#Top Electrical Companies in NYC
Top-Rated Electrical Companies in NYC
YT Electrical Services Inc. is a leading electrical company in NYC, renowned for its expertise in residential and commercial electrical services. Specializing in installations, repairs, and maintenance, YT Electrical Services Inc. prioritizes customer satisfaction with reliable and efficient solutions. With a team of skilled professionals, they offer personalized service tailored to meet diverse electrical needs. Known for their commitment to quality and safety, YT Electrical Services Inc. stands out among top electrical companies in NYC for their professionalism and dedication to excellence in every project they undertake. Visit: Top electrical companies in NYC
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darsynia · 2 years
Repeat After Me | Oneshot
(Tony Stark/Reader, Soulmate AU Canon Divergence 'Mob AU')
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Summary: You're thriving in Loki's Empire as the most respected smuggler out there. You earned that reputation by remaining neutral, traveling between the city-states run by powerful Magnates like Loki's thrall Tony Stark in NYC or the relocated Wilson Fisk in Miami. It's lucrative business, but the real reason you have to stay moving is written on your arm.
Length | Rating: 3,635 | T (for language)
Notes: Set ten years after Loki successfully mind controlled Tony Stark and took over the world in 2012. My tongue-in-cheek take on a mobster-style AU, series potential if folks are interested.
Written for @caplanbuckybarnes's Three Words Challenge, using 'Don't look back.'
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @starksbf @tiny-anne @starryeyes2000 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft
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Repeat After Me
You might be the only person who has both soulmate Words written on your body.
Repeat after me: don’t look back.
At first, you’d found them comforting. After all, they’re predictable in a way almost no one else’s Words are: if you’re right about them, it means you can choose whether to speak those fateful Words aloud. Then Loki came with his Chitauri army, and everything changed.
It’s been ten years since Lord Loki became the ruler of the world; ten years of societal restructure and bleak acquiescence. It turns out that humans are well adapted to be ruled, just as he’d said-- but perhaps not quite in the way he’d intended. Everyone has figured out their own way to survive, whether it’s in one of the densely populated city-states, the agricultural backwaters, or the uneasy suburban sprawl that straddles both extremes.
You’re one of the few who can travel easily through all three, and you pride yourself on that. Pre-Empire, you’d been a top exec at a shipping company, and your talent for managing large egos, ability to memorize maps, and knowledge of machinery was easily translated to a life as a smuggler. Your top rule? You do not take sides. Ever. It’s what made you successful, what kept you alive.
And no one knows the real reason.
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“Zephyr, how long before you head out?”
You’re half-in, half-out of your truck, the open door heavy on your ass thanks to all the armor plating. “Weather looks like it’s gonna hold for another hour and a half, I was thinking forty-five minutes?” you guess, squinting up through the tint on the upper part of the windshield.
“Got time to meet with a potential?” Karl laughs at your obvious groan, adding, “Fancy suit says D.C., maybe New York. Probably shouldn’t risk skipping.” You trust your second in command, even if you don’t want to take his advice. Karl Mordo is pragmatic, honest, and a baronic pain in your ass sometimes.
“Fuck. Okay. But I’m going right now, before I de-grease for the trip.” You hop down and hold up your dirty hands, wiggling your fingers.
“What if they’re from Stark?”
You clench your jaw. “His people should know better, even after two years. We just did Fisk a favor, maybe he’ll remind Loki’s strongman that there’s a reason he relocated to Miami.” 
Karl nods and heads back to the house, and as soon as he’s gone, you hold still and count to ten to calm your breathing. Tony Stark rules the northeast with a literal iron fist, and no one’s sure whether the mind control has turned him cruel or he’d been released years ago and just likes it. Only people Stark trusts have been close enough to know for sure. 
Despite your reputation for neutrality, a few years back he’d sent his clever and ruthless ex-turned-CFO Pepper Potts to ask you to spy on some of the biggest players on the Eastern Seaboard.
It had been the first time you’d gotten close enough to see the electric blue of Loki’s mind control first-hand. Her threats had been articulate and terrifying, but your response ended up having a lasting effect on the way Lord Loki does his business. Word is that the emperor includes additional spells and enchantments to prevent a simple blow to the head from releasing a thrall and undoing years of work. 
You still get messages from Potts, filtered heavily by word of mouth, through the Resistance.
When you get up onto the porch, you note with approval that someone’s already gotten the burly, suited visitor some sweet tea. He turns around, and your heart sinks as you recognize him from news articles. Tony Stark’s sweet-faced associate, Happy Hogan. 
“Zephyr, is it?” he says warmly, reaching out a hand to shake. You offer him your left hand, and he immediately grins. You wear a binding on your right forearm, and it’s basically an open secret that your Words are there. Words you’ve made very clear you intend to remain a secret, on pain of death. “We have a job for you.”
“That’s truly unfortunate,” you say with a smile. “Your boss burned that bridge years ago. All I have is my integrity, I’m sure you understand.” Leaning up against one of the porch pillars, you send all of your anxiety to your legs, to hold you up and maintain the illusion that you’re not distressed. “Since you’ve come all this way, I can offer to connect you to one of the reputable smaller orgs.”
“Interesting you mention integrity. Did you know your right hand man is a known member of the Resistance?” Hogan’s tone is light, almost teasing.
You do your very best not to react, but on its face, you doubt the accusation. Karl had come to you deeply disillusioned by the Resistance, after working with them openly for a year, spending double that in prison, and being released with an interdict that prevented any employment but fieldwork. By the time you brought him in, he was full of quiet fury and determination to survive. The money you spent to clear his interdict was some of the easiest you’ve ever spent.
“I assume you have newer information than 2013?”
Hogan pulls an envelope from his lapel pocket and hands it over. Inside is a set of pictures showing Mordo speaking with and shaking the hand of Steve Rogers, the most wanted man on the continent. Karl’s hair has only been in that particular style for a few months.
You hand them back, keeping your hand steady. “If you can point and shoot pictures, why not point and shoot that particular problem?” The question is important to your public front, but you also want to know what kind of answer you get, whether it’ll be something you want to pass along.
“One step at a time,” Hogan says, walking over to you. He stops only inches away, a physical power play that masks the psychological threat.
“Which step are you on?”
“The one where you come with me to speak to Stark in person, or we reveal how thin your claims of neutrality really are.”
You nod as though you’re considering it, then say, “What if I dismantled everything and moved to Arizona? Started over.” It’ll sound like a joke, but you’ve considered it. You want nothing to do with Stark.
“You’re welcome to make that decision after the meeting.” The guy’s so confident he slides his hands into his pockets, fully relaxed except for the way his pulse is jumping in his neck. There’s zero chance that Hogan’s anxious because of you, so that means it’s important to his future that you leave with him today. If you have to, you’ll use that.
“You act like meeting with Stark won’t destroy my reputation just as much as your false accusations would,” you point out. 
Happy Hogan shrugs. “Stark is prepared to offer you one alternative. Meet with him or give us a credible way to contact Pepper Potts.”
You want to swear under your breath, but instead, you channel all your frustration into a single act of defiance. Lifting your grease-stained right hand, you press it right in the center of his chest, fingers spread so you get his white button-down and both lapels.
Then you shove, letting your hand slip against the resistance he immediately puts up to avoid moving backwards and show weakness. You would have expected anger, maybe even to be thrown to the ground, but Hogan just chuckles. It’s dismissive, diminishing, and does nothing to lower your level of fury. Especially not since he’s got you over a barrel.
