remotely the same, and we are not, yet, a Christofascist nation. I could, as many before me already have, enumerate the million concrete ways in which your premise is just not true, but honestly I won't bother, because it's not a premise in good faith. What I mean by that is that even a cursory examination of the actual facts would totally trash your expressed beliefs, so you're not really interested in the facts.
Change for the better can happen. Change for the better has happened. It's just not as EASY as you want it to be. There are more steps. For example, you can't have viable independent candidates until you have campaign finance and voting reform. So you have to push for those things. For years, probably decades. Many people have died without seeing the realization of things they fought for, and yet those things have come to pass. You may die fighting the good fight and not see the victory. I may too. Meanwhile, you make the choices that will hopefully get the fewest people killed.
So stop acting like we're all just too shitty to bother about, and put in some fucking work.
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angelled-art · 8 months
💛💙Hulf-human Stormfly redesign concepts💙💛
(For RTTE - HTTYD2's age)
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~Real name is Shira~
Back in 2021 I already tried to redesign her.. (The last pic is the very first design)
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But in the current version I want to pay more attention to Dragons' personalities as characters, and it turned out that the old redesign no longer fits with how I see her, so.. I present you the new one!~🤲
Perhaps I have a rather unpopular opinion about Stormfly's personality, bc in most popular ones she's "cool like Astrid" girl (in my older versions too btw)
And yes, she's definitely cool, but for me she's much less "serious" than her rider)) She also doesn't have that note of arrogance like Astrid, she's just a fun girl)
Very cheerful, sometimes hyperactive, open, kind but a little sarcastic, which makes her a good friend with Toothless))
P.S. But however, despite all her positivity, be sure, if you make her angry, you will REGRET IT!>:D
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agoraphobic-artist · 3 months
Kuro-Shit Mini Post
Yesterday, shortly after I posted my last haul on tumblr, these little guys showed up in a package!
These are the full set of 9 Public School Arc rubber mascot keychains, created by Bandai as capsule prizes.
As expected, the potential options include the main characters Sebastian and Ciel, as well as the four Prefects of Weston School. This second wave of released merchandise seems to have introduced Soma to the roster as well. (Undertaker makes an appearance as we approach wave 3)
Side Rant- Personally, I would have liked to see some Drudge representation but hopefully that will come at some point in the future perhaps as a 4th wave? Alternatively, maybe if and when they get around to animating the "Blue Cult Arc"...??
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I have decided to show each keychain in closer detail and in order of my least to most favourite:
#9 SEBASTIAN "B-version"
This is the slightly more demonic design for Master Michaelis, appearing without his glasses so that you can better see his red eyes; It would have been a nice touch if his pupils had been shaped more into slits in my opinion.
Unfortunately, his gummy toothless grin does little for me.
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Bluewer is simply stood elegantly and reading his book.
Honestly, there is nothing wrong or particularly off-putting about his design, I just prefer other characters and poses to his.
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I was a little disappointed with this keychain, as Redmond is a favourite character of mine.
Rather than looking sultry as I think was intended, he just looks a little sleep deprived. Also, I can't completely put my finger on why he looks out of place with the others... perhaps his face is too wide..?
That being said, I adore his sassy pose.
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I have found in the past, that merchandise of the prince is always very inconsistent and the pictures I saw online of this item I felt didn't look great. I was very pleasantly surprised however when I saw Soma's design in person.
My only gripe is the eyes lack the sclera, instead being filled with the same shade as his skin; This is true of all of the keychains but as the other characters have paler skin than him I feel that it is less noticeable overall.
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Based on a particular moment in the series, this is adorable! Especially Ciel!
It would be higher on the list but something about Sebastian feels off again, but only slightly. Maybe the expression with the open mouth? or his abnormally small hand? Not sure but something about him is a little odd to me.
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#4 SEBASTIAN A-Version
Finally, a Sebastian that I can fully get behind.
His tea coloured eyes behind his little tutoring glasses, his smug smirk and his formal pose as house master of the Sapphire Owls.
How could I not love the design of our demon in his human suit.
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Adorable, Mopey, and ready to head back to Wolf houses dormitory immediately.
What else can I say, its Violet... but small.
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Stoically posed with his cricket bat as per usual.
I don't have alot to say about him.
I know that I am being biased putting him at #2 as someone else rating them might prefer Bluewer and hate Greenhill, but he is my favourite of the Prefects so this is where he stays.
