#Transmogrification of a not yet lord
Transmogrification of a Not Yet Lord - Chapter 1 Snippet
Amelia ran, her legs burning and her chest heaving with the effort of running as well as the emotion bubbling inside of her. She needs to get away, she can’t think straight. How had this happened? She thinks.
Harry Potter had been killed by Lord Voldemort. She can’t breathe. She needs to escape, somewhere, anywhere. She needs to get away from the death eaters and the image of Harry’s limp body in Hagrid’s outstretched arms. The way hope seemed to die on everyone’s faces as they stared at the boy who lived, now dead.
She doesn’t remember leaving, she just remembers seeing Harry’s body and the need to get away. The urge to throw up overwhelming her. She couldn’t face that, she didn’t want to face that, her friend dead, hope dead. So she ran, she ran as fast as her legs could  carry her until finally she stopped.
Amelia finally looks around wondering where she’d ran to, she sniffs back tears as she realises she’s in the headmaster’s office. Yet Snape is nowhere to be seen, probably at the Dark Lord’s side she thinks bitterly. It’s strange though, normally the office is locked behind the stone gargoyle but it must have been open, Amelia doesn’t know the password to get in.
Amelia walks around the room glancing at the different objects. It’s odd how little it had changed since Dumbledore died, a lot of his things remaining in place. Maybe it wasn’t his stuff, she ponders, perhaps the trinkets get passed down from headmaster to headmaster.
Still, she thought Snape would have gotten rid of anything even linked to Dumbledore. This all certainly reminded her of her old headmaster. She sighs making her way over to the desk in the middle of the room, her legs aching from the run. She needs to sit down, to process everything that’s happening. What her plan of action is going to be.
Unfortunately her eyes are strained from crying, meaning she trips on the step before her. She stumbles haphazardly towards one of the displays at the side of the room. She throws her hands out in front of her, hoping it will reduce the impact of her fall and not damage too many of the objects before her. However, she still hits the shelves full force, knocking the silver instruments, potions and what seems to be ruin stones to the floor with a loud bang, her in the middle of it all.
Just before she hits the ground she feels a sick pulling sensation at her navel, the world spins around her and she can’t figure which way is up or down.
It must be the adrenalin from the battle, she thinks. Her head still whirling uncontrollably.
She lies on the floor trying to catch her breath and calm her mind. She’s not sure how long she lies there for, but it must be a while considering the world is spinning faster than normal.
Slowly she opens her eyes, running a hand over her head. Odd, its bright daylight now, the sun was only just starting to rise when she walked in there. She must have been out for hours. Slowly she manoeuvres herself into a sitting position. Noticing as she does so, a lack of mess around her. No potions or instruments. No evidence of her clumsiness. Maybe someone came in cleaned up around her.
A wave of nausea suddenly hits her, causing her to double over clutching her stomach. She’s just glad she’s still sat down as she wobbles a little, the dizziness hitting her forcefully. Slowly she starts to rise from the floor, gripping the shelves beside her for support.
Amelia groans as she moves her arms and legs, she’s aching all over though she doesn’t know if it’s from the impact of the fall or from the previous battle. Probably a mix of both, she concludes.
She stretches her arms and legs before glancing around the room, something is off. This is the headmaster’s office alright, but it’s different. Like things are missing or changed. She can’t quite put her finger on what though.
She sighs shaking her head slightly, she must be concussed.
Perhaps the death eaters had raided it after they won. No that couldn’t be, they won they wouldn’t need to raid it, it was there’s now. They probably wouldn’t have left her alive either.
She looks down at her clothes. She’s wearing her wide leg jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt. Both now, unfortunately, ripped in places, scorched in others and completely covered in blood and dust.
She sighs thinking how much she loves this top. If only Voldemort could have given them enough notice to change into their scruffs.
Oh well she thinks, we’ve lost more important things than band t-shirts. The thought stabbing at her heart. She reluctantly wanders towards the door. No need to put off the inevitable, the quicker she does this the quicker it’ll be over with.
She saunters through the corridors trying to find someone, anyone who can tell her where they stood now. What was happening with the magical world, are they about to be carted off to Azkaban? Tortured for years until they’re insane? What was going to happen?
But there’s no one. Nothing. Literally nothing, no rubble, no bodies. Nothing to suggest a battle had just taken place. It looks like a nice normal sunny day at Hogwarts. It makes her feel sick to her stomach. That’s something she can never have again.
There’s no one around, none of the students, the order or death eaters. How long had she been out? As she turns another corner, she hears footsteps and a curious voice calling out.
“Excuse me, can I help you?”
Amelia spins in shock at the calm polite tone. She nearly falls flat on her face when she sees who’s speaking.
Albus Dumbledore is stood in front of her, clear as day. But he looks strange, his hair isn’t his normal silver, instead it’s auburn with streaks of grey. He has a beard, but it’s nowhere near as long as when she knew him. He stands starting at her waiting for her to say something.
Amelia doesn’t know what to say or what to do. How is this possible?
Then it clicks. Hogwarts was as warm and welcoming as when she first arrived. No bodies or death eaters fill the corridors and Dumbledore is stood in front of her.
She was dead.
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amaranthsynthesis · 9 months
Well, I am an endless font of questions so let's see, I probably should stick to one vague area per ask to not turn this into a giant list. Big thing I have been turning around in my hand is the person carved out of god-flesh deciding to transition. How did he go about this? (More in the sense of something instant a la somehow getting a true polymorph or something more akin to real world via alchemy?) Did he have goals? *Realistic expectations*? Perhaps doubts? Does he tell himself it's his godhood calling to him, to self-mold? I think you see where the zipcode of the question is. Bonus: If he went the slow route, does he just murder people who don't respect pronouns?
