amayalunar · 6 years
Torn: Nyx Ulric x OC x Tredd Furia Part 7: Recovery
Torn: Nyx Ulric x OC x Tredd Furia
Part 7: Recovery
PART 7! Wow finally getting ready to wrap this one up!  I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have writing it.  Note this is not the END this is just the I FINALLY MADE IT PAST THE HARD PART!  Thank you guys to reading.  Keep commenting let me know how you like it! I hope to push out some more stuff for you all! Again thanks a bunch! Also not so NSFW but there is mentions of it so yeah it’d hidden in there somewhere.
A year, an entire year had passed.  It was long, and painful, but it got better.  Amaya had become her cheerful self once more.  She could look in the mirror and smile again, hell she even started dating… on occasions. She spent time with everyone, as she had grown used to seeing both Tredd and Nyx on a regular, without her chest crushing itself.  However, when it came to Nyx and Tredd, she was never alone with them, it didn’t matter the reason as both men did respect their boundaries, she just couldn’t.
Days went by as she would look at those frames in her drawer, but yet she still couldn’t pull them out, she tried not to think about them because when she did… the ideas of what could have been start to occur.  Often she did texted them, now just because she didn’t hang out with them individually, to be able to talk to them was something she completely different, and texting made it easier. She could write things out and delete them if she didn’t like it, or write out what she wanted to say vs. what she avoided saying.
Tredd had successfully returned to him old habits, a cocky smartass, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think of her.  Yeah his life had returned to ‘normal’ as he purposely steps on Nyx’s toes when he felt like it, and the sex had gotten better, a lot better, he was able to finally push the memories into the back of his mind but he definitely stayed away from women with black hair. When he would happen to be at the same bar as everyone else, she occasionally had a date, who could never live up to the chase as he usually left before the she did, probably losing his manhood around the other guys she was with or on the occasions when she would pop by his table and exchange a light chat, those nights usually had him leaving with the best piece of eye-candy he could muster, and he also noticed he was a hell of a lot rougher on these days.  Then it came to the days he got to talk//text her, that little fire that he had tried to extinguish over and over again would spark right back up, but he enjoyed the small amount of time he got to communicate with her, from the scolding she would do when he teased her or when he purposely pissed Nyx off… then he thought about her being with Nyx again, and for some reason, some unearthly reason, it was settling for him.  Then he would then be pulled into his thoughts deeper remembered those things she used to tell him in the secrets of his apartment… but he pushed them away over and over again, but they kept coming, so he thought how she deserved someone like Nyx… he could love and devote himself to her…
Damn those nights were the absolute worst.  Again, he would side swipe those thoughts, no fucking bullshit connections!  
No more feelings
No more emotions…
But there was that tiny problem…
That tiny unwanted problem…
He still cared for her.
Nyx handled the year the best he could, he got to see Amaya a lot more than he thought he was going to be able to, since she was so close to Crowe, and everyone else for that matter. He respected her distance but, he couldn’t help but admit when she did bring a date around he would push that boundary, just a small light push, usually this resulted in the guy to leave early.  Amaya would them lightly whine at him for being that way but he always played it off as he was teasing the guy and he couldn’t handle it.  Nyx would notice she refused to do anything fully alone with him it stung a little but he understood, still didn’t make it easy.  
Nyx kept himself busy enough not to care about pleasure, because the only pleasure he needed was the burn of alcohol he consumed on a regular.  He wouldn’t consider it a problem, just a few beers after work, and some pretty good nights at the bar or club… and if that place had a dance floor, well that made his night both the single worst and best nights.  Mostly Amaya would pull either him or Crowe to the floor, usually being him as Crowe would be school Libertus in something, who knows what, but it was always something. When Amaya danced with him, he noticed he did keep her distance a bit, it was never intimate, much to his disliking, but he would take what he could get.  She did, let him put his hands on her hips her hands would sometimes end up on his shoulders, and if the song was slower she would, on occasion, get a little closer lacing her arms around his neck and out of pure instinct lay her head on his shoulder, he often found himself restraining himself not to fully embrace her.  Then there were the grinding songs, these really fucked with him, though she never pressed against him hard just that light amount of friction was enough to surface the memories of those tender love sessions he used to have with her.  This would cause him to grip her hips a little more and bring her into the crowd more just to have an excuse to be closer to her… these were the simple pleasures he looked forward to. Once he was back home though, the thoughts raced his mind once more.  Those thoughts on how he held her.  The way he would kiss her, from her lips all of the way down her body.  The way he could touch her, the soft touch of her skin on his fingertips, her voice as she would laugh as he tackled her onto the bed… her eyes as they glistened with pure love when she would pull him in for a kiss… These dreaded nights all he had to help himself out was the pull of his hand and the memory of her touch.