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... and last but not least...
I fell in love the second I saw him.
The attitude filled pose... the moodiest of expressions on his face.... the little books with the hat on top. Perfection.
Instant Favourite <3
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wickedcriminal · 8 months
Hello, WickedCriminal I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your treasure your Half brothers: au seeing my favorite childhood dragon hero books and Film incarnations together as siblings warms my heart so much!
I sent a previous message already asking a question about if Merciless the book version of the green death and the first villain that little Hiccup defeats. Is he still canon cause he should have shown up in the first Flim as well…as the big threat that gets little Hiccup and Toothless recognized as heroes…
So how is he incorporated into the half brothers alternate universe? Does he still even exist and what is his role…does he still wash ashore to Berk? Does he still fight the young Vikings the movie cast and the book trainees? Does he still die to little hiccup?
AAAA Thank you so much!! It makes me so happy to see you love this au!!
I did see your first ask, sorry I didn't get to it quick enough. Merciless is still in the au, don't worry! The Red Death and the Green Death are both different dragons, and are both Elder and Younger's Big Moment to Shine respectively. As far as the Half Brothers AU timeline goes, the movie happens before the book, so Elder defeats the Red Death first, and Younger defeats the Green Death a few weeks to a month later, while the dragon flock is settling in on Berk! (DreamWorks wise, this would mean it happens during the 'Riders of Berk' era.)
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I did it this way because I thought putting both Death dragons into the first movie might cram it a little. So in this instance, Elder kills the Red Death to allow the dragon flock the freedom to make peace with humans and live on Berk. The Green Death would arrive a little while afterward, feeling irritated by this union and hoping to mess things up a little!
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Younger defeats him with the help of the other Hooligan kids, as well as the Meathead kids, who had arrived for Thor'sday Thursday. (Elder and the Dragon Riders don't do much because this fight is Minicup's time to shine.)
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months
My question may be a bit ridiculous but I still want to ask based on your analysis,
In the HTTYD series, Hiccup was always called "Fishbone" because he was born prematurely, yes, he was like that in the first movie and he couldn't even lift a bucket of water, but in the next movies, the armor he wore was mostly made of iron pieces. In order to prevent hard falls and to soften the blows, the thickness of the iron should be thicker than normal, right? Technically, it would probably be like that. Okay, back to the question, damn.. I forgot the question I was going to ask. Okay wait, it takes physical effort to lift that much weight, but when we examined his costume, and even in the first scene of the movie, during the secret attack, we saw a soldier say to Hiccup "People don't have such fishbone legs!" (That's how it was in my language, I can't remember the English version, excuse me.) So.. is this physically possible???
To be honest, it's a question that has been on my mind for days before going to bed and has been keeping me awake for ridiculous reasons..
Not ridiculous at all! It's a great question!
I did a little research just to be sure, but it is entirely possible to be lean and strong, it does have to do with how you exercise though. It's like with gymnasts, they are incredibly strong, but also can be on the leaner side.
I also had to scroll back a bit on my blog to reference this post that also talks about Hiccup's strength.
I don't think it's ever explicitly stated when he started working in the forge with Gobber, but smithing does take a considerable amount of muscle, not to mention just holding on to Toothless while he flies. Using his flight suit as well must use a good amount of strength. Now, based on how quickly he made Toothless' tail, I'm guessing he had been in the forge a couple years at least. There are headcanons that he was sick a lot growing up, and that could also explain why he's so small for his age and not as strong in the first movie as he is a few years later in Race to the Edge and the other two films.
I like the fishbone callback! In English, I believe the line was "No human has legs that skinny!"
Do animated films play a little with the laws of physics? Definitely!
But, we do see many instances proving that Hiccup is stronger than he looks. I'll just name a few off the top of my head:
• Knocking Dagur off a cliff
• Knocking Toothless off a cliff
• Stopping a man twice his size wielding an axe with rope that Hiccup is holding taught (I literally had to rewind and make sure I had seen that right, but it's true! He does)
• Catching and carrying Astrid when she was dead weight easily
These examples are all from Race to the Edge, I'm sure there are some from the movies, but those are just what came to mind first.