First a disclaimer; I am referring to Ballard in the past with he/him pronouns for my own ease of reference, not necessarily because he had that self reference. If asked, I don't think he would be able to point to a preference as to how he was referred to. His is not a story of 'oh I always knew I was a boy' so much as 'I always knew I was different and wrong' but that's almost more to do with being the incarnated son of murder than with gender!!
rest of the screed under the cut bc, surprising to no one, it's a doozy:
So, to re-establish and perhaps push further into some general points about Ballard's identity timeline:
age 6, murders a dozen or so members of House Halvyriin during the first dark urge. Sceleritas Fel shows up, greets him as 'my lady' but immediately backtracks to my young master/my lord. how does he know? I haven't the foggiest, even Ballard has not really grasped gender as a concept yet and so hasn't figured out he isn't what he's supposed to be--he doesn't even think of himself as a child, only ever either as a gift or a knife, because that's how he's heard himself referred to.
age 16 Ballard reaches his first menses, and basically riots. He has gotten some small version of the talk preparing him for it and loathes the concept entirely, is fearful of what it means for him and his role, knows he is lacking all of the necessary information to truly understand. a few hours of being referred to as a 'woman of the house, now' and he's ready to do murder--Sceleritas comes back to reaffirm there is a purpose for him outside of this house, and also to remind him that there is another option and he does not HAVE to be Daughter Halvyriin. Ballard basically says 'well there's no time to unpack that now' but it soothes the restlessness back into dormancy for like. another decade.
Everything starts to spiral between age 26 (after the first failed challenge) and 36 (the second challenge and the burning of House Halvyriin). This is entirely due to the presence and influence of Imton, the priest of Loviatar brought in to tutor Ballard on bearing pain with stoicism and inflicting violence with killing--also a sex worker, who becomes his first lover. Their first assignation goes very poorly, in that Imton, never informed otherwise, is operating under the assumption that he's bedding a young woman, and Ballard realizes very rapidly that that is Wrong. He realizes he can't ignore the divergence between his internals and externals any longer, and doesn't know what to do to SOLVE that, but comes clean about it all to Imton. After like. A month of agonizing, you know.
Imton being one of two sane non-Bhaalists Ballard knows, he is able to retrieve some information about transitioning from the surface (not a thing that is pursued in Menzoberranzan, of course). It's over the course of years and the literature is mismatched and has some gaps--surgeries, magical augmentations, permanent transmogrifications, alchemical assistives, some write-ups on clothing and voice training, the whole shebang, everything Imton can find. Ballard is going through it slowly prior to his flight from the Underdark, but is only able to change his clothing and his hair while he is there--there is, honestly, a kind of despair to KNOWING about all of these options, because he does not think he can ever leave, and that they will be forbidden to him forever, even should he win the next challenge and his adult autonomy. He can't let himself think about it, it is too dangerous to hope. It is only in the burning down of his old life that he can begin to think about building a new one.
There is a gap of (checking my timeline) 2 years in between the burning of House Halvyriin and Ballard's arrival in Baldur's Gate. It does not take two years to escape the Underdark. Ballard is pursuing social transition in this time, more or less--he's experimenting with presenting himself as male, seeing how that changes how people react to him, how they look at him, seeing what is convincing and what's suspicious. Only a portion of the time is in the Underdark, because he finds himself scared and overwhelmed to be socially regarded as a male in drow society. He wants to be regarded that way, he knows it's right, but the objectification and the harassment, the sexual overtures? He was protected from those, as Daughter Halvyriin, both by rank and perceived gender. He doesn't do well with them. Moving above ground shifts the balance of power back, and if it shifts his negative experience from sexism to racism then it just kind of underlines his inclination to remain aloof and unattached. But regardless, he does what he can with clothing and the timbre of his voice, picks his name out and introduces himself with it, and by the time he makes his way to Baldur's Gate he's convinced he needs to take additional steps.
Not wants to, though he does--needs to, because it still isn't right. Being perceived as Ballard, a man, Drowish and intimidating and concerning--not pretty, not beautiful, not yet, though someday he will remember this too is part of it--is a huge step, but now he looks at his reflection in the water and dingy glass and it fits even less well than before. He scowls at human men and the shadows of their beard, such an easy visual cue, but that will never be for him anyway, and it soothes some that the mannish elves he has traveled alongside also dodge the accusatory arrows of beardless femininity. He intensifies his training and workouts, focuses on building muscle as much as increasing his flexibility, strength visible and not just applicable.
"I saw a sculptor at work," he tells Sceleritas, in some dingy inn on the road, paid for by silver out of a dead mans pocket. The man's tongue was sharp and cruel, and his eyes were blind--now tongue and eyes all three are nailed to a tree by the road. "She had a great stone and she took her blade to it and she found the man hidden inside the stone. She knew he was in there, I think. I think there is a great deal of stone I still need to cut away, but I know he is in there."
"Your father sculpted you from his own flesh, baleful lord," Sceleritas repeats, as he does often, as he does always. "He has never had such a hand in creation or birth as with you, and it is an imperfect skill. You are only walking in his footsteps, and it is my job to walk with you. We will earn what we must to perfect the form."
I have a WIP on this topic, so I am not going to go very in-depth on this part but: finding the Temple of Bhaal when he reaches the Gate is a step back, in some ways. Sarevok terrifies Ballard, the way he's tied into the reproductive horror of Bhaal's spawn. It's an echo of the sexually charged fear he felt as man on his own in the Underdark, but reversed and wrong and made heavy and oppressive by the fear of keeping it a secret, that he too could be made a vessel to that end. Ballard's cautious and methodical nature is rushed--he has to make decisions for expediency, and is unable to really doubt or hold room for concerns or nervousness.
He doesn't know what to expect. Some of the papers Imton gave him, years and years ago at this point, they have pictures--but they're all sketches, they could be lying. The testimonies and interviews? No way to trust them. Magical HRT and gender-affirming surgery as it exists in Faerun exists, as I imagine it, in pockets, developed by those who are seeking it, made particular to their wills and desires and not necessarily accessible or helpful to others. There's no one chemist or alchemist or potion-seller who knows everything about transition and can easily determine the combination of ingredients and power to call for the desired affect. Ballard finds one he respects and approves of and brings them all his scraps, details and ideas and half-recipes, they put it together from there and it is a trial and error process. He spends a couple of years at the beginning, hormones at war with themselves, struggling to control his emotions and his dark urge, locking himself into irons deep below-ground whenever the time comes for his next dose. He takes copious notes, and if they are blood-stained when he brings him back to the chemist, they ask no questions but the relevant.
