trainno4 · 5 months
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So, like Vivian before her, Wisteria (or “Wist as people call her for a nickname) is ALSO a Seedrian OC. But her design is MUCH more recent compared to Vivain’s who I had for a very VERY long time. (In general, I have a lot of Seedrian OCs that are old, just…I never really took the time to draw any of their designs until recently. That’s why she doesn’t have too many drawings compared to Vivian’s. But that’s beside the point. Anyways-). Wisteria, compared to Vivian, is more reserved and well mannered like you’d might expect from other seedrians, compared to Vivain’s smart talking mouth, and brash persona. She’s a little shy at times, but she can be very thoughtful and introspective, providing insight some people might not find. She’s also just a calm person, who goes with the flow for most things.
If you notice her design, Wisteria is actually martial artist. And a VERY talented and skilled one too. This actually wasn’t the case before. She just had a staff as a weapon. But I’ve been getting into a lot of fighting games like Street fighter 6 recently…so that kind influenced me to got the whole 9 yards with her. She even has energy based abilities too! :p
Wisteria trained extensively under her loving and supportive father, who studied a “fighting style from another world”. Although a side effect of that is that since she spends so much time training she hasn’t really interacted with too many people, let alone people around her age range. So she doesn’t always understand social cues. She does have a couple friends though, and of course, is very close with her dad, so she’s not totally lonely. And to the few friends she has, she’s very loyal to them. And will be to anyone else that becomes her friend later in life. (which might happen sooner than you think-).
I kinda talked a lot more about Wist than I did with Vivian. Vivian has a lot to her, don’t get me wrong, but I’m going to be showing her and Wist a lot more for…reasons I’ll probably explain a little later. So be on the lookout for that. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy these unique characters here!
(Also, almost forgot, Wisteria’s flowers are meant to actually be Wisteria flowers. But I drew them in a very simplified way because I’m not the best drawer, and probably wouldn’t be able to get them right. I like how I made them resemble twin-tails though :p)
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trainno4 · 5 months
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So this is very different from my usuals stuff I post, but I actually have a couple Sonic OCs. (Yes, I know, I’m one of THOSE guys. I’m crazy :p) But that’s besides the point. I mainly have a lot of Seedrian OCs from the Sonic X anime, and this is one of them right now. Vivian’s my very first Seedrian OC, and the oldest one I’ve got. She’s a 9 year old chaotic girl, who’s quite the problem magnet. She’s hyperactive, and spontaneous, and pretty mischievous at times. And people don’t always take a liking to her because of that. Despite that though, Vivian can be a lot more kind and thoughtful than some people give her credit for. Even herself. (At least her friends seem to think so)
I actually have an old bio for Vivian on Deviantart, so maybe I might try to post that here? Who knows? I do have a couple of art pieces with her, but I haven’t drawn her too much because of me drawing much more MegaMan over the years. But I’ve been drawing her way more for…a few reasons. So I figured I’d show her off at least so people are familiar with her. The 3rd drawing is one of my most recent pieces of her, so at that point, that’s her most updated look.
Her design is pretty simple, but that was intentional. She’s pretty easy for me to pick up and draw whenever I want too, so that’s nice. :p This won’t be the last time she’ll be brought up, so be on the lookout for more posts on her soon probably. 👍
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trainno4 · 9 months
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First post of 2024! I was going to post this on the 7th because of a certain meme, which is why Rock is literally “dropping in” on that day…but I didn’t make it in time unfortunately. But that doesn’t bother me much because WOW this is probably one of the best drawings I made of Rock EVER. No contest. The pose, the lighting, the effects, I dunno what possessed me to make this thing come out so good, but I thank whatever force made me do it! :p
Hope you all enjoy!
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trainno4 · 4 months
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So! A few weeks back I posted about Vivian and Wisteria, and how I’m drawing them for a certain reason. I won’t go into why JUST yet. I still gotta get some stuff done…but I will say, this drawing is somewhat related! It’s drawings of Vivian and Wisteria when they were younger kids. Vivian is 4-5 years old in this drawing (currently 9), and Wist is 6 years old (currently 10). I also slightly changed up the designs for them here too if you look back to back. One of the main things you might notice are the outfits, and their hairstyles.