And you're right, his armor definitely isn't light. Based on the color, it's probably not Gronckle iron since it has a specific coloring and a distinct pattern (though that would make more sense for his armor, as it's known to be lightweight and incredibly strong). The pieces do look thick, at least a 1/4-1/2 inch maybe (at least the shoulder pieces, but don't quote me on that), and wearing it as much as he does is bound to build up muscle.
It does appear that Hiccup takes more after Valka physically, and she is lean and definitely muscular as well. I'm no expert, but the fluidity in which she moves using her staff and while standing on Cloudjumper proves that she's strong while staying on the thinner side.
Since Hiccup is often underestimated due to his size and age, I like that this is another area where he takes people by surprise.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
I really liked your Yandere Platonic Bewilderbeast. Could you make it in the version of a yandere Night fury with a darling mother (viking or dragon)? Being one of the most attached dragons to the mother in the franchise. 🥺
We haven't actually seen their dynamic with the parents of their species due to Toothless being the only one... but here you go :) Not fully proofread, expect mistakes.
Yandere! Night Fury with Viking Mother! Darling
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Isolation, Kidnapping, Blood, Violence, Possessive behavior, Forced companionship.
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You taking care of a dragon egg in general was problematic as a viking.
Let alone a Night Fury egg.
As a result you may live isolated to keep the dragon hidden.
That or maybe this all takes place after an expedition with Hiccup, you already being a dragon rider.
Only to find an egg of a species you thought was nearly dead.
Either origin could work, either way you find yourself mothering the egg of a young Night Fury.
We do not know much about a Night Fury's relationship with their mother.
For this concept I will HC they get attached to whatever they see as their mother.
That means it's you due to being with the dragon since the Night Fury's birth.
Naturally this means the Night Fury never leaves you.
Night Furies even seem to age the same as humans, an example would be Hiccup and Toothless.
So, for example, maybe you find the egg as a teen... only for your dragon to be fully grown and rideable when you're an adult.
A Night Fury will no doubt be intelligent like Toothless.
However, similar to how Toothless takes on personality traits from Hiccup, your Night Fury matches your personality since you raised them.
They'd be protective but the degree depends on you.
Due to how you raise them they'll either avoid violence when protecting you or give into it.
After all... they don't want to make mother unhappy.
Naturally like most dragons raised from eggs... your Night Fury is affectionate.
As a domestic dragon all they really know is you.
Which means as you both grow up and you care for them... they never leave your side.
If this is around the time of Hiccup and Toothless, other vikings definitely note how your bond is similar to the older Night Fury and his rider.
However, while Hiccup and Toothless are most like brothers, your Night Fury sees you as their mom.
Your Night Fury looks at you for approval for everything.
As a dragon they are naturally possessive and protective.
Is they don't like someone around you... they're vocal about it.
Your Night Fury sees your home as your "nest".
As a result they defend it with their life.
Night Furies act like cats so your dragon curls on top of you and growls like a purr.
You may naturally comes to Hiccup for aid on the species.
Your dragon is hesitant about Toothless.
But your Night Fury starts docile around others.
Although as they get older they keep you in the house more often.
Soon the dragon won't allow others near you at all.
Especially not Toothless... the only other dragon if their species.
It gets to the point your dragon shoots off plasma bolts as a warning, sitting outside your hut for long periods of time like a guard dog.
You don't need other humans... you don't need other dragons...
You just need them.
If others try to pry you away from their claws... they'll move you.
If you raised them right they relocate you with as little violence as possible.
If you raised them to be more offensive... they cause chaos before taking off with you.
Perhaps you shouldn't have taken care of a Night Fury on your own...
If you didn't... maybe you wouldn't have to see your pet covered in blood as they nuzzle against you... alone on an island far away from your original home.
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savebatsartedition · 7 months
Happy Birthday Hiccup Horrendous Hadock the Third!
I've never really had a chance to celebrate this little guy's birthday, so I went ALL out! (Are you kidding me? 10 year anniversary year of How to Train Your Dragon 2, year of the dragon, AND a leap year?? There was no way I was missing it.)
So, as a little gift I made two things for him! :D
How to Throw a Birthday Party - A short oneshot set after the ending of the final book in the series. (Under the cut or in the link right there. 2,088 words.)
PISTA TOMA - Httyd books meme - I've been wanting to make one of these memes for a while, and I have had no luck in figuring out characters to make it with, so if the above fluff fic didn't suite you, enjoy a little bit of vague angst. ...in animation meme form. (Youtube video below, but if you want to see the scratch version, possibly to remix, the link to that will be in the description.)
