#Hurting the blorbos/beloveds my favorite time of the day
Oughhh, Takaaki was never seen as good enough by his dad and he tried SO FUCKING HARD to prove he was the best. Better than everyone else. His genius of a father would see that his son was just as smart. Not a genius, but worked for his smarts. Yet he wasn't good enough. His father never turned his way or ever uttered "Good job" when he'd show his grades. How...amazing he was. Yet he still tried. He wanted love. He wanted attention from his terrible father who only looked his way to either beat him or yell at him.
He wanted father to see how good he was. That he was perfect. He was perfect. Why wouldn't he look at him?! Why?! Why wouldn't the smart, amazing Toranosuke Ishimaru FUCKING LOOK AT HIM FOR ONCE?! WHY WON'T HE SAY THAT HE LOVES HIM???
Even with the achievements Takaaki got at school. All the hard work. The good enough deeds he did...
He still wasn't perfect.
But Taka was. Taka...Taka was more perfect than he ever was. His father gave Taka more love than Takaaki himself ever got. He didn't even remember the last time his father looked at him with such a bright smile...
Why wasn't he ever perfect?
This is one of the few things Takaaki thinks about. One of the many things that he resented about his father. He was jealous of his own son! But he could never hate Taka. He hated Toranosuke. He resented him. After all the pain and sorrow he endured, all the hardwork he did. He still was never good enough.
Because Takaaki wasn't perfect.
But Kiyotaka was. He always would...perfect.
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jerzwriter · 5 months
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When I saw the event announced, I had the very best of intentions. I was going to share my favorite fics/art, masterlists, and send personal messages to many that I hold near and dear. Unfortunately, the event coincided with the wedding of my nephew/godson/other child, and I was far too busy to do much at all. But hey, kindness is an ongoing event, right? So I'll try to do some of those things after the fact; I'm sure no one will mind. 😊
But I wanted to take a moment to send a shout-out to everyone who does their part to help keep the fandom alive and strong and who takes the time to build each other up rather than tear them down. Fandoms exist as a place where we can create, find commonality, and escape. We need more things like this in our increasingly troubled world, a safe haven... that's what this should be.
Choices was always a niche fandom, but we're so tiny now, but you can see the passion in those who remain and we're always eager to welcome newcomers who still arrive! (We ain't dead, people! lol) So...
To the creators: Thank you for continuing to share your gifts with us. You may not always know it, but your art can help someone through a rough day, bring a smile when needed, or elicit emotion that the consumer didn't even know they needed to release. Thanks for making us think, laugh, cry, lust, and fall in love with our little blorbos. You really are the best!
To the givers: Those who run events to keep this little place of ours going. To those who see someone is having a bad day and take action - it could be sending a DM, a cute ask, a funny little gif, a new creation for one of their beloved characters, or simply offering a hug and an ear - YOU are truly the backbone of the fandom and an example of what we all should be in every aspect of our lives. THANK YOU for that.
To the readers and art lovers: Your likes, comments and reblogs are the fuel that help creators going when they feel they have nothing more to give. You have no idea how much they mean and how much they are appreciated. You are part of the puzzle that makes a fandom whole, you are seen and you are appreciated!
Personally, I'd like to thank so many people, and I will in my own way in the weeks to come. Some of you have been a source of support, kindness, and inspiration that have lifted me through some difficult times this year. I only hope I was able to return that to you in the smallest of ways. I'm not naming names only because I'm always so worried that I'll forget someone and hurt their feelings, but I try to express how I feel in the moment, so I hope you know who you are, and I hope you know how much you're appreciated.
@choicesfandomappreciation Thank you so much for hosting this and other events and doing your best to make this place special for all. You are appreciated beyond words! 🩷
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serickswrites · 26 days
1) What was your whump awakening like?
2) Were there specific scenes -- in written or visual media -- that stayed with you?
9) What is your favorite whump trope?
- @eyehartart
Thank you for playing! I love questions :3
Questions from this ask game.
My whump awakening was very sudden. I had always, for as long as I can remember, enjoyed watching and reading about characters getting hurt, but I really thought I was alone in this (and tbh was very embarrassed by it because I thought something was wrong with me). In the early days of tumblr, I wasn't aware of this community and then sort of went inactive for a very long time, but a show that I love (and of course it got canceled) brought me back and that's when I found the whump community. That was a moment for several reasons. 1. I wasn't alone in my enjoyment of what I learned was called whump 2. That there was a whole community of people who enjoyed it and 3. My writing that I had always kept to myself (but had completed nanowrimo 3 times with) may actually have a space in the world. The rest, as they say, is history.
Are there specific scenes that stick with me? Yes. I'll share a couple. My all time favorite movie is the Princes Bride and I can remember as a kid (I watched it so many times we went through 3 VHS tapes and 2 DVD's because I wore them out) just being absolutely captivated by the Pit of Despair AND by Wesley being revived (tbh the whole movie captivated me). There were a lot of movies like that growing up where I was like, please do carry on, while everyone else was cringing. As a teen, I started a book series (definitely not appropriate for a 14 year old to be reading) that was very whumpy and I just loved it. I always found myself wishing things were whumpier. But probably one of the bigger vivid memories is basically all of Supernatural. That show was *chef's kiss* for whump. And then I started Prodigal Son and my sweet blorbo got whumped pretty regularly and I came here and yep it hasn't stopped lol.