The spells are more straightforward, easily replicate-able as they are, but Ballard is not a magical person, he has very limited access to that kind of power--a handful of shadowy cantrips and what power he can borrow from his own body's energy--and does not trust it. A transfiguration will always feel like something that was done to him, and that can be undone. He wants permanence, he wants something tangible, so if he has to take this potion every two weeks for the rest of his life--at least he can see the changes as they build up, at least he can see himself still under them. He looks for a surgeon for years, and despairs of finding one he deems competent. In the end it is a collaborative effort--Ballard, propped up on a stone operating table, a careful cocktail of paralytics that keep his body steady and his brain keen and unadulterated. He cuts where he can, himself, and directs Sceleritas where he cannot. They pare the stone away to find the shape of him hidden beneath it, and if it is agony then it is because it matters. Everything that matters feels like dying.
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adleryoung · 1 year
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Listening to Ash talk reminded me how much I disliked him. It would have done no good to say so aloud (and he already knew, anyway) so I just gritted my teeth and let him talk.
"To return to the pending issue," he continued, "it would be much easier to throw Didelphis to the mob and be done with it. The wicked witch gets burned alive, the public's bloodlust is sated, and the innocent baker is saved. You can pat yourself on the back for a Seelie job well done. As a monarch your decisions will seldom work out so cleanly, so I'd advise you to take the easy win."
"The easy win," I repeated. "That's just it. Easy. Lazy. Would it really take that much extra effort to save everybody?"
"As a former scholar of the Seelie mindset and its inherent follies, I can understand why you want to save Oonagh, the so-called 'innocent' bystander caught up in all this. Frankly though, you should have thought more carefully before sending a deranged witch to her doorstep. What puzzles me even more than that is why on earth you would want to save someone who is actively working against you, and is unhinged enough to keep doing it regardless of the consequences."
"How odd," I quipped, "to hear you, of all people, wondering why I would employ someone I don't trust."
"That's not at all what I said," Ash responded drily.
"You did say that Oonagh was a 'so-called innocent.' What do you mean by that?"
"Innocence is a loaded concept. No one is truly innocent."
"She's innocent in this context because the situation is not her fault."
"I don't have time to discuss philosophy right now," Ash sniffed. "Granted that Oonagh is contextually 'innocent,' still Didelphis most certainly is not. Why so concerned for her?"
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"Because I put her in this situation," I insisted. "And … well … I believed, and I still believe that I can teach her a lesson and steer her onto a more Seelie path."
Ash was silent for several seconds. I was just about to ask if he was still there, when suddenly he burst into laughter.
"Really?" he cackled. "You think you can reform that egotistical, embittered, stubborn, viciously mean-spirited, brain-dead, old hag? Oh ho ho ho! I'd pay money to see that! Oooh hee hee, thank you, my lord, I needed a good laugh. Now then, let's see … you know what, I'm confident enough in the resources I've set up, and in Lana's effectiveness, I think we can afford to let you fail at yet another project. So sure, why not, I'm willing to save both, if for nothing more than the entertainment value. Perhaps playing with your little coven will keep you occupied so the adults can get some work done."
I ignored Ash's insults to cut to the crucial tidbit he had just dropped. "Wait, you've spoken to Lana?"
"Oh indeed," Ash smirked audibly. "Charming femme; delightfully Unseelie. Under other circumstances, I might consider courting her. I really have to admire the Sisterhood's way of conducting business."
"When did you meet her?" I demanded. "What did you talk about?"
"No time for chit-chat," Ash reminded me smugly. "We're both on a strict time table now. We can debate and exposit to your heart's content AFTER the trial is over. Now then, since you are determined to save them both … I shudder to ask, but … do you have any idea how to accomplish this? I can lean on O'Hoppity in regards to the trial, but he will need a plausible reason to explain his change of heart."
"I do in fact have a plan," I declared confidently. "Transmogrification got us into this mess and transmogrification will get us out of it. I will transmogrify someone into the exact likeness of Didelphis and have her claim that child Didelphis is an unruly relative having an out of control tantrum."
"Well then," Ash stated thoughtfully. Was he impressed? It was hard to tell. "It's a novel solution, I'll grant you that, but there are a few practical concerns. Does anyone in town know Didelphis well enough to be able to say that she does or does not have a young niece who uncannily resembles her? Also, do you actually have somebody who knows her well enough to do a convincing imitation?"
"As a matter of fact, I do," I stated triumphantly. "I have someone here who's spent a great deal of time with Didelphis. There's just one problem."
"Of course there is," Ash sighed. "Go on."
"Telling untruths would not be good for her since I am 99.9% sure she is a Changeling."
Then I heard Ash gasp in the way I thought he would when I spilled the beans about Reverend O'Hoppity.
"Run that by me again," he muttered quietly.
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WIP Game
Thank you for the tag @justfinishthis
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
I've only got one of these on AO3 at the moment the rest are being worked on
The Warning
The Chosen Son
Tom Riddle Fic (Will be renamed) - now Transmogrification of a not yet lord
No Pressure Tag: @ourloveisforthelovely @dravenwitchmusings @raven-riddle @sunder-soul @whats-rambled-rambled
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thesevenseraphs · 4 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 5/7/20
This week at Bungie, Guardian Games nears the finish line. But before we dive into our weekly update, here’s a word from Luke Smith about a topic on many players’ mind these days: Eververse.
Hey everyone,
This week’s update is going to look at some of the changes coming to Destiny 2’s rewards. As you know, rewards for your character come from a variety of places: Playlists where you find random folks to play with, aspirational activities like Raids, Trials, and Dungeons where you form up a Fireteam, and even Eververse, where you sling some Silver or Bright Dust back at us for items you want. However, in today’s Destiny 2, the balance of the game’s rewards is not where we want it to be. To be blunt, there isn’t enough pursuit out in the world. We’re going to fix it.
Let’s get to it.
All of this and more is planned for Destiny 2 Year 4:
We will be adding a Transmogrification feature to Destiny 2.
This will allow players to turn their Armor into Universal Ornaments.
We plan to allow players to do this with in-game effort OR Silver.
This feature is in early development and is expected sometime during Year 4.