Notes: If there are any canon inconsistencies, it’s because I haven’t read one of these books in a little under a year lol.
I did try to write it like it was really a How To Train Your Dragon book though. :3 It’s really fun to try to do haha.
Hiccup yawned and stretched in his bed, feeling the Woodensfang and Toothless' warm wings flicker against his side as the little green dragon grumbled something half asleep about the mean master waking him up. Light gently glowed from the doorway into the main room in the hut, and for a moment Hiccup felt quite like going right back to sleep.
He rolled back into his pillow, planting his face right down in the soft fabric and feathers and hissing out another yawn in a failed effort to suppress it. At his side Toothless also hissed, and as Hiccup did his best to get back to sleep (in his tiredness, he was entirely unaware of how much his movements were disturbing Toothless), the little dragon’s bright green eyes snapped open to stare angrily at the back of Hiccup's head.
“ Mean Hiccup! ” Toothless all but yelled, causing Hiccup to jump up in alarm as if he had been shot, “ T-t-Toothless was JUST getting to bed! ”
Hiccup nearly fell backwards out of the bed as Toothless headbutted him in the shoulder, his little gossamer wings flickering in the dark morning air as wisps of smoke rose from his toothless mouth. 
Holding his shoulder, Hiccup regained his balance and began to apologize to Toothless. It seemed that even after achieving relative peace after the Dragon Rebelion, there wasn't much he could do about Toothless' attitude.
Hiccup chuckled and swung his feet over the edge of the bed, fumbling for his helmet (just a regular old Hooligan helmet, that pretentious bloodstained crown would never again touch his fiery hair if he could do anything to help it) before placing the familiar weight on his head.
As Hiccup adjusted the helmet in the reflections on a shield that had apparently been put in his room with him, Toothless flapped up onto his shoulder, seeming to have forgotten all about being tired as the distant scent of breakfast reached his little warty nose.
“ W-w-ill Toothless get some of that fish downstairs? ” Toothless asked, starting directly into Hiccup's eyes even as Hiccup focused on his reflection, “ T-toothless KNOWS there's food downstairs ,” he placed a claw over his heart, “ Toothless can s-s- SMELL it, ”
Hiccup laughed and finished readjusting his helmet. (It was surprisingly difficult to get it to intentionally miss covering his dragon mark.) “ Yes Toothless, ” he said in dragonese, which was the language dragons and hopefully humans spoke to each other in, “ I'm sure you can have the fish, ”
Toothless whooped in joy and jumped into the air, turning a little summersault before landing on Hiccup's helmet. (Which very quickly titled out of the position the boy king had so carefully put it in.) Hiccup sighed and reached up to pet the small dragon. Things had gone back to normal so easily, it was almost as if they had never even changed in the first place.
“ T-toothless is the best lost thing, after all, ” Toothless all but crowed, turning circles on Hiccup's helmet as he headed out of the bedroom and into the main room of the makeshift hut the vikings had set up. (Though he was sure to grab his sword along the way, just in case. Vikings worked fast, as the hut proved, and even if they were in a state of peace, he had no proof they would stay that way for very long, no matter how much he wanted them too.)
“ Yes Toothless, ” Hiccup replied back absentmindedly, skirting around the sleeping forms of his mother and father and past the empty rolls where he knew some other Viking royalty had been put to sleep, “ Yes you were, ”
He hadn't thought about it when he was in his room, but he was pretty sure that Fishlegs and Camicazi had been missing from their own blankets when he had woken up.
Quietly he slid open the front door, careful to shush Toothless until it was closed again in case he started yelling again. (He had seen his mother twist in her sleep when Toothless had last crowed.)
“ Do you think Toothless will get to have c-cod?! ” Toothless asked excitedly, “ T-toothless is in the mood for cod! ”
“ Does it smell like cod? ” Hiccup asked him, reaching up to pick up the little dragon (and also to fix his helmet, again), " If it smells like cod you can probably have cod, ”
"Or tuna," Toothless said thoughtfully, "Toothless ALSO in the mood for tuna..."
It was a shockingly warm day out for the season, but Hiccup still shivered as a chilly ocean breeze flew past him. Toothless didn't seem to mind it so much, but he didn't argue as Hiccup placed him back on the soft fur of the vest over his shoulder.