You push past him toward the house. “I’m sending Mordo with my load. Your guys fuck with him and I’ll tear down every fucking thing you’ve built or die trying.” Given the clout you’ve accumulated in the last decade, which one depends on whether the emperor is in town to shield his pet Avenger or not.
You hadn’t told Hogan you’re coming with. You both know you have to.
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The flight to New York City is stressful, but most of that is because you know how much effort and care it takes to maintain a fleet of airplanes. Now that flights are nearly all restricted to just the Magnates, you doubt the due diligence of their maintenance teams. This is reinforced when you land and walk down a presidential-style rolling staircase instead of into the abandoned airport. It’s hard not to think of what air travel could do for your business. One flight would take so much food from one place to another-- but the safety margins are horrifying.
“What’s with the face?” Happy Hogan asks, after the two of you get into the waiting limo.
“Just imagining how much work it would be to get an orange to Maine nowadays.”
“You don’t have to live in Georgia, you know. The offer’s always open.”
“Fuck your offer, and fuck you,” you say coolly, crossing your arms and looking out the window. There’s a non-zero chance he’ll kill you, but you’ve got a trick up your sleeve that might just carry the kind of irony that would make even a man as powerful as Tony Stark cry. It’s the reason why Hogan wants Potts back, the reason she won’t go, not while he’s in Loki’s thrall.
Midgard hadn’t been interesting enough for the trickster god. No, he’d grown bored by the way most of his new subjects had responded to his rule. Too many of you had accepted that you weren’t strong enough to resist him, and so, with the power granted to him by the staff he always carried, Lord Loki had bestowed each soulmate pair on the planet a random power set.
Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan’s version had been the ability to detect lies.
Tony Stark’s inability to find his soulmate had been newsworthy before the attack on New York, but now that he’s the de facto ruler of the place, his search has become an obsession.
It’s the reason you live in Georgia, the reason you wear the distinctive binding around your right forearm, the reason you’d balanced yourself on the knife-edge of neutrality instead of choosing a side that’s not Stark’s and then leaving yourself vulnerable to being discovered.
Stark’s Words are well known: ‘Don’t look back.’
Ironically, you don’t think he has connected your well-known quirk about protecting your forearm with his soulmate search. He wants you because Lord Loki wants Pepper Potts’ lie detecting powers, and Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff’s soulmate bond is keeping her hidden. Karl Mordo has forsworn his connection to the Mystic Arts, but a man will do many things to prevent his own death, including oathbreaking, so instead of putting pressure on him, they’ll put pressure on you.
And somehow, you’re going to have to resist without speaking a word.
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The car is underground when it stops. You nod at Hogan in thanks for his hand as you exit the vehicle, and he cocks his head to the side and looks at you.
“Passive resistance, eh? Good luck.” He leads you through a warren of hallways, stairwells, and locked doors. This display of strength is clearly designed to intimidate and/or give you time to think and fear what comes next, but you wonder whether it’s annoying to Hogan. Undoubtedly he’d be taking the short way if it weren’t for this task, and that kind of time-wasting adds up.
Sure enough, the last leg of the trip is an elevator ride. The doors open out into the wide expanse of the penthouse, a rich space with wall-to-wall windows looking out over the city. A man in a well-fitting white suit walks out from behind a bar area, and you recognize him to be Tony Stark himself. Instead of a tie, the signature blue of his arc reactor glows against the buttons of his shirt, and as he approaches you, you see that it’s matched by the blue tint of mind control in his eyes.
That knowledge is dangerous; already, this man’s leverage over you has doubled. You wonder what you’ll have to promise to get out of here alive. 
Tony Stark stops a foot away and looks you over. His brown-blue eyes linger on your right arm, and as you’d planned during your pseudo perp-walk, you shift into a challenging pose, popping your hip out and lifting your chin. Stark’s lips curve into an appreciative smile. It’s attractive, he’s attractive, and you’re annoyed that you’ve even noticed. Everything about him exudes the confidence of a man who is never challenged, and that’s always been your catnip, your kryptonite. You love to bust egos, it could even be said that you live for popping that bubble. This man might be the first one you’ve ever met whose arrogance is well-deserved, though, and that could be a problem.
He gestures, and behind you, Hogan answers.“No weapons that we found, multiple scans.”
Ah, so the many doorways and long hallways had more than one purpose, you think to yourself. Well played. You stay still and expressionless as Stark looks you up and down, eyes lingering on your chest and your arm. He lifts his glass in an appreciative salute before finishing off his drink. Something about the way his throat works makes you feel the burn of the alcohol in your own chest.
“What’s under the armguard?” he asks Hogan.
“According to sources, a nasty burn. Sunlight makes it worse.” It’s the truth-- you’d tried to burn off the words as soon as you’d heard about Tony Stark’s search for his soulmate. The magic of the mark protects it, so all you’d managed to do was destroy the skin around it, causing a wound that never fully healed. The vambrace you wear is for concealment, yes, but it’s also there to keep the damaged skin protected and dry.
You turn your head and direct a grumpy look at Hogan. “This whole meeting could have been an email. What is it that you two want?”
Before you can stop him, Stark steps forward and slides his hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing you to meet his eyes.  With a fierce, determined expression, he says, “Repeat after me: don’t look back.”
You can feel the strength in every single aspect of the man, voice, personality, grip, but that just fuels your need to fight back. With all your might, you manage to shake your head just enough to convey your refusal.
Tony Stark’s expression lights up. You realize your mistake immediately: if it didn’t mean something, if the words weren't important, you would have had no trouble repeating them. A million impossible escape routes spill out like marbles in your mind, scattering every other thought.
“Go on, Hap. Keep this to yourself for now,” Stark says. The triumph in his voice is as frightening as it is sexy. 
“You got it, boss.”
You fight back a strong feeling of desperate inevitability. Really, your only hope now is to wrench free and follow your contingency plan: to say the words and play them off, avoiding the physical contact that reinforces the bond. If you can convince this man that you planned to trick him into thinking you’re his soulmate, you might still get out of here with your free will intact.
That’ll be easier to do without Hogan there, so you force yourself to remain still. Stark sweeps a broad, warm caress along your neck with his thumb, and god, it’s been so, so long since anyone’s touched you like that. There’s something insidious about it, like some part of you is already lost to him if you enjoy it even a little bit. All you can do is close your eyes, clench your fists, and wait.
The elevator doors close, and Stark starts pulling his hand away, stroking your neck possessively on the way. You do your very best not to like it. In truth, Tony Stark the billionaire, Tony Stark the Avenger was absolutely your type. You imagine that after ten years of mind control and cruelty, there’s probably little of that man left. 
“You might as well say it,” he tells you with a smug little quirk in his voice. You open your eyes to see that Stark’s headed back to the bar. “Got a favorite drink?” You shake your head. “You strike me as a Tequila Sunrise type. Fun to look at, goes down easy.”
You cross your arms and glare at him, but it was a cute line for such a tense situation. Wrong, but cute.
Stark gestures to you with the Tequila bottle. “So, what, did you think you’d just stay quiet and run back home to Georgia? Happy says it didn’t take much persuading.”
You smile at him, but not warmly. One thing you hadn’t considered was that Stark might be pleased, might be looking forward to the other… perks of having a soulmate. That might make him more inclined to be kind to you, at least until you try to bluff him. You can use that.