Each Season we will deliver an aspirational pursuit for armor. We haven’t done this consistently in Destiny 2.
This armor will come from activities, not the Season Pass nor Eververse
As an example: We removed the Eververse Armor from Season 11 and itemized it into an aspirational activity, because this is the right thing to do for the game.
We are improving the rewards for Aspirational Activities (Raids, Trials, Dungeons)
Going forward, Aspirational Activities will reward players with power, items, and vanity.
When we build an Aspirational Activity it will have at least one accessory to pursue.
The team is working on Adept Weapons for Trials of Osiris.
Trials will get new Armor (aka not reprisal), accessories, and weapons in Season 13.
Trials will get new Armor every year.
Destiny’s next Raid will have brand new Armor, Weapons, and Exotic Accessories to pursue (no spoilers).
Beginning in Season 12, we will no longer be selling ships, ghost shells, sparrows, or armor ornaments in Eververse that are visually based on themes from Aspirational Activities. 
We are not planning on changing existing items as that is time we could be spending on itemizing the future.
We are adding a new set of Armor for the core playlists (Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible).
This armor shares a set of new geometry, with decals and shaders specific to the activity.
We will create new sets like this each Year (e.g., Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, etc.)
This set will arrive alongside the next Expansion.
Starting in Season 12, we are adding a new Pursuit Weapon each Season.
This weapon can be earned by playing your preferred Core playlist.
This weapon will have activity-specific Legendary Skins that can be unlocked in each playlist.
We will no longer be selling new Legendary Weapon Ornaments in Eververse.
We are making it easier for you to earn Bright Dust.
We will be moving away from character-specific ways to earn Bright Dust and more toward Account-specific paths.
This change is geared toward giving one-character players significantly more Bright Dust than they earn today.
We’re updating the Bright Engram to be more relevant than it is today.
The earned Bright Engram in the Season Pass will be updated to include various Year 3 Eververse items previously sold for Silver and Bright Dust. And going forward, that Bright Engram will update each Season to include Eververse items from 3+ seasons prior.
On behalf of all of us at Bungie, we hope you and yours are safe and well. We know you could be doing anything with your free time, and so, so many of you are spending it in our worlds. Thanks, and stay safe. See you soon, -Luke Smith And now back to your regularly scheduled TWAB!
Look, you know it. I know it. Titans have taken a stand, owning the Guardian Games since Day 2 of the event. They’ve held strong against the book-reading Warlocks. They laugh in the face of fashion-centric Hunters like myself. After years of taking a backseat and avoiding the spotlight, Titans are showing off their Light brighter than they ever have before.
The more I think about this, the less surprised I am. Going into the event, I knew Titans would show up… maybe not to this extent, but Titans always have a way of being there when you need them. Day in and day out, Titans are standing strong in the face of darkness to protect the citizens of the Last City. Even if I was hoping for more Hunter wins, I can’t help but acknowledge the unrelenting strength here. Good stuff, Titans. You all deserve a bit more credit than folks give you.
We still have a few days left of this event, all contributing two points to daily standings. Warlocks, Hunters… these are your last chances to make a statement. Will you swap placements before the end of the games, or have you embraced your second and third place standings, respectively? Let’s see what you’ve got.
Now, let’s look at the rest of this week’s topics. Guardian’s Heart is coming to a close, and we have a final list of Bungie Bounty targets for you to hunt in support of charity, as well as a forecast of the final Iron Banner for this season.
The Guardian’s Heart Charity Initiative has entered its final week. If you’ve been following along, we hit our $700,000 goal last week! Knowing this community, though, we aren’t even close to done yet. At the time of writing this article, you’ve already helped raise another $50k to help those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We still have a slew of Bungie Bounties to place on the heads of our community in support of this charity event. Here’s who you’ll be looking for over the next few days:
May 8 - Phammy at 1:00 AM on PC (Australia)
May 8 - Benj and PolarBear at 10:00 AM on PC (UK)
May 8 - Kinda Funny and What’s Good Games at 12:00 PM on PS4
May 9 - Zoe_ at 5:00 AM on PC (UK)May 11 - Jarv and HOUNDISH at 10:00 AM on Xbox (UK)
The Guardian’s Heart Initiative ends at 10:00 AM Pacific on May 12, 2020. If you would like to support this charity initiative and receive the Guardian’s Heart emblem, please donate $20 or more to the Tiltify page before this deadline!
Again, thank you to everyone who has donated thus far. I don’t think any of us could have imagined a pandemic like this in our lifetimes. To see Guardians coming together once again to support those in need warms our hearts. Thank you.
Next week, Lord Saladin returns to the Tower, hosting the final Iron Banner of the season. If you dig 6v6 power-enabled combat, this is your time to shine. Saladin will bring his final round of weekly bounties, each of which rewarding pinnacle power gear. Let’s say you’ve been striking out on that final Heavy Weapon – Iron Banner may grant you the Rocket Launcher you need to finish your pinnacle journey for this season.
As this is the final Iron Banner of the season, this serves as last call for a few rewards.
Iron Remembrance Armor Sets
Cast Iron Emblem
Iron Precious Shader
Additionally, this will be your last chance to earn the Point of the Stag Pursuit Bow. This weapon will not be available during Season 11, so get in there and complete your quest! Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love with a new Bowfriend.
Iron Banner and Bonus Valor will be available from 10 AM Pacific on May 12, running through 10 AM Pacific on May 19.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a thousand times more: The only good bug is a dead one. The Player Support team is vigilant, diving into as many #Help threads as they can each day to diagnose issues, distribute help articles, and find new issues in Destiny 2.
This is their report.
Fireteams who play together, stay together, which is why it’s important to reward them for their dedication. Earlier this week Bungie Help tweeted out an issue identified with the Season Pass Small Fireteam XP Buff:
An issue has been identified with a fix in progress where a small amount of the Season Pass Small Fireteam XP Boosts aren’t always applied to players appropriately. Regular XP Boosts aren’t impacted. Stay tuned to our This Week at Bungie blog post this week for more information.
We concluded that, in the worst-case scenario, this issue is unlikely to have impacted players more than a single Season Pass rank. We expect to deploy a fix by patch on May 19.