As for my favorite whump trope, that is a really, really tough one. Because I love so many. And I love when they work in the story. I would say forced to watch, self sacrifice, or sort of that mistaken/misunerstood identity are my favorites on the regular because they're really hard to fuck up lol. But one that, unfortunately, does get fucked up a lot is mcd. HEAR ME OUT. When a character dies and it advances the plot, when it brings you to your knees, but you understand, that is the pinnacle of whump for me. Because it is so good because all the other characters are emotionally whumped because of it. The angst is just so lovely. Especially when it's been building and building, or you're expecting one character to die but the writer sharply turns left and hits you by surprise with another. But too often it's executed poorly or unnecessary (looking at the writers of Supernatural and The Magicians really, really hard) or even worse yet, it's undone. Like if you're going to kill a character, give them a good death, let them go, and let us mourn. Don't be like oh yeah this previously unknown way to bring someone back to life works now and only works for them (I hate it when it's so clear that a writer clearly intended something to end and had to backtrack when it got popular *cough* ACOWAR *cough*). That said, I don't think every story is advanced by someone dying. I do like characters to live. I also just don't mind having my heart torn apart because my beloved character meets their untimely demise. I realize this one is a very, very unpopular opinion, but hey we can't all like the same things. That's the beauty of this community, there is something for everyone!
Thanks for the ask!
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bombshelllblonde · 7 months
hiiihihii!! im backkkk to tell u abt my rdr playthough bc im bored asf haha
¡love this game omg!! the graphics, the story, the details UGH!!!!
hunting is actually so fun for no reason- i bought so many fancy ass guns too 😭
also my play type whenever i play ANY story game thats open world is to do every possible thing every except the actual story so i get a bunch of stuff and then its so muvh easier
in short i have 6000+ dollars 😋
bonus of exploring everything is i got thw white arabian and i love her sm ‼️‼️ i named her pearl and she is my baby
dress up is my seconf favorite hobby
my fav outfit rn is the red vest w the floral pattern on the front (i forget what its called) n the black french dress shirt underneath + the bison necklace talisman
(also arthur w medium-long length hair n short facial hair>>>)
this game is so detail oriented, its kind of insane- im doing a high honor run atm, and i came across the blind beggar for the third (?) time and the blind guy said and i quote
"that is which killing you will finally help you, friend- to hear and see."
is this foreshadowing this feels like foreshadowing
also ik arthurs dies (bc of tiktok edits and fics, they artists in this fandom is amazing!!!) and im not prepared at all 😭 im going to procrastinate so bad 
yk the hole lil speech he has at the campfire yk "most human beings seem to know why they were born but, for me- its seems i was just mean ton hurt and suffer myself" that one
im bawling istg if he doesnt get a good ending im going to be writing a formal complaint to rockstar games
tw opinions (ik bro its crazy to have opinions in 2024 whattt no wayy)
ive gotten to the point in playing where im in ch 3, and the only way i can progress the actual story is to help micah rob a stagecoach or whatever
micah is a bastard and i dont like him
him as a character is rlly well written and awesome but,,,,,hes,,,slimy,,and i hate him,,,,so he can wait for a little longer ☺️
my favorite characters rn in no particular order is
arthur (obviously) , charles , sean , javier , tilly , marybeth , and kieran
my pookies ‼️‼️
moving on im so sorry this is so so long 😭 idk anyone who likes rdr irl lmao
anyway hope u have a nice day and no wolves attack you and spoke ur horse who bucks you off a cliff
(in rdr btw)
((true story also))
yo, having 6k in chapter 3 is amazing. good for you!
my first playthrough i got the white arabian and i named her Lemoyne Tree as a tribute to the state of Lemoyne and my favorite post malone song Lemon Tree. But she always got super dirty so i then went to the lake next to Strawberry and tamed the red chestnut arabian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one, she's gorgeous and arthur always gets that one when i play it. my beautiful baby girl Diablo <3
also yes. heckin FUCK MICAH BELL. even from the beginning he's been a slime ball. hate that man <3
i won't go too far, but just keep yourself high honor towards the end of the game. you need that to be your first ending. :')
Charles deserves the absolute world. just listening to him speak and hanging out with him at camp, and the missions you continue on to do with him throughout the game are so much fun. charles is someone i wish i could have in my real life because he seems like he would be the best person to speak to and hang out with. he is so lovely and down to earth. even arthur says it a couple times throughout the game. charles gets a good ending i promise.
my top blorbos are Arthur, Dutch, Charles, Hosea, and Josiah Trelawny my absolute beloved <33333 just wait until you go on the mission with Charles to find trelawny. one of my favorite missions ever ever ever ever!!
a lot of people dislike dutch, but i love him so much. he is my actual father. i love him.
i also hate john. let me know how you feel about that little greasy weasel of a man. :)))
i'm so so so glad you're having fun and i am very invested, so please continue to keep me updated on what ur doing because i need to live vicariously through you. if i could erase my entire mind and replay the game over and over again for the first time, i totally would
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jinxiaobao · 11 months
Artists and designers self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five works in any medium that you've created, then pass it on to at least five other creators. Let’s spread the self-love 💛
aw thank you for thinking of me, cat! apologies for being so late to do this 💛💛💛
💜 icon: pete saengtham set - this set was a BEAST to make (the first gif alone took me two days to get the way i wanted it kdfshfj), but i love the way it turned out! i set out to really let loose with typography and animation and transitions, and i think i pulled it off.
