#Trans rights are special priveleges
theempressisnaked · 2 years
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Trans rights are SPECIAL PRIVELEGES.
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redheadbigshoes · 7 months
Hiya steph! 🌻👋 Yeah MRA means 'Men's Rights Activist' basically a turbo misogynist that tries to legitimately put forth that men are somehow oppressed and need.. rights... to something (to be an asshole to women I guess)
The Trans Man MRA thing is about how 'transandrophobia' crap is a way for trans men to try and weasel out of the fact they have a level of privelege over trans women, while saying its a special word for their specific struggles (transphobia is a fine word)
Before 'transandrophobia' they tried using 'transmisandry' but realized the optics are terrible because most people who see 'misandry' will think of MRA and see the misogyny inherent in it.
These trans men are the same people who say they have a 'transmisogyny group chat' and call themselves 'the most notorious transmisogynists on tumblr' so y'know, they're real asshats. And they do regularly accuse trans women who speak up about their transphobia like 'trans man lesbian' crap of being terfs, so yknow it's really soured like, any idea of goodwill I might've had for random trans men thinking they might be less misogynistic than cis men.
Hey! Thank you for explaining it.
There’s an expression here that idk if it also exists in English, but the translation is “the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor”. I think it fits really well this case considering how a lot of (probably most) trans men were raised and socialized as girls before they figured out they were men and before they transitioned. So they probably were victims of misogyny before their transition. Once they start identifying as men a lot of them seem to act shitty like the way you explained to validate their gender, acting just like cishet men.
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