Destiny Player Support is investigating increases in connection-based error codes, including BEAVER, ANTEATER, and RABBIT, with priority set to NEWT and WATERCRESS errors.
As we continue to investigate solutions for players affected by persistent WATERCRESS errors, Destiny Player Support has set up an investigation timeline for players to track the progress of our internal investigations into the issue. This thread will continue to be updated with the latest information as it becomes available and until a solution is found.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
The Doom Fang Pauldron exotic Titan gauntlets gain Super energy inconsistently on Void melee kills.
The Warlord’s End perk on Felwinter’s Helm exotic Warlock helmet activates inconsistently with melee and Finisher kills.
Performing a Finisher while wearing the Severance Enclosure exotic Titan chest piece will not count Finisher kills towards bounties.
The end of a TWAB usually means that we’re nearing the end of a Thursday… which leads to another weekend of Trials. While Trials is a predictable Friday offering, we’ve seen some feedback that things shouldn’t be too predictable. This week’s Trials of Osiris map will be [Redacted]!
Wait, what? Didn’t I confirm that Trials maps were on a set rotation per season? Yeah… I totally did. But that’s the beauty of a live game, things can change. The team has been looking at your feedback daily since Trials launched, and some things are a bit easier to change than others. For the foreseeable future, Trials maps will be on a random rotation. If anything changes with those plans, we’ll be sure to let you know.
Have a good weekend, and we’ll see you again next week. Cheers,-Dmg04
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
MGA Chapter 2125
Chapter 2125 – The Title Of Overlord After Chu Feng sat down, he pointed to the chair beside him and said, “Come, have a seat. Let me tell you about my story.” “C-coming,” Wang Qiang sat down excitedly. He grabbed a large plate of refreshments with one hand, and with his other hand, began to put them into his mouth nonstop. His eyes were fixed on Chu Feng. He was happily waiting for Chu Feng to tell his story. Chu Feng then began to inform Wang Qiang about the things that had happened here. He included the matters regarding the Chu Heavenly Clan, the death of the Dark Hall’s Hall Master and Xue Ji’s escape to the Outer World. The reason why Chu Feng did not conceal anything from Wang Qiang was because he considered Wang Qiang to be his friend. He told Wang Qiang the truth because he trusted Wang Qiang. Moreover, Wang Qiang had already told his own secret to Chu Feng. As such, it should only be natural that Chu Feng was honest with Wang Qiang.   Furthermore, Wang Qiang possessed outstanding talent, and was most definitely not a frog in a well. As such, Chu Feng wanted to invite Wang Qiang to enter the Outer World together with him. Like that… he would not be alone. After hearing Chu Feng’s invitation, Wang Qiang asked excitedly, “G-Go t-to the O-O-Outer World t-together? A-Are there a lot of beauties i-in the Outer W-World?” “I don’t know if there are a lot of beauties in the Outer World. However, the Outer World most definitely possesses an innumerable amount of experts. If you wish to obtain even greater progress on the path of Martial Cultivation, the Outer World is a place that you must go to,” Chu Feng said. “A-Actually, I-I’ve l-long since grown t-t-tired of this place. S-Since that t-t-t-trash Dark Hall’s H-H-Hall Master is dead, l-let’s go then. W-Why the wait? L-Let’s go to the Outer W-World right now,” Wang Qiang said excitedly. It could be seen that he was filled with anticipation for the unknown Outer World. “Not yet, there are still some things that must be taken care of here,” Chu Feng said. “W-What are t-those?” Wang Qiang asked.   “The resurrection of my family,” Chu Feng said. “F-Family? Isn’t y-your family in t-t-the Outer W-World? F-Fuck, you’ve c-completely c-c-confused me,” A puzzled expression covered Wang Qiang’s face. “My story is very long. If you wish to know more about me, I can slowly tell you about it. However, it must be done while we travel,” Chu Feng said with a smile. Then, Chu Feng found the blind old man and informed him that he planned to leave the Realm of Gods. After all, Chu Feng was impatient to revive his family members. “Master, it is good for you to leave now.” “The reason for that is because the Eastern Sea Region’s Heavenly Road should be opening soon. This is the perfect timing for me to accompany master to see Lord Xuanyuan.” “However, Master, you must not take that vicious spatial crack again. Instead, you should take the safe one,” The blind old man said. “There’s another spatial crack that leads to the Eastern Sea Region?” Chu Feng was surprised. “There is,” The blind old man nodded. Thus, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang left the Realm of Gods. Although the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had been killed, with Chu Feng and Wang Qiang’s cultivations, there was practically no one in the Holy Land of Martialism capable of causing harm to them… …but, for the sake of speeding up the journey for Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, the blind old man decided to leave together with them. After all, he also wished to pay his respects to Chu Feng’s father and see how Zi Ling was doing.   However, due to his status, the blind old man would not reveal himself. Like before, he would hide himself. Chu Feng first arrived at the Transmogrification Gate. He had to announce to the crowd that the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had been killed. Of course, Chu Feng could not tell them the truth as to what had happened. After all, there were too many people here; he could not allow all of them to know about the Realm of Gods, as well as the Chu Heavenly Clan. The crowd were all overjoyed and emotional to see Chu Feng’s return. As for Chu Feng, he casually told them a story about how he had killed the Dark Hall’s Hall Master. Hearing that story, the crowd were even more excited and overjoyed. After all, the story, the process of how it had happened, was not important. What was important was the fact that the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had been killed. That was what the crowd wished for. After verifying that the Dark Hall’s Hall Master had been killed, the Transmogrification Gate was opened. After all, without the threat of the Dark Hall’s Hall Master, both humans and monstrous beasts were able to return to their respective powers. Everyone was going to go home. Smiling figures filled the entire region. Regardless of whether they were humans or monstrous beasts, everyone’s faces were covered with smiles of joy and excitement. Chu Feng was also feeling very happy. He was happy that he had helped those people survive. He did not feel himself to be extraordinary because he had saved them.    