🧡 only friends + iphones set - when @cal-kestis shared her template for her incredible iphone sets, i had to give it try! coming up with different color combos and thinking about what the characters would prioritize on their phones was a lot of fun.
💖 emotions: love + uncertainty (sand x ray, only friends) set - this set reinvented itself a few times bc i wanted it to express what was happening between sand and ray at the time it was being posted. i'm often inspired by music, and when 'do i wanna know' by arctic monkeys played in one of my mixes, i knew that had to be the basis. that sand mentions liking arctic monkeys in the show only helped fuel that. i was inspired by this set, esp by the second to last gif, and i wanted a similar effect for my set. it took FOREVER to get it (mostly) the way i wanted it, because i had to just. figure it out? it's not as seamless as it is in the inspiration set, but i think i did okay?
💛 sand x ray, only friends (inspired by this beautiful set by @seamayweed) aka the kintsugi set - i fell in love with sea's kintsugi set and when the prompt of 'inspiration' was announced for the userdramas event, i immediately thought of it. the timing coincided with eps 8 & 9 of only friends, and i was thinking about how ray has these 'cracks' and sand is the gold lovingly piecing them back together to help make something even more beautiful......that was corny as hell but that was the thought process. honestly? i think it turned out beautifully and i'm really proud of it.
❤️ halsey - finally // beautiful stranger (sand x ray, only friends) (tw cracked glass effect and flickering neon) - this was a birthday gift for my beloved @henwilsons, who loves sandray as well. she also likes halsey, so i combed thru some songs and finally (heh) decided to work with 'finally // beautiful stranger'. i feel like the mood and lyrics of the song mirror sand's feelings for ray: this beautiful stranger bulldozes his way into his life and he wants to believe they can just be friends, that sex between them won't change anything ('and i say i'm only playing'). but whoops he fucked around and fell in love. and he's been hurt but he can't help but want this man. (god these bozos mean so much to me.) i wanted the set to have a 'last call at the bar' kind of vibe, so i used deep blue and red and then paired that with neon lighting. the cracked glass effect to convey being terrified and hurt just made sense to me. i think it turned out nice, and mia really liked it, and that was the most important thing!
💚 put that blorbo under a microscope!: ray pakorn - she's new but i love her! like most a lot of my sets, i didn't have a solid idea in my head about what i wanted to do. i knew that i wanted to gif ray (he's such a dumpling), that the scene of ray and sand in the hallway of the rehab center with the green floral art behind them made me want to use green, and it evolved from there. infinite thanks go to @deokmis who patiently listened to me ramble about this and gave me valuable suggestions and feedback that made it so much better! i love this set and i'm obsessed with green now.
so there you go. yeah, i know. i did six sets. i couldn't choose and also i don't know how to shut up. don't be like me. be normal.
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Day 7 - Favorite Whump Fic
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Oh god I'm only gonna put recent faves here cuz otherwise we are gonna be here forever.
Penumbra by @whumpflash is my absolute favorite. All the characters are perfect and the whump is on point and I just love it and I reread it all the time :D
Eden and Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night have both genuinely made me cry. They hurt. They're amazing. I love these stories so much.
@whump-in-the-closet's CYOA with Helect and Valian is like 😭 my heart. I love these guys so much. I delight in their suffering but at the same time give them a break. But yeah this is really good!! Agh I literally can never get this story out of my mind.
The Monster of Lindborough by @secretwhumplair is my absolute favorite. Joy is precious and I love him so much. This series is like an emotional rollercoaster in the best way. I have reread it quite a bit.
And last but not least things end | people change by @whumpcloud!! All the characters are blorbo shaped and I am in love with the writing style. I reread the chapters all the time cuz aaaaa my beloveds.