“Don’t think I can’t see how furious you are, little one,” Stark purrs. “I’m still figuring you out, but I’ve had a file on you for years. You want to know what people say about you?” 
He rests a large hand on a folder you hadn’t noticed before, pushes it across the bar in invitation. You shrug and turn your head to look out the window, the picture of indifference. You hope it pisses him the fuck off.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s all trash now anyway, now that you’ve met with me.” Stark holds it up. “They’ll never trust you again.” He tosses it behind him. When it strikes the wall, the many single pages that made up the bulk of the file fly out around him like some kind of monstrous confetti, to the accompaniment of breaking glass. You wonder how many bottles he just wasted, whether they’re even replaceable in this brave new world you’re all trapped in.
You nod, feeling the weight of the coming moment. Mentally you gird yourself, but physically you try to adopt an attitude of casual discourtesy. You want Stark to hate his soulmark, to hate you, enough to send you away or destroy you.
Anything, anything but touch you again.
Letting out a sigh, you spread your hands in a ‘what can you do?’ gesture and say, “Don’t look back.”
The words strike him, so much so that he chuckles ruefully on an indrawn breath. A bitter disappointment sweeps across his face before it hardens into anger. You're grateful; you'd expected something-- a thunderclap, a rush of adrenaline, a gust of magical wind, but there’s nothing to indicate that you’ve both said the Words. Maybe, maybe, you can get out of this, if you’re careful. If you’re just the right level of heinous bitch.
“Did you practice that?” Stark finally says. He walks out from around the bar, and you take the opportunity to make your way over to the window, the picture of unconcerned, unattached, unbothered.
“What do you want, Mr. Stark?” Shit, your voice is shaking.
“I want a challenge,” he snaps, his voice closer than you expected. He’s just a foot away, and you can’t hide your shock fast enough. “You think that file was just for show? I read the whole thing.”
“Then you know I don’t want to be here. I have a business to run, a business you’ve fucked over with--” you back away in the guise of making a dismissive, furious gesture; “--whatever this is. What do you want, so I can get the fuck out of here?”
“What’s wrong, pet? Foot caught in a trap?” he asks, tone suddenly gentle, soothing. You scoff, turning on your heel to stalk away from him--but Stark reaches out swiftly and catches your hand in his.
A jolt of pleasure-fueled electricity floods you with an almost overwhelming need for closeness, companionship-- to be known. It's as if until this exact moment, you’d been empty, and you gasp, screaming against the sudden, insidious desires that have cropped up in your mind.
Oh god, no, this is too much, this is--
What you don’t expect is for Stark to answer.
Oh FUCK yes, telepathy. My second favorite superpower, right after flight.
You snatch your hand away and fall back onto the window, eyes wide. Stark shakes his head almost imperceptibly, then throws both hands in the air as if in disgust.
“You really had me, but there’s just… nothing. I should toss you off of the roof, you know that, right? Faking soulmark words? Ballsy.” He twitches his lips as though he can’t decide whether to be angry or not, and steps closer. “Hold out your hand?”
There’s vulnerability in his expression, something you hadn’t at all expected to see, but you are still reeling from what had passed between the two of you. Tony Stark is one of the smartest men on the planet, and certainly one of the most ruthless. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants-- and it’s well known that every inch of his penthouse is under surveillance, not to mention whatever Lord Loki has monitoring his most powerful thrall.
Just like the words written on both of you, neither of you can look back.
Sullenly, you lift your hand, and immediately, Stark engulfs it in an angry grip.
Okay here’s how this is going to go: Do as I say, and we can keep this our little secret. Resist me and I’ll tell Loki I’ve finally found my soulmate. Believe me, you do not want anything to do with what he has in store for us.
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Possibly TBC if there's interest...
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gursimrankaur03 · 4 months
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top10usa · 6 months
Top 10 Electrician Companies in New York, NY
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In the dynamic cityscape of New York, where lights never dim and buildings soar to the sky, the role of electrician companies is indispensable. From iconic skyscrapers to historic brownstones, reliable electrical services are vital to keep the city pulsating with energy. Amidst the bustling metropolis, there are ten standout electrician companies that have earned recognition for their excellence, reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Let's delve into the top 10 electrician companies in New York, each playing a crucial role in keeping the city electrified.
Expert Electric NYC Corp.: With a name that exudes confidence, Expert Electric NYC Corp. is a leader in the New York electrician industry. Known for their prompt response, meticulous attention to detail, and exceptional workmanship, they specialize in residential, commercial, and industrial electrical services. From wiring installations to troubleshooting electrical issues, Expert Electric NYC Corp. delivers top-notch solutions tailored to meet the needs of their diverse clientele.
Help Point: Help Point stands out as a reliable and trustworthy name in the New York electrician landscape. With a team of skilled professionals and a commitment to excellence, they offer a comprehensive range of electrical services, including lighting installations, electrical panel upgrades, and electrical inspections. Help Point's dedication to quality and customer satisfaction sets them apart as a preferred choice for electrical needs across the city.
Contact Electric Corp.: Contact Electric Corp. is synonymous with quality and reliability in the New York electrician industry. With a focus on residential and commercial projects, this company offers comprehensive electrical services, including wiring installations, lighting upgrades, and electrical panel inspections. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted partner for clients seeking dependable electrical solutions.
York Electrical Contractors: York Electrical Contractors has carved a niche for itself as a go-to solution provider for electrical needs in New York. With a focus on innovation and reliability, they offer cutting-edge solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. From complex wiring projects to routine maintenance, York Electrical Contractors ensures that every job is completed with precision and professionalism, earning them a stellar reputation in the industry.
PK & Altman Electric: With a legacy that spans over a century, PK & Altman Electric is one of the oldest and most respected electrician companies in New York City. Known for their unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, they offer a wide range of electrical services, including electrical wiring, lighting design, and electrical repairs. PK & Altman Electric's reputation for excellence has made them a trusted partner for clients seeking reliable electrical solutions.
Power Electric NY: Power Electric NY is synonymous with efficiency, reliability, and professionalism in the New York electrician industry. With a team of highly skilled technicians and state-of-the-art equipment, they specialize in a variety of electrical services, including electrical installations, repairs, and maintenance. Whether it's a residential, commercial, or industrial project, Power Electric NY delivers superior results with unmatched expertise and precision.
YT Electrical Services: YT Electrical Services is a rising star in the New York electrician industry, known for their innovative solutions and commitment to excellence. With a focus on reliability and customer satisfaction, they offer a wide range of electrical services tailored to meet the unique needs of their clients. Whether it's wiring installations, electrical system upgrades, or emergency repairs, YT Electrical Services delivers top-notch results with professionalism and expertise.
Forest Electric Corp.: Forest Electric Corp. has established itself as a premier provider of electrical services in New York City, renowned for their superior craftsmanship and attention to detail. With a team of experienced technicians and a dedication to customer satisfaction, they offer a comprehensive range of services for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. From electrical inspections to wiring upgrades, Forest Electric Corp. ensures that every project is completed to the highest standards of quality and safety.
Blaze Electric: Blaze Electric is known for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction in the New York electrician industry. With a team of skilled technicians and a focus on quality craftsmanship, they offer a wide range of electrical services, including wiring installations, lighting upgrades, and electrical repairs. Blaze Electric's dedication to professionalism and reliability has earned them a loyal clientele and a reputation as one of the top electrician companies in the city.