Rather, by saving them and allowing them to return home, allowing the various powers from the various races to be able to continue to exist, this caused Chu Feng to feel that he had helped the people here. Even though the world of martial cultivation was still cruel and killings would never stop… Even though the humans and monstrous beasts here had experienced tribulations together and were all smiling right now… They might, one day, for their own personal interests, slaughter one another. And that… was something that Chu Feng was destined to be unable to prevent. But, that didn’t matter. It was impossible for a single person to save everyone in the world to begin with. At the very least… Chu Feng had managed to save a portion of the innocent people. It was already sufficient that he had saved these people. “Emperor Chu!!!” “Emperor Chu!!!” “Emperor Chu!!!”   “Emperor Chu!!!” ……………… ………… …… After the hundreds of millions of people all walked out of the Transmogrification Gate, they did not immediately leave. Instead, they gathered on the ground in an orderly fashion and looked to Chu Feng, who stood in the sky, with gazes filled with gratefulness and adoration. Regardless of whether they were men or women, young or old, humans or monstrous beasts, they were all cheering with raised arms. “What is this?” Confused, Chu Feng looked to the Elf King beside him. “Haha, I know. Let me explain it to you,” Before the Elf King could speak, Xian Miaomiao interrupted, “It’s like this. The Dark Hall’s Hall Master has been killed by you, and the Magma Emperor has been subdued by you. Thus, the people here wholeheartedly believe that you are the fully-deserving ruler of this era.” “Thus, after you left, the people unanimously decided to deem you an Emperor, as this era’s sole overlord.” “After a series of intense discussions, they decided to address you as Emperor Chu.” “Furthermore, your status in the hearts of the crowd already surpasses that of Emperor Qing. Everyone feels that you are the strongest Emperor, the strongest overlord, since the Ancient Era.”   “However, that’s not the important point. Most importantly, it is I who suggested the name ‘Emperor Chu.’ How is it? Do you like it?” Xian Miaomiao asked as she patted her chest proudly. “Emperor Chu?” Hearing those words, Chu Feng involuntarily looked to Wang Qiang beside him. After all, Wang Qiang possessed strength that surpassed his own. “B-b-by o-overlord, it m-means s-someone that has managed to obtain the w-will of the p-people. Chu Feng, you h-have evidently a-a-a-accomplished it,” Wang Qiang said to Chu Feng. Hearing those words, Chu Feng revealed a surprised expression. He had thought Wang Qiang to be a simple-minded and thoughtless individual. Never did he expect Wang Qiang to say something like that. The intention behind Wang Qiang’s words were very clear. Although Chu Feng’s strength was inferior to his, Chu Feng had gained the will of the people, and truly saved the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the Holy Land of Martialism. As for Wang Qiang, no matter how powerful he was, he had not done anything to help the people of the Holy Land of Martialism. The people that knew of him and his strength were even fewer. Compared to Chu Feng, he was simply insignificant. Even if he were to stand forth and declare himself to be the strongest in the Holy Land of Martialism, he would likely be met with a rain of curses from the crowd.   Even if he were to fight against Chu Feng on the spot and defeat him, it was likely that no one would acknowledge him still. After all, it was Chu Feng who had stood forth bravely for them in their time of need. It was also Chu Feng who had fought for the hundreds of millions of people here.   In this world, there were many people who possessed strength. However, not all of them were willing to use their own strength to assist people unrelated to them.   Thus, to the people of the Holy Land of Martialism, only Chu Feng was qualified to be this era’s overlord. In other words, what Wang Qiang meant by those words he said was that he also felt that Chu Feng should take up the title of the overlord. Previous          Main menu           Next Click to Post
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Transmogrification of a Not Yet Lord - Chapter Snippet (Tom's POV)
Tom Riddle is sat at the Slytherin table, his friends surrounding him talking about where they went over the holidays, the balls they attended and other rich people shit that irked him. He wasn’t paying attention to their prattle though. It might annoy him but this time his attention was on something else. He could have sworn her saw the girl from the orphanage, the new one getting off the train. But that’s ridiculous, he thinks, she’s a muggle no one special. Besides he’d never seen her before in his life.
He's seen her around the orphanage over the past two weeks, obviously, you can’t avoid anyone there unfortunately. But he avoided her, just like the other waste of spaces that reside there. He doesn’t need to waist him time on muggles, they offer him nothing. Besides he was leaving the orphanage after Hogwarts, they’d already told him, as soon as he’s finished his education, he’s not welcome back. Not that he wants to go back to that place.
He scoffs thinking about how the new girl almost knocked him over, obviously a stupid muggle. She couldn’t even be bothered to look where she was going. How is she meant to be a witch?
He chuckles at the thought. Though he thought he saw her at Diagon Alley too, he was getting his new books when he swore he saw her eating an ice-cream. Though that’s ridiculous, where would she have gotten the money for ice-cream if she lived at Wool’s? He shakes his head getting rid of the preposterous thoughts, she was playing on his mind because her orphanage had been bombed. It’s something he worried about constantly, something neither he nor magic could stop happening.
He shudders at the thought, glad he’s away from London and in the protection of the wizarding world once more. He turns his attention to the first years being brought in, he doesn’t need to dwell on unnecessary thoughts of death, he’s safe now.
He assesses each one as they walk in, he’s bored with them all already though he needs to act interested, he is head boy after all. Yet he’s starting to lose focus, wondering how long this was going to take, he’s starving he hadn’t had a proper meal in weeks thanks to rationing when he spots her, the girl from the orphanage. She’s walking in with the first years, twice their height and bold as brass. What is she doing? How is she here? It can’t be her, can it?
He leans forward watching her intently. She’s the same height as the girl, tall with dark blonde hair and pale skin. It looks like her. But how can it be her? He’s beyond confused as he watches her wait with the others. Did she only just find out she’s a witch? Why is she only just starting Hogwarts?
Cantankerus Nott notices him staring and shoots him a smirk.
“She’s alright looking, isn’t she?” He leers into Riddle’s ear. “Suppose we’ll have to see what house she’s sorted into first though ay?” He laughs to himself.
Riddle wants to curse the moron, he doesn’t understand a thing. This girl had been in his life for almost two weeks, and he didn’t even know she was a witch. How could he let something like that get past him?
He’s annoyed with himself. He should have been more careful. Why was she sent to his orphanage? Not one in the country? Why now? He subconsciously twirls his ring around his finger. Did she know? Was she sent to spy on him?