These are just the first ones that come to mind,,, whump fics my beloved. I'm gonna go cry over these ones now
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suolainensilakka · 10 months
favorite kingdom hearts characters. for science
WELL, gently taps the current pinned post of this blog, that one's a freebie ^__^
Anyway. BOY ranking them all is really hard bc so many characters in the series have permanently set up camp in my head by now and arent particularly inclined to leave any time soon, but if I had to list off just a couple examples that have caused me the most brain damage so far, itd be:
- Terra, hands down my number 1 most specialest guy in the whole world. Instantly became enamored with him from the moment I first set eyes on him and then proceeded to have all of my ribs carefully and meticulously pulled out of my chest one by one throughout the entirety of bbs and the entire rest of the series after that. Its so dire man I literally cannot look at any images of him now without physically having to hold myself back from making a long strangled whine Out Loud With My Mouth every time
- the entire Wayfinder Trio as a collective unit + Vanitas also tbh. Terra's obviously my Primary Favorite but the wayfinders as a whole also make my heart hurt so fucking bad man. My partner and I choose to interpret them all as siblings bc it leads to some exceptionally delicious and painful rs dynamics to explore imo and something abt it just makes The Miseries hit that much harder in ways that have literally had me writhing on the couch with a thousand yard stare rapidly cycling through the five stages of grief on loop. I'm also counting Vanitas as part of the unit bc he's just so closely tied to Ven in my brain that separating them (lol.) feels Wrong (lmao.), and. God. Vanitas might just be one of THE most tragic characters in literally any media I've experienced and I say this without a single hint of irony. The current total wordcount of the rps that I've written abt the wayfinders with my partner so far has probably shot past 50k by now. Why am I hurds
- Kairi. I was originally mostly ambivalent/neutrally intrigued abt her but kept getting increasingly more pissed abt her treatment and constant sidelining by the writing to the point where I got to kh3/mom and something in me snapped entirely, and from that moment onwards I decided to love her entirely out of spite. She instantly shot up to become one of my favorites after that and if I think abt her meta and story potential for longer than five minutes at a time I start frothing at the mouth
- Sora, naturally. I have so so so so many thoughts on this little darling boy that could easily double the wordcount of this ask just by themselves but the most important thing to mention here in lieu of that, for now, is that he's is the One (1) and ONLY child ive ever seen, whether real or fictional, that has made me experience emotions anywhere Close to resembling baby fever. I want to dribble him like a basketball but also gently pinch his cheek affectionately and also spoil him silly like a grandma seeing her beloved grandson again for the first time in months
- Xigbar. This fucko is the one I'm the most mad about ending up liking as much as I do, not because hes a bad character, absolutely far from it I fucking ADORE this terrible bodyhopping little cunt, but because it happened by complete accident after I realized he shares a lot of (surface) similarities with my favorite blorbo from another entirely unrelated franchise and I then got mad about realizing I have a very easily clockable Type (which I've affectionately dubbed the Guys That Suck category. I have more too obv but its the funniest one I have). He's also infuriatingly fun to write. Get me OUT of here
- Xemnas, Terranort and Ansem SoD. Everyone in the Nort Collective counts tbh but those three are the ones I lose sleep over the most, particularly the first two; Xemnas bc he makes me feel an unfathomably deep and haunting sense of grief (brought on by me finishing bbs and then realizing days later the exact way his creation connects to Terra's story and hearing the sound of fucking glass shattering at the back of my head instantly), and Terranort bc I'm fucking terrified of him and he also makes me want to eat gravel whenever I think abt him in context with him interacting with the rest of the wayfinders. He's also really fun to write and this fact Upsets Me. Ansem's listed bc you can never go wrong with the ol reliable mad scientist. The rest of the norts I would probably also be a lot more insane over once I actually get off my damn ass and start picking through the mobile games but that's an endeavor for Future Salty (i am very excited and terrified)
- the Lingering Will. I'm counting it as a separate entity from Terra and the rest of the Terra Collective on a technicality bc (LOUD TELEVISION STATIC AS I GESTURE FRANTICALLY AND FURIOUSLY @ THE JUMBLED BALL OF YARN LABELED "my thoughts on the physical and psychological effects of being a guy who got his soul and entire being shattered into like five million distinct pieces for over 10 Whole Entire Years" THAT I HAVE NOT EXPLAINED THE ENTIRETY OF TO A SINGLE OTHER SOUL ON EARTH) but. Eah. This fucking haunted hunk of metal has been eating holes through my brain tissue ever since I first saw the kh2 secret superboss and I'm distraught over it every single day of my life. This thing is like a weird bug to me. Do you understand. (tearign up) Do you get me. Do I have to pull out the Lingering Will/The Hollow Knight venn diagram
And as for the other fuckos haunting my cranium on the daily I can only mention a couple other honorary picks that honestly could also very well have made it to the main list if not for the fact that this post is already long enough as it is, and these following characters are therefore mostly delegated to Sleeper Agent Blorbos who I don't think about QUITE as often as the ones listed above but whenever I Do I get just as distraught and ailed over them. Anyway, shoutout to the entire Seasalt Trio, Demyx, Riku, Repliku, Naminé and Saïx and probably many others I'm forgetting rn bc it is currently 2 am and I'm running on approximately 5-6 hours of sleep and a prayer 👍 god bless and amen
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
Uh, hm, my first thought is diluc/blade/kaveh/Yuya/Zarc but why make this easy? Imma go with uh, Kaeya. Or any of the above if you don't have opinions on Kaeya.
Sometimes you are evil to me.
General opinion/How much I care about them: KAE! I care about him so much actually; he's honorary blorbo tier (on the lower end but hey, still counts). The lore is interesting, the relationships more so, and the aesthetic slaps!
(You know me I'm a sucker for starry motifs.)
Sometimes I just want to pick him up, bundle him in a blanket burrito, and then send him to the Dawn Winery and make sure he knows how much his family and the people of Mond (and I) love him. He deserves to have and cherish that knowledge. I want him to smile in genuine joy and contentment more often. Kaeya my beloved lil guy.
A ship I love: Whoops, can't seem to find any.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Look, all of Mond is family to me, but the specific quartet of Kaeya, Diluc, Albedo and Klee are the siblings of all time. Found family up to 11, immense potential for fluff and shenanigans of all sorts- oh and also this trio would end half of Teyvat if someone so much as breathes wrong in Kaeya's general direction. The reverse also applies in many cases.
The NOTP: Kaeluc. No. Absolutely not.
My biggest headcanon about them: Kaeya is very bad with sweets. Like, very very bad with sweets. One bite of a simple vanilla cake and he'd cringe worse than a child eating a whole lemon. He does his best to not bring this up in gatherings though; can't shove someone's hard work back in their face.