Amaya was now getting ready, however she was not going to the bar.  Today she was attending an art Gala with a young man her parents knew very well, along with so many others, and since they could not make it to Insonia in time for the gala Amaya would go in their place.
Amaya was a sight to be seen, she was fair and stunning in every way, the long black dress accented every bit of her, the slit up the side gave the dress just the right amount of sass and elegance, her long black hair was tied fully up and done properly, her eyes were lined clearly and accented with some light shimmer, and she added some light innocence with light nude pink lipstick. She walked to her dresser to grab her black shawl, as she looked inside she caught the glimpse of the two secret frame she often looked at, only to dream about, she touched them as though to pull them out but only stopped when she heard a knock on the door.  Amaya walked over opening the door seeing her date, stoic and proper.  His olive eyes were soft, his brown hair done properly as well.  
“You look gorgeous this evening.” he said to her, “Thank you, not that bad yourself.” she said in a courteous tone as he offered his arm.  The brunette walked her out of the building and opened her door before going to the driver seat.  
Ignis Scientia, his family had known hers for a long time, so they were well acquainted, but never romantically involved. Upon their arrival Ignis lead her in, explaining one of his friends was heading the Gala with most of his photography.  He introduced her to not only the Gala Host himself, but also to the Shield of the Prince, and the Prince himself.
  “WOAH! You’re THE Amaya Lunar!” The ecstatic blonde gushed and he looked at her with stars in his eyes.  “Why are you so excited about this?” The Prince asked as he was clearly not as interested in the woman as his friend.  “Dude! This is the Jewel of the Lunar family!  She was the Musical Powerhouse!  She inspired me to take up my hobby in photography.  I watched all of your documentaries!  Why did you stop performing?” he asked completely deadpanning at the end.  “Don’t be so rude.” Ignis scolded, but stopped his lecture as he heard the woman beside him giggle a little.  “I guess I just needed to step back, see the world a little bit more.  I was so sick of showcase love that I wanted to experience it first hand,” she explained, and it appeared that Prompto was even more inspired by the woman upon her answer.  “Come on then, if you’re so interested in what love looks like I want to show something to you!” he presented as he quickly pulled her along.  The prince chuckled as Ignis once again scolded Prompto for pulling a lady.
Prompto showed her a beautiful photo arrangement, all silhouettes but they told a story… the meeting. The First date. The First kiss… intimacy…..” I care” a voice whispered in her head, as she continued to look through the life shared in the photos.  She thought to herself... seeing brief images of herself and another... as it continued to a wedding and children, the images of the other became clearer … and clearer… than in her daydream all she heard was his voice “I love you”.... Amaya looked over at the boys, “excuse me, I have to go.” she quickly heads out of the gala, Ignis stopped her, “do you want me to bring you somewhere?”  “No, I just need to go, thank you for the invite!” she then smiled, “tell Prompto, he to has inspired me as well,” as she then rushed to the door hailing a cab.  
The ride wasn’t to long but as she was ridden with thoughts and memories, images of things she wanted more than anything, she needed to see him.  Amaya wanted the car to move faster.  Once she arrived home she paid the driver thanking him as she ran up to her apartment, over to her dresser drawer as she pulled out a frame as she traced her finger over it, she didn’t realize she was crying until a few of those small teardrops fell onto the frame… it finally hit her.  She loved him.
Amaya put the frame on the top of her dresser than she texted the man she wanted to see, since calling him would potentially but him in a state of worry as she was crying….
“I need to talk to you… can I come over.” is all she typed, as she waited for a reply… as it said… “Yeah,”  her heart pounded against her chest as she smiled at the response.  Now all she had to do was say it, and hope he too shared those feelings for her.
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amayalunar · 6 years
Torn: Passion Tredd x OC Tredd’s Ending!
Torn: Passion
Tredd Furia x OC
Tredd’s ending to the series!  Sorry, it took so long, that little thing called life happened and my mind decided it wanted to hate everything I put down on paper, so I rewrote these chapters probably 3 times...each.
We jump into an AU! So I hope you enjoy!
I hope you liked the series! I fought really hard with the outcome of these final chapters. Let me know what ending you like more!