Queens Electrician: As one of the leading electrician companies in New York, Queens Electrician is known for their expertise, reliability, and commitment to customer service. With a team of skilled technicians and a dedication to excellence, they offer a comprehensive range of electrical services for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. From electrical inspections to wiring upgrades, Queens Electrician ensures that every project is completed to the highest standards of quality and safety.
In conclusion, these ten electrician companies represent the pinnacle of excellence in the New York electrician industry. With their expertise, professionalism, and commitment to customer satisfaction, they continue to shape the city's electrifying landscape and ensure that its buildings, both old and new, remain powered and illuminated for generations to come.
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kailumvillalobos · 1 year
BIM Contractor NYC - BIM companies in USA
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Agon Coordination, founded in 2013 and based in Georgia and New York, is a respected player in the construction industry. They offer specialized national coordination services to Owners, Designers, General Contractors, and Subcontractors. Agon excels in managing BIM Coordination, solving design issues before bid submissions, and fostering effective communication between design teams and field workers. Their proactive approach and smooth transition from Pre-Coordination to BIM Coordination phases make them a trusted partner in enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving construction quality.
Agon Coordination
67 35th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232
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Property Maintenance 101: Tips for Keeping Your Investment in Top Shape
Investing in property is a significant commitment, and like any investment, it requires diligent care and maintenance to ensure its long-term value and functionality. Whether you're a property owner, landlord, or property manager, proactive property maintenance is essential for preserving your investment. Onboarding a rental management company in NYC can significantly benefit you. This blog will explore property maintenance tips to help you keep your real estate asset in shape.
HVAC System Maintenance Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are critical in property comfort. Schedule annual HVAC system inspections and maintenance by a qualified technician. Replace air filters regularly to improve air quality and maintain system efficiency.
Prioritize Safety Measures Safety should be a top priority in property maintenance. Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are installed and functioning correctly. Opting for companies that offer renting property management services in NYC will help you keep a regular check on fire extinguishers and emergency exits. Consider installing security systems and motion-sensor lighting to enhance property security.
Regular Inspections One of the cornerstones of adequate property maintenance is conducting regular inspections. Schedule routine inspections to assess the condition of your property, identify potential issues, and address them promptly. Reviews should cover the property's interior and exterior, including structural elements, plumbing, electrical systems, and appliances.
Create A Maintenance Schedule Maintaining a maintenance schedule is essential to staying organized and completing tasks on time. Your plan should include recurring maintenance tasks, such as HVAC system servicing, gutter cleaning, landscaping, and occasional or seasonal tasks like roof inspections and winterizing.
Plumbing & Electrical Checks Inspect plumbing and electrical systems for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or wear and tear. Address plumbing issues promptly to prevent water damage and ensure electrical systems are up to code and safe for occupants.
Roofs & Gutters Property managers near me regularly inspect the roof for missing or damaged shingles, leaks, or signs of deterioration. Clean and maintain gutters to prevent water buildup and potential damage to the property's foundation.
Landscaping & Exterior Maintenance Curb appeal matters and a well-maintained exterior enhances the property's aesthetics and contributes to its overall value. Regularly trim trees, bushes, and shrubs. Keep walkways clear and debris-free, and repair any cracks or damage to driveways and sidewalks.
Tenant Communication Open communication with tenants is essential if you are a landlord or property manager. Encourage tenants to report any maintenance issues promptly. Establish clear procedures for submitting maintenance requests and ensure that these requests are addressed promptly.
Budget For Maintenance Property management companies near me will create a budget for property maintenance expenses. Having a dedicated fund for maintenance ensures that you can cover the costs of repairs and improvements as they arise, preventing financial strain.
Professional Help While property owners or managers can handle many maintenance tasks, some may require professional expertise. For complex issues or significant renovations, don't hesitate to enlist the help of qualified contractors, technicians, and specialists.
Property maintenance is about preserving your investment's aesthetics and safeguarding its functionality, safety, and long-term value. Property owners and managers can ensure that their real estate investments remain in top shape for years by following these property maintenance tips and staying proactive. Remember, effective maintenance protects your investment and its appeal to tenants and potential buyers, making it a win-win for everyone involved Belgium Management LLC is a rental property management in New York that can help you assist your investment property. Their charges are nominal, and they specialize in managing 1-2-3 family homes. Book an appointment with them to learn more. Original Source - https://belgiummanagementllc12.blogspot.com/2023/09/property-maintenance-101-tips-for.html 
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appliancedoctorx · 2 years
Appliance Doctor: The Best Oven Repair Service Around
Are you in need of an oven repair service? If this is the case, look no further than the Appliance Doctor. The appliance specialists at Appliance Doctor offer a wide range of services, including repairs for all types of ovens, from gas to electric. They have years of experience and can handle any oven repair job with ease. So, don't hesitate to give call to Appliance Doctor in NYC for oven repair service; you won't be disappointed!
What sets the Appliance Doctor apart? Well, firstly, they employ certified technicians who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in the field of oven repair. They have extensive experience repairing all types of ovens, and their attention to detail ensures that each job is done right the first time. Additionally, they use only the best parts and materials when repairing your oven in order to guarantee a long-lasting solution. And if that weren’t enough, their competitive prices make them stand out from other appliance repair companies.
In addition to providing excellent customer service and competitive prices, Appliance Doctor also offers fast turnaround times on all repairs. This means that you don’t have to wait days or even weeks for your oven repairs; the technicians at Appliance Doctor will get them done quickly and efficiently so that you can get back to using your oven as soon as possible. Furthermore, they provide 24/7 emergency service so that customers can get the help they need when they need it most—no matter what time it is!
How do I know if your oven is damaged? Is that the time to call a professional?
If you think your oven may be damaged, it is important to identify the signs of a malfunctioning appliance. Do not hesitate to call an expert if you notice any changes in heat levels, if food does not cook properly or consistently, if the door does not close and lock as before, or if sparks or smoke come from inside the oven. If you are unsure what the cause may be, it is best to contact a professional before continuing to use the oven, as this could lead to further problems that may be more costly to fix. You can rely on an NYC oven repair expert to help you identify any technology or circuitry issues that are interfering with its normal operation.
When it comes to finding an oven repair service that you can trust, there’s no better choice than Apliance Doctor X for appliance repair in Manhattan NY. With experienced technicians, top-notch customer service, competitive prices, and fast turnaround times on all repairs, there’s no reason not to give them a call for all your appliance needs! Don’t hesitate; You won't be sorry if you call Appliance Doctor today for oven repair service!
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rbhcom55 · 2 years
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Discover the Top Electrical Companies in NYC: Your Guide to Quality Electrical Services
YT Electrical Services stands out as one of the top electrical companies in NYC, offering a range of services in maintenance, new construction, and renovations for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Our fully licensed and insured family-owned business serves the five boroughs of New York City and New Jersey. With our experienced master electrician, Yordanys, at the helm, we deliver quality work and exceptional service. Contact us for electrical panel upgrades, re-wiring, lighting, and more.