He would not survive a day in Sumeru.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: Remember the aforemention sibling quartet? Yeah I'd love to write something fluffy with them someday. Sadly I've got nothing in the works, but the thought is there. Oh and did I mention that ragbros reconcilation is one of my favorite flavors of fanfic ever? The hurt/comfort is just immaculate.
Something/someone that makes me think of them: Aquatic flowers, peacocks, ice sculptures, and... Sora. Something something blue bois with conflicting loyalties. Something something very important relationship with a red dude.
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Yoinking an open tag from @bloodgulchblog!
I've never met a tag game that's specifically about fandom, I just had to fill it out.
Tagging @totally-not-an-awkward-okapi and @nitr09-productions and @south-sea and @ow-old-men, along with anyone else who manages to see this between all of the Sonic reblog spam.
Your name: Call me Measly!
Your current fandom(s): Anybody checking my reblog spam knows that I am neck fucking deep in the Sonic fandom right now. Which I must say, is not the lowest I've ever been- one of my prior fandoms was League of Legends, somehow.
How did you first get into fandom?: Deviantart.com baby!! A really pretty girl in 6th grade introduced me to the website, and one day I finally worked up the courage to enter my favorite show at the time (Transformers Prime) into the search bar. I discovered that I was not the only girl in the world who experience the Blorbo Emotions and that blew my mind.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Since 6th grade, as mentioned before. However, honorary mention- my mom is actually a part of the fandom old guard. She's been reading fanfic since before I was born. Strange thought, isn't it?
How often do you read fanfics?: About every week, I say. I usually find new stuff here on tumblr, and I troll the depths of AO3 every week and a half or so. (I usually just tend to tear through every fic that's been tagged with my favorite niche character and then get sad about it.)
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Anybody who's even glanced at my reblog spam knows that it's all going to be Sonic characters. More specifically, my beloved Metal Sonic, is #1. Obsessed with this funky identity crisis dude. He's the one I'm writing a literal novel for right now, because you can fit so much goddamn angst, mental illness, and daddy issues into this one robot it's not even remotely funny.
In close second is Omega. This is another robot built by the same guy in universe as Metal, by the way, so he's got a similar yet different flavor of angst going on. Omega was hit with the typical "you are what you choose to be" arc that most fictional robots undergo, except his choice was "I WANT TO COMMIT MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF VIOLENCE. AND ALSO MAYBE MAKE FRIENDS BUT DON'T TELL ANYBODY THAT" and that fascinates me deeply.
Number 3 is, uh, idk? Kind of a toss-up. Probably a tie between Shadow (who's the traditional pick for a hurt/comfort character in this fandom) or Silver (optimistic time traveler dude who is just. so tragic sometimes.)
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?:
The longest fanwork I've written so far is sitting pretty at around 44,000 words (it's an incredibly niche crossover between Babylon 5 and Knight Rider). My current WIP (the aforementioned one starring Metal Sonic), however, just broke 50k yesterday and I'm not even remotely close to finishing.
But yeah- I've been writing since 6th grade. Here's my very first ever fanfiction by the way, if you want an idea of how far I've come (or a good laugh.)
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?:
I can count on one hand how many times I've tried. I can count on zero hands how many times I've succeeded.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
If you follow my Sonic sideblog, you'll see all of my headcanons projectile-blasted at you daily.
Additionally, most of my headcanons are pretty fluid. I LOVE enjoying multiple interpretations of the same character, even and especially if they're contradictory. There's only been, like, two that I've ever been super crazy about.
The one that I'm weirdest about right now is Metal Sonic being some flavor of trans. This is the character that, upon gaining the ability to redesign their body however they wanted in canon, gave themselves long hair, a skirt, and a big dragon alternate mode. If that doesn't scream "transgender" for you, I don't know what will.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?:
Fandom is a place where I get to share the joy of creation with other people! My favorite thing in the universe to do is "yes, and" people and develop ideas together. My second favorite thing in the universe to do is to encourage creators to tell me more about their fuckin' awesome ideas. My third favorite thing in the universe is seeing people react to my own work. I'm just writing the stories that make me happy, man, so to see people enjoying it brings me so much joy.
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treemaidengeek · 1 year
for the wip ask: whumptober migraine? 👀
This has been hanging out unfinished at 2k RIP me 😭 I've got severe chronic migraines & I think it started partly as a way to process thru writing, partly as a hurt/comfort/sickfic & shenanigans piece with my beloved blorbo Xichen & the chaos gremlins that surround him... & then I stalled out in the mid-to-late execution.
Two excerpts to give the flavor of the piece (Lan Xichen narrator):
I didn't have time for pain today. The thought brought a little laugh and a twist to my lips that wasn’t quite a smile. It wasn't going to be a good day. But one thing about surviving war and its aftermath: I'll always have had worse.
I forced my body to uncurl. Eyes half closed, facing away from the light. The episode wasn’t severe yet- that is, not as severe as I knew it would become. I sat up. A lightning-drumbeat pulsed at my temple. I winced and took a breath before standing.
“Sizhui?” Jingyi’s whisper carried from beyond my door. “Is he asleep? Can I come in?”