Hiccup followed the scent as Toothless struggled to place it, though he was also somewhat unsure of what it could be, he was hungry. Maybe it wasn't smart to be walking around camp as a newly crowned King of the Wilderwest all by his lonesome, especially when he was still fairly bruised, but he didn't care. He was hungry, and he was still tired, and maybe he wasn't thinking quite straight.
He turned a corner between the tents, and suddenly the source of the smell was within his reach.
A campfire, with a large pot presumably containing many kinds of fish hung over it, sat at the center of a small clearing in the tents and huts, but that wasn't even why his heart suddenly glowed.
“Fishlegs!” he called, waving to his friend as Toothless crowed and leapt off his shoulder, aiming straight for a pile of delicious fat fish that had not yet been added to the stew, “Camicazi!”
His two friends waved back at him, grinning wide grins, but they weren't the only ones around the campfire.
“We were going to invite your parents,” Camicazi told him, elbowing him in the side good-naturedly, her mood dragon Stormfly winding around her legs like a very long, very purple cat as she wished Hiccup a good morning, “But they were dead asleep and we didn't want to wake them,”
”Hey Hiccup!“ Fishlegs grinned at him, though he looked somewhat ill (which Hiccup guessed probably stemmed from the fact that a very sleepy looking Barbra the Barbarian was sitting and chatting with some of Camicazi's Bog Burglar friends.) ”Good morning for fish, right?“
Hiccup shrugged and smiled. (Though he certainly agreed with Fishlegs, he didn't want to insult the shivering shape of his friend's vegetarian hunting dragon Horrorcow, who had once again found her place as a large lump under Fishlegs’ vest.) ”Good morning to see you guys!“
”Hiccup!“ called a voice that Hiccup recognized as Thuggory the Meathead, ”Are you gonna ask Toothless to wait until everything is done cooking or are we starting right away?!“
Hiccup turned to see the tall Viking Heir struggling with Toothless, who was eating a humongous tuna that Thuggory seemed to have been right about to dump into the stew. 
”Oh Toothless!“ Hiccup called, racing over to his snickering friend and taking him (complete with the fish larger than he was) into his arms, ” Don't you want to wait until all the cooking has been done? “ He said, continuing in Dragonese.
Toothless giggled and continued chowing down. Clearly he preferred the taste of nice raw fish. (Hiccup couldn't say he agreed, but he was glad that Toothless seemed to be subdued for a second or two.)
Hiccup placed the tuna and dragon on the floor together, trying to ignore the loud sounds of chewing that floated up from them as he reached out a hand to shake Thuggory's hand. To his surprise, the Meathead heir laughed and drew him into a hug instead.
Hiccup nearly choked as he was lifted into the air, his feet dangling for a couple of seconds as Thuggory greeted him, before he was set back down. 
”It's great to see you again Hiccup,“ Thuggory explained, ”Especially after all that cool stuff you did back there,“
”Good to see you again too,“ Hiccup laughed, though he didn't really like the constant references to the battles of the Dragon Rebelion, ”Just doing what a friend of dragons has to do,“
”Hiccup!“ called Camicazi, catching up with him. (Though Fishlegs lagged a few steps behind, not so secretly making eyes at Barbra, who was now hissing at her cat Fearless and showing the Bog Burglars how sharp the claws of the little animal were.) ”Hey!“
Hiccup turned to her, though he was momentarily distracted by the sight of several Hooligan boys sitting together on a large rock. He had missed them more than he had expected in the time he'd been gone, it seemed, because even the sight of Dogsbreath (who was laughing with Clueless about something for a change) put a smile on his face.
“Yeah?” he asked, shooting Speedyfist a smile, “What is it?”
“Aren't you going to ask why we're all here now?!” he asked, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him. Even though she was a head or so shorter than him, Hiccup thought she could look extremely intimidating if she chose to. 
“Um,” Hiccup thought for a second, but, still groggy from sleep, he had nothing. “Breakfast?” He asked, giving her a pained smile as she slapped a hand to her face and sighed. (*”Boys,“*)
”It's for your birthday!“ Fishlegs said, finally stumbling over to the group.
“My what?” Hiccup asked, completely blindsided by that answer. Hadn't his birthday been quite a while back now?