Vivian has a wildly different hairstyle than she does when she’s older. It’s more longer and messier. The reason why it’s shorter in the future is because one of her friends cut it by her request….it didn’t go too well. But eventually they worked it out, and she likes to keep it short. :p
Wisteria’s hair is mostly opposite. 6y Wist’s hair is mostly the same…but shorter. Honestly, I didn’t really change too much about Wist compared to Viv because her background isn’t as wild as Vivian’s is. (That is to say, she actually has a good one, unlike the later unfortunately…which I may or may not talk about later. But yeah, Vivian goes through a lot her age.)
Anywho. I hope you guys enjoy this piece though. It’s small, but I figured it would complement the other drawings I did before.
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trainno4 · 9 months
I was going to make this for Christmas….but Christmas passed already…but it’s still a holiday drawing, so I think it counts!
Happy holidays!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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So I already mentioned I was trying to attempt to make an 8-bit Sprite of one of my OCs, but I technically already did this one time. Using MegaMan as a base, I made a sprite of one of my own OCs named, Anthem! And I’m really proud of how he came out! And wanted to try and make a full sprite sheet for him. I…never finished, but I still got very far, and made some neat animations for him. Making a sprite of Starfall kinda got me in the mood to sprite Anthem again…and I figured I could use a neat drawing to hand onto my wall…and I had old graph paper lying around…and you know the rest.
Anthem was new here, so I decided to add a quick little drawing of what he usually looks like next to the sprite. Maybe could be a little better, but it gets the point across. I also decided to add the version of Anthem’s sprite I made on the computer, but decided to make a neat new little animation for him. It’s not too crazy, initially I wanted him to be more animated, and move his body more…but I was on a bit of a time crunch, and figured keeping his body in a static pose was best for now. At the very least his face is plenty expressive like I wanted it to be, and I added a neat little smear frame! I’ll try to touch it up later though..but not “soon” later though.
Either way, my respect for sprite artists continues to grow the more and more I keep experimenting with this style…god I can’t imagine making 16 or 32-bit stuff…at all….
That said, I can probably post the other animations I made someday later too! But for now this is what I’m posting! Hope you guys enjoy! (And sorry again about the long post-)
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trainno4 · 11 months
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I’m back with another boss concept! The Magma Devil! This is a boss inspired by the many (MANY) Devil fights in the MegaMan series that’s as also made for that RP I mentioned back when I showed off the Omega Joe. I dunno if I like the Magma Devil more than the Omega Joe, but either way, I’m pretty proud of how Magma Devil came out! The rocks in his body are part of a volcano, since that’s where his boss fight primarily took place in. And yeah…he also throws them in his boss fight…so he’s a bit dangerous, but then again, what Devil boss wasn’t right?
Bonus picture, I made this for the RP too, but this one I had time to color! And WOOO I’m glad I did! It looks GORGEOUS!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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Here’s an old drawing I made of the cut MegaMan 1 robot master Bond Man! Well…not the recently discovered design of him…but the one most people went for before that was found. I gotta say though, I do really like this look for him though. And I wouldn’t mind if Capcom resurrected him as a secret boss for MegaMan 12 or something.
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trainno4 · 1 year
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So here’s something unique I made! Sniper Joes are iconic enemies in MegaMan, yet they never had a full on boss featuring one. Well I decided to take a crack at it! And here’s my results! This is pretty old though, I originally drew it for an RP I was doing with friends before. But I still think the Omega Joe holds up! I tried to mix in a bunch of the Joe designs seen in the series and combine a bit of them all in here. The body of he has kinda looks like a Hammer Joe, and the wrecking ball is also reminiscent of that too. I think he’s got a nice balance between those aspects. And he’s rather impending too!
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(Extra drawing I made for that RP because I love it)
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trainno4 · 1 year
Do you remember my Stardroid OC Starfall? If you do…..well I figured I’d show this off! I barely have any experience with Sprite art before. I did it like one time and never finished it. I dunno if this’ll ever be finished either, but I tried to make a sprite of Starfall! Well…just her head. The software I’m using I’m still trying to learn how to resize the canvas on it, because I have ZERO space for it, and she’s not going to be small in the slightest.
Fun thing about Starfall that I can’t always show in art is that there’s stars in her air that constantly twinkle and shine, and with me making a sprite, I figured I can actually show the stars moving around in it. Give it some life! I made a video showing that, so I hope you guys like it! I dunno if I’ll continue, but if people are interested, I can try!