“Come in,” I called, grateful for the distraction, at the same time that Sizhui hissed, “No! You’re supposed to be preparing the reception chamber.”
I flinched again as my door scraped open. “I’m sorry to intrude, Zewu-jun.” Jingyi did not usually speak so quietly. That was a blessing at least. “I was just hoping I could borrow some of your Huoshan Huangya tea.”
I managed a nod and waved a hand at the corner cabinet. “In the top drawer. No, ah." I forced my mind to function. "Middle drawer. Sorry. The yellow-enamel tin.”
“Why do you need it now?” Sizhui protested. “Ouyang-zonghzu will be here in a sichen. No, Zewu-jun, he can find it, please rest.” At that last, I permitted him to guide my shoulders back down to the mattress. Mostly because my head pulsed with renewed pain when I started to sit.
“I know he’ll be here soon. Why do you think I want to set out fine tea? The kitchen is out of Huoshan Huangya but I knew you’d have some,” he apologized.
“Jingyi," Sizhui scolded gently. "Ouyang-zonghzu prefers white tea.”
"Does he?" The youth sounded perfectly innocent.
"He does," Sizhui confirmed. "His son likes Huoshan Huangya, but I believe it's actually one of zongzhu's least favorites."
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kenobster · 1 year
thank you for the ask!!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Damn this is a good question, and I am CERTAIN I have done this, but I can't remember examples... and even if I do, I don't think they'd be from this fandom. Maybe I'll come back to this lol.
On a tangentially related subject, I can think of examples of times I wrote things to be playfully (or sometimes seriously xD) mean to commonly held fandom opinions in general. For example, Five Peggats Each was NOT going to be post-Hardeen at all.... not even a little.... not until every single Hardeen fic/post/opinion pissed me the fuck off and I was like "okay we are gonna do this MY WAY now" lol. For another example, Every Shadow (big bang fic) has unfortunately become my antithesis to every single post-Zygerria fic I've ever read (99% of these fics are incredible and favorites of mine, but they have gotten Obi-Wan & Anakin's relationship slightly wrong... in my not-so-humble, unsolicited, biased, and frankly rude opinion lol.)
I often have a terrible relationship with fandom discourse and fanon concepts in general, and I've started unleashing these personal vendettas in my writing lol (mostly to stop myself from unleashing them in public).
💖 What made you start writing?
I started writing from the moment my infant hand could hold a pencil lol, so this is an impossible question to answer. xD But "what made you continue writing?" could be fun.
When I was a kid/teen, it was probably fame-driven, like... "I want to create a story as beloved as [insert whatever book I was obsessed with]."
In my late teens/early twenties, that wish morphed into, "I want to finish something, become published, and make it a career." So still fairly fame/success-driven.
Writing fanfic was partly because it was a low-stakes way to practice and/or a quicker way to get validation aka dopamine. But in the background, fanfic (writing and reading) became a really good way for me to figure out what kinds of stories I love and why....
Thus, began an obsession with trauma and recovery in writing that was enhanced while I studied in university. At that point, it became not fame-driven (finally, thank god), but more "I want to do good; I want to help; I want people to have stories that can heal them, that they can relate to, that can make them feel heard." But I still coupled that goal with the same fame/success-driven rubric I'd been using... which complicated things in an emotionally unhelpful way I think.
Which eventually exploded into a sudden backlash era in my late twenties, during which I rebelled against all of the above reasons... All I wanted while writing was to "satisfy my id/hurt the blorbo/do whatever I want." My joke is that I wanted to write the trashiest fanfic tropes but in a realistic way, like crack taken seriously lol. It was (is?) a lawless time lol.
These days though, I think I just want to have fun. I already know I like writing. I already know what subjects I like to write about. I already know I can get better at certain techniques/tropes/skills that I want to get better at. I already know that ppl can be touched/affirmed/etc by my writing. I already know that the very skewed understanding of "success" that capitalism taught me is optional. So I don't really feel a need to question these things anymore.
At this point, I continue writing just because I want to. It makes me happy. Both to write something and to read it afterward. And that's about it.
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puppy-phum · 2 years
BL Tag Game
thank you for tagging me my beloved mor @liyazaki ♥ i did this once with my friend kiddo bc we like to do these tag games privately amongst ourselves but nice to finally do this “properly” ^^ also taking some of your newly phrased questions and possibly making some of my own~
look at the original list of questions on mor’s post bc am too lazy to include them  
tagging: @namchyoon​ @talaypuens​ @snimeat​ @icouldhyperfixatehim​ @hils79​ @nongnaos​ @basvpr​ @machikeita​ no pressure as always and if you’ve already done this recently, link me!
placing under a cut bc there are sooo many gifs, am sorry!
current favorite bl character and why let’s make it known that there will never ever be a character like pran for me but bc bad buddy, sadly enough, isn’t airing anymore and is now kind of gone (oh we wish, the brainrot never leaves), i decided to take someone else. and that must be fah from sky in your heart. i was absolutely enamored by him from the moment i first saw him in star in my mind until the last second of the star and sky special ep. he is my man, my bean, my blorbo. i wish there had been more time and space for him to get explored more as a character bc i feel like mek poured everything he had in him into acting as fah but this is all i got and i need to survive. so all i can say is that i am happy to know that he is now learning about love and how it can belong into his life even if he does what he feels is his calling ♥ 
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mek jirakit the man that you are... dreamy sigh 
one character from a bl you wanted to punt in to the stratosphere was trying very hard to think about the bls i’ve watched lately and pick someone from there but have to say that it takes a lot to annoy me these days, outside of the character being just one of the bad guys in the drama. but i do want to mention sing from triage who i wish would’ve gotten over his petulancy to talk about his own feelings for gap and would’ve made it known since the beginning that he actually cared. and theother one would be in from my dear loser: edge of 17/our skyy who i do find kind of funny to watch but who deserved a beating for being one of those guys who refuses to be called gay and then hurts the person they care about. i dunno if he’s been redeemed but my guy, grow a spine. sun deserves way better if you don’t. 