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retronautis · 2 years
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Flatironbuilding - 1904 Seeing New York (Seeing New York Automobiles, Inc.) was a New York City sightseeing tour company that operated electric omnibuses and boats in the early 20th century. Tours in open-topped buses left from the Flatiron Building (then the Fuller Building), where the windows were painted to advertise "coaches, automobiles, and yachts". The men wore suits, the women wore gloves and elaborate, often feathered hats. They visited "the historic section, in its Dutch, British and American periods; the Bowery, Chinatown, Brooklyn, Castle Garden, Central Park, the Grand Boulevards, the historic Hudson river, Columbia University, General Grant's tomb, [and] statues of Christopher Columbus and William Shakespeare."By 1913, manager J. H. Mulligan and local manager R. H. Green were operating eight vehicles. In 1904 The Evening World described the tours: Every day a "Seeing New York" coach piles. People call the passengers "rubbernecks." Most of them are so uncomfortable in their lofty perches that they keep their eyes downcast and "rubber" not at all, except when [opera impresario] Mr. Hammerstein or some other notable flits across their path. Photo: Library of Congress ; Detroit Publishing Company Text: Wikipedia #vintage #photography #vintagestyle #retro #art #vintagestyle #newyork #nyc #fashion #usa #newyorkcity #instagood #colour #artist #color #painting #drawing #retronautis #manhattan #travel #centralpark #timessquare #ladyliberty #america #bigapple #newyorker #photooftheday #libertyisland #travelphotography (at Flatiron Building) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1KLlEKw9m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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premiercour · 2 years
Same-Day Courier Services: How Same-Day Courier Technology Can Boost Your Business
Same-day courier services in NYC have grown exponentially in the last few years. The industry has seen a 6% increase in 2022 alone, resulting in over $130 billion market worth. Naturally, this growth has also led to innovations in technology to improve their quality of service.
So how can new technology in same-day courier services in NYC benefit your organization? Here are a few examples:
Courier management software
Large-scale courier services rely on management software to streamline their operations. These programs are designed to improve efficiency with route monitoring and optimization features.
In addition, top courier management software programs can quickly analyze data and generate reports. This helps delivery companies increase their productivity, maximize resources, and monitor the performance of their messengers.
Real-time route tracking
Long gone are the days when you would have to visit the post office for an update on your parcels. Now, everything can be done from a computer or mobile device with internet connectivity.
This is all thanks to GPS software and route tracking technology. You can easily check the status of deliveries in real-time and give updates to your customers or recipients, too.
Moreover, leading courier services in NYC equip their vehicles with state-of-the-art tracking technology, including customized billing to increase your efficiency.
Bike messengers
Deliveries by bike are hardly a new concept, but they’re in greater demand, now more than ever. This delivery method is significantly faster, especially in busy cities like NYC. In addition, you can use them to send almost anything, from piping hot food to fragile laboratory tools.
Not only that. Bikes are also more affordable and environmentally friendly. Some companies; are also opting for electric bikes built for couriers with long-lasting batteries, electronic locks, and powerful lights.
Medical deliveries
Medical equipment, laboratory specimens, and pharmaceutical supplies require special packaging and handling before being delivered. Fortunately, top same-day courier services in NYC use specialized technology to ensure the safety and integrity of your products.
In addition, medical couriers are certified by the HIPAA to guarantee that they take great care in handling sensitive items.
Courier services technology is only expected to grow in the coming years, which is excellent news for your business. Be sure to partner with a professional delivery company and take advantage of the latest tools to optimize your operations.
About the author
Premier Courier Services is a professionally trusted and trained courier delivery service provider in New York, USA. We are fast and efficient. Our NYC courier service goal is consistency. We assure you same day nyc messenger service to deliver. From same day delivery to medical courier service, Premier Courier Services is insured and bonded with great customer service.
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ironhusband · 4 years
The House in Philadelphia
They both hated that they had to do it. They hated their system, the system. The way they had to hide. They carefully concealed hidden messages within their writings, within their words, within their actions. They did it within their letters, within their texts, within their phone calls. And if they slipped up, Rhodey would live in fear for at least a month.
They had it with their visits too. Rhodey visiting a friend from college on his leave was too suspicious. Visits to his family? Not so much. 
So Tony bought a house in Philadelphia and that was their cover. Rhodey would spend most of his time in his childhood home, and then he would go and visit “an old childhood friend” for about five hours. 
It wasn’t enough for either of them. It wasn’t enough, the short time, the secrecy, or the fact they had to have a system. That they couldn’t just be out and honest. But after long stretches of not talking to each other, out of necessity or because they were in a fight... they knew it was worth it. 
When they were young, they both got a thrill out of hiding their relationships. Passing kisses and acting innocent when someone else walked into the room, laughing when they left because their secret was the most precious and thrilling thing in the world. But back then, they saw each other almost everyday. Back then, Rhodey didn’t see how the people who were discharged for liking the same gender, lives fell apart. Back then, Rhodey didn’t feel the anxiety because he thought someone saw them holding hands. Back then, Rhodey didn’t realize that this wasn’t some trick they were playing, a game of hide and seek, but it was his life and his career. 
They liked getting into trouble when they were younger, liked the thrill of never getting caught, but now, the electricity shooting up his spine was from anxiety, from fear. Rhodey didn’t find it fun to hide anymore. He wanted to be allowed to get caught. They weren’t doing anything wrong. 
“I feel like a mistress,” Tony once confessed to him with a sigh, “or like an inmate who only get conjugation visits once a month.” 
“I’m sorry,” Rhodey told him, “I really do wish that we could have more.” 
Tony smiled sadly, “I just miss your world. The military, your family, everything about that... you used to share that with me. You used to show me your plane designs, take me home to see your family, introduce me to your ROTC friends. I haven’t even met your niece.” 
Rhodey smiled sadly back at him, “she’s amazing, Tony. I wish you could see her,” he ran the back of his palm over Tony’s cheek, “and my world misses you too. But we can’t. We have to pretend we’re just old college friends.” 
Tony melted into the touch but shook his head, “even if we weren’t together, I don’t think we could be just anything.” 
Rhodey hugged him, “yeah. I know. And one day, we can show that. One day it’ll be different. One day.” 
Rhodey promised him that every time, and so far, that hasn’t come to pass. 
They didn’t hate the house in Philadelphia, though. Tony decorated it every year, and Rhodey always laughed when he walked into the house to find its style has drastically changed from one extreme to the other (from goth to extra modern to french cottage). He always kept the bedroom the same, filled with the bed sheets Rhodey found the softest, the pillows Rhodey found the most comfortable and the blankets Rhodey found weighed just right when they lay on top him (Tony always said it was because “only the best for my solider” but Rhodey knew Tony was trying to get him to stay the night. He rarely caved). The bedroom was decorated with pictures from milestones of their lives, and a box with every letter they sent to one another, paired with the one they really wanted to send. Tony always left a few of his clothes in the closet, the ones he knew Rhodey liked to burrow, and in return, Rhodey left some of his clothes behind as well. The bedroom was in the complete middle of the house, no windows looking on from the street, no one that needed to be fooled. It never changed because the bedroom was hidden. Things that were hidden didn’t need to change for the world. 
The bedroom was their sanctuary, their privacy. 
“Do you ever think we could live here?” Tony asked him one day, playing with his fingers. “I mean, I’d have to change the furniture downstairs, but otherwise...” 
Rhodey glanced at him, changing positions os they were laying side by side, face to face. “I don’t know,” Rhodey admitted. He never thought about it before. “I guess it would make my mom happy. And it’s not a bad place. ...You think about things like this?” 
“Yeah,” Tony said, sheepishly, “pretty much the only thing keeping me going is the difference one day.” 
This wasn’t the first time Tony told him that, but it made Rhodey soft all the same. Most days, it was the only thing keeping him going too. “I think I’d rather live somewhere where my mom couldn’t burst in whenever she wanted to. And I know you would like somewhere close to your company, like New York or California.” 