Tredd’s thoughts lingered on the message sent to him, yeah it’s been a little over a year since he pretty much threw her out if his life, didn’t change the fact he actually regretted the action though.  The questions lingered... why?  Why did she want to talk to him?  Why did she want to come over?  Why did she even give a piece of shit like him a time of day?  So he waited, he waited for the answers.
There he was, sitting on his couch, pretending to watch TV, his phone in hand just in case she called off.  His palms sweating in anticipation, anxiety, fear? He tried making it seem like it was an ordinary day… not that it wasn’t, he had recently got off shift without the need to return the following morning.  Usually, he would be heading out, find some chick to go home with or take home, fuck and then leave… but not tonight, no tonight he waited.  He waited for the woman he fucking threw to the side, the one he has been trying to forget.  What was it she wanted to speak to HIM about… that she couldn’t with Crowe or another girlfriend?  His thoughts interrupted by a light knock at his door, it was like time stood still as he had to talk himself into opening the door and not pretending like he decided to leave without speaking to her, however, he convinced himself to open the door.
Amaya stood at the door the takeout in her hands with a few other snacks as well, probably going to get scolded because Tredd hated it when she brought the food… well, he used to at least.  When the door opened she looked up, a light blush covering her face as she looked off to the side trying not to look at his expression at the random house visit.  
“Hi.” she whispered to him lightly looking up at him, “Hi yourself.” was his reply, as she held out the food to him only for him to move to the side as he sort of welcomed her in.  As she passed him he could smell the familiar scent of her perfume… it hadn’t changed.  It still slightly aroused him like it did before.  So instead of shutting the door nicely, he let it go in an accidental slam, as he silently cursed himself.
Amaya had set the food down as she sat on the couch, her shoes off… how she always walked in heels was baffling to him.  However, for some slightly disturbing reason he enjoyed the sight of the pair of black heels kicked to the side next to his boots, it was… comforting?
Shit!  He almost physically shook his head at the thought. Tredd sat on the opposite side of the couch, making himself look not nearly as anxious as he felt, his back in the corner, his leg propped up but slightly off so it didn’t land on her and the other on the ground.  His attention was on the TV as she grabbed the meals out, she was handing him the food he took noticed how her hand almost shivered… he looked at her, his chestnut eyes scanning her body language, everything was off.  She sat proper, her knees together slightly angled away from him, her back was straight like she was having tea with the fucking King himself… but there was anxiousness in her expression, sadness even with a light flush over her fair skin.   Amaya was just as beautiful as ever though… Dammit!  He had to push it away again, why?  Why did she do this to him… well at this point how? How did she do this to him STILL!  They barely spoke to each other more than a few texts a week, maybe a couple small conversations at the bar… but it still made that stupid little inextinguishable spark flare into an uncontrollable flame.  
“You’re rather quiet for someone who wanted to come over and talk,” he bluntly stated, hoping it would at least put her at ease a little, she looked so tense.  “I’m sorry, I do want to talk, I just don’t know where to start,” she muttered softly, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear.  “Well we can start with the food.” he motioned to the boxes as she nodded, having yet to fully look him in the eyes, which kind of unsettled him; was there something wrong?  
“You know I hate it when you get the food, if you were hungry I would have ordered something,” he said with a little pout in his voice, as he heard a small giggle.  “Well I figured since I was probably ruining your evening I had to make it up to you, I even brought snacks.” She said putting out the small snacks on the table as he sighed shaking his head, “you planning on staying the night or something?” his question out of the blue.  “Well… it may take all night for me… to talk to you about…” “about?” she turned fully away, his brow furrowed at the action.  
Amaya turned from Tredd, her heart almost beating out of her chest, scared to make the next move, scared to tell him.  There he was, acting like it was back when she used to stay with him for days at a time, as though nothing happened…. Not even that night.  She wanted answers, but he probably did too.
“Tredd… why,” she paused to look at him, her eyes had a solemn look to them as he looked back setting down his food and looked back at her, trying to read her… this wasn’t just a house visit.  “Why did you push me out that day?  Did I do something wrong?” she asked, it was his turn to avert his gaze from her.  He didn’t have an answer, at least one he wanted to give.  