”You only get one once every four years,“ Camicazi pointed out, speaking slowly and patiently as if she really believed he was as stupid as she pretended she thought he was, ”and we felt bad that you missed it, so we wanted to throw a celebration!“
“My- ah!” Hiccup yelped as Toothless' sharp claws dug into his leg, he seemed to have had his fill of the fat tuna, “What- Thank you-“
Thuggory slapped him on the back, laughing again. ”It's what dragon markers do, eh?“
Fishlegs nodded, and even Horrorcow stuck her head out from under his vest for a second to speak. ” I do wish we had considered vegetarians before planning the meal, “ she said politely, ” do you happen to have any carrots? “
Hiccup frowned and stuck his hands into his pocket, he always carried a slice of carrot precisely for this purpose. ” In fact I do Horrorcow! “ He grinned, holding it out to the sad looking hunting dragon, ” enjoy! “
She thanked him and immediately began chomping into the orange vegetable. Hiccup smiled, to his tired mind, the interaction hadn't seemed odd at all, but as Camicazi spluttered into laughter and Fishlegs blinked at him in confusion, Hiccup began to realize that it might have sounded a bit odd to those that didn't understand dragonese.
“I should start teaching you guys dragonese,” he mused, scratching Toothless between his horns as he turned to look at the mess of fish guys he had left on the sandy rocks below them. (And on Hiccup's boots it seemed.)
“You're just not gonna address that?!” Camicazi half shrieked, half laughed, nearly doubled over at the force of her laughter, “You just had a carrot in your pocket? Why?!”
Hiccup brushed a strand or two of hair out of his eye and, in a fake offended voice, told her that he cared about his friends enough to do so if the friend in question called for it.
This caused her to howl with laughter again, and this time Hiccup couldn't help but join in. This all felt strangely comfortable, for some reason. From the small circle of closer friends that were giggling with (and at) him, to the gaggles of Hooligan boys and Bog Burglar girls on opposite sides of the fire, to the random smattering of hunting and riding dragons that had decided to stay with their humans, this felt nice.
“Thank you all,” Hiccup murmured, still scratching a now purring Toothless and Thuggory began to call that the stew was done, “It really means a lot that you would do this for me,”
“ And for m-me! ” Toothless said, yelping happily and jumping into the air as the covering once again came off the large pot, which he seemed to have just realized was the perfect heat for a dragon such as himself, “ T-toothless loves fish baths! ”
And it was all Hiccup could do to warn Thuggory that he was about to half to fish a very happy little dragon out of their food.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 7 months
What's the Brother Bear au? I used to love that movie so I'm really familiar with it, how's your au "not in the way you think"?
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HTTYD x Brother Bear AU (but not in the way you think)
Okay! So the first thought would be “Hiccup kills Mrs Tooth, turns into Night Fury”, right? And that does work, but that’s not what I was thinking!
I was thinking the opposite.
Firstly, I think that Hiccup killing a Night Fury is out of character, and his own sarcasm doesn’t exactly fit with Kenai’s attitude (in the first BB). Rather, Toothless’ does, especially in the first HTTYD when the two are getting to know one another.
Derived from Stoick’s death in the second film, I think it’s actually Toothless who kills and pays the price. Additionally, I was thinking of aging Hiccup down a bit: make him 10-13 or 14 instead of 15, or maybe aging Toothless up a bit. However, I suppose it could work with them being the same age like in canon.
As for Rutt and Tuke, my original idea was Ruffnut and Tuffnut, but as much as I love that prospect of a dynamic between them and Toothless (I did contemplate making Barf & Belch human for this instead), I just don’t find much logic in them being their regular ages and Hiccup is younger…
So then I turned to Bucket and Mulch. Plus, Bucket has that Tuke energy, I suppose. Mulch is Rutt? Albeit Mulch leads most dialogue in canon like Tuke… ah, well, that part isn’t important. It doesn’t have to be completely binary.
I suppose this version makes the Light Fury Nita from the second movie? But in the “expected” version it works so much better with Astrid, so if someone wants to do that instead you have my blessing… though I don’t think my version gets a “sequel” so to speak, because it would require usage of THW and the Light Fury. Unless we go the Stormless route, of course.
I mean, that’s something to compare and/or analyse — what Brother Bear 2 did right over HTTYD THW. (I can’t believe that that sentence was ever used and I love it.) I mean, for one, Nita stays with the brothers and doesn’t tear them apart in the longterm. That’s at least something.