“I don’t like my places in Cali or NYC,” Tony complained, “this is the only place that feels like home to me. When I’m with you.” 
Rhodey didn’t know how to respond to that. He missed Tony beyond imagination when they were away, but at least he had his job, his friends, and dangers to keep him distracted. Tony had none of that. His only distractions were booze and gambling and his only friends were his bots. He wished Tony didn’t feel so lonely. 
“I guess I could see it,” Rhodey indulged him, “the two guest bedrooms could be for our kids. They would grow up spoiled and won’t want to share a room. We could have a grill and a picnic table out back.” 
Tony grinned at him, “we could build a treehouse on the tree outside, and get a nice big flat screen TV.”
“No flat screen TV. I like my quality shitty.” 
“We could fight about it later.” 
“Yeah,” Rhodey let out a bittersweet smile, “one day when it’s different.” 
None of that happened. Rhodey was stationed at Edwards and saw Tony everyday because he was SI’s liaison. Tony sold the house in Philadelphia to a family he thought could fulfill their dream. 
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ajeepgirl · 3 years
Shut Up and Dance
Summary: Cat Grant is attending an event in Metropolis and insists that Kara Danvers go with her as her assistant. During the gala, Kara is awestruck by the most stunning pair of green eyes she has ever seen. She can't help but want to get to know the woman who's eyes are so alluring.
AKA: a fluffy little one shot based on the song Shut up and dance by Walk the Moon set in/around S1 of Supergirl.
Kara was staring down into her glass of wine, wishing she was human so it would actually get her drunk. She grumbled to herself, annoyed at everyone in her life at that moment.
Annoyed with her boss Cat Grant for making her come to Metropolis with her for this conference, only to ditch Kara as soon as they arrive at the evening gala.
Annoyed that Clark couldn’t be bothered to make time to meet her for coffee, even in his own city. She thought he would at least make time to see her, but when she told him she would be here for the weekend, all he gave her was a half-ass apology, saying he was busy chasing a story
Annoyed that Alex wasn’t responding to her text messages in this very moment.
Kara sighed. She shouldn’t be mad at her sister. She knows how busy the DEO can get sometimes. She just hopes they don’t have any emergencies or need Supergirl. She can see her boss across the room, doing her thing with people that wouldn’t give Kara, Cat Grant’s personal assistant, the time of day.
But she also knows that Ms. Grant would immediately know if she dipped out of this gala. So instead, Kara sips her wine and tries not to eat all the food she can get her hands on. She takes in the scene around her. It’s like going to the Met Gala in NYC, except instead of being about fashion, this weekend is all about the Fortune 500 companies in the world. More specifically, about their CEO’s and CFO’s and whoever they think is important enough to invite. Of course, what is a party without a little intrigue? So, in addition, for the final event of the weekend, everyone is wearing a masquerade mask to cover their eyes and upper face. It is all very over the top, in Cat Grant’s opinion, since she knows everyone. To Kara, she thought it was adorable and cool, though she didn’t say so to her boss.
The gala is held in a huge ballroom that even has an area with people dancing. It is a gala, after all, Kara thinks to herself. Though what does she know about rich, fancy people? As Kara looks around the room, taking in the other faces, trying to see if she knows any of them, she spots a new arrival to the gala as they enter in a dark green dress, with a matching masquerade mask. Behind the mask are the most piercing green eyes Kara has ever seen. They have a shimmer to them, a pull for Kara, inviting her in. Kara is awestruck by the woman as she takes in the rest of her. Her dark hair is flowing down her back. Kara debates using her powers, but that would require dipping her glasses down a tiny bit, which are precariously placed overtop her own mask. She chews on her lip, intrigued by the woman as she makes her rounds around the ballroom. Kara is surprised to see the woman having difficulty interacting with the other people here.
Kara starts to use her superhearing to get a better sense of what is going on. How could anyone possibly not want to talk to this alluring person. She first picks up the tail end of a conversation with two men.
“You should have known better than to show up here tonight.”
“Exactly. How could you possibly think this would go any different?”
“It isn’t my fault you idiots cannot see me for who I am.”
Kara watches the woman turn and walk away after her statement, leaving the two men speechless. Kara goes on to listen to her next conversation.
“Hello, Bruce.”
“You shouldn’t be here.”
“We both know I need to be. It’s the event of the year for companies like ours.”
The man pauses at the comment as he takes a drink from his glass. “And is it yours now… the company?”
“Of course. It certainly isn’t his anymore. I’m taking over. I have full control and big plans.”
“Well, good luck with that.”
The woman gives this Bruce fellow a curt nod as he walks away, clearly not wanting to be associated with her.
After hearing a few more people completely tear down this woman, Kara can no longer stand by idly. She finds herself walking intently towards her. She catches her a few feet away from a small group of businesspeople that would surely treat her the same. Kara realizes as she takes the last few steps towards her, that she doesn’t actually have a plan on what to say. Instead, she says the first thing that comes to mind.
“The food is better than the people.”
The woman looks at Kara, head tilted, eyebrow raised, as she takes in Kara’s comment. A smirk slowly appears on her face.  
“You know, that is an interesting theory. Perhaps I should test it myself.”
“Well, I happen to have an entire plate of food back at my table, if you’re interested.”
She looks just past Kara to the group of people she was approaching, and then back to Kara, who is giving her a bright, warming smile.
“Well, I’m never one to turn down food or science.” The woman offers her arm, which Kara gladly takes with her own, guiding her back to her table.
As they walk, Kara says softly, “I’m Kara, by the way.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Kara. I presume like everyone else here, despite my silly mask, that you know who I am?”
Kara can feel herself blush under her own mask. “Well actually…”
As they sit down, the woman gasps in mock surprise at her. “That would explain your willingness to associate with me.”
Kara shrugs. “What can I say? I saw a beautiful woman who I want to get to know.”
This time, the woman blushes. “Well… Kara. If you must know then, my name is Lena.”
“What a beautiful name.”
The two spend the next hour talking and nibbling on the food and drinking wine, Lena forgetting about her purpose for coming to the gala tonight. It turned out to be a moot point anyway, with no one wanting anything to do with her since her brother tried to kill Superman. She finds Kara endearing and charming, her smile so bright and happy. It’s a change of pace from everything she has been dealing with since taking over the family company. So maybe, for tonight, she can be just Lena. She listens to Kara tell her all about Catco, working for Cat Grant, and living in National City. She talks a little bit about her sister. She talks a lot about Cat and how much she has learned being her assistant.
As the evening goes on, Kara becomes more and more enthralled by Lena. She can tell Lena is holding a lot back. She guesses it has to do with what she overheard earlier, but she can’t ask her about that, considering there is no human way she could have heard that stuff. So instead, she lets Lena tell her what she wants, and shares plenty about herself. After all, Kara knows she herself is also keeping some important stuff a secret considering they only just met this evening.
Knowing all that though, Kara doesn’t want the night to end, so when she can tell that Lena is starting to get a bit antsy and she thinks Lena is about to call it a night, she does the only thing she can think of to keep Lena around longer.
“So… Lena… want to dance?”
Lena’s eyes go wide. “Um… with you?”
Kara’s smile again broadens. “Yes, Lena, with me.”
Lena gives a sly smile as she holds her hand out. “Alright. Let’s go.”