Giving out a deep sigh he looked back over to her, “no, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Amaya leaned forward to place her hand on his arm, “Tredd…” the sound of his name from her lips made his whole body tremble a bit, the urge to pull her to him and hold her there, tell her he was sorry for being a dick but he couldn’t, well he refused.  “Look, why not just forget about that and just… go back.” he hesitation on his choice of words to her, but it was true.  He wanted nothing more than to forget that night, forget how he felt towards her, his realization of how much she meant to him, the way her body felt on his… everything.  He wanted to go back, back to the days she would just be there, and they would point out stupid shit in movies or watch her try to outdrink him, or just normal conversations.  He would do anything just to go back.  
“You may be able to forget about it, but I can’t.  It hurt, so much more than you know.  You were my best friend, I could talk to you about anything!  Then when you finally opened up to me, you pushed me away and wanted me to leave.” Amaya’s voice wavered at the memory, the old hurt that would occasionally rise to the surface.
“To be honest, I didn’t want to push you away, I didn’t want you to leave,” his cool demeanor faded away leaving a hurt and confused man.  “Then why did you?”  The question circled in his own head, why did he do it?  He felt her hand removed itself from his arm as he settled into her lap.  Tredd was confused, he didn’t know what to say, how to explain it, he just wanted it to be forgotten, he never wanted to keep thinking about it anymore.  “I just did!” He almost yelled, his teeth lightly grinding to each other his fists tightened as his knuckles went white.  “I fucking got scared, I let you in on shit that no one else knows about me.  You were getting to close, and when people get close I destroy them.  That meant it was time to go, I don’t have time to deal with touchy-feely shit!”
“Well, I’m sorry!” Amaya yelled back taking him off guard, but only natural from his own outburst, “I’m sorry for ever asking you for help, for spending time with you and enjoying it! For the nights I would wake up with you as we would sit awake in your bed and wake up warm and comfortable!  I’m sorry for falling in love with you!” Amaya sobbed until her eyes went wide, “you what?”  Tredd’s expression was almost unreadable, she covered her mouth feeling her tears that were falling from her eyes.  She quickly grabbed her purse, “I’m sorry I have to go.”
Tredd didn’t register the words right, did he?  Did she really say she loved him?  He had watched leave out of his apartment.  He felt like he was drowning, those words echoed inside of him. After what he did, she loved him… there was a voice deep down, telling him to forget about it, he didn’t need love, he didn’t need her.  Let her go.  Move on… forget.  Tredd turned to face his door, he groaned a little running a hand through his hair, “fuck it!” quickly he put his boots on and flew out the door.  
Of course, it would be raining!  Amaya held her bag over her head as she tried hailing a cab, however, the bag did not help at all, and between all of the passing cars, she was even more soaked.  Right now she was thankful for the rain though, it masked the tears she was shedding.  
“You’re going to catch a cold like that,”  Tredd yelled between the passing cars, however, a single cab pulled alongside as she opened the door as it was forcefully shut.  “Please, let me go.  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”  his lips were on hers in seconds, the rain drenching them bother as one hand was on the door of the car the other on the back of her neck.  The kiss was needy, deep, and desperate, so when he pulled away he looked directly at her, “don’t go.  I know I fucked up, and I know I don’t deserve you… but please, don’t leave, not again.” his chocolate eyes lit by the street lights around them, sincerity behind them.  Amaya then released the door only to grab his collar pulling him down for another kiss.
“Hey lady you getting in or not,” the annoyed cab driver chimed in, instantly pissing Tredd off, as he walked to the front window… she wasn’t quite sure what was said between the two but she assumes it was some kind of threat considering how fast the driver took off after Tredd was finished.
Tredd walked back over as he looked back down at Amaya, her raven hair stuck to her face, her green eyes glimmering as the lights hit them, her cheeks were flushed between being cold and emotion… so he stood there just looking at her.  “You know, I don’t deserve you.” his words came out more of a sigh of realization.  Amaya smiled, “does it matter what we deserve?”  
Tredd put his normal smirk back on, “not really, but sounded good when I said it.” she laughed at the response… he never said he was good with words.  “Seriously though, you will catch a cold if you stand out here any longer,” the woman only nodded.
Once the two were back inside Amaya had shivered a little bit.  “Do you mind if I use your shower?” he shook his head as he watched her go to his bathroom, hearing the water start a flicker of mischief played over his features.
Tredd waited for a few short minutes making sure she was fully in the shower, as he walked in.  He made sure to thank his stealth training for the fact he could open doors and sneak into places without being heard.  Inside of the shower, he could see a faint outline of her, as he rid himself of his own clothing.  