He watches the rest of the ceremony with polite interest plastered onto his face, yet a burning rage inside him screams for them to hurry up. He wants to march across the great hall, grab the sorting hat from that stupid old fool and shove it onto her head, find out what house she would be in and pull the secrets from her head.
He sighs watching as another first-year clambers to the stool. This is taking too long, he thinks impatiently.
He starts to wonder what her name is, as more and more first years are called and she’s left standing there. Unless she’s not getting sorted, he thinks. Perhaps they’ve messed up.
His eyes narrow more and more as time passes, until eventually her names called. Amelia Smith.
She walks, no struts to the front. She’s certainly arrogant he thinks with a scoff. She lowers herself onto the stool, crossing her legs in a scandalous way, her skirt rising showing way more leg than appropriate. Riddle smirks, is that to show she doesn’t care or to tease the boys?
He hears Nott let out a hum of appreciation as Mulciber leans forward eagerly.
Riddle’s interest starts to become anger, the hat is taking it’s time in deciding her house. Of course, she would be a hat stall, he thinks bitterly. Just pick a damn house already. His agitation increasing the longer they wait. He doesn’t like not knowing, it puts him on edge.
The entire hall seems to have stopped breathing, everyone staring at the girl, Smith, curiously. Eventually the hat calls out “Hufflepuff.” Riddle lets out a huff, he’s a little disappointed if truth be told. A Hufflepuff? She won’t be of any use to them, no one in Hufflepuff was worthy of the title witch or wizard. And to think he was worried about her spying on him. They might as well snap their wands the moment the hat sorts them into that pathetic house he thinks, smirking at the thought. She’s no fret to him at all.
He leans back more relaxed now than before, he might be disappointed, but his relief overpowers that dramatically. The appearance of genuine food helping too.
Nott leans towards him with a dissatisfied expression. “Shame that, I thought she looked interesting. What a let-down.”
Riddle smirks at him, what a let-down indeed.
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Transmogrification of a Noy Yet Lord - Chapter 3 Snippet (Amelia POV)
They enter the small stone passage the one the first years wait in to be collected before the sorting. Amelia recognising it fondly, this is where she first met her friends. Though this time it’s a little more awkward, the tiny first years all stare at her expectantly as though she’s going to be taking them into the hall. When she moves to stand with them their looks turn from expected to bewildered. Same, she thinks, noting she’s about twice the height of most of them.
This is going to be embarrassing she groans internally glancing at their heigh difference, she stands out like a hippogriff in a unicorn den. It doesn’t help she’s beyond nervous, this is going to be people’s first impression of her, what if the sorting hat said she couldn’t be sorted again? What if it could tell she was from the wrong time?
She chews her lip anxiously before straightening her shoulders. Who cares what the sorting hat thinks? She’s been admitted to this school, she needs to be here, it knows she’s magical it can’t stand in the way of her finishing her education. And so what if she doesn’t get sorted back into Hufflepuff, she’s sure the other houses are just as comfortable. This is a new her, a new decade, a new life. She can start again, no one knows her here, no one has expectations of thoughts of how she should act or who she should be.
Suddenly Dumbledore calls them forward and she marches with the – smaller than she remembers – 11-year-olds into the great hall.
As soon as they appear there’s a scattering of chatter. There always is but this feels more intense, perhaps it’s her brain playing tricks. She knows it’ll be her they’re talking about so everything feels more intense.
Yet she knows the murmurs buzzing around are definitely about her, the people pointing and staring make that more than obvious. She rolls her eyes. They could at least try and hide it a little she thinks grumpily, do they no have manners?
She waits patiently as names start to get called, one by one students clamber to the tiny, wooden stool, their faces pale and nervous as the hat covers their heads before assigning them a house.
When they reach the S’s Amelia’s nerves start to build one more, she waits, fighting the urge to bite her nails but her name doesn’t come. Did they forget about her? Why aren’t they calling her? Oh fuck, don’t say they’ve changed their mind and she’s going to have to walk out of here shamefully.
She’s debating on telling Dumbledore, he’s the one placing the hats on the students heads in this decade, but she doesn’t want to draw more attention to herself. She sucks her cheeks in wondering what to do when it hits her. They’re leaving her until last. Ugh, why would they do that? It’s already embarrassing enough as it is. She closes her eyes taking a deep calming breath. Dippet is an arsehole for drawing more unwanted attention to her.
The worst thing is this ceremony feels like it’s been going on forever. How many bloody students were joining? Finally, the last first year gets sorted into Slytherin, cheers erupting from the green table when Dumbledore turns to her with a kind smile. “Smith, Amelia.”
The room falls deadly silent. You could hear the ghosts floating if you listened close enough.
She lifts her chin, striding confidently towards the stool. She’s got nothing to be embarrassed about, she thinks, this is something they’ve all got to do. She sits down as gracefully as she can manage, automatically crossing her legs.
She holds her head high whilst simultaneously wishing she would drop through the floor into the kitchens and just live with the house elves.
Amelia glances around at the students staring at her intently, all of them watching her avidly when she feels Dumbledore place the hat onto her head.
She hears the familiar voice echoing through her brain.
“Hmmm… you’re a strange one. Amelia Smith. Looking in your head you’ve been sorted before. I don’t remember you. You’re not from this time. How strange. You were a Hufflepuff, still are a Hufflepuff. But you’ve developed some new traits. You’re brave, you’ve had to be with what you’ve faced you’d do well in Gryffindor, alas you’re not brash enough.” Hechuckles.
 “You’re smart too but so are many of the other students in other houses. I think Slytherin would suit you well. Don’t scoff it’s impolite. I believe you’ve had to adapt to keep yourself alive. You’ve become cunning and ambitious, they’re not bad things. So reluctant to hear the truth. But not to worry, I see you’re still a Hufflepuff at heart your greatest attribute is loyalty, and you’re a hard worker. Yes, better be…”
“Hufflepuff!” The hat shouts aloud. There’s a ripple of polite clapping from around the hall, bigger claps and some cheers from the Hufflepuff table. Amelia smiles at them gratefully, always the welcoming house. She thinks, glad she’s sorted into Hufflepuff once more.