As they made their way to the dance floor, Kara can again feel the eyes of many of the other guests on them. She looked to see Lena’s eyes darting around the room and found herself giving Lena’s hand a gentle squeeze. As Lena looked at her, she gave her a tentative smile. “Don’t you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me.”
Lena smirked at Kara’s boldness, ready to give it right back. “Oh, just shut up and dance with me, would you?”
As Lena says it, she wraps her arms around Kara’s shoulders, sending a shiver down Kara’s spine as she stumbled to respond with words, but quickly finding her footing on the dance floor. Her hands touching softly on Lena’s hips as they began to sway to the slow music. Lena could feel the warmth radiating from Kara.
They danced in silence for a few minutes before Lena couldn’t help herself anymore.
“Kara, I hope you don’t mind me saying, but your eyes…”
Kara tilted her head as her forehead crinkled. “What about my eyes?” she asked dejectedly.
“No no,” Lena said putting a hand on Kara’s chest instinctively. “What I mean to say is that they are unlike any shade of blue I have ever seen. They are almost electric the way that they seem to glow. They are beautiful.”
Kara blushes under her mask as her head drops. “Oh… um… Thank you…”
“Sorry… if that was too forward,” Lena offers, not wanting to ruin things with the only person to treat her like a human this evening.
Kara looks back up in her eyes. “I’m glad you told me Lena. Your eyes were one of the first things I noticed about you when you walked in tonight.”
Lena’s eyebrow raised in the air suspiciously. “Really now?” Lena knows she is attractive, but her eyes? That isn’t something she often hears.
Kara smiles brightly. “Oh yes. They pulled me right in. I knew I just had to talk to you.” Kara doesn’t say it, not what she really sees when she looks into Lena’s eyes.
Deep in her eyes. I think I see the future.
Lena hides her own blush as she moves in closer, their bodies touching as she whispers in Kara’s ear. “Well, lucky for me that you rescued me from everyone else tonight then.”
Kara responds before she has time to think. “I will always save you Lena.”
Little did either know just exactly how true that statement would come to be.
Also on my AO3 page: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32377102
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alightinthelantern · 4 years
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SS Commonwealth, Fall River Line.
Launched in 1907, and sailing on its maiden voyage the following year, the Commonwealth was the last and largest of the Fall River Line steamers, which traveled nightly between NYC and Fall River, MA, providing connecting service with trains to Boston. At 456 feet long, 96 feet total width, and weighing 5,980 gross tons, she was the largest paddlewheel steamer in the world at launch, and remains one of the largest paddle steamers in history. Although paddlewheels had mostly faded as a relevant form of marine propulsion by the dawn of the 20th century, the various steamship companies operating on Long Island Sound and on the Hudson and East Rivers maintained the style out of tradition, and the Commonwealth, with its steel hull, sophisticated triple-expansion inclined engines, and ability to maintain 20 knots speed, was considered by some to be the ultimate in the evolution of paddle steamers in coastal waters. The Commonwealth glittered with electricity rather than the gas-lighting of olden days—especially at night, when she moved through the dark like a fairytale palace—though her boilers were still coal-fired, a hot, dirty, and unenviable job.
Nicknamed “The Giantess of the Sound”, the enormous vessel was also lavishly decorated inside, and boasted three full passenger decks, with 425 staterooms set around a vaulted, two-storey grand saloon in Venetian Gothic style which stretched around 350 feet along on the lower two decks, and a dining room and adjoining grill room on its top deck, both replete with ornate woodcarving and plasterwork. Additional amenities included a smoking lounge, writing room, barber shop, and amble deck space to stroll along, as well as a live orchestra to accompany dances in the evenings. Although berths varied in size and comfort, there were no separate “classes” aboard, allowing all who sailed aboard the Fall River Line’s giant, palatial steamships to enjoy the luxury of a noble manor house for a night. As such, the company became exceedingly popular with working-class people from New York and southern New England as a way to spend their honeymoon, or a rare vacation, as a round-trip of two passages might cost $10, an otherwise impossibly cheap price for two nights of luxury in the early 1900s, even adjusting for a century of inflation. The Commonwealth, which had perhaps a feeling of oversize for its passengers and was not quite as popular as its smaller fleetmates with a more intimate ambience, was nevertheless beloved by many of the travelling public, as were all Fall River Line vessels, and there was genuine mourning from many in the New York, Long Island, and New England regions when the company folded in 1937 amidst the depression.
Photos, in order:
Commonwealth en route to NYC, ca. 1925.
Main dining room between settings, demonstrating the elaborate string of domes nestled among its ceiling moldings.
Main dining room just before dinner, with waiters ready to serve incoming passengers.
The adjoining Grill Room, which continues the dining room’s decorative scheme, in between settings.
A waiter in the Grill Room preparing for later service.
The grand, two-story main Lounge late in the Commonwealth’s career, furnished with the overstuffed chairs and settees in fashion in the 1930s.
Commonwealth entering the harbor of Newport, RI, with the Goat Island lighthouse visible right behind it. Sometime prior to November 9, 1921, when the keeper’s house was damaged in a submarine collision, and thereafter torn down.
Commonwealth docked at the Fall River Line docks in Newport, RI.
Commonwealth being towed in a gale off Point Judith, RI, ~10 miles south of Newport, date unknown.
The pilot house, from which the Commonwealth was steered.
Commonwealth again being towed in same gale off Point Judith, with Rhode Island coast visible in distance.
Commonwealth in unknown New England port. This close up one can see the replete panelling which adorned the exterior of the wooden upper decks.
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kailumvillalobos · 1 year
Agon Coordination, founded in 2013 and based in Georgia and New York, is a respected player in the construction industry. They offer specialized national coordination services to Owners, Designers, General Contractors, and Subcontractors. Agon excels in managing BIM Coordination, solving design issues before bid submissions, and fostering effective communication between design teams and field workers. Their proactive approach and smooth transition from Pre-Coordination to BIM Coordination phases make them a trusted partner in enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving construction quality.
Agon Coordination
67 35th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232
Map: https://maps.google.com/?cid=10126409094177975200
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sabreean · 3 years
One word for you...
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Where I have not gone plastic-free:
Bread box: There are no plastic-free, airtight bread boxes that I’ve been able to find and I *must have* airtight. I make my own bread in a bread machine just because I like to, and the first few loaves I made here on the humid island grew mold within three days because my old bread box was not airtight. Bread bags are more eco-friendly but aren’t airtight, and will hold the humidity. I could find no silicon boxes and also could not find silicone containers/bags that I could be sure would be big enough to hold a loaf of bread and still close completely. I’m considering a giant silicone bag I found online, for marinating meat, so if I get that I can see if a loaf will fit inside. But I haven’t pulled the trigger on that yet, buying something just to marinate meat doesn’t fall neatly into the “I really need it now” category. So I purchased a BPA-free plastic, airtight box and it seems to be working very well. It’s so airtight that I was able to store bananas in it as well and there has been no sign of fruit flies.