Amaya was rinsing her hair of the cold rainwater, replacing it with the warmth of the shower.  She was humming a small melody as she did so.  The warmth of the shower was comforting, but her eyes shot open once she felt an arm encircle her waist as Tredd placed his face in the crook of her neck.  His facial hair contrasting against her soft skin.  “What are you doing?” she tried to ask in fluster, a slight stutter as she blushed crept over her cheeks once more.  “Keeping you close,” he muttered into her shoulder, his body was much colder than hers, but was warming up due to the water.  Soon his other arm was placed on her shoulder as he pulled her tighter to him.
Tredd closed his eyes, the feeling of being so close to her riled him up, but also comforted him.  Those voices in his head telling him he was foolish or an idiot were pushed back, the soft skin under his hands was enough to keep him from listening to them.  He felt her pull away from him, only to turn face to face.  Placing her hands on his chest as she slid them around his neck as one went into his hair.  Tredd had closed his eyes taking it in, taking in the fact she was here with him, then opened his eyes once more, he went to speak, “Look-” she had placed a finger to his lips, “you don’t need to say anything… just show me.” she whispered.
Tredd leaned in, capturing her lips in his.  He held her like she was the most precious thing in Eos… well, she was, to him at least.  His lips hungry for more, he pushed harder as he had pressed her back to the tiled wall earning a gasp from her, and well… why waste an opportunity like that?  So he didn’t, his tongue laced with hers, taking in her taste, earning him a small moan from her… and that right there was enough to get him hot, letting out a deep groan as her hands trailed his back, his neck, his shoulders, everywhere.  He parted from her as she let out a whine, “what you enjoying yourself?” he teased as she gave a little pout.  
Amaya was breathless, well, of course, she was Tredd was never one to disappoint.  She looked at him, his normal cocky grin over his face, but his eyes showed the true side, the lust, and fire that burned in him.  She wanted him to let loose, to feel everything he wanted to give, and for that to happen she had to tell him that.  She leaned forward a bit bypassing him as she shut the water off, feeling his impressive length on her thigh as she did, it sends shivers through her as she remembered the last night she spent with him.  She got out as she went to grab the towel but he stopped her, Tredd went straight for her neck leaving light nibbles and kissing down to the crook of her shoulder. His breathing was staggered and heavy, he was clearly holding himself back, but doesn’t mean he was being nice about it.  He ground himself against her from behind, humming at the friction between them. “I want you,” he whispered into her ear, pushing himself against her a little harder than before. Amaya’s breath becoming a bit more labored, she wanted it just as bad at this point.  “Then take me.”
Tredd could swear you could physically hear the snap of his self-control when she uttered those words to him, he quickly turned her around placing a deep and hard kiss onto her, her back against the wall as his hands traveled up her wet body, her moans were driving him mad, and yet he wasn’t even inside of her to feel the real satisfaction.  His hand traveled between her legs as he massaged her clit, gaining louder moans from her.  He traveled his lips from her neck, down her chest making sure to take in all of her before proceeding to her stomach… then her thighs.  How she brings him to his knees with just her moans made him almost laugh at himself, no other woman had ever been able to do that, no other woman had ridden him like she had either, just that thought once more sent electricity through him, he fucking wanted her… NOW! But he was going to make her feel just like what he did, he wanted her to fucking beg for him to take her, yell his name so the whole fucking city knew… she was his.  
Amaya leaned her head on the wall behind her as Tredd placed her leg over his shoulder taking her heat into his mouth like it was his last meal on the fucking planet.  She let out her gasping moan, her breathing heavier than before, her hands in his hair.  She gasped his name and praises… but soon she began to beg for him.  This only made him work at her harder than ever, savoring every bit of her, taking in her taste… intoxicating.  “I-I’m gonna!” those words were the only thing she could utter before she almost screamed his name to the word.  
Tredd lapped up every bit, he was insane at this point, no more self-control no more play time, no he wanted her, no he needed her.  His cock harder than ever, but damn that view.  From where he knelt her thigh leaning on his shoulder, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried calming herself from his wrath.  He moved her leg as he swiftly stood up grabbing the back of both of her thighs as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.  
Tredd barely made it to the bedroom, stopping almost at every wall to slide himself over her wet heat, running his lips over her time and time again.  All he wanted was to hear his name off of those lips of hers.  So when he did get into the bedroom he surprised himself that he was able to lay her down on the bed softly, as he crawled on top of her, once again taking her body with his lips until he was back to her lips fully positioned, his hands trailed her as she did the same.  With one single thrust, he sheathed himself within her as she let out a gasping moan as he growled trying to hold it in, but fuck! He swore he died and made it to heaven!  
