#Toranosuke is such a great character to make abusive because Idgaf about making him seem like a good enough dad
Oughhh, Takaaki was never seen as good enough by his dad and he tried SO FUCKING HARD to prove he was the best. Better than everyone else. His genius of a father would see that his son was just as smart. Not a genius, but worked for his smarts. Yet he wasn't good enough. His father never turned his way or ever uttered "Good job" when he'd show his grades. How...amazing he was. Yet he still tried. He wanted love. He wanted attention from his terrible father who only looked his way to either beat him or yell at him.
He wanted father to see how good he was. That he was perfect. He was perfect. Why wouldn't he look at him?! Why?! Why wouldn't the smart, amazing Toranosuke Ishimaru FUCKING LOOK AT HIM FOR ONCE?! WHY WON'T HE SAY THAT HE LOVES HIM???
Even with the achievements Takaaki got at school. All the hard work. The good enough deeds he did...
He still wasn't perfect.
But Taka was. Taka...Taka was more perfect than he ever was. His father gave Taka more love than Takaaki himself ever got. He didn't even remember the last time his father looked at him with such a bright smile...
Why wasn't he ever perfect?
This is one of the few things Takaaki thinks about. One of the many things that he resented about his father. He was jealous of his own son! But he could never hate Taka. He hated Toranosuke. He resented him. After all the pain and sorrow he endured, all the hardwork he did. He still was never good enough.
Because Takaaki wasn't perfect.
But Kiyotaka was. He always would...perfect.
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