She starts to make her way towards the table, spotting her friends on the Gryffindor one as she walks past. Hattie pouting, William clapping and Annie waving.
She thinks she’s going to like it here, Amelia thinks, taking her seat at the Hufflepuff table as people introduce themselves enthusiastically.
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Transmogrification of a Not Yet Lord - Chapter 2 Snippet
Amelia’s quickly pulled from her thoughts by someone clearing their throat. She jumps at the unexpected sound turning to see the young man who was reading the magazine suddenly leaning against the doorframe of the room he was occupying, his eyes scrutinising her suspiciously.
“Can I help you?” He asks in a tone that says he really can’t be arsed helping her, so she better say no. Be that as it may, Amelia does need help and he seems to work here. Or he’s a resident and can point her in the direction of someone who can.
“Hello, yes, I’m Amelia Smith. There should have been a letter sent about me. My other orphanage was destroyed in the bombings. I’m meant to move in here.” She says as cheerfully as she can though she feels timid as the man looks down his nose at her.
She starts to fidget uncomfortably, the man not showing any sign he’d heard her never mind any intention to help her. She’s just about to ask if there’s someone she can talk to when he shuffles towards her his lips pursed.
“Well Miss Amelia Smith. I think I do know about you. Wait here and I’ll get Mrs Cole. She’s the matron.” He tells her before shuffling off.
Amelia sighs a breath of relief; she doesn’t know why but he put her on edge. Perhaps that was his intention, she thinks, he wanted to let her know where she stood and that, according to him, was beneath him.
Amelia takes the time to once again look around herself, to get acquainted with her new home. She doesn’t hold much hope for it. It’s as grey inside as it is outside, the faded wallpaper is falling down, there’s cracks in the ceilings and a smell of damp wafts through the room. Plus everything seems to echo around her, as though she’s stood inside a large, cold cave. A chill goes through her at the thought. She doesn’t like the way it makes her feel empty and cold, as though she’s alone in the world.
“Miss Smith?” A sharp voice calls out. Amelia spins around to see a woman who appears to be in her late 30s or early 40s, with dark greying hair pulled back into a severe bun and an overall strict appearance, march towards her.
“Yes.” Amelia mumbles nervously. This woman doesn’t seem like someone to trifle with.
“It’s yes matron.” She snaps at Amelia, her eyes narrowing into a glare that causes Amelia’s legs to tremble slightly. “Follow me. I’ll show you to your room.”
Amelia barely has time to process her words before hurrying after whom she assumes is Mrs Cole, considering the stern woman didn’t introduce herself. She’s already half way up the stairs before Amelia has even reached the bottom. Mrs Cole does not seem like a woman to cross.
They climb toward the second floor, Amelia glad she’s used to the stairs at Hogwarts considering Mrs Cole practically ran up both flights without checking Amelia was following, before heading to a small room with a single, uncomfortable looking bed in one corner and a basic wooden wardrobe in the other.
“This is yours. Keep your things in here, nowhere else. There are three uniforms assigned to you to wear, do not wreck them because you won’t get more. You may wear your own clothes on occasion, but we discourage it.” She says gruffly before turning and walking back out into the hallway. Amelia isn’t sure whether to stay put or follow her, she quickly decides to follow, it might be worse if Mrs Cole has to come back for her rather than just telling her to get lost.
“This is the bathroom. You will leave your wash things in your room, or the other children will use them.” She quickly leaves the bathroom starting back down the hall. Amelia doesn’t even get a chance to look at the bathroom properly. “Don’t worry boys are on the third floor, so there won’t be any chance of them coming into this bathroom. If they do you’ll tell me or one of the other staff members.”
Amelia nods. Although she hadn’t been worried, she assumed there was a lock. Is there not a lock?
“Mealtimes are 8 for breakfast, 12 for lunch and 5.30 for dinner. Do not be late, you won’t get food any other time. Do not waste any of your food, the rations we get are sparse and I won’t abide by fussers or those that don’t eat what they’re given.” She snaps. Normally that type of attitude would annoy Amelia, but she supposes it’s more than fair considering they don’t have food to waist whilst on rations. The realisation she’s currently residing in an orphanage in the middle of London during World War 2 sending a horrifying shudder down Amelia’s spine.
“You’ll go to your room at 9, lights out by 10 the latest. Sundays are wash days.” Wash days? I hope she doesn’t mean one shower a week, Amelia thinks in horror. “Chores are to be completed. We’ll tell you what you got to do each week, you get up and you do your job daily, no moaning. Is that understood?”
Amelia nods weakly. Mrs Cole glares at her, her nostrils flaring.
Amelia clears her throat before stammering out a nervous. “Y-yes Matron.”
Thankfully Mrs Cole seemed appeased by her respond and briskly walks away. Amelia following behind.
“What are you following me for girl? Go and get settled in your room. You can rest today but tomorrow you’ll start helping around here.” She orders before storming off.
Amelia sighs feeling unwelcome. Sadness grips her as she walks back to her small room, chewing the inside of her cheek. She’d left her sad life, the one where her friends and family suffered daily and so many of her loved one were hurt but is this any better? She’s alone, in the middle of a war with nothing but a dictator as a guardian.
Just as Amelia steps onto the staircase heading back towards her room, she almost collides into someone.
She looks up with wide eyes to a see a handsome young man, gorgeous actually, staring at her. His eyes are a beautiful deep blue, contrasting beautifully against his pale complexion and dark curly hair, his face chiselled and mesmerising. He’s very tall too, Amelia – who’s not exactly small – has to crane her neck to stare up at him, she sends him an apologetic smile a blush coating her cheeks at his appearance. She’s about to apologise when she sees his face contort into a snarl.
“Watch where you’re going.” He spits at her.
Amelia’s mouth drops open at his rude attitude. She stunned into silence at his rudeness, she almost falls as he shoves past her without even looking her way. What a rude prick, she thinks glaring at his back before continuing to her room.
She hopes she isn’t going to see more of that idiot. He might be beautiful but he’s not someone she wants to spend time around. She can’t abide but horrid people.
She manages to stumble back to her small room, she needs to wrap her head around everything that’s happening, of where she is and what’s going on.
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