Here’s official art for Starfall to compare to the sprite so far too!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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So this is something I just finished! I haven’t shown off one of my favorite OCs I own, Mako a ton here, but she’s really important to me…but that’s a long explanation for another day. So to cut to the chase, Mako is a very strong and very flexible person. She does a lot of intense training to keep herself in a super fit condition for intense fighting. A good chunk of her workout (later) involves yoga, an activity she straight up fell in love with. (Can you guys tell I like yoga yet?)
I draw a lot of pictures of Mako showing off her flexibility and doing yoga…maybe too much. But I still really like making drawings like that. It’s really interesting to work with, and kinda helps for anatomy practice in a way. My inspiration for this drawing came from a pose Wii Fit Trianer (who is a character I started to like a lot recently) takes when she uses an item. And I used them as a reference. She looks so graceful and elegant! That pose perfectly fits someone like Mako to me :p
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I did make mistakes making this drawing though….Mako’s hand that’s not holding her foot looks super off. I kinda mistook where the thumb was meant to be by accident and…couldn’t fix it in time unfortunately. I tried to cover it up a little bit…but couldn’t totally fix it. Oh well. I was planning on drawing Mako in this specific pose again for a different outfit, so maybe I can try to redraw this, and fix up that hand while making those other drawings. We can see :p
Either way this was a very lengthy post here…sorry about that! Next time I post it’ll be short for sure. Not too crazy. It’s gonna be about Mako again. Actually…I might stick with her for a little bit. Just for a bit though. Also…I know a lot about yoga, but…I don’t know the name of the pose Mako or Wii Fit Trainer was doing here….my bad :p
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trainno4 · 1 year
It’s been awhile since I made a post. My bad on that. I had a bit of a rut for the past few weeks. But I hope this drawing of Quake Woman can make up for it! It’s old, but I still think it looks super nice!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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Two pieces of art for one day! Yeah, I have a lot of stuff to drop off, so I might as well drop it off Eh?
As I mentioned before in a previous post, Mako is very flexible to an impressive degree…to the point where sometimes she can even surprise herself! She was just messing around with her body until she managed to get herself into this position….don’t ask me how she did it though.
This is actually an advanced yoga pose called “Kandasana” which is pretty hard to do (that’s an understatement), but of course Mako can get into it pretty fine, all that training she did accidentally paid off :p
This isn’t the first time one of my characters is seen doing this. If you guys know Alma, she’s definitely capable of doing this too, and I have a picture of that too you guys can look up if you’re interested. All that aside, when Mako learned she could do this, and figured out it’s a yoga pose, she implemented it into her yoga practice, and loves this pose now. Hell, she even meditates like this sometimes too!
All that lore babbling aside, I was planning on doing a lot of hard work drawing stuff for…a lot of people. And I figured I’d draw this as a bit of a way to familiarize with drawing again before I get hard at work making stuff. I think it came out pretty well! And I did a couple new things here too! Although I won’t list them since most who follow my tumblr won’t catch them though. The only problem here is Mako’s face. I don’t think I did the best job trying to capture the confusion in her face she’s probably feeling right now. But it’s good enough I guess.
Either way, hope you guys enjoy these double arts! I might post some of the recent stuff I finish later too!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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So continuing with Pride month content, here’s another old drawing of my MegaMan OCs Mako and Mira! Only they look a LOT more younger here than in the last drawing I showed of them. There’s a long explanation for that, but just know that even in the past, they still cared for each other a whole lot!
Also, both Mako and Mira are bisexual bi the way!
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trainno4 · 1 year
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Here’s a neat little reference to MegaManX6! It’s not my favorite game…like at all, but X using a saber is SUPER cool. Shame he never got to do that again…
I feel like the pose is a little awkward though, but this art is a bit old.
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trainno4 · 1 year
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So I already mentioned Starfall a couple days ago, and I decided to draw her again! This was completely by accident, It started as a simple sketch…but I figured I’d finish it! The main draw here is that Starfall has a cape here. She used to have one way back in the day, but ditched it for reasons I…might explain later. She still wears it sometimes though, and I wanted to make this drawing to show that! Although…it hadn’t aged well by the looks of it.
This drawing has…a couple problems sadly. Starfall looks a bit short when she’s supposed to be rather tall, and with the perspective on her body in this one, the position of the right arm and shoulder pads aren’t in a good position….I kinda forgot that when drawing. Whoops.
It still came out good, but it’s something that definitely needs to be redrawn later though. Hope you folks like it anyway!
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