Suncare: I spent two days working on the porch. I was under a roof in shade the entire time but I sunburn if I stand next to a toaster, so at the end of the second day I looked like Roy Neary in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. As in the right half of my face was bright red. I wasn’t wearing sunscreen because it breaks me out. All of it. Every single sunscreen ever. They all break out my face, neck and chest within 20 minutes of application. So I did some research and learned about mineral sunscreens versus chemical sunscreens and after reading a lot of recommendations and reviews, I ordered Alba Botanica Sensitive Mineral Sunscreen. Yes the tube is plastic, but there’s probably no avoiding that. The sport cream is 45 SPF, waterproof for up to 80 minutes, vegan, free of all the chemicals that turn my face into a Marscape, biodegradable and - get this - reef safe. That’s a “gee how nice” for most people but now that I’m swimming around coral reefs, shit got real. They also make a spray-on but it’s not legal to ship aerosol cans to Hawaii, something about them exploding under pressure blah-bibby-blah. Pretty bummed about that. For those wondering, until now I’ve worn a sun visor whenever I’m outdoors but it didn’t occur to me to wear it on a covered porch. I’m sure it didn’t occur to Roy on a dark deserted highway in the middle of an Indiana night, either. LATER UPDATE: Native makes a mineral sunscreen and I thought it wasn't water resistant, but it turns out that it is, although I should not have had to dig so deep into their website to find this out. Better than getting anal probed, all things considered. The Alba sunscreen is very thick and hard to squeeze out of the tube, and you can feel it on your skin at first but you forget pretty quickly. It is completely unscented. You have to make sure to rub it in well if you don’t want to look a little weird. It showers off clean and easy and after a few days with it, not a single blemish! Our pharmacy sells some water resistant mineral sunscreens. I didn’t price them the last time I was there to compare with online ordering and they are probably reef-safe because as of January 1 of this year, suncreeens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate are banned in Hawaii to protect the reefs. But my next purchase will be Little Hands because it is made right here in Hawaii. I have been a big believer in ‘buy local’ for many years and they are plastic-free.
Groceries: Groceries haven’t changed. I’ve been using cloth shopping and produce bags for many years, they just bloody well work better. I do buy some foods in plastic, often there just isn’t any alternative. This was true even on the mainland. The main change is that now I walk to the store more often than not. I was able to walk to almost everything I needed when I lived in Austin’s SoCo in the early aughts and I loved it, I am so so happy to be able to do that again. Knowing I’m just a pleasant stroll away also means that I only buy what I need in the immediate future. There are a few exceptions for items that sell out very soon after the weekly supply barge comes, and don’t always get restocked even then. I drive when I have to buy heavy or awkward to carry things, like a case of soda. I’ve found conflicts with grocery choices because of a weird contradiction: non-hippie products in cardboard/paper packaging versus hippie products in plastic. I first noticed this when I went to buy sugar the other day - do I get the organic non bleached sugar in the plastic bag, or the nonorganic bleached sugar in the plastic bag? It wasn’t much of a conflict in any real world sense, just something that grabbed my attention. (I went with the plastic by the way, for the organic foodstuff that was going to go into my body).
Probably the clothesline, I have no idea what the hell that thing is made of, most likely nylon. We don’t use it for everything because it’s too humid here to dry everything in a reasonable amount of time. But we use it for some things - especially towels and swim wear - and I’m glad that we have it and it saves money on electricity. Our electricity generation here on the island is likely solar but still, no need to be greedy about it. Lots of people here have clotheslines, they are a common sight I am glad to see.
Bandages: I use Wellys. Patch bamboo bandages sound great, but I am clumsy AF and so I need bandages that are going to stay on through wet and dry and everything else. Wellys are flexible fabric, latex-free bandages made in the USA, in reusable tins that you can buy refills for if you don’t want a new tin, and that create a seal around all four edges. They are a certified B Corp so even with a bit of plastic, the company is still in line with my ethics.
Makeup: I use mostly mineral makeup, because it lasts longer (no organic ingredients to breed bacteria) and many mineral brands offer smaller quantities that are more sensible for people who don’t wear it everyday, or at least don’t wear the same colors every day. On the mainland I went weeks without wearing makeup and here I’ll probably go for months, it’s just such a casual place. I might wear some when we go across to Maui for a long weekend. But there are a lot of all natural and plastic-free makeup options out there these days, I am glad to see. If I need to replace anything I will shop with them but it’s just stupid and wasteful to toss everything out and buy new. One thing I won’t compromise on is mascara, I use Thrive because it really does what it claims, and it is still a company that aligns with my ethics. Many zero-waste brands sell cake mascara and that’s a complete nope for me. I tried cake mascara in high school, when I was going through my Audrey Hepburn/Sophia Loren makeup phase and I really didn’t like it. I also tried cake eyeliner and must confess that this elder goth never ever got the hang of liquid eyeliner, Icarus winged better than I can. I gave up a long time ago, pencil me in baby. Also, I wear lipstick, the paint-on stuff that stays on through food, drink, sex and a nuclear blast. IMO, lip balms are a waste of money and do not count as ‘makeup’, unless you’re only intention is to prevent chapped lips and with a small amount of color that lasts few minutes at a time.
Hair brush: I need a new hair brush that is designed for my long fine mane because my hair is getting a lot of punishment here, between wind and swimming and so more frequent washing and lots of pulling and tugging into braids. I bounced back and forth between Ibiza (boar bristles, wood handle) and Mason Pearson (boar bristles, plastic handle), for about half an hour. I finally decided to bite the big one and invest in the Mason Pearson. It is universally reputed as the best hair brush to be had on planet Earth. The was company founded in London by a Yorkshireman named Mason Pearson (bet you didn’t see that coming) in 1885. The boar bristles are either shed bristles collected from the wild in India and China or sourced from the meat industry as they are a by-product of processing farmed boar; you may ask so I will answer and yes, I do eat boar. Mason Pearson is still owned and run by the Pearson family and the Pearson women have always played integral roles in the company. Indeed Mary Pearson was the CEO for the 20 years following the death of her husband, founder Mason, and one of their daughters ran the top floor of the factory on Old Ford Road in London for 50 years. You can purchase a brush with a handcrafted made-to-order wood handle but while I am willing to make the investment in a Mason Pearson brush, I just can’t bring myself to be so self-indulgent as to even send a price inquiry for the wood model. This is where my best friend reminds me of the lengths I went to and the price I paid to obtain a bottle of the finest Irish whiskey in the world to demonstrate that yes, I can be that self-indulgent without much convincing. I just can’t bring myself to do it with a hair brush. I purchased from Pasteur Pharmacy in NYC because they made their bones, if you will, in their early years in the 60s by catering to humans with dogs.
Bed blanket: I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a bamboo blanket/bedspread that costs in the $275 neighborhood when the dogs will be spending at least as much time on it as we will spend under it. So we went with half cotton/half bamboo for a much more reasonable price. The temps here are warm by the thermometer but the air is heavy with humidity (100% yesterday and that doesn’t necessarily mean rain), so when the fans blow it around it can be pretty damn chilly. And the dogs steal the covers.
Clothing: if I need new clothing I will consider bamboo but it’s damned expensive. I was shopping for a second bathing suit recently because I’m at the beach often enough that I need a suit to wear while the other one is drying or waiting to be laundered free of all the salt and sand that didn’t wind up in my ass or under my tits. I always thought that sand-in-uncomfortable-places was a joke, I was very wrong. I spent two hours searching for bamboo or other plant-based sustainable fabric or recycled fabric and found nothing under a hundred bucks. Nothing. Not even a thong bikini (I already have sand up my ass, I don’t need material there as well). I’m not lounging instagrammatically on Waikiki, I’m swimming in 5+ foot surf every weekend at least, so I am not willing to pay that much for a suit intended for plenty of use and punishment. I got a bikini because it will be easier to discreetly rinse most of the sand away before going back up the beach, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
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