I guess this idea could also work with Snotlout and Hookfang.
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
Just curious, what requests do you have in your queue/to do currently? If you're ok with saying it that is :]
Oh boy, that's a bigger question than last time someone asked! I have over 200 waiting requests at this point!! Because of that this got very very long, so I put the rest under the cut! Like last time, this is in order of how recently I received the request, and doesn't mean I'm too busy to take new requests!!
Ibara saegusa (enstars)
Monochrome oranges cats and angels
Gloomy bear
Another rockruff (maybe)
Cult of the lamb (specifically the lamb)
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Bear therian
Ice bear (we bare bears)
Tubbo (maybe)
Snow leopard
Australian shepherd (pupre)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Draik (neopets)
The rainbow fish
Black kitten + space
Pumpkin head (maybe, needs more research)
Alice in wonderland
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Star catcher (MLP)
Masc version of my druid board
Scrooge CG (2009 film)
Superstar daycare (fnaf)
1950s + ocean
Pandas + light purple and black
Willy wonka CG (recent movie)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Kidcore Halloween + pumpkin puppy Webkinz
Fruit bat
Pastel purple + pandas
Robocar Poli
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Weird Barbie CG
Shiny Vaporeon
Where the wild things are
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Conner CG (Detroit become human)
Mitsuri kanroji (demon slayer)
Minecraft mooshrooms
Sharks or wolves (haven't decided)
Hot Wheels
Vincent (dead plate)
Vintage kitty dreaming
Shane CG (stardew valley)
Wolf pup
Celestia and Luna (MLP)
Soft blue and yellow
Pascal (animal crossing)
Pastel blue and pink
Batman CG
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs)
Dylan (the quarry)
Rain/nature + white rabbits
Penguin + dinosaur
Noah (total drama island)
Vision CG (marvel)
Light blue
Bumble bees + lavender
Yellow + ducks
Bearded vulture
Barn owl
Queen barb (trolls world tour)
Oliver (vocaloid)
Light green light brown and beige
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Cinnamoroll + emu otori (project sekai)
Yellow+ chicks and puppy stuffies
Seam CG (deltarune)
Plants vs zombies
Viktor (arcane)
Queen of trash CG (Elmo goes to grouch land)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Aziraphale (good omens)
Musa (winx club)
Leap frog
Hyper feminine puppy
Crow + black cat
Totodile + bodies of water
Sackboy (Little Big Planet) and or My Melody
Baby crocodile
Animal crossing
Pastel kitten
Doki doki literature club
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
90s grunge
Tula tones (novi stars)
Eevee + dragons
Kitten + stars
Ratchet (rescue bot academy)
Pastel shark
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz
Sparkly dragon
Blue and purple + puppies
Ducks + alt/Gothic lean
Shadow (sonic)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Golden retriever + yellow and blue
Bernese mountain dog
Genshin impact
Len or Miku
Toothless (httyd)
Donnie (rise of the tmnt)
The princess and the grilled cheese sandwich
Pastel goth princess
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Young Michael Afton
Soft fox
Great pyrenees + farm
Ike eveland
Invader Zim + neon green
Julius Caesar (Octavian, night at the museum, waiting until March for this one)
Vampire squid
Golden retriever (again, lol)
Cats + playing outside
Border Collie
Argos CG (World of Mr. Plant) 
Mortal Kombat
marble cross fox/forest/fantasy (I'm figuring this one out still)
Puppy + SpongeBob
characters from Project Sekai, Hoshino Ichika, Mochizuki Honami, Akiyama Mizuki and Kusanagi Nene.
Baby vulture
Frog with more fem themes
Rain world/slugcat
Dark academia/cottagecore
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Enjolras (les miserable)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Gordon (all engines go)
Spinel (Steven universe)
Cater diamond (twisted wonderland)
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Jing yuan CG (Hsr)
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Toki wartooth (metalocalypse)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4)
Kitoto (I don't know what he's from)
17th century dutch
Sirena von boo (monster high)
Jake (miss peregrines home for peculiar children)
Sees behind trees
Allay (Minecraft, I think)
Spinosaurus screenshots or products
Tecchou (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Barbara (genshin impact)
Tasmanian devil
Spamton CG (deltarune)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies
Daxter (jak and daxter)
Madness combat for puppies
James Sunderland (silent Hill)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa)
Leo (IDW comic)
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