Tredd moved, his motioned becoming hard, he pulled back from kissing her as he felt her legs on his waist tighten as he proceeded to thrust harder and deeper.  Her moans turned to chants, his name rolling off of her tongue at least every other word, and he loved it.  He pulled one of her legs over his shoulder gaining a new angle causing her to scream in ecstasy, he laced his free hand with her own as he groaned at how deep he got.  His pace increased, “say it,” he groaned, “tell them who you belong to.” he pushed harder on her, “you, I-YES! TREDD I’M YOURS!” her scream to the world blanking his mind, no one else existed, no war, no pain, nothing but the two of them.  He could feel her walls constrict him as he groaned out more, “TAKE ME, TAKE ME! YES! YES! TREDD YES!” her passionate screams echoed as she released on him!  His mouth ajar as he fucked her even harder than before coming close to his own released until it finally hit him!  “FUCK!” He yelled into the night air, usually, he wasn’t so vocal but this second it didn’t matter.  He almost collapsed on her, letting go on her thigh as she finally could full hold him, he leaned over her, his body actually hovering over her, his upper body held up on his elbows as he kissed her over and over again, staying inside of her for each moment.   “Say it again.” he breathed looking at her, “I’m yours,” she whispered, as he leaned in, “Not that.”  Amaya was a little confused until she smiled when he faced her again, her thumb tracing his scar as he the adjusted himself so her hand fully laid on it, as he fully accepted the soft warmth of her palm.  “I love you Tredd.” he smiled, not smirked, but smiled as he pushed away her hair from her face.  “I love you too.” he finally confessed capturing in her lips once more as he pulled out as pulled her to him holding her there… not letting go...ever again.
The night morning hit, Tredd opened his eyes as the memories from the previous night flooded him.  He looked to the side seeing her there fully nestled into him. He moved as he could feel her shift, “morning already?” she mumbled, as he nuzzled her hair, “yeah” he replied just laying there with her.  The voices in his head he telling him he was fucked, he was so soldier, he could die any day, that’s when his thoughts hit him a little more, as did his crazy idea.  
“Come with me,” he whispered as she looked up, “what?”  “You and me, let's get out of this damn city and go somewhere, anywhere.  Magic be damned, I know how to provide, I know how this world works.  Come with me, leave all of this shit behind.” he said, she was confused as his outburst.  
“Where would we go?” she questioned as he smirked, “anywhere,” he whispered as he kissed her, “let's just go.” he begged as she smiled and nodded, “you lead the way and I’ll follow.” he nodded. Tredd’s reasons for fighting changing, he no longer needed to risk his life for people who looked down on him, a crown that tossed him out, no… his reason for fighting laid beside him.
Tredd left the Glaive, didn’t really bother him too much, other than leaving a few of the glaive he called friends, but he stated to them he wouldn’t be too far.  Though he didn’t have magic, he was still a very talented demon hunter, and he was fucking good at it too.  
The couple went to Altissia where he met her family, at first it was a bit awkward, not ever having a family before. This one welcomed in with open arms.  Her mother fully welcoming him in, hugging him, making sure to acknowledge he was handsome.  Xander, Amaya’s older brother tried to play the big brother role, but soon came to like the redhead, Xander soon was interested in Tredd’s demon hunting.  As for Amaya’s father, he took Tredd in pretty well, Tredd was the one not as accepting at first, his own father abandoning him, but he soon became close with the older gentleman.  Family… something Tredd never thought he would ever have.  
When the new Insomnia fell was upon them, he felt a pinch of hurt, for his comrades, however, he knew it hurt Amaya much more.  The city was her home for so long, her friends were there… all probably dead now, he wouldn’t bring it up, no he just held her as she cried onto him.  He stared at the screen, he sighed into her hair, if he was there he’d probably be dead… she would probably be dead, and for the first time in his life, he thanked the Astrals.
When they sat alone in the hotel room they rented out, even though her parent's house was huge, they enjoyed their time alone.  He held her close, “I love you,” she whispered to him.  Tredd never stopped loving those words from her, “I love you too.” he whispered back as his hand rubbed her sides… He finally found it, his heart and his home… took him years to do it, but he finally did.
There was one thing about passion… you can’t fucking fake it.
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