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what we should’ve gotten more bc i knew sing was a damn softie 
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boy is having not so straight realizations about himself and i am cackling in the corner, serves you right you moron
best music moment from a bl i’ve truly been appreciating some of the music in bls lately, probably bc the music has gotten better in general. once upon a time bls didn’t care about their title songs or anything at all. everything sounded the damn same and i never got attached to any of it. bad buddy changed me and not me was a whole chapter of its own (hoping more bls would take such amazing liberties with the bg music). currently am obsessed with vice versa’s title song. but the best music moment lately has been the eclipse’s title song in the official trailer which somehow resembles the song safe and sound by clngr they used in the first trailer (i am very emotionally attached to this ok, am sorry). i have somewhat high hopes for that show’s soundtrack ngl :’D 
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the kiss in the first trailer still gives me chills like. damn. this show is going to wreck my whole ass, i feel it
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the mv for this is so stunning?? i love the song and the vibes so much 
a bl you'd like to see adapted into a musical this question is inspired by the fact that ohmnanon’s fanmeeting felt like bad buddy the musical. it was so cool. 10/10 would do that again. but then it had me thinking that dang some of the bls could really work as hsm type of musicals. my first picks after bad buddy would be the shipper (imagine the chaos?? the stuff they could do with the body swapping! the costumes for the angels!! give it to me) and enchanté (they could do a whole ass love songs montage and i would be over the moon. also the pining happening through songs!! am shaking screaming weeping on the floor). 
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what legendary hsm song is this, i’d say can i have this dance (imagine akktheo slow dancing... maybe at their wedding sob)
a scene from a bl that always makes you laugh wow i feel like i just suddenly forgot what i’ve laughed at ever in my life other than the worst puns known to a man. but if i think back on some of the first bls i ever watched, i gotta say that in together with me, which i will forever think of fondly mind you, i will always laugh at the scene when in one of the first eps knock’s gf comes to visit his home and knock is trying to be a good bf and takes her around the market and bc he gets distracted by a phone call, he ends up grabbing korn’s hand instead of hers. his face is just so good when he walks hand in hand with who he thinks is his gf and then suddenly stands face to face with her and you can see the wheels turning inside his head while he tries to understand how it’s possible :’D 
(tried finding a gif of this but ppl have only focused on the sexy times so no luck lol)
biggest bl disappointment i try my best to get into bls without any expectations (and we ignore vice versa in this ok, that one is a black sheep and i don’t even understand why). but if i think about actual disappointments - and now i don’t mean shows i thought were actually just bad and scarred me for life - i gotta say he’s coming to me. i still remember when i got into it bc i was curious about the plot and was happy to see ohm in another bl (i did watch make it right ages ago and liked him in it). i was feeling strange about singto since the beginning but thought it wouldn’t bother me too much. but the fact is that it was very hard to see any chemistry between the two. there was just... something about them that never sat right with me. otherwise the series is amazing. it’s just sad that the main couple lacking that spark leaves it kind of plain :/ idk why the casting choices were like this at the time but obviously they were struggling to find a guy who could play a character coming from another timeline (not to have the ohmnanon goggles on but wish we had had nanon in 55:15 back then).
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god i’ve really forgotten how Young ohm is in this?? like that is a literal baby, barely out of braces 
two random bl characters who would be besties oh dang, now that i started thinking about it, i kind of want to say talay form vice versa and sangwoo from semantic error. i spontaneusly binged semantic error the other day and i loved it a lot. sangwoo operating like a computer was very amusing to me and i feel like talay would click with him with his color theory brain. they could both whine about how nonsensical love is and how they absolutely do not need it while having adoring bfs at home haha. but i also feel like they both would understand how scary it is to fall in love in that type of situation and how hard it can be to let go of your heart, to allow it to feel. 
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my beloved!! you will know love like nobody else, i swear
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another beloved. just a tiny baby. fits inside my pocket. would probably swat at me and then hiss
the bl that got you into bl and would you make other ppl watch it now the bl that got me into bl or just the first bl i ever watched was this 2016 series grey rainbow. it’s a very short but angsty one and i cried my eyes out. dunno why i wanted to start with something like this but it’s probably good i did. at least i didn’t start with some high school nonsense straight away and instead eased my way into it. then, would i make other ppl watch it today? absolutely. am so happy kiddo watched this and liked it. i am very fond of this one even if i can barely remember anything else but my own heartbreak. 
best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl i could mention everyone in not me but that feels like too much of a cliché. i could also mention pat and pran but i don’t truly dress like that myself. so i will once again settle on the absolute fashion icon that is khai in theory of love. he has the exact style i wish i could have for myself. i adore him so much. honorary mentions go to vegas and tay from kinnporsche the series bc i love them and i really wanna steal tay’s gender ♥
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the epitome of if evil why sexy
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he is so beautiful i want to eat my own arm
thank you if you read this far! sorry i went very off road with many of these. have a wonderful day everyone! ♥
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shaanks · 3 years
jjk!! (for the fandom ask) c:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Listen 2 me. Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro Megumi my absolute BELOVEDS. I love love love Yuji he is Best Boy and the protagonist of my heart, Nanamin has grown on me like a fungus, Sukuna is the meanest fattest most spoiled housecat on earth, Nobara and Maki are very Gender and very Married, like...nobody is doing characterization like Gege not a fucking soul, but..........Gojo and Megumi.
Like, it's hard not to love Gojo even if all you're taking in is the surface behaviours. He is caring, energetic, enthusiastic, he cares about his students, he wants to find a way to make the world better that actually addresses its current problems, and lasts, he's so beautiful it hurts...
but it's the underlying tragedy of him that kicks me in the gut every time. In a lot of ways, he was never really given the opportunity to be a child, he was always balanced so precariously on pedestals he didn't choose, by adults who wanted him for his power and didn't care for the human parts, and while sure...and yet he still always chose the world. Even after it showed him how ugly it was and how little it cared, he still chose good, and he keeps choosing it, and everything he's been through adds such a poignant layer to how protective he is of his students' childhoods.
And Megumi, who was never really a child either, not with the disappearance of his of his parents, or their apathy towards him beforehand. He struggled with so much anger and directionlessness, and yet he's another one that chooses good at every opportunity, despite what he thinks of himself. He has the gentlest heart, and while he keeps it hidden a lot of the time, if you've gained his trust he just. Opens like a flower. I love them both.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
I wanna choose Gumi again bc his hair is very Shaped and Like That, and I do get like. Agitated when anything bad happens to him, but I think I'm actually gonna pick Yuji for this. Not bc he's traditionally scrunkly, he's not hes absolutely stunning at all times, but he can, will, and DOES just stagger out of the physical realm at the slightest inconvenience. Sensei can't teach you the bankai on day 1 of training? Turn into a wrinkled piece of paper immediately. Concerned about your next month's itinerary? Become a Meow Meow complete with like whiskers. He folds his whole body up or just like turns low-res 18 times an episode and he's also just the sweetest baby so yes. Yuji.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Ijichi, did y'all know he's like 24 or something ridiculous, he's so stressed out he looks like he's in his 40s. He's got the deeply undesirably task of having to report to both Gojo AND the higher ups, and he's honestly just trying his best in the dumbest situations for a non-combatant to be in. My heart goes out to the guy, I really hope the pay is outstanding and he's able to take vacation time without getting like, mobbed.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Junpei's momma!! :(((((((( I think all told she had like 2 minutes of screen time but she was so cool, and so smart and supportive, and its rare (both in media and IRL tbh) to find a parent that just...genuinely gives a shit about their kid. and is willing to meet them where they are, instead of projecting their own desires onto them. She was just really good, and it sucks so badly what happens to her.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
This is another one where I wanna say Megumi (even tho he's not any of the words listed above) bc right up until he decides he's gonna go apeshit on a special grade he just. gets his ass handed to him like 8 times a week. I think the actual poorest lil meow meow of the series so far really is Junpei though. He was just some kid, who happened to go to the same school as like 8 different violent sociopaths who beat his ass constantly, and when someone was finally able to DO something definitive about said bullies, he ran right into their arms looking for safety and companionship...with quite possibly the worst person to ever exist. He just didn't have the experience or the boundaries necessary to see Mahito for what he was until it was way way way too late to stop what was coming, and just. There was nowhere else in the narrative for him to run. his whole arc was just the "kick the puppy" trope and it hurts every time.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
I wanna bother Sukuna all day long but I don't think I'm gonna put him in the horse plinko yet (bc then I'd also have to put Yuji in the horse plinko and I'd rather die) but do you know who can def go into the horse plinko? on his way to superhell? MAHITO. Slam DUNKED into the plinko machine, and Gakuganji, and Kenjaku!Getou. I think roughing them up in there for a few rounds is a good appetizer for the main course, which is...
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Mahito, Gakuganji, Kenjaku!Getou.
Mahito because he's just the nastiest little dude. he's SHAPED like a scrunkle but he lacks any and all redeeming qualities of one, he's just a horrible guy that deep down in his heart of hearts...is worse. just. jail for 10,000 years and then superhell forever.
Gakuganji because he's a slimy, self-serving coward that not once but TWICE so far in canon has used his power to attempt to assassinate ACTUAL CHILDREN because he'd much rather see kids die than have anyone or anything threaten the power structures that benefit and enrich him, and if it wasn't Gojo's actual birthright I'd love to twist his fugly head off with my bare hands.
Kenjaku!Getou is, among other things, a sexual predator, and for that alone he deserves to be fucking vaporized, but even beyond that literally everything that's happened, at least to Yuji's group but maybe to like everyone we're aware of is part of some twisted 12D chess game he's been playing with himself for like 500 years and I am very very very very ready to see him get demolished.
Thank you for the ask bby, ILY times a million!!
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